Forum Post: FBI labels Occupiers "domestic terrorists"
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 25, 2012, 11:47 a.m. EST by john32
from Pittsburgh, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 25, 2012, 11:47 a.m. EST by john32
from Pittsburgh, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
FEAR! FEAR! FEAR! Now go away and be a good little serf, like your daddy was.
You are exactly correct sir.
Get some human eyes on our information because the computers tracking all of our shit isn't enough.
"They're tracking all of your electronic communications" - William Binney, the guy who invented the program for the NSA
I cannot imagine anyone would approve funding to sift through my little life.
you wouldn't believe the shit they approve to fund these days.
A full investigation of this forum would logically lead to an investigation of the bankers that have hijacked the country.
We can fight govt spies. Here is a court ruling thay indicates some judges find in the peoples favor.
The anarchists among us must be so pleased. Oh, and the militias. And the sessionistas. The Paulists. The TP gang. The Socialists. The Direct Democrats. The Koch's. The Heartless Institute. The AFE, The AFP, The AEI, The Heritage Institute, CATO, Turd Blossom, and others too numerous and reprehensible to mention.
The willingness to die defending the "American Constitution" on "American Soil" is never "Domestic Terrorism".
thanks for this post.
Merry Christmas! You're a domestic terrorist!
Fucking bullshit. Peaceful protests labeled domestic terrorism. That's what happens when you question the fraud of the banks and corporate rule of the government.
I can't wait to tell my mom at Christmas dinner.
I'm coming out!
Mom told me not to talk about the government at dinner. haha
Lol - Yeah not very uplifting for bad.
no, I appreciate the link.
It's really lame that party hacks continue their attack on you with downvotes. Fuck 'em. They're the ones voting for war and giving trillions to banks. They can downvote you day and night. Still won't change that fact. Who really has the karma points anyway? LOL
No different then peaceful, law abiding gun owners being demonetized by Occupy,Democrats and the media for owning semi-auto's, an AK-47 or an AR-15 with a 30 round mags.
First of all there has not been a single Occupy Wall Street protest about banning and demonizing gun owners. (I'm assuming you meant demonize and not "demonetize")
Also you can't read 5 posts by 5 people and think that represents everyone. Technically you can, but I don't recommend it. You could probably do it literally too. But again, I don't recommend it.
Also the situation you created is not remotely similar to the OWS situation and being documented as domestic terrorists by the FBI.
Good link - thank you !
more info on home grown govt created "terrorist plans"
What do they call an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation?
A mistake? One that we can't stop, mid-stride.Sorry about that.
Good post, its all over every occupy hometown page.
I see the guard has gotten you back into negative territory.
Occupiers, vets. Who's next?
Of course poets. Quite a list they're assembling.
Let's throw in pot-heads. They're an easy bust too. And jazz musicians.
ows wasn't working for constitutional defense overtly, just advocating use of constitutional rights, so it easy for the fbi to paint the movement how it wants.
Meaningless obfuscation, anyone?
Good example. I don't do that. I do facts.
You do meaningless babble - whole reams of it in the hopes people won't see through it to your far-right, uberlibertarian agenda. You're just the latest name in the revolving house of pseudonym mirrors down at the clown carnival.
LOL. Right on!
God they're tiresome, aren't they???
Libertarian = selfish . . . period.
They try to make a glorious cause out of it. . . Nausiating.
blah, blah, blah, blah . . .
"Liberty and Justice For All. . ." It was those last two words that just got by them somehow. They thought it said "With Liberty and Justice For Me."
I think they get stuck on Justice. They hear 'Just us'!
Nice array of distortions you've posted:-)
All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories. If things are less than perfect self is viewed as failure.
Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous failure.
Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.
Mind reading: One absolutely concludes that others are reacting positively or negatively without investigating reality.
Fortune Telling: Based on previous 5 distortions, anticipation of negative or positive outcome of situations is established
Catastrophizing: Exaggerated importance of self's failures and others successes.
Emotional reasoning: One feels as though emotional state IS reality of situation
"Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.
Labeling: Instead of understanding errors over generalization is applied.
Personalization: Thinking that the actions or statements of others are a reaction to you.
Entitlement: Believing that you deserve things you have not earned.
You say that like you don't do those things.
You do..........
Plus obfuscation to the max.
Proof? Link?
BTW, distortion used to increase or facilitate understanding is OKAY. When it is used to prevent understanding it is despicable and evil.
Strictly unconstitutional in this case, basically criminal, attacking citizens using facts and law to defend the constitution.
See, you did it again.
Will you please stop now?
coginfils do not like to be accountable, so naturally you object to citizens seeking accountability to your positions.
Now that you are making up meaningless words all by yourself, you've proven how lame everything you've said so far really is.
My position was and still is, that you have failed completely in explaining yourself on any useful level.
Particularly on the subject of article V.
Generalizations are cognitive distortions. You get a prize.(*). Legal process has a known value and usage. I describe that and refer to the law of the land.
And a list-When you can incorporate them all in one post, you are king of the infiltrators.
All or nothing thinking: Things are placed in black or white categories. If things are less than perfect self is viewed as failure.
Over generalization: Single event is viewed as continuous failure.
Mental filter: Details in life (positive or negative) are amplified in importance while opposite is rejected.
Minimizing: Perceiving one or opposite experiences (positive or negative) as absolute and maintaining singularity of belief to one or the other.
Fortune Telling: Based on previous 5 distortions, anticipation of negative or positive outcome of situations is established
Catastrophizing: Exaggerated importance of self's failures and others successes.
Emotional reasoning: One feels as though emotional state IS reality of situation. ie.
"Should" statements: Self imposed rules about behavior creating guilt at self inability to adhere and anger at others in their inability to conform to self's rules.
And here I thought a coginfil was some kind of cognitive distortion.
It was just bullshit all along.
Would would have guessed?
( Most of us )
Yes, coginfil is a cognitive infiltrator. Like cointelpro is counter intelligence program. Who would have guessed?
Self description then. I get it now.
You still made it up.
Recall I'm working to defend the constitution with legal process, meaning the roles are opposite of what you attempt to define.
BTW, for the uninitiated; when they start attempting to compromise you with what they are actually doing, you are dealing with a disrupter, which causes distractions rather than really fouling cognition.
As long as the F.B.I. works within the confines of our Constitution, I have no problem with it but when it starts writing its own little scripts shrouded in secrecy based on corporate- or political-corrupted influence on law enforcement, I have a big problem with that.
The F.B.I. MUST not do selective law enforcement based on covert political or corporate influence or enforce any unconstitutional laws. There are powerful corporate entities which flout our laws and political institutions with impunity so the F.B.I. should dig into them.
There is nothing wrong with getting news from R.T. news even if the Russian government funded it, we just need to use the same information filter and truth constructor that we apply to our "own" government's propaganda.
Distrust of our government is healthy for renewing our country. Patriotic people must question our dogmas and traditions, protest, and push for reforms to improve our country. The "Arab Spring" was the result of having suppressed for decades this somewhat "Talmudic" tradition of questioning and reforming.
The U.S. did not become modern by sticking with dogmas and traditions. We always had a whole bunch of what some in a moment of exasperation might call out as misfits, fools, idiots, ne'er-do-wells, or retards who will question the status quo and take risks as entrepreneurs. Sure enough though, some WILL make breakthroughs and be well rewarded and revered. With our highly developed communication and commercial infrastructure, people can benefit from the breakthroughs quickly. Thus is the benefit of keep on falling into the potholes because a few of them hide pots of gold.