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Forum Post: America, religious bigotry on display

Posted 12 years ago on March 14, 2012, 8:23 p.m. EST by beenthereonce (-13)
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Chris Matthews is a religious bigot

Isn’t it great when the leftist media decides to shed their image as “loving left” to show off their true colors? Chris Matthews decided to go on Ed Schultz’s show (ratings power combo!!!!) and not only ridicule Mitt Romney, but he also disparaged his entire religion in the process and said the GOP was ready to “outsource” the presidency to a Mormon. He then called it a cult, and threw some other insults in there for good manner. How long until all those media watchdog groups come out and start demanding advertisers leave MSNBC? Come on, we’re waiting



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[-] 3 points by jph (2652) 12 years ago

Chris Matthews is a leftist?

Mormonism, and Catholicism can only be described as a cults! What else would you call them? They indoctrinate the week willed into a fantasy land of burning bushes, virgin pregnancy, and majic underwear!!

[-] 2 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

The Maasai of east Africa religiously believe all cattle belongs to them. They have a right to believe what they will, correct? Yes. However they do not have the right to act upon or "practice" that belief and I do not have the obligation to respect that belief.

Mormonsim is a cult. That's a valid opinion based upon facts. I can respect anyone's right to believe what they want to believe without having to respect those beliefs themselves. Just because you call your beliefs a religion doesn't mean other people must respect those beliefs regardless of how outrageous and ridiculous they are.







[-] 0 points by beenthereonce (-13) 12 years ago
