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Forum Post: About National Health Care - you will want to watch and share this video.

Posted 11 years ago on July 28, 2013, 2:30 p.m. EST by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Got a minute? Then click here.

Al was on Rachel Maddow’s show the other night, talking about his provision in health care reform that’s already saving Americans billions of dollars.

Oh, and Will Ferrell’s in the video, too -- you’ll see when you watch it.

It’s an important video because it highlights one of the many benefits of Obamacare that a lot of people don’t know about.

But it’s also important because it highlights the reason why my job rocks -- it’s Al at his best.

Click here to watch the video -- and then take action to help Al keep making progress (we’re almost at our $100,000 July goal with just 3 days to go!).

If we work hard to elect leaders like Al, we really can make a difference. We can bring down the cost of health care. We can hold insurance companies accountable. We can keep racking up more great accomplishments like the one Al talks about in the video.

So watch this clip, share it with your friends, and make sure to take action to help Al keep fighting for us!



Matt Burgess Campaign Manager TeamFranken

P.S.: We only have 3 days left until we hit our July fundraising deadline -- and we could really use YOUR help to hit our $100,000 goal. Please click here to take action today!

Paid for and authorized by Al Franken for Senate 2014

P.O. Box 583144 | Minneapolis, MN 55458-3144



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

Universal Healthcare is a no brainer. Remove it from the control of employers and place everyone in one big plan, sick and ill, young and old and provide basic coverage. If you want and can afford something fancier, go for it, but everyone gets covered for the basics.

Here is some good news: Health plan costs for New Yorkers set to fall 50%.


[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

That's exactly what we have in Australia.

1.25% of income over the tax threshold, and everyone pays the same.

If you want extras, you can buy what you like on the private market.

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

We can have universal healthcare here in the U.S. too! Maybe it would raise our life expectancy which is only 33rd in the world! Hmmm, you guys are #4.


[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

BTW - TWEET {:-])

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

GR8 article - that should open some eyes - Hey?

[-] 0 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

Exactly. It's really not as big a deal as they'd like to make us think. In fact, the more universal the care, the cheaper the care. A little secret they don't want to get out because it will cut into their profits.

[-] 3 points by LeoYo (5909) 11 years ago


People can do what the government is unwilling to do by establishing mutual health insurance and passing municipal initiatives for public hospitals or even establishing cooperative hospitals like Seattle's Group Health Cooperative http://www.ghc.org/

[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

Absolutely. We must start doing for ourselves what our failed government will not do for us.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Absolutely 100% CORRECT. A system - non-profit system - where any money was actually used for health care - well the lions share of the money. Just think what a shot in the arm that would be for the general economy - by putting money back into peoples pockets to be spent in their communities.

[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

There should be no profit, zero, in health care. Great point, DKA.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Thx - Just a good "living wage" for "all".

[-] 3 points by Phanya2011 (908) from Tucson, AZ 11 years ago

There should be no profit for providing what people have no choice in using, like healthcare, utilities, water. There should also be no profit in any business that is hired by the government, since we do not have any real choice in that either. War would stop pretty damn quick if all the munitions makers received were high salaries. Competition would have to be based on -- wait for it -- a better product.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Yep - government seems to think ( the actual people making government spread it's legs - they don't really think - as they benefit - privately ) that it is necessary to pay billions over cost ( could this have anything to do with conflict of interest and lining their own pockets because they have investments there? ). Government should be able to pay - say 1% over cost - and the business would still make money - ON VOLUME.

Government does not practice good business - as members of government figure it would hurt getting supplemental income from their positions. Anyway it's not like it is their money being SPENT - Right?

[-] -1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 11 years ago

All the basics, for everyone!

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Yep - a home food transportation health care education .................

[-] 3 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

This is why Colonel Gaddaffi was such a threat to the oligarchy.

Free health, education to Uni levels, welfare, 50 grand loan for a house to newlyweds, no foreclosures, and fuel at cents a gallon.

