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Forum Post: Filthy disgusting rich 1% pig Mark Walhberg wants pardon for assault committed before he got filthy disgusting rich.

Posted 10 years ago on Dec. 15, 2014, 10:57 a.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Mark Walhberg's request has made national news. The story has been plastered all over the web.

In a related story, the filthy disgusting rich 1% pig just happens to be promoting a new movie.

See how this works?

My guess is that he will get his pardon simply because he is a celebrity. In fact, my guess is that it was arranged behind the scenes even before he made the formal request.

Any predictions? Will the filthy disgusting rich 1% celebrity pig on steroids get his pardon for racially motivated assault committed before he became a privileged American or will he be denied like any non-rich offender would be?

Update: 1/3/15. The governor of Massachusetts granted two pardons on Friday. One for a marijuana dealer and one for an accomplice to a shooting. These two pardons given in a single day effectively double the pardon count for the entire state of Massachusetts for a period of several months. However Walhberg's case is more sinister. He committed a premeditated, racially motivated and brutal assault which left an innocent man mamed for life. Walhberg was not an accomplice. He was entirely responsible. It was his very own evil doing.

But that doesn't matter to the governor of Massachusetts. For Mark Walhberg is no longer an ordinary thug. He is a filthy disgusting rich celebrity thug with a commercial image and a new movie to promote. In addition, he hopes to become a filthy disgusting richer burger chain mogul.

There is no longer any doubt. Mark Walhberg has the governor of Massachusetts in his pocket. These two pardons on Friday were granted in order to set the stage for Walhberg's pardon. To make it seem as if Walhberg won't be getting any special treatment. But of course, he will be. There is no longer any doubt.

Walhberg's pardon has been in the bag from day one. It won't be much longer now.




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[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Read the article linked below. Just keep in mind that none of it matters. Mark Walhberg will have his pardon. It was all arranged in advance through 'mutual aquaintances' of Walhberg and the corrupt governor.

By the way, Walhberg's 'foundation' hasn't even earned a decent rating or ANY rating from CharityWatch.org. Celebrity foundations almost never do because they are run more like PR firms.

It's only a matter of time now. The pardon has been in the bag from day one.


[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I don't believe in pardons for criminal activity except in rare cases where the conviction was likely unjust to begin with. Walhberg was every bit the racist thug he was convicted of being. He has never made amends. He has never made any attempt. Like ALL well known celebrities, he has been involved with 'charity'. Like damn near all well known celebrities, he has a 'foundation' in his name. But this is done for PR first and foremost. In fact, celebrity 'foundations' almost never earn decent ratings from CharityWatch.org or any other independent charity watchdog because they are run more like PR firms. The celebrity figureheads are almost never the primary donors and the 'foundations' themselves accomplish far less 'dollar for dollar' than their well rated counterparts which operate without celebrity figureheads. 

Wa​lhberg has done nothing to indicate that he regrets the harm he caused for his victims. In fact, he seems to have no regard whatsoever for the racial tension he is causing with his request and for the racial tension he will certainly cause if his commercially motivated request is granted.

Walhberg wants the pardon for business reasons. He isn't satisfied with his multi-hundred-million dollar celebrity fortune. He wants an even greater multi-hundred-million dollar celebrity and alcohol distributing burger mogul fortune. He needs the pardon to expand his Walhburgers operation.

Meanwhile, his innocent victims live with scars, memories and at least one life changing permanent injury with no compensation whatsoever from the multi-hundred-millionaire responsible. Instead, they get another slap in the face.

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

i am sorry for all the unkind things i have said to you. you are obviously disturbed and lonely. nobody is interested in your posts so you have to have a conversation with yourself. very sad - disturbed lonely and stupid - what a bad combination

[-] 1 points by MattHolck0 (3867) 10 years ago

like a grandpa corporation

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago


[-] -3 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

C'mon someone give me a prediction. Will the filthy rich and popular celebrity pig receive the special treatment he has publicly requested or will he be denied as he should be?

I'm not sure about this one. Of course, the request was timed perfectly to coincide with the promotion of his new celebrity pig movie. That's a given but I'm not sure that he will get his pardon.

My guess is that he will and that it was arranged in advance.

If so, I will be ripping some new assholes all over the web.

[+] -4 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Update: 1/3/15. The governor of Massachusetts granted two pardons on Friday. One for a marijuana dealer and one for an accomplice to a shooting. These two pardons given in a single day effectively double the pardon count for the entire state of Massachusetts for a period of several months. However Walhberg's case is more sinister. He committed a premeditated, racially motivated and brutal assault which left an innocent man mamed for life. Walhberg was not an accomplice. He was entirely responsible. It was his very own evil doing.

But that doesn't matter to the governor of Massachusetts. For Mark Walhberg is no longer an ordinary thug. He is a filthy disgusting rich celebrity thug with a commercial image and a new movie to promote. In addition, he hopes to become a filthy disgusting richer burger chain mogul.

There is no longer any doubt. Mark Walhberg has the governor of Massachusetts in his pocket. These two pardons on Friday were granted in order to set the stage for Walhberg's pardon. To make it seem as if Walhberg won't be getting any special treatment. But of course, he will be. There is no longer any doubt.

Walhberg's pardon has been in the bag from day one. It won't be much longer now.


Mark mark mark!


[+] -5 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Hey Walhberg. You disgusting 1% war glamorizing pig. You have already earned yourself a page here at OWS with your latest publicity stunt. Now tell your sold-out wealth concentrating partners in crime that I'll be creating more for those who just happen to strike my nerves with their calculated publicity stunts.

For example, by founding 'charities' in their own names which are run more like PR firms, plugged every time they have new products to promote and never even earn decent ratings from CharityWatch.org or any other independent charity watchdog.

The rest of you: Http://CharityWatch.org

If it's not well rated or rated at all, then don't support it or it's founders.

Exceptions can be made for small local charities depending on the circumstances. Do your local research first.

Update: I just checked. Sure enough, Walhberg's charity/PR firm isn't even rated. Celebrity foundations almost never are because their books are kept shut.

Big celebrities have no desire to make the world a better place. Their goal is to appear as if they do in order to sell more product.

