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We are the 99 percent

OWS Snapshot

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 19, 2011, 3:30 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

OWS vibrates with activity. In every corner of Liberty Square people are organizing against corporate greed, refusing to be afraid, to be silenced. The local community center, the nearby atrium, the surrounding parks and cafes pulse with working groups planning actions, coordinating with community groups, engaging with the press, supporting each other, and strengthening solidarity within the movement. We are growing change in the shadow of the wealth, greed, and thievery that is Wall Street.

Occupy Cake


Anniversary Night, OCT 17: The square was beautiful. It sparkled under the city lamp light. Occupiers flowed quietly through the clean passages, socializing in the new spaces designed by the town planning committee. We lit candles and sang "We Shall Not Be Moved." We shared our one month occupy cake. One month! A medical tent was raised, and when dozens of police lined up to take it down they were meet by hundreds of occupiers. Joined by the Reverend Jesse Jackson, arms linked, occupiers faced down the NYPD, and the medical tent remained in place. An amazing way to welcome the second month!

Good Neighbors: The community relations committee has been in hyperdrive. The General Assembly passed a Good Neighbor Policy 5 days ago and has been working nonstop to fully implement the agreement, distributing the policy via flyers, prominently displayed posters around the square, and by word of mouth. Drumming has been reduced drastically from the ten hours a day barrage a week earlier. We see drumming as a top priority and continue to work with the drummers, utilizing mediation, common sense, and mutual respect to implement the 2 hours a day policy.

No Hate: Many people from different places have been affected by the greed of the 1% and by the false solutions of corporate greed, union busting, and the slashing and privatization of social services. The 99% is varied and broad - but we have principles of solidarity, and we are working together to make a better world - a world of inclusion, dignity, love and respect. #OWS has no space for racism, sexism, transphobia, anti-immigrant hatred, xenophobia, and hatred in general.

Demands: A group claiming to be on the verge of issuing demands for #OWS has gotten the attention of a story hungry media. We are our demands. #OWS is conversation, organization, and action focused on ending the tyranny of the 1%. On Saturday we marched in solidarity against corrupt banking systems, against war, and against foreclosure. We discussed how to break up the "too big to fail" financial companies and end excessive wall street executive bonuses, we were arrested while trying to remove our money from the grasp of these dangerous institutions, we occupied the boardrooms of the 1% so they wouldn't feel so sad and alone, we occupied foreclosure court rooms where they use a broken system to legally steal the homes of the 99%, rallied in front of military recruitment centers demanding an end to US wars, and tens of thousands of us marched into the times square, the neon heart of consumerism, demanding economic justice.

Occupy Wall Street is a people-powered movement that began on September 17, 2011 in Liberty Square in Manhattan’s Financial District, and has spread to over 100 cities in the United States and actions in over 1,500 cities globally. #OWS is fighting back against the corrosive power major banks and unaccountable multinational corporations wield against democracy, and the role of Wall Street in creating the economic collapse that has caused the greatest recession in nearly a century. The movement is inspired by popular uprisings in Egypt and around the world, and aims to expose how the richest 1% of people are writing the rules of a dangerous neoliberal economic agenda that is stealing our future.

Kira - Good Neighbor Policy



Read the Rules
[-] 14 points by Joe4more (165) from Cranston, RI 12 years ago

I am very supportive of this movement and hope, in time, we will pivot and direct our attention toward Congress. I am ashamed to admit I am a registered Dem when I see members of my party run to their respective donors while voting against the President's Jobs Bill. This open display of "ownership" of our elected officials by special interest groups is the cancer that is ruining this country. If you take money from a given entity, and vote against the will of the people and for your donor, you need to be replaced. Nine out of ten individuals in this country earn less than $60k/yr (US Dept of Labor 2009), yet none of the ninety percent are represented in the "peoples house"; sadly, you must be wealthy to run for a seat in Congress so clearly we need to take the money out of politics. The fact that Congress people earn $175k/yr and the average income in this country for a family of four is around $45k/yr is ridicules. Perhaps we have finally woken up and we can thank the Wall Street protesters for tipping our mattresses.

[-] 3 points by TTTTT (66) 12 years ago

Unfortunately Joe, while we were sleeping the greedy were not, went out and bought themselves a government, many in fact. Maybe, just maybe, we woke up in time, now we need to stay that way.

[-] 2 points by ddiggs690 (277) 12 years ago

"Nine out of ten individuals in this country earn less than $60k/yr (US Dept of Labor 2009)" I like this figure because it really shows how income is distributed. If you were to look at the Census Bureau, they report an average income of around 50k/year which is totally misleading. Many people will look at that figure and say, "Oh, half of the people are making below 50k/year and half are making above 50k/year. That's not so bad." But actually, roughly 70% of the people in America are below that figure. This is scary shit! I really hope more people continue to follow the movement and really understand how their wealth is being extracted from them.

[-] 1 points by MiddleMolly (39) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

You've got to look at mean (average) vs. median (middle) incomes. Mean incomes and wealth are skewed by those uber-rich. Also, you have to look at family vs. individual.

[-] 2 points by BinaryFu (20) 12 years ago

That's why I say make lobbying illegal and make it also illegal for a politician to leave office and take a private sector job in ANY industry they voted favorably for - conflict of interest.

Game over, man. Game over.

[-] 3 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 12 years ago

I hope you mean paid lobbying should be illegal. If you or I speak to a representative, that is lobbying. We must have the right to petition our government.

[-] 1 points by Joe4more (165) from Cranston, RI 12 years ago

I agree that lobbying is an integral and necessary part of the process, but the best ideas need to win the debate not the most money. If the American people realized just how badly this system needs to be fixed, there would be more protesters than we see now. "Take the money out of politics" is another focal point being organized!

[-] 1 points by MiddleMolly (39) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

Right.. paid lobbying. Everybody should have the ability to talk to their reps, and I don't think there is anything wrong with representative of corporations, in an open forum, discussing legislation.... but individual meetings, lunches, dinners, anything that smacks of paid lobbying, needs to go.

[-] 2 points by gypsymama (3) 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by thegatekeeperbeta (25) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Long live the revolution.


[-] 1 points by flanga (26) 11 years ago

And thanks to all the people that took part and made it possible...

Thanks from Clive @ http://easydiablo3.com/.

[-] 1 points by flanga (26) 11 years ago

And thanks to all the people that took part in it...

Thanks from Clive @ http://easydiablo3.com/.

[-] 1 points by MiddleMolly (39) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

Illegal for the politician or any close family members.

[-] 2 points by TedRall (52) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Obama's "jobs bill" is nothing of the sort. How will tax cuts for people who are currently employed create new jobs? They won't. The bill is dead in Congress anyway, but what's going on in Washington is political theater, not politics. Politics is what's going on at the General Assemblies. The movement will die if it aligns itself with the Democratic or Republican parties or, for that matter, the system in general.

[-] 2 points by Joe4more (165) from Cranston, RI 12 years ago

My intent wasn't to suggest that OWS meld with either party, I'm just an anxious supporter who wants to see the influence of this movement used to rid Congress of just about everybody, and replace them with a body of individuals free of the shackles of special interests. Representatives from the ninety percent of the middle-class and working poor!

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by Bryson (29) from Austin, TX 12 years ago

I agree with this rationale, I don't see why it would compromise our longevity or nonpartisan values to pressure the current political structure to give up the game. Bit by bit, as we continue doing everything else we want to try to accomplish, if need be, but I would like to vote next November and I currently have few/no good candidates to vote for.

I want to see this thing remain above the political currents that have disenfranchised all of us, but there are things we can do now to at least give us a few viable options next November and increase the human representation in congress. The longer we wait to start influencing policies the more they will be for us to fight once we do, and the greater our responsibility for the injustice that is obviously present in the world.

