Forum Post: Big Soros Money - ACORN - Obama Behind "Grassroots" Occupy Wall St. Movement!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 10:06 p.m. EST by Candyce2011
from Douglas City, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Fight the Machine?! These People ARE the Machine!!!
Civil Unrest in the United States of America Coming in October 2011 (06/26/11)
Big Soros Money Linked to Occupy Wall Street
October 6th, 2011 WARNING Civil Unrest on the Streets of America (06/10/11),_2011_WARNING_Civil_Unrest_on_the_Streets_of_America.html
Occupy Wall Street Jumps the Shark
ACORN Protesting Problem It Helped Cause
Neo-fascists George Soros, ACORN, SEIU & Obama Are Behind Occupy Wall Street
Video Exposing How Occupy Wall Street Was Organized From Day One by SEIU/ACORN Front
Another troll, out to try and convince people that their anger is not real. It is all a part of a plan by a billionare who gave the untold sum of 10k per year to a group which kinda, sorta, funded adbusters. As opposed to the millions, possibly billions funding the Tea Party and Republican right. Doesnt sound right. Isnt right. Why do you need the propaganda, if your cause is just?
Exactly why I called candy out. She's a troll trying to manipulate and control.
When did I ever try to convince anyone that their anger isn't real? That isn't what I've said at all here. Instead of getting up in arms that I'm trying to rain on your parade, why don't you try actually reading the information supplied here, and, oh, I don't know, become an informed citizen? If my supplication of information is "manipulating and controlling" you. Well, then, my dear, you're the problem in our country. Learn how to educate yourself and form your own opinions instead of being a sheep to soundbites and others' opinions. I haven't provided many, if any, opinions here, only information that I've discovered because I RESEARCH the major events going on in my country and the world. You need to be informed. Period.
these r/w morons drove Acorn out of business and they're so stupid they've forgotten! hey y'all, it's not just Acorn! The Yippies are behind this too! And the Paris Commune! And the Knights of Labor! The Haymarket Square rioters! and behind all of them...THE WHIG PARTY!!! you read it here first.
Abbie Hoffman occupied the floor of the NYSE with a handful of dollar bills once upon a time.
He's smilin' down from hippie heaven right now.
I said "Yippie", not hippie. Hippies were a creation of the media. How old are you, anyway?
What about Henry Clay? Smilin' down from Whig heaven? They believed in "internal improvements", y'know, canals and roads and bridges, sounds like an infrastructure program to me. Were the Whigs actually Marxist dupes? Inquiring minds want to know. A fair and balanced approach would address these questions. The government may even now be riddled with Whig sleeper agents. The American people deserve to know!
You have for some reason chosen to ignore the point which prefaced my sarcastic rant. The wingnuts are so stupid that they keep blaming Acorn even after succeeding in crushing it. They are either memory-impaired or blindingly ignorant or a mixture of the two. It would be funny if...well, no, it's just bizarre. I'm surprised they're not blaming the Soviet Union.
I love Abbie Hoffman!
It was not. It was started by Adbusters. The reason people are starting to think so is these various groups trying to hijack the OWS. This is exactly why we should be wary of these groups pitching in their support. They are here to further their cause using OWS.
READ THE LINKS! And FYI, Adbusters is FUNDED by a George Soros organization.
So some website that no one but ultra-conservatives have ever heard of says that "Adbusters is funded by George Soros" yet no other reliable source says anything like that and Adbusters website says it is "reader supported". Sorry I need more proof.
Let's see who is funding your source, "The New American".
From their about page:
It is published by American Opinion Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of The John Birch Society.
Ok, yea, there we go. Not exactly an unbiased news source. Show me the money trail from Soros to Adbusters.
The Tides Foundation has granted the anti-corporate Adbusters Media Foundation over $170,000 since 1996. Ironically, much of the money Tides funnels to activists comes from foundations started with corporate money, such as Pew Charitable Trusts (Sun Oil money) and the Ford Foundation.
OK, so there is some secondary roundabout funding source that is only putting 10k a year into what?
