Forum Post: Bob Costas had the Bravery to address a Taboo Topic, our stupid gun laws!
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 4, 2012, 10:40 a.m. EST by WSmith
from Cornelius, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am Proud as Hell Bob Costas had the Bravery to address a Taboo Topic, our stupid gun laws!
It's just phony big biz sports, people getting shot trumps sports and rights to pack heat!
Bob Costas Gun Control Speech: Jovan Belcher Murder-Suicide Inspires Halftime Segment (VIDEO)
Megyn Kelly, Fox News Panel Battle Over Bob Costas' Gun Control Speech (VIDEO)
It would be hard to find someone less interested in sports or less knowledgeable about sports than I am, but I heard this on MSNBC
It was an amazing accurate condemnation of guns.
He & Jason Whitlock showed real courage to share this in the midst of the gun nuts.
Register all guns like cars
License all owners like drivers
What could be simpler?
this has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment or gun rights
it is about GUN PROFITS
wanna take a guess at Wayne LaPierre's annual compensation? ....................................................................................................................$1,000,000.00
The British are coming after your commie ass!!!
Our rights not to be shot by guntot'n civilian (Not a Well Regulated Militia!!) screwballs TRUMPS their confused and contrived grasp on gun ownership!
We tried it their way, and they blew it! Now, hand in your guns! And report to the FEMA Re-Education Camp nearest you! IMMEDIATELY!
Driving isn't a Constitutional right and to make such a stupid comparison and suggestion only proves what a simpleton Obama voter you must be.
Sir, respectfully you are incorrect. Driving is a right.
CASE #1: "The use of the highway for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege, but a common fundamental right of which the public and individuals cannot rightfully be deprived." Chicago Motor Coach v. Chicago, 169 NE 221.
CASE #2: "The right of the citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, either by carriage or by automobile, is not a mere privilege which a city may prohibit or permit at will, but a common law right which he has under the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Thompson v. Smith, 154 SE 579.
It could not be stated more directly or conclusively that citizens of the states have a common law right to travel, without approval or restriction (license), and that this right is protected under the U.S Constitution.
CASE #3: "The right to travel is a part of the liberty of which the citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment." Kent v. Dulles, 357 US 116, 125.
CASE #4: "The right to travel is a well-established common right that does not owe its existence to the federal government. It is recognized by the courts as a natural right." Schactman v. Dulles 96 App DC 287, 225 F2d 938, at 941.
you're right about what the typical barry voter is. they have no idea what the bill of rights is.
Bob Costas was right to bring up the issue and get people talking about reasonable gun laws. Super ntelligent guy. I actually talked to him on a flight for while once about the issue of race in America. His late night talk show was one of the few that actually dug pretty deep.
Kudos to Bob for speaking up. The corporate machine and ALEC folks probably hated it, but they're not going to get rid of Costas. He's too good. He did that in a very calculated way no matter what he's saying now.
How many sniveling careerist news/sports casters bite their tongues and keep silent about important subjects/current events. But this was just sports, and just football! Bob Costas addressed a terrible problem we are having in this country when it touched the world of (NFL) sports. It was his duty to address this pertinent issue, and he stood up. If there was no gun, no one would have been shot. This drives the gun nuts crazy. The NRA is dispersing talking points like a stuck pig. Rush is braying that it was a Liberal Lifestyle to blame for the incident. And the reactionary zombies are buying more Guns and Ammo!!
A REGULATED MILITIA!! [It's called the military, police, National and Coast Guard!!] Since you civilian CLOWNS can't control your guns, let's put them in a holding place (City Hall?) until the British start coming back!!
Support reasonable gun control!
gun control is when you hit your target.
Aaaaaaaah ha ha ha ha!. You're so funny!, You should have your own show! Like Bozo the Clown.
Man that is so clever. "....hit your target" that's good. LOL
At Least Seven NFL Players Turn In Guns Following Murder-Suicide Tragedy
By Scott Keyes on Dec 10, 2012 at 4:30 pm
According to a report from Sports Illustrated, at least seven NFL players have gotten rid of their personal firearms following this month’s horrific episode when Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher shot his girlfriend dead, then turned the gun on himself.
One player reportedly turned in multiple weapons to his franchise’s security detail, “telling his team’s personnel that he didn’t trust himself with the guns.”
Firearms have again entered the public debate after the Belcher tragedy, with normally-non-controversial commentators like Bob Costas noting correctly that if the linebacker hadn’t possessed a gun, “he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.”
Studies show that having a gun in the home increases the chances of homicide two to three times, and gun death rates are seven times higher in states with high household gun ownership rates. The presence of a firearm in the home also increases the risk of homicide for women by five times and two-thirds of women killed with guns each year die in domestic disputes.
What is you're idea of reasonable gun control?
Closing the gun show/private sale loophole, ban automatic weapons/ammo.
No tanks, no jet planes, No bombs.
Excellent!!!!!!!!! Well said.
Also, no guns for the insane, & no guns for convicted violent felons.
That's reasonable.
So are you okay with AR-15s that are semi auto
I will vote no on those.
I understand that a lot of people tend to say why do you need an assault rifle. My response is why do you need a car that goes much higher than the legal speed limit. More people are killed in a year from car crashes than gun violence. Why do you need a car that can go 150 when the speed limit is only 70. A lot less people would die every year if people were not flying down a highway drunk or just plain stupid. So if you start regulating and enforcing restrictions on things that can kill such as funds then you have to do the same for things that kill much more than guns like cars.
What about more historical weapons, like a semi auto tommy gun.?
No thanks. Are you against any guns? How about bombs/grenades, tanks, and such.
Not really, are you for any guns?
Sure! all but the auto/semi auto we've discussed.
Does that leave any?
So you're ok with people owning tanks? Kinda extreme no?