[-] 1 points by MiddleMolly (39) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

Many, many people thought that the political awakening of the 60's was going to lead to a new kind of government, and so much of the Occupy movement is similar to the various political movements of the 60's. Unfortunately, things became very polarized, and the demonstrations of the 60's wound up giving us 8 years of Republicans, including Nixon. My fear is that so many people are unhappy with the Dems that they opt out of traditional politics and the Repubs get in again. As I've already lived through this, I just don't want to see it repeat itself.

[-] 1 points by Joe4more (165) from Cranston, RI 12 years ago

I remember, and share your fear!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

I agree. Both Dems and Repubs need to be replaced. Flip-flopping back and forth will do nothing to solve the problems. If people can't see that, they need to open their eyes.

[-] 1 points by Joe4more (165) from Cranston, RI 12 years ago

I've been thinking about your response, and agree with you on the "jobs bill", in addition to the fact that it was doa as you pointed out. What do you propose Obama do given that all Republicans oppose all the time, and as I stated in my post, so do some in his own party. They all need to go, including all four D's in my RI delegation. Things need to start to change now, the jobs, lack thereof, under-employed, working poor, etc... I see the OWS movement needing to pivot, sooner or later, to a more "main stream" movement to affect change as the tea party did. I'm not just suggesting Republicans, they all need to go. Strike while the iron is hot?

[-] 1 points by TedRall (52) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Yes, both parties and the entire system is bankrupt. Let's start from scratch.

[-] 1 points by thegatekeeperbeta (25) from New York, NY 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by number2 (914) 12 years ago

exactly, the msm is always referencing how good a candidate is by how much money they can raise. Frankly, they don't need to raise any more money as of right now. We all know who the candidates are. Personally, the more money you raise at this point the less likely you are to get my vote.

[-] 1 points by WeHaveDemands (186) 12 years ago

As you say, the heart of the issue is campaign finance reform. We need to have all political campaigns funded by the taxpayers from a separate fund. An amount would be designated say: 50 million dollars or 25 or whatever is a reasonable amount to actually travel and give speeches, and provide security for the candidates etc. And that NO OTHER MONEY be used, and that any contribution from ANY private donor big or small be made unlawful. AND REMOVE SPECIAL INTEREST LOBBIES from Washington. THEN we can begin to re-center American Democracy around the electoral process and the actual WILL of the people. Right now, politicians tell their "constituents" what they want to hear and make all of the promises they need to make, and then, newly elected (or re-elected) arrive in Washington and are immediately cornered and overwhelmed by all of the special interests that actually funded their campaign and dictate policy, and these politicians no longer connect "doing the will of the people" with "being a successful politician." Campaign financing and the lobbyists who OWN Washington, and every politician on both sides of the so-called “aisle” in their back pockets: THIS is the straw that is stirring this corrupt drink right now. Our leaders no longer need to act in the interests of the people they serve. Moreover, it is actually political suicide for them to do so. THAT, I feel, is a good "starting point" for one of this beautiful and exhilarating movement's central demands. REFORM CAMPAIGN FINANCE and ELIMINATE LOBBYISTS from Washington now...

[-] 1 points by groobiecat2 (746) from Brattleboro, VT 12 years ago

I'm like you; a less than gruntled (soon to be former) democrat who really has thought that there was a difference between the two parties. In years past, that was actually the case. The democrats passed the Civil Rights Act (which R Paul was against, btw); it was democrats who shepherded through the various gay rights marriage bills; and it has always been democrats who have fought to ensure decent wages. But today, at the highest levels, it's increasingly difficult to tell the two apart. And that's changing with the brave people in the park(s).

But unlike many haters, I don't think this is about a "space" in lower Manhattan; it's about a mindset and a vision for a more equitable future.

I see lower Manhattan and all of the other "occupy" sites as representations--physical tips of the iceberg. This is the "on the ground vanguard" if you will. Whereas what's not seen--the many people around the country (and the world)--represent a vast, growing, but as yet largely unseen force to be reckoned with. That largely "groundless" and "virtual" resource will provide #OWS a great deal of its strength in the future. --People like us, to be honest.



[ This is what democracy looks like: http://groobiecat.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-ows-functions-horizontal-direct.html ]

[-] 1 points by MiddleMolly (39) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

You are so right. While I believe that the Dems are a far cry better than the Repubs, we won't really have people who represent us until we get the money out of politics.

About being wealthy to run for Congress: There is a Representative from Illinois, a TP favorite named Joe Walsh who apparently is not wealthy.. He just owes his ex-wife over a hundred grand in child support! If they aren't rich, they are stiffing their kids! What a bunch!

[-] 0 points by Fredi125 (4) 12 years ago

There is a way to bypass government and slowly but surely take back the power to people:

Build a web/mobile platform that will give people the power to:

  • Exchange goods and services based on a new worldwide currency where 1 bread loaf in America is worth 1 bread loaf in Africa

  • Share those unofficial skills that everybody has, but that won't be recognized by official institutions unless you study 3 years for it

  • Tell their working preferences and passions so that any company willing to join the platform would be able to know which employees would be the most motivated and autonomous (A passionate employee is motivated, productive, and doesn't need any external source of motivation or coercion)

  • The same way, people could unite and rebuild/occupy enterprises and get them running by themselves, where employees share responsibilities and tasks

This may seem impossible, but building the basis of such a platform would be a big step forward in empowering the people to build the world they want to live in.

I've been developing this idea for a while and I need skilled web developers and mobile apps developers to help me start this project, anybody interested?

[-] 1 points by gaye1971 (3) from Northampton, MA 12 years ago

sounds like "time sharing" yes?

[-] 1 points by Fredi125 (4) 12 years ago

Sounds like a lot of things, I've learned stuff from all disciplines and fields of study until I understood how humans like to live and how we could build a world where people would be happy while protecting our planet. And now i'm trying to make the plans for a way to do this with no resources, just ideas and another basis for social interactions

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

There should be a system where if someone needs something done, like a roof repaired on their house, then those with the skills to fix it will fix it for them. In exchange, that person who had their roof fixed offers their skills to someone needing help in that area. Work/skills exchange.... reduce the need for money.

it could be done on an hours by hours basis or something. The holistic practitioners I go to for health reasons do this already with many of their clients. If some of their clients offer them something and they are interested in it, they will exchange time for time. Maybe my massage therapist will get his car fixed, and in exchange, he will give the person who fixed it equal time in massages.

[-] 1 points by Fredi125 (4) 12 years ago

Well, it's EXACTLY what I want to build on a web/mobile platform to make it easy for everybody to share that way

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

The Amish already do this. If a young Amish couple needs a house built, skilled people from their close community get together and build their house for them. Other indigenous cultures do this as well. There's no reason why we can't do it and be less dependent upon the corporations.

Cooperative living communities do this to some extent when they have community dinners.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

Each city/town/area could have a page within the site to list its resources.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by FreeMarkets (272) 12 years ago

Ummm , , , what you are describing is called free market capitalism. The voluntary exchange of something of value for another thing of value - with the values mutually agreed upon.

Eventually you will start writing down who owns what on pieces of paper. Soon after you will invent something called "currency" to make the voluntary exchange easier. Some who have much to offer will accumulate more of this "money" than others.

Other than that, it is a very innovative plan

[-] 5 points by nobody (11) from Beeville, TX 12 years ago

Separation of state and corporate Business like church and state! Need to amend the constitution.

[-] 1 points by MiddleMolly (39) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

I agree with this. The essence of any change is getting money out of government.

[-] 5 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

RE: the "need" for some kind of OWS leader... ...

Actually... i have been an Activist Since 1960's... and This is the FIRST movement without a Proclaimed Individual leadership.. just an Organization giving ALL a Voice.

It gives 99% of the protestors absolute power.

