Forum Post: At minute 38 this film explains rich people are rich for the same reason Kings ruled, because of God.
Posted 10 years ago on Feb. 22, 2015, 7:12 a.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ralph Nader and Robert Reich made the most sense in this really excellent film and which I truly hope everyone here will watch at some point. The juxtaposition of post-Katrina New Orleans and George W. Bush's concern for Trent Lott's house with the suffering of the 99% people, was particularly instructive.
I am very grateful to you for putting up the You-Tube link to ''The One Percent'' (2006) by Jamie Johnson who is a scion of the ''Johnson & Johnson'' family - which I think, is actually really much more about the one percent Of The One Percent. Warren Buffet's grand-daughter's views were also interesting I thought.
I think Milton Friedman's words really reflected a kind of deep sickness of the mind, that pervades The American Aristocracy and their apologists and admirers. I might also add that the Christian Free-Market narcissist at 38m was out there on a limb of his own but probably also reflects a kind of Brahmin point of view shared by many of his ilk, in the US and elsewhere.
Despite all this however, you have somehow replied with: ''You are a tool of the 1%, working to elect the GOP and keep them rich. You and those like you keep the GOP on life support and the 1% in power, the tiniest bit of truth would bring this whole house down but you and yours keep it propped up.'' to me here - so the question still applies...
Do you think that BOTH ''R&D politicians are anything other than 1%ers working for 0.01%ers''? Also in your understandably being really very pissed at the obnoxious GOP - do you miss how the Democratic Party is owned and controlled by the same Aristocratic, Banking, Corporate and Media interests and so that it also props up the 1% OF The 1%, as they try to control 'both' sides of any pretend (non)debate?
OWS I think gets that and I strongly hope in time that you will too or at least accept the premise of the argument. Never forget just how many people came out all across America and the wider world who got and still get the '1%-99%' meme and how they and many more besides them want and deserve real and lasting systemic changes. Together we are all stronger but - as the film ends... ''if you are always hiding from the problem, you're never going to find any solutions.''
Whatever the problems in our societies, more light, knowledge and Democracy are the answers but the ''choice'' between ONLY two sides of the same crooked corporate coin, is NOT any kind of choice at all.
Although I do not advocate not voting; just voting is clearly not enough now. Going forward we may need a New Party of The 99% because the Democratic Party on its own clearly just does not cut it any more.
Its too bad all those Gore and Bush supporters cost Nader the election in 2000.
Now just don't try that 'irony' bull-shit with this character (why)"factsrfun"(when-you-make-'em-up) 'cause it sure looks like that there Arizona sun cooked that tough ol' rattle snake into a noodle a long time ago!
Here's a fact in 2014 we had the lowest voter turnout in over 70 years, another fact the GOP won their biggest House margin in 87 years, here's an observation you work awfully hard to elect the GOP, a conclusion? You must be very proud!
Are you actually suggesting that the Democratic Party has nothing to do with its poor showing in recent elections? I will keep telling you that I have nothing to do with the GOP but mainly because of your deep and unquestioning allegiance to the Democrats, you are totally unable and / or unwilling to compute this fact - which clearly 'is not fun' for you. I don't have any reason to be proud and you have more reasons to be ashamed of the Democrats for sure but I'd rather you didn't project all your negative feelings onto me. +
in support of your post, so maybe consider watching
What I am saying is that people like you had a good deal with the poor showing. Fools and ego whores trying to prey on the fulsterations of the American people to feed their egos. people like you who try to convince people that they have no choice, (but to turn to them in their wisdom to rule), the fact that you don't give a damn about what actually happens is reveled in your refusal to discuss the result of letting the GOP win, which you do and you accept because you don't give a damn about the country you care only for your own ego.
Sure you will go on and on about how much better you are than the Dems and I could put you to shame in how good I am but what's the point, what matters is what happens, and you put the GOP in power, that's a fact, and CU and War happens. (oh and the planet melts) ... and your absurd lies and insults are only exposing you as the functional conservative on these boards as clearly.. you are the incorrigible reactionary here!
forum business is a triggered condition
Forum housekeeping is a constant endeavour.
You are defined by your hatred of the Dems it is all that drives you, you rejoice in their defeat and the election of the GOP.
You are a critical part of the 1% plan to hold on to their power.
Of course you could prove me wrong at any moment by simply explaining why you think it OK for the GOP to win elections or if not that then how you would keep them from winning.
