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We are the 99 percent

#OWS Updates for the Week of March 5

Posted 12 years ago on March 7, 2012, 6:27 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt


Spring is in the air, and Occupy momentum is growing. We invite you to join the upcoming events contained in this inaugural Occupy Wall Street newsletter. This newsletter includes a partial listing of events related to the Occupy Movement in New York City. To receive these notifications via e-mail, and to find full meeting listings and group information, register online at www.nycga.net.

Get Involved: Check out the The Occupy Wall Street Project List: A Guide To Ongoing Occupy Actions and Activities around New York City, or our listing of Volunteer needs at classifieds.occupy.net.

Inside you will find:

Event Descriptions and Links

Every Day in March, Noon-2:00pm
Cultural Occupation Of Liberty Square (COOLS)
Liberty Square

Join us every day for lunch, conversation, and to maintain a continued community in Liberty Square. Tweet using #ows and #CultureOcc and find a full schedule of special events, speakers and performances at each day’s URL: http://is.gd/COOLSM2 , http://is.gd/COOLSM3 and all the way through http://is.gd/COOLSM31.

Wednesday, March 7, Noon - 3:00pm
OccupyFaithNYC Action: "Parables of an Immoral Budget"
Governor Cuomo’s Office, 633 3rd Ave at 40th St.

Meet at Governor Cuomo’s NYC office where an ad hoc shelter, 5 made beds laid out in front his office, will demonstrate the immorality of the Governor’s proposed $20 million in cuts for services for the homeless. Tuesday March 6th at 10am, Judson Memorial Church is an orientation meeting, including legal preparation for civil disobedience. Facebook. http://www.nycga.net/events/event/occupyfaithnyc-action-parables-of-an-immoral-budget.

Wednesday, March 7, 6:00pm-8:30pm
Racism, Resistance, and Workplace Organizing: Workers of Color and OWS
CWA 1180, 6 Harrison St (near Hudson St, in Tribeca)

Join the People of Color Caucus and the Labor Outreach Committee with speaker Ai-jen Poo, Director of the National Domestic Workers Alliance and a discussion with rank and file leaders from New York's labor struggles about OWS can help them win against the corporations that profit off of their labor: Sotheby's Workers, Domestic Workers United and Transport Workers Local 100. http://www.facebook.com/events/110868035704341.

Wednesday, March 7, 7:00pm-9:00pm
Teach-In on the Student Debt Crisis
The New School, Parsons, 2 West 13th Street, Orientation Room M101, Lobby

“A History of Student Debt, the Current Crisis & Where Do We Go from Here." With speakers: Andrew Ross, Professor, Dept. of Social and Cultural Analysis, NYU Sarah Jaffe, Associate Editor, AlterNet Samir Sonti, Graduate Student, Dept. of Government, Cornell University. http://www.nycga.net/events/event/a-teach-in-on-the-student-debt-crisis.

Thursday, March 8, 9:00am-6:00pm
Peace Walk 2012: No More Fukushimas
Meet in Liberty Square, near the Tree of Life

The OWS Meditation Working Group is walking from Liberty Plaza to the George Washington Bridge on the year anniversary of the Fukushima disaster in solidarity with the Peace Walk and with a nuclear free future. Facebook. http://www.nycga.net/events/event/peace-walk-2012-no-more-fukushimas.

Friday, March 9, 5:00pm-9:00pm
Repression and Resistance From the Panthers to OWS
Judson Memorial Church, 55 Washington Square South

Join OWS Activist Legal for a night of training, information and discussion on state repression against Leftist political movements in history and today. Includes dinner, screening of the film COINTELPRO and panel with Laura Whitehorn, Bob Boyle, Cisco Torres, Lamis Deek and Andy Stepanian. http://www.nycga.net/events/event/repression-and-resistance-from-the-panthers-to-ows.

