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Forum Post: As if it weren't already obvious. My critics are using multiple IDs in order to discredit me.

Posted 10 years ago on Nov. 29, 2014, 3:36 p.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I've lost over a dozen points in less than 24 hours even after posting a dozen new comments.

My critics, primarily two or three conservatives posing as disgruntled liberals are using multiple IDs to mark my comments down while marking their own up as well as those of other legitimate users who respond to mine.

My current rating is 605. That's down by over a dozen points just within the past 24 hours. I don't care about popularity but it will be interesting to see just how low my rating will go over the next two years as election day of 2016 approaches, assuming this site is still active by then. It certainly isn't what it used to be. It's been taken over by infiltrators.

What pathetic psychological tactics some people resort to.

At the very least, there are five IDs, four of which were just created this year involved on a daily basis.

I have no problem with legitimate users who honestly disagree. My problem is with the posers who sign on using multiple IDs in order to get their own poser comments 'best' rated day after day after day.

Full disclosure: Several months ago, I created the ID 'TheUglyTruth' in order to comment exclusively on corruption within the healthcare industry. I made no attempt to hide anything. I even linked the various pages explaining that I was the author. That was about six months ago. I haven't used it since for any reason.

Update: 12/02/14. I have lost another 160 points just within the last 48 hours. Still, my poser critics have the nerve to claim that I'm imagining this. I fully expect my rating to go negative as they continue using their multiple IDs to keep their own poser comments 'best' rated while marking mine down into negative territory.

Update: 12/04/14. I have recieved over 500 markdowns in just under 5 days. At this rate, it won't be much longer before my user rating goes negative.

I know what you're up to markdown monsters. You've been going after my older comments also in order to make it appear as if I were never appreciated here to begin with. The idea is to offset my potential influence on non-conservative voters. It won't work.

I intend to create a new page sometime soon explaining the series of events and your strategy in detail. I also intend to go back and update every comment I've ever posted with a request that users read my profile. My profile will be updated with an explanation and links to all of my pages.

I can't stop you from marking my account right into negative territory with your multiple IDs but I can explain the circumstances to hundreds or thousands of visitors between now and election day of 2016.

Count on it.

The rest of you please disregard the user score: The rating system was a lousy idea to begin with.


Update: 12/05/14. I just signed back on to find that over 400 of my lost points have been replaced. There are three possibilities.

  1. The markdown monsters took my latest update seriously and got back to work using their multiple IDs to cover their incidious tracks.

  2. The site operators took care of it.

  3. Another user or two did me one heck of a favor.

If it's #2, I appreciate it. Thank you.

If it's #3, I REALLY appreciate it. Thank you very much.

Update: 12/08/14. Three of the most obvious poser IDs, spinoza34, DNCheadquarters, and SerfingUSA stopped posting the same morning well over 400 of my points were restored. Evidently, the site operators confirmed my suspicions, restored most of my lost points and deactivated three or more accounts.

Beware of fiscal conservatives posing as disgruntled liberals in order to rip on Clinton and other popular Democrats thereby giving conservatives an edge on voting day.

They will be VERY active over the next two years as election day of 2016 draws near.



Read the Rules
[-] 4 points by SerfingUSA (451) 10 years ago

Maybe if you would stop your man-child, self absorbed, convoluted, incoherent, psychobabble, you might receive better feedback.

I don't think there is any insidious plot here against you. But, you do seem to have some delusions of grandeur that aren't helping your credibility. Please stop repeating the same old introspective ramblings over and over and over again. Maybe people wouldn't ding you if you came up with some new material. PLEASE. Come up with some new material. I'M BEGGING YOU !!!!!

You sound like a 12 year old, self obsessed only child. GROW UP!

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

No insidious plot huh? You have some pathetic coward nerve as you sit there with at least three active IDs that I know of (spinoza34, DNCheadquarters, Serfing USA, all created within days of each other this mid-term election year. I suspect four more as well.).

You've been marking my comments down ever since the Russell Brand debate in which I refused to support his ridiculous 'don't vote' campaign. The very same campaign designed to keep non-conservatives home on election day of 2014. The very same campaign which will remain ongoing for the next two years in order to give conservatives an edge in 2016. This explains why every single ID I suspect is going out it's way to complain about Democrats in particular while posting comments supporting Occupy.

I fully expect my user rating to go negative as you try to make it appear as if I were never popular here to begin with. It will only prove my point.

OWS has been taken over by fiscal conservatives posing as disgruntled liberals.

I can't do a damn thing about that STUPID rating system but I will do everything I can to keep legitimate users and new visitors informed of your calculated strategy over the next two years as election day of 2016 draws near.

