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Forum Post: I challenge all of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS to explain yourselves.

Posted 10 years ago on Nov. 22, 2014, 9:46 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Jesus God damn fucking Christ you morons. What the hell will it take to get through to you? Can't you understand even the most basic principles of economics or human nature? What the hell do you think led to so much government, business, and societal corruption to begin with?

How in the name of all that is logical within the universe do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS hope to make even the slightest difference for the lower majority, the people you CLAIM to care about without addressing the OBSCENE and GROWING share of private wealth held by the INDIVIDUALS who make up the 1%?

How in the name of all that is logical within the universe do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS hope to make even the slightest difference for the lower majority, the people you CLAIM to care about without addressing their own IDIOTIC spending habits which INCLUDE handing over HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of DOLLARS and POUNDS to celebrity pigs?

Where in the holy fuck do all of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS think the 'corporations' got most of their money to begin with? Have any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS even bothered to do any research into his HYPOCRITE PIG background?

Do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS have any idea how many powerful, corrupt, and GOVERNMENT INFLUENCING corporations he has VOLUNTARILY supported using the MILLIONS you and the rest of his IDIOT FANS have given him? Don't any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS realize that by praising him, you actually SAVE him and his CORPORATE GOVERNMENT INFLUENCING PRODUCT RETAILERS MILLIONS over the cost of traditional advertising thereby contributing to the 'paradigm' that Russell Brand has the GALL to run his multi-deca-millionaire hypocrite pig mouth about?

What in the name of all that is logical within the universe do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS hope to accomplish by taking his advice and allowing CONSERVATIVE VOTERS run of the political board from now on?

How in the name of all that is logical within the universe do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS hope to reform ANYTHING within the corrupt 'system' without addressing the particular form of evil at the very heart of government corruption?


Wealth concentrating and poverty causing 1% pig entry level net worth. Approximately $9 million.

Wealth concentrating and poverty causing 1% pig average net worth. Approximately $16 million.





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[-] 5 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 10 years ago

FWIW,people from the UK believe Russell Brand is 100% FUGAZY.

[-] 4 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago

I say old chap, how about Russell Brand explains himself ?! With this in mind, please consider the following link - along with my New Year best wishes to you and yours :

pax et lux ; hic et ubique ; nunc et semper ...

[+] -4 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

All of it caused or aggravated by the very concept of extreme personal wealth.

Russell Brand is not part of the solution. He is part of the problem. $20,000,000 and counting.


[-] 3 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 10 years ago

how is Russell Brand ... quote >>
allowing CONSERVATIVE VOTERS run of the political board from now on?

[-] 2 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Because clearly giving said pigs consent to rule you via government is the answer.

[-] 4 points by SerfingUSA (451) 10 years ago

Yes. Today we have a corrupt money based, pay to play political system. To suggest supporting either political party or politicians that condone and thrive in that corrupt system is absurd.

As if sociopathic politicians who are on the take. Who are liars, cheaters, traitors and thieves. Will suddenly for the first time, start doing the right thing.

Newsflash!!! It's not gonna happen.

We no longer live in a symbiotic nation. The Multinational 1% are far, far less dependent on the domestic 99% than in the pre-Cold war, pre-internet,pre-supply chain management, globalization, free trade world. We have politicians who are bankrolled by those who have global agendas, NOT domestic agendas. This is why virtually all sovereign domestic problems are being ignored. Sadly the citizens are corralled into voting for bankrolled, corrupt, Duopoly choices. Choices that have no intention of representing the 99%, and will do exactly what the 1% want them to do.

They want the World, and they want to waste proletariat blood and resources to get it.

[-] 1 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

I concur. I could list a lot more bad possible consequences for your very astute list.....if we were to lose, but they are not good....

[-] 3 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

It's very discouraging at times as you know, I'm sure...but i have begun to realize that it iisn't always that nice young couple who share your real accurate concerns for the World, but rather I'm finding, that its almost as likely to be their parents or even grandparents who are more aware. That is probably a plus.

[-] 1 points by SerfingUSA (451) 10 years ago

I know what you mean. With most of the public getting their their information from the MSM, and their entertainment from the Kardashians, we are stuck in the middle of lambs going to the slaughter. Bah, bah, get ready for it.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I'm not suggesting that we 'support' or even excuse either major political party. Only that we acknowledge our limited and LOUSY choices at the ballot box, do our research, hold our noses, and FUCKING MAKE ONE.

