Forum Post: I challenge Justine Tunney to explain why the MULTI-BILLIONAIRE Eric Schmidt should be appointed CEO of America.
Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 8, 2015, 8:18 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That's right Tunney. I'm calling you and Schmidt out for that calculated stunt you pulled in the election year of 2014. I'm challenging you to explain why a filthy disgusting rich 1% MULTI-BILLIONAIRE corporate juggernaut PIG like your boss should be appointed CEO of America.
SHULE, TURBOCHARGER, JOHANNUS, FLIP, SERFINGUSA, BEAUTIFULWORLD and the rest of you Tunney ass kissers, no fewer than four of whom are ONE IN THE SAME using multiple IDs to keep your 'duopoly' comments best rated thereby making your numbers appear greater, I challenge each one of you to explain why you would criticize me relentlessely for my reluctant willingness to vote for a 'less evil' 1% Presidential candidate of a major political party when NO OTHER has a chance in hell of winning but you don't have a SINGLE WORD of criticism for Justine Tunney for suggesting that her filthy disgusting rich MULTI-BILLIONAIRE corporate juggernaut 1% boss Eric Schmidt should be 'appointed' CEO of America.
I've had it with all of you, several of whom are ONE IN THE SAME and your ridiculous brain rotting FANTASY LAND CRAP about 'changing the system' by opting out, encouraging others to opt out, refusing to vote for a candidate with any chance in hell of winning or whatever the hell else you expect the rest of us to swallow now that conservatives, in particular REPUBLICAN conservatives have taken a significant majority in Congress.
Tunney, shule, turbocharger, SerfingUSA, flip, johannus, and beautifulworld, no fewer than four of whom are ONE IN THE SAME, I CHALLENGE YOU to READ this entry as many times as necessary in order to FINALLY COMPREHEND that which I CHALLENGE you to explain, grow a spine and for once in your life GIVE A STRAIGHT ANSWER.
I never proposed that. What right do you have to disrespect me on MY forum? Hmm?
Is there anyway to filter this SMC dude out?
No, I don't believe that there is any way to filter out SMC. I agree with Duopoly Dan there. If they wanted SMC 'gone,' he would have been history a long time ago.
Right now, he seems to have embarked on a new strategy where he trashes jart for being a "SELL OUT", while considering himself as the real deal. I think the implication that he wants us to have is; 'Lets get out there and vote for another duopo-list.'
Goadin - you old goat - have any of you ever considered that SMC is just trying to goad Justine into involving herself into an actual conversation? Is trying to get her to actually speak out - beyond a one line comment? Even if that conversation is confrontational? The conversation if it ever happened - could move beyond confrontation and become perhaps something meaningful - IF - any sort of conversation could be initiated at all.
In the meantime - your cry of duopoly - of the people having no choice whatsoever to make positive change to our government - is false - it is old and faded and rotten and moldy. WHY ? Because you have never provided one little piece of evidence to back up your claimed position - so far all you have offered is attacks on anyone who disagreed with your claim.
So - so far all you have ever offered is your fiction backed with personal attacks.
Sounds familiar doesn't it!
You attacking and having nothing to present as factual evidence.
So lets try this again and see if for once you can actually speak facts to the issues.
Who denies health care coverage to the people of their states.
Who has been trying to block (unsuccessfully) the ACA from the time it was 1st brought up and has been trying to get it repealed ever since it got passed?
Who is trying to end the USPS?
Who voted 100% for the keystone pipeline approval?
Who is trying to privatize to wall street Social Security?
Who wants to give more tax breaks to the wealthy?
Who stands in the way of equal pay for women?
Who invited nutters yahoo to speak to both houses of congress?
Who is standing in the way of a minimum wage increase?
Who is doing their best to end the EPA?
Try to answer instead of dodging again (eternally).
Wages? Why do wages keep needing to be raised? More corruption anyone?
End the EPA? Corporatism requires strong regulation of competition for goliath to maintain power.
