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We are the 99 percent

Thursday: DC March To Protect Native Women's Rights

Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 26, 2013, 2:10 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: events, dc, vawa

Representative Eric Cantor: Native Women Await Your Statement. #VAWA

via Save Wįyąbi Project

Thursday, February 28, 2013

10:00am EST

Thursday, the House of Representatives will vote on their version of the Violence Against Women Act, which excludes protections for Native American women. Native women are more likely to be victims of violence than any other ethnic group in the United States. This is unacceptable.

We will be marching and round dancing in front of the House of Representatives to demand justice and safety for our sisters. 10AM on Thursday February 28, 2013, starting at the Capitol South metro station. Please join us.

Please use #VAWA #1BillionRising #SaveWiyabiProject for twitter hashtag support and spread the word!



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago


[-] 0 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Show your support be not repeating offensive insults about women!!


[-] -2 points by highlander3 (-62) 11 years ago

I promise I will not use offensive insults about women unless they deserve it. I will also not call a man a colossal numbnut prick unless they do something insanely stupid like dropping out of school and getting a woman pregnant and not taking responsibility.

[-] 0 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

"deserve it"? Wow. neanderthal much?

Please tell me the scenario where a women deserves to be called a "brainless twat". Better yet make a scenario that your mother deserves it.

[-] 0 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Sounds pretty hateful. Do you often call women such horrible things? Which ones? Your mom,? Wife? daughter?

[-] -1 points by highlander3 (-62) 11 years ago

that was rather hateful. My bad. I am not very subtle. I just do not believe another law or mandate on top of the laws already in place is going to make much difference. My goal is the same for women as well as men: self-sufficiency, independent means of livelihood. And I would like for every woman out there to know that they do not need a man to feel validated.

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

You sure. I'm with you. I also KNOW that women are beaten andraped by men who usually are calling them the type of offensive names you suggested.

So maybe you think there is no need for any new laws but I assure you you are absolutely mistaken.

Time to make rape a federal crime. maybe make it mandatory 20 years no parole, eliminate the statute of limitation.

How about that? You think you can support that?

[-] 0 points by highlander3 (-62) 11 years ago

No. between the sexual predator listings and the rules in place regarding sexual assault, I still do not believe more laws are necessary. Biggest reason? I am sorry to say this, but there is simply no more money for new federal programs. How about closing any loopholes in the existing laws? Improving victims rights or forensics to increase the number of convictions?

[-] 0 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Don't worry about the money. The 1% ofthis country are sitting on almost $30T.

We can find the fractional cash to keep women safe.

You know protecting the people is the govts 1st responsibility.

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

C'mon people bump this up!!

We DO support protecting women from being beaten don't we?

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

No interest in womens issues on our great forum

bumped by a SPam so that's something.

glad to see your contribution

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Bridge to the ground kids!!

Look here! Something to get involved with.

A shameless bump for the cause....................:)

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Now that thread gets real traffic!!! LOL.

It amazes me. Hours and hours go by. Round and round they go. Nothing pierces that bubble.

I'm sure it is very important, I understand the troll has attacked Nev1, so maybe it must be fed this way or more will fall.


[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I don't see a single comment on this important subject from those bridge to the ground kiddies.

Or was this another shameless bump, on my part?

You decide!!!

( I borrowed that line from FLAKESnews. I hope I don't get sued.)

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Wouldn't put it passed fauxnews.

Didja see the legal complaint/suit Occupy filed today against SEC, FED, etc.?

Man if only that would get big play? No coverage on the news.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

No, I didn't.

Got a link? We could start a thread and push the hell out of it.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Don't let this get buried.

Start a new thread.


Occupythesec, has been around for a while.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

I know. They are a great offshoot at this point.

[-] -1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I do believe, that was the point of that thread.

To take away from the things that OWS does.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

I agree. I stayed away as much as I could. But I did get weak a couple of times.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

A bit late shooz, my mistake, but I finally did comment earlier. Let me add, having three daughters that I would not want abused, no one should be left unprotected from domestic violence...no one!


[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

This is a World Wide issue, and if we can't be secure in this, we can't be secure at all.

check out the rabble.ca link above.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

OK thanks I will check it out, and you check out my other comment on here


[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

This sort of behavior is savage and barbaric in ways I find incomprehensible.

For whatever it's worth, the legislation passed, though I wonder how much pork it cost us, I figure it's worth it.

