Forum Post: Fracking? Who Needs Safety?
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 21, 2012, 11:02 a.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Following "rules" has never been a BIG concern for the oil and gas corporations. Fines are a pittance compared to the profits.
Even death and destruction are no reason to hesitate.
Lets keep those regulators off their backs, eh?
Fracking is the most extreme process of shortsighted destruction for short term profits in the the most shortsighted destructive industry on the planet.
A last gasp effort to extract as much as possible before fossil fuels are criminalized.
Our protests are the only thing standing between utter environmental catastrophe and sanity.
Great post. Thx
Mountaintop mining gives it a run for it's money, but it's more easily visible.
The damage from fracking?
Not so much, until it's way too late.
Maybe. Fracking has the earthquake thing, the flaming faucet thing, the poison water table thing, & the storage of chemicals used thang. So it is certainly right up there.
They claim deniablity to all those things. A missing mountaintop, is a little harder to deny.
No doubt. I never believe their denials of course.
And I have been against the mountaintop removal process for a long time.
Thank you shooz for post/link.
Problem is even far worse than we realize, as we really don't know what all gas/ oil has done.
It's not like they feel it behooves them to tell us either.
Great read: .
Meme to repeat: if Cuomo backs fracking he'll be a one term governor.
Opposing monstrosities like fracking is what OWS is all about. CorpoRATs and RATpublicans see us as merely cows to be milked.
This is where the reps wet dream of no regulation leads us.
It's the neolibe(R)tarian wet dream.
It was never anything else.
They had fun with it, in their wonderful little experiment down in Chile.
In compliment to your post:
Who needs safety?
"Amid controversy, New York will embark on a health impacts study, but residents living in the gaslands are already speaking out about their experiences."
New York would like a little, and hopefully they will get some truth too.
It really ticks me off that we have people that are still denying this. Kill off a bunch of anonymous people?
Yeah. Pass it.......
What ticks me off are all the folks on the site that claim to be in support of OWS, that NEVER comment on fracking.
It's been a focus for OWS since the beginning.
It's been a labor just to keep it near the top of the bubbling threads.
Oh, yeah...just like other issues. Give 'em the facts, they repeat their first arguments. Fuck 'em.
Yet it is still difficult to keep this thread in the forefront.
There are always those who really do work to keep it under the radar.
I no longer feel that is coincidental.
I agree.
The bigger fish to fry awaits us, in spite of the debates.
Your music post is still very popular. Stress relief - always a good thing.
Yeah, stress relief is good.
BTW - good post - it goes to prove another falsehood - the one that says what you don't know can't harm you. What you don't know can absolutely kill you!!!
Damn the regulators!!! There's profits in them there hills and valleys!
Yep - right up to the time that the pollution kills even the polluting assholes.
Where's that guy calling for even less regulation?
They're never around to comment on things like this.
Forum attackers are hoping to see this thread die a silent death. They will attack once the thread shows no sign of going away.
What's there for them to attack?
These corporations along with their mining corporation brethren, eschew safety regulation at every turn.
People die because of it.
What's there for them to attack?
It is funny to see that the shills will still do a useless silent vote down campaign rather than make a damning comment.
I think mebbe they don't like me too much........................:)
They will like me less, as I stop playing their little soap opera games.
I can afford a few stinkles anyway................LOL
You should be honored by their disdain - I know that it puts a bounce in my step. {:-])
Gives me an excuse to bump this important thread too.
The issue of fracking should be kept in the light of day for examination.
They want to do it in and around the suburban lake country around here.
Rich people places. It could get interesting.
Wouldn't it be nice if they accidentally poisoned some rich peoples properties? Still really sucks for the environment though.
There's a whole lot of private inland lakes around there.
I could get interesting, although there are some Dems fighting to stop it.
I honestly hope they succeed in stopping fracking - not just for that area but for the whole of the state - and I hope that their actions are then mirrored by others - preventing the UN-healable polluting of the environment/air/ground water/soil.
Nothing - just the people who support the thread - that is why they are hoping the thread will go away on it's own.