So, Think again.. THAT is what this is All about.. ONE Voice cant be someone's 'ECHO'..


[-] 3 points by TTTTT (66) 12 years ago

Exactly Marlow and I think it is what makes this so popular, people feel like they have a say in things for a change. Finally I can speak out and my voice is as important as anybody else's. It's how it should be, people will discuss their view points and find mediums in areas where they may not see eye to eye, Right now I'd say everybody sees eye to eye on the issue of they are tired of greed, and maximum profit for the few taking precedence over everything else.

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

~!~ 'T's'... TY you for your reply... and as always i am with All the OWS Protesters here, and around the World.. "..for the People, and By the People..".. and shall not stop until the criminals are investigated, and indicted.. Until we have a REAL Choice in our Vote for Representation, and .. Until World PEACE brings those in power back in Line with the Reality of their Service!

Another way to..' Stop the Corruption on Wall Street': Google that, open the first link and SIGN the Petition!

Marlow/ editor Investors4Justice.net ( TY OWS for the opportunity to post this..)

[-] 1 points by TTTTT (66) 12 years ago

Will do.

[-] 3 points by BinaryFu (20) 12 years ago

Agreed 100%. Besides, the tech we have now, we can horizontally "lead" this whole thing. They want a target to arrest? How many do we have protesting right now? LOL! Good luck finding jail space for all of us.

Just don't start singing Michael, Row the Boat Ashore or Kumbaya, please. ;)

[-] 5 points by realestate (5) 12 years ago

The longer the movement continues and grows - the larger the impact, which is what the 99% need desperately. We are literally fighting for our economic lives! The 1% have been stealing from us for 3 decades by sending American jobs overseas to wage suppression for those who are lucky enough to still have one, loss of retirement savings due to Wall Streets manipulation and greed, gouging those who need health care by pushing costs out of our reach and on and on - they have pushed us all way too far - this is the ONLY way we 99% can stop them and take what is ours...back!

[-] 2 points by TTTTT (66) 12 years ago

I agree, it's why the corporate media pushes so hard for a leader to be nominated and demands made.( I never did like the term demands, it makes it sound like hostage taking or something illegal being done, but I think that is the why they choose the term.) Then they have a specific target to attack. From there it's easy for them, buy off or disgrace the leader and you've bought or disgraced the followers, it's part of how their machine works.

[-] 1 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

We have a Healthy Distrust of Wall Street and the 'Hill'.. It will Keep us going down the right path towards a Solution.

[-] 5 points by andrewpatrick46 (91) from Atlanta, GA 12 years ago

The Demands part is beautiful. Let the Media gobble that one up.

[-] 5 points by verita87 (140) 12 years ago

Thank you for not being co-opted like the Tea Party was. We're with you in Denver!

[-] 4 points by BinaryFu (20) 12 years ago

You all rock. I am so proud to see this happening in my lifetime. I would however, like to point out a few things that perhaps, may help the cause...

The #1 issue that needs to be stopped is the corruption in the government. More than the "elite 1%" more than the "bailouts" more than the foreclosures. The corruption is from lobbying and from allowing politicians to take private sector jobs in the same industry that they regulated during their office.

Stop lobbyists, don't allow politicians to EVER work in a private sector that they passed favorable law on - conflict of interest. This would stop cold so much corruption it's not funny. It would most likely spawn even more movements, oversight committees, etc. From there we can watch groups like the FDA be given more resources, more teeth against the food and drug industry to allow tighter regulation. The FDA isn't in bed with the companies - they are simply undermanned, underfunded and generally expected to keep us all safe.

We could then see other agencies (that have been hogtied because of bogus bills being passed that gave corporations more power and control than the very government that is supposed to regulate them) suddenly freed to do what they were meant to do.

And that will affect the whole government. That will make the changes happen that YOU want to see. From there we can demand tax reconstruction. From there we can tell the companies, "No, you HAVE to pay your taxes, no more dodging, no more shelters, no more shell games." The 1% could then be taxed properly - which believe it or not, a lot of them want to have happen already. The banks could be properly regulated. Interest rates, loans and mortgages could be regulated properly.

It is obvious that this nation wants the government to do more for the people and that's fine - if that's what the people want, they should be able to have it. But if you are going to burden the government with more responsibility, make sure it's a responsible government first.

I've had a long time observing our economy, our government and our corporations. I've seen the corruption. I know what it does and what it's responsible for. Every documentary you show me about corporations cheating the people, harming the environment, hurting the very towns where they operate...every single one you show me I can show you that the source of the problem is lobbyists and government corruption.

Our government can be bought and sold right now. We need to make sure they understand that greed is not in their job description when they apply to become our voices in their appointed office. Only then can we repair the rest of it.

[-] 1 points by feduptoo (2) 12 years ago

Great Start!

[-] 3 points by PsillyCyban (12) from Medford, OR 12 years ago

Add us to your 100+ US cities please. I believe the 100 cities estimate is low. There are hundreds of cities acting in solidarity with the movement! We will grow. We are the 99%! http://www.facebook.com/OccupyMedford . Also, for a personal take on the local movement and movement at large, see my blog at http://www.occupymind.blogspot.com/

[-] 3 points by Mcc (542) 12 years ago

That last paragraph is a work of art. And truthful.

[-] 2 points by AmericanArtist (53) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Wiki Occupy Wall Street


United We Stand ! Let's Build it Together ! Yes we are Us . . .

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 12 years ago

So cool!

[-] 2 points by gaye1971 (3) from Northampton, MA 12 years ago

all I can say is that everything about OWS is profoundly moving.

[-] 2 points by dls101 (27) 12 years ago

I loved the statement, "We are our demands!" Yes, we must stay energized and work on what is right. Be your demand! Here in Maine we are taking back our right to register to vote on election day. This was taken from us by our Republican dominated legislature.

[-] 2 points by Alex22452 (15) 12 years ago

A great Egyptian activist who helped Egypt in their revolution is now working with the occupy protesters! GREAT NEWS!


[-] 2 points by mvjobless (370) 12 years ago

Has OWS definitively rejected the list of demands put out by this rogue working group? Saying, "we are our demands" sounds too vague and without conviction. The working group's list of demands reads like a democratic platform for the election. Abandon it and replace it with the people's demands.

[-] 2 points by sunflower0127 (8) from Woodbury Heights, NJ 12 years ago

I am 46. I support your cause/movement/. Thank you for posting this information. It is difficult to find you in media.

Last month I missed the payment deadline (paying online) to Citibank credit card. I was charged 39.00 for the late fee. How does my being about 15 minutes late to pay this bill cost ANYONE $39.00. Ie., why $39.00? Did someone have to pull overtime? I would like to see a breakdown of what paying late ...how does that figure in to $39.00??

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

The computer "worked" overtime to charge you that $39. It's bullshit and is just another way to nickel and dime the consumer who is part of the 99%. Fuck SHITTYBANK!!!!!

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

We should also talk about private taxation. Companies tax as well. All those fees, lack of wages, those are private taxes.

[-] 1 points by sunflower0127 (8) from Woodbury Heights, NJ 12 years ago

Please define 'private taxation'.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

Fees, the truth behind prices, rents--I mean if you pay 1200 dollars a month for an apartment, is it really worth that or does some landlord bilk you because that's the going rate? Let's say the real worth of the apartment every month is 600 dollars a month. You basically are paying the landlord a 600 dollar rent tax, just so you can live where you live, preferably without violence and drugs.

[-] 1 points by sunflower0127 (8) from Woodbury Heights, NJ 12 years ago

The renter decides the worth. Deciding to pay more based on geographical amenities is at the renters discretion. That has nothing to do with private tax. The owner still pays tax and retains profit.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

The rent you pay also pays the landlords property taxes. You are subsidizing him. I believe in rent control.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

I agree. Landlords make sure they charge more than what their taxes are, so that their taxes get paid and so they make some profit.

