Forum Post: COINTELPRO, is it being used here?
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 3, 2012, 2:09 p.m. EST by LongDaysnight
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
FBI records show that 85% of COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals that the FBI deemed "subversive,"[5] including communist and socialist organizations; organizations and individuals associated with the civil rights movement, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others associated with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, and the Congress of Racial Equality and other civil rights organizations; black nationalist groups; the American Indian Movement; a broad range of organizations labeled "New Left", including Students for a Democratic Society and the Weathermen; almost all groups protesting the Vietnam War, as well as individual student demonstrators with no group affiliation; the National Lawyers Guild; organizations and individuals associated with the women's rights movement; nationalist groups such as those seeking independence for Puerto Rico, United Ireland, and Cuban exile movements including Orlando Bosch's Cuban Power and the Cuban Nationalist Movement; and additional notable Americans, such as Albert Einstein (who was a member of several civil rights groups).[6] The remaining 15% of COINTELPRO resources were expended to marginalize and subvert "white hate groups," including the Ku Klux Klan and the National States' Rights Party.[7]
Folks this is exactly how COINTELPRO works, sorry for the crude clip and paste.
[-] GirlFriday (2463) 2 points 11 minutes ago Ahhh...........sweet memories. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
[-] LongDaysnight (100) 1 points 6 minutes ago So cause Bush did it it is OK now and it is also OK to do it to Americans? I read you loud and clear fascist!! ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink
[-] shooz (2176) 1 points 1 minute ago Bush set the precedent. Our laws run on precedent. He opened the doors and signed the contracts. I HATE all of it, but what's done is done. Where is the judge with balls to strike them both down? He was bought, by the corporations that are profiting from these "acts". ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
[-] LongDaysnight (100) 1 points 0 minutes ago Trying to get people to stand down to tyranny now huh? Actually it goes against the Constitution and that is our basis for laws. NYCGA recognizes NDAA 2012 as a threat to the constitution but you don't. Who's side are you on, really? ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink
see it yourself here
It's nonsense like this that's wasting everyone's time on the forum. You should stop attacking other posters with your ridiculous claims. Actually, everybody should stop calling others trolls. Just post on the issues that matter and don't waste everyone's time with the bickering you might be having with other users. Thanks.
Great advice.
Oh, Jeopardy! And the question was, What is OccupyReality66 ?
Thrasymaque was a well known troll the reason he does not want you to focus on this is because that would bring attention to him. BTY Thrasymaque was banned after months of spamming semi porn pictures and using bots to thumbs up and down and hide threads.
Didn't recognize the alias.
This dude is very patriotic and he didnt accept any so called "Conspiracy" ideas. Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, Oct 30 2011
Having been displaced by my recent disaster, and being in Southern California, an obvious destination for me ended up being Occupy L.A. where I joined the group Geezers and Geeks.
The main thing I wanted to accomplish in my reporting of Occupy Los Angeles was the exposure of groups and agencies assigned to undermine the movement . I have had enormous success in this.
On my first night there, a group of masked people entered the camp at the North East corner and followed the police through the camp, trying to spark fights with everyone. Immediately I began calling them agent provocateurs, and got the camera out.
This guy was the first to realize I noticed them and was taking photos. He had a large communication radio with a lit keypad, and seemed to be in contact with the police as they went through the camp - it sounded like a police radio.
The monkey faced demented Santa Claus guy was the creepiest of the bunch
This guy was the first to actually threaten me for taking photos.
I followed them to the front steps of City Hall, where I got a few blurry photos while they shouted threats at me for taking them. They then ran after me, and I sought refuge in a large group of protestors who were having a late night political discussion. The provocateurs then went into the drummers group, where they could see me, and started attempting to spark fights with the drummers. I kept the camera out of sight while I yelled at them, asking how much they were getting paid to make trouble. They escalated and escalated and finally the situation popped, EVERYONE became sure that these people were indeed provacateurs and all gatherings dispersed. The provacateurs then left, never to be seen again.
The silver haired guy looked the most dangerous.