Saturday, March 10, Noon - 2:00pm, and every Saturday
OWS Weekly Orientations
The Atrium, 60 Wall Street

Not sure where to begin? We will help you decide how you can best become a part of this history changing movement. We will show you around, introduce you to people and connect you to groups and projects that you care about. Email volunteer@nycga.net for more information about the OWS Weekly Orientations or getting involved in Occupy. http://www.nycga.net/events/event/welcome-to-ows-weekly-orientation-2-2012-03-10.

Saturday, March 10, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
International Woman’s Day Celebration Parade
March from Liberty Square to Union Square

Join us for a celebration of women globally and an acknowledgement of our common struggle. History has proven that women can be a powerful force for change, so let’s unite and celebrate all that we have accomplished and fought for. Facebook. http://www.nycga.net/events/event/international-womens-day-celebration-parade.

Sunday, March 11, Noon- 2:00pm
Occupy University: Studying May Day and the General Strike
Liberty Square

Occupy University, in collaboration with OWS Labor Outreach Committee, invites you to one of its pilot courses: a series of Open Forums in response to the calls for a general strike on May Day. This week the guests are Immanuel Ness & Jeremy Brecher on “What Is the General Strike? – Pillaging the Dustbin of History: What Can We Learn for Occupy May Day?” Series will continue every Sunday through April. http://www.university.nycga.net/our-courses/studying-may-day.

Join us for the American Spring

March 17
M17: Six-Month Anniversary of the Occupation of Wall Street

May 1
Call to Action: May Day 2012



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

constant visibility will be maintained

[-] 0 points by shamefuldays (-42) 12 years ago


[-] 3 points by factsrfun (8314) from Phoenix, AZ 12 years ago

Very full lineup, should build and build, Phoenix is picking up too for spring building to 03/15 and B o A, should be a beautiful spring.

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I love it. Constructive and creative outreach. This is exactly what we need to move forward in a positive manner. Fantastic. I knew good things were gonna happen.

[-] 3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 12 years ago

Great line upII

[-] 1 points by fghrtsdf (2) 12 years ago

n2012 comes, in order to thank everyone, characteristic, novel style, varieties, low price and good quality, and the low sale price. Thank everyone

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

$33 True Religion jeans, Ed Hardy jeans,LV,Coogi jeans,Affliction jeans

$30 Air Jordan shoes,Shox shoes,Gucci,LV shoes

50%Discount winter fashion :Sandle,t-shirt,caps,jerseys,handbag and brand watches!!!

$15 Ed Hardy ,LV ,Gucci Bikini

$15 Polo, Ed Hardy, Gucci, LV, Lacoste T-shirts

$25 Coach,Gucci,LV,Prada,Juicy,Chanel handbag,

$10 Gucci,Ed Hardy sunglasses

$9 New Era caps.

give you the unexpected harvest

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

==== ( http://www.fullmalls.com ) =====

[-] 1 points by UnityCoalition (3) 12 years ago

To: Prime Minister Miss Joy Waymire [Libertarian] Prime Minister Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] Prime Minister Ralph Beach [Libertarian] Secretary Rhett Smith [Green] Cc: All Voters and Non Voters From: Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Subject: USParliament.org Special Bulletin 3/10/2012

Note: Please feel free to engage or disengage from this communication link by sending the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to joogle@gonott.com or by telephone at 415-686-1996. OK to "reply all". Anonymous forwarder now available upon request. http://www.usparliament.org/

  1. Barr 2012 Campaign "Rally in the Valley"
  2. Nominations for the 8th USA Parliament Election of 2012
  3. Four of the Twenty Presidential Debate Committee in Videos
  4. Texas Super-state Parliament (ss9)

  1. Barr 2012 Campaign "Rally in the Valley"

Hon PM Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] to speak at "Rally in the Valley".

Honorable MMP Martin Covax [Info. Not Avail.] of the Los Angeles Mini-state Parliament (ss11-9) wrote: http://usparliament.org/ss11-9.php

"All political stripes are welcome, from progressive to conservative. We’ve all been ripped off, regardless of political party, so if you are truly fed-up with Congress, then don’t pre-judge and come to our Rally in the Valley with an open mind.