[-] 2 points by joybasu (23) 12 years ago

the movement is leaderless, and let it be so. this movement is unprecedented in history, so this is incomparable to other big movements of past. this is FRENCH REVOLUTION of new era. that revolution took the power from feudal land lords to new capitalist lords, but this revolution is about taking the power from capitalists to the workers of all section of whole world. this taking of power will make the 'power' itself unnecessary, because to maintain the power of 1% over 99%, that 1% needs special powers and police and armed forces of all brands. but to maintain the power of 99% no such special powers will be necessary. moreover, after taking away the wealth of 1%, they will be same as rest of 99%, so it will be a society for 100% by100% of 100% at last, where there will be no government , as in the present form and content, will be needed.

[-] 2 points by kosak (2) 12 years ago

I love you so much and I thank you with all my heart! I don´t care about judgmental brainwashed people. I wish this PEACEFUL movement all the best! We are the ones we have been waiting for! My support from Czech Republic!

[-] 1 points by Cheese (2) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

trizzat.com talks about some law and policy that OWS might find educational to OWS. Please feel free to follow the blog for an intelligent discourse behind leveling the ground between corporate greed and the common consumer.

[-] 1 points by SR1 (1) 12 years ago

Psychiatrists are over prescribing assholes putting adults and children on dangerous drugs. Don't spend money on them. These drugs can kill everyone on the planet and they will continue to hide behind what they call their safer drugs while the deadly ones continue to get used. They've ruined much of my health, including my heart's function and my sleeping ability. If you don't believe it, look up the thousands of horror stories these drugs are capable of and don't spend money on them (SSRIs, benzos, tricyclics). This is a warning if you're on psychiatric drugs, it won't be good forever and you have a good chance to have your life destroyed on what the pharma industry calls wonderful drugs.

[-] 1 points by iGor (1) 12 years ago

People are what you are doing is incredibly important! Immensely you support and want to be with you. Люди то что вы делаете невероятно важно! Безмерно вас поддерживаю и хочу быть рядом с вами.

[-] 1 points by PeteG2 (393) 12 years ago

The Movement is wonderful.. Fairsharetaxes.org That's an website I developed pointing out the shameful fact that the total tax rates (all taxes) for minimum wage workers are more than 3-fold higher than billionaires pay on their investment gains. See the site for spreadsheets, other details and proposed fair tax system ... that would slash middle class and working poor taxes, have the wealthy pay their fair share, fund education, healthcare, etc, and make the economy flourish for all!


[-] 1 points by mttlsp21 (3) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Let's try again: Problems with the “Good Neighbor Policy” at Zuccotti Park: • OWS has zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol anywhere in Liberty Plaza; • Zero tolerance for…verbal abuse towards anyone; • Zero tolerance for abuse of personal or public property. • OWS will limit drumming on the site to 2 hours per day, between the hours of 11am and 5pm only.

Arguments for the drug rule and why they are wrong:

"It is illegal and that means it is wrong." Locking arms and resisting the NYPDs orders to evacuate when the park owners wanted to clean last week would have been illegal too, but the DAC planned such an event autonomously of the NYCGA. If illegal actions can be planned inside the park without consensus from the GA, drug use in the park should be treated the same way.

"Drug and alcohol use makes the movement look bad and undermines our credibility." Some would argue that topless women and drum circles make the movement look bad too. The color of my hair, my nose-ring, and my clothing might undermine our credibility. Some pundits even claim that occupying this park undermines our credibility. If we have started abolishing certain behaviors based on this argument, we are well on the road to censorship. Regulating drum circles also falls is also a problem.

"If someone uses drugs, they are imposing their will on those who are forced to be in close proximity to them." True. But in a free-society like OWS we should each be able to confront that person on an individual basis if it really bothers us. We are a family. If that person is incoherent we have the option of moving away and trying to approach them later. Only if that person is violent may we ask them to leave (and call for help if necessary), because at that point removing the individual would be an act of self-defense. If we create enforceable rules besides those against violence, we are establishing a state that seeks to impose its will through force on individuals. I thought this is what we wanted to avoid.

"People who sit around and get fucked up all day don’t contribute." They are contributing because: a) they are taking up space, which is the definition of “occupying,” b) Using drugs may be interpreted as a form of protest against the criminalization of certain substances and/or the values of our society, etc. and c) Sometimes a drunk Crusty walking down the food line giving free hugs offers a refreshing break from ideological debate, long marches, and structural planning.

The argument against these rules and why it is right:

Making rules implies that we will need a way to enforce them. Getting drunk or high is NOT a violent act. When we decide to forbid any act through rules (laws), we must also be prepared to develop a way of enforcing these rules. If there is a no drug rule and somebody is using drugs, it logically follows that we must ask them to leave. If they refuse to leave and continue using drugs, than the only solution is to use physical force to either take away their drugs/booze or to remove them from the park. This “physical force” is more commonly known as a form of “violence.” The state likes using “violence” to enforce its laws with the help of our friends at the NYPD. Last time I checked, we don’t care for that too much. So we are left with 2 options: Either enforce the rule through physical force and start our own little internal war on drugs, or don’t enforce the rule at all in which case there is no need for the rule in the first place.

[-] 1 points by mttlsp21 (3) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Wow I posted a comment here expressing dissatisfaction with the good neighbor policy and I guess the moderators removed it. Yay for censorship.

[-] 1 points by annie (132) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

What can you do TODAY to support the Occupy Movement? Join the Occupy Daily-Boycott and Spread the word! This could be big and is a great way to show solidarity if you are unable to go to a protest everyday. http://www.facebook.com/notes/occupy-daily-boycott/what-can-you-do-today-to-support-the-occupy-wall-street-movement-like-sharethen-/105345896243933

[-] 1 points by splicinglass (2) 12 years ago

The focus of corporate greed in the country is the CFR, which is the culprit behind NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, along with infiltration of our government to pass legislation to to meet their agenda. This is the Statehouse of corporate greed, led only by David Rockefeller himself. The CFR headquarters on 68th st and Park Ave, should be the focal point of OWS! http://awakeandarise.org/article/Rockefeller.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4D1Iwfm6ZA

[-] 1 points by evman1 (1) 12 years ago

Ok let me explain something to all of you people. The banks are not to blame. You signed the contract and they need to make money. No one said take out a loan, no one said run up credit cards, take a little responsibility. If you are protesting against big corporations, get rid of your cell phones, clothes, car, ipod, etc. Because guess what you are supporting those "evil corporations." Why blame the corporations. They did nothing wrong. They make money and all of you people are jealous of that. And the reason their are no jobs is not because of banks or corporations. Times are tough and businesses are cutting back and/or closing down. Get off the street and look for a job because guess what, nothing is going to change!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

You're wrong. There was a lot of evildoing on the part of the banks and mortgage companies, politicians, Wall St. people, etc., and there's ample evidence to prove it.

[-] 1 points by augambit (1) 12 years ago

Wow! I posted a comment on here and both my comment and account were deleted. I was not being offensive, I just made a real honest suggestion about leadership for OWS.

[-] 1 points by epluribusunum1 (8) 12 years ago

The Federal Reserve and Bank of America Initiate a Coup to Dump Billions of Dollars of Losses on the American Taxpayer


1.The bank holding company (BAC) is moving troubled assets held by an entity not insured by the public (Merrill Lynch) to the Bank of America, which is insured by the public

  1. The banking rules are designed to prevent that because they are designed to protect the FDIC insurance fund (which the Treasury guarantees)
  2. Any marginally competent regulator would say “No, Hell NO!”
  3. The Fed, reportedly, is saying “Sure, no worries” by allowing the sale of an affiliate’s troubled assets to B of A
  4. This is a really good “natural experiment” that allows us to test whether the Fed is protects the public or the uninsured and systemically dangerous institutions (the bank holding companies (BHCs))
  5. We are all shocked, shocked [sarcasm] that Bernanke responded to the experiment by choosing to protect the BHC at the expense of the public.
[-] 1 points by ltjaxson (184) 12 years ago

If too big to fail is number one priority, then we have to re-implement Provision Q of Glass-Steagal that seperated commercial banks (main street) from investment banks (wall street).

