Forum Post: extra extra 3 obamas on top
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 22, 2012, 7 p.m. EST by MattLHolck
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 22, 2012, 7 p.m. EST by MattLHolck
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So let me get this straight. Attacking the Republicans is partisan, but attacking Obama isn’t?
Posted 1 day ago on May 24, 2012, 12:27 p.m. EST by factsrfun (4439) This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Have you noticed that only the people who attack Republicans come under attack from the “we shouldn’t be partisan” crowd, but if you attack Obama they give you a big slap on the back. I wonder why that is? Could they be trying to “co-opt” us?
Just an example of what I mean:
“[-]0 points by randy99 (3) 31 minutes ago These pro-regime propaganda trolls are the worst of the bunch: bensdad DKAtoday Factsrfun GypsyKing JIFFYSQUID92 shadz66 shooz VQkag ↥twinkle↧stinklereplypermalink”
Both Obama and Romney suck.
I don't care who sucks more. They both suck. Neither one of them should be president.
Money in politics is why they are the "choices"
control seems to be about who you know
Kevin Mueller - Judge Turpin's "Johanna"
Pipeline to Nowhere: Obama's Plan leaves gap between sources and port 0 comments 32 minutes ago by Jflynn1964 (155) last comment 1 minute ago
Will Obama Fail We the People Again? 48 comments 2 days ago by HitGirl (1763) last comment 1 minute ago
Romney gives specifics of his economic plan 51 comments 17 hours ago by brightonsage (3772) last comment 7 minutes ago Polarizing Romney Presidency not surprising, Global Power Shift, rise of Consumer Class, and Romney Socialism Predicted 10 comments 11 hours ago by Middleaged (1024) last comment 10 minutes ago GOP Ads: Disillusioned '08 Obama Supporters: Sound Familiar? 91 comments 3 days ago by WSmith (408) last comment 10 minutes ago
13 Jul Mitt Romney Mitt Romney @MittRomney
Ann & I were deeply saddened to learn of the death of Alex Okrent. Prayers are with Alex’s loved ones and the entire Obama campaign team. Expand
13 Jul Mitt Romney Mitt Romney @MittRomney
Candidate Obama spoke against using “stale tactics to scare voters.” Today, his plan distracts with dishonest attacks Expand
12 Jul Mitt Romney Mitt Romney @MittRomney
Being president is not about telling stories. Being president is about leading, and President Obama has failed to lead. Expand
Obama never campaigned for Tom Barrett
POLL - Is DKAtoday the leader of the Obama infiltration group?
Posted 5 hours ago on May 29, 2012, 10:58 p.m. EST by DrRayMore (-10) This content is user submitted and not an official statement
While real OWS protesters spend their days fighting against the current government (Obama), DKAtoday and his Obama supporting friends spend their days writing free adverts for the current government (Obama).
Many users feel DKAtoday is the leader of this devious group, here only to co-opt us. What do you think?
Reply with a clear YES, NO, or UNDECIDED, and I will update the OP with the vote results as they come in.
Votes = 4 | DKAtoday is the leader = 3 | DKAtoday is not the leader = 1
Donald Trump Just Committed Treason On CNN
Posted 11 hours ago on May 29, 2012, 5:07 p.m. EST by Kevinkyle (21) This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Trump within the hour has just stepped over the line with unsubstantiated accusations about the President of the United States. He should be arrested for Treason for his lies and held without bail until he can prove them in a court of law. Not just his gut feelings, his comments put the President in danger in a campaign climate where radicals are potentially willing to act upon anything. He is also creating a situation undermining the most powerful individual we have at this time working with complicated world situations.
Media Blackout As Obama Appoints First Ever Assassination Czar
Posted 23 hours ago on May 24, 2012, 2:05 p.m. EST by NewStart2012 (86) This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Media Blackout As Obama Appoints First Ever Assassination Czar
Posted by Alexander Higgins - May 23, 2012 at 12:53 am
“Corporate news blackout as Obama designates John Brennan as the sole person in charge of designating people to be assassinated. John Brennan, Obama’s chief counterterrorism advisor was a name that you did not see on the Mainstream media today as they continue to run stories that serve to distract the masses from stories that matter.
Most recently he publicly spoke about the drone program calling it moral and ethical and just…” 13 Comments
Something personal about me, and Obama is a SOB.
Posted 6 hours ago on May 25, 2012, 7:19 a.m. EST by factsrfun (4431) This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don’t like to get personal on here, I don’t think antidotal is the best method for developing policy. I would like to clear something up, Barrack Obama is a SOB, no doubt the man lacks moral fiber. I could go into details as to how I come to that conclusion but it is based on simple things and many of you know far more complex and well reasoned paths to the same end than I could provide, I will leave those to you. What I do want to say is a little personal story, (I’m sure this is the right thing to do given the recent attacks), for over a decade my best friend was a sociopath, not the wink oh he’s a “sociopath” I mean a murder two people and bullet through the head after twelve hour standoff kind of sociopath. So I know a bit about what I’m saying, Romney is a sociopath, you say so what so was Bush, well yes he was, and look what happened. I am telling you a man that can hold another man down and shave his head then forget about it, is a sociopath.
"MonetizingDiscontent" ?! Yep ... I miss that cat !! But Matt - mate, I really think that you might be in need of a bit of a long lay down in a darkened room, with the AC on !!! Or is it just me ?
verum ex adsurdo ...
it's best to study light without outside light interfering
Really ?! You think so ?!! Be sure that the 'light you study' is NOT 'The Seducing Dark Light' of Der Schwarzsonne or you'll end up opening doors that you can't close !!! "Beware The Dark Side, Luke" ...
et fiat lux ..
pax .
or may ..der Schaddenfreude? Beware the Shadow of Shad!
Ja Ja Schadenfreude
Errrrrrm .. NO !!! I wouldn't be happy at your unhappiness nor take glee in your misfortune !! You've got the wrong dude, dude !
e tenebris, lux ...
Okee Dokee , then.
I say
let's focus on the man
if we can't have a leader can we at least have a villain ?
Obamacare forces Catholic Health Care service to provide contraception
197 comments 4 days ago by tomahawk99 (45) last comment 5 minutes ago
Obozo and Catholic Contraception Ruling
0 comments 6 minutes ago by Newt2012 (-111) last comment 6 minutes ago