I knew before going out to Occupy LA that one of the intelligence agencies, ( I am not sure which one,) uses a very unique Asus laptop. It can be identified by two very large cooling ports on the back of it. I had already identified this model of laptop as being a problem because on two other occasions, before ever going to Occupy LA, I got my own laptop hacked into via the wifi when two different people were at public wifi hotspots with this laptop on two different days. I have never been hacked by people with ordinary laptops. I am not surprised when I get hacked because I am always politically active - it happens quite a bit. But it has usually been via the internet, and not a direct hack through the wifi.
I noticed that they set up software that attacks via wifi, and then pretend to play games which run horribly. This is a gaming laptop, which is designed to run games GREAT, but while the hack attempt is going on, they run games very poorly and appear to achieve frame rates of 10 or less per second. This can only mean the processors are busy with more than gaming.
This laptop STARTS at $1600.00 and often costs over 2,000 depending on configuration. How likely is it then, that a guy who dresses like the way this guy is dressed would show up at Occupy LA with a mega expensive laptop? When I questioned him, he immediately proclaimed that it was designed by a jew and tried to get me to make anti-semetic remarks! Very odd indeed!
I have suspected the same but you can never be sure.
Yes. I believe COINTELPRO is being used here. The trick is deciding who is doing it, why they're doing it, and whether they operate on individual initiative or are part of an organized effort.
I certainly hope the FBI at least monitors what goes on here. I've seen some downright scary threats by people who appear to suffer from a mental illness and think violence is an acceptable solution. We don't need another OK City.
There are certainly folks who seek to disrupt OWS via this forum. Whether or not they are organized is unclear. I have seen some folks who seem near-professional in their anti-OWS propaganda and spam tactics, but they may just be individuals with as much personal interest in seeing OWS fail as there are individuals who come here trying to help.
There are certainly folks who seek to influence OWS via this forum. Whether or not they are organized is unclear. I have seen some groups of posters who seem to have a singular and coordinated agenda (anti-Israel, pro/anti party, candidate), but these could just be people who happen to share views.
COINTELLPRO ? Sure. Organized ? Not so sure. Conspiracy theories are mighty seductive, but an anti-OWS conspiracy in darned hard to prove. The conclusions we draw in the absence of proof speak more to our character than objective reality. I therefore prefer to think the folks disrupting the forum are operating on individual initiative until proof to the contrary is provided.
Just read the comments as you look around the site and makeup your own mind, I am in solidarity with OWS on a few issues and ketch a lot of flack on both ends. I kinda regret this thread i should have been a little more levelheaded in exposing what i am seeing.
You can delete a post. I had to delete one I regretted after more thought some time back.
I wont it is still something people will notice real soon, it will just take a bit longer this way. ...grow seed grow.
A professional with a rock is much more effective than a amateur with the newest tool.
It is done! Let the world watch in awe. There will be no doubt, eyes will be opened ... or closed forever.. This is our time not to be squandered. " When they say "peace and safety", then will sudden destruction come"....
COINTELPRO is tool of darkness.
Don't give into it. Don't hate it as we cannot exist without having it to compare and expose to. Many here have awakened. That is the primary force of this movement, to show it who is boss. It is WE THE PEOPLE, crimes against humanity shall be shunned.
I don't hate the people saying there is nothing to worry about with NDAA 2012, i fear them. For it is those people that will round up the people they don't like.
The same people you argue with I get along with just fine. Don't take it personally. I have an open mind till the "fat lady sings" It is not over yet, so don't buy into the fear. This is what feeds the "evil" and creates the separation among many of us.
Stick to the facts, and read all angles, watch all media do not buy into one provider. They are all leaking pieces of a giant puzzle, you have to take the suggestiveness out of the reports, go for the core context and re-assemble the puzzles using logic and reason. Then you and they will have the truth, the answers we seek through healthy debate.
Do not ever, give into fear the media injects into you.
That will build a belief system and tune you out to all possibilities.
I know the reasons many of these new laws are being passed. There is some truth to more control, etc.
It can be circumvented, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Positive/negative (neutral) Democrat/Republican (center)
If you get on a bike and ride, lean to one side or another you fall off, no? Balance is key, look in the center and stay there - not on fence, but observe and throw some ideas/opinions out there. Let the post work for itself, it is never over until the "fat lady sings" so it is not totally done until these acts are abused against citizens.
Those who supported it will be voted out, and the acts can be repealed...
I am on the side of humanity.