[-] 1 points by tiredofthepresidentspolicies (1) from Atlanta, GA 12 years ago

Income is not distributed. Income is based on skill, ability to work, desire to work, and a desire to learn new skills that help you to move up in an organization. This President has done nothing to make this country great again. He has his own agenda which is to destroy America in order to distribute wealth to the people that do not want to work. Everyone should stop asking for a handout because if you continue this reckless behavior, you will never provide for your family, much less for yourself. The problem is not a social one, it is an economic one.

If prices rise on the items that you need to provide for your family or yourself, you will change your priorities and only buy the items that you really need to live. Tightening of the belt is the method that everyone uses when money is tight. What do you think happens in a business when the cost to produce an item rises? The business owners do the same thing that a normal American family does. They tighten the belt and find ways to lower their costs for raw materials. If this doesn't work, then they have to pass the cost on to the consumer in the form of higher prices. A lot of what is being spewed by the socialist minded folks out there is "why should we pay higher prices for the products we need to live?". The businesses should not raise their prices because everyone else suffers. The thing that they can't get through their lie-infested brain is by keeping prices low the company will eventually have to lay off employees until they can get their costs in line with prices. Now the problem gets worse because there are more people out of work. This cycle continues until there are not enough people to make the products and the company has to close the doors. Guess what! More people are now out of work. This hurts the economy even more because now the tax dollars the company was paying in the form of unemployment taxes, payroll taxes, property taxes, etc. is now gone which will ultimately cause less tax revenue for the government. This is one of the reasons we have the debt problem in the first place.

Everyone needs to stop and think for a change instead of blaming the "rich" or the "top 1%" for the problems. They are not the problem, the President and his cronies are the problem. We have to stop this problem that the President has created and allowed to fester or we will continue to have high unemployment and an economic meltdown that hasn't been seen since the Great Depression. Wake up people! This can be fixed but we have to all get on the same program.

We need real tax reform. We need real Social Security reform. The old saying "You have to spend money to make money" holds true here. Just look at it from a different perspective. Lowering taxes for EVERYONE is the same as spending money. If we have real tax reform with lower taxes for everyone, including the "rich" and "dirty corporations" that are permanent, then the corporations will be able to spend their money to provide jobs which will lower the cost of materials and consumer products/services. The idea that everyone needs to understand is that more jobs = more revenue for the government. The President's jobs bill wants to raise taxes AND spend money in the hopes that it will make money for the government. It doesn't work that way and everyone out there knows it.

That's all I have to say for now. Start thinking for yourselves and stop following the pack of misfit elves.

[-] -1 points by msuayan (13) from Newark, NJ 12 years ago

Income firstly is not distributed nor based on skill...income levels for the bottom 99 have been stagnant...for 20-3- years...people have not been adequately copmpensated according to their output...today people work more hours per week than ever...to make ends meat...women surprisingly now also fall into this category..

Reason we are in a debt crisis...same reasons we fell into the great depression...the top 1-10 percent of americans were controlling 90 plus percent of the wealth...this eventually with the eradication of living wages...increased health care and educations costs etc...widdle down the middle classes ability to save...or spend...

This nations economy is based on consumption...and the middle class were no longer able to consume...the banks thwarted credit onto the middle class to temporarily satisfy their financial needs...but as we all know debt leads to indentured servents...Additionally they changed lending laws..giving banks, lenders, moergage brokers etc the ability to write bad loans/mortgages...even the SEC its oversight committee changed its credit rules...the top ten percent dont spend...they invest and hoard their wealth...They don not create jobs nor is there a trickel down phenomena...wall st got bailed out...with no repercussions and the bottom 99 lost their homes and their savings

To get out of this...we do have to spend money and raise taxes...unless you do fall into the top percentile...no taxes would be raised for you....just as we did to get out of the great depression and get thrust into the great prosperity...taxes need to be raised and government needs to spend...independent economists agree and history illustrates this

[-] 1 points by mttlsp21 (3) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Problems with the “Good Neighbor Policy” at Zuccotti Park

Arguments FOR the drug rule and why they are WRONG:

"Doing drugs is illegal and that means it is wrong." Well, locking arms and resisting the NYPDs orders to evacuate when the park owners wanted to clean last week would have been illegal too, but the DAC planned such an event autonomously of the NYCGA. If illegal actions can be planned inside the park without consensus from the GA, drug use in the park should be treated the same way.

"Drug and alcohol use makes the movement look bad and undermines our credibility." Some would argue that topless women and tie-dye make the movement look bad too. The color of my hair, my nose-ring, and my clothing might undermine our credibility. Some pundits even claim that occupying this park undermines our credibility. If we have started abolishing certain behaviors based on this argument, we are well on the road to censorship. Regulating drum circles also falls is also a problem for this reason.

"If someone uses drugs, they are imposing their will on those who are forced to be in close proximity to them." True. But in a free-society like OWS, we should each be able to confront that person on an individual basis if it really bothers us. We are a family. If that person is incoherent we have the option of moving away and trying to approach them later. Only if that person is violent may we ask them to leave (and call for help if necessary), because at that point removing the individual would be an act of self-defense. If we create enforceable rules BESIDES THOSE AGAINST VIOLENCE, we are establishing a state that seeks to impose its will on individuals through force. I thought this is what we wanted to avoid!

"People who sit around and get fucked up all day don’t contribute." They ARE contributing because: They are taking up space, which is the definition of occupying, b) Using drugs may be construed as a form of protest against the criminalization of certain substances and/or the values of our society and c) Sometimes a drunk Crusty walking down the food line giving free hugs offers a refreshing break from ideological debate, long marches, and structural planning (For some people!).

The argument AGAINST the no drug rule and why it is RIGHT:
Making rules implies that we will need a way to enforce them. Getting drunk or high is NOT a violent act. When we decide to forbid any act through rules (laws), we must also be prepared to develop a way of enforcing these rules (laws). If there is a "no drug rule" and somebody is using drugs, it logically follows that we must ask them to leave. If they refuse to leave and continue using drugs, than the only solution is to use physical force to either take away their drugs/booze or to physically remove them from the park. This “physical force” is more commonly known as a form of “violence.” The state likes using “violence” to enforce its laws with the help of our friends at the NYPD. Last time I checked, we don’t care for that too much. So we are left with 2 options: Either enforce the rule through physical force and start our own little internal war on drugs, or don’t enforce the rule at all in which case there is no need for the rule in the first place.


