Forum Post: If You Don`t Like America Get The Hell Out!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 21, 2011, 4:43 p.m. EST by smartenough
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If You Don`t Like America Get The Hell Out! I did not say that. I support OWS
Maybe you should leave America !
What is America? Is America coterminous with the state? Not for me. Culturally I am an American and I can't imagine living anywhere else, I love American music, American movies, American cities, American scenery and especially the American people and the values of most Americans. What I don't have much affinity for is the American state.
If you don't like OWS leave America !
I see your point, many Americans know little about our founding fathers. If the revolutionaries that founded this nation were here today. They would support our right to protest. They would also hurl firebombs at the cops, and the bankers.They would not be yelling "shame" while their brothers got beaten and shot. Raymond Burr shot a banker.
Nice try
You should have said- if you don't like American corruption leave the earth.
From your post it shows clearly that the name you selected is off base. Smartenough is exactly what you are not.
Iam smart enough, man.
You don't support OWS. Ows says if you see an injustice, then you join together with others, take action and change it. Only the 1% wants us to leave instead of fighting them.
So you like the direction this country is going in?
I hate to be the one to tell you, but there are tell tale signs that we are heading towards fascism. If you truly support OWS, you see that we need to get this country back on the right road. Why are you quoting something someone else said (who has no clue about what is going on in this country).
I don't hate my country, I am just very alarmed at where we are going.
IGNORE "smartenough". This TROLL would have rooted for the British and advised George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other Founding Fathers to "Get The Hell Out" of the country.
Thanks, I like the way you put that. lol.
To quote Thomas Jefferson:
"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
OH, king of trolls is here ? How are you, Tissue ?
NOTE : When pestered by A TROLL, please DON'T WASTE your valuable time arguing with them, simply serve them "The American's Creed", as it drives them batty because they are Un-American TRAITORS opposed to OWS' efforts to uphold the Constitution and restore the rule of Law..
"I believe in the United States of America, as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies."
(The American's Creed is the national creed of the United States of America. It was written in 1917 by William Tyler Page as an entry into a patriotic contest. It was adopted by the U.S. House of Representatives April 3, 1918.)
Hello, I'm looking for the forum for stupid republican quotes. Is this the place for stupid republican quotes? Oh, I guess I'm in the right place.
"Carbon dioxide is portrayed as harmful. But there isn't even one study that can be produced that shows that carbon dioxide is a harmful gas." -Rep. Michelle Bachmann, April, 2009
Actually, plants love Carbon Doxide
It probably should go without saying that human beings are not plants.
Good for plants, excessive c.d. not so good for planet. Which will eventually catch up to the plant life too. Think big picture -- if you're capable.
NOAA STUDY: Scientists have discovered that the water chemistry in the Hood Canal and the Puget Sound main basin is becoming more “acidified,” or corrosive, as the ocean absorbs more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. These changes could have considerable impacts on the region’s shellfish industry over the next several decades.
Can you show me one study that shows that carbon dioxide is harmful outright on it's own?
They do exist, but If anybody produced one, you would just claim it was a left wing study and that anybody can make a study say anything they want it to say. Lol.
Carbon dioxide is a naturally occurring gas. Large, concentrated amounts of it can be harmful, but so can large, concentrated amounts of oxygen, helium, propane etc. Historically the planet has had MUCH higher CO2 levels on it than it has now, for extended periods of time and has done just fine.
Prove it.
Until I can pull my ice core samples out of the freezer, you can amuse yourself with this for starters-
My dear god man, you should win the nobel peace prize. Do you realize what you've accomplished? You've ended the whole debate with this one link....wait, what's this... study by junk science. Damn, I guess I the debate continues. So much for your nobel. sorry man. I was so rooting for you.
You'll never win a nobel prize if you can't distinguish a URL typed on a webpage from the actual URL of that webpage. But nice attempt to distract from the point. Here's some more "credible" websites for you:
Here's one from Environmental News Network. "A new study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, looked at prehistoric ocean sediment and found a disturbing trend. Periods of high CO2 concentrations have historically coincided with mass extinctions of marine organisms. British and Australian scientists examined ocean sediment samples taken off the coast of west Africa. They dated the samples to about 85 million years ago, a period during the late Cretaceous, and a time of high atmospheric CO2 levels."
FACT from the article-85 million years ago-high atmosphereic C02 caused mass extinctions for "hundreds of years or less".