But if I cant have my tank, how do I fight you with your gun?
LOL. Hard to debate when they ain't serious huh?
Good to have you contributions.
What about the semi auto hunting rifles that Remington makes? Are you against those to even though they are uniting rifles? Also who are you to tell me that I cannot own an AR-15.
I never told you what you can or cannot own. Are you stroking? I've only expressed my opinion. Is that ok with you?
can't you stick with the truth.
No you are telling me that I cannot own that. By saying that I should not be ale to buy one you are saying I should not be able to own one. I am sticking with the truth.
My opinion isn't law. I ain't told you you can't own anything. Are you off your meds?
This guy was completely normal before the incident. So what reasonable gun control prevents him from legally purchasing the gun in the first place? Answer: none.
Supporting reasonable gun control has nothing to do with him.
And the tragedy he created doesn't mean we shouldn't support reasonable gun control.
if we all carried grenades, as soon as he fired his first shot, someone could have used their grenade
True dat. And we had drones the Portland mall murderer might've been taken out.
When will people learn. We should all have our own personal armed drone hovering above for our protection.
Answer: FEMA!!
There's nothing reasonable about gun control!!!!
Closing the gun show/private sale loophole (every gun should beregistered), ban automatic weapons/ammo.
No tanks, no jet planes, No bombs.
No guns for convicted violent offenders, or insane people.
You need to research the facts about the gun control laws and regulations already in place before you comment anymore on a subject you obviously know nothing about. Your irrational,emotional rhetoric feeds Leftist hyperbole but nothing else.
How about if I do whatever the fuck I wanna do.?
You disagree with my position on reasonable gun control I getthat. You think I am mistaken about something. Speak up!
Your childish unfounded insults simply betray the impotence of your position.
To resort to personal attacks rather than the substance shows the partisanship of your argument, and only means you lose.
You shouldn't be on a Forum commenting if you are overly sensitive and easily offended. A subject like gun control will ignite controversy and if you can't handle the heat or information demand,then you should go back to your knitting circle.
You're in favor of eliminating the 2nd Amendment,so excuse me if I don't show you favor.
You don't speak for me you Right Wing wacko! I never mentioned the 2nd Amendment. That's you blatantly lying because you can't argue honestly, using facts, without personal attacks.
And I ain't "overly sensitive, and easily offended", You think my feelings are hurt? LMFAO. Whatta joke. I'm just pointing out your impotence arguing the substance of the issue.
So no, I ain't gonna stop commenting to do more research, or because you resort to childish insults.
I am right! I am relentless! I do not forget, I do not forgive, we are everywhere, We are legion, Expect us, you will be assimilated! Resistance is futile! Lock n load motherf$#ker.
" Right Wing wacko", "using facts, without personal attacks" try taking your own advice.
You don't know much of anything about this subject except what propaganda has been spoon fed to you by MSNBC. Please just be honest and stop this charade.
You ain't mentioned any facts! Only personal attacks. I follow "my good advice" until faced with pieces of shit like you.
You wanna discuss facts. Let's see! Speak up!
If you wanna get down in the dirt, I will oblige your sorry childish ass!
By all means, continue your charade.
Still nothing. Nada, Nyet!
Do you support registering all guns. Not an 2nd amendment infringement.
How about guns for the insane? Or convicted violent offenders?
See that is substance.
You got no substance. Just childish, meaningless, unfounded, partisan personal attacks!
Registering all guns might not sound bad to you but as a gun owner it sounds like a list of all people that could be considered dangerous. I would think someone like you could understand that.
It's our best opportunity to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.
That is the number one and probably the worst argument for gun control. It is really easy to get a gun illegally. Do you think that gangs get full auto UZI's and other guns like that to commit crimes with. No they do not because it takes time and is really expensive. It is the same thing with banning handguns in city's like Chicago. There gun crime is through the roof. So that disproves anyone's theory that restrictions like that don't work.
Just register every weapon those found with criminals will be traced back to someone who maybe sold it illegally.
Imprison a few illegal sellers and that may slow down criminals access to guns.
At what point do we realize REASONABLE is failing?
I think we have hit that point
FEMA Camps, the NEW reasonable!!!
LOL. Something has to be done.
They had their chances, and chances, and chances, and chances... they blew it!
They can't control their guns and they can't give them up!!
I'm sick of innocent people getting shot just so some hairbrained civilian Bozos can play minute men for an imaginary invasion!
Take their guns and check their crazy asses into FEMA Re-Ed Camps !!
Yeah and what happened to all the "decent honest gun owners" who were gonna prevent these (and mass killings) by owning guns?
We have more than 300 million guns in America! How come there are never any used to 'save the day' as the NRA says the would.
I guess we should add that to their failure.
Sales and myth over lives!
And gun makers, ammo corps are makin crazy money.
Greedy bastards.
Didn't they sell out when the "Kenyan" got re-elected? I mean when ACORN stole the election for him?
LOL. They sure did. Suckas.! Buncha scared little children being led by the nose with fear mongering tactics designed to boost profit.
Buncha ignorant fools
So scared of the UN they rejected the disability treaty, just posted. Check out the replies this RedMoron is sending!!
Just did. blind, scared, ignorant & pathetic..
"Watchout it's Agenda 21"!
No reply button below:
OK, now I'm really scared!! UN OVERLORDS!!! OMG!!!!
LOL. that's what they've told me. It would be funny if it wasn't sad.
Is that near Area 51 or their G-Spot #2??
Maybe. They are so wacky! Kerry just said the treaty will be brought back next session, and they will address the fear of UN overlordishness.
That is very Nazi of you. Looks like you enjoy abusing power. More insane comments that only chase people away.
Keep up the good work.
Hmmm, this is why Americans need to focus on Article V, constitutional intent and defense.