I know you won't address this. you don't want to revel the depth of your love for the GOP.
A lie repeated a thousand times, does not become true and I have nothing whatsoever to "prove" to you through your delusions and untruths. If you or anyone else still needs yet further clarification - then they could read this.. or even the entirety of our exchange on this thread. So why do you love The Democratic Party?
you have proven your love of the GOP quite enough for all of us, that is true enough you have nothing more to prove in that respect for sure
You can say this or that is a lie a thousand times but you consistently prove it to be true your love of the GOP is legendary, I was just suggesting if you wish for people to see you as anything but the staunchest of GOP supporters you could tell us how you feel about letting them win elections, good idea or bad? you post always in support of the GOP never a bad word for them you are always working to elect the GOP if not a reflection of your love what could it be?
I believe the GOP is pure evil and must be defeated by any means available, the Dems are available, if another can beat an R then I will leave the Dem in a minute but I will not throw my vote away and allow the GOP to win as you do because I care about what happens you care only for your Green Party and care nothing for the country.
I encourage people to read all our exchanges here there anywhere you never explain why you work to elect the GOP but your work to do so is everywhere.
You have been banned many times because you are a Green Party political hack bent on co-opting OWS to kickstart your party.
That is quite a long reply from you. So shame that it's just the same old b-s. GOP and The Democratic Party Pols (as opposed to the disappointed people who vote for them) are just two cheeks of the same ass! Can I make it any clearer? Possibly >>
Yeah how's life in that fantasy world of yours, are the GOP winning elections there the way they are here in the real world?
turbo I got to ask are you still upset about all that spending? you are the austerity radical right?
I know that the GOP have one top priority making the rich richer and money more powerful in public policy and anybody with a lick of sense will do all they can to defeat every Republican in every election, it is the only chance America has.
I know that power seekers like you divide the people and allow the 1% to rule.
You were addressed with consideration and clarity if not concision and THAT'S what you come up with?
Do you think that BOTH ''R&D politicians are anything other than 1%ers working for 0.01%ers''? Also in your understandably being really very pissed at the obnoxious GOP - do you miss how the Democratic Party is owned and controlled by the same Aristocratic, Banking, Corporate and Media interests and so that it also props up the 1% OF The 1%, as they try to control 'both' sides of any pretend (non)debate?
Whatever the problems in our societies, more light, knowledge and Democracy are the answers and the ''choice'' between ONLY two sides of the same crooked corporate coin is NOT any kind of choice at all.
Although I do not advocate not voting; just voting is clearly not enough now. Going forward we need a New Party of The 99%, because the Democratic Party on its own, clearly does not cut it any more.
Together we are stronger and as the film ends - ''but if you are always hiding from the problem, you're never going to find any solutions.''
How else can I successfully converse or exchange ideas, with you? What cartwheels or contortions do I now have to pull for you to just accept that the Democratic Party is a big part (if not half) of the problem?
So what part of, Do you think is alright for the GOP to win? don't you understand? If you will answer that question, (of course I know as always you will run to the hills now), but still, I will ask you once again to explain either why you feel it is OK for the GOP to win or exactly how do you feel your path doesn't cause that to happen as it did in 2000?
OK now that the real question before us has been asked let's see how reasonable you respond.
Explain why you feel that a "new party" can be built yet the GOP can't be defeated completely?
No need for cartwheels, just address the real question.
It's NOT ''alright for the GOP to win'' NOR is it ok for GOP-lite to win! Isn't that what OWS is all about? I don't suffer from your amnesia OR rose-tinted glasses but clearly you just can't see beyond both 2000 and 2016 because you are trapped in your R&D paradigm. The 99% need time and vision for changes.
You will Utterly Naively aspire to a kind of 'Explicit Democratic Party - One Party System' - with the bat-shit-crazy Republicans somehow ''completely defeated'' - seemingly without comprehending the 10-30% of American Voters who are now heavily propagandized, right-wingers - just full of fear and loathing and silently seething at everyone not exactly like them, as they sit in their over-comfortable chairs, watching Fox News with a supply of cold beer on one side and their AR-15 and plenty of ammo on the other side.
With you apparently living in Arizona - I really thought that you'd get that. So, y'all have a nice day now, d'you hear cowboy? But don't just be a 'pseudo-liberal' conservative addict for all that you think that you know. Try to dream a little as you look forward because that's what being 'progressive' is really all about and the Great USofA was founded by people of vision - with more than just a little rebellion and ructions!
