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Forum Post: Exactly What is so hard to understand?

Posted 12 years ago on June 8, 2012, 12:42 p.m. EST by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Sent this day 6/08/2012 An Open Letter Addressed to The President of the United States of America and to all of the currently seated members of Government. Please Handle and deliver/share as you would a letter delivered by the USPS.

Mr. President and all currently seated members of Government,

Query: What is so difficult to understand in the concept of health and prosperity for all?

Query: What is so hard to understand about fossil fuel pollutes our environment - The Whole World?

Query: What is so hard to understand that outsourcing work to foreign countries hurts those countries environments at the same time it hurts our economy?

Query: What is so hard to understand about our shrinking work force adding to the depletion of our economy?

Query: What is so hard to understand that not paying a living wage to all workers puts a drain on our social support programs to make up the difference?

Query: What is so hard to understand about the fact that we need to get off of fossil fuel? Pollution and Global warming.

Query: What is so hard to understand about the fact that our fossil fuel companies are in a prime position to make a profitable change over to green technology power and fuel production?

Query: What is so hard to understand about ending fossil fuel dependence also ends Global fossil fuel strife?

Query: What is so hard to understand about partisan politics being bad for all?

Query: Why can't you all follow Bernie Sanders lead and drop partisan politics and adopt addressing issues in a manner that is responsible accountable and are healthy and prosperous for ALL.

Query: What is so hard to understand that creating a universal Health care system would be beneficial for all? The people in the existing field as it stands would be put to work in the transformed system. Universal Health care will still need people to run and maintain it.

Query: Do you think it is a good idea to let things continue on down the toilet?

Query: Do you think that having a growing number of unemployed people and homeless people is a good thing? Are you not afraid that having all of these people out of work or getting more concerned by the day about keeping their jobs and homes is good for the country? Don't you think that by this trend continuing that the people will start believing the truth that you do not work for us anymore? What happens then? What happens when the people understand that they have been tossed under the bus and their involvement in our Governmental process does not mean a damned thing?

Failure of government and it's manipulation by corporations is becoming quite obvious and your lip service is starting to be seen and rejected for what it is.

People are also starting to add two and two properly and are seeing a threat to freedom in your Home Land security programs.

Why can you not all do the right thing? The easy thing? Get to work on programs and reforms that are healthy and prosperous for all? Yes even for the wealthy and corporations though they seem to be unable to see their own benefit in all of this - it is there - benefit for all.

Be a world leader - be a proper world leader - show how it is done to go forward promoting peace health and prosperity for ALL. Start here at home and export it to the World.



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

DKA, this is all very good, but for me the real question is: Why don't the American people demand this stuff? Why do they let the gov't get away with such bad behavior?

[-] 4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

It is a combination of things part of it I stated below.

Here it is again:

They are caught.

Caught by misinformation being pumped out by MSM.

Caught by not having the attention to spare after a long day at work.

Caught by hoping and praying for security for themselves and their family.

There comes a point when you can not ignore what is happening.

It is for those of us who are aware already to share and spread the awareness.

But this also goes to the growing world wide protests.

People are beginning to wake up as the word gets to them basically through word of mouth / word of internet passing of information.

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 12 years ago

I hope so, but I fear the roots of apathy are much deeper. But, you are right to keep shining a light on all of this.

[-] 4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

It would be great to have a letter writing campaign of thousands to let them know I am not the only cranky citizen who knows what is going on and is calling them on it.

My letters are posted here but are also shared out to the broader social media as well. If more and more people did this it would help spread awareness at the same time as placing more pressure on government.

We are making progress.






[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

GoodNight EverBody.

Dream of a better tomorrow.

[-] 1 points by JS93 (-321) 12 years ago

Class War is why.

You are not considering the 900 LB gorilla sitting on our collective beds!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

This open letter is a dressing down of our government.

It is an open letter to the people of this country and to the people of the world.

It is an invitation to do the same - everyone who reads one of these open letters should consider writing one of their own and sending it out the same way.

Stand-up Speak-up - Speak-up for your rights.

It is our government - it is our world - it is our lives.

Dress down your government.

[-] 1 points by JS93 (-321) 12 years ago

You want to "dress down" our guvmint?


Big Biz & $ brings a guaranteed Billion% turnout! We The People are lucky if we squeeze out a shaky 40%. The problem is US!!!

Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!

