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We are the 99 percent

Proposal: Occupy National Gathering, Kalamazoo, Aug. 21-25

Posted 11 years ago on March 22, 2013, 1:24 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: national gathering


via OccupyNationalGathering.net:

We, the National Gathering Working Group 2013 (NGWG2013), propose a National Gathering of the Occupy Movement, and peoples’ movements worldwide, in Kalamazoo Michigan, to collectively assemble and embrace our different ideologies and perspectives; to find our common visions; to share our strategies and actions; and to leave this gathering with steps we can all take in both agreement and diversity; for ourselves, our communities, our nations, and for all of us all over the world.

We further propose that our convergence begin on Aug. 21 and continue for five days of Community and Movement building exercises including speakers, teach-ins, and free-flowing open discussion at a location to be determined by the Occupy Kalamazoo General Assembly. We believe it’s time the people of the world spoke to each other about how to make a better world. We ask you to converge with us, to bring your ideas, your struggles, and your voice and come to Kalamazoo! We already have networks on board with these broad areas of interest and welcome and need your suggestions, participation and contributions:

  1. Fixing Fossil Fuels and Creating an Environmentally Sustainable Future.
  2. Economic and Trade Justice, Equal Access and Ending Corporate “Personhood”, Asserting the People’s Sovereignty.
  3. Making and Supporting Free, Unfettered Media.
  4. Ending War and Our Police State, Building Peace and Cooperation.
  5. Renew Kalamazoo and your community. Homeless Bill of Rights.

We also encourage the creation of local, national and global processes to communicate, organize and converge. We are meeting more and more on the internet, on mumble, on conference calls. Global infrastructures are appearing, to bring more people together and able to participate worldwide. We are able as a people to organize worldwide protests and actions. We envision a day of concerted worldwide actions focused on very local issues that expose those local issues as part of the worldwide fight against systemic injustice. We will gather and share this worldwide action through all the media tools and networks we continue to build through voluntary people power.

We embrace the value derived from face-to-face contact, and understand that no single gathering can be representative of our entire movement. We recognize that attending in person will be challenging, or impossible for many, so we also commit to pursuing an online component through which anyone can participate via the Internet. We encourage the creation of local, national and global processes by which movement resources could be directed towards funding travel for active movement participants that otherwise would not be able to attend.

In keeping with principles of the Occupy Movement, the NGWG2013 will continue planning this gathering only if this proposal is ratified by a preponderance of General Assemblies from across the Movement. We are committed to operating in an open, inclusive, and transparent way. Therefore, most planning will be done via direct democratic conference calls, hubs and collaborative tools through the InterOccupy.net platform. All are welcome to participate. We endeavor to convene an historic gathering that will require a great deal of organization, so we invite participants from all Occupys and friends to join us in the planning and facilitation of this effort.

We invite you come to Kalamazoo Aug. 21 – 25. We ask for your endorsement, and would be honored if you would join us, live, online or in solidarity actions, and become part of this beautiful expression of our collective will!

The National Gathering Working Group 2013

The NGWG2013 is comprised of Occupy Kalamazoo on the ground, and other Occupiers from across the Globe online, hopefully to soon include you! Please send your endorsement or intent of solidarity to natgat2013@gmail.com or comment on our website. We hope to soon have a form on the website!

More Info:

Join our Planning Call! Register here. We convene every Wednesday at 8 PM ET!



Read the Rules
[-] 5 points by GypsyKing (8708) 11 years ago

Kalamazoo is a Great Place for this gathering! I think the location is Perfect given the history of the State of Michigan, both as the site of the advent of American Unionism and that of the recent virulent attacks on the American people by the Corporate 1%!

This Will Be Big!

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

never been there. But it sounds great. Love the name, Is it native American?

I suppose we will have a gathering in solidarity in NYC.

This will be big.

[-] 5 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago


Proposal: Occupy National Gathering, Kalamazoo, Aug. 21-25 | OccupyWallSt.org: http://occupywallst.org/article/proposal-occupy-national-gathering-kalamazoo-aug-2/#.UUyvpk8xcgc.twitter Please SHARE/CIRCULATE

[-] 4 points by livingmiracle84 (4) from Marshall, MI 11 years ago

Kalamazoo would be a great place for the national gathering. There has been a lot of issues that have have directly impacted the State of Michigan as a whole but also more specifically Kalamazoo, including the over 1 million gallon tar sand spill by Enbridge into the Kalamazoo River. Unemployment is high in Michigan, as is homelessness and foreclosures. Michigan is also home to the auto industry that got bailed out and also is home to large 1% corporations like Whirlpool.

[-] 4 points by whammy737 (11) 11 years ago

Thank you Occupy Wall Street!!! Thank you for leading the way, and all your all doing w/ strike debt, and with Sandy.. Thank you for getting it going!! In love and solidarity!!!

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

It's an amazing thing isn't it? Such smart effective ideas.people still working for positive change.

Solidarity indeed

[-] 3 points by nicki8586 (3) 11 years ago

Thank you Occupy Wall Street! Thank you for leading the way and setting an example, and thank you for your solidarity :)

Thank you everyone for your comments, and thank you jrhirsch for your critique. As one of the bottom liners I would definitely like to make sure we address the intersectionality of these issues...it's all connected. At the same time, we also need to explore each issue in depth and give them the time they deserve. We have a hell of a fight ahead of us!