This guy at the link i showed you address NDAA2012 fears as replicants theorists that need to be rounded up? Better be careful of the company you keep.ZENDOG thmassy to spelled wrong
There is only one L in COINTELPRO.
Yes i know, i had it right in the other part must have missed it. i will fix it thank you.
Alex Jones just loves him some COINTELPRO\
Wow 100 posts in 4 days. Alex Jones and Ron Paul must be paying you well LongDaysnight AKA infowar, infowars, frogwithwings, greedkiiis so on and so forth.
I am constantly answering questions and working with the group to help bring awareness around here. Is that not the point, UNITY, understanding GOALS. I am one of the people here that rose the NDAA 2012 issue to the point of the NYCGA taking notice. BLUEROSE played a big part to.
You are full of Alex Jones and Ron Paul Propaganda.....I can spot it from miles away...... you get your "info" from the Alex Jones spin sites and that alone makes you unreliable.
OK so what we spotted this bill a fricken mile away and took flak for talking about it till Obama signed it. Now most are fighting it others are trying to point out a million reasons why it's not so bad. So i support Ron PauI and listen to Alex Jones does that make me wrong? It is way better then listening to Soros and pretending i don't support mainline democrats.
That makes you gullible not bad. You will learn over time that Alex is just making some cash spreading fear just like Ron Paul did with the Newsletters.
Listening to Alex Jones does not make you wrong, but it shows that you don't have a refined mind. It shows you like to feed your mind with garbage. I hope you don't fill your stomach with McDonald's, because that would make you a big fat uncultured and stupid American. Trust me, that's not a pretty sight.
Yes i am the dumb one, you engage in ad hominem and i debate actual issues.
The point is you don't debate actual issues, you debate conspiracy theories which are only considered "actual issues" by 18 year old virgin nerds with zit covered faces still living at their parents house.
Personally, I listen to all media sources myself, and look into context of info reported. That is what we must all do to seek the truth.
Using logic, and scientific approach based on fact is the way to reach conclusion, only after all data, reports, stories, research is completed.
The media always extracts context, isolates it based on agenda and beliefs.
They fail to seek truth anymore, take the ball, so to speak and run with it for the audience.
Alex does report some truth, but spins it his own way as does the rest of the media. It appears to be driven by fear and scare tactics, a tool utilized from all sources.
Many are led by pied pipers and stick to one source that "resonates" with personal ego or belief system.
Most are lazy and fail to seek truth on their own. They fail to lift the "veil" and extract context reported, collect data from all sources and assemble the pieces of the puzzle and draw the ONLY conclusion. They let the media think for them.
It's important to read various sources, but I don't have the time to read all of them. That's why I eliminate nut jobs who cannot be trusted like Alex Jones. If you have the time to weed out the truth in the midst of his many ludicrous conspiracy theories, than you are a lucky man. I don't have such large amounts of leisure time at my disposal. I have to create some easter eggs for our little friends LongDaysnight and BlueRose, if you catch my drift ;-)
Yea I have been doing that a lot (easter eggs) that is the way to get to the core of the debate, and tell who is who.
The truth always exposes itself in the postings, and stands out from from the conspiracy.
You and I have similar goals, I tend to give enough rope to hang oneself. You tend to deface and point it out, and it pours gas on fires.
Like ndaa 2012?
Like your hyperboles based on conspiracy theories of what NDAA 2012 means.
So do you believe the NYCGA, is partaking in a fight against a conspiracy theory by fighting against NDAA2012?
No. It's important to fight against NDAA because it represents certain dangers. What I'm saying is that there is a difference between certain dangers and the idea of a full blow government conspiracy to control our lives.
The problem with you conspiracy theorists is that you think in black and white; either or. As an example, for you people there's either no problem with Facebook privacy, or there is and it's a deep plot of the government to control all the citizens of the world. As soon as you have the chance, you exaggerate every possible crack you can. It's unhealthy and unproductive. To really understand what NDAA means, one needs to have a sharp mind, not one filled with paranoid illogical thoughts.
The security measures on things like Facebook serve as data basing measures for big corporations to up profits. It also serves as a way for the government to watch "people"
You problem is you think if something sounds too crazy to be true, it's untrue, then you don't even look to see if it is true.... Cognitive Dissonance.