If you don't Vote, You don't count!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

When we have no access to mainstream media - you get out the vote by connecting to others anyway you can - and that means protests demonstrations social media - any and all forms of communication and education that is available.

You need to provide direction as well as advocate for participation. Participation with out goals is kind of futile - don't you think?

[-] 1 points by JS93 (-321) 12 years ago

K.I.S.S. (ever hear of it?)!

Just Vote!

We are wrangling cats here.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

What do you expect the president to do?

We live in a capitalist system. He has almost no control over any of the problems you listed.

The problem isn't the president. The problem is capitalism.

[-] 1 points by bemindful (23) 12 years ago

Yes, Europe is doing so well. Let's emulate them.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Europe has the same problems the US has! The answer is not to emulate them.

[-] 2 points by bemindful (23) 12 years ago

I was being sarcastic! Yet Obama is hell bent on following down Europe's footsteps. One must as themselves why that is, when clearly the European model doesn't work. Everyone is asking "why did Obama focus on healthcare when jobs, the deficit and the economy is such a mess. The answer should be obvious. Control people's healthcare, you control their lives, and whose quality of life will be the most damaged by all of this- the spending, the economy, jobs, Obamacare, - the the Millennial Generation and younger. If you think the supreme court's decision today is a good thing- just look at Europe's crisis, look to their employment numbers. The USA is is screwed.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

So long as you have capitalism, and its system of allocating income based on bargaining power, you will have economic problems. What hasn't been mentioned in the press at all is that the poor and the people on the verge of poverty, which makes up to 50% of the population, has been living in a Great Depression forever.

The solution is to guarantee everyone a job as a right and to pay everyone their fair share of the income produced. The only fair way to allocate income is to pay people based on how hard they work. You do that by limiting differences in income to only what is necessary to get people to do difficult jobs and give their maximum effort.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Wrong the problem is corporations manipulating a corrupt government and an apathetic populace that is only slowly awakening to the fact that they had better get involved.

The letters are open mail to the president and all of the currently seated government. They have also been shared out on the social network.

I really don't expect government to do anything positive in response to my letters. I send them to call them out and to let others perhaps consider writing their own letters and to consider the deeper meaning of a non-responsive government.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

If the president has the power to fix everything and capitalism can work so long as we have a responsive government, then tell me SPECIFICALLY what EXACTLY the president can do to solve those problems you listed.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Government - Government and the people. Regulation enforcement would be a good starting point, charging and prosecuting the white collar criminals would be another .................but you already know this.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

You did not tell me specifically what the president can do to solve any of those problems.

What specific regulation is he going to enforce that will give everyone a job, pay everyone enough to be prosperous and switch our energy to all green?

You and I both know no regulation exists that will do any of that. That is not how capitalism works. There is not a single capitalist country that ever existed that had full employment and no poverty.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Government - Government and the people. Support the EPA, and the environmental regulations.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago


"Government - Government and the people"

There is no regulation called "Government - Government and the people" that gives the president the power to give everyone a job that pays them a high enough income to be wealthy.


"Support the EPA"

The president does not need to support the EPA. The EPA operates according to the law. And there is no law that gives the EPA the power to switch our country's energy to green energy.


"the environmental regulations"

There is no environmental regulation that requires all energy companies to switch to producing green energy. Name that regulation.


After several posts, you have been unable to show me the specific things the president can do to fix the problems you listed. That is because he does not have that power.

We have a capitalist system. The president does not have the legal authority in a capitalist system to tell companies how much to pay all their employees or to tell companies they must hire all the unemployed or to tell energy companies they must now produce only green energy.

Your understanding of how our country works is completely wrong.

The changes you want can only happen in a truly democratic society where all the companies are democratically owned and not privately owned.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Here is a starter for you.

Knock yourself out.

Plenty more posts by others also detailing things that need doing by government and the people working together.


[-] 2 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I'm not sure how you are not getting this.

I looked at your link. Explain to me how campaign finance reform or preventing politicians from owning stocks or giving the president a line item veto is going to give the president or government in general the power to give everyone who is unemployed a job and the power to redistribute income so that everyone who works is wealthy and the power to force all the privately owned energy companies to start producing green energy.

Have you thought any of this through?

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

To rework free trade policy/agreements for one would make outsourcing companies lose their advantage over domestic production.

OSTA would stop bad legislation back riding on good/necessary legislation.

These and many other things are more than obvious.

I can not help it if you are not able to see the connections.

