Forum Post: ACTION ALERT: TPP - 3 Days to Stop the Corporate Death Star ~Sign Real Time Petition!
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 13, 2012, 12:11 a.m. EST by ExposeTheOligarchs
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Details are leaking of a top-secret, global corporate power grab of breathtaking scope — attacking everything from a free Internet to health and environmental regulations, and we have just 4 days to stop it. Big business has a new plan to fatten their pockets: a giant global pact, with an international tribunal to enforce it, that is kept top secret for years (even from our lawmakers!) and then brought down like a Death Star on our democracies. Big Tobacco, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Walmart and almost 600 other corporate lobbyists are all in on the draft — including limits on smoking laws, affordable medicines and free speech on the Net.
The latest round of negotiations ends in just 4 days — but outcries in each of our countries could shake the confidence of negotiators and scuttle the talks forever. Let’s get to a million against the global corporate takeover. Sign below and forward widely. Avaaz will project our petition counter on the walls of the conference so negotiators can see the opposition to their plan exploding in real time:
The deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), is written to protect investors from government regulation, even if that regulation is passed in the public interest. Leaked versions suggest the TPP would undermine protections for air and water safety and reintroduce measures from the US Internet freedom attack as well as steamrolling efforts to produce generic affordable medicines. Worse still, lawmakers who fail to conform to the TPP’s rules face sanctions in an international tribunal — a place where corporations can sue us for deals previous governments signed in secret!
Negotiators say this is just a trade agreement, written to facilitate investment and profit for all. But the leaked draft imposes so many limits on citizen protections, it’s clear this “trade” agreement is skewed to put corporate profit above people’s needs — that’s not surprising since it’s been drafted in secret with almost 600 corporate lobbyists.
But there is hope: Australia is bucking against the international tribunal system, and New Zealand is objecting to the takeover of its medicine-pricing protections that keep drugs affordable. Massive public opposition, casting doubt over each country’s ability to sell TPP at home, could derail the talks for good. Sign the petition now, and forward widely — the delegates and lobbyists are watching the wave of opposition grow in real time:
The Nation: “NAFTA on Steroids”
The Guardian: “The Pacific free trade deal that’s anything but free”
Huffington Post: “Leak Cracks Open Trans-Pacific Partnership Scandal”
Reuters: “Lawmakers press for open Trans-Pacific trade talks”
TechDirt: “Hollywood Gets To Party With TPP Negotiators; Public Interest Groups Get Thrown Out Of Hotel”
Electronic Frontier Foundation: “Background and analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement”
Thank you Expose. Signed. Passing on to others.
Thanks Nevada1! Your voice has been heard!
TPP is a critical issue.
Indeed. If we think our rights and sovereignty are going now...if this thing passes...we're toast! I like that this petition is real time!
Agree, toast.
Thanks kindly! They're hearing our voices!
Sign Real Time TPP Petition!
(same petition as in main post)
This is good. Signed it. But where's the petition to repeal any and all legislation that gave rise to central banks and their systems all over the world? Eliminate all laws that protect central banks and their systems and you will eliminate them entirely. Real money and real prosperity will return. With that, the oligarchs in business will have nothing to fund their programs like Trans-Pacfic or otherwise. With that, all the sycophants who depend on the loot of central banking will have to find real work and buy and sell using real money. Wow! What a concept.
Lolol! That petition is safely locked away in the Rothschild vault.
Have to make our own petition, then.
Sign Real Time TPP Petition!
Sign Real Time TPP Petition!
(same petition as in main post)
Sign Real Time TPP Petition!
(same petition as in main post)
"The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) : An Extremist 1% Global Attack", by Mark Vorpahl :
"During the week of July 1st - 7th an international cabal of corporate lobbyists met behind closed doors in San Diego. Their aim is moving the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) towards completion. For over two years TPP negotiations have been in process, yet the proposals and agreements made so far have been carefully kept from public view, until recently."
fiat lux ...
Good link shadz.
Sign Real Time TPP Petition!
(same petition as in main post)
Sign Real Time TPP Petition!
(same petition as in main post)
Sign Real Time TPP Petition!
(same petition as in main post)
We will need lots of luck to stop this deal to big business.
This has been goin on for 5 years? Why is it taking so long?
Probably the stuff we don't see. The in-fighting at the upper echelons. Who's going to have ultimate control, the bribery, extortion, the secrecy. It is after all, a fight for global dominance. Thanks for signing VQkag2.
Yeah. gotta keep fighting 'till the end
Are the Illuminati behind for this?
Toads are behind this? You mean Reptilian Overloards? Half toad half men? The ones that control Svali? Is OWS still using Illuminati symbols like you once wrote about?
Got booted again, didn't you trashcompactor?! Self-control. Learn...O disciplined one.
Only a traitor like you would write the post below. How many usernames do you have Ms. Renneye? How many times have you been banned from this forum?
Boring blithering baboon.
Did you really post that?
Yes I did Victor/Victoria. Wanna hear it again?