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We are the 99 percent

Urgent Help: Occupy Edmonton In Need Of Winter Equipment

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 6:28 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Occupy Edmonton has a strong and growing community of supporters. Over the past 21 days we have been able to set-up and serve the needs, not only of our community, but many others as well. We have been giving clothing donations to many members disenfranchised by our society and have provided an active food service. We also provide a base of resistance in Alberta, generally referred to as the “Texas of the north” and less than 200 km from the tar sands the largest and one of the most destructive energy developments on the planet.

Donation Link

Over the winter we are hoping to continue our occupation and providing these services. In order to do that we will need some supplies to last Edmonton’s freezing, harsh winters. We have tried to solicit donations both from the general public and from unions and other larger organizations. Despite active attempts we have only been able to raise around $4,000. The majority of this came from when we first started the occupation and has been harder to get since we set-up. This money will be used for the on-going needs of the camp throughout the winter and further winterization items not included in this proposal ie. food supply staples (not donated), arts supplies (not donated), winter sleeping bags and sleeping pads (not donated), smaller personal winter tents, lanterns, sanitation needs (portapotties for the site), etc. etc. We do have an active finance committee that oversea our finances, to provide transparency and accountability, and all spending over $100 needs to go to our general assembly for approval.

We do have some supplies that have been donated or acquired that we will be setting up in the next few days. Members from the Treaty 6 First Nation, whose traditional territory we are occupied on have given us permission to be on the land and will be erecting a Tee-pee on Monday. The tee-pee will help spiritually ground the camp and provide us a firm foundation from which to move forward with. It will also provide us a warm space in which we can gather and hold general assemblies.

We have some warm sleeping bags and blankets that have been donated from local hotels, warm sleeping mats and supplies for our arts, information tents and food supplies that continue to come in for our food tent.

However we are missing a few essential items that without will make it very difficult if not impossible for us to continue the occupation.

Winterization Needs

  • 2 Large Tent Stoves and 2 Large Canvas Arctic tents.

    One of our biggest needs right now are warm spaces we can use to continue to provide for the food needs of the camp and to retain our 24-hour presence at the site. We are hoping to use one tent as our winter cooking tent. This tent will allow us to continue to feed the occupiers and other vulnerable community members that need support.

    The other tent will be used both for sleeping accommodations during the night and for a meeting/arts space during the day.

    The stoves are to keep the tents warm. As we are without power at the site (the ‘owner’ of the park turned off all power outlets) the stoves are essential for providing protection against the cold 24-hrs a day.

  • 2 Gas generators.

    As mentioned above we do not have power at the site. The generators are to help alleviate the power needs at the site and are primarily for the kitchen and media tents. They will be used as a power source and to charge the power packs (see below).

    The kitchen needs power throughout the day to cook warm meals, to provide warm tea and coffee and to ensure we all have happy, warm bellies.

    The media tent needs power so we can facilitate on-site/off-site communication, so we can send out media and action alerts and so we can continue to main on-going contact with the outside world.

  • 2 Power packs

    These packs are to give us the ability to store power. As we want to be as environmentally conscience as possible we want to use the generators as little as possible. The packs will allow us to have power on site and to also be able to use it for outdoor activities and actions.

  • 2 Medical Kits

    We have several nurses and medics as part of our action team. We also have medical supplies but they are unfortunately quite diverse and do not provide a solid medic kit for us to use throughout the winter. Also winter contains specific medical needs that we wish to be prepared for. These medic bags will allow us to provide for and attend to any medical needs.

  • Internet stick

    This stick will allow us to have internet on-site. This will help facilitate on-site/off-site communication, give us the ability to send out media and action alerts and allow us to continue to main on-going contact with the outside world.

  • Building supplies

    We are also hoping for a variety of building materials. Due to the limitations imposed on our site we are not able to build ‘structures’ but do require some materials to further insulate, to build safe lock boxes for materials, to build bunk beds to lift people off the ground, etc. We are trying to get many items donated but will likely need some support to complete our needs. 1 Lift of 12' 2X4's, 1/2 Lift of 12' 2X8's, 1 Lift of 3/8" 4X8' Sheets of OSB, Several 18X24', Insulated Tarps, 3" Nails, Several Bags of R20 Insulation, 3 Rolls of, Industrial Grade Poly, Several Boxes of 3/4" Staples, Several Rolls of Tie Wire.

Bank Account Information: We do have an account through a local non-profit at a credit union. The non-profit is called Edmonton Small Press Association.

Finance: We have a 6-person finance committee that are able to make spending decisions below $100. For items above this amount it must go to a full general assembly for consensus. The finance committee also gives daily reports so that we know the books are in line and all donations are accounted for.



Read the Rules
[-] 6 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 12 years ago

And NY thinks they have it bad for winter?? Edmonton you guys are the hardcore!