FACT from deductive reasoning-human beings and industrialization COULD NOT be responsible for events happening 85 millions years ago-namely high C02 concentrations or the extinctions. They occurred without human influence. And the earth rolled on. Here's an EPA link:
"Carbon dioxide emissions: Volcanoes also emit carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, which has a warming effect. For about two-thirds of the last 400 million years, geologic evidence suggests CO2 levels and temperatures were considerably higher than present. "
Gee....that sounds a lot like what I said...: "Historically the planet has had MUCH higher C02 levels on it than it has now, for extended periods of time (2/3 of 400 million years) and has done just fine".
The EPA site also lists OTHER "known causes/drivers" of climate change-1) changes in the Earth's orbit 2) Changes in the sun's intensity 3) Volcanic aerosol emissions. Global Warming Scientist's Best Predictions May be wrong NASA satelite data show climate models are wrong-again.
And my favorite-the new CLOUD study results released by CERN- "Climate models will need to be substantially revised"
"Unsurprisingly, it's a politically sensitive topic, as it provides support for a "heliocentric" rather than "anthropogenic" approach to climate change: the sun plays a large role in modulating the quantity of cosmic rays reaching the upper atmosphere of the Earth."
Debate these all you wish to.
| 85 million years ago-high atmosphereic C02 caused mass extinctions for "hundreds of years or less".
I thought you were defending CO2 as not being deadly or harmful. I think this debate is over.
So you got nothing except an excuse about your faulty comprehension?
Anyone can see that I'd already responded that I agree that "large, concentrated amounts of it can be harmful" just like "large concentrated amounts of other naturally occurring gases"-when you said PROVE IT.
The logical conclusion is that you were asking me to defend the other point I made in the same post: "Historically the planet has had MUCH higher CO2 levels on it than it has now, for extended periods of time and has done just fine."
But either way, I defended BOTH points. 1) scientific evidence shows that high, and "harmful" levels of C02 HAVE been present on the planet (and at times when "human/industrial" emissions did not exist to cause it) AND 2) that the planet did not explode or die or become a barren wasteland because of climate extremes.
Yeah, Yeah, you get the nobel prize genius for defending junk, rogue science and when we all become massively extinct in the near future, although the planet rocks on, you get the privilege of yelling at me from your grave - TOLD YOU I WAS RIGHT!
You are calling the EPA, NASA, and CERN "junk, rougue science"???
Illogical conclusion....I will only get the privilege of yelling "I was right" if there is no mass extinction. If YOU are right, I'll expect to hear you yelling it and I'll loudly respond "Yes you were!"
My sarcasm wasn't meant to be logical.
My real point - the issue of climate change has been around for some years now. Long enough for people to have made up their minds - either you believe humans are adding to the CO2 levels or you don't. It's quite that simple.
The manner in which we develop our beliefs boils down to trust. While facts matter, we don't always form beliefs based solely on facts (because experts on both sides of the issue can present facts to support their conclusions), we often rely on who we trust and side with on other issues.
The whole notion of arguing with justthefacts is illogical because it ignores some basic understanding of human nature. Shall I spell out the word SARCASM at this point or do you get where I'm coming from? Do you think I have a valid point?
You can argue without proof/facts/evidence but you then must admit you are using assumptions, generalities, and opinions to support your conclusions.
Climate change has been around for as long as there has been a climate. (Giving it a name that indicates that it does in fact change is rather idiotic but so be it) And yes, most people have made up their minds about it. But YOU believe they ALL fall neatly into two precise groups-those who believe that humans are adding to the C02 levels and those who believe humans are not.
My observations indicate that there are more than two groups of thought. MANY more. There is a group that believes that humans do add to the C02 levels, but they want to know "how much" human activity contributes to those levels BEFORE they go all wild and wooly and start making judgement calls based on ASSUMPTIONS.
There is a group that believes that humans are adding to the C02 levels, but they just don't give a damn about it.
There is a group that believes that since NATURE has the potential, and the history, of changing the climate drastically all on her own, that nothing HUMANS can do to lower their own contributions to the C02 levels really matters all that much.
There is a group that actually reads the studies and follows ALL the scientific data available and knows that more and more evidence is surfacing that indicates that the results being spit out by the computer models has no credibility because the theory the models are based on is turning out to be FALSE. Here's one small but huge example:
The now suspicious and discredited IPCC computer models are the only place where a CO2 increase precedes a temperature increase. Got that? In NATURE and every other scientific source for climate measuring, the evidence DEMONSTRATES that temperature increases ALWAYS precede a rise in C02 levels. ALWAYS. In other words, the models are programmed to produce results that are contrary to KNOWN and DEMONSTRABLE facts.