[-] -2 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I'm not going to drop the most profound issue threatening society just because some of you are sick of it. I don't care how much you beg. I'm not dropping it.

Damn right the rich are too rich.

I'm also not going to let bogus criticism from posers go unchecked.

Save it. You're confusing determination with ego and vanity. Not that my own attitude matters. It doesn't. Not even one little bit. The ugly truth does. The prosperity of an entire world is at stake.

Damn right the rich are too rich. They will soon cause the worst economic depression of all time. I've been predicting it for 9 years. It would have already come if it weren't for trillions in bailouts, extended unemployment benefits, welfare, and government stimulus.

The Greater Depression hasn't been prevented. Only delayed by a few years. It will come thanks to the richest 1% and their IDIOT fans.

Now, a growing number of economists around the world are finally admitting what I've been swearing for 9 years all over the web and talk radio. But that doesn't make me that smart. After all, it's not that complicated.


By the way, I see your account was just created this year. You have that in common with all but one of the IDs I suspect. Based on that curiosity, I'll ask you the same question I have asked the others.

If elected President in 2016, who would ultimately concentrate more private wealth in your opinion, the Democrat Hillary Clinton (A) or the Republican Mitt Romney (B)?

With trillions in circulation, there is virtually no chance that wealth would concentrate at the same rate under either President. It is also utterly absurd to consider even the most remote possibility that Romney and Clinton would ultimately enact and effect identical budgets and policies. So there is no need to skirt the issue or post any long winded entries.

The answer is A or B.

In my opinion wealth would continue to concentrate regardless but the Republican Mitt Romney (B) would ultimately concentrate more than Clinton.

Care to set yourself apart from the others I suspect with a straight answer?

[-] 5 points by DNCheadquarters (69) 10 years ago

I reject choices A and B. I refuse to vote for a corrupt, rigged, money driven, heads I win - tails you lose political system. It's been tried and failed ad nauseam. The reality is our political system is a uniparty bankster regime. The Good cop/Bad cop political theatre role play is just a ploy to perpetuate the illusion of choice. The 1% sponsor BOTH parties, that is why legislation favors them.

I absolutely refuse to participate and condone a rigged system that only benefits the 1%.

You don't need to keep repeating your promotion of the lesser of two evils strategy. It's not some mind-bending Einstein concept. We get it! But the trouble we are in today is because of following that flawed strategy. Your strategy will continue to spiral us down, deeper and deeper into dystopia.

[-] -3 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Gee what a shock. No answer here but you're surely all over the web promoting Republicans. No doubt whatsoever. ZERO.

My strategy is not simply to vote for the lesser evil. It's to vote against the greater evil each time damning the very concept of extreme personal wealth every step of the way.

This includes the extreme personal wealth of that disgusting hypocrite pig Russell Brand.

Of course, I'll be exposing you fake liberals here on OWS for what you truly are. Conservatives masquerading as disgruntled liberals in order to discourage genuine liberals, independents, progressives, and free thinkers from voting thereby giving your conservative pigs an edge.

The jig is up.


Mark mark mark!

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Damn right the rich are too rich.

One would think that that statement was obvious - especially to those who come to this site in real protest of what is wrong with this country.

It was after-all wall street and Bankers that touched off the latest GR8 recession - the recession which has not ended (no matter what the talking heads spew on tv or what our currently complicit government assures us) - when you lose millions of living wage and higher paying jobs to have them replaced with minimum wage (government aid "state & federal" required to keep a roof over your heads) jobs.

ALL because Of Rampant Greed.

Well then - just WTF are people overlooking when they do not connect obscene wealth of the few and the obscene poverty of the Many as being cause (obscene wealth of the few) and effect (obscene poverty of the many). And the fact of this spiraling growth of those entering the ranks of the poor. Things did not get better for the many with the advent of quantitative easing - NO - OH - HELL NO it has not gotten better - except for those greedy obscenely wealthy assholes that are to this day continuing their program of destroying the economy the environment and society as well as by extension of their practices overseas - the rest of the world for the vast majority of the population.

Anyone who disputes these facts is brain dead to reality or is a wannabe obscenely wealthy asshole - who as long as they have theirs - could give a flying fuck about anyone else - including their own family.

[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

I think everyone understands it, its just what are they themselves willing to do in terms of physical activity to change it.

Most will still take their votes and throw them away on corporate choices, so thats clearly not an option.

Creating alternative options on the ballot is like pulling teeth, so thats a no go at this point.

Altering purchasing/consumer behavior is damn near impossible, and for good reason. Who wants to arbitrarily make their lives more difficult?

So basically until one of those three is addressed, what else do we have in terms of our own power?