[-] 4 points by KenDurham (5) 12 years ago

If you retract your lies about the oilsands being the "most destructive energy development" and call it the "worlds largest oil spill cleanup" I will buy you the internet stick or cash equivalent in food out of the wages I earned as a pressure welder on a tailings REDUCTION operation. I am one of the 99% , I have a job, and I will not see you poor silly idealists freeze to death when I can help.

[-] 1 points by albertanswakeup (2) 12 years ago

Ken you have been brainwashed or bribed or are just plain ignorant! I'd rather freeze to death than work for the energy mafia like you do. How can you live with yourself? And do you tell your children that you are participating in the rape of THEIR mother earth?

[-] 1 points by Occupytheimf (134) 12 years ago

I may b poor but not silly. Were with you in solidarity and determination towards a fairer and better world rid of corruption. Occupy edmonton

[-] -2 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

it's the queen's oil, innit?

[-] 3 points by JosephCouture (45) 12 years ago

The Occupy protesters in London, Ontario were not just evicted by the police last night. They were evicted by the church that promised them sanctuary because the church realized they might be held financially responsible.

Read about the betrayal here:


[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

Right on!

[-] 3 points by lavendersoap (31) 12 years ago

I am truly touched by this. To see the coming together of people everywhere to desire a better life for each other has moved me to tears. The genuine care and concern for each others' welfare, safety and needs being met. My god. I never thought I'd see this display of a true reaching out to each other. This occupation isn't just about transforming the outer world. It's also about transforming our inner selves. We have reclaimed our god given right to be free wherever we live and in the process we have reclaimed our humanity as well. God bless each of you and God bless all the 'occupys' out there.

[-] 2 points by Nomadik (2) 12 years ago

I don't understand why the Occupy Edmonton movement is having such a problem finding building materials. If you walked onto a construction site, you could find all the lumber you needed from concrete forming and scaffolding that just gets thrown out anyways. I'm sure a trip to the landfill would net you all the insulation, cable, lumber and poly you could ever need. How about renovation projects where they throw out the old studs with nails and screws in them as well as the old insulation. Talk to a drywall supply company too. They probably have damaged bags of insulation and bent steel stud, torn boxes of nails, etc that they would be more than happy to get rid of.

I don't understand how this movement has only generated $4000 in revenue. Some guys in AB spend that on a single rim for their oversized 45" tires. I was an Edmontonian for 11 years and I do support the Occupy movement, but something about this seems "off" to have so little support and ingenuity.

[-] 2 points by titus (13) 12 years ago

Getting red of the fiat money is BY FAR the most important thing. Take your pick, mortgage crisis, jobs, student loans, WS fraud, political corruption, wars... All have the same source, the "federal" reserve.

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

I could not agree with you more titus. People need to organize around this core issue!

[-] 2 points by chud99 (2) 12 years ago

Sure, shut down the oil sands. See how long mcmerica lasts without Canadian oil and gas. Good luck.

p.s. -- dear occupiers, isn't using "GAS generators" kind of hypocritical of your position? We hate you, big oil! But we need you to stay alive! LOL!

[-] 2 points by Buylocal (2) 12 years ago

As a former Edmontonian who now lives in Vancouver, I fully back Occupy Edmonton, and I am also all too aware of the opposition that they are facing. When I lived in Edmonton I was part of the small minority that spoke out against industry. The fact is that in Alberta it is very hard to speak out against industry especially the oil industry because most Albertans have direct or indirect ties to the industry. I myself have several family members who work in the oil and gas industry. However, before they started working in this industry they did have well paying jobs in other sectors. They were lured into the industry not by necessity but by desire for more wealth. Before the oil industry, Alberta was primarily dependent on Agriculture, but now as more and more Albertans are being sucked off farms into the oil industry we now increasingly reliant on subsidized factory farms. As are result, small-scale farmers are unable to compete with these large agro operations and they too our having to sell their souls to the oil industry just to survive. It is a viscous cycle.
As Canadians we pride ourselves in the idea that we are well received in the eyes of the world, however, this image is changing fast. I have had the opportunity to travel and live in a few different countries around the world, and I can tell you that we Canadians are being heavily criticized because of our tar sands (as we should!). It is an embarrassment. I am well aware that we can’t shut down the tar sands tomorrow. However, we need more than ever a promise (and action) by the Albertan and Canadian government to move to sustainable energy sources by a set date. This will not only ensure our future but also provide millions of jobs. At the present, there is little being done in this area. It is clear, that Canada is following behind when it comes to sustainable energy, and if we don’t do something fast we will become nothing but a mere fossil – and a foolish one at that.

[-] 2 points by knigitz (13) 12 years ago

Previous elections nationwide have been met with weak turnouts for years. With almost half of the voting-age population not even voting as such was the turnout in the 2008 presidential election.