Anyone who wants to know more about what we're planning and also be part of the planning process, please join our Wednesday night calls!

[-] 3 points by Mark01 (82) 11 years ago

i think it would make more sense to have it in Detroit. A city like Detroit that has been hit hard by recession make more sense than the middle of nowhere.

[-] 2 points by whammy737 (11) 11 years ago

Detroit is the city that makes a lot of sense in MI. However they had just hosted the Midwest conference in August, and they have a lot happening with Privatization of Water, and the recent EFM of Detroit. They will be present and in solidarity :).. I know were not a big city.. But Natgat could have a very profound effect on a city our size :) .. (cheating from a response lower on the page) A National convergence in Kalamazoo has the potential to change the landscape of a town like Kalamazoo. This area had the "Largest inland oil spill, in U.S. history" in the Kalamazoo river.. Several people have died, and many more including members of the working group are having medical conditions as a result. Our state is seeing unprecedented corporate rule with laws like the Emergency Finance Manager act, our Sen Levin helped write the 2012 NDAA with John McCain. our city also ( Already being the 6th meanest city in the U.S. to homeless) saw a 92% rise in homeless children.. Please, please, please, please look at us as the Carnery in the mine.. 96% of michigan legislation passed in the last 5 years was done under illegal procedure. . We have the oldest Nuclear power plant, fracking, the New Trailbreaker Pipeline, A federal Prison, and a drone factory within 20 miles of downtown . .. This isn't just a gathering for anyone who asked for it to come to michigan.. It's very literally a cry for help.

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Very cool.

[-] 2 points by KzooKing (2) 11 years ago

Kalamazoo is a great place for this. Kalamazoo is situated right between Chicago and Detroit. The people of Michigan are tired of corporations controlling the government. We have 2 massive companies here in Kzoo...Pfizer and Stryker.

[-] 2 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Register for the planning call.

(shameless bump up)

[-] 1 points by SallijaneG (1) 11 years ago

Hmm, just had a detailed descriptive and thank you post; lost it in the process of creating account/signing in. Kalamazoo - Potawatamie (sp?) for land of boiling waters great event looking forward to S17; second anniversary!

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Register for the important national Gathering

Some expanded info


but mostly just a well deserved bump up for this valuable occupy effort.

[-] 1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

Valiant fight. Poor strategy. See my comment below.

[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Too far for me, but I will spread it around, bump this up whenever I can and see if we have a local gathering for me to attend.




[-] 1 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago


[-] 0 points by rightwithbees (0) from Oakland, CA 11 years ago

I question why there is a national gathering for a decentralized and localized movement. Anyone want to fill me in on that? This is the second one? Where was the first one, and when? What was it like? What was accomplished? If you answer these - thanks a lot!

[-] 3 points by whammy737 (11) 11 years ago

Hello :) My name is Chris. ( I am helping plan this event and want to try to help answer your questions :). .
About "why" - we are asking for people to come for a few reasons. A National convergence in Kalamazoo has the potential to change the landscape of a town like Kalamazoo. This area had the "Largest inland oil spill, in U.S. history" in the Kalamazoo river.. Several people have died, and many more including members of the working group are having medical conditions as a result. Our state is seeing unprecedented corporate rule with laws like the Emergency Finance Manager act, our Sen Levin helped write the 2012 NDAA with John McCain. our city also ( Already being the 6th meanest city in the U.S. to homeless) saw a 92% rise in homeless children.. Please, please, please, please look at us as the Carnery in the mine.. 96% of michigan legislation passed in the last 5 years was done under illegal procedure. . We have the oldest Nuclear power plant, fracking, the New Trailbreaker Pipeline, A federal Prison, and a drone factory within 20 miles of downtown . .. This isn't just a gathering for anyone who asked for it to come to michigan.. It's very literally a cry for help.

[-] 2 points by whammy737 (11) 11 years ago

There was a previous National Gathering in Philly, July 4th 2012. It was very organic, and personaly for myself like S-17, a growing experience and something I will remember for the rest of my life :) It was a chance for people to come together, hug each other, love each other, speak to each other.. We want to re create that feeling. There was a deliberate motivation to not come to a specific plan in Philly.. That is different this year. Most of us can no longer safely go where we played as children. Our children cannot go to these places. Please , PLEASE see our river, see our community and the apathy that is bred in this town. We want to show this, and come away with a plan to not let it happen anymore.. I will come back to this to check if there is anything else I can answer please ask :)



[-] 0 points by inclusionman (7064) 11 years ago

Please register

(just shameless bumping)


[-] -1 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 11 years ago

All of the above injustices you are fighting are the separate arms of a giant octopus, the consolidation of big business and big government. If you continue to hack at each of it's tentacles, the beast will never be destroyed. In case you didn't know, an Octopus can regrow it's arms if cut off.

Starve the beast, withhold the money that feeds it, and all of the other problems will be easily defeated.

[-] 2 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

Good post. Don't give up.