Forum Post: Government Motors (GM) sales are taking another hit and they may be headed for another bailout
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 9, 2011, 11:11 a.m. EST by USCitizenVoter
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In corporate news, General Motors (GM 0.00%) said its third-quarter profit fell 15% to $1.7 billion, or $1.03 a share, on revenue of $36.7 billion. While the results beat the 96-cent average estimate of analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters, the company said weakness in the European market may cause it to miss profit targets this year. Shares were losing 8.3% to $22.95.
9/11 is mentioned all day every day. OWS ignoring the evidence I can produce about 9/11 is the dumbest possible decision for OWS.
Ocuppy is still in its infancy stage of development
Every day that goes by with OWS in its infancy reduces the opportunity to get people like me to win the 2012 election.
I will be happy to lead OWS into the adult stage.
No way changes will be installed by the 2012 election plus the changes that are going to happen on the day of reckoning are more than worth having the patiences to bear our pains and trials calmly as we mature. The occupy movement will be remembered through the ages.
You're another loser. OWS needs to be called "THE LOSERS"
stevemiller hope your having fun
The American trance is so deep it stays undetected.
When an entire country acts with self destruction that is bottomless; far beyond ignorance and laughable stupidity that is broadcast on TV by SNL, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert and David Letterman who earn fortunes for making its audience laugh at stupid behavior responsible for destroying each American for the benefit of the privileged while the entire country is allowing open bribery -- only a trance can produce those results.
The media has a nonstop warning about terrorists, who are in fact the American government, who only attacked on 9/11. As an example, the Christmas undies bomber was allowed in by the US State Department under the direction of Hillary Clinton. The agent in the American embassy in Nigeria purposely ignored the warning by the boy's father. No congressional committee or the FBI has ever interviewed the agent in Nigeria. If the bomb had gone off their would have been another terrorist threat to keep reporting on top of 9/11.
If I was elected to congress it will be one of my missions to track that guy down to hear what he has to say. It better be good or I will press a criminal charge of terrorism on that agent. I will revive that case. How dumb could that agent be to actually ignore the father's threat. His son's life was at stake and the father begged to have his son captured in Yemen before he could act. To ignore that threat is impossible except if your in a deep trance.
Another of a million examples of the trance is the Joe Paterno case of child molesters that Paterno never reported to the cops in order to protect all the children from Sandusky. Now Paterno is attempting to appear innocent by saying he'll coach until the end of the year. The pattern is intended to protect a privileged man who never attempted to protect boys he knew were sex targets of his fellow coach. That is a sickening crime but law enforcement again protects the privileged. The media propaganda is now putting up its wall of protection for Paterno when they keep saying the law isn't pursuing criminal charges, so Paterno is innocent. Americans again will be totally convinced as the trance sets into their brains.
“At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status,” the 84-year-old Paterno said in the statement. “They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can. This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.” By MARK VIERA The New York Times, November 9,2011. With the benefit of hindsight no criminal would ever get caught. Getting caught is a great sorrow for Paterno who condoned the sexual attack by Sandusky. By SCREWED AGAIN
Americans are told what to think. The entire country was purposely misled about the trial of Casey Anthony. There are many SCREWED AGAIN posts that followed the media propaganda that constantly piled lies into Americans that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee. Nancy Grace was determined to win the case for the prosecution. Not one journalist unmasked the parade of reporters who kept repeating lies and ignoring physical evidence that left no doubt that George Anthony was a sex, molester freak who found the child drowned and ditched her body in the woods. A trial now for molesting Casey would absolutely clear up the reasons for Casey's bizarre behavior to protect George Anthony again.
Steve, as a convicted felon who spent 9 years in prison, do you really think you should call ANYONE else stupid????
You win. I'm stupid. I will never answer you again so please find another victim.
The American trance is so deep it stays undetected.
read more -
When an entire country acts with self destruction that is bottomless; far beyond ignorance and laughable stupidity that is broadcast on TV by SNL, Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert and David Letterman who earn fortunes for making its audience laugh at stupid behavior responsible for destroying each American for the benefit of the privileged while the entire country is allowing open bribery -- only a trance can produce those results.
The media has a nonstop warning about terrorists, who are in fact the American government, who only attacked on 9/11. As an example, the Christmas undies bomber was allowed in by the US State Department under the direction of Hillary Clinton. The agent in the American embassy in Nigeria purposely ignored the warning by the boy's father. No congressional committee or the FBI has ever interviewed the agent in Nigeria. If the bomb had gone off their would have been another terrorist threat to keep reporting on top of 9/11.
If I was elected to congress it will be one of my missions to track that guy down to hear what he has to say. It better be good or I will press a criminal charge of terrorism on that agent. I will revive that case. How dumb could that agent be to actually ignore the father's threat. His son's life was at stake and the father begged to have his son captured in Yemen before he could act. To ignore that threat is impossible except if your in a deep trance.
Another of a million examples of the trance is the Joe Paterno case of child molesters that Paterno never reported to the cops in order to protect all the children from Sandusky. Now Paterno is attempting to appear innocent by saying he'll coach until the end of the year. The pattern is intended to protect a privileged man who never attempted to protect boys he knew were sex targets of his fellow coach. That is a sickening crime but law enforcement again protects the privileged. The media propaganda is now putting up its wall of protection for Paterno when they keep saying the law isn't pursuing criminal charges, so Paterno is innocent. Americans again will be totally convinced as the trance sets into their brains.