I challenge you, the 99%, to Occupy Voting Booths.

If your goal is "returning the US back into the hands of its individual citizens", make sure the people that the 99% is voting into office isn't against those things. Otherwise, things get kind of counter-productive.

Occupy Voting Booths! Get organized and get the right people into office.

Please see mytimetovote.com for a breakdown of important election dates and other important information.

If you want to take back our country, take back our government!

[-] 2 points by Norway (6) 12 years ago

I hope you have figured out that some of your 'friends' that were part of the 'Arab Spring' events were CIA doing their ormal destabalizing activities in the interests of the enemies of freedom

[-] 2 points by JayEnfield (7) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

Hi there

As a resident of Edmonton, I'd like to weigh in on this one. The OWS website does love to rag on the oilsands projects, and this is kind of irritating because it unfairly demonizes the industry that runs this province and keeps our prospects brisk. Now, I love Occupy Edmonton to death. I also support environmental impact minimalization to the bitter end. But the images that are shown to the world of Fort Mac as this gigantic cesspool of black rain that kills doves, filled with cackling oil execs that love nothing more than to build another Toxic Sludge plant to make poisonous lakes to kill more otters... This is not the message of enlightened journalism, it's the message of someone with an agenda that can't be bothered to weigh pros and cons, or to present anything more than a simple strawman.

Yes, there are environmental issues up there. Yes, we can do more to regulate them and to incentivize clean technologies. Yes, we can and should ensure that our oil harvesting and transport is as clean and efficient as possible until such a time as we're able and willing to move to cleaner energy, God hasten the day. No, the oilsands are not your enemy.

Right now it is topical to paint them as such to oppose the Keystone XL. I get why you'd do that, I do. But does that justify portraying the industry that ensures that (nearly) every Albertan remains employed as this caricature of reality? Does insulting us in this way somehow help your cause? Does calling for a complete shutdown give you some impression of being crusaders in a great cause, up against impossible odds? Because the odds are indeed impossible. The oilsands will stop extracting oil when we stop demanding it, not before. Does it not seem more reasonable and logical to continue to improve the industry standards?

A lesser known fact is that the industry has been (and still is) pushing to place a nuclear power plant in Fort MacMurray, with the intent to be dedicated to oil processing, and knocking down the carbon footprint of the operations even more than the carbon capture technology in place currently allows. Alberta DOES push for this stuff, and our government does respond. Our industry does respond, our news does report.

Please please please, OWS, do not raise our defenses against your message. Continue to push for social change. Do not be as biased as the media engine you oppose. Being willfully ignorant in the leftward direction is just as bad as being willfully ignorant to the right. DO NOT LOSE YOUR CORE MESSAGE IN VENDETTAS AGAINST STRAWMEN. The 99% that you speak for/with do not deserve that insult.

[-] 3 points by GetAngry (35) from Warren, MI 12 years ago

I have to ask why Canadians should be saved from the flack of oil ventures anymore than Americans.

When you're doing something controversial no matter how many jobs it creates expect to get flack for it. The Oil Sands are disastrous to the environment no matter what way you try to spin it. All I can say is welcome to the shit Americans get every day.

[-] 3 points by JayEnfield (7) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

The flack, I can tolerate. The flack helps to remind us that problems remain, and should be addressed. A little pressure and discussion is good.

My issue, personally, is with biased "journalism" and with impossible side-quests de-railing the main thrust of the OWS movement. Framing the oil-sands in this way makes the 99% of Alberta harden against the movement. "Oh, you're those idiots that want to impoverish our province, I'm going to ignore you now." This is not optimal.

Instead, let us present appropriate solutions at appropriate times, yes?

[-] 1 points by oxygensmith (2) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

Jay, I presented mine above. I'm no anti-oil idealist, I think that the tarsands need a severe beat back. The companies own 50% of Alberta's economy and they write the environmental legislation. The regulation's a joke. The solution is re-regulation, higher royalties, diversification of the economy. The other thing we need is to loosen labour out of its shackles up north so that workers themselves have the power to act on their environmental concerns - and a lot of workers up in Fort Mac and beyond do have them.

[-] 0 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

The government of Alberta did rise the royalties that's why the oil company's went into BC and SK and if they make it a federal boost in royalties then oil company's will just move there operations over seas or too south America where there are less regulations. Then the oil industry will be in the same place as all the other industry that has gone over seas oil companies wont pay extra money when they don't need to. If anything will fix our economy its less regulations and less government because as long as there are countries in the world with very little regulations and want less money big government and more regulations will just be our death knell and we will continue to bleed jobs and money. If you don't believe me just look at history any empire that tries to get to big and to regulated ends up as just that history.