[-] 0 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Me too!


[-] 0 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

OK, I did check it out and saw how the RCMP has been corrupted

Throughout most of my life, I had always the that they were the epitome of professionalism, until a few years ago when something else was brought to my attention that they were not

I do relize that misconception that i had was based on a television show that I watched as a kid, Sargeant Preston of The Yukon, and his dog Yukon King



[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Yeah, and I always thought all cowboys were like Hopalong Cassidy.

They're not.

Live and learn.

Or for sea worthiness? Tug Boat Annie.

Sorry, it's late and I don't want to be thinking about the OP just before bed.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

It's a good lesson, even if it was hard to swallow

Tug Boat Annie and Hopalong....I remember both


[-] -1 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

It's easy to go around this forum giving high-fives. What we need is a solution where we can have real discussions that, in turn, can have a real impact on the ground. With such a site, we wouldn't have time to waste with anecdotes and trivialities. We would be working hard everyday to improve Occupy in a real tangible way.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Thr@ssy....I do both..take on serious issues, and build trust, and hence COMMUNITY through my "anecdotes and trivialities,"

And by now, you should know that, and you should also appreciate that I am not fond of anyone telling me what i should or should not do


[-] -2 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

There's nothing wrong with using this site as a form of entertainment, the problem is it provides nothing else. We need a solution where Internet users throughout the world can impact Occupy's ground activities. A solution where Internet users can take part in Occupy as contributors, not mere observers. Give them this connection to the ground, and the ideas here will blossom because they will suddenly have meaning. When one can only spit in the wind, that's what one will do. Occupy needs to find a way to empower the Internet community, and empowerment comes with the ability to affect real action.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Thr@ssy, you better get some sleep, as i am going to do now, so that you are ready for another divisive day


[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

Thr@ssy, you want to "influence actions" from the comfort of your Lazy-Boy??.....geesh, come on man....

Yes, that's e-democracy. I want everyone in the world to be able to influence economic and political decisions from the comfort of their own homes. I also want them to be able to access data created and paid for by government projects from the comfort of their own homes.

A person shouldn't need to go to the government's library in Washington to see documents containing information that was amassed by projects paid for by tax dollars. All that type of information should be online and accessible to all from their Lazy-Boys. Similarly, people should be able to review what happened in Congress on a day by day basis from the comfort of their Lazy-Boy. They should be able to share ideas, grievances, solutions, etc... to their representatives from the comfort of their Lazy-Boy. They should also be able to vote from the comfort of their Lazy-Boy.

E-democracy is the future, and there's nothing wrong with the idea of being able to watch and influence the government from your Lazy-Boy. Or, from anywhere else with your iphone or android.

'Support' is the word, and it is not about symantecs, as unless you are unable for some reason, you should think about taking your own direct actions or RESIST, and support your local movement if there is one in your area....and you should do so in any way that you can think of...

Semantics or http://www.symantec.com/ ?

I support Occupy in all regions by working and sharing the idea of a Bridge to the Ground. There's is no Occupy in my area, so it makes sense to work on an Internet solution where this would no longer be a problem. People from all over the world should be able to participate actively with the use of the Internet. There's no reason we should be relegated to being mere observers when we can offer so much to Occupy.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Go for it Thr@ssy!


[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

No your "Bridge...." is not about "unity Now, let's see...I already have 'heart,' if I need some more 'courage' and "intellect..."....you can never have enough, I will either team with you or watch the Wizard of Oz again ~Odin~

How is it not about unity? Do you have any arguments? Anything at all we could chew on apart from lame attacks on the proposer? A concept of substance that could perhaps refute the idea of a Bridge to the Ground?

The idea is to link Internet users with those on the ground by giving them to power to influence actions. To render what is now mere observers into active participants. There is nothing that would create more unity within Occupy at this point than this very idea.

And, if the proposer bothers you so much that the idea is blinded from your righteous eyes, simply take a moment to look around. Jart is proposing a very similar idea at the end of her Consensus article. Likewise, many people are working on prototypes of e-democracy software platforms. E-democracy - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-democracy - is all the rage right now.

Creating such a workable system is paramount in order to unify the people to a point where they have the power to control political and economic decisions.