Otherwise, our sold-out leaders will sell-out even further and achieve levels of power, wealth, and corruption never seen before even in America.

[-] 2 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

If holding your nose, and "FUCKING MAK..[ING]" ...'one', a 'vote' that is... your choice, then you should go for it. In the meantime, please give credit to the other posters here who see that, in the overwhelming majority of the time, your advice of voting for people in either of the two parties is kinda assinine.

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

I disagree - Having no other choices - one must "MUST" vote out the blatantly evil = Members of ALEC the authors of such things as . . .

Stand your ground = ability to go out and legally murder.

And . . . .

Right to Work = Workers have no rights and can be let go (fired) for no reason.

And . . . .

Tax break upon tax break upon tax break for the wealthy and corp(se)oRATions.





[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

No. Because choosing the lesser evil when you HAVE NO BETTER CHOICE is better than making no choice at all.

[-] 2 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

Errr....you want us to compromise our principles, and vote for..."the lesser evil"...a Democrat?? What's up with that...man?

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

In general, Democrats do fewer favors for the rich and their corporate golden geese. That is not to say that the Democrat is ALWAYS the lesser evil but in general, they are.

[-] 0 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

The political theatre that was mostly inspired by mass psychologists was crafted for gullible people. It is what causes people to believe that we live in a well-functioning democracy and not a duopoly.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

What do you hope to accomplish by following Russell Brand's advice and helping to convince mostly centrist, progressive, and liberal voters to give up entirely on Democracy thereby allowing conservatives run of the political board from now on?

[-] 0 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

What do I hope to "accomplish....[when responding to YOU]"? Good question. I just wanted to expose your juvenile, psychological quisling tactics which are designed to turn Occupy into a Democratic revolution, which is an oxymoron. You & your accomplices had your chance, and you blew it multiple times.

You forgot the other attribute which has come out of our struggle, a quality that most of us have now. The lion's share of the people who have awoken have become much more perceptive, discerning & skeptical to what they hear and see, hence they can spot a bullshit artist very readily.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Ahhh there it is. Subtle but noticeable. You're a fiscal conservative masquerading as a disgruntled liberal.

Tell you what. It's multiple choice time.

If it comes down to Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney in 2016, under which President would privately held US wealth concentrate faster?

A. Hillary Clinton would ultimately concentrate more privately held US wealth.

B. Mitt Romney would ultimately concentrate more privately held US wealth.

Of course, I say the privately held wealth of America would continue to concentrate regardless but Mitt Romney would ultimately concentrate MORE privately held US wealth.

What say you?

Please include an A OR B, not both, somewhere in your EXTREMELY ELUSIVE answer.

Watch this everyone. Spinoza34 is going to dance for us.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Can't you people read?

Tell you what. If you can produce a single quote indicating that I believe giving said pigs consent to rule is 'the answer', I will delete this page, apologize via megaphone from the top of the Empire State Building and jump.

[-] 0 points by SerfingUSA (451) 10 years ago

One request.

Would you please consider: First jumping off the Empire state building, and then on the way down apoligize to us via megaphone?

I just think that would be a nice touch. Thanks.

P.S. Before you jump, make sure you won't land on anyone who is a member of the 99%. But, if it's a 1% Wall st hedge fund manager, that's OK.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

No problem. Just produce the quote.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Politicians will rule until the fall of modern society. In the meantime, I'm doing everything I can to address the most intoxicating form of EVIL at the very heart of government, business, and societal corruption.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

the system not the person is the problem - you must agree. russell is attacking the system and pointing out the inequity of that system. i say - golly good show RB. you seem to want him to give away all his money - then would you listen to him? would that do anything to change the system - no obviously not. seems very logical that using his celebrity platform to call out the inequity in the system is more helpful. have you given away all your money - lead the way on this one mr capitalist - tell us what good that does. instead of attacking RB how about attacking those in power who have created this system and dismantled the one that was at least somewhat more fair from the post war era. why don't you do that - is it because all those dems we have been voting for have done the dismantling? not really sure but you seem to want people to vote rather than read what RB says. is that your position?

[-] -3 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

If Russell Brand gave away all of his money or even half of it to the poor or any legitimate cause, then I would be thoroughly surprised and impressed with his character (it won't happen) but I would NEVER support his 'don't vote' campaign because it is HORRIBLE advice. In the context of 'inequality' or 'disparity', such advice only aids conservatives who have a long history of doing even more favors for the rich thereby concentrating even more wealth than Democrats.