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 12 years ago

Oh, that's not Canadians. Thats Albertans. See, Alberta has about 5 years of oil left if it doesn't go for the tar sands. But Alberta loves to be a single-party oil state. And oil is the only way they can afford to complain about how they pay so much more federal money than everyone else, without which they go back to being moderately wealthy instead of the single wealthiest province of Canada by a ridiculous margin, which would basically be a loss of face for a province that purports itself as "THE WEST" in Canada, to the point where the fact that it is in fact smaller and less populous than much more important British Columbia is often conveniently forgotten. Oil is how Alberta is saved from paying taxes comparable to the rest of Canada. Oil is how Alberta conveniently threatens the east (and BC) to "freeze in the dark" while forgetting that the east (and BC) was feeding the ungrateful fuckers through the dust bowl.

The fact that it's causing massive cancer surges, and turning northern alberta into Mordor, that the prime minister is hiding everything, classifying medical and environmental research, hell, hiding pipeline construction, is merely an irrelevance. According to Albertans.

Excuse me while I go laugh my ass off.


[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

Wow, for once, non-Americans are arguing among each other!!! I'm not saying I'm happy that you're arguing, but I thought only Americans did that!

[-] 0 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

Reading your comments shows how little you know BC, AB, SK and MB all produce oil. stupidity is what makes a movements messages null and void I was a complete supporter of the occupy movement but after reading this misinformed garbage I can no longer say that. I could rant all day long about how wrong you are but its not worth my time because if you just spit out hearsay like that it proves you aren't informed and it would be a waste of time trying to inform a separatist moron. THIS DOES NOT GO FOR THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT IN THE STATES YOU ACTUALLY HAVE SOMETHING WORTH CREATING AWARENESS ABOUT DON'T LET THE MISINFORMED RUIN YOUR MESSAGE AND MOMENTUM!!!

[-] 0 points by KenDurham (5) 12 years ago

Spoken like a typical ungrateful quebecois. Your province has benefitted the most from equalization payments and yet you are quick to condemn us who gives it to you. I would love to lose my cool and use vulgarities and stereotypes on you too but it would simply be not true. I hear more french being spoken at Ft McMurray thesedays than Newfie accents and almost every Quebecor I have worked with is thankful to have a decent job in Alberta and are usually very pleasant to interact with. You may feel free to stay there and spout your moronic nonsense about a place you've never even been to.

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 12 years ago

The province of Quebec receives the least in equalization payments per capita by a wide margin (excepting Ontario and BC when they go under the limit) and only receives equalization payments since the 60s. Mostly thanks to Alberta being oil rich and fucking up the equation.

Additionally, Alberta receives so much federal funding for the oil sands that it's almost equal. Most provinces' federal energy development funding was almost entirely slashed, but Alberta's has been growing exponentially, apparently Harper doesn't like green.

[-] 0 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

what can't think of anymore lies to try to pass off on people that don't know any better as truths?

[-] 0 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

Not to mention if the tar sands were in Quebec you'd be sucking it out of the ground just as fast if not faster then us and you would be trying your hardest to keep all the profits and defending it to the death! Plus you'd probably not even be a part of Canada especially if the Canadian government was forcing you to pay the rest of the country you greedy prick you are what this movement is against!

[-] 0 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

Hey jackass don't reply to me I might prove you wrong again! You claim to be the 99% but you ostracize a whole province... you get the least per capita but you don't even want to be a part of Canada so why should we pay you anything not to mention per capita is just a loop hole for you to make a bullshit argument hold some water but what makes your province any more important because you have a higher population? I thought you were for equality? So if you want more of our money what are you for? You get more cause your special? Is that why? The men and women of our province work hard and we should give you our money why? Like the previous poster said there are many good french Canadians working here, why don't you get your lazy ass here and get a job? Is it because you hate oil? Do you drive a car every day? Do you use any plastic in your everyday life? Both use by products of oil pal! We threaten to freeze you in the dark, are you high? Your mad at us but the bottom line is that we share "OUR" wealth with you! You hate on Alberta's oil key word "ALBERTA'S" but I bet you'd sure be bitching if we didn't give ungrateful assholes like you free money! Hiding pipelines and secret reports? The regulations that are in place in order to get anything done in the patch are extensive to say the least! I bet you didn't know that money is put in trust for ever oil field project to perform a complete RECLAMATION when the job is done! I also bet you didn't know that everything down to depth of soils, the quality of dirt and its organic material content is measured before and after to make sure it is put back precisely how it was before the project began! but keep pushing you untrue hate message that could derail your fellow Canadians from keeping there jobs... Jackass!

[-] -1 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

a "gigantic cesspool of black rain that kills doves, filled with cackling oil execs that love nothing more than to build another Toxic Sludge plant to make poisonous lakes to kill more otters..."

perfect description!