There ya go, now go and defend someone referring to another activist as a "sell out pig" like you always do. My god, politically you are a train wreck, and as an organizer you are non existent.
No wonder I have such an easy time with you!!
BTW - do you pay your roofing crews in cash? If so is that so you don't have to bother with pesky W-2 forms or needing to verify citizenship or legal to work green card status? As it seems to me that if you pay cash - that illegals would be happy to work for whatever that they could get - as for one they would not need to worry about opening a checking or savings account so that they could cash a paycheck - neither would they have to worry about having any sort of ID to go to a check cashing joint.
Just exactly How Nasty Are You?
Are you a small time wage slaver?
Minimum wage needs to be raised to be a living wage - yeah - because of long standing and growing corruption - minimum wage right now is slave wage which requires those earning it to get public assistance to be able to have a roof over their heads food on the table and health care - and so much more.
Get a dose of reality -
EDIT-> I suppose you have a problem with making minimum wage a living wage - because that would mean that you would need to pay your roofing crews much more than you are. Which would mean less for you. You have no problem with the fact that your employees need public assistance - Hey?
we are all given food through an effort of the public
Matt considering your interaction on the forum. I can only surmise that you are an ardent and devoted admirer of the classic:
Spots on the wall.
By Who Flung Poo.
monkeys that live in early zoos had Barron cages
and poo was all they had to work with
once introduced to a wider variety,
their neurons developed
if the wall holds| I appreciate your effort
Get your facts straight = Atlantic drilling has not been approved as of yet.
Obama’s Atlantic drilling plan criticized by Democrats |... Cached A group of Senate Democrats from the Northeast is pushing back on the Obama administration's proposal to open new areas of the Atlantic Ocean to oil and gas drilling.
Shit for brains you have presented nothing - and the one fossil fuel approval you charge to the dems has not even happened.
The ban was lifted. That means its a go. Unless you are still confused as to how this government works.
All you are doing is proving your own gullibility in things at this point.
FYI S&P is at record high. #OWS
stop international weapons exports
No, my goal from day one over 9 years ago has been to convince as many people as possible to stop giving so much of their money to the rich, to reduce their voluntary support of juggernaut corporations, to stop making excuses for the rich and to vote AGAINST the greater evil as part of a broad strategy to help slow down the concentration of wealth.
I've challenged you so many times now that you're failure to step up has become laughable. Still, I'll give you yet another opportunity right now to redeem yourself.
Name the 'non-duopoly' Presidential candidate worth voting for in 2016.
I'll say it in advance.
That's what I thought.
The mere fact that you regard candidates in the duopoly as the answer to the dismal state of affairs we are in, is a better defense than I could give.
I will sell my home and donate the proceeds to the Green party if you can prove that I have ever even once referred to ANY candidate as 'the answer'.
Now quit stalling and name your 'non-duopoly' candidate.
Bernie Sanders, socialist would have to run as a dem. to have a chance to impact.
I'd support his run. I don't think he would generate as much money as any other candidate in the system we have now, because it is an inverted totalitarian duoploly.
I deleted a sentence here, which said his chance to win would be small. Actually, he would have a chance, but the populace would not support, as he is "socialist" which would be branded foreign to us of a values
We should have at least 5 good candidates nationally, then a runoff, to get our figurehead leader.
His political ads could be independently funded and could pretty much just be video of Him chastising the senate.
He could run on the issues and show past votes - who supported the people and who acted against them.
Run a campaign not on rhetoric but on reality.
I think he could fire up the populace, more than any other, I hope he'll consider a run within the dem party.
I think many would need to support a social movement, behind him, against the corpratacracy, bring jobs back, and kick the reactionaries back to the pre Powell doctrine times:
I wish the Dems could get him into the top spot, which is hard cause the Dems have moved so far right on most issues
He could very well force the dems to go to the left - think of him and Elizabeth Warren teaming up. Think - if they could inspire the 2/3 who have opted out to back em. What could they do to inspire backing of other alternate candidates in the 50 states. Campaigns run on reality = voting records. Not what a politician promised - but what they actually did while in office.