I want people to STOP giving so much of their money to the rich, to STOP praising, promoting, or even excusing the rich, and to START ripping them new assholes instead.

I want people to hold their noses, bring along barf buckets, or do whatever the hell they need to do but to VOTE for the lesser evil each and every time. Otherwise, our sold-out leaders will sell-out even further and achieve levels of power, wealth, and corruption never seen before even in America.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

now we are getting somewhere. now you are addressing what he said instead of who he is - nice. but you know we disagree. first you did not address (as usual) my main point here - RB has a platform and you call in to talk shows - you realize what a difference that is right? he can reach millions with his message that the political system is not working for us - oh, maybe you don't like that message. that is the most basic message of ows right?

you might watch his interview with lawrence o'donnell here -

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ut1xplin0o -

he answers your criticism because LD says the same thing you say. now i am sure you want to do the best job here so you should read his whole interview on democracynow - you can get it right? could you please address in more detail what he says since it seems to me he answers your criticisms - like here -

RUSSELL BRAND: Well, I don’t get my authority from this pre-existing paradigm which is quite narrow and only serves a few people. I look elsewhere for alternatives that might be of service to humanity. Alternative means alternative political systems.

JEREMY PAXMAN: They being?

RUSSELL BRAND: Well, I’ve not invented it yet, Jeremy. I had to do a magazine last week. I’ve had a lot on my plate. But I say—but here’s the thing that you shouldn’t do: shouldn’t destroy the planet, shouldn’t create massive economic disparity, shouldn’t ignore the needs of the people. The burden of proof is on the people with the power, not people who like doing a magazine for a novelty.

and here - note at the end how JP makes russell's point -

RUSSELL BRAND: Well, I don’t think it’s working very well, Jeremy, given that the planet is being destroyed, given that there is economic disparity of a huge degree. What you’re saying, there’s no alternative. There’s no alternative, just this system.

JEREMY PAXMAN: No, I’m not saying that. I’m saying—


JEREMY PAXMAN: —if you can’t be asked to vote, why should we be asked to listen to your political point of view?

RUSSELL BRAND: You don’t have to listen to my political point of view. But it’s not that I’m not voting out of apathy. I’m not voting out of absolute indifference and weariness and exhaustion from the lies, treachery, deceit of the political class that has been going on for generations now and which has now reached fever pitch, where we have a disenfranchised, disillusioned, despondent underclass that are not being represented by that political system. So, voting for it is tacit complicity with that system, and that’s not something I’m offering up.

JEREMY PAXMAN: Why don’t you change it then?

RUSSELL BRAND: I’m trying to.

JEREMY PAXMAN: Well, why don’t you start by voting? .....................................

hard to believe that after that discussion that is jeremy's thinking don't you agree - what a moron!

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I don't have a problem with SOME of what RB preaches.

The rest of it is CRAP.

I have a HUGE problem with his concentration of $20,000,000, his voluntary support of the exotic car/truck industry, the squandering of fossil fuels, the size of his environmental footprint, the self-promotion and that of other multi-deca-millionaire celebrities, his voluntary support of the high fashion and jewelry industries, his shady film finance deal, his 'for profit' affiliation with Amazon, his jet-setting lifestyle with the daughter of a billionaire, his TOTAL DISREGARD for the particular form of intoxicating EVIL at the very heart of government, business, and societal corruption, and his 'don't vote' campaign which ultimately aids conservatives who are FAR more likely to start unnecessary wars, cut welfare and unemployment benefits, and considerably more likely to award 'no bid' government contracts, give tax breaks to the rich, ect.

Thanks in part to Russell Brand, 2/3 of Americans sat this past election out. Now the conservatives have more power than they have had in years, they will be doing even more favors for the rich all across the country and they are VERY likely to get the Keystone Pipeline built.

Thanks a lot Russell Brand.