The issues under discussion can be well resolved when free speech is unabridged between the peoples of the several states. Be assured, all amendments will be filled with constitutional intent.
I am not now, nor have I ever been a Nazi, I'm a FEMA camp detective. The best!
Exactly right,.....WSmith is a few fries short of his happy meal and is in need of some serious therapy.
A guy that posts from the John Birch Society, has NO place calling anyone else a Nazi.
I've caught 2 more doing the same, and one of those is someone you agree with.
The proof is in the pudding.
Bob Costas is correct. You and the Birchers aren't
The world is not black and white. It is mostly grey when it comes to groups of people and their intent. To assume a generalization can easily serve to divide, whereas to understand that even the Birchers have some real valid points, albeit, perhaps not acceptable mixed with the intent of other things.
Our human nature and conditioning determine a great deal of our ability to observe the "grey" an know what the differences therein are. Most importantly, is that the principles of the republic are defended and stand.
Other issues need to be set aside in order to form alliance defending rights and freedoms of the republic.
Oh boy, another Bircher.
You wouldn't be a Koch, or David Duke, would you?
In keeping with the level of bullshit, I guess you could say Hitler had some valid points too.
Looks like a cognitive infiltration here with the unreasonable effort to label.
You have used 10 to attempt to effect 1, then attempts to associate in the process of attempting 3, minimization.
The again labeling and all or nothing thin\king while trying to minimize;
Desperate infiltrator trying to prevent speech, information form having its meaning.
yes - you are cognitively distorted
please ask your doctor to loosen your straight jacket
Ad hominium and evasion don't work dad. Comment on "Preparatory Amendment" in your neglected ART 5 thread.
obfuscation is a weak argument .
are you afraid to answer where is the law referring to "Preparatory Amendment"
I do not know what it is - legally
is it the lubricant they prepare you with before they put on the straight jacket?
Okay, constitutional thinking and strategy are something you will not recognize and discuss. Just checking accountability to reason.
Jim Jones' Koolaid was a "Preparatory Amendment."
This is the best I can do now on this, seems creepy, but has some good stuff:
I'll keep it simple for you then.
Costas is correct and the poster I responded to was incorrect.
Please explain how my final statement does not describe what you are responding to.
In finality, ....A single valid point does not prove the veracity of the source.
No, you have not recognized your distortions. No point, you have no integrity to reason. You are not working with reality. You are working with the artifice of fraudulent politics.
In answer to your constitutional question.
I believe it's not germane to the subject at hand.
More germane, would be an answer from you as to whether you think the John Birch Society is a legitimate leader, in forthright American ideology.
First cognitive distortions now evasion.
Let me test this. Answer a question please . Do you believe that the powers of Congress described in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, and the creation of a central bank like the Federal Reserve are something the federal government can legally and rightfully do under the constitution?
This is asked to see if you actually reject everything the Birchers promote. Be accountable.
The distortion is on the part of the ideology expressed, that is contrary to what Mr. Costas said.
I also take exception to someone who quotes from the John Birch Society calling anyone else a Nazi.
If nothing else the society is nothing but a propaganda organization founded by Koch the elder.
I for one, reject anything they have say, anything at all, and I will say something about anything I can trace back to them...........I don't care if they gave me the correct time of day, they are still an organization of liars.
They are the epitome of fraudulent politics.
They are bigots, xenophobes and just plain crazies.
In an extremely "right" wing kind of way.
Since you've not acknowledged your generalizations and labeling designed to perhaps act as a mental filter effecting minimization of my underlying message about our constitution, we nee an Article V convention and we need to prepare for it with amendment that returns enough constitutionality to the nation for it to know constitutional intent.
shooz (wrote: "I for one, reject anything they have say, anything at all"
Let me test this. Answer a question please . Do you believe that the powers of Congress described in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, and the creation of a central bank like the Federal Reserve are something the federal government can legally and rightfully do under the constitution?
"Bircher" crack me up. are a relentless internet poster. That energy on attacking should go towards organizing.
And like I said, I see stuff I post it. And you police it. You are a great asset to Occupy. Keep up the good work. Regardless of what site - are you stil denying we sent Marines to Guatemala?
So what is your solution to the gun thing? Do you have one?
Let me comes another attack.
Yes I did.
You on the other hand brought NOTHING to the table besides more death and denial.
Let the children die, as long as you keep your guns.
That's the motto of the gun nutters.
Um, no you didnt. You and the three amigos just get on here and bitch, offering nothing in the line of solutions.
So how, without making them 100% illegal, would you keep an normal person from purchasing it the right way and then "snapping".
How do you keep that person from snapping?
guaranteed to solve the gun problem:
everyone should carry a grenade.
especially children
You can lie about me if you like. I don't care. You post from the John Birch society and economic conspiracy theory sites anyway.
But yes, I did come up with 2 helpful solutions, neither one of which took away your SACRED guns.
Perhaps if you would pay more attention to what's happening in Florida, instead of posting John Birch comments on Guatemala, along with posting more comments on the kinds of inequality and lies that make people snap would be useful.
In this case I've some heard thought that the man may have been suffering from PTSD, caused by playing your favorite "sport", But then you're BIG football fan too, along with being a fan of gun violence.
How revolutionary.
Well, there arent troops being deployed in Florida. Ill keep a look out for ya. Although the adminstration has drones flying over the gulf and the atlantic side, looking for troublemakers. How wonderful. Cant wait until they are mainland.
So what is it? How do you keep people from snapping? If you cant say it , efficiently, then you dont have a point.
Lets hear it?
I already made my point.
You had NO right to call anyone a Nazi..
None at all.
No you didnt.
And people who want to stick their neighbors in FEMA camps are Nazis.
Call Alex Jones.
bob costas looks right after today doesn't he.