[-] -2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Strange that his people did not protect him.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 11 years ago

It's tough to say what really happened there.

English journalists were saying that NATO bombers were bombing Tripoli, when there were no active fighters or insurgents.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

I agree. Most Americans including me don't know what the hell is gong on over there


[-] 0 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Yes it is strange, but just like here ... people that have or will benefit from a corrupt..$... gamed system have an amazing ability to control the message and the fire power


[-] 0 points by PortugueseExplorer (10) 11 years ago

Does any of this address the fact that doctors who today routinely charge astronomical fees are opting out as participating providers; they are not accepting insurance? What of that portion of our health care bills?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Ya just gotta love that Guy. Bernie you're 1 in a billion.


[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Not quite so rare.

Almost though.

He's one, in some 300,000,000.

300,000,000, that could use a whole lot more like him.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

I guess I was looking at world population - and to be a member of government - actually trying to do good for the people. And Yes we could use millions/billions more like him.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Speaking of healthcare.

Here's the result of the Texas assault on women's.

Flea market chemical abortions.


[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Ah geeze - we do not want to go back to back alley abortions/maimings/deaths

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Better, living through chemistry.


The damage done by fly by night chemists, will be very difficult to document, though you can bet the end costs will ultimately be placed on the tax payer.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Society get set to take another beating.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

What else would you expect from the most libe(R)tarian State in the nation?

Some semblance of actual freedom??

You will find it only in the rhetoric, not in reality.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

That could explain a lot about tiki's BS here. Hey?

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I know it's not perfect too. Medicare part E ( for Everyone) would have been the way to go, but it would never have gotten passed by the GOP congress of NO.

This really is the best the GOP would approve


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

The GOP fucked up the original that was brought forward ( one that could have been better - yes ) - then to get anything passed towards effecting a national Health Care Plan - their BS fucking around had to be accepted.

It is still a major thing to get a start towards a national health care program on the books. We can always continue fight to improve it.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Think how much harder they will fight against universal care of ANY sort.

How much have they spent fighting this one already?

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Because Universal Health Care will put an end to MUCH of the greed in health care.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


March for the cure!!

What color should the ribbons be?

Or should I ask, what colors aren't taken yet?

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Ummmmm green?

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

You kept your point for 22mins!!!

Gotta be a record around here, these days.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Still had a comment on the best comment board for several hours - I think it was one of the just say no to ALEC comments - that just has not happened for a very long time - perhaps the idiot sock/bot user with the grudge is starting to leave some good content comments alone?

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

2hrs and counting..........................

Got to be a record, in these days of bots and puppets.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

I see your pleonexia comment still survives as well. COOL

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I'm hoping, but it could be just a glitch in their bot system.

I won't be satisfied, until I see the scores of those who've been attacked, start ticking back up.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

did you see this?


For today, at least, I can find nothing new to add to the health care debate, but I found this interesting.

You should place that on GF's post :


[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


It's the second one I've posted on this in the last few days, but the bot/puppet attack has really screwed things up.

It's not like they ever notice such things.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Well - whatever it is - I will enjoy it while it lasts.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

did you see this?


For today, at least, I can find nothing new to add to the health care debate, but I found this interesting.


[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Anyone who cares about healthcare wouldnt have told Bernie Sanders to shove it and give Monsanto more power.

Matt Burgess, whoever he is, is being played or simply likes the perks.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Expanding Social Security is incredibly popular -- which comes as no surprise to the more than 110,562 DFA members who have signed on to our campaign in the past week! But many in Washington continue to ignore this basic reality and refuse to talk about expanding Social Security. So we're going to make sure they get the message loud and clear.

On Saturday, Senators Harkin and Begich kicked things off appearing on MSNBC to promote their plan to expand Social Security. They put our campaign to improve the lives of millions of Americans in front of a national audience because, like you, they understand the importance Social Security plays in the lives of countless Americans.

