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Forum Post: Economic Collapse? We’re Soaking In It!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 9:04 a.m. EST by MonetizingDiscontent (1257)
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(a guest post, at zerohedge) Submitted by Brandon Smith from Alt Market. http://www.alt-market.com/articles/327-economic-collapse-were-soaking-in-it

Guest Post: Economic Collapse? We’re Soaking In It!


A rather unobservant or at the very least “unlucky” man strolls across a faulty bridge; weathered, termite ridden, and over-traveled. He hops and skips and jumps about like a brain damaged orangutan without a care in the world. He does this not only because he is oblivious to the fundamental physics behind the workings of the bridge, and the structural signs of a bridge that is on the verge of collapse, but also because numerous highly paid “experts” on bridges have told him it is absolutely safe to do so. The bridge, of course, crumbles right under his feet, and he falls.

Now, if the ground was relatively close to our unfortunate freefalling dupe, the sudden collapse and the painful shock of smacking into the rocky floor would be an understandable surprise. Given only moments between the failure of the bridge and the ultimate conclusion of the spine crunching granite bottom swan dive, one could hardly ponder the situation at all. However, in this event, the ground is not close. In fact, the ravine is dark, and the fall is long. Perhaps three or four years long. In this case, a man has plenty of time to think through the circumstances of his predicament, and realize that eventually, he WILL meet the future like a warm pancake smacking cold linoleum at 200 mph.

If such a man is unable to discern the problems he faces, or to even acknowledge the fact that the ground has given way beneath him, after such a long stretch of time, it becomes very hard to feel sorry for him. But then again, we were all like this man once…

Since the derivatives and housing market implosion of 2008, America and the rest of the world has been spiraling down a chasm some in this country still refuse to take note of. The question has never been whether there “will be” a full scale financial disaster. The end to that chapter of this story was already written years ago. Rather, the real question has been “when” will this inevitable event culminate? Sadly, speculation on the matter has met an irreconcilable road block. The fact is, all the necessary elements are in place to bring down our fiscal shelter not in five years, not in one year, not in six months, but today. That’s right…..the economy as we know it has the potential to derail completely before you wake up for your morning poptart.

Some skeptics might shrug off this statement as mere sensationalism for effect. I wish that were the case. Frankly, I would enjoy writing a little fiction for once. The truth is far too bizarre and disturbing lately.

In the case of economics, traditional views and standards have gone completely out the window in a way that I and probably every other analyst in the field have never heard of or encountered. All expectations are now null and void. Manipulation of the marketplace is no longer a subversive and secretive process, but open government and central banking policy! Who could have guessed five years ago, for instance, that U.S. taxpayers would be saddled with bailouts of the EU? Who could have predicted that global stock market psychology would be dominated for over a year by the debt drama of a country as economically insignificant as Greece? And, who could have foreseen that destructive fiat stimulus policies would soon be common knowledge events amongst the citizens of various faltering nations?

Read the rest of this article at: http://www.alt-market.com/articles/327-economic-collapse-were-soaking-in-it
or here: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/guest-post-economic-collapse-we%E2%80%99re-soaking-it



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[-] 1 points by david19harness (87) 13 years ago

Hah! Great title for your thread.

Back in Oct 2008 the global corporate banking derivatives exposure was about 170 trillion. "Since the derivatives and housing market implosion of 2008," the banks if that's the right word, are now exposed to about 290 trillion. Some put the number at double that. Can't know for sure, because after TARP which is "not subject to any public hearing or court review" the U.S. CONSTITUTION IS DEAD.

Here's a way to revive it, so that its just having a near-death experience: http://occupywallst.org/forum/public-vote-option-on-competing-democratic-vs-repu/

[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

"The truth is far too bizarre and disturbing lately." Not only are the lunatics running the asylum, but they are totally ensconced and have massive power. How did this happen?

[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

indifference, and comfort.

[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

The country's been asleep.