[-] 0 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

Have you been there? FYI the oil execs are in Calgary not Fort Mac so not so much a perfect description not really a description at all!

[-] 2 points by yoss33 (269) 12 years ago

If i lived in alberta, id be there. Good luck Edmonton, way to stay strong! I lived in Edmonton very briefly, and those winter's are no joke, even indoors. My respect to you for sticking it out.

viva la Occupy!

[-] -3 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

if you lived in Alberta you'd be one of the queen's subjects

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

Nope you wouldn't ignorance dose not make you sound intelligent.

[-] 2 points by LibertyFromCorporations (2) 12 years ago

Appeal to the Supply and Storage working group. As of this Sunday, the General Assembly came to the consensus to give 5000 dollars to said working group. The money is to be utilized to ship surplus supplies to other occupations around the Nation. I will bring this matter up to their spokesperson tomorrow at our Spokes Council.

Stay Strong and Occupy.

[-] 2 points by rickMoss (435) 12 years ago

If we want a better future, we better get our heads out of our behinds! We need a better plan of attack.

Don't be Afraid!

The Revolution has started - Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( www.revolution2.osixs.org )


[-] 1 points by philthom4s (1) from Woodbury, NY 11 years ago

I would try and help getting supplies and donating them, but unfortunately I am bankrupt. I am getting help though from http://www.mclay.ca/index.php and will be probably be unable to help this year.

[-] 1 points by gingersanders2 (1) 12 years ago

Thanks for the post! There are way too many people that are affected by bankruptcy. Stay strong, Occupy!

[-] 1 points by albertanswakeup (2) 12 years ago

No matter what anyone says the Alberta Oil Sands project IS killing the environment, wasting precious natural resources, and polluting our water supply. The oil sands is destroying the land to such a degree that it now has the dubious honour of being visible from space along with the great wall of China. Albertans should wake up but the majority of Albertans like their creature comforts and have lost their soul! Who else but soul-less zombies would continue to vote for the PC and AWRP?!

[-] 1 points by downtownbrown (1) 12 years ago

You occupy Edmonton losers are a weak bunch of little men ... you DO NOT represent Edmonton or the views of the majority ... you represent 0.000001 % of lifes LOSERS .. give it up and go back to the dirty basement that you live in leeching off your parents ... one work describes you all ....PATHETIC

[-] 1 points by KirkVanHouten (123) 12 years ago

Some advice to make all contributions unnecessary: go back to your cozy homes, you hosers!

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

By turning this into a fight against many issues you have successfully broken up the numbers that are essential to combat the main issues that every one want changed. Don't you relies that the powers that be want this exact thing, get the masses fighting against each other over medial issues so they can continue to pull the wool over all of our eyes. This is why movements like these eventually end up fading into the darkness with out really changing the important issues.... we could all argue all day about if the oil patch is clean, dirty, regulated well or not but that's not going to change anything. instead of caring about humanity people only care about what they think is important and that's the core problem. We want to fight greed, but at the end of the day, we are all just greedy about the issues each individual finds important. Greed should not be looked at as strictly a financial thing.

[-] 1 points by MountainMan (5) 12 years ago

I can get piles of military sleep systems, unfortunately they are not mine so I can't donate them contact me if interested I might be able to get a bulk deal. I can get them far cheaper than these listed here.


[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

These people do not need you donations there is a boom in Alberta right now. I find it ironic one of the few places in the world that a person can still find work relatively easy there are people asking for donations from the ones who cant find a job anywhere. if these people truly wanted to help the cause they would go get a job and donate to places that have no work and no money instead of asking for hand outs and really accomplishing nothing other then aggravating the majority of hard working Albertans that go to work every day. There is economic turmoil all over the globe but very little here. Our government could use some changes but your not going to accomplish them in this manner, your numbers are too small if you want to make a change try organizing politically you would get more support and respect from the everyday person.

[-] 1 points by oxygensmith (2) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

Ken, I have many friends who work in the oilsands, and many are concerned about the destructiveness of the projects. What it comes down to is that it's not sustainable at the present rate. Reductions are awesome, and I hope the industry makes a giant technological leap forward, but point is, it isn't there yet and the industry is going ahead anyway. It's sure not done in the interests of you or me, and you're paid a lot only because its sometimes-dangerous grunt work - so oil companies have to pay you a lot. The rest of Canada can only reduce its "carbon footprint" so far and then emissions start to rise dangerously like they are now. Why argue about whether its the most destructive, 2nd most, 3rd most - point is its "very destructive" and we can at least move partially to renewables, to saner evaluation of their impact, and this isn't being invested in at all. I know the "regulation" well in Alberta and it's a joke.