Now see, +
You completely totally work for no other purpose but to elect the GOP that is why you have been banned from this site at least four times already.
Go ahead let's see your reasoned response to the problem of electing the GOP you become yourself when reveled, you are such fish Shadz.
Whereas The Democratic Party is reliant on people like you and you're very addicted to them, I have nothing to do with the GOP and neither does Shadz, as you already seem to know. Do you think that anyone who is at variance with the R-&-D charade and shamocracy or who questions the Democratic Party, must be a Republican? So take your suspicions to the mods, if indeed you are not one yourself. Are you angry that your good post has further exposed your Partisan Nature now - so want a sacrifice, 'cause you can't face or respond to the arguments? Are you another one who wants the forum closed?
Also -
you work tirelessly to elect the GOP if they pay you then that is one thing if you do it for free another, but the fact that your only purpose here is to elect the GOP is clear
you mean like you responded to the question about Is it OK for the GOP to be elected and if not what can we do about it. You have repeatedly came down on the side that it is OK for the GOP to be elected, because you are stupid as shit,.
I'm afraid that you'll have to face the possibility that the only thing that's maybe clear is that, ''you are as stupid as shit'' actually! You need to re-read our exchange here slowly whilst remembering to breath. So again and more s l o w l y, to be against banker and corporate controlled and financed Democratic Party politicians is not therefore, automatically to be a Republican Party, Elephant Lover and NRA Koch-head!
Your attachment to your donkey/ass Democratic Party is your business. But please try not to think that being somehow 'liberal' is the acme/peak of progressive opposition to bankers, corporations and the 1%. 'Liberal' is to the 'right' of many people actually. I think that you should get out more, like those lamas in Arizona. Maybe print this out and read it outside with a cool drink but do not mix apoplexy and alcohol -
You talk of a reasoned discussion but the reason you work to elect the GOP you refuse to discuss. How long do you think it will be before your republican electing ass is banned again?
Keep sending people here, and they can see how reasoned you become when asked why you it is that you will never discuss the actual outcome of any election about what is happening right now in the real world, you can get into great depth on all the shortcomings of the Dems while you take no note of the fact that what you promote results in elections with low turnout and high GOP wins, you accept the GOP wins as a necessary cost for you to achieve your goal of a new political party, because at your heart you are a political hack that cares more for your party than what actually happens to the world.
You have to be a Democratic Party addict to think that I somehow ''accept the GOP wins'' and so once again I repeat: I have No Party Political Affiliations but I do support OWS, The 99% and any resistance to the banks and corporations. You on the other hand, are clearly a ''political hack'' for The Democratic Party. Perhaps try to get it but please stop drinking on your own.+
What do you do to prevent the GOP from winning? Attack the Dems?
We criticize and want better from the ones we love(d) - we do not give a fuck for and wouldn't piss on if they were on fire ... those who we viscerally detest! That's the bit you never get, mainly because you've glued your ass to ''Corporate Donkey"! Glad you are using the link: [ ] - it needs and rewards multiple views and meditation. Solidarity To Greece for ''NO''!
What you do is work to elect the GOP, you should meditate on that for a bit.
Nope. That's just binary-blinded' reductionism (yet again), which wants to keep pushing the 'Dem Pols Are Your Saviours' meme - that the DNC wants you to push here. This is contrary to key OWS tenets.
NAFTA; TTP; TTIP; Social Security Depletion; Wall Street, Bankster and Corporation .. Coddling and Enabling; Illegal Extra-Judicial Murder and Drone Wars - ALL happen(ed) under a Democrap POTUS'!
Raygun's Corporate Loving BS was given turbo-boost by Bill Clinton and Neoliberal at home / Neocon abroad support from Obama and Hillary-to-be. So, go deal with it, you binary-blinded parDisan stooge.
Now how about you try tio get a handle on this: & see what BS has said.
Hey why don't you go ahead and tell us about what is not "binary-blinded" if you mean i live in the real world with real choices like do i throw away my vote or worst not vote a risk a Republican winning, you imply, because you are too much of a lying political hack to actually say that you don't care if a Dem or a R wins the seat, you don't care if TPP goes down 5 to 1 or passes 4 to 1 you don't care because all you care about your ego driven bullshit political party and you know that your stupid pithic party competes with liberals with the Dems so you attack the Dems and don't give a damn about the the issues.