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

It's not impossible for the individual to alter their consumer behavior. It's a fucking breeze. Unfortunately, the masses simply will not do it.


Just one example of MANY. Cable, satelite, Viagra, Taylor Swift, Beyonce, U2, holy crap too many examples to list.

[-] 1 points by turbocharger (1756) 10 years ago

Right exactly my point. Who wants to get rid of cable? Certainly you spend a lot of time on the internet, so those telecoms are going to keep getting your money, right?

Riding a bike instead of a car or taking a bus instead of driving? Again, more difficult. Preparing meals instead of buying them premaid, or going through the drivethough? Again, easier tends to win.

The excessive consumerism like the Iphones is just the tip. Just our being alive is a drain. And when you consider lifing 3 billion people out of poverty and into a comfortable middle class, well, you can kiss the planet goodbye.

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I use dial-up provided by a locally based company run out of an old house. $10 per month. Most of which goes to the little guy.

I applaud anyone who rides a bike in order to avoid supporting big oil. It's out of the question where I live. Three hours in a car to visit my parents. 24 hours of straight pedaling on a bike.

[-] 3 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 10 years ago

Oh,snap.Are you willing to say who else you suspect of being Not For Real?

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

It's not you. I know for a fact you're real. In fact, you're one of my favorite users.

[-] 3 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 10 years ago

Oh,thanks.I'm greatly relieved.FWIW I have been participating in the #CameronMustGo twitterstorm and now I have lots of new friends from the UK.They either say straight up ixnay on the Ussellray Andbray or they say nothing at all.So that supports the readings you reported on your Bullshit Detector.I admit mine was detecting something.I'm still weirded out.

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 10 years ago

News flash: The number after your name doesn't matter. Look at mine. Does that number give me some kind of advantage somehow? Can I trade it in for prizes? No.

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

As expected. The conservative posers are pissed off about my liberal views regarding gun control. They have gone right back to hitting my old comments in order to reduce my user rating as much as possible. I've lost 25 points just within the last few hours.

That's fine. From now on, I will post the following link with each comment.


[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I know what you're up to markdown monsters. You've been going after my older comments also in order to make it appear as if I were never appreciated here to begin with. The idea is to offset my potential influence on non-conservative voters.

It won't work.

I intend to create a new page sometime soon explaining the series of events and your strategy in detail. I also intend to go back and update every comment I've ever posted with a request that users read my profile. My profile will be updated with an explanation and links to all of my pages.

I can't stop you from marking my account right into negative territory with your multiple IDs but I can explain the circumstances to hundreds or thousands of visitors between now and election day of 2016.

Count on it.

[-] 1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I just signed back on to find that over 400 of my lost points have been replaced. There are three possibilities.

1. The markdown monsters took my latest update seriously and got back to work using their multiple IDs to cover their incidious tracks.

2. The site operators took care of it.

3. Another user or two did me one heck of a favor.

If it's #2, I appreciate it. Thank you.

If it's #3, I REALLY appreciate it. Thank you very much.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Interesting - well - I am pretty sure that it was not Santa Claus. So - considering the number of points recovered - I would have to hazard a guess that it was the site operators. Would be nice to know for sure and who it was that nailed you for those points in the 1st place.

[-] 0 points by ShadzSixtySix (1936) 10 years ago

I express SOLIDARITY with you publicly and I hope that irrespective of your views, that you won't feel singled out for persecution and that neither will you be driven from this forum. You have a right to your views and we do not have any hallowed orthodoxy here, baring .. Hitlary Clinton is no panacea by any stretch of any imagination - for The 99%, lol. Finally, fyi :

pax ...

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I just lost another 13 points in less than 10 minutes. 18 so far since this page was created. 30 or so just within the past 24 hours. My poser critics have received 8 markups that I know of within the past 10 minutes. 40 or so within the past 24 hours. A few of the poser critics I refer to are listed below.

DNCheadquarters, spinoza34, and SerfingUSA, are all one in the same. There is no doubt whatsoever. The accounts were all created this mid-term election year of 2014. All three within days of each other this past January. Their posted views to date and attacks on me have been virtually identical.

All of the above are one individual, a fiscal conservative posing as no less than 3 disgruntled liberals. Probably 4-8. I suspect turbocharger as well. That account was created in May. Again, the posted views and attacks have been virtually identical. Their strategy has been to redefine the direction of OWS and to offset the influence on non-conservative voters.

I'm watching several more IDs for near identical views, attacks, and utterly predictable markups.

OWS has been taken over by conservatives posing as disgruntled liberals and using multiple IDs in order to keep their poser comments 'best' rated. Their strategy has been to redefine the direction of OWS and to offset the influence on non-conservative voters.