A.) It says "over." B.) That's what we know of. C.) We have no idea how that money was dispersed over that time period; i.e. maybe $50k in 1996 for some reason, $20k in 2001 for some reason, $100k in 2011 for some reason. D.) I'm not sure how up-to-date that figure is. E.) It's only one point, one piece of information, out of all the information I've posted here. So if you're asking "so what," read for God's sake.
I am still saying that because this thing is so beyond that now anyway. This could do nothing at all without popular support.
Ok, I appreciate the link, I like to deal in facts.
For me, it is not a problem. It is not a lot of money 170K over 15 years is 10K a year-ish, not a huge amount of grant money.
I also don't think George Soros is Satan as some others do, so for me, not a big deal.
I do appreciate, again, you posting this link. Knowlege is power. Peace.
Soros is not satan. He's just an evil BILLIONAIRE bent on bringing down the American dollar. He has said it himself many times.
Exactly. I don't think that George Soros is Satan. However, everyone should know the truth about the origins of this movement, as well as who has/is funding, organizing, and supporting it. The activists participating in the Occupy movement are protesting against the very machine (big money making marionettes out of our government officials) that has PLANNED this movement (George Soros making a marionette out of Barack Obama)... So what does that imply to you about what this movement will/is intended to accomplish? Do you think it's a coincidence how major media keeps spinning the Occupy movement as pro-Obama? "Obama didn't fail us; we failed Obama." "If the protesters want jobs, they should support Obama's American Jobs Act" "The protesters are anti-Tea Party" (aka vote Obama 2012)
No, no, no. It is being funded mostly by individuals. And no, it is not being organized by anyone affiliated with Soros. It's being organized by whoever is there, and it has no leaders.
Notice the DATES on these articles, published BEFORE the AdBusters ran their advertisement for the September 17th Occupation.
Some of the articles don't mention OWS. They talk about a planned protest in October. Not sure if that is OWS. The one definite link is the donation from Tides. I don't see that as a problem right now. If these organizations (acorn, seiu etc) take over OWS then it will lose its credibility.
It was not #ows. The planned protest was in DC for Thurs. Oct 6,2011. Anti-War. They had permits in hand. I was at the protest.
That was ONE of the planned protests... which also wound up happening exactly as planned.
And what's wrong with planning. Didn't wallstreet plan to ask for a bail out. You think these events just HAPPEN without planning. You are sadly mistaken. And if #ows planned this occupation months in advance,then Im behind them 99.9%
You don't even know what you're arguing about here. Why don't you actually read the information provided and then come back and post an argument. Of course these events were planned, silly. This entire thread is about who planned them and when that planning began... which you would know if you actually read the thread you're posting in.
I tell you this...I am unconvinced with your arguements. I think that you are a mole,a troll, or a plant on #ows website to manipulate and trash the movement. Since you are in Cali,you should head to occupyla and talk with some of the protestors there and tell them the info you found on the net.
You do know how big California is, right? I live nowhere near LA; I work 50 hours a week AND am studying for a huge state exam right now. If there were ANY POSSIBLY way I could be at OccupySF or even OccupySacto right now, I WOULD be, even if I could only be there on weekends. And I would be sharing everything I know and doing more and more research to make sure at least SOMEONE knows how to run their mind instead of run their mouth. When we claim to be the "99% of America" I really don't want that to literally mean the ignorant weak-minded sheep of America.
I lived in Benicia in the last half of the last century. You can do what you want.However I think you are a troll here to SABATOGE.
And I think you're an uneducated moron. We're all entitled to our opinions.
And you are entitled to yours and your name calling. I WILL continue to support #ows without your opinions or research. the #ows supporter now ENDS this debate with you the educated mole . Good Luck!
The planned protest was in Wash. DC Oct 6.. #ows evolved Sept 17.
They talk about a planned protest in October in which people will occupy "Liberty Plaza" and will be supported by the unions... You're not sure whether that's OWS????
Thanks for the links anyway. I am going to repost the link to the article from June on other forums. It is important to investigate if this is true.
For now because it didn't start on October 6th. I am going to give it some more time. I was worried when the union guys showed up though.