Everything you talk about was done with GOP support, kill the GOP, save the world
The thing that infects this forum is your hatred of the Dems, it is political hacks like you who come here to co-opt OWS to kickstart your political party that has brought disruption to the forum. Those of us who come here to push for change have had a very good discussions, you only want to dump on the dems, people who don't have their heads up their asses, as you do, want to make sure they are working to make things better not worst as flip said he was working for, he figured worst was better for his political party. BradB talks about "drawing from both parties" like I give a shit about building a political party, i want wealth inequality addressed, the GOP work to make the rich richer, so they must GO!
Dems mainly get ''dumped on'' here, when their lackeys come to eulogise but Never Criticise Them.Your refusal/inability to see the ''Corporate Donkey / Corporate Elephant'' Long-Con and your desire to ''co-opt OWS'' for the DNC - is what marks you as ''binary-blinded'' and a ''political hack''! I really do wonder what you actually think of Kshama Sawant in Seattle for example! Pushing the DNC isn't about ''change'' btw, but I do understand why it may feel like that in aRizona! Of course you don't ''give a shit about building a political party'' .. you're perfectly happy with the Corporate Controlled Dem-Donkey, you incorrigible ass! ''Everything you talk about was done with GOP'' + DNC support, ''kill the'' Duopoly and - ''save the world''!
We must ALL really face The Tyranny of Double Entry Book-keeping and Banks' creation of something (money) out of NOTHING - in order to reformulate a New 99% Politics via Social Movements like OWS so that Bankers are exposed! Fyi:
Watch your excellent forum-posted doc.again and ask yourself honestly, if Dems have any complicity? Further, consider that the ''real choices'' of ONLY TWO, isn't 'choice', it's really only ever an ultimatum+ then see ..
Finally - ''IF'' it's all a bit much for you, perhaps just try to closely watch Thom Hartmann,
So tell me just once because this is the question you seem to have no answer for, why do you think it is OK for the GOP to win while you "fight the duopoly"?
It is my position that real change can be brought about without letting the GOP win, but by wiping it out entirely, that would cause the system to crumble, how do you suggest it be brought down?
Do you ask that question of your GOP voting family and friends in Arizona .. where someone like you is the most 'radical' person for miles around? I have nothing good to say about the fkn ''GOP'' as you really know and the premise of your question is both wrong & loaded because I have nothing good to ever say about the GOP & very little good to say about 'GOP-lite' either - based on oft stated ''facts'' that ''r'' NOT ''fun''! Deal with it & remind yourself of wtf OWS is all about!! Look again at my first reply on this thread.
The facts are that in any given election someone is going to win, I say it is vital that people act such that the person who wins is not a Republican, you don't care, you apologize for them and say compared to others they are not so bad. I do see that you refuse to discuss the fact that people win elections, but I also say that if you are not even willing to exercise your right to affect change then you are one stupid person.
Oh no, ''Here We Go Again''! You know frf, I do think
''We Need A Break From The Old Routine'': - also ..
As usual any actual discussion with you is impossible.
No, it's not - but remember trying to blame me and other posters here for The Fact ... that your oh-so beloved Democraps helped Repugnants pass TPP/TTIP B-S?! I am all over that thread - as evidenced here ... & other threads where I reply to you & you spew and brainfart back at me. Btw thank you for reminding me of that thread now .. as there are some corrections that I need to do there ... yet again! I've ''debated'' u every which way & twice on Sundays but I'm really here for 'The Information Function'!
16th track "(When we conflate the dems with the rethuglicans)"
We are doing our best to prevent legitimate debate.
As - we can't have people considering matters like:
Who supports access to Health care for all
Who attacks and denies Health care for all
Who supports raising taxes on the wealthy
Who attacks raising taxes on the wealthy
Who supports expanding Social Security
Who attacks Social Security
Who promotes environmental standards and protective restrictions
Who attacks environmental standards and protective restrictions
Who speaks out against climate change and supports the findings of 97% of the climate scientists
Who flat out denies the findings of 97% of the climate scientists and stands in the way clean energy requirements
Who supports voting rights of the population
Who does their best to remove voting rights from the population
I mean if we do not shut this stuff down it becomes pretty easy to see that we really can't conflate the dems as being exactly the same as the rethuglicans.
We need to support our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to gain participatory democracy and control of government - that the people need to opt out. In this effort we will consistently cry duopoly (it is one of our favorite fictions) and refuse to provide any facts to support our position (we like to avoid such things as they work against us).