Nobody wants brownie points for this, it's just a huge problem whose time has come.
after the public evisceration that costas received in the media specifically right wing media this is more than a justification of his statements.
Vindication at a dreadful cost. We knew he was right, we don't need this...
apparently large segments of the population were not convinced. after yesterday it is apparent public opinion has changed in just one day.
This is why they prefer us in "X-Factor" comas!,0,3969911.story
Getting stupider, every single day.
The ones that crack me up are the ones who defend gun "rights" and condemn drone attacks.
How will FLAKESnews and MSM spin this?
More sad gun news today -
"when will they ever learn?" - P,P,M
maybe - post election - we will now hear politicians call for reform
"when will they ever learn?" - P,P,M
3 more dead in the collateral damage payment for "Liberty"!!
Willing suicide bomber for our Hillbilly Taliban!
For all those "deniers," without a gun this couldn't have happened. The shoppers were so terrified police are still looking and finding people hiding with their children etc.
my region
Stop switching handles.
The voice of obtuse command.
And another one voices there opinion without participating in a direct action in over a half a year.
Shocking. Anoher power centralizer speaks their mind. What a suprise/
Stop buying guns.
I dont buy guns you moron. Man you are dumb. Its one typicral reactionary comment after another with a few of you.
Don't print stuff you'll regret when you sober up!!
He should have gone futher and talked about the root cause of violence against women: hatred of women. From the 1989 shootings of female engineering students, the Amish shootings in Penn., the dickhead who shot the women in a gym AND got sympathy because he hadn't been laid in years, the dickhead who dressed as Santa and killed his inlaws, wife and the 9 year old who answered the door (in California) and on and on and on.
This violence doesn't happen in a vacuum!
Misogyny is an unfortunate tool for gathering up dummies and freaks, I don't get it, but it's a real and sick thing. I hope it's nutbag vulgarity has not touched you personally.
I don't get it either.
I'm sorry
If costas is so correct for discussing this issue, why did he wait so long? There is a shooting in an NFL city everyday.
But not by Athletes who play in the sport right?
Not sure what you mean about athletes. I would be concerned though if there is any issue of unreported concussion effects. That is a serious concern. First reports say he has no injuries but some atheletes do not report them. I believe that many people face emotional issues and some just do not deal with them very well (anger). He must have been extremely upset about his girl friend or some related issue, but not an excuse to kill her or himself. The gun is not the issue in this. More of the focus should be on e incident and why it occurred. What pushed him over the edge? The gun was just the convenient means. We have seen many cases of stabbings or methods that kill. Bringing up the weapon used each time does not address the real issue of WHY? I think we can agree on that. Getting into a shouting match about gun control pushes that aside and that is a shame. There is now an orphaned child.
Your question was "If costas is so correct for discussing this issue, why did he wait so long? There is a shooting in an NFL city everyday"
I'm sayin it is true there are gun deaths all over but not by the athletes.ofthe sport. This is why he didn't comment sooner.
I've heard lotsa discussion about the guys mental state, possible arguments/anger. All ofthat.
But we can't ignore the gun, We shouldn't pretend the "convenience" as you put it of getting the gun is not an issue to be discussed,
What are you afraid of. Discussion is good.
Yes, agree that discussion is good. But would you admit that the media always "runs" a story that has a tag line? Think about it this way. There are other athletes, maybe not pro, that inflict violence, with all kinds of weapons, and sometimes just their fists. What's the difference? Only that it makes a headline. Here today and gone tomorrow. How long did the discussion last when giffords was shot? How long does the headline last when a child goes missing? It's the media sensationalizing the story to make points, nothing more. Costas used this as an opportunity to make points, nothing more. If he had any real balls, he would have been in front of congress or went on Sunday morning talk shows, or even on his show to raise the issue. That's my issue with him!
Media is all about sensationalism. no doubt. If a "PRO" Athlete commits murder/suicide it is absolutely appropriate for any commentary to discuss it.
Ignoring guns as part of that discussion would be dishonest.
Costas showed great courage in discussing it because the extremists jump on any anti gun discussion for fear that someone (Obama, blue helmets, etc) are gonna come for their guns.
Gun extremists went ballistic (<--heh heh) and are pressuring the network to fire Costas. 'Cause they believe in their gun rights, over the right of free speech.
I support Costas brave actions. I criticize the many other commentators who lacked the courage and pretending the gun was unrelated.
You can't have it both ways! RW MO #3!
~You don't want him to say anything. He didn't say it soon enough.~
Might work in RW Zombie land, not here.
Report to the FEMA Re-Education camp near you with your unloaded weapons and ammo, NOW!!!
You clowns blew it!
I really do not care what bob costas says or does, but he is free to say what ever he wants. You miss the point.
FEMA Camps don't have internet, get back or I'll report you and they'll drone your ass.
And your the free speech police? Do you have issues with discussion or do you just prefer moronic statements? Or would rather have a discussion of the point? Up to you.
I feel I have not been fair to you, please state your case.
No, you were reacting and pre-judging. Please read my discussion with VQ below. I believe that costas was just grandstanding. Tell me of you agree or not.
Costas stated what most in media are too chicken to utter!
He should get a medal of honor and we should catch up with countries like UK and ban guns! You fools have proven time and time again you can't control then, ENOUGH! The wild west is OVER! Time to join the rest of the 21 Century!
"you fools".? Why do you think I am anti gun control. I have not stated such. My comments are directed to the way people grandstand on an issue, or be an opportunist. If he is real in his intentions, let see if he continues to comment on this, actually gets behind legislation or just moves on. I believe it will be the latter. Stop with the rhetoric and quick assumptions. Everyone jumps up and down about guns and no one asks why he did it. All this shouting just creates more division and digging in on positions that won't allow good discussion. It is not about the guns, but about the violent nature of people. Why not talk about that and maybe make some real progress for once. Address the cause, not the means or result. That would be more 21 century.