This week, we are conducting polling in key states to reveal the depth of public support for expanding and strengthening Social Security. If politicians in Washington won't act on their own, we'll take our case directly to the people to create public pressure.

Can you chip in $15 to help us put our poll in the field, and to put pressure on our elected officials to act now to expand Social Security?

For years, Social Security has been under attack by right-wing interests bent on undermining our social safety net time and again. Together, we've drawn a line in the sand and are changing the story by fighting to strengthen and expand Social Security.

Now we need to demonstrate how broad the public support is for our campaign, so that our elected officials can't hide from the truth, and so that they know we'll have their backs in this fight if they do the right thing.

Can you chip in $15 to fund our poll and help us demonstrate how strong public support is for expanding Social Security?

Thanks for all you do,


Jim Dean, CHAIR Democracy for America

Donate today Paid for by Democracy for America, http://www.democracyforamerica.com/?t=3&akid=3732.2041858.irRnsh and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Democracy for America are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

[+] -10 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

DKAtoday ‏@DKAtoday

Forum Post: About National Health Care - you will want to watch and share this video. | http://OccupyWallSt.org : http://occupywallst.org/forum/about-national-health-care-you-will-want-to-watch-/#.UfVnckI_0TY.twitter

[-] -2 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

have you looked at al's voting record on progressive issues??? it fucking sucks. don't be a fool both parties are owned lock, stock, and barrel.

[-] 1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Al Fraken endorses Franken-Foods..... Salmon with three heads, broccoli with more poison in it than P&G retention ponds.

[-] -2 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

i know and yet the tool dkatoday still plugs away for the democrats every single day. this person must be a complete fool.

[-] 0 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Builder posted on cognitive dissonance the other day, I think that sums it all up very well.

My parents are pretty much the same way.

[-] -3 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

everyone is pretty much the same way which is why we are in a deep dark pit with seemingly no way out.

[+] -11 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

You're the tool - dull and corroded at that. You bring nothing positive to strive for to the table. BTW - I support OSTA legislation which by chance (?) was brought to the table by a repub. Imagine that - the only positive legislation in decades from the repubs brought forward by a repub - wonders will never cease.

[-] 0 points by PortugueseExplorer (10) 11 years ago

It won't pass.

[-] -3 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

you are a partisan hack. i know the reality of the situation which you still deny. there are 2 options withdraw from society and create our own culture or rise up and take this one. if you don't want to admit the reality of the situation that is fine but get the fuck out of the way then.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Woo Hoo!!!

Koch brothers tyranny express!!

You should stop endorsing such things and get that transfusion you so desperately need.

You are definitely suffering from an infection.

[-] -2 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

fuck the koch brothers but fuck democrats who think their side is any different. same owners, same results.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

You sure are horny.

Have you talked to your doctor about that?

You may need to lay off the Viagra.

BTW, the Koch card is still in development, but until then, their favorite "charity" does get the honor.


Please note the references.

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

We dont like ALEC.

And we dont like your fuckin duopoly either:


Shove it with your pro Dem garbage. Didnt think you'd agree with him on that.

You never touch that topic. Why is that?

Thats all you people have done is sold out the nation and left us with the leftovers.

[-] 0 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

While not wanting to join in on this lively debate at this time, i just wanted to say that I have a mess of those Occucards including the Duopoly one, and many were circulated in Alaska when I was there

When i asked one of their people who was visitng NY if they minded if I reproduced them (which I already had done), she laughed crazily... and joked about copyright infringement.. or something!

The best one that I enlarged... so that the front and back took up the whole side of a page (81/2 x 11) was the Monsanto Occucard....picture on the top, text underneath...and it is in COLOR too...costing me i think about $1.00 each! I hung those up on bulletin boards in three different coffee shops in Anchorage and in the the Matanuska valley which is Alaska's farming area

It's quite attractive when it is enlarged http://www.occucards.com/cards/monsanto/

I also enlarged the Student Debt (black & white) one too, and just hung up or left Wells Fargo & Duopoly cards laying around or inserted them into sale papers

OK Tiki, you can go back to your discussion now...lol


[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

You're that blood fellow too??