Still, even if Sanders/Warren might win nationally, a very long shot, government has become used to shutting down the other side by procedural veto, and gerrymandering.
You would have to get the states all on too, and then eventually rewrite the voting districts along equitable lines, which would take a long time, and face the funding of the Koch block, so the "other side" could just stall, things, a miracle, won't suddenly happen and change things for the better.
But yes it could be a grand bully pulpit once again, and swing the country back towards the center
That's the thing - and always has been - it is not just the office of president but both houses of congress the make up of the judiciary and that goes for state as well as federal. It is and always has been the full federal and state governments. That is why voting records on issues is the important factual indicator of who is who in office. That is where public education must be brought - not the speeches - but - the actions - as we need people for the people throughout government. And those in office need to understand that their time there depends on them serving the people. Only in that way can we move forward in reclaiming government.
But the "Powell memo" block has a coordinated funded systematic plan, and no scruples in truth.
Where is our coordinated plan? I think we ought to write a point by point rebuttal of the powel memo, here as a post, and expose the 1 percent plan of virtual and non-virtual control, even of the
You are of course giving the benefit of the doubt - that everyone who is here - is here with good intent.
"Why can't we get along and use the forum positively to create something, powerful free speech"
I'm all for it - and every time I do try to move in that direction I get attacked - then it becomes a battle slapping down the attacker (s) as they try to throw a monkey wrench into the process of moving forward.
No I am not the only one who has been attacked for trying to move forward. But I can only really talk to my experiences and there have been many - many coming from those who say they are in support of OWS and the people - but you really couldn't tell what their support was about as they offer nothing but attacks - to one degree or another.
Yes, this, our meager freedom of speech, is attacked, on the one place we should unite our voices, we should lay aside differences, and unite on our biggest common goals, and leave aside the various dividing circular arguing, for some thread devoted to such, but not on every thread.
Interesting links - it will take some time to go through them - but one thing off the top = chamber of commerce
You will find them here : List of members of the American Legislative Exchange
Yes, many corporate sponsors listed on your link.
Why can't we get along and use the forum positively to create something, powerful free speech
Post the memo. If you have access to a list of those who signed - post it as well - along with the link to where the information is available for those who would like to confirm it for themselves ( never take someones word - verify it). This goes with deposing anyone in office - their voting record is public access. Look at the issues and the votes taken on the issues - the yeas and the nays will tell the story.
This is what must be presented to the public. Actual actions taken - not pretty speeches.
The voting record is not propaganda - it is - what it is - the facts.
Maybe mainstream media would let the race look real
Like you and DKA say, America and the rest of the G20 do have a number of socialist programs. They always have. But a blue stripe on a red car should be referred to as just that. A stripe. A true socialist doesn't just support social programs. They abandon capitalist principles. A true socialist country doesn't even allow home ownership.
Socialism is noble, and it's programs have their limited and logical place within Democracy but Sanders, although considerably less evil than any Republican or conservative in Congress is no socialist.
Thus the decades long damage of propaganda - as - the USA is socialist - unemployment insurance is one social (socialist) program - social security is another social (socialist) program - free education through the 12th grade is another social (socialist) program. There is more. And there are those who have been trying to destroy all of these good programs.
Don't forget government, and the army, police, firefighters, schools, our country established for common good,
Yes yes it was - and those obsessed with greed would have it otherwise - to serve them - and to hell with everyone else.
This is what must be shown - and the voting records will show who is for the greedy and who is trying to work for all. Also vids of Bernie Sanders on the floor of the senate chastising all who are there is priceless for that very purpose = showing who is for the people and who is not as he tackles issues and the inaction of government.
Don't like SMC and his comments? - just don't read his comments - and really - WHY COMPLAIN NOW OF ALL TIMES WHEN Justine Has Decided To Shutdown the site? If She in all of this time has not seen it as needed to remove SMC from this site - why do you think she would feel any different about it now?
So? Self filter - stop reading what you consider as being non-sense. Its your choice.