[-] 1 points by alexrai (851) 12 years ago

So awesome to see Occupy Edmonton on the Wall Street site. I'll try swing by and drop something off. :D

[-] 1 points by dalton (111) 12 years ago

then get a job and go buy it!

[-] 1 points by lastavar (3) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

Why don't you guys just send a delegation to Bay St. Edmonton is too cold. Anyouai au Canada vous avez le systeme parlementaire. The only govenment that is any good for the people is minority govt so keep voting for the small parties. C'est mieux qu'aux etats, it's always either one corrupt party or the other. Nous les etats-uniens expat-Canuck are occupying with you.

[-] 1 points by lastavar (3) from Pittsburgh, PA 12 years ago

Melt your old candles into a tin, poke holes around the top and insert a wick. Makes a good heating stove to use inside a car or tent and safer than trying to burn wood or paper.

[-] 1 points by acorne (1) from Montclair, NJ 12 years ago

I copied this for future reference, because it gives an excellent sense of what equipment will be needed to occupy over the winter months, wherever it's cold (we're near NYC). Wood for beds? I have some 2X4's that got wet during Irene -- and a chopsaw. If I had specs, I could cut it, drill it, and run it in. There are tree limbs lying all over the place, still left from that freakish snowstorm that hit over Halloween (think 'adirondack furniture'?). What use -- practical? artistic? political? -- could be made of the poor trees? I have a sleeping bag you can have, and a pair of big boots. I know from working on homelessness that big men's sizes, especially for boots and coats, are the hardest to collect. Hammocks + sleeping bags? This is a great shopping list. Personally, I have little $, but I have networks ... so I'm on it.

[-] 1 points by seedballsforall (8) 12 years ago

Great Edmonton - you know what you're doing and why - and you're teaching us too - I did gift my sleeping pad to OWS just before the early NorEaster here - and I was glad to do so - we've come together and we're working together -

[-] 1 points by LizTaylorsGhost (3) 12 years ago

I know OccupyMN has similar issues as well. Certain areas of the country are going to be unbearable once winter settles in. It's going to be tough even with the proper equipment and winterized clothing, tents, and sleeping bags.

[-] 1 points by rufust1 (15) 12 years ago

Check out this college loan scam site:


In one case he talks about a chiropractic student who borrowed $70,000 to go to medical school then, couldn't find a job. He's now driving a truck in Amarillo, Texas trying to pay off his student loan which has now, with interest and various fees, accumulated to a half a million dollars! AND, THERE ARE NO BANKRUPTCY PROTECTION LAWS ON THESE LOANS! He talks about how campus financial aid people have been even taking kick-backs from the bank lenders to get a slice of the pie, and said some students are so far in debt they are now even fleeing the country! WOW!

[-] 1 points by 1pursent (1) 12 years ago

The douche should have taken a financial management course as well, 'cuz if his $70,000 loan ballooned to $500,000 someone is taking him for a ride on the Madoff merry-go-round! What a crock this story is!

[-] 1 points by rufust1 (15) 12 years ago

“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.” ― Howard Zinnk

[-] 1 points by rufust1 (15) 12 years ago

Please note - This scam was created by the removal of government, and the regulations they once imposed on the banks!

[-] 1 points by FreeMarkets (272) 12 years ago

We love Canadians and their oil!! Send us LOTS of it in a big pipeline so we can convert it into wealth, health and prosperity.

[-] -1 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

its the queen's oil

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

We don't pay royalties to the queen hate to break it to you.

[-] 0 points by FreeMarkets (272) 12 years ago

God save the queen! And the Queers! And the LGBT's. Bless us all, every one.

[-] 0 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

fuck god and fuck the queen

[-] 1 points by peebeegee (1) from Pine Glen, NB 12 years ago

I support the occupy movement. I really do. I'm Canadian (East Coast). I understand that oil companies are the 1%. But I also understand that the economy in Alberta is BOOMING. Many eastern canadians are going "out west" for jobs, including my husband. This year, he will make what me and he did last year by himself. I understand the occupy movement, but I have to disagree with the occupation of Edmonton. We are sending our loved ones there to make us prosper. The oil companies against popular belief treat their employees like gold. They offered my husband 80k/year, free flights to work and back home when he's off so he can see his family, they offer room, board and ask that he waits on call to clean machinery. The health insurance they have is much better than we currently have, (10fold).

All that being said, My opionions of the occupy movement are unchanged, and if you feel you must protest then I support you. Being Canadian I also support the fact that it's freakin' cold. (Atlantic Canada last year had up to 10' drifts, and a regular 5' everywhere else of snow). And also being Canadian, even if your beliefs aren't the same as mine when it comes to economy, I would never want to see someone die because the harsh winters. I have donated. This is what being Canadian is about, you may not agree, but you will not see your people get hurt.