We’ll be gathering at our favorite haunt, the Mayflower Club at 11110 Victory Blvd. in North Hollywood on Friday, March 23rd at 7pm sharp. There’s a cash bar, free parking and refreshments."

RSVP to 818-912-4017.

  1. Nominations for the 8th USA Parliament Election of 2012 http://usparliament.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=55&t=535

George Lopez [Info. Not Avail.] nominated by Jim Doyle on 3/10/2012 Alvin Chin [Libertarian] self nominated on 3/4/2012 Scott Keller [Libertarian] self nominated on 3/4/2012 Beaulah Mae Jackson [Republican] self nominated on 3/3/2012 Debra Scharf [Democratic] self nominated on 3/3/2012 Chuck Seevers [Libertarian] self nominated on 3/3/2012 Gabe Huerta [Libertarian] self nominated on 3/3/2012 David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement] self nominated on 2/28/2012 Stinky McStinkbutt [Derision] nominated by Erik Viker on 2/26/2012 Vigo Veritas [Mockery] self nominated on 2/24/2012 Theresa Vaughn [Info. Not Avail.] self nominated on 2/24/2012 Kidkasten [Info. Not Avail.] self nominated on 2/24/2012 Gina Zenzola [Green] self nominated on 2/24/2012 Roger Mead [Green Tea] self nominated on 2/20/2012 Thomas Lui [Pre-Democratic] self nominated on 2/20/2012 Elizabeth [Green Tea] self nominated on 2/19/2012 Jacob Covich [Catholic Trotskyist] self nominated on 2/19/2012 Rick Santorum [Republican] nominated by Jim Doyle on 2/15/2012 Victoria Peterson [Independent] nominated by Jim Doyle on 2/15/2012 John Carter [Green] self nominated on 2/13/2012 Larry Sckwarczynski [Green] nominated by Rhett Smith of 2/9/2012 Celisa Godwin [Green] self nominated on 2/8/2012 John Smith [Registered Democrat] self nominated on 2/7/2012 Jim Spahr [Comedy Central] self nominated on 2/6/2012 Keyantwon Stephens [Libertarian] nominated by Ralph Beach on 2/5/2012 Thomas Robert Stevens [Objectivist] self nominated on 2/5/2012 Alden Link [Objectivist] nominated by Thomas Robert Stevens on 2/5/2012 Sam Sloan [Libertarian] nominated by Thomas Robert Stevens on 2/5/2012 Anilise Stewart [I Follow Who I Believe In] self nominated on 2/4/2012 Jong-pil Park [Democratic] self nominated on 2/4/2012 Bobert Nagan [Wiccan Free Liberal] self nominated on 2/4/2012 John Liquori [Green Tea] self nominated on 2/3/2012 Richard A. Weir [Libertarian Socialist] self nominated on 2/3/2012

To nominate, please use the "Sign Up" link: http://usparliament.org/signup.php

  1. Four of the Twenty Presidential Debate Committee in Videos http://usparliament.org/pdc.php

Four of the elected twenty candidates on the 8th USA Parliament's presidential debate committee (PDC) appear in videos at the California Libertarian Party Convention in Ventura California last weekend on March 4th, 2012:


  1. Texas Super-state Parliament (ss9) http://www.usparliament.org/ss9.php

MSP Chuck Seevers [Libertarian] self appointed on 3/3/2012 MSP Deberah Scharf [Democratic] self appointed on 3/3/2012 MSP Beaulah Mae Jackson [Republican] self appointed on 3/3/2012 MSP=member of super-state parliament

Ad for GoNott Search and GoNott Advertise http://usparliament.org/drafts/coalition7CA2014.html Volunteer Beta Testers Wanted

Roseanne Barr for President 2012 Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roseanne-Barr-for-President-2012/153524907998543

Bulletins Posted in RoseanneWorld.com and USParliament.org Forum: http://www.roseanneworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=76435#76435 http://usparliament.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=540

US-PAR: All voters, non-voters and news media (approx. 270 subscribers).