[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

and why won't obama veto the keystone? if you would read RB more closely you would see that he agrees with much of what you say about wealth inequality. the thing he disagrees on is voting and that is the bug up your ass no? i don't see you complaining about about all the rich people who are telling us to VOTE! as i said unless you are saying that wealthy people cannot speak unless they give away their wealth (pretty silly idea no?) then we have to address what he says not how much money he has. do you want to name a cut off point - let's start with this - what is your salary - do you have savings and assets - how much? what do you do for work - want to let us in on all of that. otherwise RB is at a disadvantage no? let's all weigh in on your source of income and how much you have

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Obama is a politician. No shit but the Keystone Pipeline has been delayed for years in large part because of Obama and the Democrats. Now, BECAUSE 2/3 of Americans sat out just like Russell Brand wanted them to, it is almost certainly going to be under construction within a matter of months.

And here come a new wave of State and Federal tax breaks for the rich and their corporate golden geese.


Thanks a lot Russell Brand.

I've been challenged for hypocrisy by conservatives desperate to discredit me many times. It is truly sad that you, a fellow OWS member, now do the same thereby flushing the very concept of reasonable wealth distribution.

You just flushed the entire cause in a desperate attempt to discredit me, one of the most devoted internet warriors the world over, a single LOWER MIDDLE CLASS by net worth and POVERTY by income critic of Russell Brand, a multi-deca-millionaire, false hero, hypocrite pig who concentrates even more wealth as we type.

I'm a builder/handyman small time carpenter and Jack of all trades who charges $15 per hour. I'm worth about $100,000. Most of that is tied up in my home and the property it sits on. I almost never use air conditioning for environmental reasons, I don't heat my water during the summer months, I never travel for recreation except to visit my parents once a week, and I vowed years ago NEVER to pursue or accept any lifestyle above lower middle class by pre-millenium US standards.

But never mind all of that. Russell Brand is a real hero and I'm a fraud.

There goes the entire cause. Good one flip. Real nice.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Obama is a politician. No shit but the Keystone Pipeline has been delayed for years in large part because of Obama and the Democrats. Now, BECAUSE 2/3 of Americans sat out just like Russell Brand wanted them to, it is almost certainly going to be under construction within a matter of months.

Very very very VALID POINT

[-] 1 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

The changes that you have made in your life-style are admirable and they have been mirrored by people here as well, BUT those changes do not exonerate you for your penchant of supporting "...millionaire celebrities" in the Democratic Party who have been screwing us for years. And obfuscating your lack of logic in supporting them, and dencouncing Brand is telling, and once again ludicrous.

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

Right. Can't have it both ways. Can't say millionaire in office is okay, but a millionaire speaking on behalf of the 99% is not okay.

[-] 0 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

My belief too.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

My problem isn't with millionaires. It's with multi-millionaires. In fact, it's almost exclusively with deca-millionaires.

I never said that a deca-millionaire in office is okay. I only said that we should do our research, hold our noses, and MAKE A CHOICE.

Otherwise, it will be made without us.

Every single time.

[-] 6 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

I think the whole nation became focused on being millionaires...everyone lost sight of what matters....reality dropped off and our lives became dismal because we weren't paying attention. The more miserable working life and economic conditions became...the worse the escapism. And a terrible cycle began in the US. The present moment became something to put off...a dream we will once wake from and emerge butterfly like into the aires of a wealthy freedom that delivers us from the grind and boredom of a working class existence. What we forgot is we don't need millions ...we need to enjoy our lives and fix the current economy and conditions. We can have dignity and decency and so can our children...without being statesmen or elites...or millionaires. This notion that we can't all be enjoying life until we escape it...is actually what is ruining our society. Let's take back the workplace and american dream. We can all be enjoying it...when we demand it and stop settling while we wait to escape it. Change it ...demand better. We don't need millions to be living our lives to the fullest...but...we do need standards. It is the peoples jobs to set those standards...are we going to keep letting bosses and millionaire ceo's ruin our way of life? Stop praying for millions...and start demanding fairness. In our markets, taxes, and housing. We are not first employees and consumers...we are citizens . We the people run our country. We set the standards of happiness...and they do not have to begin at millionaire.

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I just marked that comment up. It's one of the best I've ever read. I only have one thing to add.

Greed, the very desire for extreme personal wealth, escapism or not, remains a form of evil, easily the most corrupt and intoxicating influence ever had on society. It is at the very heart of government, business, and societal corruption.

I hate it. I despise it. It makes me sick. I wish to hell there were somewhere I could go to get away from it. That's the escape I desperately need.

There isn't. Not without leaving America and the rest of Western Society.