These rules are a problem!: •OWS has zero tolerance for drugs or alcohol anywhere in Liberty Plaza; •Zero tolerance for abuse of personal or public property. •OWS will limit drumming on the site to 2 hours per day, between the hours of 11am and 5pm only. *If you agree with what you have read and want to get these rules abolished, a group will be meeting under the red structure at 3pm sharp TODAY (10/20). 516 637 4737. Love, Matt

[-] 1 points by james83z28 (3) from Northborough, MA 12 years ago

I am a disabled veteran with psych and physical ailments from my military accomplishments between 1990-1993 I was on 7 psych medications and chose to stop taking them over a year ago. I have a service dog (MARLEY) she helps with my anxiety levels but without me using "Black-market" marijuana its harder for me to control, without marijuana the ARTHRITIS in my back would be more painful. I have a young friend of mine who is diagnosed with MS (multiple sclerosis) he too benefits from the effects. I say to you the readers KNOW-THE-FACTS.....If it's legalized it too would stimulate the economy by shutting down unneeded prisons and government spending on prison guards , low-level law officials and programs like" NARK" that eat at local community budgets. These are local programs formed by the government under the "war on Drugs" with money bribes to your local politicians to line their pockets why do you think we all want to know now "WHERE DID THE MONEY GO ?" The budgets are done every year the money is hidden in programs!!! Try sleeping at night knowing the country i was injured protecting is the same country I'm now fighting to legalize an" alleviation" from my symptoms. (P.T.S.D., bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and arthritis) Have we forgotten we gave IRAQ “GRANTS” to rebuild not LOANS ? Not to mention the new STATE “regulation” on pain medication means I now have to drive to my doctors once a month instead of once-every 3. The raise they are considering for SSDI is a joke compared the the gas$ increases over the past 3yrs.

[-] 1 points by kashmiri (8) 12 years ago

Happy news! You shall succeed at all fronts.

[-] 1 points by gluttonsbedamned (18) 12 years ago

Right. Enough with wanting/demanding to be lead!

[-] 1 points by Nicolas (258) from Québec, QC 12 years ago

I love you all. Keep at it, for all of us.

[-] 1 points by taysic (87) from Tiburon, CA 12 years ago

Thanks to everyone who is participating in the movement. It's developing beautifully.

[-] 1 points by thewallstreetprotest (22) 12 years ago

Post issues at thewallstreetprotest.com - the most popular will be vetted and sent to members of congress.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 12 years ago

globally the youth hate the police often for stealing their weed! we must aim for our democratic control of the police and expose the growing violence of these freemason thugs calling themselves "community police" against our peaceful protest. the police are the army of the ENEMY against the people. keep marching and drumming and exposing POLICE BRUTALITY. stand up to these thugs keep exposing their violent crimes against us. we can push them into a PSYCHOPATHIC BREAKDOWN. thats the only way we can win. alternatively if the predicted earthquakes come WE MUST NOT HELP THE SYSTEM AT ALL. REFUSE TO RESCUE ANY OF THEM. NEVER VOLUNTEER FOR BABYLON. then we can set up our own democracy!!

[-] 1 points by Mike221 (2) 12 years ago

I would love to see us all hit em where it hurts ..... OCCUPY ALL THE GOLF COURSES!!!!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

Now, that would be funny!!! And we'd for sure see a LOT of scared 1%!!!

[-] 1 points by Vicewatch (43) 12 years ago

Kinda presses the old "let them eat cake" insult right back into the faces of the aristocracy, don't it? Happy anniversary all -- and may the sugar rush keep you energized for many more months!

[-] 1 points by AmericanArtist (53) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Wiki Occupy Wall Street


United We Stand ! Let's Build it Together ! Yes we are Us . . .

[-] 1 points by jackl (4) from Queensbury, NY 12 years ago

Excellent communique, brothers and sisters. Our little group from Occupy Glens Falls will be in Zucotti Park with you tomorrow.

[-] 2 points by danielOWS (32) 12 years ago

Liberty Square, welcome!

[-] 1 points by AkbarLightning (54) from Tillson, NY 12 years ago

I have for some time, been arguing my case, over in the 99percent political workgroup, thinking that Occupy Wallstreet had decided to engage in the construction of a political party. I was very happy to see that this is an independent effort, and that it does not represent the entire movement. I support the maintenance of a more wide-open and far-reaching cultural shift, instead of getting mired down in 'politics as usual'...i have been arguing for the presentation of a single demand...and that demand is LOVE...

i just posted the following statement on their site:

After reading a very encouraging disavowal of this demand list, I would like to suggest that whoever is pursuing the development here of a political party please make a statement of distinction between yourself and the movement as a whole. I fully support your efforts to form a political party based on the list of grievances, but you owe it to the movement to express that you are an independent group of people, and not representative of the whole. Many in the movement, like myself, have very deep reservations about the very notion of representative democracy...and although you might not agree with these reservations, they do arise from valid intellectual perspectives. In the spirit of scientific method. Announce your experiment outright, and perhaps you will prove some of us wrong. I hope that you are able to resurrect a democracy through this political method, but you should be clear that you do not necessarily represent the entire movement. This will actually work in your favor. It will eliminate those uninterested in your methods, and create unity among those that are. Good luck please post a note of distinction soon.

[-] 1 points by bgermain (9) 12 years ago

"No Hate" -- Thank you for the reaffirmed commitment to non-violence. It is sad to see the amount of violent, hateful or insulting speech that gets posted in comments on the site. People cannot be censored I suppose, but the legitimacy and moral force of this movement derives from disciplined non-violence. On the international protest day, 15OCT, with hundreds of thousands of protesters worldwide, there was violence in only one city. The world noticed this. An NYPD officer publically attacked peaceful, already restrained, totally non-threatening women with a chemical weapon, and today has been docked 10 days of vacation. The world will notice this too. The body politic of the United States will notice it. Non-violence is the most powerful resource of the Occupy movement, it takes immense courage and discipline, it includes disavowing hateful speech -- and it commands respect. Keep Going.

[-] 1 points by brooklyn4life (18) 12 years ago

Congratulations to #OccupyWallSt and the Occupiers at Zuccoti park and across the globe. You all are an inspiration to every human being on Earth. May your light continue to grow brighter and hold as the true beacon of hope and change that America and the people of the world deserve and can attain. Be the change! Peace and <3 and Nonviolence!

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 12 years ago

You are right, Egypt really didn't have demands. They just did.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

"One month! A medical tent was raised, and when dozens of police lined up to take it down they were meet by hundreds of occupiers. Joined by the Reverend Jesse Jackson, arms linked, occupiers faced down the NYPD, and the medical tent remained in place. An amazing way to welcome the second month!"

public health care is not impossible

[-] 1 points by sunflower0127 (8) from Woodbury Heights, NJ 12 years ago

I lived in Crete for 2 years...where I learned that every Greek was BORN with health insurance. This was 20 years ago. I had never even heard of solar until I went there. Almost every home had 2 solar panels on their rooftops. I was amazed. My inlaws used it soley for the hot water. I came back looking around thinking....why don't we have solar. why don't we have health insurance.

On a different note... I am silently amazed and smiling with regard to the way OWS is growing infrastructure. creating their own 'guidelines' for their community, so to speak. In effect, they are creating a mini government and I think its VERY cool.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

And people keep saying capitalism works but socialism doesn't. Capitalism works for those who capitalize in a big way.

[-] 1 points by Dawshoss (1) 12 years ago

Pushing the problem off another 6 months is what I'd expect from this gov't not from you guys. Reject this, you need something better than a "convention"...



[-] 1 points by cindybeagle (1) 12 years ago

Since laws are passed in Congress and it's those laws that allow the corruption we disagree with, let's target Congress. If we concentrate on ousting those most embedded with the 1%, we can make a change. We will be a powerful force to reckon with. Target greedy politicians who do not listen to the 99%.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Mere words fail me in expressing my love, admiration & respect to all at 'OWS' and this 'OWS-Snapshot' to which I am responding, being a case in point.

On the 1 month anniversary of 'OWS' & with an eye to 11/11/11 & with reference to an event 1 year, 1 month, 1 day ago :

A Shout Out over Time, Space & Ether to Mohammed Bouaziz from Tunisia, whose desperate final act of resistance against tyranny, has come to this - WE The 99% !!

R.I.P. - 'MB', your actions were NOT in vain or without ripples!

respice ; adspice ; prospice ...