Adbusters may have received donations from the Tides foundation. If that is the connection you are talking about.
Not MAY have. HAVE. Do your homework. Read the links.
OWS is Obama's worst nightmare. He isn't "behind" it. His democratic supporters are livid because OWS will only help the right paint him as a socialist and that's exactly what they are doing.
And yes, isn't ACORN dead?
Fucking mindless TP trash. The oligarchs don't need to lift a finger, just let their rabid "freedom" dogs loose... And the dogs don't have a clue who master is, or why they're attacking the champions of their own best interests.
Have you ever heard of a frenemy? A person who pretends to be your friend but is truly an enemy? Well, now you've heard of an enemend... a person who seems like your enemy but is truly your friend. It's better that people like me point out the dark sides and the weaknesses of this movement so that you can educate yourself and control and improve this movement rather than letting the "oligarchs" you speak of get exactly what they want out of this. Which is what will (MARK MY WORDS) happen if we don't do everything we can to get the participants involved in this movement informed about just how far down the rabbit hole things get when you're dealing with the 1%. Don't get angry with me. Get angry with the people who have manipulated you for years to get you right where you are today. Acknowledge it, accept it, and break their power.
Although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government as may represented by these types of groups, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
I came to this site Friday night to offer my assistance as a non-profit organizer. I can do basic coding of web pages, accounting, and other functions.
Mainly I wanted to get some sanitation facilities out to Zucotto (sic) park.
In a matter of about 20 minutes I found over 15 contact listings, and left vmail and email on every one of them.
24 hours later, no response. They aren't even updating the site anymore.
Where did everyone, and the "tens of thousands" of dollars go?
Well, the General Assembly never was in the US, they are operating out of a hotel room somewhere in Nicaragua, and the money has been deposited in a Central American bank.
How could the people do this to our citizens, how can members of our government support this?
They have to know, it only took me 20 minutes to find out, and they had days and hundreds of people on their staffs.
Slam, did you contact people from this site?
Yes Ma'am. Every point of contact listed.
This isn't my first rodeo, so I went to and looked them up. The domain was listed to a company in Nicaragua, and hosted by NicaNet, the Nicaragua internet provider. That has now been blocked by whois.
After the Call went out for everyone to tweet and call the credit card processor because they stopped transfering funds, it was on the front page remember, then the Call went out to stop. That came from a site and here is the link:
Well, that site is nothing more than some mail dropboxes, and the numbers were from a magic jack computer phone. They are a group that is based in Central America and the train communist activist.
This has all been scrubbed from the site. Remember that this site was hosted by Alternet. When I pointed out the they provided the hosting for MoveOn, a group I used to belong to, and SEIU. That is now gone. Look in the lower right, the link for Alternet is gone.
I didn't see any of those things, but that's crucifying information, if true. I just did a whois lookup, and nearly all the information is protected except for the registrant address, which is located in a suite in Los Angeles. As far as the site linked, to my knowledge it is not associated with this site. I'm not sure what you mean by "that came from" that website.
look at the whois info again, Registrant Name:WhoisGuard Protected.
That is whois' security block, the address is the physical address for whois.
This is a service they provide to protect their customers information.
The site was the originating site for many msg.
I need to say this because I am being hammered about being a SABOTUER, I hope I spelled that right, I have been call names for mispelling words.
I want to see OWS succeed. But the people need to take control from the group that started it.
lol Then it looks like you and I have that much in common. It's my opinion that educating these people is what's important. Even if they hate you for it and call you a mole, a saboteur, whatever, just keep spreading what you know. The more these people at least hear of this stuff, the less they can be taken off guard.
In a nutshell, that's it. Look at this.
I gave out my email and phone number in forum threads, hoping some one would call, and have received all kind of death threats. I think those are just nuts, not OWS leaders.
People on the street need to take control, and be prepared to counter some of the charges, esp that this is an astroturf group.
hahahahahahahaha none of those sites are credible! I hope andrew brietbart gets murdered. Im not fucking kidding. everything he supports, I'm against.