Why not - instead of making (what at this point in time is) a useless complaint about someone you do not like - when Justine has announced that she is closing down the site - why are you "not" trying to have a conversation with Justine about the site closing instead?
Uh, let us just say I'm living for the moment.
and wasting the moment instead of trying to make it productive?
she blocked me long ago on twitter and once here I understand
THE ZOMBIES - 1965 - "She's Not There"
Read my profile.
Apparently and - "For the record, (you are) not a liberal or a Democrat. (You are) a free thinker who leans to the right on abortion, the mandates of the ACA, the death penalty and voter registration. (You are) moderate on gun control, immigration, and foreign policy. (You are) liberal on gay marriage and the environment. (You are) HELL-BENT against the 1% and conservative economic policies. Because the concentration of wealth is the most important issue to (you) by far, (you) prefer Democrats and/or fiscally liberal independents to hold a slight majority in Congress and the Presidency. (You) DO NOT want them in full control.''
You should try to understand and know that to be in the middle & non-committed but wanting a ''slight majority in Congress'' for the Dems .. whilst in such a very limited spectrum of Two ... both of them on The Right of any internationally {As Opposed To Merely USentric) understood yard-stick, makes you a ''conservative'' in the eyes of most of the political world at large SMC. You may feel insulted by that but there it is & I'll STRONGLY suggest that you read this :
fiat lux ...
Read this and tell me again what a 'conservative' I am.
And this.
Correction: You did suggest the referendum. I'll give you credit for that much, make the correction and acknowledge my oversight.
Still, it was an ABSURD suggestion, a LOUSY choice and an OBVIOUS publicity stunt.
Fortunately for the 99%, it was DOA.
Not so fortunate for Google shareholders.
But never mind all that. I'll bet you were well compensated for it.
I've said it a thousand times and I will say it a thousand more.
The very concept of extreme personal wealth is the most intoxicating and corrupt influence in the history of mankind. So incredibly intoxicating and corrupt that BOTH co-founders of OWS have sold out the very cause in pursuit of it.
By the way Tunney, Google glasses are not 'free', Google ad space is not 'free', Google Play is not 'free', Google premium apps are not 'free' and Google stock is not 'free'. Otherwise, your boss would not have become a FILTHY DISGUSTING RICH WEALTH CONCENTRATING POVERTY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC INSTABILITY CAUSING MULTI-BILLIONAIRE PIG.
There goes another line of your SOLD OUT 1% FAKE OCCUPIER CRAP.
By the way, what did you get in return for that stunt you pulled in the election year of 2014?
No answer? That's what I thought.
Now go concentrate some more wealth you DISGUSTING SOLD OUT PIG.
your HATE is making you an idiot !!!
~~~ do you need help ... getting back up from hell ?
I was among only a handful of people worldwide to predict the Great Recession well in advance proving hundreds of public figures around the world dead wrong. I did so online and on air as early as August of 2005. During and since I made a number of accurate predictions proving Maria Bartiromo, Porter Stansberry and a dozen conservative pundits dead wrong. I also went on record against the CDC, medical experts around the world and virtually every media outlet as early as October 1st 2014 with an ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE that Ebola would NEVER become anything REMOTELY RESEMBLING a pandemic in America or ANY developed country.
Did you?
That's what I thought.
Now pay attention.
For the last several years, I've been trying to warn you idiots throughout Western Society to reduce your support of juggernaut corporations, to reduce your support of richer states and to STOP GIVING SO MUCH OF YOUR MONEY TO RICH PEOPLE.
I've been trying to warn you that the greatest depression of all time will be underway by 2020 at the very latest because of relentless wealth concentration and IDIOT CONSUMERISM. It will come sooner and more severe with more fiscal conservatives in power. It will cause hardship for hundreds of millions and drag on for many years.
Damn right I hate the rich and damn right I hate TOTAL SELL-OUTS like Tunney and her multi-billionaire corporate juggernaut pig boss.
Unlike almost all of you, I don't make exceptions for celebrities or computer programmers.