Perhaps you should spend more time reading and thinking rather than making comments.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I cannot see those connections because those connections do not exist.

If those connections existed, you would have written what they are in one of these comments.

You don't know what these things you randomly mention and link to are. There is no "free trade policy/agreement" or "OTSA" or "many other things" that gives the president the power to give everyone who is unemployed a job and the power to redistribute income so that everyone who works is wealthy and the power to force all the privately owned energy companies to start producing green energy.

That is not how capitalism works. The president doesn't have the power to force private companies to hire people or to force them to pay their workers a certain income or force Exxon to stop producing oil and start producing solar concentrators.

Your understanding of the powers of the president is way off.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

As I said Government and the people not the president - not by himself.

Go lie down. Your inability to see is very suspect. You can not possibly be living this far in actual denial.

[-] 1 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I think you might be missing the whole point of my comment.

If the government passes a law that requires business to hire everyone who is unemployed and they pass a law that dictates what businesses must pay their workers and they pass a law that forces Exxon to stop producing oil and instead start producing solar panels, we no longer have capitalism.

I believe the government can do that. I believe they should do that. But that would take a revolution and the abolition of capitalism.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

At this point in time I believe a minimum living wage would be around no less than 30,000.00/yr.

As to rising unemployment due to the increased wage?

Have you looked around lately?

Very few are hiring and those that are (?) mostly service jobs like McDonalds Arby's etc etc etc

Meaningful employment has been leaving the USA for a long time now to take advantage of no environmental restrictions no safety standards slave wage workers. Then the ability to bring those penny on the dollar to produce products back into America at killer profit pricing.

This practice will not change until America wakes up and stops making this sort of business practice profitable.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (2336) 0 minutes ago

How much is a living wage? Let's say $50k to $80k depending on where you live.

Do you have any evidence, study, historical example, claim by an economist that says we can raise the minimum wage to anything close to that level? Because they will all tell you that unemployment will skyrocket. Companies will just not hire people who they think are worth less than that.

The other problem is that it will make investment significantly less profitable. Half of all wage earners currently make less than $26k. You will as much as triple labor costs which will put an end to their profits. With no profits, nobody will invest. It will tank the economy.

Lastly, how are you going to force businesses to hire all these unemployed people?

Do you have a link to any credible source that makes the case for how this is feasible?


"Your stating that it was wrong for government to get involved in business practices."

That is not what I said at all!!

We already live in a highly regulated system. Government clearly regulates businesses. AND I BELIEVE COMPANIES SHOULD BE REGULATED!

What I said is government cannot enact the kinds of policies that will solve the problems you want it to. Government does not have the ability to force companies to hire everyone and raise minimum wage to the level you want. That would eliminate most profits which would stop people from investing which would tank the economy.

You can only solve the problems you mentioned in a socialist system because socialism does not rely on private investment.

My claims are pretty sound. Economists and social thinkers have been working through these problems for over a century. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

You certainly can't live "prosperously" on $30k in New York. You can't even raise a family on that.

And you still haven't explained how government is going to force businesses to hire the unemployed and force them to still invest after you have at least tripled their labor costs.

And what's to stop businesses from just passing those increased costs on to customers by raising prices? If you double everyone's income but you double the cost of living, you are right back at square 1.

Some have advocated redistributing income through a tax to achieve what you want to do (demandTheGoodLife.com goes through the numbers of doing that). But most economists claim that would tank the economy because the large tax would stop people from investing since it is no longer profitable. And I agree.

You are oversimplifying the problem by just saying pass a law to end unemployment and make everyone prosperous.

If you take the time to study the problem and feasible solutions, you will come to the same conclusion everyone else has come to who has studied this problem for the past century: you can only solve these problems through socialism.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Minimum "living" wage instead of minimum wage.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (2336) 11 minutes ago

Fracking has nothing to do with employment and worker income.

Tell me what specific law you want government to enact that would employ everyone with a wage high enough to make them prosperous. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

OH and BTW the fracking comment was directed at an uncontrolled business being capitalistic. Your stating that it was wrong for government to get involved in business practices. If you can not make a correlation that is your inability to make proper connections.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (7631) from Coon Rapids, MN 44 minutes ago

As I said - you have a bad attitude.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (2335) 0 minutes ago

Government telling companies what to produce and how much they should pay their workers is not capitalism! lol

When you tell private business owners you can no longer get paid what you do as owners because you have to give more of your income to the people you employ so they are all wealthy, investment comes to an end. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

Is it OK for frackers to boot people out of their homes so that they can destroy the land they are living on? All for Profits? Not any sort of urgent need. Just for profits.