You're old school. That's understandable. Alexa rankings shows that most users on this site are over 65 years of age and operate out of their retirement homes. With such a crowd it's obvious ideas based on new technologies are slow to anchor themselves. Still, I believe it's inevitable that electronic tools will eventually enhance democratic processes. It's just a matter of time.

Some will join the boat now, some will watch as we depart into uncharted waters. Perhaps you'll take the second boat out and meet us where the action is.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Thr@ssy, you want to "influence actions" from the comfort of your Lazy-Boy??.....geesh, come on man....

'Support' is the word, and it is not about symantecs, as unless you are unable for some reason, you should think about taking your own direct actions or RESIST, and support your local movement if there is one in your area....and you should do so in any way that you can think of

How 'bout making a huge pan of lasagna for your local Occupiers?

You are no clairvoyant in knowing that this forum could do a better job of linking to the streets

It is your divisive formula for reaching that goal, namely your constant trashng of one element or person of Occupy or another CONSTANTLY... Purpose?.... Division!

And your overall divisiveness makes many of us here, including ME very, very leery of you, and your REAL agenda

I do not fit into your category of the people who frequent this forum as i am not 65 yet, and do not live in, or plan to live in a retirement home

Being a former merchant marine in which I was the PIC literally, I do appreciate your 'boat' analogy, and

I assure you w/o faux memory of those many Glory Years, my 'boat' then, and the 'boat' I am on now ran well and it was not left behind in either the 'literal' sense or the 'figurative' sense

Like all good seaman though, if you value your job and your lfe, you look for potential problems before they arise

For instance...Hurricane Thr@ssy...lol


[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I have a feeling alexa lies as much as you do.

[-] -1 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

Go for it Thr@ssy!


I am. Everyday.

I'm not satisfied with randomly squirting anecdotes and trivialities around this forum in some kind of high-fiving, self-entertaining, self-fullfiling frantic masturbathon of easy go lucky-ness.

That's why I chose the hard road. The one where real work and thought must be done. Per aspera ad astra. A little work everyday, but real work. Deserving work. Worthwhile work. Work which pays of in the end.

[-] 2 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

To view yourself as the only one on here as doing anything constructive, and having chutzpa is funny to me

Come on, deep down, even you can see the humor in that...lololol...


[-] -1 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

My idea of the Bridge to the Ground is all about unity, not division. In time you will understand. For now, you are stuck in a world of logical fallacies, a world in which your intellectualism and logical rigor is severely hampered by a trivial obsession with the proposer. A sad state of affairs, but not a dead end. There is always the hope for improvement.

As this site sinks because of a lack of community effort and autocratic leadership, my ideas will become the ray of hope you will then be hoping for.

[-] 2 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

No your "Bridge...." is not about "unity

Now, let's see...I already have 'heart,' if I need some more 'courage' and "intellect..."....you can never have enough,

I will either team with you or watch the Wizard of Oz again


[-] -2 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

To view yourself as the only one on here as doing anything constructive, and having chutzpa is funny to me Come on, deep down, even you can see the humor in that...lololol... ~Odin~

I'm far from being the only one here doing something constructive. There are others talking about e-democracy and their displeasure with the problems of the forum, problems which are caused by autocratic instead of anarchic organization.

[-] 2 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

Yes and they are doing it without all of your divisive tactics


[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

There are plenty here revving up the engines, but not enough putting them in gear. I'm surely guilty. What ideas do you have?

[-] -1 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

We need an Internet solution that permits our ideas to be weighed in importance, filtered in terms of goodness and badness, and sculpted so that they each reach their full potential. To do this, we need a real connection to the ground. People become serious when their ideas can have an impact in reality, and don't simply stay dormant in the database of X forum. If all people can do is spit in the wind, that's all they will do. Occupy needs to empower the Internet users who cannot attend affinity groups in such a way that their ideas can be exposed to those who make decisions on the ground. This empowerment will make the protest grow as there are many people throughout the world who would love a chance to make a real difference. Make the ideas count, and the ideas will blossom.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

You may not believe this, but there's over a years worth of discussions on the forum.

Care to discuss ALEC?

[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

A lot has been said about ALEC, I don't feel I need to add to that discussion. It's important, but I think the Bridge to the Ground and e-democracy in general is much more important. ALEC is a symptom of the fact that we have a bad democratic process. Attacking the process at it's source by creating a better one will not only help in advancing solutions to problems like ALEC, but will help with a slew of other problems, and might even protect us against similar problems in the future.