Once again we are all paying the price for the deregulation of OIL. Below I attempt to explain how the speculation in the oil market impacts each of us and what we can do about it. Please take this to heart and take action NOW! I have provided the link to a website and the name of the Bill where you can show your support for the legislation that will curb the speculation in oil that forces you to give your hard earned dollars to the speculators sitting on their yachts. Since, you my client base is huge and you live all over the world I will not be able to supply you with the name and address of your Federal Representative or Congressman The short version: The Oil producing Countries produce the oil, Exxon Refines it into gasoline, you buy it, and that’s how it should work! Now add the individuals and entities that buy oil futures contracts. They buy a contract for the future delivery of 10,000 bbl of oil arriving in the port of New Orleans in say Jan 2012 for $80/ bbl. (Remember they don’t own a refinery and can’t put it in their back yard) so; they create an additional (False) demand for oil thus driving the price to say $82/ bbl. That’s a cool $20,000 profit that you pay for at the pump. They never moved off of their yacht and did nothing to improve the product. They in turn sell the contract to others at a higher price and eventually it is sold to Exxon, because they actually own a refinery and ultimately sell it to you at a much higher price in the form of gasoline at the pump. Since they have artificially increased the price of gas you no longer have that extra money in your pocket to say buy food or a TV so you stop spending. The company (Sony) that makes the TV sees that demand has dropped and has to lay-off workers. These people no longer have income so (less taxes) and now they are not buying anything and more companies lay-off workers. (You get the picture) The Hedge Fund managers and Bankers who are considered the (Wall Street fat cats) like to steal your money and want to keep doing it so they contribute to their friends in Washington to make sure they don’t put the regulations back in place to stop them. The American public (318 million people) throws their collective hands up and says “What are you going to do?” I will tell you what they can do is to contact their representatives and tell them to pass the Bill to fix it! (SEE BELOW) Goldman and Morgan, are the LARGEST traders of oil contracts, if you could remove them from the market you would leave oil prices to supply and demand, the price for crude could be about 35 dollars a bbl and gas about one dollar a gallon. In one instance they were trying to take advantage of the Japanese following the tragic Tsunami and secondarily taking advantage of Europe following the Libyan uprising.
The most recent Recession (2008) was preceded by a speculative bubble in oil. The high priced gas kills the consumer and slows the economy. It destroys demand.
Look at the decline in US oil demand since 2005! Yet we have oil spiking first in 2008 to $147.50bbl then in the spring of this year we had oil up over 130 bbl in the case of Brent crude. It doesn't surprise me that the economy slowed in July and August.
Bubble priced oil is inflationary, it stalls economies, it forces emerging markets to buy oil on credit, and it acts as a giant tax on business and food. The high priced energy is bad for business and bad for the consumer.
Markets don't move on vague abstractions. They move on margins. If oil continues to be in a speculative bubble we will indeed have a second recession. If oil drops to supply and demand levels that would be the greatest possible stimulus and would make the global economies roar back to life. And note: nobody would have to call for deficit spending.
Oil must go down and stay down and these Fed banks and speculators should be stopped from trading in the oil futures by making them pay 100% cover unless they take delivery. Bubble oil is toxic to the global economy. On June 15, 2011 Sen. Sanders introduced a bill titled the "End Excessive Oil Speculation Now Act of 2011", which would force the Chairman of the CFTC to impose strict limits on the amount of oil speculators can trade in the commodity and futures markets. GOTO: S. 1200: End Excessive Oil Speculation Now Act of 2011
Thank you for all that info and the link, Cashmister. I hope that OWS realizes that by tackling the "energy crisis," they'll tackle many birds with one stone.
You are quite a Blowhard, and a Buffoon..
Just engaging in some adhominem discourse -- you know the kind that your party does 24/7/365 on all the righty radio stations and righty Fox News Network...
My party? lol I didn't even know I had a party!
You're damned right we're the machine. All 99 percent of us are the machine that your 1 percent depends on.
loooooooooool! Oh, I've spent most of my life as the 1% all right. But it ain't the one at the top!