Capitalism can get on just fine with proper rules and regulation. It just won't be allowed to run rampant.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

How much is a living wage? Let's say $50k to $80k depending on where you live.

Do you have any evidence, study, historical example, claim by an economist that says we can raise the minimum wage to anything close to that level? Because they will all tell you that unemployment will skyrocket. Companies will just not hire people who they think are worth less than that.

The other problem is that it will make investment significantly less profitable. Half of all wage earners currently make less than $26k. You will as much as triple labor costs which will put an end to their profits. With no profits, nobody will invest. It will tank the economy.

Lastly, how are you going to force businesses to hire all these unemployed people?

Do you have a link to any credible source that makes the case for how this is feasible?


"Your stating that it was wrong for government to get involved in business practices."

That is not what I said at all!!

We already live in a highly regulated system. Government clearly regulates businesses. AND I BELIEVE COMPANIES SHOULD BE REGULATED!

What I said is government cannot enact the kinds of policies that will solve the problems you want it to. Government does not have the ability to force companies to hire everyone and raise minimum wage to the level you want. That would eliminate most profits which would stop people from investing which would tank the economy.

You can only solve the problems you mentioned in a socialist system because socialism does not rely on private investment.

My claims are pretty sound. Economists and social thinkers have been working through these problems for over a century.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

As I said - you have a bad attitude.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (2335) 0 minutes ago

Government telling companies what to produce and how much they should pay their workers is not capitalism! lol

When you tell private business owners you can no longer get paid what you do as owners because you have to give more of your income to the people you employ so they are all wealthy, investment comes to an end. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

Is it OK for frackers to boot people out of their homes so that they can destroy the land they are living on? All for Profits? Not any sort of urgent need. Just for profits.

Capitalism can get on just fine with proper rules and regulation. It just won't be allowed to run rampant.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Fracking has nothing to do with employment and worker income.

Tell me what specific law you want government to enact that would employ everyone with a wage high enough to make them prosperous.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Again you have a poor perspective on things.

[-] 0 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Government telling companies what to produce and how much they should pay their workers is not capitalism! lol

When you tell private business owners you can no longer get paid what you do as owners because you have to give more of your income to the people you employ so they are all wealthy, investment comes to an end.

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

The government certainly has the power to restrict businesses and corporations by using laws. It's already doing it now. Many products are illegal, many practices are illegal, etc... If the government wanted, it could pass a law tomorrow which would outlaw the production of gas only powered cars. It already does things like force companies to pay minimum wage.

If we could stop corruption and regain control of the government, we could pass many laws to make America a better place.

The first thing I would do is make Jerry Springer illegal. Anyone showing one of his shows or even mentioning his name would be confined to isolation. This would enter in the American National Image Preservation and Improvement policy act (ANIPI).

[-] 2 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I believe in freedom. People should be able to watch whatever they want. So I wouldn't support your ANIPI. But I do think the govt should do as much as it could to build an environment that gets people to act rationally, productively, healthy and peacefully. For example, banning smoking in public places but not banning smoking.

I agree the gov can pass laws that can radically change society. But the point I was making is that passing a law that changes the economic system would be revolutionary and not just a capitalist regulation. It would require a revolution to get that kind of law passed.

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

There is not a single capitalist country that ever existed that had full employment and no poverty.

This is true of all countries no matter what their economic system. Nothing much to do with capitalism.

[-] 2 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

That's because all developed countries are capitalist! But there is more than enough income to make everyone wealthy. We produce $15.4 trillion in goods and services every year. That is just under $50,000 per year for every man, woman and child. That is $200,000 per year for a family of 4. That is $65 per hour for each hour every worker works. That is $135,000 per year for every full-time worker.

The reason why half the country is poor or close to it is BECAUSE OF THE WAY CAPITALISM ALLOCATES INCOME!!!

The soviet union, since it was socialist, did have full employment. And although they were a developing country and didn't yet reach the wealth of the west, they were able to reach a point where nobody was poor - everyone had access to a home, food, education, medicine, the basics.

[-] -2 points by Harrigan (2) 12 years ago

BUSTED! DKAtoday claimed he was too broke to drive 500 miles to Chicago for the NATO protests, but admits here he has plenty of cash for 32-inch monitors and Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Beds. If there is an award for wannabes/posers, you lying little Prick, you have won it hands down!


BUSTED AGAIN! You claim you bought a PC in 2002 that CAME with a 32-inch monitor? Scan and post the invoice, LIAR. 32-inch LCD monitors weren't mass-marketed before 2005.


BUSTED YET AGAIN! In one post you claimed the 32-inch monitor came with the PC you bought in 2002. You now say you did not take the monitor that came with that PC. So were you lying THEN or are you lying NOW? There is no third alternative.


Reply to treasure:


Fibromyalgia is not a "horrible disease". Many call it a Goldbricker's Disease. If DKAtoday even has it - which I doubt - his fastest cure would be to turn off his expensive 32-inch monitor and roll out of his expensive Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Bed and get some serious exercise by - oh, I don't know - PROTESTING!

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

DKAtoday is right that capitalism is not the problem, and that the representative republic isn't either. What needs to be done is to have the correct laws in place to stop corruption. We also need watchdogs in the form of independent comity that watches over the government. The first step would be for a group of highly qualified lawyers to analyze the laws and figure out where all the loopholes are. Then they must give recommendations, be checked by others, and then those law modifications must be passed.

[-] 2 points by DemandTheGoodLifeDotCom (3360) from New York, NY 12 years ago

So it is perfectly fine to have a small group of people to take most of the income by virtue of their bargaining power and leave the rest of society broke so long as there is no corruption? I completely disagree.

Allocating income based on bargaining power is unfair. The only fair way to allocate income is based on how hard you work. And if we did that, everyone would be wealthy. We wouldn't have half the country in or close to poverty.

[-] -2 points by Harrigan (2) 12 years ago

BUSTED! DKAtoday claimed he was too broke to drive 500 miles to Chicago for the NATO protests, but admits here he has plenty of cash for 32-inch monitors and Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Beds. If there is an award for wannabes/posers, you lying little Prick, you have won it hands down!


BUSTED AGAIN! You claim you bought a PC in 2002 that CAME with a 32-inch monitor? Scan and post the invoice, LIAR. 32-inch LCD monitors weren't mass-marketed before 2005.


BUSTED YET AGAIN! In one post you claimed the 32-inch monitor came with the PC you bought in 2002. You now say you did not take the monitor that came with that PC. So were you lying THEN or are you lying NOW? There is no third alternative.


Reply to treasure:


Fibromyalgia is not a "horrible disease". Many call it a Goldbricker's Disease. If DKAtoday even has it - which I doubt - his fastest cure would be to turn off his expensive 32-inch monitor and roll out of his expensive Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Bed and get some serious exercise by - oh, I don't know - PROTESTING!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You have not the faintest idea of what the fuck you are talking about.

[-] -1 points by Harrigan (2) 12 years ago

You are as fake as the pink hair on a thirty dollar hooker, DKAtoday...

BUSTED! DKAtoday claimed he was too broke to drive 500 miles to Chicago for the NATO protests, but admits here he has plenty of cash for 32-inch monitors and Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Beds. If there is an award for wannabes/posers, you lying little Prick, you have won it hands down!


BUSTED AGAIN! You claim you bought a PC in 2002 that CAME with a 32-inch monitor? Scan and post the invoice, LIAR. 32-inch LCD monitors weren't mass-marketed before 2005.


BUSTED YET AGAIN! In one post you claimed the 32-inch monitor came with the PC you bought in 2002. You now say you did not take the monitor that came with that PC. So were you lying THEN or are you lying NOW? There is no third alternative.


Reply to treasure:


Fibromyalgia is not a "horrible disease". Many call it a Goldbricker's Disease. If DKAtoday even has it - which I doubt - his fastest cure would be to turn off his expensive 32-inch monitor and roll out of his expensive Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Bed and get some serious exercise by - oh, I don't know - PROTESTING!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Fuck-off shit head.

[-] -2 points by salta (-1104) 12 years ago

the lying liar speaks, or rather drools a response.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Wrongway Harrigan? yeah he sounds like that due to the shit in his mouth.

[-] -1 points by Harrigan (2) 12 years ago

BUSTED! DKAtoday claimed he was too broke to drive 500 miles to Chicago for the NATO protests, but admits here he has plenty of cash for 32-inch monitors and Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Beds. If there is an award for wannabes/posers, you lying little Prick, you have won it hands down!


BUSTED AGAIN! You claim you bought a PC in 2002 that CAME with a 32-inch monitor? Scan and post the invoice, LIAR. 32-inch LCD monitors weren't mass-marketed before 2005.


BUSTED YET AGAIN! In one post you claimed the 32-inch monitor came with the PC you bought in 2002. You now say you did not take the monitor that came with that PC. So were you lying THEN or are you lying NOW? There is no third alternative.


Reply to treasure:


Fibromyalgia is not a "horrible disease". Many call it a Goldbricker's Disease. If DKAtoday even has it - which I doubt - his fastest cure would be to turn off his expensive 32-inch monitor and roll out of his expensive Tempur-Pedic Adjustable Bed and get some serious exercise by - oh, I don't know - PROTESTING!

[-] -2 points by salta (-1104) 12 years ago

harrigan is right about you, you're a programmed left wing shrill shill. you and the truth have nothing in common.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

building bombs 'til bunkers boil

getting paid for shell filled toil

if I am to work tomorrow

lobe the load on foreign soil

yep US only pays 41% of the total world military budget

World Military budget in Billions (percent total) by Nation

  • 1,630 World Total
  • 711 United States 41%
  • 143 China 8.2%
  • 71.9 Russia 4.1%
  • 62.7 United Kingdom 3.6 %
  • 62.5 France 3.6%
  • 54.5 Japan 3.3&
  • 48.2 Saudi Arabia 2.8%
  • 46.8 India 2.5%
  • 46.7 Germany 2.8%
  • 37.0 Italy 2.3%


Global Arms Sales By Supplier Nations

39% United States

18% Russia

8% France

7% United Kingdom

5% Germany

3% China

3% Italy

11% Other European

5% Others


TOP 10 Arms Produces

Notes: An S denotes a subsidiary company. A dash (–) indicates that the company did not rank among the SIPRI Top 100 for 2009

  • Lockheed Martin USA 35,730 33,430 78
  • BAE Systems UK 32,880 32,540 95
  • Boeing USA 31,360 32,300 49
  • Northrop Grumman USA 28,150 27,000 81
  • General Dynamics USA 23,940 23,380 74
  • Raytheon USA 22,980 23,080 91
  • BAE Systems Inc. (BAE Systems, UK) USA 17,900 19,280 100
  • EADS Trans-European 16,360 15,930 27
  • Finmeccanica Italy 14,410 13,280 58 +L-3 Communications USA 13,070 13,010 83
  • United Technologies USA


[-] -1 points by Harrigan (2) 12 years ago

and the relevance of this amalgam of old news to this thread is what?

[-] 1 points by luparb (290) 12 years ago

great post.

I often wonder:

Are people simply ignoring and denying the reality around them?

or do they lack the capacity to comprehend it.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

They are caught.

Caught by misinformation being pumped out by MSM.

Caught by not having the attention to spare after a long day at work.

Caught by hoping and praying for security for themselves and their family.

There comes a point when you can not ignore what is happening.

It is for those of us who are aware already to share and spread the awareness.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

All great questions!

It'd be nice to have a presidential option that can answer these questions and DO something about it. 2012 sucks. I have this horrible feeling that my repub incumbent congressman is going to win his seat back even though he helped create the financial crisis due to his voting history on deregulation.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Well consider the nature of the beast - Humanity.

Things may well have to get worse before they start getting better.

But the more we can spread information and critical thinking the faster Humanity will respond. With ongoing outreach and education the more likely we will have a good direction to go instead of a lot of disorganized chaos.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I've learned even if you give people knowledge, you can't stop them from not giving a fuck.

A lot of people also feel like they can't do anything about it, and then proceed to not give a fuck.

it's sad really

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Apathy can be fought. People need something to believe in.

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 12 years ago

Again, Good Work DKA.

Logical behavior could still save the world.

Best Regards

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Thanks Nevada1 - still ever vigilant I see. {:-])

Thanks for stopping by.

[-] 0 points by commonsense11 (195) 12 years ago

Your living wage concept is total crap! The rest I agree with. We also have a responsibility to make good choices and to ban together for our voices to be heard. Don't like outsourcing? Stop buying the goods that were produced by outsourcing. If it's a service stop supporting the Companies doing it. Take away their profit and make sure they know why! There are many problems that can be addressed by us but we have to band together for our voice to be heard.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

It would really nice if we could just simply get people inspired enough to vote. We could have taken back our country eons ago if we had 100% awareness of issues and participation of all citizens doing their civic duty. We would have broken through the barrier of ignorance and we would all be discussing real issues and real solutions.

In the REAL World, the one we would rather ignore (for good reason), is the one where we're lucky just to get right about half of the eligble voters out to actually vote. They have their reasons which are as numerous as the stars in the galaxy but back to firm Earth, this is the case, and this is the world we inhabit.

You propose a couple of boycotts commonsense11, but boycotts largely don't work and it's very difficult to get enough unity to be effective. It's uphill the whole way. Boycotting always sounds good and reasonable but upon closer inspection and especially when tried with much enthusiasm falls way flat. Non-starter. Utopian.

Get voters out to vote. Encourage them, tell them it matters. When you can do that effectively you will find yourself some power. In the short, gain Political Power. Or, support a candidate that agrees the most with your political views. Be pragmatic with your enthusiasm to be as effective as possible.

The Puzzler

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

" this is the world we inhibit. " yes and inhabit.

Inhibit slip of the tongue? No matter it fits all to well.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Got it. Thanks! I like the sentences to flow and those are "hiccups" that cause little ripples in the natural smooth flow.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Nothing is perfect - that is why fractals can make for a sharp image - it uses rough and ragged as the driving factor.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

SO true, Perfection, it's one of our loftier goals that is infinitely unattainable. How sweet it is. Try as we may there is always a better way.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Still I feel it is good to continue trying - sucks not to have a goal in life.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

1st get yourself a list of companies goods and services that are currently being outsourced ( over seas - foreign country ) as they are just as toxic to our economy as completely foreign made product that is imported into the country and allowed to undercut domestically made goods and services.

More business is leaving the USA on a regular basis to take advantage of slave labor and the lack of environmental restrictions.

I do not understand your problem with supporting a minimum living wage. A minimum living wage means that government support programs ( state or federal ) are not making up the difference in food aid, medical aid, housing aid, transportation aid, energy aid, educational aid etc. etc. etc.


[-] -1 points by camams (7) 12 years ago

Query: What is so hard to understand about the fact that we need to get off of fossil fuel? Pollution and Global warming.//////////////////////////////////////////Pollution yes / Global warming no. It has been debunked over and over again. /////////////////////////////You should have mentioned about the "public and Federal unions that are bankrupting the Country.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You are free to write your own letter. I try to encourage everyone to do so.

[-] -1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

All of the above will not be addressed because he is not the result of the people choosing a good leader.

He was pre-selected, and placed before us in another lesser of two evils election.

Shocking that we eneded up with more evil.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Just what exactly do you think people are doing here?

We are addressing facts, issues.

One fact is that we do not have a government of the people but of the corporations.

So that is an issue that needs correcting if we are to go forward.

This includes educating the public to the facts.

We have begun.

[-] -3 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

This is OWS. A non-political protest. We don't deal with corrupted politicians, we build a better world ourselves. And, by golly, if you're going to waste your time writing to politicians, at least write to your mayor instead of the President so that at you might get read.

We spend days raging on about how the 1% are corrupted and stealing our money. Do you really think a letter is going to do a difference, and, if you do, it means you don't think the politicians are that corrupted after all.

I know you're sick and that sucks, but I'd like to see you do something productive instead of wasting your time. Maybe you can write articles about OWS, on how we can ameliorate OWS, or what we should do next, or just compile stories of protesters. Anything that could be productive.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago


Whats the matter can't afford your viagra to treat your dysfunction? Funny you would use a personal problem as a user name.

WTF should you care how I speak out?

Afraid people might listen and see some sort of sense in what I am advocating?

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

Nah, I'm not afraid. I just think it's sad because you're wasting your time. You could be doing so many productive things for OWS instead.

I see you have your own bots now for voting things the way you want. A little too late. Voting is pretty useless nowadays.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

bots? That is funny coming from you. trashy - you can not get past the fact that "you" are your own worst enemy - and that others may actually have people who agree with some of what they say/share.

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

It shouldn't be about reaching out for high fives, it should be about searching for the truth. You'll always find someone to agree with you, hell, some people agree with David Icke's idea of lizard/men.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I offer what I offer for the sake of content not for the sake of popularity. What you fail to grasp is that the shit you spew is often times just that shit. So it's not popularity at all. It is sense or non-sense.

[-] -3 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

I'm not concerned by the popularity I gain or lose by what I write. I am not here for high fives. I only care about the truth, and that is not measured by how many people like or dislike my comments.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You have a lack of cognitive ability.

If you offered something of substance of actual truth instead of your personal bias ( huge difference ) you would see more agreement from thinking people.

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

Again, I'm not here for high fives. I know it's hard for you to understand because that's primarily why you're here, but I just care about the truth.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Take it slowly. Get someone you trust to explain it to you. Do you have anyone like that?

You have a lack of cognitive ability.

If you offered something of substance of actual truth instead of your personal bias ( huge difference ) you would see more agreement from thinking people.

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

Not looking for agreement or high fives. argumentum ad populum. You can bask in the glory of the high fives you get here, the accolades, the twinkles, if that makes you feel hard and joyful then I say all the better to you. We must enjoy life. I'm on the path to truth, and on that path there's no time for high five hunts.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Well apparently you got bogged down at the start of your search for truth. An open mind is required. You have not demonstrated that you have one.

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

My mind is more open than the legs of a Mexican hooker trying to "charm" her way across the border.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You have a terrible memory:

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-53) 2 hours ago

Nah, I'm not afraid. I just think it's sad because you're wasting your time. You could be doing so many productive things for OWS instead.

I see you have your own bots now for voting things the way you want. A little too late. Voting is pretty useless nowadays. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

[-] 0 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-53) 11 minutes ago

Read the thread again. You brought it up again and again. Nah, you can keep your self help books. If someone ever gives you a stinkle, you'll need your copy of I'm OK Your OK. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

OMFG thrashy.

That's the sickest thing you've said yet!!

You're about as closed minded as they come...liar!

[-] -1 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

Hey, my most fervent replier. How's your afternoon?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

So now you are gonna pout? And do what you always do and start voting down people who have successfully contradicted you while voting up your own BS - you are seriously deranged.

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

Where did I pout? I don't bother with down voting or up voting. It's a waste of time and utterly useless now that comments can't be collapsed.

BTW - You sure liked that joke. You replied 3 times!

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You brought up popularity - Dick Head.

At least try reading a self-help book - Try - I'm OK Your OK.

Fairly low-brow you may even be able to understand some of the concepts.

[-] -2 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

Read the thread again. You brought it up again and again. Nah, you can keep your self help books. If someone ever gives you a stinkle, you'll need your copy of I'm OK Your OK.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You are stuck on a non-issue of popularity. Is it a deep seated jealousy of people who are listened to without being constantly told that they are a wacko?

Perhaps you need a good long bout of introspection - that is if you can be honest with yourself. Find yourself a guide.

[-] -1 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

You are the one who brought up the issue of popularity, who kept saying I wasn't popular, and who gets boners for twinkles. I was merely replying to you. I don't care about popularity at all.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

No one said loose or non-discerning.

Open and cognizant - thinking - measuring - weighing - testing.

See your concept is polluted - no wonder you are having no success.

[-] -1 points by bigbadbluebananaboy (-124) 12 years ago

no wonder you are having no success.

Once again, I am not here for high fives. Unlike you, I do not measure my success by the number of twinkles I get.

[+] -8 points by shadzworth (-394) 12 years ago

The better "Query"is:

Why is it so hard to understand you have lost your fucking mind?

Obama is a traitorous piece of shit,the Dems are power hungry assholes and the RINO's are no better.

You have an agenda that is somewhere between Utopia and insanity.
And what makes you so ridicules is how self convinced you are that your ideology and ideas are right,because nobody else agrees with your insanity you wrap yourself in the flag and double down on ignorant arrogance.

You sent this to a Govt. that doesn't give a shit about you or what childish fantasies you are preaching. You are truly a pathetic and useful idiot to all the Utopian,Commies and Leftist radicals that drink at the same trough of propaganda and Leftist Koolaid.

[-] 4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Eat Shit and Bark at the Moon - corporate shill.

I sent this open letter to the government out on the social networks also.

So I can talk to government and let them know that we know what is up.

At the same time I share these observations with others and they can take them under consideration or not.

They can also judge the validation of your attack as well.

Thank you for playing - please come again.

[+] -5 points by shadzworth (-394) 12 years ago

You wouldn't know "what is up" period. You do not know anything that is remotely connected to reality beyond your four walls.