There's a year worth of discussions here but they sleep in the database and don't change a thing because we don't have the right Internet tools. The people on the ground, those affecting change through Occupy activities and through other groups like Amnesty International don't care about what is discussed here. We have no link with those people.

Like jart mentions at the end of her Concensus article, technological tools to enhance e-democracy is what should be considered the most important subject matter at the moment.

Why are you afraid to talk about the Bridge to the Ground? Why do you always attack the proposer instead of judging the idea for what it's worth?

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

You haven't said a word about the kinds of issues that concern us here.

ALEC being a glaring omission on your part, among others.

I don't care for your constant name dropping either.

If jart wants to talk about it, she can. She certainly doesn't need YOU to do it for her.

I'm not a programer and apparently, neither are you, so don't expect me to say much about it.

That being said I also resent your puppets and bots.

That's just childish, script kiddie nonsense.

It's disruptive, appalling, disengenuos, and egotistical.

[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

Hey, Your insults are OK with me, as it's bumping an important thread, even if you have yet to make a comment on the issue of it...

The number one comment on this posting is mine and it directly refers to the issue of natives. Furthermore, it's 9 hours old. Open your eyes before you spread some lies.

Do you have any more inanities and unverified accusations for us?

I'm going to reply to serious users now. Your games of logical fallacies are boring beyond belief and only serve to add more junk to this database. See you later.

If what you say is true, that OWS should have NO US concerns and should stay completely way from the "system".

I'm asking OWS to completely change the system with e-democracy. Are you unable to understand basic concepts. E-democracy will radically alter the system if it can be implemented. It's bigger than fighting ALEC and other symptoms of the failing democratic framework. It's a call to replace the framework altogether, the "system".

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

"I'm asking OWS to completely change the system with e-democracy."

No you're not.

You're demanding posters on this site do so.

By your own descriptions of how this site is ignored by OWS, You are demanding this (over and over, with different puppets), in exactly the wrong place, and thus it becomes even more of an effort on your part, to discredit it, and minimize the forums posters.

Your persistence here begs a question of you.

Why haven't YOU brought your idea to those other forums YOU claim are the true heart of the movement?

To those who could actually make the changes you desire?

You are not the emperor, but you really should put your clothes back on.

[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

OWS has protested ALEC. And YES, they have been "exporting" this "technology". What is it YOU against identifying issues? How about a comment on AWG? Monsanto? Neolibe(R)tarianism? Something besides your lame "bridge to the ground". Some thing besides personal attacks and name dropping.

More inane logical fallacies and blah blah drivel garbage. No ideas, no arguments, just junk. Typing for the sake or ranting. Sad.

Another forum user who won't make the smallest of differences. A pure waste of time.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Hey, Your insults are OK with me, as it's bumping an important thread, even if you have yet to make a comment on the issue of it...

It is, after all a Worldwide concern.

If what you say is true, that OWS should have NO US concerns and should stay completely way from the "system".

Why did they do this?


[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

ALEC is not an issue that concerns all of Occupy. It's primarily for Americans. Occupy is international.

And, really, who cares what issues I decide to discuss. What a huge strawman on your part! I choose those I find the most important to me. One does not and should not have to discuss one idea in order to be granted your allowance to discuss another. I discuss what I think are the most important issues for Occupy.

The Bridge to the Ground is the most important idea for Occupy at the moment. It dwarfs all other issues because it changes the whole game. Issues are the results of a bad framework, we need to change the framework to make a real difference.

Furthermore, there's already a slew of other groups working on issues such as ALEC. What is unique about Occupy is the idea of the people governing for the people. To make this possible we need a system of e-democracy. Occupy is the best movement to bring that system to fruition.

Why are you obsessed with ad hominem, red herrings, and poisoning the well? You throw out more logical fallacies than there are snowflakes in a snowstorm.

Use arguments. Use logic. Try debating like an adult, else why bother. Your tiresome and trivial rants only add more junk to this database.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

OWS has protested ALEC.

And YES, they have been "exporting" this "technology".

What is it YOU against identifying issues?

How about a comment on AWG?



Something besides your lame "bridge to the ground".

Some thing besides personal attacks and name dropping.

[-] -1 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

Why haven't YOU brought your idea to those other forums YOU claim are the true heart of the movement? To those who could actually make the changes you desire?