That dude Zeizek who spoke today is definately an infiltrater!!! Says George Soros is a good man and marxism is worthy at times. Man to hear OWS clapping so enthusiastically for this guy tells me they have already been had without even knowing it....very sad
We are mainly anti-obama, he is wall streets president. This is bullshit propaganda
YOUR ARE A FRIGGIN MORON - Please move to another country...
Are you a female? If not please let's agree to meet to settle our differences with pure violence...
You choose the weapons - or we could just go bare hands...
How's that sound Jerky???
If what you're saying is true, good. If I find out Obama planned these protests I will be ecstatic that he finally did something positive to effect change.
Such BS... selective, unreliable sources spouting paranoid OPINION pieces.
"The Haymarket Square rioters!"
And the ghost of Eleanor Roosevelt!
if it were true, then good for Obama; anything within reason to sabotage the GOP's next effort in putting another George Mush in the White House.
LMAO. Yup, the Whigs. The trolls, anyway.
The Occupation is non-partisan. Really. Don't believe the lies...
First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win. ---Mahatma Gandhi
I can't figure out...there is a news blackout today on the subject. No surprise, it is corporate media, so are we still in the ignore stage? I saw Bill Maher & PJ O'Rourke sitting and laughing at the Occupation, so are we in the laugh stage? I read some nasty stuff in this forum, so are we in the fighting stage?
I think the world is a lot more complicated now, and this stuff is a lot harder than we think it is....but we are still in the ignore stage.
Nothing on the front page of the Wash. Post.
Ha, the rich are funding the protests against the rich! makes you wonder
the solution.
sorry - this really isn't the point anymore - if the money came from who or what... I don't think George Soros is an evil-doer or anything. You know what freedom would be... real freedom? That political movements wouldn't NEED to be funded by anyone, because our representatives would actually represent us - each one of us, not some lobbyist group. Why are the Wall Street CEOs who committed fraud getting away with crimes? Because they have a huge interest in our government. When George W. Bush started the bail outs of the financial crisis, I thought to myself, isn't there a 'conflict of interest here' - everyone was friends with everyone else... there's something wrong here. Just like those who keep saying to the protestors 'get a job' it's a distraction to the fact that something really is going on here... we have a corrupt system... fundamental... this is no longer George Soros' (and I'm not convinced it was ever) fight, it's every single person who wants a future for their kids where democracy actually means something.
I agree. If someone contributes 10k out of a billion dollar corporation to something and that something is then loosely affiliated with adbusters or whatever, first of all that no longer matters but second of all you can hardly say they really influenced the situation with that little amount. On the other hand, there is ample evidence of big business being behind the Tea Party.
On The Level
“The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspire against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than an autocracy and more selfish than a bureaucracy.
I have two great enemies, the Southern army in front of me and the Bankers in the rear. Of the two, the once at my rear is the greatest foe. Corporations hav been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money powers of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of the few, and the Republic is destroyed.”
Abe Lincoln
How's that for prophecy...
Sooorrooooos! Koch! Sooorrrrosss! Koch! SooooorrroooSsssss! Koch!
and so it goes
no but if you let them, they'll claim it was them propaganda say it with me
Do your research instead of listening to what the talking heads around you are telling you.
been there done that history is my subect whats yours
I already graduated college. Just because you study history doesn't mean you know anything about the history of THIS planned occupation.
no you're right I didn't know about the plan, not like it was on the internet or anything, but just cause you plan a picnic doesn't mean it's not going to rain
... lol? I really don't know what that simile has to do with anything.
ok it was a planned occupation is it going as planned or is it getting hijacked, misinterpreted, and distorted sounds like rain
It's not getting hijacked, misinterpreted, or distorted. What many of you think is a hijack is actually what was always intended. You think it's a hijack because you don't know the true origins of the movement. You're not supposed to. You're being manipulated. The entire world is being manipulated. Not that that's anything new. What's important is to know why/what you're being manipulated for and do you want to assist in this agenda.
And your intention here is to manipulate people to not be in the movement. Must be or you would not try to put all of this out there. Pretty skimpy evidence for a conspiracy theory too.