Strange days indeed.

Such unbridled dishonesty, I've not seen since the heydays of trashy.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


I spoke a long time ago on the subject of the perception of a duopoly.

It had to do with libe(R)tarians.

You more than likely attempted to insult me for having an opinion on the subject , just as you did here.

Who the fuck do you think "you people" are?

What a depersonalizing insult.

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

It's a mess world out there Shooz. If you want to start limiting the freedom of the innocents because of some unhappy people, well........

You may want to address why someone is attacking you and DKA, and leaving everyone else alone.

Just like our government refused to address terrorism and instead just limits freedom because its easier.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

and who is that?

Since you wish to play a games of hints and allegations, certainly you must know.

"Limit freedoms"?

Wanna talk about Engler and Snyder some more?

How your good friend Scott?

Walker, maybe??

All are limiting freedom today as well as those you refuse to name.

Unfortunately for you, their funders and handlers have names, YOU refuse to factor in.

[-] 0 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Nice deflection as usual shooz. Paid pros get trained well these days I see.

"You seem to have no plan to stop them."

Would you rather make it so there were no points, or limit the ablity to decide "good/bad" comments to those who were in the club?

Your thought process is closer to the people you just listed than you realize.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


That's you, making hints and allegations.

Not answering the question, is deflection.

Pure deflection in a thread on health care.

In the inimitable words of trashy hisself.

That's a logical fallacy.

Along with more of your dehumanizing, insults, presumptions and assumptions.

On the other hand, I know for a fact that you have not yet stated how many times you've been banned, nor how many bots you are currently using and used in the past.

Oh and FYI. Bot manipulation is tyranny.

A tyranny.....YOU....are endorsing.

So it's you who thinks more like Snyder.

No points???

Fuck that

It was tried at Trashy's behest and failed miserably.

I want the bots and puppets, and their users exposed and GONE! Forever!

[+] -5 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Nice deflection as usual shooz. Paid pros get trained well these days I see.

"You seem to have no plan to stop them."

Would you rather make it so there were no points, or limit the ablity to decide "good/bad" comments to those who were in the club?

Your thought process is closer to the people you just listed than you realize.

U R off topic

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

It's a mess world out there Shooz. If you want to start limiting the freedom of the innocents because of some unhappy people, well........

You may want to address why someone is attacking you and DKA, and leaving everyone else alone.

Just like our government refused to address terrorism and instead just limits freedom because its easier.

U R off topic


[-] -2 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

"You people" are the ones who think your party is so great, and the other one is so bad, on both sides, and in reality you are all idiots being played like a fiddle.

And you better believe its personal at this point. That level of stupidity has literally destroyed the entire thing. And there a few of you are, clinging and kicking and screaming for the old ways while the majority of the nation wants change.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

"You people" are the ones who think your party is so great, and the other one is so bad, on both sides, and in reality you are all idiots being played like a fiddle.

And you better believe its personal at this point. That level of stupidity has literally destroyed the entire thing. And there a few of you are, clinging and kicking and screaming for the old ways while the majority of the nation wants change.

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

[-] -3 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

There is no national healthcare in this country.

We just got served a shit sandwich and many people, many who actually occupied, are going to get "fined" in the name of justice.

Great job.

Al can go eat one of his Franken fish he so loves.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

My, my. Still insulting are you?

Still issue and fact free.

Did you ever find out any REAL facts about Engler?

I wanted to thank you for your laziness....... I found out more about him than I wanted to know.

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

"LIBE(R)TARIANS are the main force of Democratic destruction in our Nation and the World."

Would you then say they have taken over the Democratic and Republican Parties?