Further - we will damn every dem with one broad stroke = Oh-bummer.
Was the previous reply above to you? Do you imagine that anyone is reading your cut&paste crap?
16th track "(When we conflate the dems with the rethuglicans)"
We are doing our best to prevent legitimate debate.
As - we can't have people considering matters like:
Who supports access to Health care for all
Who attacks and denies Health care for all
Who supports raising taxes on the wealthy
Who attacks raising taxes on the wealthy
Who supports expanding Social Security
Who attacks Social Security
Who promotes environmental standards and protective restrictions
Who attacks environmental standards and protective restrictions
Who speaks out against climate change and supports the findings of 97% of the climate scientists
Who flat out denies the findings of 97% of the climate scientists and stands in the way clean energy requirements
Who supports voting rights of the population
Who does their best to remove voting rights from the population
I mean if we do not shut this stuff down it becomes pretty easy to see that we really can't conflate the dems as being exactly the same as the rethuglicans.
We need to support our meaningless "public self defeating" circular logic arguments - that to gain participatory democracy and control of government - that the people need to opt out. In this effort we will consistently cry duopoly (it is one of our favorite fictions) and refuse to provide any facts to support our position (we like to avoid such things as they work against us).
Further - we will damn every dem with one broad stroke = Oh-bummer.
Why are you trying to ruin this once vibrant and vital OWS Forum?
10th track: (Tossing Shit)
As We have nothing to back-up our stated positions (opt-out fiction = public self defeating) - We will do our best to throw it back on ( put a lie on) any who would ask for details of our non-existent action plans (Ya know......those who put the lie to our bullshit - "who shine the light on our bullshit").
The putdown we use on others is simple - and with it in play - we then retreat - to our constant tactic of providing nothing while saying much (politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic).
Tossing shit - we love it.
10th track: (Tossing Shit)
As We have nothing to back-up our stated positions (opt-out fiction = public self defeating) - We will do our best to throw it back on ( put a lie on) any who would ask for details of our non-existent action plans (Ya know......those who put the lie to our bullshit - "who shine the light on our bullshit").
The putdown we use on others is simple - and with it in play - we then retreat - to our constant tactic of providing nothing while saying much (politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic).
Tossing shit - we love it.
Stupid fkn Dkhead! Spewing all over this forum, trying to destroy it before 4th #S17! I despise & curse u.
Odin and his opt-out cronies all spew - Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah something shiny Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah duopoly Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ain't got nothing to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah dance dance dance change the subject Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Obama sucks so all dems suck as well Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah got no facts to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.............................................
What a poisonous li'l bastard, you are. Keep sucking what you're sucking. It's doing you so much good.
Btw, ''opt out'' of what exactly? Is that what you'll accuse Kshama Sawant of doing in Seattle too? Dolt!
Odin and his opt-out cronies all spew - Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah something shiny Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah duopoly Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ain't got nothing to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah dance dance dance change the subject Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Obama sucks so all dems suck as well Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah got no facts to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Kshama Sawant who we have no connection with Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.............................................
You have nothing to contribute to this forum any longer. Why not just simply ban everyone except frf?
Odin and his opt-out cronies all spew - Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah something shiny Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah duopoly Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ain't got nothing to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah dance dance dance change the subject Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Obama sucks so all dems suck as well Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah got no facts to back my stance Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah try to wrap ourselves in the ows flag Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah overwhelming opposite votes of dem and reps are bipartisan Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah.............................................opt-out......................
All the cut and paste is crap in haste but it sure beats ''thinking'' up new replies, right? Well done you!
15th track "(things that we really really really hate)"
For example - when our tactics get thrown back in our face or any other payback we get from others. (whine whine piss and moan - it's not fair - only we can be nasty to others)
We complain - but - it is more than just a little lame - because truth be told - bottom line - at the best - we are being - hypocritical.
But damn we hate it after all of these years to have our tinkle/stinkle team tactics made moot.
Again - ''we'' ONLY speaks for you and your presumptuous ass - you rancid little twerp + Forum-NME!
And again, this reply here replaces the 2 below, ''Removed'' by you so as to mendaciously manipulate!
money is an abstract amount of numbers so someone must claim stewardship of it
it is also the power to command the services of others, if you have enough you might as well be King
only if you have claim to concrete property
money can get you that too, you own whatever you can hire people to protect