No. It's a question of time. I don't have time to check every idiotic claim that is made by conspiracy theorists. We live in a time of information overload. We must choose what to read. I don't bother with Alex Jones because I now he's not a serious investigator. There are so many more important and rigorous thinkers I need to read first. I don't have time to separate Alex Jone's truths from his rubbish. It's like trying to find a pin in a huge pile of cow poo.
So why don't you feed me some information or places to look besides your page. Spread the wisdom and maybe we will end up working together. Also you must be willing to debate your claims and others if you want true UNITY and not just mindless followers. Remember most people are disillusioned to both sides of our establishment here in the US so just regurgitating the establishment line is a bit tough unless you backup what you say somehow.
I write serious comments in serious discussions all the time around here. Read the forum. I don't waste my time with illogical conspiracy theories. I have more important eggs to fry.
Are you going to spend the entire life of this movement trying to convince everyone there is nothing to see, no personal experience but you own may pass for reality, that we should all follow your omnipotent example of intellect? You didn't even know what a robots.txt was before you started spouting off about using scripts to allow or disallow indexing by SEs, all while claiming to be a programmer, and a writer, and I'm sure many other things to many other people. You like ad hominem, have some right back homie.
Would you like proof that I'm a programmer?
You have been given the opportunity, nay, invited to show something. You may not be familiar with the south but we know all about Big Talkers homie.
Give me a sec, I'll show you a thing or two. I have to get a coffee and buy some smokes first.
Coffee sounds great, another cup is in order. I await the great trilogy that is your skill set.
Actually, you're right richard. I'm not very good at what I do. I can't demonstrate my powers because I have none. You found me out. I'll give you that much.
He really does think he can create reality, he is either insane or COINTELPRO. Those really are the only two options.
Everybody and everything is COINTELPRO, come on dude that is no way to live.
There are many things he could be. Bored, paid, mental, a supporter that is testing their own skills, a cop, a fed, an onlooker from another government. I think the important thing to remember is that he/she isn't very good at what they do.
Pretty much anybody here could be anything, and you have no idea if I am good at what I do. You just spewed a mountain of assumptions upon the forum readers. How does that help this protest? You're getting the thumbs up from conspiracy theorists like LongDaysnight, but that's about it. I'm not sure I understand the purpose of such postings. Why insult people you don't even know?
I may have found some restraint had it not been for your being a dick to me. The approach I take with you is of your own making. Remember back when I first started on this forum, I got along with you pretty well. It was your decision to change that.
"he/she isn't very good at what they do" Yes that's why i said two options because he thinks he is fooling people... I agree with you.
Reading the comments ... can you imagine how MLK felt?
I like the direction this forum is taking the last few days of exposing the true identity of the way government and the elite run this world. They are licensed to kill, lie, cheat and steal. They are responsible for the worlds most horrific crimes against humanity and they are scared shitless because the information is now coming out in droves thanks to the internet. I truly think they would rather have WWIII break out so as to take attention away from all the atrocities that they would have to be accountable for. Great Post...keep it up LongDaysnight
we are on the verge of revolution and most of america dosn't even know. it is kind of funny in a way. they are so fucking dumb. i live in memphis and let me tell you, i don't hear one word about any of this in public at family gatherings at the bar. it is fucking insane and so frustrating. even people who clearly have democratic tendencies you can forget about conservatives. it is funny in a way our closest allies are the fringe right libertarians but they are so brainwashed against sensible social policy and regulation they are almost unusable as allies.
I know...frustration is the word I have dealt with around family and friends also. I don't quite know what to do any more except more of the same. I'm trying desperatley to get them to rub the sleep out of their eyes and wake up? Have you had ANY success at all? If so, what was the method you used?
even the ones i have managed to make a point to that they didn't reject are too conformist to do shit about it. they simply ask what i am gonna do.
All we can do, is all we can do. Unfortunately, I think it won't be long before they have no choice but to look at tyranny straight in the face. I hope you have your seeds and a preparation plan you're working on. I think seeds will be as sought after as gold real soon. Peace be with you my friend.
i have special seeds.
LOL! You'll need 'em. Happy trails my friend.
Social programs at the state level are perfectly constitutional and practical also that is Ron PauI's stance.
ron paul is insane on social issues and deregulation. we need the opposite of what he wants to do he has 4 great ideas the rest is shit. end the war on drugs end the war on terror end the fed end the assault on the bill of rights. everything else is shite. he is unelectable he is a racist or at the very least a bigot.