Please feel free to engage or disengage to this email list by sending the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to joogle@gonott.com.


[-] 1 points by PaulCurrier (1) 12 years ago

Does this mean no war on May 1st? Do you think we can start on May 1st, and keep at it, one day at a time? Imagine! The War IS Over, if we want....

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

May·day    [mey-dey] Show IPA noun

the international radiotelephone distress signal, used by ships and aircraft.

Origin: 1925–30; < French ( venez ) m'aider (come) help me!


[-] 1 points by distantdrummer (5) 12 years ago

It has just begun. The whole world is watching. "WAR" is your greatest enemy and proponent of class war fare, the greedy corporations. Yah, its that PEACE thing, again. www.bush-it-usa.com

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

I saw no anti-war shirts

[-] 1 points by MarkK (4) 12 years ago

CLNC Marine continous sudden outflow Helicopters

[-] 1 points by dfhgdfg (2) 12 years ago

n2012 comes, in order to thank everyone, characteristic, novel style, varieties, low price and good quality, and the low sale price. Thank everyone

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

$33 True Religion jeans, Ed Hardy jeans,LV,Coogi jeans,Affliction jeans

$30 Air Jordan shoes,Shox shoes,Gucci,LV shoes

50%Discount winter fashion :Sandle,t-shirt,caps,jerseys,handbag and brand watches!!!

$15 Ed Hardy ,LV ,Gucci Bikini

$15 Polo, Ed Hardy, Gucci, LV, Lacoste T-shirts

$25 Coach,Gucci,LV,Prada,Juicy,Chanel handbag,

$10 Gucci,Ed Hardy sunglasses

$9 New Era caps.

give you the unexpected harvest

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 12 years ago

I support Occupy Wall Street for sure, but I cannot strike for work or school on that day. I would literally lose my job. I am a graduate student, so absence from class isn't really an option. I want to do things to help the movement, but I cannot do things like this.

[-] 2 points by Zibulthera (3) from Reno, NV 12 years ago

We all do what we can. No need to beat yourself up about it.

The shame of it is how many people I've met that are in similar positions. I remember when a camp was still going in my town, and having people show up late at night to drop off food and firewood. It'd be nice to have a huge ground impact all the time, but the sad part is people are overworked and under-budgeted to the extent that most can't afford the time.

[-] 2 points by proudofOKC (361) 12 years ago

Right, exactly. I'm a big fan of Change.org, because I can go online and sign petitions even when I am exhausted from work and about to go to bed. I think the Occupy movement needs to have more ways people can support it online and still make an impact.


[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 12 years ago

hjlydfg It's Call to Action day..... Not sh_it no one needs day!


[-] 0 points by hjlydfg (1) 12 years ago

n2012 comes, in order to thank everyone, characteristic, novel style, varieties, low price and good quality, and the low sale price. Thank everyone

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

$33 True Religion jeans, Ed Hardy jeans,LV,Coogi jeans,Affliction jeans

$30 Air Jordan shoes,Shox shoes,Gucci,LV shoes

50%Discount winter fashion :Sandle,t-shirt,caps,jerseys,handbag and brand watches!!!

$15 Ed Hardy ,LV ,Gucci Bikini

$15 Polo, Ed Hardy, Gucci, LV, Lacoste T-shirts

$25 Coach,Gucci,LV,Prada,Juicy,Chanel handbag,

$10 Gucci,Ed Hardy sunglasses

$9 New Era caps.

give you the unexpected harvest

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

====( http://www.fullmalls.com )=====

[-] -1 points by proudofOKC (361) 12 years ago

spammers get out.

[-] -2 points by airplaneradio (50) 12 years ago

Of course May 1st. It's a the communist/elite holiday.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

International Workers' Day (also known as May Day) is a celebration of the international labour movement and left-wing movements. It commonly sees organized street demonstrations and marches by working people and their labour unions throughout most of the world. May 1 is a national holiday in more than 80 countries. It is also celebrated unofficially in many other countries.


[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

And it was born in the USA too.