Costas is a sports guy who happens to be smart and have a heart. It's not grandstanding to speak truth to power!!
He spoke on the issue where others keep there mouths shut out of fear, ignorance or indifference (I'm leaning toward the latter). He deserves a medal.
Will he now make our stupid, backward, wild-west, outdated gun laws his mission in life? OF COURSE NOT!!
But maybe he'll encourage more people to speak up WHO DON'T, because it's overdue AND the right thing to do!!
And the NRA is holding us back purely for financial reasons, the bastards couldn't care less about lives or progress. Time to leave them in the dust of irrelevance! And move forward to the 21st century that other countries are already enjoying!
Why do you shout? And if you do not see that he was grandstanding, you should take a media relations course. And you missed the point. Why not discuss the "why". If he used a different weapon, would you say the same about the method? Guns only make killing or maiming quicker, it does not preclude the violent intent. Why not concentrate there instead. It might make some actual progress. Eliminating guns is similar to arguing about abortion, religion, etc. people are dug in to their views and are not about to change. So how about changing the conversation.
Addressing an issue that you don't agree with is not grandstanding.
Gun ownership has long past the Cost/Benefit test.
The days of our gun ownership necessity are long gone.
Too easy to make an irreversible mistake!
Time to go UK!!!
Has nothing to do with agree or disagree, it is a critical opinion of how a person uses a media position to look good and nothing more. Again, if he goes further, then great, but I do not believe he will and that in itself makes it a grandstand play. Suggest some reading on media relations so you will understand what my point is, because you certainly are getting lost in this discussion.
I have yet to have "good discussion" with gun nutters.
I've tried numerous times.
It's just not what they do. They are irrational to a fault.
When all else fails, they resort to mumbo jumbo about the second amendment as though it was written by a God.
And the children still die. Killing each other with guns left lying around, for their own protection.
Yes, there is way to many deaths from gun related acts. But don't you think that maybe the discussion itself is flawed and that is why it never gets anywhere? That is why I suggested a different tack. While I do believe in the right to own firearms, I also believe that there is a need for improved regulation and better enforcement of the existing laws. I would have a lock on every firearm just to start with. But on the matter of a violent society, we better get started on that quickly.
In the past I have suggested bio trigger locks and an insurance pool.
Both were met with irrational BS about the amendment.
In answer to your last sentence.
A more equal society is a less violent society, and that's what we need to work on here in America.
Increased equality of all measures.
and in chicago, multiple shootings ( murders) everyday.
My feeling on this subject has always been the same: if we're going to be compiling lists (and we are) then I'd rather be on the one with the guns.
The voice of obtuse subservience.
The people's Rights to not be shot by some RW jacked up gun nut (or other), Trumps your confused "right" to have guns.
REGULATED MILITIA!! Police, Military, etc. Not screwball civilian clowns!!!
Actually most pf the people on the right do not go around shooting people. Ask your self this question: where are the most shootings? In the cities or urban areas. What is the political persuasion there? This is not an issue of left / right but of enforcement of the laws we already have and closing up the loop holes. How is that so difficult?
"Jacked-Up" on 24/7/365/every city RW Hate & Lie Radio!! Brain Washed and Incited to be violent, and armed!
FEMA Camps!
Did you go off your meds? Not sure what you are talking about. But you did not respond to above. "who" is incited to be violent?
RW Zombie dittoheads!!
Now back, back, back to UR Camp!
Is that your method of discourse? Try again.
Back to your FEMA Camp or I'll report your Hillbilly Taliban ass??
Bzzzz! same non response. Try again.
Back to the FEMA Camp NutBag!!!
You are such a dirtbag. The Left has done more to drive gun sales than the NRA has.
You are such a dirtbag.
You are such a dirtbag. The Left has done more to drive gun sales than the NRA has.
Aw, c'mon, what about the neighbors dog that talks you at night??
Back to the camp, you don't wanna be droned, again.
By The Time Obeee Leaves Office the guns in this country will outnumber the people, almost two to one. Good luck with that.
Is that what the dog told you?
Bet he didn't tell you the Wild West was over, time to join the 21 Century!
Could you do us a favor and say that one more time? We're trying to sell guns here.
You can't control your guns, people are getting shot way too much!
We know the neighbor's dog told you differently?
Bet he didn't tell you that the Wild West was over, and it's time to join the 21 Century!
Going UK!!
My family's owned guns in this country for almost 400 years and to the best of knowledge no one has ever, ever, been shot by any of our literally hundreds of family members who didn't deserve shooting.
It's society's mental patients that are shooting people; you don't own any guns do you?
Yeah, my family owned slaves and guns!
School bus drivers used to be able to pull over and smack kids who got out of line! I used to smoke in my favorite diner!!
Things change, life's a bitch!!
We all tried to help you, but you Clowns blew it!!!
UK, 21st century, here we come!!!
Suck it up buttercup.
Ya a sports announcer making a statement was huge.
188 comments? Really?
Dumb threads are the rage even here. Kos feels sorry for you's.
Nuthin' like Guns and Bibles to bring out the brain dead!
And you are their ring leader. Great job.
And cheers to the other million blog posts on this moron.
Apparently them arresting us all for protesting makes you love them even more.
Like you have ever protested anything but social programs. Don't make me laugh.
Organizers of what? The N.R.A.?
Hint: Stop drinking your own bath water.
There is only one poster with this degree of inflated and abjectly erroneous opinion of his dumb lame and glaringly specious Tampon posts and replies, hc.
Whatever happened to you, I don't believe in banning unless someone is really just causing trouble. You're just lame, so I'm not for banning you.
Bob is just a tool for his corporate overlords.Bob also only says what he is allowed.Bob is doing a job.