MSM much?
what is that supposed to mean?
You watch way to much Main Stream Media without fact checking.
Not fact checking? You mean like signing off on racist, homophobic, anti-semitic newsletters that bear your name w/o reading them first? Or do you mean, like, giving speeches denying evolution and anthropic global warming?
Sounds like COINTELPRO to me.
Constitutional? OK.
Practical? Absolutely not.
Well disaster relief at the state level worked fine up till they created FEMA, and i will remind you FEMA a national disaster relief program is a failure.
It's big test was under Bush. With a questionable horse trader running it.
The failure there wasn't FEMA, it was Bush!
There were no major failures of FEMA, other than under Bush.
Simply wrong, they have failed many time since but that all can be debated. So do you deny when disaster relief ran at the state level it worked fine?
You just like being contrary.
You've been doing it all day.
Find a job, or a girl, or boy friend. Or all three.
Live some life, and lay off the conspiracy theories for a while.
Like NDAA2012, Should i turn on, tune in, drop out?
Go cook dinner.
Maybe you are just willfully ignorant, if that is the case you will thank me if you remember or can find me later.
Yes the mainstream news media that fed him that is COINTELPRO. You see the only claim to say Ron Paul is racist are 25 year old news letters wrote by other people under his name. He fired those people and apologized. What else can you do?
Good God,man.
I'm not going over this again.
It was also things he said and did.
He did admit to writing some of it, and he hedged on his apology.
He is a career politician!!!!!!
He should have watched where his career was leading him, from the very start.
He didn't! He gladly sided with the bigots of the day.
I read some those newsletters when they were put out.
That was some kind of nasty shit, and it had his name all over it.
It's not the "MSM"........It's him.
Proof? I did not think so LIAR, you know all those links i post that you hate. Do you have any that have proof of your claims?
Why is everyone so quick to judge each other?
This is the problem, attacking the poster rather than debating the topic. Either engage debate the info or back off.
This is the typical "name calling" and "childs play" that leads to further division rather than unity.
People like you need to put the mirror in front of yourself when attacking someone else. How would it feel? Treat others as you want to be treated.
I am not against you, or for you, we all have opinions, and brains. Lets post, work this stuff out as a team rather than attacking each other. Okay?
Basically there is a group of people here that deny any danger with NDAA 2012 and i am a loony conspiracy theorist for worrying and debating it. I admit i should just ignore them.
If one wants to be taken seriously, leave the emotion out of it.. Post the facts, and let the debate go on. The only flaw I see in your approach is the excess passion and emotion (Alex Jones approach).
Please do not take this personally. You must never anchor to everything you hear and are told. Wait and see, the truth always exposes itself eventually.
We know that things are bad and are going to get worse before they get better.
I can tell you the real reasons these legislative acts are passed, but you must remain open... The government is hiding things, but will not tell the public why this is so...
There is some fact in everything reported, you have to weed out the facts and expose the truth from the spin and emotion wherever you can. Don't take sides. We can all engage in healthy debate, leave the finger pointing and name calling out. It is just a suggestion and it will help your posts and prevent you from being called a conspiracy theorist.
I am telling the truth they are here and they are absolutely insane. read this
Scroll down to what he says to me.
Look 'em up infowar, They're all over the forum.
Better than 3 months worth. I feel no need to save them all, just for folks like you.
You want to think Mr. p. isn't career politician that's your prerogative.
But, that doesn't make it true.
He is a career politician with a nearly flawless 30 year voting record of being for liberty and the constitution. I have seen your guys conspiracy theory's about paul though.
It should be expected
Um.................will you spin out moar if it is?
lol. You're joking right?? For what purpose?
Uh, yeah - they have been infiltrating scary socialist groups forever - and we are talking 5 guys in a garage with a website and copy of the communist manifesto. OWS is a huge huge threat to power.
Oh yes! So huge!
It is threatening the entire power structure of the whole country! I have to go back undercover now. schooz blew his cover and now we have to call in Hymie for robotic help. And boy is he gonna to be pissed!
You're pretty clueless. Though, I don't hold it against you - it's seems to be part of the pathology called Americanness.
What part am I clueless about? Did I misunderstand you? It's possible. COINTELPRO op stuff makes me weary. Maybe I'm just hopelessly American. Help me.