I guessing you wont say that.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Why, oh why, must I always have to repeat myself with you?

I long ago said that YES, they have infiltrated both parties, but they have adapted the GOP to a much larger degree.

Indeed, I did once state that I felt Clinton, was heavily influenced by them.

This of course, led to a flood of misinformation about Whitewater and all kinds of other Limbaughesc BS. Completely burying the point I was trying to make.

So I quit saying it.

that happens to me a lot in real life too.

It's the curse of FLAKESnews.

Likely something else you've minimized around here.

I don't like bullshit.

[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

"LIBE(R)TARIANS are the main force of Democratic destruction in our Nation and the World."

Would you then say they have taken over the Democratic and Republican Parties?

I guessing you wont say that.

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

We have all noticed your penchant for avoiding truth and digging up half of the problem until you are blue in the face, while ignoring the rest.

"I spoke a long time ago on the subject of the perception of a duopoly. It had to do with libe(R)tarians."

So those of us who think they are all garbage are the work of libertarians? Is that your idea?

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Who's we?

You see, you insult someone in almost ever post you make?

You beg questions in almost every post you make.

It's my firm, unshakable belief, that in my lifetime....LIBE(R)TARIANS are the main force of Democratic destruction in our Nation and the World.

You and your cadre of "we" disagree by insulting me and others who feel the same way.

This, in spite of the fact, that those who perceive it that way provided ample proof of our belief and YOU have not.

Here's the next up and coming Randian for you to claim to be ineffectual.

They are anything but, ineffectual.


[-] -1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

We have all noticed your penchant for avoiding truth and digging up half of the problem until you are blue in the face, while ignoring the rest.

"I spoke a long time ago on the subject of the perception of a duopoly. It had to do with libe(R)tarians."

So those of us who think they are all garbage are the work of libertarians? Is that your idea?

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

What party !!!

I support DEMOCRACY.

For Whom?

The PEOPLE - living breathing people.

How many of em ?


[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

He doesn't believe that, you know.

That's why he has no qualms about our current bot invasion.

Easy for him, difficult for you.

"itsaw right'


[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Must really suck to be so blind. Or is it blind? Makes one wonder when good issues for the people ( all the people ) don't get it's support - Hey?


[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

You don't like censoring - but you would have individuals censored. Stick your head back up your ass. This site is for supporters of OWS/Occupy not for all comers to come in here and start shitting all over the place ( such as yourself ). How many times you been banned now? Crying about it is not gonna change it.

In getting more participants here it would be real helpful to be able to ban shills ( such as yourself ) permanently. Requiring accounts to have 1000 pts minimum before they are allowed to post or vote would be a GR8 start in limiting your shill/bot/sock BS.

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Representative democracy or direct democracy?

Are you more into statism than not?

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Representative democracy or direct democracy?

Are you more into statism than not?

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Direct Democracy - which we currently do not have - but which I am working for.

[-] -2 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

BTW- Off topic.

Feel free to remind your friend Shooz as well. This isnt me talking to myself here ya know.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

Dont remind me, remind the guy who started getting off topic to begin with.

That would be U starting here:

by TikiJ (601) 1 day ago

Al Fraken endorses Franken-Foods..... Salmon with three heads, broccoli with more poison in it than P&G retention ponds. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

[-] -2 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

"earning the right to vote"

Things that must be earned are not rights. They are privileges.

Thats the problem with that logic. You don't want to start going down that road. ITs how it all started a long time ago.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

"earning the right to vote"

Things that must be earned are not rights. They are privileges.

Thats the problem with that logic. You don't want to start going down that road. ITs how it all started a long time ago.

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

U want this conversation : http://occupywallst.org/forum/welcome-to-botopia/

[-] -3 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

"Requiring accounts to have 1000 pts minimum before they are allowed to post or vote would be a GR8 start in limiting your shill/bot/sock BS."

