Forum Post: Is American Conservatism Actually Evil?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 11:08 a.m. EST by arealpolitik
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I guess it is all in the way one looks at Life.
If a person has been unemployed for a long time and cannot seem to get a job no matter what is tried and the family is going hungry, then the idea that many Conservatives have been refusing to pass President Obama's Jobs Bills probably marks Conservatism as "Evil" in that person's eyes.
If a person owns an 18-room mansion in Boca Raton or somewhere and has a bevy of personal servants and more money than they know what to do with, then that person probably thinks Conservatism is God's Gift to Humankind.
And that is where I want to begin this morning---with the conceptualization of "Conservatism" on the part of many who practice it. (And many who observe it in action..)
To the dyed-in-the-wool American Conservative, "Conservatism" is probably less of a political thing than it is a Religious thing. In America, there has been a severe fusion of religion and politics in the past few years resulting in something entirely new to these shores. We have seen the birth of the first American Religious Political party. It used to be called "Republican."
It is still called "Republican" but, in my book, it bears little or no resemblance to the original. Today I see this party as having been taken over by the radical religious elements of the far Right and the old-order "Moderates" seem to have fled and taken up residence in some shadowy place where few people can see them or hear them anymore.
In this new "Political Conservative Religion," things are taken on "Faith" rather than on evidence, logic or reason. This means that things can be declared to be Gospel Truth for no other reason than someone with a little clout "Believes" it to be true.
That kind of lame-brained non-reasoning technique is how we get into wars looking for non-existent weapons of mass destruction, for example. That is the kind of reasoning that commits the military might of The United States to a 10-year-long adventure in some sand-locked country and costs billions of dollars and thousands of lives-- chasing a phantasm.
As I have pointed out numerous times on this blog, American Conservatives are in the minority as far as U.S. Politics are concerned. Their voter registrations are far fewer than those of say the Democrats, Independents and Progressives. In all the history of America, the Conservatives have been elected the least number of times and for far shorter periods of time than any other faction.
This should be a lesson to everyone who observes the American Scene. The fact that I just stated shows, in my view anyway, that Americans much prefer Democrat/Liberal/Progressive governance than any other "Brand." You can listen to all the wind and you can suck up all the smoke from the Right Wing propaganda masters that you want to, but facts still outweigh suppositions every single time. The fact appears to be that Americans have traditionally preferred Democrats over Republicans.
Republicans, of course, cannot seem to stand these kinds of realities so they are left with no recourse but to resort to trying to keep the country polarized over issues and to pump their typically Christian//Fundamentalist electorate base into a "Family And Moral Values" frenzy each election cycle just to get them to the polls and cast their votes for "Gee-Zuss."
I believe many Republicans and Conservatives must think they can actually eventually take complete and permanent control of the government in this manner. I think they would really love for that to happen. They would be free to junk Democracy entirely and replace it with some vision of a Theocratic Republic where "Religion Rules" every facet of daily life.
As I have watched many Conservatives work their little schemes over the past few years, I have noticed they love to pass laws designed to restrict people's right to vote.
These have recently been called "Voter Suppression Laws" and it seems to me that many on the Right have gone overboard getting these things passed-- especially at state and local levels of the country.
what's even funnier is listening to you LEFTIST SOCIALIST OWS people trying to claim you're not political!
lol...what morons you are.
They are evil and twisted, so very twisted.
Yes, they are making a concerted effort to prevent people from voting:
Anyone who applauds at the statement "A 30 year old with no health insurance, should he just be left to die?" is evil.
conservatism is a contradiction. your policies of economics is darwinian while your religious leanings are of a man who kicked over the tables of money changers. how can anyone take that seriously.
Recall arealpolitik and JohnnyGuy01, the original Political Science definition of Conservatism, was "one who wants to conserve the LIBERALISM of the U.S. Constitution."
In 1980 Reagan, with his degree in economics, made Liberalism a dirty word, while the Reagan-Democratic Congress revolution institutionalized the VOODOO ECONOMICS borrow-and-spend DEAL-WITH-THE-DEVIL now coming due in the 2012 global currency collapse...unfolding in the background, while we're told everything is just fine.
Personally then, the conclusion I reach is yes, the FALSE DEBATE the mainstream broken system is fabricating does over-qualify as evil...which is what owns you now JohnnyGuy01...just so you know.
Relatively speaking of course. Evil relative to the following
i believe that when you take the perception issue and flip it for both parties, we are all fearful of a tyranny, whether it is the tyranny of capital or the tyranny of government coercion, all moderates fear tyranny.
For me the breaking point was when Bush redefined "torture" (though the lies about Iraq and the tax cuts for the rich were also factors). I was pretty firmly against both political parties before that, but there's a difference between the usual incompetence, corruption and complacency and the kind of malice that Republicans act out. (Plus the Republicans couldn't even abide by their own standards - water boarding hurts "like damage to a major organ" because asphyxiation actually produces foci visible in the brain on an MRI scan, and constant very loud music likewise is intended to permanently damage the middle and inner ear)
You will recall that it was Bill Clinton who took military action before Bush did against Iraq based on WMD evidence in 1998.
Saddam is dead. He's not coming back.
Wipe your tears. Get over it, Liberals.
You might also be enlightened to know that Obama has said he's "guided by his Christian faith” and “We do what we do because God is with us.”
if you need me to own you any more...just let me know.