He thinks I'm one, because I don't like Mr. P.
Clearly you must be a deep psyops! Trying to destroy OWS with your COINTELPRO op techniqes! Sadly, you're not doing a very good job. DANGER! LongDaysnight is on to you! I think you're supposed to be more stealthy or something. Back to COINTELPRO op school for you! Looks like I'll have to take over from here my unstealthy friend. I'm going back under cover now. Let's keep this quiet ok?
That was great.
I mean it.
Is it just me? Or has anyone else noticed how this COINTELPRO op stuff comes up every few weeks? Dies down. Just to be brought up again. Really, I do not understand the point. Even if it were true, and there are hundreds of COINTELPRO somethings in the movement, on the forum, so what? There is nothing anyone can do about it. Why waste time even thinking of it. It is kind of entertaining though. : )
It's not just you.
Lower the cone of silence!
We might need to call Hymie in for robotic help.
lol Hymie? Robotic help? I'm not sure I'm familiar with that. I don't really want to be the Chief either. You can be the Chief again. It's only one thread. Nobody else will ever know. Soon the thread will sink to oblivion and no harm done.
It's from an old TV show called Get Smart.
I guess my age is showing again.
See! That's why you get to be the Chief. : )
I suggested it is possible and it has nothing to do with Ron PauI it is your attacking of people talking about NDAA 2012
You act as though I'm somehow for it.
I'm not.
I'm just pointing out how was done.
How the Patriot Act opened the doors to more corporate profit from this kind of legislation
In the end, I still say .........................OccupyWallStreet!!!
They paid to have this stuff enacted.
Quick hurry cover your tracks!! stupid troll.
I haven't used that since the chatroom days of the 90s.
You must be "right", corporations would NEVER profit from such things.
They NEVER buy legislation, or judges, or congress, or senators.
The same reason they did it in the 60's to discredit the real movement and prevent any real change.
I almost forgot. What did you think of the red car analogy? I really am looking for some honest feedback. I need it to get better. I think analogies are very useful. And I kind of stink at it. I think the red car one was actually pretty good. What did you think? Did it make sense?
lol. You are confusing this anarchy for a real movement.
The movements you mention were not based on anarchy. Most of those were well organized with proper leadership, with the intent to work with and through government, with clear goals and direction to affect change.
I don't think those other movements have anything what so ever in common with OWS. So by saying COINTELPRO worked to infiltrate those, so therefore must be infiltrating OWS too, is like saying since a red car drives down the road, an apple must be able to drive down the road too since it is red. Or something like that. I'm not very good with analogies! I try. If I keep practicing I might get better at it!
So you are against OWS now? Your dishonest positions change like the wind. I was not really an OWSer till Obama signed NDAA 2012,then the awakening and direction happened with OWS. So now i am an OWSer at least to go after this bull NDAA 2012 bill and other real oppression.
I'm not against OWS. Why would you think that? Where was I dishonest. I don't think I was. But please tell me, if I was dishonest somewhere, maybe I didn't communicate my thoughts very well, and I will try to clarify.
Are you going for an Orwell double speak and think award? I showed why in the thread. The red car thing is about as dumb as you.
Damn. I thought the red car thing was pretty good. I need to keep working on that.
Clearly, I'm not getting my point across very well. That's my fault. I really don't know where I have been dishonest. But since you think I am, I'll try to clarify.
I am not against OWS. I just don't believe that anarchy is an answer. I don't believe we need a revolution. I do believe we need politicians to make the kinds of changes that are necessary.
I think this movement could do alot better. I believe in many messages coming from the movement. I just don't believe that the anarchist form is serving it well. This movement needs to lose the anarchy, get some real leadership, an effective organizational structure and a focused message.
Funny till Obama signed NDAA and OWS has taken a stance somewhat directed at him you had no problem. No one want anarchy here also no one want's to kill millions more in wars. Is mass murder not worse then fixing our government?
That's not true. You are making some kind of connections between my beliefs and issues with OWS and NDAA which are simply not true. There is absolutely no connection.
I have been very critical of the anarchistic form of this movement for months. Who said anything about killing and murder?? Yikes. I'm just talking about the principles of anarchy.
Here's a few examples.
