Forum Post: Flash Mobs!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 11:46 a.m. EST by WillHarper
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Please people! Let's take a lesson from history. Instead of fixed, "occupied" positions that become targets for police and logistical nightmares. Let's organize into responsible groups of 20-60, filter into banks, corporations, media centers, etc, blending in. Wait for the right moment or signal, then begin a dramatic and vocal, 4 minute demonstration. Stop and filter back out. This would be much more effective and orderly than spending weeks at a campsite on public property. Much less subject to anarchists and troublemakers using OWS as cover!
Please spread this idea around. I am certain it would work!
I love the negative comments. These would be the same people criticizing the American Revolution for being messy or impinging on their daily routine.
I am certain this will be a useful tool. I don't like flashmobs - but never mind. The tactics of guerrilla theater were effective in the 60s - and have been since, as a means of generating attention, and are reflective of the investment in instability that the one has made.
Principles of flashmobs can be applied online as well.
Think of them as 'tweet bursts'.
Hackers use zombie computers to conduct dos attacks. We can use real people to do the same exact thing - with cybernetic bumperstickers.
I think this is a great idea. Flash mobs are typically couched as a form of performance art/entertainment, but have something of civil disobedience to their character as well (organized public action, with no permits) - that's why they're scary to some interested parties. I think it's no accidents that riots and crime sprees are sometimes referred to in the media as "flash mobs" - it's probably an attack on the flash mob concept. In any case, the beauty of flash mobs is this: the entire population of average work-a-day folk becomes a sleeper cell. Flash mobs promise to lend the population a mindset where they feel that they can get away with making a difference or contributing to a movement they agree with without getting into trouble for it - a dangerous prospect since it nullifies traditional tactics that deter things like exercising one's constitutional rights. Art can be practical.
I prefer to call them flash actions.
This is actually a more DYNAMIC VERSION of the PUBLIC VOTE OPTION, as the next logical Constitutional step in the EXTENSION OF VOTING RIGHTS, of my thread Which I offer as the legal precedent/justification for when the investigative journalists anti-strategists come around asking just what right do we think we have?
My idea is similar to your idea except that the protesters have to mix in with the regular crowd on the street or rich district and then start protesting once we completely mixed in with the crowd.
My only concern with your concept is that you impose on innocent people going about their business. That necessitates alienating people without a political point being made.
At political events the objective of all concerned is to make some point so an OWS point is as valid there as any.
Especially political events. Town hall meetings and campaign offices when politicians are holding press and public events.
When the cameras come on if a group of people start to chant "You are the problem. We are the solution!" Or, "You are a Wall Street whore!" And continue on for five minutes then leave the media will pick it up.
Right. Violate other's rights to 1st amendmant speech so you exercise yours. Another fucking OWS moron.
That is silly.
Exercising free political speech at a time and place where people are gathered to exercise free political speech is as American as apple pie. Telling people they have no right to exercise their own political free speech at an event organize for free political speech, as you are asserting, is the only real violation of free speech concepts.
I will bet that you didn't express any such concerns when the tea party creeps aggressively intimidated and loudly Democratic town hall meetings?
Yes. Then even more people will hate OWS. Good strategy.