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St Paul's Four: "We Need a Redistribution of Wealth, Not Cuts!"

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 15, 2012, 10:40 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: austerity, london

via Occupy London:

At around 10.30pm last night, having been threatened with arrest by the City of London Police, the four female activists who chained themselves to the pulpit of St Paul’s Cathedral, cut their chains and declared their action a success. Their aim was to put pressure on the leadership of St Paul’s Cathedral to stop sitting on the fence and join the fight against rising inequality in the UK and beyond.

Outside the Cathedral they made the following statement:

They have also said the following:

Siobhan Grimes, an Anglican aged 25 who works for an environmental charity, said:

“I chained myself to the pulpit in St Paul’s Cathedral in protest about women’s economic inequality. As a Christian, I know that my faith teaches through the example of Christ’s radical action to protect the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.

“I was dragged from the steps of St Paul’s while I was praying during the eviction of the Occupy camp in February 2012, and since then Christianity Uncut, of which I’m a member, has been refused a meeting with St Paul’s to discuss what happened.

“During the action, we managed to speak with the Dean of St Paul’s about Christianity and economic inequality, the questionable investments held by the Church of England and the unethical corporations that sponsor St Paul’s Cathedral, including Goldman Sachs.

“We have been offered a further meeting with the Dean to speak about economic justice and faith. I really hope this meeting happens.”

Alison Playford, an actor and writer aged 33, said:

“Jesus was the most radial activist in history. Everyone has the potential to demonstrate the same compassion, vision and radicalism as Christ. We cannot allow this appalling government to destroy this country through austerity measures. We need a redistribution of wealth, not cuts.

“All factions of society must step up to the plate, as we have called on St Paul’s to do. We can make true change. With courage and tenacity, with radicalism, we can change the world.”

Josie Reid, a Quaker aged 52 who uses a wheelchair after an accident left her disabled, and who previously worked as a nurse and in conservation, said:

“Most people can see the huge injustice of making sick, disabled and needy people pay for a financial crisis that is not of their making. We are told that these are desperate times. We are told about a great debt, and that austerity must be the order of the day. Governments have had higher debts before, but never before have they inflicted such pain on the people.

“These cruel austerity measures are being forced upon us, because our governments no longer act in the interests of the people, they do only the bidding of the money lenders. Whilst the salaries of the banking and corporate elites increase by 45% a year, ordinary people have to stomach pay freezes and cuts.

“Time is running out, we all need to take a stand against this monstrous banking and corporate machine which is trashing the economy, destroying communities, making people homeless, wrecking people lives, killing indigenous people, polluting and plundering the earth.

“Jesus spoke truth to power. Jesus turned over the money changers’ tables in the temple. Jesus took radical action. It is time we followed his lead.”

Tammy Samede, a Christian mother of four aged 33, who has worked with homeless people in the past, said:

“We are glad that the Dean of St Paul’s has agreed to meet again. When speaking with him, we asked him to really consider what would Jesus do during these times.

“We look forward to continuing this discussion, which we sincerely hope leads to concrete action, from focusing on the corporate sponsors and trustees of St Paul’s Cathedral, to the Church taking a more vocal and visible approach to the ethics and morality of the actions of the City of London and the financial sector.

“Faith without works is dead.”



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[-] 2 points by gsw (3423) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 12 years ago

Thank you for being good example for the world.

“These cruel austerity measures are being forced upon us, because our governments no longer act in the interests of the people, they do only the bidding of the money lenders. Whilst the salaries of the banking and corporate elites increase by 45% a year, ordinary people have to stomach pay freezes and cuts.

“We look forward to continuing this discussion, which we sincerely hope leads to concrete action, from focusing on the corporate sponsors and trustees of St Paul’s Cathedral, to the Church taking a more vocal and visible approach to the ethics and morality of the actions of the City of London and the financial sector.


[-] 1 points by freewriterguy (882) 12 years ago

Redistribution of wealth starts with redistribution of land, or rather simply sharing the land. Our fathers fought for this land, and we are in slavery for 30 years to buy it from government, banks, and other land hoards. Our right to land ownership was severely limited by the removal of "land patents" which we the people are the only ones that can have a land patent, and no entity, not government, nor bank can take away our land once we have a land patent. (This is evident in the current issue of lesser titles on our homes that include an exemption clause for "land patents"). Land patents would restore mineral rights, water rights, and stop cities from taking away our land for the purpose of their expansion. Fact: cities have to build roads around current land patent owners (i know there are some examples in arizona) because it is "settled law, that no lessor claim or title can defeat a land patent owner (which only us citizens can obtain) in a court of law. Land patent owners can pass down their land to their children without the government taxing them or taking any part of it. Fact is, noone can take land away from a land patent owner for any reason, though it has been known to go all the way up to the supreme court to defend actions against land patent owners, because the powers that be are ignorant of what a land patent originally intended was, and what its current impact is, yet its staring them in the face in their property title exemption clause.