I have multiple conversations going on in this post. It's from about 1 week ago. Honestly, I don't keep links that long.
Our government is institutionalized Anarchy, that's my point. How many wars of aggression under BushBama are we in have need in? How many more are planed?
Our country has been involved in many wars through out our history. I don't consider this anarchy. I don't see any anarchistic principles in our government. Please explain. I do think our government is corrupted with money.
This movement was started by an anarchist, David Graeber. It is based on the anarchist principles of leaderlessness, anti-authority, non-hierarchical structures and direct democracy. That's my point.
The absence of law is Anarchy, if we just create laws to do anything we want that is institutionalized anarchy. By the way before Libya we had one undeclared war Vietnam.
Create laws to do anything we want? That doesn't make much sense. We have lots of laws that are useful for a just society. Most of which are abided by. There is certainly no abscence of laws in this country.
Yes but they wanted to get the "terrorists" on 911 so they made the Patriot ACT. If you can just make up laws as you WANT that is tyranny. It might as well be called Anarchy for the 1%
I don't really know that much about the Patriot Act. I just know about it in a general sense. I can't really speak to it specifically.
Tyranny means single ruler. We don't have a tyranny. We still have a representative form of government with a judicial, legislative and executive branch and checks and balances. With lots of laws and rules, which is pretty much the opposite of anarchy. Most of society abides by those laws and the country is relatively safe and stable.
The 1% engage in corruption of our government and use their money to get laws enacted that they see fit, or is beneficial to them, thereby turning our Republic form of government into an oligarchy. Not anarchy.
However, back to my original point, this movement is anarchy.
tyr·an·ny [tir-uh-nee] Show IPA noun, plural -nies. 1.arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. 2.the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler. 3.a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler. 4.oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler. 5.undue severity or harshness.
I think my post is being Censored. Ron Paul looks like he will win Iowa..I'm suprise more people aren't picking up on this.
Maybe my post number locked at 100 awhile ago.
No. The points change at the end of the day.
The low number probably has to do with a certain group of people that tag team dislike people they hate here. Whatever though i will keep trying my best to expose it.
Look. Just post what you want to post. Don't worry about the points at all.
Wait till you point out some real good info to someone and it collapses in minutes, then talk to me many are having it happen and seeing it, not a closely held secret.
Yes, yes, this has happened to me. Don't post conspiracy stuff because it will be heavily criticized.
I don't care if i am, i am also highly praised in others. I will try to get people to see, what i see if i think it may help them. i don't help people for rewards in anyway except that feeling i get when i know i have actually help someone, so it is a bit selfish. I think everyone here could use a good bit of studying on COINTELPRO it is a necessity for protester.
That's good. Like I said, post what you want and don't worry about the points. We all have a lot to learn and should keep our minds open.
Very true and we must be able to admit when we know we are wrong.
Most definitely. Only idiots are never wrong.
[-] GirlFriday (2463) -1 points 3 hours ago No you don't you big dipshit. The power already existed. It existed under AUMF. Now, do you know any information surrounding the link that I just gave you? Ever heard of Yaser Hamdi and Jose Padilla? Ever? Any time spent at all on this history? No? I see. You should probably pull your head out of your ass before you talk to anyone else about facts. Yeah? ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink
[-] LongDaysnight (100) 2 points 3 hours ago You are funny i will keep spreading the word and winning. bye ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
[-] GirlFridaysMomma (0) 1 points 2 hours ago You can't reason with methed out junkies. Thanks for trying. She's had the peewaddy bejeezus stomped out of her plenty, several times before she turned six even. Look closely, you'll see hornectomy scars since her lil brother, ZenDawg, chewed them off with his jagged rotten teeth. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
[-] capella (103) 1 points 2 hours ago gurlie, the ows poet. ↥like ↧dislike reply permalink
[-] GirlFriday (2463) -1 points 3 hours ago You lose. Put that in your crack pipe. ↥like ↧dislike reply edit delete permalink
Did you have a problem printing all of it or just the parts that you like?
See the time difference a have not updated to coped version of the thread.
well, CIA do everything opposite :) spread the freedom over over twi'tin
So - let me get this straight - the FBI is after us? Is that the idea?
How does this information fit in with that kind of world view?