[-] 0 points by oxygensmith (2) from Edmonton, AB 12 years ago

PBG, at the same time, I take issue with what you said about "treating workers like gold." Work camps are solitary, depressing, and break up a lot of couples and marriages, and not everyone has those benefits. The easy money creates a lot of social problems and Fort Mac is a disaster. The companies and the government have also effectively destroyed workers' rights to self representation and organization by setting up puppet unions (i.e. CLAC) and gutting the power of the unions that have/had good intentions.

The only reason they pay everyone so well is because they have to - it's not benevolence, they don't want workers stopping production to make political changes.

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

I would agree that camp work isn't the funnest but no one is forcing any one to be there just like no one is forcing anyone to work in fort mac if you don't like making good money with a risky job then don't do it they pay so well because they want to keep there employees happy. This is the same argument the anti marijuana people use, there too busy trying to find all the negatives in something to see the benefit it brings to the population. How can people who want everything for themselves figure its justifiable to take everything away from someone else?

[-] -1 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

"This is what being Canadian is about..."

I thought being Canadian was about being one of the queen's subjects

[-] 1 points by Occupytheimf (134) 12 years ago

Very warmly and eloquently put. We are the 99% and only 99% can provide the world legitimate cronyfree true and uncorrupt representation. What 1% never even intended all along. All the best are 99%. Occupy police headquarters. Demand service and protection and loyalty to 99% from every chief. Any decline sack em

[-] 1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 12 years ago

Camping out during winter in Edmonton for weeks on end is simply dangerous.

[-] 1 points by mikeyyc (1) from Calgary, AB 12 years ago

Edmonton, from Calgary, your message is a source of inspiration and a model to which all should ascribe.

Thank you for showing the way forward!

[-] 1 points by yarichin (269) 12 years ago

The OWS movement is in the wrong location. All these rich assholes live in the same small town Kennebunkport, ME. All of the presidents and former presidents have houses there.

[-] 1 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

you forgot Buckingham Palace


[-] 1 points by sqrltyler (207) 12 years ago

I'm putting together a collage of the most poignant photos from OWS, to go in a music video for a song about the movement. If you have some you want to add, please send them my way! ows4life@yahoo.com

[-] 0 points by riproarer (2) 12 years ago

You Albertans defending the tar sands should read the pro-slavery arguments that came out of the Antebellum south -- there is a striking similarity. The institution of slavery was also defended because of it's economic value (it was whole basis of the economy, in fact). But that didn't make it any less abhorrent. The tars sands ARE the most environmentally destructive project on earth. They are a moral abomination -- and the fact that they keep you in monster trucks does not make them any less so.

[-] 0 points by riproarer (2) 12 years ago

You Albertans defending the tar sands should read the pro-slavery arguments that came out of the Antebellum south -- there is a striking similarity. The institution of slavery was also defended because of it's economic value (it was whole basis of the economy, in fact). But that didn't make it any less abhorrent. The tars sands ARE the most environmentally destructive project on earth. They are a moral abomination -- and the fact that they keep you in monster trucks does not make them any less so.

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

That's like comparing apples and oranges and have you ever been there?

[-] 1 points by riproarer (2) 12 years ago

The logic holds for both cases. And yes I have been there.

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

I dis agree one effects an entire race of people one really doesn't effect any one directly in a negative way although your are completely entitled to your opinion as I am mine. But even though I don't agree with you I do respect you for actually standing up for your opinion and replying to me and that's more then I can say for most people here.

[-] 1 points by riproarer (2) 12 years ago

I realize that it's a potentially inflammatory response, but the point I was trying to make is that if something is fundamentally ethically wrong, then the fact that some people -- or even an entire society (or parts thereof) -- derive benefit from it doesn't negate that fact. As one of the most wasteful, energy intensive and environmentally destructive projects out there, the tar sands are on the vanguard of a system that will ultimately negatively impact more people than slavery ever did. I have a young son. If this world continues down the tar sands path, I don't know what kind of hell will be left for him to grow up into. But I appreciate your civil response, too -- it's a rare thing on the interweb.

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 12 years ago

Its because it's easy for faceless cowards to sit behind there key boards and bully people. those same people wouldn't stand up for themselves in person let alone the "99%" but that's neither here nor there. I am a full supporter of green energy in fact I would love to open a company devoted to green energy but you can't say society doesn't benefit from oil because it is a proven fact that the populous of our planet sky rocketed after the discovery of oil. Oil provides the world with food indirectly maybe but if there wasn't oil, as of now, there would be no way to sustain the number of people that live on this planet and that is equally as scary to me as the oil sands are to you. I'm 24 and I don't want to have to fight wars over the necessity of life in my lifetime as I'm sure no body dose and that's why I believe it is equally important to continue to find better greener ways to sustain the worlds population along with continuing to use the resources we have in an ever more responsible fashion. I thank you for engaging in an actual debate its refreshing and is what makes change both in peoples personal beliefs and in the world.