What forums are you referring to? I never claimed Occupy had a forum which was the true heart of the movement. I don't think it has one and that's why it needs the Bridge to the Ground.

You are not the emperor, but you really should put your clothes back on

Lame play on a saying.

[-] 4 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I tire of your confusing, doubt inducing style.

Fess up to all your past puppets and bots.

As well as your lies.

[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

Why are you against the idea of using technology, specifically those related to the Internet which now has a broad reach throughout humanity, to increase democracy?

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I'm not.

Where did you get that idea?

I'm against you constantly makin' stuff about people and THIS forum.

[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

Can you point to one comment where I make something up about a person on this forum, or are you going to attack the proposer without providing evidence once more?

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago


As soon as you give us the full list of every sock puppet you've ever used, along with all the statistics for bot usage.

Little hiding child.

I do believe you just said most users here are over 65 and in retirement homes.

How is that not a lie?

Or does makin' stuff up not count?

[-] 0 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

I knew you couldn't back up your lame attack with some evidence.

I do believe you just said most users here are over 65 and in retirement homes.

I stated that those were the statistics reported by Alexa.

Learn to tell the difference from someone telling lies and someone reporting statistics then get back to me.

[-] 2 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

I knew you would continue to lie and hide.

Will you be employing $50 terms you found on wiki soon?

It's your MO.


[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 11 years ago

Everybody (you) knows, statistics never lie.

So when are you going to stop hiding your past activities here on the site?

Lying by omission, is still lying.

[-] -1 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

If the statistics lie blame Alexa, not me. You should also present some evidence as to why you think Alexa is lying and why these statistics should be considered incorrect.

Readers must think you're quite funny. You accuse me of lying because I posted statistics amassed from a big company which you think are lies, all the while you fail to show any evidence as to why these statistics aren't truthful.

Do you ever have any evidence or any arguments of worth? Anything? At all?

For those wondering what's going on, shooz is accusing me of being a liar because I posted statistics as is from Alexa. Where's the logic in his statement I have yet to find out.

http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/occupywallst.org (click on audience)

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 11 years ago

I would gladly join if i could and if you were more certain of who you were protesting "The House of Representatives" seems a bit weak to me, you have a nice picture of a REPUBLICAN now if only you could learn to say the word.

Let me be clear I don't think The House of Representatives will be or should be disbanded, however the Republican Party must be stopped and I am fine with their elimination.

[-] 1 points by lights (-38) 11 years ago

This is a beautiful initiative. Occupy needs to work with Idle No More. Native women, and natives in general need to be better understood. That starts with listening. How many north americans really understand the many cultures of the natives of these lands. Not many. A real tragedy. We need to study native cultures and history in school. It's time to remove these people from the closet where we hid them. They are our brothers and sisters and should be treated as such.

[-] 1 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 11 years ago

I do know that in Alaska where two of my daughters live that domestic violence perpetrated on native women is a real problem, and it should not be

These women deserve all the protections accorded any human being

I feel very happy about my granddaughter having two very sweet young Athabaskan teachers in her pre-school

Because I know that it will add a great deal to her development into the fine worldly, young lady that she will become


[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 11 years ago

Excludes protection for Native American women?

These House Republicans are just sick beyond words.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

WE beat the Tea Party!

The Violence Against Women Act finally passed the House. You should be proud - the GOP caved because of the pressure grassroots activists like you put on them. Thank you.

Here is more action we must take


But our work is far from over.

Some of our top GOP targets actually voted against this common sense legislation that never should've expired in the first place. We need your help to hold those who voted against it accountable.

[-] 2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 11 years ago

I actually like the way things are shaping up at the moment! The change of consciousness is underway. This is just the begining. We will sweep away the greed and selfishness of those who are only half alive, and enter a new Rennaissance!

It is happening!

Thank you for the good work you are doing!!!

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

138 Repubs voted against protecting women from being beaten!!

Every Dem voted for the VAWA!!

Why does THIS law expire. What the fuck is THAT about???

Now we gotta identify, denounce, and retire all the Pols who did not support this important protection for women.


[-] 2 points by GypsyKing (8708) 11 years ago

Damn Right! These would be the same ones standing against every other positive effort to usher in a better age. I don't even have to check that fact to know it's true.

Thank God for the women's vote!

[-] 1 points by repubsRtheprob (1209) 11 years ago

Maybe some of us can stop off in Indiana to march against this injustice!







