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Forum Post: $500,000 - Finance Committee (Don't Disappoint America) An Occupier's Plea

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 3:08 p.m. EST by PsillyCyban (12) from Medford, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It has come to national attention the amount of money which OWS has accumulated and the in-fighting this money has created. The finance committee has become a bureaucracy which is mimicking that which we are in solidarity against.

Across the country the people have gathered in solidarity with OWS, yet we do so with very little money. OWS cannot allow itself to collapse in on the very principle which it sprang into existence to fight: the all mighty dollar. I hereby urge the people directly involved in the OWS movement to put forth a motion at the next general assembly to donate half of the money to a non-profit, non-religious, non-political charity so as to reduce the amount of speculation and tendency towards bureaucracy which their funds have created.

It is a necessity, for this amount of money was never the intention of the OWS movement, and will only distract the people of the movement from their goals.

For the another $150,000, I hereby suggests the people of OWS put forth a second motion to purchase winter gear and supplies so the movement can continue throughout the harsh seasons which New York is known for.

For the remaining money, I suggests a motion for the reparation of any damaged property and a community outreach program which will ease the minds of the city which you occupy. Every movement or war is won in the hearts and minds of the people whom you fight for. You cannot ignore them.

After this is done can the people of OWS continue forward in the positive manner for which we across the country have grown so fond of.

It is of great import that the OWS group solve its financial issues immediately, for this is the very thing the media will latch on to. Please, I beg you, do not allow the movement to fizzle out due to something so ironic as money. This is bigger than you, this is bigger than me. We are facing dire times, and we must continue to face them head on.


Nick Patterson Occupier, Student, Friend, Son, Brother http://www.occupymind.blogspot.com/



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[-] 2 points by vagimen (2) from Medford, OR 12 years ago

I think this is just part of the process. We should not allow this to distract us from our own occupy movements. Most of us know that the democratic process can be difficult and requires patience, just look at our own general assemblies. We can't let a moment in the the democratic process at occupy wallstreet become sensationalized. Of course there is a debate over what to do with that much money! Im kind of glad to hear that there is a discussion about it at all, it is a lot of money! I do agree with Nick though, OWS cannot allow itself to collapse in on the very principle which it sprang into existence to fight.

[-] 2 points by PsillyCyban (12) from Medford, OR 12 years ago

The problem with calling them bums is this. Many people are homeless due to the financial crisis, children, women, men, it matters not. The truth of the matter is, this movement is needed. But people are what they are, easily distracted and corruptible. The people of OWS are doing what needs to be done, but they cannot allow themselves to get caught up in a self-inflicted catastrophe like Wall Street, the White House, the Banks, and the World Financial Markets have done.

[-] 1 points by PsillyCyban (12) from Medford, OR 12 years ago

Come on people, we need a constructive, continuous dialogue.

[-] 1 points by PsillyCyban (12) from Medford, OR 12 years ago

I live on the opposite coast my dear. And I will edit the post immediately to reflect the non-political portion as well. This is not a political movement, it is a people's movement. Also, I will mention it as a good idea to pay a portion of it to the city to repair any damage, but not to pay the police. They've been exceptionally harsh in their actions. [Update]: It's been done.

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

The following is a post where I test the loyalty to the constitution of another poster here. The logic init very deep and it is a factual perspective that can be supported with verifiable evidence.-


If the below were true, would you support the US constitution in order to see all of the demands of OWS met functionally?--

"Article 5 is the only way to deal with this, or, the only way to re establish constitutional government. For 140 years we have not had it."-

This is not a trick question. I believe the current government is infiltrated secretly and that they are against the constitution. Realize that the US constitution is the only social contract on the planet that grants democracy in order to amend it.----

Realize, that any contemporary movement that cannot discuss the natural law recognized by the Declaration of Independence, Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, could easily be created and led by the infiltrators of the government, because they would never rationally discuss the natural law of the constitution or the democracy that can recognize it and support it.-------

Let us watch for a response to this.