Then again, if I had inherited millions of dollars years ago before this cause intruded into nearly every aspect of my life and defined me as an activist, I would have almost certainly become just another disgusting hypocrite pig trying desperately to excuse my own personal concentration of wealth.

Greed is the most intoxicating and corrupt influence ever had on mankind.

It will be our downfall.

[-] -2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

well said

[-] 1 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

Thanks, most of us here are well aware of the disparity in wages and wealth in this country, (and how detrimental it is) as SMC points out frequently. But that is not the same as using good sound logic to support your position.

One of the really good things that has already come out of our revolution is that we have become far more skeptical of the version of events that the MSM, TPTB, the DNC and the Republicans advance mostly to our detriment. And far fewer people today accept illogical bull as SMC is infamous for IMO, or the catch phrases that have been used to justify the deleteriious effects of the neoliberal agenda.

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

never said you were a fraud - just that we do not agree and the issues should be debated not some silly personal questions. so i have more money than you - does that affect what i say here? where is the cutoff. your problem with RB is emotional not intellectual. he is on your side you just don't know it.

seems the real disagreement is that you think voting is the answer and i (mostly) do not. does that make me a conservative or do i misunderstand what you are saying. what is sad is that you seem to think you have the answer - the only answer and others must be WRONG! that is a very sad way to try to move the agenda, we all support, forward. nobody knows how this will turn out or the best way to make that happen. we only have the past to guide us - and what does that past show? all the great changes were brought about by education and agitation and organizing not voting.

i believe you are doing a disservice on the education front. no idea what you do other than call into talk shows - that can be very helpful. RB has done more (most likely) than all of us combined to promote the idea that wealth inequality is destroying the world - that the political system is corrupt and in service to the rich you hate. you attack him and call him a fraud - seems to me that you are doing the VERY SAME THING you accuse conservatives of doing to you!

we are on the same side here smc - what we should be doing is having a civil discussion of the issues. we can disagree on voting - my wife and i do - she is a very low level democratic party functionary - but it can be done where there is respect on both sides. no? having said that how about looking into the dates i gave you 1932, 1992 and 2008 to examine how and why the country voted for real change. can you look at some of these issues and maybe we can educate each other at least and find some common ground.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

As I've said IN EXCPLICIT DETAIL HERE AND ALL OVER THE WEB LITERALLY THOUSANDS OF TIMES, my problem in terms of wealth concentration is almost exclusively with the richest 1% in America and to some extent with the world's richest 1%.

I chose to live modest and WAY below the cutoff because this issue is by far, the most important to me. I'm no Mother Teresa but I am fully devoted to the cause.

If you really believe that my problem with Russell Brand is emotional not logical, then there is something seriously wrong with you. After all, I was instrumental in putting the 1% mantra on the map to begin with.

You know, the mantra that OWS was FUCKING FOUNDED on.

At the time, Russell Brand was still an unknown.

From day one, that mantra has been based on actual statistics, indisputable mathematical logic, and the absolute fundamentals of economics. If you would do five fucking minutes of research with NO BIAS WHATSOEVER for ANY member of that 1% REGARDLESS of how they run their calculated mouths, you would know that.

The share of private wealth held by the 1% is HIGHER now than it was when OWS was formed. The problem is getting WORSE in part, because of Russell Brand who has personally concentrated $20,000,000 in private wealth, thereby INCREASING the average net worth of the 1%.

You know. The 1%. Yes, THAT 1%.

Meanwhile, you remain HELL-BENT on defending a HIGHER THAN AVERAGE 1% club wealth concentrating hypocritical celebrity pig and HELPING TO PROMOTE HIS COMMERCIAL IMAGE.

Damn right it's commercial.

Jesus God damn fucking Christ. You idiots are beyond reach. It's like I've said many times. The masses are at least 1/2 to blame for the OBSCENE concentration of wealth they now live under.

And you have the GALL to criticize me for refusing to puss out with the masses and for sticking to the 1% mantra instead of making exceptions for multi-deca-millionaire comedians.