Bob spoke up about our antiquated Gun Laws, and the needless, pointless, tragic deaths to uphold it far beyond any Reason or Use! Just Myth left!!
Three more Dead as collateral damage for an OBSOLETE so called "Liberty."
Where is the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness of the People who were shot?? WHERE??
The Right wails endlessly about the 4 People killed in Benghazi, well what about the tens of thousands who die every year from domestic gun violence??
That may be, but he's still correct about gun nuttery.
Please do not confuse a nut with a gun.If guns grew on trees we would have to have tree legislation.Instead people want gun legislation.What about Nut legislation?
Then why do so, so many nuts own guns?
They seem to be intimately related, and the combination makes for lots of dead people.
Don't tell me you can't see the dead people........
They are everywhere guns are prolific.
Lets see the armed forces,the security forces.then the general public.That is a lot of people with guns.The majority are hard working moral people.Can you say the samething for the people that own this country?You know the ones that cause endless wars.poison the planet.Wish to see all workers with low pay and no bennies.I think you have a misplaced one percent mentality.It is a non issue.And what other rights do you wish to do away with?
You shouldn't talk about the ones who sold you the guns that way.
They're nutters too..
Another devisive non issue.
People shooting people is a non issue??
So, then why are you replying to this post??
I am replying because gun control like abortion etc is a wedge issue.Used by the one percent to keep your eye off the ball.That ball is them.As long you are distracted then your energy and focus is not directed to them.Which means NO change will ever happen.
OK, then let's get rid of guns, join the rest of the world in the 21 century, say goodbye to the wild west, make the NRA (who are behind all this) irrelevant, and be done with it!!
You can get rid of your guns.You can choose to have an abortion or not.Do not make your morality mine.And most of the world is not in the 21 century,whatever that means.
The people don't have to lose their lives every time a person feels like grabbing a gun and blowing somebody, or many people, away. We tried open gun ownership, time after time it fails resulting in innocent people getting shot. Too many people die needlessly to maintain this abused privilege. Law makers and enforcement would be derelict of duty if nothing was done about this continuing problem. The times of needing a gun for survival have long past. The Cost of open gun ownership has long surpassed the Benefit. Time to join the UK and ban guns.
And Bob Costas was right on for addressing this stupid, murderous and outdated problem!
No. I think not.The same argument could also be used for cars etc.You can not outlaw stupid people.Keep the focus on the one percent.That problem is never outdated.And millions of needless deaths are caused by them.
Now that you mention it: Drivers who hit pedestrians and/or bikes should lose their licenses and see what it's like to have two-ton missiles aimed and firing at you. Maybe 6 mos for the first offense, X2 each thereafter, would take care of it. Drivers hit pedestrians and bikes and simply drive away, sometimes completely obliviously. They don't hit buses and trucks like that.
For a three year gun and auto law "Reform Period" Pedestrians and bicyclists (handicapped get 4 years) should be the only people allowed to carry firearms. That should change things up, BIG TIME!!
People that do anything to hurt others should be held responsible.That includes the one tenth of one percent who belive they are above morality.Im sorry I forgot this forum is all about Control.
Bob spoke up about our antiquated Gun Laws, and the needless, pointless, tragic deaths to uphold it far beyond any Reason or Use! Just Myth left!!
Three more Dead as collateral damage for an OBSOLETE so called "Liberty."
Where is the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness of the People who were shot?? WHERE??
The Right wails endlessly about the 4 People killed in Benghazi, well what about the tens of thousands who die every year from domestic gun violence??
What other rights do you find expendable? So you think that making something illegal will make the problem go away?You feel that any time some nut wants to do damage that another law is the answere?Your war on drugs has turned out just dandy.Let's not forget gambling .proabition or a thousand other great ideas on making things against a law.The only people that follow a law are law abiding people.I think that people that are anti anything in reality are just anti-freedom.But make your laws if it makes you feel better.Who is rush Limbaugh?
Rush Limbaugh and his vile ilk who spew Hate and Lies 24/7/365/every city, inciting people to pick up a gun and make rash and irreversible mistakes, broadcasting freely to anyone. If we can restrict and rate adult entertainment with an X, RW Hate&Lies should be XXXX.
End the prohibition on drugs and prostitution.
I know how this must confuse you.
I do not think I like this rush guy.He sounds so much like you.
You'll excuse me if I'm still trying to figure out how your rights to guns, gets to usurp so many peoples right to life.
I always thought LIFE was the first thing on the list.
I did not know I was taking someone's right to life.I think you have no clue as to what personal responsibility is.So you blame an object for somthing caused by people.Next you will be telling me that corporations are people.That banks not there executives caused the financial meltdown.No personal responsibility.Always look to take away instead of place the blame where it belongs.It is a society of weak people that has no regard for life.You will never change that no matter how many laws get passed.And guns do Not usurp anything.People have been killing each other long before the arrival of them and will do so when they are gone.
Here's gun nutter responsibility.,0,3969911.story
Yay dead people, it's what these guns are made for.
Are you for the drug war too? Because they are all illegal and continue to kill many more youths than guns.
Apples and oranges. A wedge issue even.
This is just you sticking up for the death of innocents.
A cost you don't mind, as long as someone else pays it.
Now tell me again how your "right" to own an instrument of death should trump a child's right to stay alive without bullet holes.
Oooooops, there goes another one.,0,3969911.story
I doesnt. But making them illegal wont change much.
Look at this chart:
Plenty of almost NO regulation countries have much lower rates than we do. We are a violent ass country. Most countries you arent afraid to walk down the streets at night.
And my defending myself, in my home, has nothing to do with some asshole killing people. Just like my smoking a joint has nothing to do with cartels killing people over territories.