[-] 1 points by 2e3man (10) from Torsby Municipality, Värmland 12 years ago

2e3man you write: "ending the tyranny of the 1%" and this occupy movement points its finger to a dangerous "place" or group of people. Playing with fire, what a good game to play. messing with devil, walking the narrowest line, but what a walk, what a line! This must raise the hell. Pointing your finger toward the 1%? ending their tyranny? Lets dance! huh

[-] 1 points by feduptoo (2) 12 years ago

I would like to suggest a movement to bring down FUEL COSTS. I ask you what reasons are there for these sky high fuel costs that take everyones funds & rapes our economy. These wall street traders-speculators have stolen Americans cash by forcing the energy markets this high. The oil companies reap the rewards from all this as well. Yes they have been found to have forced these markets where they want them to go. Where are our officials protecting us from that. Oh yea, they also get donations for their campaign so they stay quiet. Now here's a reason to complain and demand fuel prices get lowered. This affects every aspect and every person, business, and goverment facility with higher costs. $100.00 plus every month or so is far too much to cough up in this economy for the average person. Back in June 24, 2008 Senator Joseph Lieberman said during a hearing "the U.S. government needs to step in to stop excessive speculation on oil prices. Here's some crazy stats. Investment in commodity index funds, such as Goldman Sachs Commodity Index, has increased from $13 BILLION in 2003 to $260 BILLION in 2008. Does that say it or what. GREED GREED GREED!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

The reason the fuel costs have been so high IS because of Wall St.... the speculators on Wall St. They bet on future prices and make money from it, and somehow, that drives the prices up.

I'm pissed that Obama has done NOTHING to bring down fuel prices.... doing the same as Bush did when they went up during his reign.

[-] 1 points by outsourcedagain (3) 12 years ago

Boycott American Express They have outsourced so many american jobs over the last several years, the company should now be called Indian Express.

[-] 1 points by joybasu (23) 12 years ago

all the talk about making corporate bribery illegal will lead to nothing. only taking away the resource of the bribe money will prevent bribes. take away the wealth of 1%, they will never bribe again. a society without private ownership over production system will leave the politicians eager for bribe money out of the political system. there will be no motive and logic for corporate bribing, no givers and takers of bribe. except that, any legalization or 'illegalization' of certain actions only cannot prevent the men at the top of financial power and the men at the top of state power, that is corporates and politicians, from giving and taking bribe. make as many laws you can, they will always find a quasi-legal or illegal way of bribing. and even if they caught red-handed, who will stop the judges from taking bribe and exonerating the victims? big money is not used for personal comforts, it was, is and will be used for power over other people. to cut out the government, as we know it now, completely and to take the power back to people, the only prerequisite is abolition of private wealth. it can only be done in a global margin, because if we continue to have different countries, we also have to have governments and armed forces.

[-] -1 points by BinaryFu (20) 12 years ago

Socialism doesn't work. Haven't you ever read a history book? Remove private wealth and you remove motivation to do more than what is the required minimum.

Private wealth motivates. It encourages. It makes people strive to do more, to do better, to excel in their field.

But...making lobbying illegal will have its effect. It's never been done before. It's always been allowed. Instead of saying, "Hey, a democratic-republic is a failed government, go socialist!" perhaps we should simply try fixing the ONE KEY FOCAL POINT that is causing all the trouble...

[-] 2 points by joybasu (23) 12 years ago

all power must be with 99%! but why it is no so in the first place? because most of the wealth of this earth is being accumulated by the 1% and all the power with it. take back the wealth from 1% and the power will be with 99%. this is certainly not about changing a couple of laws, this is about changing the law structure itself. this is not about any country or nation, it is about whole world and entire humanity. this can not be done in any country, this have to be done all over the world. soviet union failed for that very reason that it tried to 'implement' it in a single country, which finally gave birth to autocracy and a very mean war machinery, which is against all the basic principles of socialism in general and marxism in specific. and they made an one party system, which become the cause of certain downfall of that kind of system. that very notion of 'implementing' socialism in a single country makes china a 'slave labor land'' though all of it started with very good and high intentions. in effect soviet union, china, cuba etc. are models of state controlled capitalism, not of socialism. socialism can not be 'implemented' from above, it can only be made possible from the grass roots, as marx said for time and again. however, with marx or without marx, the social control over all the wealth (not private property like your PC or dining table) of the world is the key to the central problems of the present day world financial crisis, which is threatening to take apart the civilization. private control over wealth can try to survive a crisis only by destroying already achieved productivity, that is by reducing workers and laying off factories, and thus further aggravating the crisis and deteriorating the living standard of the workers. this is in effect takes the humanity on a backward route. social control over wealth only can face the problem of under production, that is the demand being higher than the supply, which it must try to overcome by escalating the production. this is in sharp contrast with the crisis of over production of the present day capitalist system, where supply is more than the demand( in this system 'demand' means purchasing power only, not the real demand). social control over wealth is the way to the ever growing production system, whereas private control over wealth is bound to destroy it's own productivity from time to time for the crisis of over production. realization of this single demand will make the total spectrum of the demands by 99% solvable. otherwise all the demands of us will be just that, demands. no law will make corporates less greedy, or politician leaders less manipulable, ever. however, to achieve this we must protest globally in content but against each of our governments and capitalists nationally in form. don't make it an agitation against US 'imperialism', we must make it a revolution against world capitalism. ( am not good in english, this is not my mother tongue, so please ignore my grammatical mistakes... oh, on the second thought, don't ignore them, let me know the mistakes of mine, in language and in content.)... from kolkata, india.

[-] 1 points by lies (16) 12 years ago

you speak well brother...most of us only know english...

[-] 1 points by anonalien (77) 12 years ago

reading disraeli's "two nations" makes me have deja vus. america is becoming (has become) reminiscent of the victorian england.

[-] 1 points by spritzler (12) from Boston, MA 12 years ago

We need lots of discussion about whether or not to have demands. I'll start by saying why I don't think we should.

A demand (or a set of demands)constitutes the offer of a deal to the 1%: "If you grant these demands then we will be satisfied and stop protesting and occupying." But until the 1% cease to rule our nation and stop enforcing the very class inequality that enables them to BE the 1%, I don't think we should be satisfied.

What we want is a new kind of society in which there is no 1% with concentrated wealth and power in their hands.

To get what we want requires removing the 1% from power and then creating a genuinely democratic and equal society. This is a revolution. The kind of society we can envision, and the way it can be achieved, are discussed in "Thinking about Revolution" at www.NewDemocracyWorld.org .

One does not demand a revolution; one makes a revolution. A demand is a message to the 1%. What we need, on the contrary, is to send a message to the 99%. The message to the 99% is that we have a revolutionary vision of a better world, a genuinely equal and democratic society, and that we invite them to join with us to discuss these aims and to build the revolutionary movement that it will take to achieve them.

Some say we should demand a huge public works project like the one FDR initiated in the Great Depression. But what caused FDR to help the unemployed this way was not that people demanded it, but rather that FDR feared that the working class was becoming increasingly revolutionary and convinced that capitalism held no decent future for them. Whatever changes the 1% might make to help ordinary people today will be made in response to the growth of an explicitly revolutionary movement far more than in response to a movement that merely makes some demand for a limited "realistic" reform. This is how it works in real life.

--John Spritzler, spritzler@comcast.net www.NewDemocracyWorld.org

[-] 1 points by greenTara (15) from Ukiah, CA 12 years ago

Thank you for responding to the rumors of the "list of demands". I have even heard of people showing up at other Occupy groups stating they were sent by #OWS to deliver the official list of demands (reported on IRC last night). I think it is too early for a list of demands (objectives?). The nationwide involvement is still getting started. It is not really the role of the NY group to set an agenda for the entire country. You have clearly state the issues and gotten people to wake up (hooray!). Now the country as a whole needs to learn, discuss and propose solutions.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago

There always are losers in the crowd. Bastards!!

