Forum Post: Constitutional Amendment 28 Please Pass This Along
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 4:03 p.m. EST by larocks
from Lexington, KY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Amendment 28 - Limit On Corporate Power "No entity haveing motives for profit shall have the right to lobby or imburse funds to persuade a leaders vote. These acts are considered treason and an enemy of the state. All members of the elected body should not be allowed to obtain; favors, moneys, or wealth related to the ratification of such law(s)." has some different language written. In order to get an amendment passed you the support of Congress and the State Legislatures. Basically we need to elect A LOT of politicians who support this
You're on the right track, but I prefer 's language, because it prohibits individuals and corporations from contributing money. The above proposal would leave a huge loophole for corporations to funnel money to individuals for the purpose of buying our democracy.
One of 's proposals - "No person, corporation or business entity of any type, domestic or foreign, shall be allowed to contribute money, directly or indirectly, to any candidate for Federal office or to contribute money on behalf of or opposed to any type of campaign for Federal office. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, campaign contributions to candidates for Federal office shall not constitute speech of any kind as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution or any amendment to the U. S. Constitution. Congress shall set forth a federal holiday for the purposes of voting for candidates for Federal office."
the more vauge the better. i hate to quote star wars but everything is seen from a certian point of view. one person may see it as the best way to word it the other may see it as beeing vauge. the point is to see it for what it is. the truth. government can not function for the people if it bought and paid for by corporations. get the company money out of washington and see if things dont change.
sounds good, a few have proposed amendments like this. It seems to be mostly a question of how to get it passed
That will be the ultimate challenge (which testifies to its paramount importance), but hopefully OWS will realize that most of their grievances just address symptoms of the above mentioned issue. There are three ways I can think of to get this passed and they all require OWS to make this a (their) top goal: 1) 2) 3) Start putting candidates in office who support OWS and this cause
constitutional conventiom. rallies in the state o get it pass
please overlook the mis spelled words. content of something is what is important...
great idea!
the wording is almost correct. all but one word. leaders should be repersenatives. this def needs to b added to the constitution. sorry bout my spelling mistakes but content is whats important
You said we need politicians who support this. We also need public knowledge that this is an option. How can we bring more awareness of this?
I completely many people think this goal is attainable, but I think a big part of it is that we are lacking a vision of what i could be like. Without a vision, or real plan that people can see, it's just a pipe dream. We've got a work group on this issue in Portland, and I encourage you to join your local one (or start it if you don't have one yet). From there, we can network and share ideas on creating a vision, plan and strategy for making this Occupy's central issue!
I had once envisioned a "Corporate Treason" law that when politicians who get caught can no longer run for office and monetary damages can be gained from them and the abuser in punitive damages.
This is so needed.
We really need this amendment passed.
This amendment is so needed.
I would appreciate your involvement in my effort to organize people towards getting the money out of politics:
About how we would get this passed.
We can bypass congress and would need 3/4 of the population to vote in favor.
I'm sure at least 3/4 of the population would agree that corporations are not people.
I suggest a wording change... Change "leaders" to "representatives". There are no "leaders" in D.C. They are ALL duly elected (hired) by the people of the United States to represent their interests... a job they all fail at miserably because they have been elevated to "leader" status by complacent voters and they aren't about to relinquish that power.
How about persuading any vote? No pac ads which are usually full of lies, half truths, misrepresentations, false conclusions, and slander.
This is so needed. please watch.
Thank God. Accountability and Ownership for the actions they've chosen.
I agree but this is really poorly written.
This is a scam post. Beware!
whats the scam here. it needs to b an amendment
Assume that you are serious. SmartAlx above is right. I get it that you are not a Constitutional scholar but I suggest to Google Get the Money out which has a few draft amendments. Suggest you sign their petition and let them work on the wordsmithing challenge. I suggested some changes to what they have there. I think that "getting the money out" is crucial at all levels of government and 527-style issue and Swift boat ads are just as corrosive as the contribution to campaigns. The fix must be comprehensive which is what you were aiming for, I think.
need some more thought on this
Interesting proposal... would you like to write a full length article about this? Please email me at | #OccupyUnveiled is an independent news source regarding OWS and its affiliates. Neither for nor against OWS, we seek truth where ever it may lead us.
This guy is a true leader of the movement. You should report everything he says as truly representing the movement.
that is the ammendment in full. it is the one thing every 99%'er will tell you they believe in. i understnad that from reading these posts and listening to every youtube video i see. a constitutional convention in every state needs to ratify this. then it will be the next amendment. congree and the president is paid for. everyone in the country knows this. they just need to get out and do the conventions in the state levels. people need to see this
i might like this idea for the sheer fact that amending the constitution is the proper way to make a new law. Everyone else wants to ignore the constitution. How many people ignore all the amendments?
exactly. the constitution was put there for a reason. the constitution was put there to for government control not for control of its people
keep this on top
anyone else have an opionion on this
think this should stay on top
entity haveing motives for profit, corporations or even a business man.
Is this limited to just the corporation or employees of the corporation? Because the funny thing is inside the corporations, you can't quite define where the corporation is.