If you these people that's fine with me. But I don't and I feel perfectly justified in waiting to see what shakes out before I make up my own mind thanks. THESE people believe is it WISE and LOGICAL to withhold "making up their minds" until scientists can actually 1)PROVE to what degree human beings actually affect their climate AND 2) PROVE what measures NEED to be taken, if any, to change it.
I never said it wasn't all I stated was that plants love Carbon Doxide.
Sorry....was replying to JadedCitizen. Agree with you. If there was no carbon dioxide, plants couldn't make oxygen or grow food.
sorry for this mistake !
Christian/Islam conversion. Oops, guess this was the wrong forum after all. Later.
Give me a clue what the link is to, otherwise I will ignore. I have no interest in off topic links.
You will find a treasure trove of stupid republican and troll quotes on this post:
Bachmann - If you don't want to work, you shouldn't eat
"If you don't like America, then you can leave."
Actually, we're the Patriots. We're taking the flag back and if you want to fight us, you'll have to trample it under (a quote from another OWSer).
I'm sick of being polite to those who would have thrown George Washington in jail.
I support OWS.
OK, but where this post is coming from then? Are you quoting someone/some organization? --- Ah, just saw the links below. it or leave it? Did Jo Bonner really say that?
Mr nomdeguerre, George Washington would have thrown you in jail.
I'd take the time to reply in detail but I'm too busy trying to carry out Ben Franklin's personal charge to me: "We've given you a republic, let's see if you can keep it." Yes sir, Mr. Franklin, I will do my best.
Actually, he was charging us all with that duty, but you were probably drooling over your Eva Braun bathing suit stills.
Incidentally, I don't want to shock you, but George Washington wasn't a freedom hating, torture loving anti-American piece of shit like so many 1%ters (including 1% wannabes and house slaves) are.
Mr mondeguerre, I don't think any of he founding fathers would like you or and any of the OWS occupiers, just like they wouldn't like Mao, Marx, Lenin, Castro, Chavez or any socialist, communist fool.
If you don't like the freedoms of America and a government by, for, and of the people why don't you get out?
nomdeguerre, i was going to ask you the same thing you commie pig
IF all land in the US is property of the US government, than they are right. otherwise they aren't.
Rush Limbaugh Says He Will Move Out Of America If Health Care Passes: Yes, Please?
didn't it already pass?
Oh c'mon now Skeeter, they ain't botherin nobody....
The only way to get " the hell" out of America, is to remove all POS republicans from office. Teabaggers first.
Are you with me?
And this has been my response to such nimrods:
kiss my ass you scumbag.
your country . . .
I just hate assholes like you. I'd like ta wring your scrawny little pencil neck.
your country
My cousin helped take a fort without a shot being fired - not one. My cousin. Ticonderoga.
My grandmother's grandfather was a preacher, and he did time in a southern prison, for helping slaves escape - to freedom!!
you scrawny little fuck.
your country
a portion of my blood nurtures the very soil that is
you are, as an American, entitled to your opinion. but your kind will not be allowed, with your hedge fund derivatives, and your sub-prime balloons, and your corruption of our political system, to continue to rob the people and drive our nation into moral, philosophical, and economic bankrupcy.
your day is DONE
piss off
Stan: Yeah. War is not my voice. Cartman: Bush is a Naizi.
Skeeter: Hey all you unAmerican bastards! If you don't like America, why don't you git out?!
Mr. Mackey: Don't you call us unAmerican! This country was founded on the right to protest! M'kay?
Protesters: Yeah! Right! Stuart: If the Founding Fathers saw you burning your flag an' callin' the President a Nazi, they'd roll over in their grave! Supporters: Yeah! Right! Randy: The Founding Fathers would agree with our right to protest! Skeeter: Foundin' Fathers would kick all your asses! Tom: Boys, what do you think the Founding Fathers would say? Cartman: ...Eh the... Founding who?
Mr. Garrison: Well, I hope you little Commies are pretty pleased with yourselves! Going out there and protesting America, and then saying on national television that you don't even know who the Founding Fathers are! You kids don't know squat about America, do you?!
If you don't like american ways, why don't you just get out... -Redneck
[Cops taking him away after a fight] For what? You're arresting me for what? I'm not allowed to stand up for myself? I thought this was a free country? Oh i'm sorry I thought this America. Sorry, I thought this was America. -Randy Marsh
they took are jobs, they took are jobs...
Redneck #1: First the money started going, and now everyone's getting laid off work! They took our jobs! Redneck #2: They took our jobs! Redneck #3: D' took'r jeeeeerbs! Redneck #4: Took'r durbs! Redneck #5: Took'r dur'b!