[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

none of this has anything to do with what is being said except to prove that your problems with RB are emotional. first of all if you want me to believe you were instrumental in putting the 1% mantra on the map, you have to do more than simply make the pronouncement.

as for the rest of your rant it is complete bullshit. there is no argument about the wealth at the top of the economic pyramid - none so give it up. the two points are simple and we disagree - i welcome wealthy people who point out the injustice of the system. i like when warren buffet says "sure there is a class war going on and my class is winning" - he thinks things should go back towards the 1960's wealth distribution as you do. that does not mean he is a wonderful man or that i admire him. it simply means he spoke the truth here and i welcome it. you want to focus on his wealth go ahead but there is NO LOGIC IN THAT!

secondly you think voting for democrats will save us - history shows different. i understand why you do not want to stick to those issues since you cannot win the argument based on facts and logic. lastly you want to blame the masses - once again we disagree. there is plenty of places to point the finger but if there are victims here (of propaganda, and wealth distribution and blood) then it is for sure the masses. the lowest rungs on the ladder have no power or wealth and RB is speaking to them and for them. you are just ranting EMOTIONALLY!

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

"Greed kills. It will be our downfall." Currently shows up 25,500 times in search results. A few months ago, it showed up over 40,000 times. That's just one of my old rants on the 1% that I started posting long BEFORE the Great Recession hit. A year before that, I got two AOL accounts suspended because I was complaining about the 1% in dozens of chatrooms every day. A year before that, I started making enemies on talk radio for predicting another depression. Right off the bat FROM DAY ONE, I was called a 'socialist', a 'pinko commie' and all of the other names that people like me are called.

I have never been phased by any of it and I never will be. This cause is my primary calling. It will be until the day I die. I've had it with greed and I will NEVER make an exception for ANYONE.

I'm not typing this for the credit. I'm typing it to defend myself as a true warrior for the cause of redistribution and the damning of greed. Unfortunately, I'm one of a dying breed. There is only one or two others here that I know of. The rest of you are hell-bent on making exceptions for celebrities as if their concentrations of wealth are of no consequence.

I'm aware of the Buffet quote. I've pointed it out many times. But always with the admission that he is a filthy rich wealth concentrating hypocrite pig. Of course, it's true. But he ends lives be refusing to do anything about it. That makes him evil.

I will delete this page, leave this site forever, apologize via megaphone from the top of the Empire State Building and jump if you can produce a single quote in which I state anything like "voting for democrats will save us".

I've typed no such thing. Read it again.

By the way, I'm still appreciated by two users here that I know of. I appreciate them as well.

[-] -1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

god you are a blowhard

[-] 0 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

Do you believe that your overuse of capitalization, or your extreme use of profanity bolsters your opinion....OR do you think, like me in that... it makes you sound like a guilder?

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I'm mad as hell but it doesn't cloud my judgement. You're welcome to read every comment I've ever made here and thousands that I made all over the web before I was aware of this site. Except for a statistical correction here and there, I've been as consistent as a slab of iron for about 9 years now.

The richest 1% are too rich period.

And getting richer still.

No exceptions for multi-deca-millionaire celebrities.

[-] 1 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

Anyone who is as "mad as hell" as you claim to be, and then vehemently attacks a person who is defending our plight. AND then expects people here to vote for the "lesser evil" politicians in a Party which was instrumental in causing that human suffering does indeed have his "judgement".."clouded." That's putting is euphemistically too!

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Jesus God damn fucking Christ you morons. What the hell will it take to get through to you? Can't you understand even the most basic principles of economics or human nature? What the hell do you think led to so much government, business, and societal corruption to begin with?

How in the name of all that is logical within the universe do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS hope to make even the slightest difference for the lower majority, the people you CLAIM to care about without addressing the OBSCENE and GROWING share of private wealth held by the INDIVIDUALS who make up the 1%?

How in the name of all that is logical within the universe do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS hope to make even the slightest difference for the lower majority, the people you CLAIM to care about without addressing their own IDIOTIC spending habits which INCLUDE handing over HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of DOLLARS and POUNDS to celebrity pigs?

Where in the holy fuck do all of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS think the 'corporations' got most of their money to begin with? Have any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS even bothered to do any research into his HYPOCRITE PIG background?

Do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS have any idea how many powerful, corrupt, and GOVERNMENT INFLUENCING corporations he has VOLUNTARILY supported using the MILLIONS you and the rest of his IDIOT FANS have given him? Don't any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS realize that by praising him, you actually SAVE him and his CORPORATE GOVERNMENT INFLUENCING PRODUCT RETAILERS MILLIONS over the cost of traditional advertising thereby contributing to the 'paradigm' that Russell Brand has the GALL to run his multi-deca-millionaire hypocrite pig mouth about?

