Print and online media
Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 14, 2011, 5:22 p.m. EST by drew
Want to get the word out? Download these fliers to print or distribute digitally:
Print fliers (PDF) - Here are a number of 8.5" x 11" fliers, some full page other quarter page. Pick the one you like, print it and give it out.
Online fliers (PDF) - Full color fliers, distribute them however you'd like!

Great website. If your organization bans together to start giving to families in NY who are suffering financially from being laid off (families with kids especially), this will change the economic problems in NY and the country. Even if you give $5 to a struggling family. If you give, you will receive ...If you give, you will receive.
Why ONE demand???? Reinstate Glass Steagall
Overturn Citizens United/Campaign Finance Reform End Corporate Personhood
you got this wrong, it should be get government out of Wall St.
Why does the poster say 12, the other threads say this starts at 8?
Take out the papers and the trash Or you don't get no spending cash ... Yakety yak, don't talk back. The Coasters take on a whole new dimension.
Here you have the print flier with the photo of the rubish bag to download on Rapidshare (The banner of the Occupywallstreet on Facebook):
Or the Emails for these places/people.
We need to compile a list of fax numbers ASAP.
Don't forget to stop by Rick Astley's steak house. You get a 15% discount if you show them this flyer.
As a variation on Paper Storm, those of us unable to attend might consider faxing these to various (numerous) appropriate destinations. (Faxes have such a nice physical presence, especially when they involve lots of solid colors that really stand out, though they do use more ink that way.) Lots of people might appreciate being kept in the loop. Like the major media: Like your members of Congess: (hate the source, love the format, might want to confirm your fax #s) Like the Wall Street Banks. Like the New York Stock Exchange Like your friendly neighborhood mega-corporation. Like the US Chamber of Commerce. Like ALEC office. Like the national party offices of the GOP and Dem parties. Like the the SuperPACs and Outside Money groups dominating the campaign funding. The list is (unfortunately) almost endless of who might benefit from knowing of your interest and support on September 17.
It would be helpful to get the numbers to some of the key players in our corporatacracy so they don't feel left out.
And the business service stores like UPS etc often have fax facilities that can be used if your personal fax is unavailable.
Anyone who has an idea of how to expand on this idea, make it better, easier, more fun, let's hear it.