“At this moment the Board of Trustees should not spend a single minute discussing my status,” the 84-year-old Paterno said in the statement. “They have far more important matters to address. I want to make this as easy for them as I possibly can. This is a tragedy. It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I had done more.” By MARK VIERA The New York Times, November 9,2011. With the benefit of hindsight no criminal would ever get caught. Getting caught is a great sorrow for Paterno who condoned the sexual attack by Sandusky. By SCREWED AGAIN
Americans are told what to think. The entire country was purposely misled about the trial of Casey Anthony. There are many SCREWED AGAIN posts that followed the media propaganda that constantly piled lies into Americans that Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee. Nancy Grace was determined to win the case for the prosecution. Not one journalist unmasked the parade of reporters who kept repeating lies and ignoring physical evidence that left no doubt that George Anthony was a sex, molester freak who found the child drowned and ditched her body in the woods. A trial now for molesting Casey would absolutely clear up the reasons for Casey's bizarre behavior to protect George Anthony again.
Extortion is something you are proud of? You have admitted that you were found guilty. You have been EXPOSED and I will not stand by and allow you to try to find new victims here at OWS. You are the very lowest of human life form.
Nice job happybanker pointing out that steve miller is a fellon. I knew he was a piece of work.
third-quarter profit fell 15% to $1.7 billion!
Too bad USCitizenVoter can't read. Or do math; 1.7b x 4 = $6.8 billion profit a year.
JamesS89118 Your wrong. You didn't understand the equation "on revenue of $36.7 billion"
I appreciate your reply, and admit I'm not a math major but I do not see any equating "on revenue of $36.7 billion" with an equation. :(
It said it would miss targets in Europe.
Yeah the company said weakness in the European market. Did you read the full post? Besides I don't do business with them. Ford Motor Company didn't take our money so I am supporting the Ford dealers.
I like Honda. And before you jump on me for buying an import. Honda makes their civics in South Carolina.
I like the Honda models too. If we didn't trade with Japan then our cars might still be junk after 4 years of driving. I'm glad the imports came to America and forced an increase in the quality and safety of vehicles available. Thats when our domestic manufactures began to build a better vehicles.
ford took a huge chunk of federal money also, so did a lot of auto-makers, It doesn't really matter in the long run, all of them are just going to be protected from real competition by the federal government so it doesn't matter what they do business wise.
Are you referring to the money that our government granted to the vehicle manufactures for the development of electric vehicle engineering and design. The Ford company has the most patents for electric vehicle engineering and design. They are commited to improve the fuel consumption of their products.
No, although all the money 'invested' towards the ethanol research should be declared criminal(sorry, I realize not relevant to the electric portion), I'm referring to the fed loaning 15 billion to the credit arm of ford and 13.8 billion to investors who bought loan bonds in order to keep loans manageable enough that people could be convinced to purchase new vehicles. I'm not defending G.M., I am simply stating that the majority of automakers are guiltily receiving illegal market intervention.
Now that help to make sense for me that when you stated all of them are just going to be protected from real competition by the federal government so it doesn't matter what they do business wise. The governments their to big to fail is no excuse.
It's not even close to an excuse, by declaring there are companies that are to big to fail is an admission of failure to uphold the anti monopoly legislation and the fundamental truth fo the american people that everyone has equal rights, equal oppurtunity from the government to succeed, and equal oppurtunity to fail. I am not a fan of our bloated social security system, but this is akin to someone applying for unemployment and the government giving them a house with a car and swimming pool.
My father was a disabled world war two veteran. The only income he had was his social security and disability checks. We were poor but got by. It doesn't take a lot of common sense to make good decisions.
By that rubric and our current state of affairs common sense isn't that common.
The bank implosions are speeding up now. The debt wielding psychopaths are intensifying their financial onslaught. They should've let GM alone to fail on its own. These banks don't need us, they can fail all by themselves.
Even after all those bailouts do any of us out here in the ethers believe that this 'recession' actually ended in 2009 like we were told it did? Why is it that, the ones who never saw it coming, are always the ones we hear telling us where its going, and how they intend to 'fix' it?
Im living in the craziest sci-fi-drama-suspense-mystery-horror-comedy I have ever watched
right on MD
Detroit is just a town of people getting drunk and trying to make cars.
Government Motors should have gone away. We have cool Honda and Toyota and Ford cars. We do not need GM. Really, why would you even buy one?
I was just thinking government bail outs should gain shares in the company they are assisting
At the same time the USPS should go away. Or go private. They have thousands of workers that deliver tons of junk mail (90%) and get the best Government healthcare in the world and a super pension. And we just do not need them. Let me say this again, 90% of what they deliver is tons of junk mail. If you think I'm wrong, keep all your mail for one month and look at the pile. That is what we are paying for. Have Fed EX take over.
all US citizens should have that health care
GM is the 1%.
Not to worry, the government will come to their rescue at our detriment with haste.
Keep electing the same crooks. Keep using the same nonsense that a 3rd party will be corrupt too. Can it get more stupid?
I think the only way it could get more stupid would be if the 9/11 "truthers" were to hijack the OWS movement and change the focus onto their ridiculous conspiracy theories.
Already happened to some extent.
I know, it was a barb at stevemiller. Click his name and look at his insane rant he posted.
Yeah I gave up on hearing anything coherent from him a while back :-)