[-] 0 points by OregonRuts (61) 12 years ago

If you are going to live in cold climate, you are going to need heat. Your choice, nasty old coal/oil, uranium, or you could start cutting down lots of trees.

I don't think you can get much heat from a windmill.

[-] 0 points by Buylocal (2) 12 years ago

As a former Edmontonian who now lives in Vancouver, I fully back Occupy Edmonton, and I am also all too aware of the opposition that they are facing. When I lived in Edmonton I was part of the small minority that spoke out against industry. The fact is that in Alberta it is very hard to speak out against industry especially the oil industry because most Albertans have direct or indirect ties to the industry. I myself have several family members who work in the oil and gas industry. However, before they started working in this industry they did have well paying jobs in other sectors. They were lured into the industry not by necessity but by desire for more wealth. Before the oil industry, Alberta was primarily dependent on Agriculture, but now as more and more Albertans are being sucked off farms into the oil industry we now increasingly reliant on subsidized factory farms. As are result, small-scale farmers are unable to compete with these large agro operations and they too our having to sell their souls to the oil industry just to survive. It is a viscous cycle.
As Canadians we pride ourselves in the idea that we are well received in the eyes of the world, however, this image is changing fast. I have had the opportunity to travel and live in a few different countries around the world, and I can tell you that we Canadians are being heavily criticized because of our tar sands (as we should!). It is an embarrassment. I am well aware that we can’t shut down the tar sands tomorrow. However, we need more than ever a promise (and action) by the Albertan and Canadian government to move to sustainable energy sources by a set date. This will not only ensure our future but also provide millions of jobs. At the present, there is little being done in this area. It is clear, that Canada is following behind when it comes to sustainable energy, and if we don’t do something fast we will become nothing but a mere fossil – and a foolish one at that.

[-] 0 points by journey4word (214) 12 years ago

HELP, Occupy my living room needs more supplies desperately!

1: 20 cases beer 2: free pizza coupons 3: a new shake weight. (mine is the old meat version)

[-] 0 points by steven2002 (363) 12 years ago

Why don't you ask OWS for a donation of some of the $700,000.00 USD they have squirreled away? Guess maybe they do not want to share the wealth.

[-] 0 points by skyjones (-2) 12 years ago

vous fashion.thank pour le partage. chaussures air max tn http://www.vendreairmax.com/nike-air-max-tn-c-270.html

[-] 0 points by Dio1313 (69) 12 years ago

Attention all OWS please go to liveleak.com and watch video of violent protest in Oakland. By occupying you give opportunities for these idiots to blend in with you and act like asses. I am not sure what, if anything you can do about it, but these idiots definitely hurt your cause. Do what you can to keep these dumbasses away from you.


[-] 0 points by bobby (58) from Quincy, CA 12 years ago

To: Prime Minister Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] Prime Minister Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] Prime Minister Charles Bruce Stewart [Green Libertarian] Secretary Jacob Covich [Catholic Trotskyist] Cc: All Voters and Non Voters From: Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Subject: USP: Day to Day Updates 11/9/2011

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[-] -1 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

ditch your european monarch and become real North Americans!

[-] -1 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

the queen of canada is the ultimate one-percenter

[-] -1 points by Dio1313 (69) 12 years ago

If you choose to stand out in the cold without proper gear that is your problem. Do not ask me for help.

[-] -1 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

Canadians should go to London and occupy Buckingham Palace, since the Queen owns Canada

[-] -1 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

Canada is the second largest country in the world; at 9,093,507 km or 3,511,085 mi of land (and more if fresh water is included) it occupies more than 6% of the Earth's surface. Since Canada uses primarily British-derived common law, the holders of the land actually have land tenure (permission to hold land from the Crown) rather than absolute ownership.

In other words, the Queen of England owns all the land, she grants the oil companies the rights to fuck it all up.


[-] -2 points by velveeta (230) 12 years ago

people in countries owned by the queen are afraid of her


[-] -3 points by JohnnyO (119) 12 years ago

Die out there, morons.

[-] 5 points by JonoLith (467) 12 years ago

Do you even listen to yourself before you write your messages of hate? Those are human beings out there. Would you speak differently if it was your son or daughter out there?


[+] -4 points by JohnnyO (119) 12 years ago

I'd disown them. Moronic not to know to get out of the snow and cold. Begging for supplies when they can go the fuck home. I hope they all freeze to death.

[-] 3 points by JonoLith (467) 12 years ago

I'm sorry you live in a world of hate. I hope your life improves.

[-] -1 points by JohnnyO (119) 12 years ago

You are delusional. Standing out in the cold, particularly in Edmonton, is risky behavior.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

hateful troll