Im just saying, that if you want to take it from all the people who simply want to be able to defend their family, the power hungry people will still get their hands on them is they wish.
Would it be harder to get them? Yes. Would it lead to a lot of violence and another underground market that leads to many more deaths? Im not sure. The amount of death from the weed trade is staggering. And thats just pot.
Im just saying that people seem to be getting more and more violent. Road rage, UFC is the most popular sport, people beating each other on daytime television. Throw in a crumbling economy that is going to run out of Fed injection effectiveness soon, and you may find yourself living in a dangerous neighborhood.
Theres 14k murders per year in this country. You are the one who called those of us who endoresed real change as "unicorn chasers".
You are the reason this stuff happens. Get out of the god damn way.
Unite and Win, does not include saboteurs!
We all lose in this system you fool. Welcome to OWS.
Theres a reason your pro Dem nonsense isnt allowed at GAs.
No, only one side has been losing for about 40 years. That's about to change. Sorry again to bust your bubble, you thinly disguised Con.
To WSmith, below, no reply link.
I do not believe for one moment that OTP does, or ever did, belong to Occupy. He is just one of dozens of Cons coming out of that same region who use that gag to divide and undermine Occupy.
The structure of Occupy may have limited it's effectiveness in the short run, but the message lives on. Occupy is a part of an uprising, the greater issue of which is a world weary usery and visiousness. That larger message has found it's day, and I don't believe it can be silenced.
I second that!!
Many of the REAL OWSers were still wet behind the ears, and politically... "inexperienced."
Hey, hc, hows that huge OWS Movement going in Tampon?
"The stupidity of this thinking must be a genetic thing."
"Does Costas honestly believe that, if we outlawed guns among young athletes, that that would solve the violence problem -- that these gajillionares wouldn't get them anyway or transfer their aggressions to knives, automobiles, rocks, or broken bottles? Guns don't create violent people. How difficult is that to wrap your head around?
Regardless, the basis for Costas' entire line of thinking is a complete fabrication. He claims we have a "gun culture' in America when everyone knows that what we really have is a "violence culture." What's almost as destructive as our violence culture, however, is the culture Costas apparently belongs to that's desperate to blame violence on anything other than the individual who commits the violence. Gee, and what a mind-blowing coincidence that (just like Global Warming) every left-wing solution to our violence problem fulfills every left-wing wet dream for more welfare spending, public education spending, government control, and a violation of the Second Amendment.
Finally, when Costas brings up the Colorado movie theatre shooting to push his gun control point, it truly betrays his intellectual dishonesty and cold disregard for the victims of violence:
[America's gun culture] demonstrates itself in the Wild West, Dirty Harry mentality of people who actually believe that if a number of people were armed in the theater in Aurora, they would have been able to take down this nutjob in body armor and military style artillery. When in fact almost every policeman in the country would tell you that that would have only increased the tragedy and added to the carnage.
Point 1: My guess is that if that "nutjob" thought for a moment a few people in that movie theatre might be armed, there's a good chance he never would've committed the crime.
Point 2: Costas is apparently okay with the fact that everyone in that theatre was a sitting duck; that no one was armed and able to defend himself. By his way of thinking, that's one of the pluses to come out of that tragedy.
Point 3: You think if Costas had been in that theatre, he would've been thinking, "Thank God only the madman is armed!"?
We pay a price for liberty in this country, with the idea being there's no higher human virtue than individual freedom. Sure, we can wrap everyone in gauze, but that's no way to live your life. It also violates that whole "pursuit of happiness" thing.
Like free speech, guns are also used as tools of the wicked to commit awful acts. But the price of outlawing free speech is our liberty, and the price of outlawing guns is our ability to protect our liberty."
Nice RW talking points.
It's like I could hear all the RW hate & lie Jockeys and the legions of zombie followers all speaking and parroting in unison, in RW lockstep, in Third Reich chant: Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil!
See Bowling for Columbine:
Too many crazy associations and leaps of non-logic to go into now. You probably need a professional to help you.
Meanwhile, get back to your FEMA camp before we have to death panel and drone you.
And read this, especially Article Six and Seven:
You've got issues. Get help.
Nice recrimination, dummy.
They're not called nutters for nothing.
Gun nutters are just that..........NUTS!
Even after FEMA Re-Ed Camp??
Obviously the UN has them by their teeny tiny balls..........:)
Besides, aren't they the ones that coined the term......You cain't fix stupid?
So they're just going to patch it up like a flat tire.
Is that any way to talk about the crazy, insane and Hillbilly Taliban?? Hmmm??
There's a reason they hate women... no balls
Yes, since it's the truth, it must be said..............:)
It must be sad, too. Or maybe not!
Do you consider anyone who owns a gun to be a gun nutter?
Maybe just those more concerned for gunowners than gun victims?
Oh look, another gun nutter.,0,3969911.story
Another child gone.
It's your turn to say..............Oh well. That's the cost of my freedom to be a gun nutter.
You can't use this one as an argument for gun control. Not enough information has been released. We don't know if the gun he was using was legally or illegally purchased.
Why not?
It's breaking.
Somebody's dead.
Because if he illegally got the gun then whatever gun control you would want to put in would not have an effect on him getting the gun.
People will still be dead either way.
In this case innocent children.
They died because you consider your gun "right" more important than the life of those children.
Gun nutters ALWAYS do.
You are still avoiding my question. Gun control would have no effect in someone illegally purchasing a gun.
Maybe serious jail time for selling illegal guns will deter those illegal sales.
Whatta ya think?
I am totally 100% for that.
Then that might be a reasonable gun control that might serve to minimize gun death/crime.
how about closing the gun sales loopholes that allow 40% of gun sales go un recorded. All sales must be registered. If not it is illegal and they should be sent away for 10 years.
See how quick illegal sales stop.
It wouldn't matter.