If you're trying to play an assumption game as to what my personal motives for sharing public information with the people here, my personal motives aren't to dissuade people from participating. Quite the contrary. My personal motive is to ensure that everyone knows what's really going on so that they are less likely to be swayed into buying into something they don't really want (which I think is most likely what is going to happen). I want this to genuinely be for the people, the normal, hard-working middle class. I don't think it's going to be. But I'm going to do whatever I can to try and help that happen.
And if it was intended...then so what. Most things like this that happen are No Accident. Just like that bail out in Sept 2008. It was intended. It was planned. It was not an accident.
For all I know you could be a mole put here to manipulate #ows , the readers and the protestors. Why don't you go to the GA and tell #ows all this info. I like their agenda,and if they got Soros helping them out so what. #ows has already made a declaration. I like their agenda.I think I will wait and see.
A mole for what? How am I manipulating anyone? lol I'm posting links. I'm literally GIVING you the information to read for yourself. And I'm not flying all the way to New York to share internet information when I can simply link it right here. lol #ows has made a rant. They haven't made any declaration as to what their objectives are. How can you support their agenda when you don't know what it is? If the #ows said, "Look, we're here because of the current energy crisis, and we're not leaving until major reforms are made to reduce our dependence on oil, carbon emissions, and the REAL development of new technologies, as well as the release of EXISTING technologies that have been around but held back for decades" then I'd be right out there with them. If they said anything concrete whatsoever, then I could say, "Yes, I support that" or "No, I don't support that." But all they've said is, in essense, "The current state of the world sucks on a bunch of different levels and we want change." WE ALL ALREADY KNOW THIS! The problem is WHAT changes do we want and HOW to go about them. That's where people are in disagreement. And the OWS has given no specifics of what they want or how to go about them. The only difference between the occupiers and every other American in the country is that the occupiers are sleeping in the park. That's it! The rest of us are sitting here wondering, "What is it exactly they want and/or are proposing?" "Well, they don't know." Well, then why are they sitting in the street? How can I support or not support them if they don't even know why they're sitting in the street?
What is your intention? It is not to inform only because it is slanted and attempting to accuse.
It is to inform only. The problem is that no one wants to actually read the information. Everyone, like the poster below vvv has immediately gotten defensive rather than actually taking in the information. This information, if true, is extremely important for participants of the protest, as well as American citizens in general, to be aware of. I've been watching and emotionally supporting the OWS and successive movements since they began. I'm a huge "fan," I guess you'd say, of the Egyptian revolution and have been telling everyone who will listen how important and amazing the Arab Spring is and that big changes are coming, for us and for the world. So when these OWS protests started, I was excited, but cautious... I know enough about the way things work to know that things aren't always what they seem. Certain things started to make me more suspicious. And the lack of any cohesive message to the protests other than, "We're pissed off," made me frustrated and even more suspicious that something wasn't quite right. Then a colleague at work mentioned George Soros to me, I did some Googling, and BAM, I find an article dated a MONTH before the AdBuster call to occupy was even published. I do more searching, and I find even more. I actually fucking cried, if you want to know the embarrassing truth, because I was so disappointed. And then I started spreading it to everyone and everywhere I could. Because people need to fucking know this!!! PERIOD! You can form your own opinions afterward. I'm still holding out hope that WE THE PEOPLE can make this OUR protest, OUR change, OUR revolution. But we can't ensure that if no one even knows this stuff.
Clearly. But so far there have not really been the kinds of co-opting I would think there would be AND if the destiny of this is to be the anti right or the anti Tea Party, I could go for that too because it is far more clear that they were an organized effort on the part of "the 1%" than this was. And you know, even if this were organized by a bunch of roughneck steelworkers making $15 an hour, does that make it wrong? Does that make the message wrong? On the other hand, there is a clear set of grievances officially stated. See, I havent been down with the whole end the fed business because for one thing I dont know the effect of that and for another, that sounds a little too much like blaming the government for ills caused by private industry. The point is it sounded like the Tea Party.