Frustration is not a reason to start limiting participation in the voting process. It may seem worth it, but it creates the very thing - granted on a smaller scale- that we are fighting.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

How many times have you been banned????

How many puppets have you used?

Are you part of the bot network?

You seem to have no plan to stop them.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

"Requiring accounts to have 1000 pts minimum before they are allowed to post or vote would be a GR8 start in limiting your shill/bot/sock BS."

Frustration is not a reason to start limiting participation in the voting process. It may seem worth it, but it creates the very thing - granted on a smaller scale- that we are fighting.

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

And here we go again. You and yours often say why have votes at all? You say they are meaningless.

But now there comes a suggestion - a suggestion that would limit shill/bot/sock activity - and - YOU SCREAM = FOUL. Why is that?

I mean the 1000 point rule would not stop you from being able to make comments - would not stop you from being heard - would not stop people from agreeing or disagreeing with you.

Would not stop you from earning the right to vote or Post.

What it would do is radically reduce the BS shill/sock/bot activity. Make accounts make good contributions for a short period of time - make accounts be real for a while - prior to letting those accounts do what ever they please ( shitting on the forum ) uncontested without the need for them to EVER make a comment.

Me Thinkest thou dost protest to much.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

We dont like ALEC.

And we dont like your fuckin duopoly either:


Shove it with your pro Dem garbage. Didnt think you'd agree with him on that.

You never touch that topic. Why is that?

Thats all you people have done is sold out the nation and left us with the leftovers.

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

[-] -3 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

"BTW, the Koch card is still in development, but until then, their favorite "charity" does get the honor. http://www.occucards.com/alec/ Please note the references."

Dont remind me, remind the guy who started getting off topic to begin with.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

Dont remind me, remind the guy who started getting off topic to begin with.

That would be U starting here:

by TikiJ (601) 1 day ago

Al Fraken endorses Franken-Foods..... Salmon with three heads, broccoli with more poison in it than P&G retention ponds. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink

[+] -7 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Fuck-Off ShitHead. Go disappear into your wilderness haven - U won't B missed!!!

[-] -3 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

i didn't say move out to the woods though it sounds nice i merely said withdraw from society. you better stand aside when the real revolutionaries come to town.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

i didn't say move out to the woods though it sounds nice i merely said withdraw from society. you better stand aside when the real revolutionaries come to town.

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

[-] -3 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago



Matt Burgess Campaign Manager TeamFranken

Posts by someone who endorses Monsanto in one breath and the then healthcare in another are so incredibly hypocritical its unreal.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

off topic as this post is not about Al - BUT - IS - about National Health Care.

by TikiJ (601) 10 minutes ago



Matt Burgess Campaign Manager TeamFranken

Posts by someone who endorses Monsanto in one breath and the then healthcare in another are so incredibly hypocritical its unreal.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

In U'r mind - who would those be? And please do withdraw - U won't be missed.

[-] -3 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

anarchists, marxists, and libertarians. gfys.

[-] -3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

anarchists, marxists, and libertarians. gfys.

BTW - Off topic - this post is about National Health Care.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

GFYS - U must be looking in the mirror with a moment of clarity and self derision as you say that.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Al Fraken endorses Franken-Foods..... Salmon with three heads, broccoli with more poison in it than P&G retention ponds.

BTW - pretty much off topic as this post is not about Al - BUT - IS - about National Health Care.

[+] -4 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

have you looked at al's voting record on progressive issues??? it fucking sucks. don't be a fool both parties are owned lock, stock, and barrel.

BTW - pretty much off topic as this post is not about Al - BUT - IS - about National Health Care.

[+] -10 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Regardless of what you may think of Al - I like the idea of a national health care program - the one that got through the corpoRATist f'n around was worse than the original that was proposed and the original could/should have been better - BUT - just to get it started is phenomenal - we can improve upon it - as we find ourselves - and quit bitching from the sideline.