So now you can go ahead and make excuses about how it's OK when kids long as your pseudo "right" remains sacrosanct.
No asshole I'm not saying that and you know I'm not. You don't even know what kind og gun he used so you don't know if gun control would have done anything to prevent this.
Well gosh asshole.
You tellin' me it was a gun that didn't shoot bullets?
He made it out of an erector set?
Gun control?
I was dead set against it, until I ran into assholes like you.
Why don't you tell us all why your fuckin' gun "rights" trump all other rights combined?
Tyranny in Michigan?
No problem.
Embezzler as Governor of Florida?
No problem.
FLAKESnews lies through their teeth daily?
No problem.
Children die from another ass with guns?
No problem.
Why is that the ONLY "right" that matters?
They all matter and you and I know that. But because people die and it is a horrible disgusting thing it doesn't mean we should take away that right.
But they don't matter to you.
Guns are pretty much all you comment on.
That pretty much tags you as yet another gun nutter.
Prove me wrong and offer a comment on one of the threads on GOP TRANNY in Michigan.
I'd respect Costas more if he had come out for knife control after his old broadcast partner had his own domestic violence spree. For you younger folks, that would be OJ.
Gee all I ever hear is how guns do the killing.Im sure after they are all gone no one else will ever be killed again.
Hey, there's no internet in FEMA camps, get back or I'll report ya!
So what is "reasonable" gun control? How do you keep someone whom everyone thought was fine from snapping?
Every one must be under 24 hour surveliance.Every one must have a permission slip from the goverment to travel iIt is all for our own saftey.
insurance on guns is one of the best ive ever heard
I think it's helpful to look at results and outcomes. How? Well, first let's look at the murder rate in Britain vs. U.S.......
Then look at the murder rate in gun unfriendly Chicago to any other gun utopia city you wamt to choose. Heck, more Americans have been killed in Chicago this year than Afganistan
Close the gun show/private sale loophole, ban automatic weapons/ammo. No tanks, no jet planes, No bombs.
I see you cannot explain why cities like Chcago and DC have horrendous murder rates yet think comparing US to UK is a valid gun control argument?
A REGULATED MILITIA!! [It's called the military, police, National and Coast Guard!!] Since you civilian CLOWNS can't control your guns, let's put them in a holding place (City Hall?) until the British start coming back!!
You are a complete ignoramus.
And, let me guess, UR not!
Report to your FEMA camp immediately!
You can't be that ignorant,...say it isn't so.
I'm not, but you R!
Yea. nothing like good ol Goverment control to keep us all safe and secure.That is what we all want to be safe ? Just like a rabbit in a hole.
Then let's end these bogus Bush "wars on terror" already.
But screwball dookies packing heat (gunna get'er done) is just fucking crazy!!
Funny How you make people less than human.People that work hard.Obey laws .Take care of families.This is what the military also does in any country they are involved in.So you dehumanise by questioning the sanity of millions?Oh thats rigt they have a different view than you.What is a Dookie?
Ignorance and disinformation dehumanizes the (gunna get'er done) dookie packing heat. Not me.
I love guns, but gave them up years ago. Times change.
I do not love or hate them.They to me are no different than a hammer or any other tool.I own one and it has sat for years.I do not see it as an issue.You can not legislate personal responsibility.The society has become sick.Or perhaps there is just more light on it today.You can legislate all you want I just do not think that is going to solve anything.One other thing I have also noticed in this thread.We all know the US Govt. has never put anyone in camps,except for the Japaneese Indians,Run away slaves.Germans.Woman who they thought were prostitutes.Muslims they think are terorist but do not want to put on trial.Want to add any to the list Im sure you could add a few.
Space Bar!!
Another idiotic answer that probably turned away a few more potential readers.
Great job as usual.
I bet you're one, too!
Did you escape the FEMA Re-Education Camp??
The fact that your MSM talking point nonsense hasnt matured a bit in over a year is a bit troubling. How's the amendment coming?
How can I even hope to compare to your genius avantgarde posts??
"NBC Sports anchor Bob Costas says it was a "mistake" to mention gun control on air Sunday in discussing the murder-suicide committed by Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher because his choice of words "left it open for too much miscommunication."
Edited for VQuack's approval-Bob Costas admits it was a mistake to say what he said, when he said it. Someone please tell the HuffPo and other outlets to stop using the words "gun control".
No he didn't say it was "mistake to mention gun control"! Because his commentary did not mention "gun control"
He simply has said he doesn't want to discuss a "nuanced subject in a short time".
But clearly the corp (NBC?) came down on him because the gun nuts pressured them.
So much for free speech.
He was right, (and never said 'gun control' as far as I know)
Support reasonable gun control
What do you mean by "reasonable"?
closing the gun show/private sale loophole, ban automatic weapons/ammo.
No tanks, no jet planes, No bombs.
Sounds reasonable.
Maybe no guns fo insane people? No guns for convicted violent offenders?
What about grenade launchers, can I keep my grenade launcher? I just use it for "hunting".
LOL. You may! But no grenades!
Gotta draw 'da line somewhere.
Shoot, that won't no fun.
A REGULATED MILITIA!! [It's called the military, police, National and Coast Guard!!] Since you civilian CLOWNS can't control your guns, let's put them in a holding place (City Hall?) until the British start coming back!!
Costas is a clueless Lib who demonstrated just how ignorant he is by emotionally blathering about something he knows nothing about. You seem to share his ignorance it seems.
You are obviously in no position whatsoever to comment on other people's intelligence or knowledge, your head has obviously been FOXED!!
Costas is brilliant and he would have been derelict in duty if he toed the corporate and NRA BS line and said nothing. He deserves an award!!
You civilian clowns have blown your stupid gun ownership "rights," hand them in and report to your nearest FEMA Re-Education camp, NOW!!