And pardon my language. :(
ows is not a political party. They've made no demands. However they have a declaration which was read Wed. Oct.5,2011 on Keith Obermann's Current TV show. We don't know who you are,but we do know that #ows is evolving.We know who they are. You don't have to support them. You can go ahead and be nickled and dimed by the banks. I for one am tired of the banks,corprations and goverment in my purse. I got enough informaition that I support #ows. Im a former union member. My husband was a union steward. I come from a union family. #ows has the unions behind them. If the unions are left,so what..they take care of the people. I and others will not be discouraged by naysayers like you.Stay home and research all you want. I take to the streets.Sorry for text. Don't know why its 3x the size Im typing.
Supporting OWS =/= NOT getting nickled and dimed by the banks. Not supporting OWS =/= getting nickled and dimed by the banks.
Just read for goodness' sakes instead of trying to convince me to support or not support OWS. That's a moot point.
To tell you the truth, I don't read links. I read the titles. Some links have viruses connected. Not trying to have that. I really don't care about the links you posted. Ive been to the protest. I will continue to support #ows. Ive been waiting for this movement for 4 yrs or more.I am part of the 99% who is not happy with the system. It does not sustain We The People. I finally have a voice with #ows. You can do what you like.
And that's the issue. It's your choice to remain ignorant. You have that right. But then why are you here arguing about information you're ignorant of?
depends whats the true agenda
Exactly. The general idea I've gotten (which is, of course, only speculation) is the collapse of the US economy and/or government leading into socialism and/or the New World Order. Same old conspiracy song and dance. Is that really their intention? Maybe. Wouldn't surprise me that Soros would want something to that effect, as well as Obama. They're very far-left leaning. Will it actually happen? I have no idea.
Dam it, I was enjoying the idea of manipulating people to show them how easy it is to manipulate them greatest punk ever, where is Ashton Kutcher. Now that would open up the eyes of people showing them how media, unions, Politians, campaign parties, celebrities, etc… manipulate public opinions. The best part of that is it is done in front of Wall Street the world’s biggest manipulators. That ruins my night.
lol :~)
ok so point proven. The whole point of this movement is to show how manipulation works yet we are being manipulated true conflict of interest but unprecedented I like
Well put. We The People have been manipulated for the pass 30 yrs. The system no longer sustains itself. I call for a bank holiday(or should I say debt holiday). Shut the banks down by withdrawling all your accounts.Stop paying on any bank accounts for 6 months Pay for basic needs...utilities,food, and clothing with cash. If We The People come together and do this we can shut the banks and wallstreet down. Wallstreet and the banks main concern is money...ya gotta hit them where it hurts the most.
I believe where it will hurt them the most is to take away their influence in our government. They can keep their money. Its their power over the government that I believe is the problem. Money is their tool.
April,there money is what lines the pockets of The Hill. That's how the laws are passed everyday in favor of the 1%. ...the bank,wallstreet brokers,corporations and the CBI's. If the money STOPS flowing to them,then the People...the 99% hold the power!
I believe that the best way to do this is to take all of the money out of the political process through election reform. Let the 1% keep their money. Election reform takes away their power over the government. 1% buys their representation. 99% are left with the crumbs. The real power is having a voice in our government. Fair and equal representation. This is what our democracy was meant to be. Funny thing happened on the way to the last few decades or so, our democracy got diminshed.
The system no longer SUSTAINS itself for the 99%. The wealth is concentrated in the 1%,which means they hold the reigns to the government. They pay the puppets that are elected on the hill. Then the puppet reps You Think you put in office make laws to benefit the 1% and not the 99%. The system must change April. It has all to do with cash flow from the 1% to the govenment elected puppets...including Pres. Obama and the preseding presidents. Reagon being top on the list of puppet presidents.
Don't you think that election reform would take care of that? By going to publicly funded campaigns.
NO! The system is rigged!
If you want to hurt the banks the hurt their bank End the Fed. The Federal Reserve is Wall Streets bank. The Federal Reserve is as federal as Fedex. It’s a private company.
Federal Reserve cranks out worthless paper to the banks on orders from the treasury