NYPD vs FBI over Jose Pimentel, accused terrorist
The OnLineWSJ
The HuffingtonPost
the LA Times
And how, exactly, would the rise of corporate espionage after the fall of the Berlin Wall fit into your vision of how the world works today?
One more thing, if I may -
Related posts:
Forum Post: Memo spells out plan to undermine Occupy Wall Street
original PDF document:
You do realize OWS just started going after NDAA2012 and have dealt with provocateurs before. So yes it is a good chance COINTELLPRO has been used and will be.
Do you even know what cointellpro is? how it has been used? where it comes from? or who uses such techniques today?
any clue?
do you have any idea how government organizations evolve over time in this country?
Do you understand, and fully grasp the implications behind the concept of
and how that may impact this movement? today?
any idea?
Not that I'm worried - I'm not - not at all - this is America
and I've seen quite a few of the tricks of the trade myself
I was just
COINTELLPRO can be many things. It really can be explained easily by saying that its main goal is to to disrupt the momentum of movements. Like you guys trying to disrupt OWS when they set clear goals like stopping NDAA 2012 and dismantling the police state.
What I have advocated recently regarding NDAA is an examination of all of the policy that supports indefinite detention, and supports Gitmo - all of it, not just the two sections 1031 and 1032 of the Senate version of NDAA.
How is that a distraction?
How is that not a clear goal?
I've posted links to articles demonstrating that the practice of attaching bullshit to spending bills isn't new - that it is a fundamental strategy of Congress to pass legislation the President otherwise would not sign.
You won't hear it. I can't help that.
I'm not trying to disrupt anything - I'm trying to get people focused.
there's a difference.
Closing Gitmo and ending indefinite detention are essentially the same thing. Embrace that fact, identify the legislation that is related, hold it up high, and condemn it loudly.
Hold those in Congress responsible for such legislation accountable for their actions.
Levin / McCain is a perfectly reasonable place to start.
Unfortunately you are obsessed with the black guy in the White House - I get it - it's a bit jarring.
But I like it. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside . . .
Really don't make me do more clip and paste.. i am not wasting my time on you or any of you stealth Obama supporters anymore. Everyone know you fools and they will see the truth through actions of you guys. Everybody knows and no amount of flagging or shady MODing will change that. You have continuously said of the signing statement makes it so it does nothing so we should not worry about it and much much more. Hey maybe you have a clone though.
Can you please stop talking nonsense.
Thank goodness you're here! I have to run though. Have fun!
WTF How can i be clearer?
I didn't say your comments weren't clear, I said they were nonsensical. Learn to read.
Only to you and the other Obama worshipers here, sorry.
I'm not an Obama worshiper, I think the man is way, way , way, too far to the right and far too pro-plutocracy for a 21st century president.
And I think you're full of horse shit.
Is there a reason to fight NDAA 2012?
Yeah, b/c it encodes a suspension of Habeus Corpus, and thus violates Art 1, Sec 9 of the US Constitution, all of the State Constitutions, and The Universal Declaration on Human Rights...not to mention 1500 years of English Common law.
this COINTELPRO bullshit's idiotic and makes you look like someone who needs fitting for their tin-foil hat.
Want to be astounded check this out. read what zendog says to me there.
What's wrong with what Zen said? Repelicans are a shameful bunch.
So you want to round them up to, psycho?
Not exactly. I just don't think they are beneficial to society given their present extremism. Oh, and I don't want them to have a majority of the House. Maybe like... 50 would be good. And the Senate, 15 tops!
Even Pat Robertson said they are too far to the right. I mean - talk about the kettle calling the pot!! Jinkies!
My daughter does it, cheaply I might add, to supplement her food stamp business.
gurlie is back !!!!
and you are on my list of those who I will declare my unconditional love for
please vote dislike on all her posts
somebody needs to shut her foul mouth and it's to the point, nobody will stick anything in it, or her
having a hissy fit or is it your time of the month?
I'm going to set her left wing commie-socialist government teat sucking mouth shut. I know you are with me.
No, John Bassist, you will do no such thing. Not now or ever.
You are a very mentally unstable young man. From this point on, I will no longer respond to you. I am no longer going to feed into your mental illness. So, kick rocks.
Still have nothing better to do than act like a bitch I see, John. Still targeting women I also see. You are one sad spineless piece of horse poop.
gurlie, still drooling?