Forum Post: Al Gore "savior of clean energy" Sells Station To Big Oil
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 8, 2013, 11:50 a.m. EST by reneth
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He’s supposed to be the face of clean energy and just sold [the channel] to very big oil, the emir of Qatar! What a dirtbag
reneth No Profile Information
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reneth said 0 minutes ago at Jan. 10, 2013, 12:44 p.m. EST (delete) This is only about the 59th time I got banned already. Useless coon loving libtards cannot handle the truth
reneth No Profile Information
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reneth said 0 minutes ago at Jan. 10, 2013, 12:40 p.m. EST (delete) Hey libtard, what do ya think of your hero Gore now???? bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Joined Jan. 8, 2013
Were you banned already? Usually you wait until after you get banned to whisper sweet nothings.
these racist fucks wonder why they get banned so quickly.
I got this one.
reneth said 2 minutes ago at Jan. 10, 2013, 12:43 p.m. EST (delete)
and you blame this carnage on what? I blame it on the ignorant knee grows
He's flat out mentally ill.
Non stop mentally ill.
reneth said 2 minutes ago at Jan. 10, 2013, 1:03 p.m. EST (delete)
You never joined the nra only because if you did then you still could not afford to purchase a weapon. Maybe you should ask the porch monkey for one, he is also giving out obummer phones too
Racist fuck.
I can only wish that a mods ban was more thorough.
Sent me a disgusting racist comment as well.
Like a non stop little racist troll.
reneth said 8 minutes ago at Jan. 10, 2013, 1:09 p.m. EST (delete)
Oops I must have offended you by calling the pres a jungle bunny eh
All the brains of a FLAKESnews cast.
I got a couple more too. Guess he was banned again. Pathetic
Is there shock? Is there disillusionment? Whatever one might think of Al Gore and his views, his goal is the same as most - he needs to earn and make money. Sorry guys.
Made nearly a billion now. Yeah, he's fighting for the 99%.
He's now richer than Romney! Good thing he didn't get that lousy paying POTUS job, huh?
The guy that posted this is a blatant racist too.
His mind is as dirty as what they want to pump through that pipe.
Maybe dirtier.
What? A call to unite against keystone xl pipeline is racist? Did I miss something?
I think I must have missed something in your comments intent.
My mistake.
I was attempting to equate him to a post I made on what is going to go through that pipe.
He's at least that dirty........:)
OK - I thought that I was missing something in the comment.
Ummm - He being Gore?
Actually we were talking about a banned racist poster named reneth.
Quite the little jerk (euphemism)
And all the gun nuttery is burying important posts.........again.
AHhhhhh - that now makes complete sense. Sorry for the confusion on my part.
I was hoping to bring attention to a post I made in that thread earlier, before we were inundated with pro gun nuttery bullshit.
Thanks for the link = TWEETED
Good food for thought - good to share/circulate.
bad boy bad boy
doncha know environmentalists are not allowed to make a profit
I assume you know he announced that he will not use a penny of his profits to further goals of the environmental movement
He can use the money to pay the mortgage on his oceanside mansion.
Slap in the face to clean energy he is
Multi millionaire tax dodger Gore.. laughing at his CHUMP followers..liberals. He owns three mansions, travels by private jet, and takes millions from the biggest Oil producer on Earth. Then asks you assholes to take a quick shower, and recycle water bottles.
HA HA HA HA..Keep following the lying hypocrite, you fucking idiot. You DESERVE him.
this from one of the foulest mouths on ows.
you just did , bozo.
Racist! Why do you hate non white people?
i dont hate my black brothers.
Then why do you spew anti black racist slurs?
to annoy you, which clearly i have.
I think you spew racist slurs because you are a racist piece of shit.
Which does NOT annoy me at all. You think too highly of yourself, but I suppose that is a big part of white SUPREMACY.
calm down and wipe the spittle off your chin(s).
I am not surprised a racist would use the offensive term retarded. Par for the course.
We have a winner, said exactly what ws expected. you're so easy to predict. you be the prisioner of P.C. speech, ( which is a tyranny) i will refuse to be.
LMFAO, now your tryin to say you didn't mean the racist slurs? LOL
Bullshit! You're a racist piece of shit.
You think it is appropriate to play with those kind of racist slurs? That would be almost as bad. Almost.
you're laughable, got another one for you,............why do act retarded? i wait with great anticipation for your outraged reaction about using " retarded".
What turned you into a racist?
since im not a racist, the answer would be " nothing". i play with you like a cat plays with a mouse. your feigned outrage is hilarious.
LMAO,good one.
Thank you. vq isnt much of challenge,...........he/she/it throws up too many good lines to let them go .
You should say whatever you like. You have that freedom. A few of us choose to say hateful, hurtful racist slurs. That is your right. "Retarded" is offensive to the mentally ill.
I ain't made that up. They can decide for themselves. You still have the right to spew your hurtful hatefulness.
I and the vast majority of the rest of us believe that is wrong and we are allowed to express our opinion as such.
Get it? klan girl.
mentally ill people are not retarded,.....people who have a slow or limited intellectual growth are. you know so much about what you dont knpw.
So it is tyranny if we are against calling people offensive hateful names?
LOL. That's a 30 year old weak excuse for allowing bad behavior. When people use racist slurs, sexist attacks, and words like retarded to hurt others we MUST say it is wrong.
That ain't tyranny, that's a few of us expressing hatefulness (they're allowed!). And the rest of us calling them out! We're allowed too!
We are practicing the righteousness of humiliating hateful people in the town square.
Perhaps you do not understand tyranny. Look it up. You will be enlightened.
Racist pig!
retarded is no more " hateful" than saying crippled, or fat or bald or ugly. would it make you feel beter if i said you were mentally challenged? pc. speech is all about feelings
Al Gore has always been a hypocrite. His private jet, limousine and huge mansion cry out against everything he "preaches." He's a joke and a fraud and now he proves yet again what a hypocrite he is by profiting on big oil while still spouting the evil of big oil. Not only that, he pushed to have the deal final before Dec 31 to avoid the tax increases after Jan 1. It never surprises me how people that advocate higher taxes always find a way to get around it but that's another topic.
Gore's post political career has been all about profiting on lies and misinformation. I don't have a problem with profit. I have a problem with profit built on hypocrisy and fraud. As with most politicians, he's a fraud. He's nothing more than a scammer and hypocrite making his billions on lies and profiting on those lies. The only reason they paid him $500 million was to guarantee a lobby in Washington. The network wasn't worth what they paid. Al-Jazeera wanted to get an "in" with the American gov't and Gore provides that not to mention an "in" with the mainstream media that fawns over Gore.
gore is a poster child for the lefties
he made a fortune off the stupidity of the american left( lemmings).
Mr Rodgers Redux on Al Gore Zeera....It's a beautiful day in the jihadhood.
Gore chits on ows with the sale to big oil
I love it!!! All the resident DNC LEFTWINGNUTS (you know who you are, vqqg,shooz, besdad, dka) haven't added to this thread. Guess they haven't gotten the spin memo talking points from Media Matters or Mother Jones, or ABC,CBS,NBC, MSBNBC, or Priss Moron yet.
I'm sure that your commentary would be welcome at any of those links.