Forum Post: The false left right political paradigm -- nothing but bread and circuses
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 10:46 p.m. EST by reddy2
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Getting tired of these hater Republican posts and hater Libertarian posts.
Republicans and Libertarians are people.
Like you and me.
They are not all evil and likewise Obama is not the messiah.
Labels are nothing but distractions.
See Bread and Circuses.
Please research the false left right political paradigm.
Rise above the two party slanging matches.
The government is a criminal enterprise.
Both sides of the table partake in active looting of the people.
The structure of fascism is the union, merger or fusion of corporate economic power with governmental power.
The structure of fascism is CORPORATISM, or the corporate state.
America is now under fascist rule and it affects EVERYBODY.
**"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power."
- Benito Mussolini.**
OK, the two organized parties, the Ratpublicans and their junior team the Democraplicans, are part of the Bread and Circuses routine run by our CorpoRAT overlords. But on the individual level there are still true Democrats, such as FDR Democrats and others. There are individuals who believe in freedom and the Constitution and those that don't.
While our true enemy is corporatism/fascism and its attendant looting, more Democrats than Republicans will join us. (Its late, am I making sense?)
100% agreement with ya on my thread. Job #1 of both parties is to keep the broken system broken, by spinning every new idea, issue (or movement like OWS) apart by the extremes.
When the constitution was written it was said that we had been given a republic, if we could hold on to it. It's still there, on paper anyhow. Put your effort into finding honest men and women to run for congress. Make changes. It couldn't be harder then tearing down the system and starting over.
Right on.
Well said.
More progressive crap! Good luck!
Left and Right are not parties. They are ideologies.
Ideologies that vote along party lines.
So? The ideologies remain.
So...the ideologies the cover stories for the parties.
Recall that in CIA terminology a "legend" is a lie (i.e., cover story) which lasts long enough for an agent to slip away.
I acknowledge your point though, the Left and Right ideologies are philosophically independent of the Left and Right parties. I believe I effectively demonstrate this on my OWS thread: