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Forum Post: End of US Superpower, Dominant Corruption, Humans Want Money, the Basis of Corruption

Posted 11 years ago on March 30, 2013, 4:13 a.m. EST by Middleaged (5140)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In 1945 the USA Realized it would Share Superpower Status with Russia as the British Empire was beaten, broke, and had little military strength left. The US Claim to Super Power Status is based on:

1) Financial & Banking Strength, the ability to draw money to US Investments, to the US Economy, and exploit a cheap & skilled Labor force.

2) Economic Strength through Resources, stable & consistent flow of money to consumers, the availability of Credit, relatively low debt of government & consumers, education system, skilled craftsmen & labor, a vibrant feeling of optimism of workers & consumers. But the Economy was building from ground zero in 1937 depression level housing and labor rates.

3) Military Strength, Martial Skills of armed forces like the CIA, Special Forces, Military hardware, and Military Technology that provided the Nuclear Bomb.

All US Politicians must have realized these key facts as the basis for a National Strategy.

A) Germany Technology for Weapons and other German military, Science, and Government ideas and talent were secured and brought into US Review.

B) CIA was formed to deal with future threats of Communism, Socialism, Fascism, and elements that lead to the conditions leading up to World War II. In fact, some secret agreements were made that lead up to the formation of NATO and secret armies, secret caches of arms through Europe, and secret strategies which would set the stage for corrupt military & government trends.

C) Financial Strength become a Goal and a Resource. US Banking became a National Security Issue. The Federal Reserve had already been created. Now debts to European & US Banks owed by Germany must be aided to strengthen US Banking.

D) War and Military Conflict become a Financial Strategy that matched to the Strategic moves to secure resources around the globe, secure ports & diplomatic relationships to accommodate our Strategic Goals.

E) Petroleum & Oil became Strategic Interests.

Corruption is the Key to why the USA is Falling Apart. Corruption begins to take over all institutions based on the fact that every individual must get ahead, must get better jobs, must make more money, must beat inflation, must take care of family education, family automobiles, and must have a very nice big house.

The Military lent it's management style to factories as we know. But Strategic Goals and the process of establishing any organization Mission, Strategies, Objectives, and goals ... leads to corruption of all organizations. The exception is perhaps to be found in non-profits & charities. But principals have to be held as higher than mission, or even non-profits might fudge on accounting rules or tax rules.

Today we all know about fudging of taxes done by rich people and businesses. Where does corruption start? It starts when you see separate rules for other people. When you see people not paying taxes. When you see people getting bonus money for laying off employees and giving up American Jobs. When you see leveraged buyouts of companies that leave profitable businesses bankrupt and employees on welfare roles.

But I think Corruption Starts with the Federal Government and the Lack of Control over Military Secret Strategies. After all the end justifies the means. The USA is willing to do anything to achieve the Strategies that Secret or Public Offices have laid out. And Keeping Secrets is the Leading Tactic to ensure success to meet our Goals and Objectives.

1) US Secrets have finally Corrupted the USA to where we won't even talk about the State of our Total Debt Obligations and Financial Risks.

2) Financial Schemes have finally Corrupted the USA to where we won't even talk about the State of our Total Debt Obligations and Financial Risks.

3) Money's Influence & Lobbying have finally Corrupted the USA to where we won't even talk about the State of our Total Debt Obligations and Financial Risks.

4) The Loose Purse Strings in Washington DC have finally Corrupted the USA to where we won't even talk about the State of our Total Debt Obligations and Financial Risks.

5) The Infiltration of Bankers in and out of the Federal Government in a marriage described as the Revolving Door to Industry, this seems to be true even in the CIA & Banking not just the OCC, DOJ, Treasury, Federal Reserve, FDIC, NCUA, FINRA, the Federal Reserve, probably all Foundations involved in Politics, all Political Think Tanks, and even ... the Government Accounting Office which is lead by the Director of the OCC ... have finally Corrupted the USA to where we won't even talk about the State of our Total Debt Obligations and Financial Risks.

6) You don't have any Representation in Washington DC, and likely you can't get an even shake from a bank or your own financial advisor since they are all out for their own fees.

7) Name Your Regulatory Agency, take FTC which was set up to regulate and break up Monopolies under Anti-Trust Law and to Protect the Consumer... Looks like the FTC was captured by big business Interests somewhere along it's history.

8) The Final Corruption or the Final Proof of Corruption.. We all notice that people at the Top never take responsibility, blame, or admit guilt or mis-steps. And the other Leaders of the USA seldom ask for Responsibility from Our Public or Private Executives.

A) Transparency can bring "Glasnost" to the USA. We can end secrets or 90% of them.

B) End Gift Giving to Congress, No Lobbying, No Campaign Contributions, No Air Plane Rides, No Conventions, No Free Dinner or Lunch, Congress should follow ethical rules for all Federal Employees.

C) Don't buy houses since this gives up some of your rights and leads to inflation of home prices. Current US Policy is against the Citizen who is now treated as a tenant of a serfdom.

D) Avoid Credit Cards, Contracts, and Financial schemes ... these just turn over control to someone else.

E) Support Free Speech, Free Internet, and participate in Alternative Media, community, populist movements, activism, protests.

F) Educate further on Principals you hold as the highest.

G) Get rid of Career Politicians, Support Term Limits.

H) Support getting bankers out of Federal Jobs, Prohibit bankers from having close relationships with federal officials,

I) Prohibit secret meetings of federal officials, prohibit secret treaties and secret negotiations for secret treaties. US Law states that public business must be performed in public to enforce transparency.

J) Transparency for War over foreign dead, foreign casualties, foreign Refugees, Crimes against Refugees. Transparency for War Costs should be a Law to force Visibility of Medical Costs, Veteran benefits, nation Rebuilding Costs, Reparations Costs for foreign Casualties ... these cost should be listed up front when politicians sell the war (remember Don Rumsfeld Stated Iraqi war would total $50 Billion)

K) Support National Referendums or States Initiatives to provide People not only a voice, but Force to put Politicians in their place working for People not Corporations.

L) Refuse to call America a Democracy without having a discussion about the lack of Democracy. The meme that the US is a democracy hasn't been true at least since the Vietnam War in 1963.

M) Think Straight & Talk Straight. The USA is a fascist nation of a marriage of corporations and government, so let's call a spade a Duopoly or a Fascist. The Coup might have been in 1913 or in the 1960 or under Reagan, but the Democracy is gone.

N) Democracy is the Target. Money of any kind, Trust Funds, Welfare Funds, Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment Insurance, Pensions, retirement funds, 401Ks, .... the Bankers are going to go after all these things. Just like they want to privatize government office functions or military functions. Money is bonuses. Money is promotions. Money stealing from people provides bankers with higher salaries.



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[-] 4 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

I think there is Murder afoot, Watson.

March 28, 2013 "Information Clearing House" - Confiscating the customer deposits in Cyprus banks, it seems, was not a one-off, desperate idea of a few Eurozone “troika” officials scrambling to salvage their balance sheets. A joint paper by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England dated December 10, 2012, shows that these plans have been long in the making; that they originated with the G20 Financial Stability Board in Basel, Switzerland (discussed earlier here); and that the result will be to deliver clear title to the banks of depositor funds.

It Can Happen Here: The Confiscation Scheme Planned for US and UK Depositors By Ellen Brown

Thanks to Shaddz66

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Our federal govt has plans to dip into the superannuation accounts of the upper earners in our Australian populace. This, I might add, in the middle of a purported resources boom.

We call this kind of thing, the "thin edge of the wedge".

We also know that a global currency is part of the plan, and so is disaster capitalism. Perhaps they are tired of waiting, and are thinking now that if they create bank runs right around the world, the banks will be forced to close, money of any denomination will be worth only the paper it is printed on, and people globally will be at the mercy of orgs that can feed them.

Just a thought. My kit is ready for survival.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Ah, I'm seeing you in a new light. I do think about planning for the future. I'm not sure I am prepared for the future. We get mixed messages from many directions. Those many voice can very well be predictable and controlled by organizations that plan for social change though.

I mean... if I was in an organization with a mission to unite a currency, plan for financial stability, enable an elite financial advantage, plan for changes in petroleum exchange that would cause risk to certain sectors, plan for risk to the US Financial System, plan for catastrophe in the US financial system, or simply plan for take over of the US financial system through sectors such as the gold standard/silver standard, oil standard, new exchange currency of petroleum exchange, new dominant world economy like China or the EU or India, .... If you plan for financial catastrophe then... you are most likely to work for the advantage of a few rather than for a whole country. In fact the work would likely be held secret from the public ... and be only printed as a secret report to provide advantage to Elites or Delites.

Sort of lost my train of thought there... might add to this if I remember.

If you are prepared that sort of explains some of your comments on lifestyle living simple, and keeping it simple. I really can't see clearly what to do or what the government will do if it allows austerity and financial collapse. A government that takes from peoples savings, retirements, pensions, social securities ... is hard to predict. Many moves of the government would depend on political power of the interest groups that retire in the USA... meaning maybe taking from retirees would be avoided for 20 years here... till they die off.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Fiat economies. Any pretense that printing your way out of a recession/depression leading to out-of-control inflation were put to rest when the audit of the federal reserve exposed the distribution of 16 trillion dollars US to foreign corporations and banksters without the fed telling anyone.

The whole austerity call is classic Friedman disaster capitalism. Privatise all public assetts, and make the poor pay the rich just to survive. It is, after all, a survival situation.

All that ink for the printing presses doesn't pay for itself, ya know.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

They don't actually print the money. I think less than 10% of money is printed.

Yeah, Milton Friedman is Chicago School Economics, known as Neoliberal Economics,... it is Laissez-Faire Economics, or anything goes.... Deregulate and let the market decide what is fraud or what is value and how much it is valued. Total Illusion.

I agree... The Federal Reserve, a private bank corporation, printed at least $16 Trillion Dollars part of which went to Europe... and for them to do this and not tell anyone ... is Lying to the US People, US taxpayers, and US Congress.

That is a great Point.

And You make the point that expanding M4, Money Supply, including all the money lent or printed and given out by the Federal Reserve was a drastic, immense, change to the US Economy.


That the Powers that Be and the many supposed advocates for Main Street & the common man ... would not report the "Rape of the US Taxpayer" is Huge.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

I can't help thinking that all these shocks and exposes are actually just tests to see how numb the general public really has become.

Looks to me that anything could now be said and done, and by morning, the public wouldn't even bat an eyelid about yesterday's news.

The chilling of fervor is complete.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

I agree, the public is inebriated . There is a larger story here about the passive nature of the common people. Not sure where to start.

1) TV Viewing is passive and trains us to be passive.
2) Fluoride is used to make people passive.
3) Propaganda and Public Relations is a technology to use our emotions against us, to pacify our objections.
4) We are exposed to many chemicals which are money makers for the largest corporations which also fund the studies performed for safety. Our drug and food regulators end up working for Industry.
5) Military Programs date back to the 1950s to develop technology to pacify people, this would look at water, radio, nuclear, biological, chemical, and all delivery systems.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Whatever the method, it appears to be working.

I'd add in that our mesmeric consuming also leads to both parents taking on two jobs to keep up with all the new products that their children (and themselves) simply must have, on top of the McMansion in the burbs.

With banksters in control of interest rates, any time inflation looks like getting too high, up go the interest rates, to "cool the economy". Mum and Dad have very little time to focus on the world around them, while servicing a forty-year mortgage that feels more like a ball and chain to most.

And they call it the American (Australian) dream, to soften the experience.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Funny Chinese are very productive and Americans are very productive. Maybe we are using a Sino-American Government Model. Mao Zedong did a lot of things to his people. Looks like he experimented on them and even just killed them off, ... was it the purges. Anyway some say we Put Mao in power.

Maybe with all the history and culture about China from our Missionaries ... we have set up a Sino-American Control System.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

We call this kind of thing, the "thin edge of the wedge".

Wedgie? The bullies used to do that to the nerds ( or otherwise defenseless ). Grab the back of the elastic waistband and yank up towards the back of the head.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

And in the end, we might realise, that we can't eat money.

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Perhaps there is conversation about principals that you have triggered in DKA.

We can't eat money.
We can't live alone as an Island even a family island, we need other families to form a survival community.

Maybe we need this sense of community to be a higher principal than money. Of course. But should we ban MBAs and business school altogether? Well, no, but maybe instead of creative business accounting we could restrict education and business to GAAP accounting rules. On balance sheet transactions only.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

When it all crashes - value will be found - in those who can support life. With their own two hands.

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Well the thing is after I joined the military I confined myself to office type jobs. I don't think I have much faith in my own ability to grow or manufacture.

I could grow some stuff in the micro scale, perhaps find some small items to manufacture. But feel I am just a student with some physical limitations. This week it is back spasms.

I suppose I could learn a lot of the things I like when I was a kid. I used to get interested in things. Now that I don't have to deal with a boss, I find I lost a lot of interest. And everything takes money to get started. I wonder if I could teach myself some welding....

Do you need any welding jobs, DKA?

Bird houses don't sell much if you make them like I did as a kid. I remember gluing some bird houses together, and in the cold they expanded and broke. SO, I glued them again and tied twine around them to keep them from exploding in the cold. I used to like working with wood... Wood shop class was not quiet a fit for me, but I did work with the band saw and the table saw. Everyone likes the band saw. But you can spend a lot buying shop equipment, so focus is the key.

Hey, DKA, maybe you are a handi craft maker?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Do you need any welding jobs, DKA?

Oxy aceteline? Good skill to have - many uses - off of the power grid. Mig Tig? also very good skills to have - with electricity availability.

Creativeness? Pretty much priceless.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

I am creative, but no one has ever valued it. I guess I am unorganized and haven't worked with teams or groups when I was young.

I think I would like to try welding creatively. I like art. I'm not that smart about art, but have seen some galleries & museums.

I naturally just created my own stuff when younger and not so suppressed by society and family. But I lost my soul. I should try learning some welding or go back to wood to create some art or useful product.... You will know me only when I go back to create something. until then I guess I am a wanderer.

No one said it was easy to throw off the past and realize freedom.... And in our system conservatively, we have to stash cash instead of buy the instruments of art.... It is almost like we have to suffer rather than try to live or create ... just in case we have major medical events or get in an accident.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

The way things ARE - is not necessarily the way things should be. This - I think - is obvious. Yes there is much to be done daily to support life/living - as in food shelter medicine etc. - but life is so much more then necessity - life is being - observing - interacting - and so much more - and the world in which we live today - would deny us of everything other then work - work for the benefit of someone else - as your/my/our life is reduced to the job and nothing more.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

And if you live alone and decide against starting a family... then you live in a cruel world without love. There is something to be said for no being dependent on a wife to keep your life straight. So ... if you seem to be living a life of a rebel... seems logical that I would not look for marriage. We have to depend on ourselves, so we are not a burden.

Perhaps this is how family lines die out. Educated people don't want to be a burden... Perhaps this is the future beyond 2008... many Rebels will not marry ...was this what Ernest Hemingway went to Paris for. Perhaps this is what the Salons & Cafe's in Paris were about.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Just spare me a nuclear winter.

That might fuck us all.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Tell that to the ill Kim Jung ...

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

NPR Radio Show on Crony Capitalism: David Stockman On Crony Capitalism,..... 45 Minute Interview, 4 April 2013, He comes out Against the Federal Reserve Policies.

http://onpoint.wbur.org/2013/04/04/stockman (click near the top, banner shows audio file)

he’s looking back on 80 years of American history and economics and politics – and warning we are in giant trouble. Practically doomed, Stockman says, by Republican loyalty to the rich, Democrat loyalty to social welfare we can’t afford, crony capitalism, and a Fed run amuck. There’s plenty of pushback, but he’s out there loud.

This hour, On Point: David Stockman on American doom.

-Tom Ashbrook

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 11 years ago

I get your drift, but you might want to rethink your advice numbered "C Don't buy houses." In this wacked out planet , owning property is the best chance a person has to make it. Although one would usually have to take out a mortgage to buy property here in the U.S.A., and when one does one commits oneself to financial serfdom for a good many years, eventually one does pay off the mortgage, and the property is yours debt and burden free (one still has to pay taxes.) The property will take care of you. If one is smart, one can also plant, and eat off the land, as well as if one is real smart, one can rent it out, and yes make money off it.... Owning property is always much better than renting forever and ever.

I think the trick is to not buy a property larger than one can truly afford, i.e not take on too much of a mortgage. That way one is only a part time serf until one pays off the debt (which should always be done as rapidly as possible.)

[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 11 years ago

I get your drift, but you might want to rethink your advice lettered "C Don't buy houses." Owning property is the one chance a person has. And although taking out a mortgage is committing one to financial serfdom for a good many years, one eventually does pay off that mortgage (usually faster than one thinks), and then one has a piece of land which one can live on, and that is better then renting for ever and ever. I think the trick here is not to take on too much of mortgage; one that one can safely pay off, and only be a percentage part time serf 'till its paid.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Yes, your thinking well. Perhaps we should only buy properties are are valued low, try to wait for houses that might be purchased for like $50K or $70K, perhaps houses far from the big cities.

I don't really have business idea or current business or a skill that I feel could support myself in a smaller town or rural area. You get more freedom in rural areas, but there are always risks to the water table and your well do to fracking. Rural areas might pay more for utilities like Electric, Phone, internet, and water. And they still own the mineral and mining rights and drilling rights which may hurt your property.

I actually live in a small town in a small house. I think there might be some homes even cheaper than $70K around here.

Someone smarter than me could help get this thought straight. I guess I agree with what you wrote above.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

I think the best formula is a multi fam house near a hot neighborhood (absolutely in the big city!!) so that the inevitable growth of that desirable neighborhood envelops you house. You gotta get a house when the market is in a downturn, (now is not the time) that needs work, and you must do the work yourself.

The rental units make your home a real income generating asset, instead of a money pit liability.

And I believe we all ought to live in cities in order to minimize our carbon footprint and reduce the damage we do to less populated areas.


[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Those are good points. Not sure I would be ready for more than a 2 family home since there is a lot of things that could need replacing. You probably have a leg up on me since I don't have contacts to evaluate the homes properly. I paid for an inspection on this house, and seems like I got totally shafted. The inspection wasn't as good as the hints dropped by the previous owner. .. In fact I should find my inspection and look it over again to see what it said.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

2 family can be good enough. 1 rent means the property is an asset not a liability.

inspections can miss things, and there are always repairs and improvements to be done.

We are fortunate that we have DIY info at our fingertips. You must embrace your inner handyman and learn about building mechanicals.

You can do it, and your efforts will serve you.

Be careful always.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Yeah, I guess I have to start getting in there and start swinging. Life is a fight. We have to fight through.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

It is worth the effort.

Good luck.

[-] -1 points by reggielove (-5) 11 years ago

obama wants people to live in cities, not the suburbs, its easier to control tightly grouped people.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Nah, I can't speak for any one politician, but it ain't about control.

It's better for sustainability (public transportation, more people per square foot creates smaller carbon footprint), and it's better to promote tolerance and togetherness when you live amongst many types of people instead of sheltering with only your type of 'acceptable people'.

That failed experiment of car dependent, white flight from cities, & jobs promotes intolerance,& fear of differences.

The creation of the suburbs also destroyed much decent farmland close to cities that must be converted back if we are to defeat the unhealthy gmo foodopoly exploding healthcare costs, busting our budgets, and killing the people.

People are meant to live in cities. The natural, forested areas should be left to animals.

Level the suburbs/rural areas, stick all those people into high rises on the outskirts of cities and convert that land back to farm so we can reduce the food transportation costs & pollution.

That is all unrelated to any one politician.


[-] 0 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

You can avoid the serfdom, and escape the insecurity of rental living.

I think the best formula is a multi fam house near a hot neighborhood (absolutely in the big city!!) so that the inevitable growth of that desirable neighborhood envelops you house. You gotta get a house when the market is in a downturn, (now is not the time) that needs work, and you must do the work yourself.

The rental units make your home a real income generating asset, instead of a money pit liability.

And I believe we all ought to live in cities in order to minimize our carbon footprint and reduce the damage we do to less populated areas.


[-] 1 points by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) 11 years ago

Your article states that..."Corruption is the Key to why the USA is Falling Apart. Corruption begins to take over all institutions based on the fact that every individual must get ahead, must get better jobs, must make more money, must beat inflation, must take care of family education, family automobiles, and must have a very nice big house."

I define corruption as encouraging consumer debt and then charging excessive interest rate charges. I believe it is also corruption to rely on capitalism to EVENTUALLY achieve the honorable goal of ever increasing efficiency of raw resource use only AFTER resources become scarce and the prices rises naturally.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Jim Rogers agrees that we are now the biggest debtor nation in the world. I was just reading his new book. We were the biggest Creditor nation in 1945 providing loans to global nations, we had a strong savings rate, we had strong savings, and we had good infrastructure and modern factories. Today we can make the case that the trend reversed.

So you Opinion is as good as any one else's. The Total Obligations of the USA could be $80 Trillion - $220 Trillion when future payments are looked at. This means we have like 700% of GDP in Debt. No better than the worst nations in Europe. In fact if the wars of today are Economic.... it would Appear that Germany won in the West.

[-] 2 points by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) 11 years ago

The scam is not the debt amount, it is the ongoing "taxation" aka, interest rate charges on the debt that is the scam.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

So you are saying you see 20 problems, but the cause is Interest Rate Policy.

[-] 1 points by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) 11 years ago

Almost all present day problems are spawned by excessive and ongoing interest rate charges because that 1 billion dollars A DAY in interest rate charges on consumer debt in the U.S. alone could be going towards developing cost effective and renewable energy, which in turn can seed all types of efficiency programs, which turn can curtails war efforts.

Instead, we have petroleum whores fighting to keep the status quo.

Of course, people are to blame as well for uncontrolled population growth.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Good Points. But, today the paradigm is that government programs & spending stimulate the economy, that taxes stifle the economy, and that credit, debt, consumer spending, and our #1 Global Debtor Nation also stimulate the Economy.

People don't think about the alternatives and options. US Voters are stuck in a paradigm that government and our banking system are largely normal, correct, and the only view of capitalism.

Your point seems focused on consumers and consumer housing. But I'm guessing you have a lot more to say about your ideas.

Today, I'm thinking about how bankers have become Royalty and how Bankers have completed a coup on our government through lobbying and other gifts to regulators.

[-] 1 points by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) 11 years ago

The banks can be humbled in the courts, and apparently by the consumer protection financial bureau.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Look Our Federal Leaders and our Wall street Bankers are sitting in Palaces, using Limos, and private planes. The people have no access to our Leaders in this country. The Lobbies and the Wealthy have all the access to our Leaders. And if you listen to our Leaders they say things that show they are out of touch with the circumstances of the common people. Like Joe Bidden's statement that a woman could fire a shotgun to scare off an intruder which would land the woman in Jail in most cases....

No one takes on the Big Boys in Court. The big boys can fight in court for 10 years or longer with the best Team of Lawyers in the Union.

Government Economist's can't even say the word Fraud and it doesn't enter into their Theories.

The Executive Office has give Waivers to the Big banks for Fraud. Most charges for LIBOR have been Thrown Out and no one will go to Jail. The Drug Money laundering Scheme by TBTF Banks has rewarded the banks and No one will go to jail.

Look at all the Problems of this Country that Government won't admit, won't talk about, and won't suggest reforms on. Well, just look up all the Issues that OWS has... none of those issues is being addressed in Washington DC because there is a secretive nature to the Federal Government just as there is in the Military.

If the people really knew the extent of Corporate Welfare, they would revolt and ask for a new government.

Obviously Money Rules the Federal Government. But notice that no one will admit that in Congress. They are secretive about it.

Obviously Defense Spending is a simple transfer of money from taxpayers to Corporations. My proof. In 1998 the Defense Spending, total budget was like $257 Billion Dollars. Today it is $650 Billion. Think we could manage this a little better???

[-] 1 points by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) 11 years ago

I think its a waste of energy to recite what banks get away with that wasn't directly out of main street's pockets.

"What was in your wallet," don't you want it back if it was taken unfairly?

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

You said, "I define corruption as encouraging consumer debt and then charging excessive interest rate charges. I believe it is also corruption rely on capitalism to EVENTUALLY achieve the honorable goal of ever increasing efficiency of raw resource use only AFTER resources become scarce and the prices rises naturally."

I had to go back and read your original post to see what you are saying. I can't really understand your short sentences. I think we agree on your quote that I pasted above.

I also agree there are wasted words in the Forum. I see some side issues discussed in the forum at times that don't seem to lead to solutions at all.

I might also write a lot of words that don't really lead to change.

My concern seems to future on the state of jobs and risk to the economy. Much of what I see is wasted government. Political posturing. Political Competition that manifests as political statements that don't teach anything or reveal any new information or ... propose any solutions.

I don't see a job in the future or see anything I really want to do in the future. It seems to me we have huge risk in higher taxes and inflation that will surely take what little we have today.

[-] 1 points by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) 11 years ago

I left out the word "to" in one of the sentences, I have added it in now so the sentence flows slightly better.

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

So, I should study your past works and figure out where you might have added a "to" in the sentence. I guess you are not a real communicative guy.... I'm thinking you get pinged on stuff you write since you confuse people.

Well, join the club. I have confused people all my life. I still try hard, but in the end I still find people want to label me this or that. Eventually you might find you write a few long paragraphs, putting great care into what you write so you don't confuse people.... only to find people reject you ... or label you as a this or a that... like a Libertarian, a socialist, a Democrat, a Progressive ... but those people ... even in this forum haven't taken the time to get to know you at all. It is easy to label a person. It is a kind of laziness.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

In Libor Ruling, a Big Win for the Banks By PETER J. HENNING

Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald of Federal District Court in Manhattan, in a 161-page decision, has given the multinational banks being investigated for manipulating the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, a dose of good news for once.

On Friday, the judge dismissed the bulk of the claims filed against the banks by private plaintiffs, most important the antitrust and Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations counts that bring with them triple damages and attorneys’ fees for any violation.


[-] 1 points by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) 11 years ago

I think there is a better way to respond. Thanks for the info, I posted a link to the article you cited on my facebook page, and in the comments section for the facebook post I wrote


...Her decision came on a motion to dismiss filed by the banks arguing that the plaintiffs could not prove a violation of the law even if it could be shown that interest-rate manipulation caused them financial harm.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

You're right. It is fucking insane.

The "pennies on the pound" fines they've already paid are an admission of guilt. What is wrong with this system of ours? I knew it was biased, but I didn't know it was just as criminally corrupted as our politicians.

[-] 1 points by OTP (-203) from Tampa, FL 11 years ago

JP Morgan bailed out the US Gov in 1895.

The rest is history.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

Yes, I read about that.

We bailed them out just recently.

Debt paid in full. Let's move on.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Law will follow institution. If the institution/government acts a certain way - the law will follow - being a child of that institution.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

And with a corrupted democracy, where is the light at the end of the tunnel?

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

The light must be brought by the public at large.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

I'm lately thinking that our "fight" is 1% against the 1%.

The other 98% are convinced (just like the lesser-of-two-evils system) that our choices are rather limited in life.

[-] 2 points by DebtNEUTRALITYpetition (647) 11 years ago

I think its more about what we do, not what others do. Very few posters here have bothered to create their own blogs where they can amplify the best content from here. I have 15 blogs I maintain. I don't post to them everyday, some only once every few months, but over the course of the past few years they all have content I sometimes access.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

If I understand you correctly. There are 98% sheep - and 1% evil and 1% good trying to lead the 98% sheep.

If so - let us hope that good "is" stronger than evil.

[-] 1 points by justiceforzim (-17) 11 years ago

How about HSBC? They were in the middle of LIBOR AND got caught laundering cartel money. What happened? A slap on the wrist.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

I've read and seen a figure of 55 trillion dollars surrounding the LIBOR scandal, which was mooted as being the biggest banking scandal in history. A few million in fines here and there (which is an admission of guilt) and now the actual people who were destroyed by this scam get told by the court that their case is not worth the time and effort to pursue it.

In other words, "bankster criminal arseholes, carry on as if nothing happened," and everyone else, "fuck off home and lick your wounds, and thank gawd you still have a tongue to lick them with."

We all know who the enemy is now.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Poll: Do you fear being put on a list IF you call or Write to your Government or US Congressmen. Yes, we need US Polls to ask this question. And we need this Question in all OWS Countries. Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China needs to poll their citizens and ask this question.

I think that question has power and speaks volumes about Privacy, and Individual Rights... as well as who the Government Serves and IF it serves the common people or just money & Wealthy Interests

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Wait.......if you have ever voted, you are on a list. If you have never voted, you are on a list. In fact, there are people at your local little polling station that will call you if they suspect that you may not come in to vote. Your BMV may have sold your information.

I wrote to Jimmy Carter at the age of 7. They keep that forever.

The question is, "How paranoid do you want to be today?"

Followed by, "Just because you are paranoid, does not mean that they are not out to get you."

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Have we adopted the State Model from the Stasi, East Germany, or have we adopted the State Model from China. The Vatican is a City State that was once an Empire or Controller of Empires... did we adopt the Jesuit or Catholic Model?

I don't even recognize our Country any more. Patriot Act, no warrant wiretapping, prison without a hearing or a lawyer, rendition, assassination, Stop & Frisk, Liars Wars like Vietnam & Iraq, CIA Covert actions for Regime Change, Foreign Aid for Human Rights Abusing Countries....


It has been described as one of the most effective and repressive intelligence and secret police agencies in the world.[2][3][4][5][6][7]


Well my favorite action heroes are always paranoid... And if we follow the news our government is always doing Illegal things. They must have had secret meetings about the 2008 Financial Crisis and that they were not going to gather evidence or do investigations of TBTF Banks, right. ... I mean they deregulated, they packed the many federal offices that examine banks and monitor banking activities with Crony Bankers.... But at some point, they had to have some secret meetings and secret agreements with the President, right? And secret phone calls between Presidential Staffers and Bankers. I guess most of this is done in the open though.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Enlightenment era republicanism. Empire is what we are. The same as several empires before 'cept with the added plus of cell phones and mobility (plane/train/automobile). We have client states. We don't give foreign aid as if it's a gift out of love an kindness. That money goes right back to US corps etc. The US foreign policy has not changed in a hundred years.

I'm not buying that you don't recognize your country anymore. You are an avid reader of history, aren't you? I read your stuff. That sounds like it was more emotional to make a point or you were in a momentary fit of rage/exasperation. It's understandable.

I'm sure that they had several secret meetings and conversations. Hell, they let those that created the crisis formulate the regulations. Those TBTF turned around and screwed the smaller business' and spent a great deal of money in adverts via the Tea Tolers to spread fear and animosity among the smaller businesses to support them.

But, for the most part, yeah, most of it goes down right in the open http://occupywallst.org/forum/argument-preview-the-elusive-limits-of-congresss-b/

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Thanks. Jim Rogers has new book out. He is pretty well educated and worked with George Soros as a young man on Foreign Investments. They way he tells it most people refuse to see the huge problems/Risks in Businesses & Governments.

He retired at 37 Years old as a millionare investor, placing bets against the common beliefs of big bankers and investors. Typically he would uncover information in his analysis, and found people would never believe his findings that well know businesses were going to go bankrupt. He did this all his life. Americans really don't know History, Logic, Business, Stock Markets, Banking, etc. in his long experience including teaching at Columbia University.

Actually he is even against University Tenure. He says it makes professors lazy and useless. This may be another good example of how America is being dumbed down and has become dangerously corrupt in many critical systems. He has predicted many bankruptcies like the 2008 Financial Crisis.

I take your point that I know a little history. But I relate to Jim Rogers View that we are so corrupt that it is more likely that this country will fail and ... perhaps the USA has never been the country we thought it was. Just a flash in the pan.

Oh, yeah, he was saying that Today politicians don't know anything at all since they came out of our failed education system. This might be the biggest Risk to the USA today. Politicians don't know Logic, History, Economics, Markets, and even laws like our constitution and many not be able to identify things like the Bill of Rights or the Declaration of Independence... In fact, Naturalized Immigrants may know more of the critical info that politicians since they have to learn the history for the entrance exam.

What a country... Will have to check your link later, as trying to get off the computer.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Jim Rogers is a Libertarian. I'm all good. I want tenure for profs.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

He made some compelling points about the future obligations of our Universities and as it is his expertise ... you have to admit there is probably some to it when he says our Universities Finances are all messed up and they will go bankrupt. He points to Future Salaries for Professors with Tenure, Obligations to educate the children of all employees of the University is some cases, Real Estate Holdings as investments, advise of Financial Advisors which put them in a position where the Endowment that pays salaries can no longer produce the required millions of dollars required since Investments are losing big time now with the zero percent interest rate, loses from the Stock Market and other devices ... along with the increase of future obligations.

It is very compelling in that we know the middle class is shrinking as Education Costs are Inflating. Mismanagement can be very bad, but probably double bad when no one admits or discusses the problems and no solutions are taken seriously.

He also points out that Asia Universities are now recognized as some of the best in the world. Our Ivy League universities are not really as good as they are made out to be. Asians will not support our schools forever and if our people can no longer afford to continue the limping finances, the charade, ... we will see bankruptcies in the next few years or the next Bubble Crash.

So while I do feel a lit like a socialist and like pensions and tenure... the mismanagement in municipalities and universities is probably a ticking time bomb. Well, and he points out that Teaching is not a priority for Universities professors. Their illogical priority is getting tenure through writing. He says at Columbia he figured Professors only have to teach 5 hours a week. And he found he was the toughest professor and the one that taught students the most.

I suppose I have to admit that Jim Rogers is a critic and like Libertarians he is probably a bit arrogant. Arrogance can make you brilliant, but might make you a terrible government leader.

Maybe Jim Rogers is like Warren Buffet in public face. You can't believe they are just nice guys when they have taken everyone to the cleaners.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Big depositors in Cyprus's largest bank will get bank shares for deposits.

Under conditions expected to be announced on Saturday, depositors in Bank of Cyprus will get shares in the bank worth 37.5 percent of their deposits over 100,000 euros, the source told Reuters, while the rest of their deposits may never be paid back.

(Reuters) -Big depositors in Cyprus to lose far more than feared By Michele Kambas

NICOSIA | Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:16pm EDT


[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

Dutch chair of the euro zone's finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, said it could serve as a model for future crises.

No word why Fixing the Banks, Prosecuting Fraud and Mis-management, and enforcing banking Rules could not be Looked at. Presumably Dijsselbloem is a Techno-Crook who is deeply involved in racketeering.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Absolute Power corrupts absolutely? OK - I can see and support that. That is why all of the people should be in control of the power. 100% involvement - denies 1% deviants.

[-] 3 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

I like your steady drum beat. Money corrupts. The Capitalist System Corrupts. Inflation Corrupts. The fact that US Cars have more perks leads to a situation where all US cars cost more than in the 1980s. Home prices and Education costs go up....

Everyone must get ahead to keep up with inflation, so they will give up ethics to keep the job... will do many things to keep the job. Workers must have a strong organization to go to, to fight the pressure that corrupts them.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Thx - BTW - really like the comment:

I like your steady drum beat. Money corrupts. The Capitalist System Corrupts. Inflation Corrupts. The fact that US Cars have more perks leads to a situation where all US cars cost more than in the 1980s. Home prices and Education costs go up....

Everyone must get ahead to keep up with inflation, so they will give up ethics to keep the job... will do many things to keep the job. Workers must have a strong organization to go to, to fight the pressure that corrupt them.

In a Fair and Just system for ALL there would be no inflation and no corruption - as all income would be on a fair ( ruled ) scale - top tied to bottom - top rises so does bottom = STABILITY Clean operation ( proper handling of toxic waste ) would be a standard of operation.

[-] 0 points by redandbluestripedpill (333) 11 years ago

Moving value of want and need to an agreed medium of exchange makes runaway wants possible. Once runaway, they trample the needs.

Without real free speech, where people can share what they need for survival, wants are easily presented as needs to corrupt and they falter predictably.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 11 years ago

You are talking about the corporate Lobby. So I guess we are on track.