What in the name of all that is logical within the universe do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS hope to accomplish by taking his advice and allowing CONSERVATIVE VOTERS run of the political board from now on?

How in the name of all that is logical within the universe do any of you Russell Brand promoting MORONS hope to reform ANYTHING within the corrupt 'system' without addressing the particular form of evil at the very heart of government corruption?


Wealth concentrating and poverty causing 1% pig entry level net worth. Approximately $9 million.

Wealth concentrating and poverty causing 1% pig average net worth. Approximately $16 million.



[-] 2 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

WOW...that was a HUGE bunch of obfuscating crap, albeit much of what I can agree with though. NOW how 'bout YOU responding to my comment (?!).....which is basically about YOU being a HYPOCRITE... for wanting us to support millionaires & "decca-millionaqires" in the Democratic Party?

I did notice your penchant for purposely spewing, erroneous inferences, "...and allowing CONSERVATIVE VOTERS run of the political board from now on."

I get it man; 'Anyone who is not a voting Democrat is a CONSERVATIVE [or maybe a "HYPOCRITE PIG", or a...REPUBLICAN] in your narrow agenda-driven mind.' [EDIT] AND if you don't want to be an HP, then listen to me....errr and vote Democratic of course!

Note: You're right (by inference of course;-), CAPITALIZATION is cool.

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I should not have to point out the obvious but you leave me no choice.

Centrists, progressives, liberals, and free thinkers are a hell of a lot more concerned with 'massive economic disparity' then conservatives. In fact, conservatives rarely address the issue at all. Even when they do, they remain hell-bent on more 'trickle down' or 'supply side' economics which have been thoroughly proven to concentrate more wealth.

Because Russell Brands hypocritical and obviously FAKE concerns are the ACTUAL concerns of most liberals, centrists, progressives, and free thinkers, his 'don't vote' campaign benefits conservatives.



[-] -2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

comparing yourself to a slab of iron is one of the brighter things you have said since we started this STUPID debate. the rich are getting richer - and they have under your lessor evil democrats - clinton and obama. why not rail about their wealth - how much do bill and hillary charge to speak? do you know - look it up. you beat up on those who speak up for you and risk their wealth to do it and you want me to vote for these people. billary - they enrich themselves while telling fools like you they work for "the people" - how stupid can humans get i wonder .

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I have complained about their disgusting greed and their corrupt affiliations with other greedy pigs many times. I even ripped Obama a new one way back in 2009 for putting his desire to see and plug a Broadway show before the interests of NY residents.

Still, Democrats in general, are the lesser evil.

We've been though this. You're still putting words at my fingers.

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

yes they are the lesser of evils - now how about admitting that voting has not been the agent of change throughout history - can you agree to that. if not then you either do not know history or are not interested in the truth. i can see no third alternative - can you?

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

It's difficult to judge the Clinton administration in terms of significant 'change' because the transfer of income and wealth from poor to rich which took place from the late 70s on was only in the moderate stages at that point. Things weren't so bad under Bush Sr either so it's difficult to judge.

Aside from the miracles worked under FDR, I would say that at best, Democrats have been responsible only for 'changes' from horribly evil, rotten, and corrupt to slightly less evil, rotten, and corrupt.

Update: I'm also flat-out disgusted by the repeal of Glass-Steagall. We've discussed it many times. But that example is just one of many favors done for the rich. Clinton and the rest responsible for it can define it any way that want, but that's what it was. Just another disgusting example of government corruption lobbied and passed for the rich.

I still see the Reagan and Bush Jr tax breaks as a hell of a lot more effective at transferring wealth from poor to rich.

The problem has been and remains everything and everyone that contribute to the obscene concentration of wealth we now live under.

[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

and how about a comment on the history of change - how does it come -through the ballot box. if so please give examples

[-] 2 points by spinoza34 (400) 10 years ago

I don't look at the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act, under Clinton's reign as being something that is difficult to judge, nor do I see it as being only, "slightly less evil, rotten, and corrupt." He did the bidding for the big banks, and the 99% ended up paying the price with untold human misery.

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

you forgot nafta - the only thing slcik willy really fought for. and what do you think of the sanctions on iraq -

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that's more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it. --60 Minutes (5/12/96) now i know wealth inequality is your thing but being the "greatest purveyor of violence in the world today" is not such a good thing either. do you ever rant on other issues?