[-] 1 points by violetred (1) 12 years ago

Yes to Occupy Wall Street! Corporate Greed has run amok all over our nation! OWS protesters are thrown in jail, bullied and despised by the 1% because they have awakened the 99% to the theft in broad daylight of OUR tax dollars that thanks to the 1% no longer work for us! Where are the jail cells and hefty fines for those who caused this worldwide economic disaster??

[-] 1 points by jimdandy (1) 12 years ago

Fight back against the police brutality, hit them where it hurts! Take them to court.


[-] 0 points by hungry4food (0) 12 years ago

The Only thing thats keeping the Dollar in place as world trade currency right now is the lack of will between the European Union to total commit to a full out alliance with the BRIC nations which would end the Dollar as world trade currency and would END the Dominance the Federal reserve and the London based organization that runs it if this divide between the European union were to take place with the USA by their alliance with the BRIC nations . Once the BRIC nations get tired of this game and tell the European Union they will not take Euros or Dollars and longer in exchange for BRIC nations durable goods , thats when we will see all Hell break loose and its going to take a Leader that can make sure the USA has the footing to withstand this kind of a event or FREEDOM and the right of Liberty will be threatened in the USA with Anarchy for lack of Needed supply , as the world supply will be inaccessible because of the world rejection of the dollar . We need to stand back up an Industrial base that can make the needed supplies if and when the world cuts the USA off from access of the BRIC nations durable goods , and they will they have been planning to do this ever since we developed them into a SELF RELIANT position with USA consumer debt , Mitt Romney you helped to do this when you were Out sourcing in the 1990s .

here is a arguement against the idea of a BRIC European Union Bailout

A bail-out by BRIC nations would leave Europe even worse off http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/88c5c38e-e515-11e0-9aa8-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1b91BReM6

The Absurdity of a BRIC Bailout of Europe http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/michael-pettis/2011/10/06/absuridity-bric-bailout-europe

This is a Interesting link that simulates the S&P presidents same timeline of wanting to end the Dollar as trade currency , U.N. calls for replacement of U.S. dollar http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=109774

Check this Link out , it talks about how the President of the S&P is calling for the death of the US dollar in 2009 and Obama’s Chair of the SEC is there and they all are on board ,



S&P CEO Deven Sharma This is a guy who was a key contributor at the 2009 Bilderberg Summit that organized 120 of the world’s richest men and women to push for an end to the dollar as the global reserve currency. Mary Shapiro, OBAMAS SEC head was there , and Now Obama has the SEC Investigating the S&P , I am sure you heard , but don’t you thin with the charge of Treason staring at the S&P president by Obama , But Obama was there at the meeting 2 years ago and agreed to this Plan to ditch the US dollar , Obama can’t Hold the Office of the Presidency and be Implicated in this , so he is Back Stabling the S&P President CEO Deven Sharma so I think this is where we Need to concentrate the Pressure on the S&P guy because he ain’t going down without Obama , and the harder we Push the S&P guy the harder he goes after Obama , any thoughts ???

I mean read what they S&P guy said here , Michael Rourke saw this and about blew a cork man , and Obama is head deep in this but has the cover right now with the appearance of SEC investigation , but its all a shame and we need to figure out who we can turn this information onto that can turn the heat up on Prosecution of the S&P guy to get him to implicate Obama in this plan to crash the dollar and the USA with it . This article has this Paragraph in it and we can even Bring SOROS into this too , the S&P guy will betray SOROS TOO if he thinks hes going down for Obama and SOROS plus a whole bunch of other ELITES that were planning our demise right under our LIVES , what a bunch of crap .


[T]hrough his writings on “competitive strategy” S&P CEO Sharma considers the United States the PROBLEM in today’s world, operating with what he implies is an unfair and reckless advantage. The brutal reality is that for “globalization” to succeed the United States must be torn asunder . . .

The Scam against the USA was all found here , the Author is a VIP LIBERAL LAWYER and she is exposing the truth against Obama so thats a big deal .


[-] 0 points by hungry4food (0) 12 years ago

Be Very Careful when thinking about Ending the Federal Reserve and here is why ....

With the BRIC nations and OPEC calling for an End to the dollar as World trade currency , and wanting to replace it with the EURO and told the European Union they would bailout the Union , before the Federal Reserve stepped in the next week with a Plan for the bailout , is the leverage of the EU bailout and if the BRIC nations or the Federal Reserve and the USA do the bailout an argument that rests with the decision of if the Federal Reserve that is based in London willing to give up its position as world trade currency and the alliance it holds with the USA if the BRIC nations were to become the debt holder of the European Union and this divide the USA and Europe's alliance for the first time since World War 2 ?????
I do believe this is what is playing out in Europe right now and why they chose to not go with the BRIC nations bailout plan over the Federal reserves , and as long as the European Union will not give up the alliance with the USA they can continue to be the World trade currency till such a time that the BRIC nations determine that they cannot convince the Euro Zone to transition , then the BRIC nations threaten to cutoff supply to the European Union next year when this Debt bailout issue comes up again ,and at that point if the European Union decides that losing the supply of durables that the BRIC nations supply to them is not worth the alliance with the USA thats when the USA will be cutoff from World Resource supply as the BRIC nations begin to formally reject the dollar not just as the World Trade currency but as a medium of exchange all together for the trade for world supply . This is what happened to Iceland in 2008 when the world would not take their currency in exchange for durable goods and this would cause the USA to hyper inflation to the point of collapse almost immediately prompting a Nationalization of the Energy supply first because of the rejection of the dollar at the OPEC markets creating the domino effect on everything else .

Here are the articles referencing the European Union Bailout that would have replaced the dollar and the Federal Reserve as the worlds Trade Currency , and I think they Caved into this loss and decided to instead keep the alliance with the USA and told the BRIC nations the European Union will not end the alliance with the USA and the Dollar as Trade currency , so we are now entering a dark period of what will the BRIC nations do next , and OPEC lets not forget OPEC and the Idea that Iran now runs OPEC . http://www.planbeconomics.com/2011/01/05/why-is-china-propping-up-eu-debt/

Here are articles of the BRIC nations and even the IMF calling for a end to the dollar as Trade currency . It is amazing that the Free markets are still operating with any level of confidence to take risk . http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123780272456212885.html



Head of Euro-Zone Bailout Fund


‘The Crisis Will Be Over in Two to Three Years’ this is happening because the 3 biggest nations of the BRIC nations , OPEC , Russia and China are backing the EU Eurozone with durable supply and making the dollar virtually worthless too the EU because the USA has nothing but paper dollars going out the door to the world while the BRIC nations supply everything and they are calling for an end to the dollar as world reserve currency because of this and are systematically destroying the dollars Position as trade currency and our Government is allowing this too happen to make the USA collapse into a 3rd world country !!!

Former IMF Director Witteveen Wants The BRICs To Bail Out The PIIGS , this will lead to more and More countries not willing to take dollars and eventually by Proxy the Dollar will not be excepted in the world market place . Hyper Inflation will be Our New enemy in addition to many others .




The Agenda – Grinding America Down


Now That U.S. Government Debt Has Been Downgraded, The Rest Of The World Is Calling Even Louder For A New Global Currency http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/now-that-u-s-government-debt-has-been-downgraded-the-rest-of-the-world-is-calling-even-louder-for-a-new-global-currency

How America Could Collapse


[-] 0 points by hungry4food (0) 12 years ago

These protesters don't even know what they are protesting about , this problem is much deeper than what they are thinking .

I think it all goes back to when this happened in 2008-9 with the bailouts thats when the Boot on the Free markets Capital formation and growth Investments that are generated from Interest bearing lending and funding instruments that inspire lending to small business , something that Shariah Financial Compliance rules Prohibit , this is when the Choke hold on Our Free markets was Installed and when the Collapse of the Capital formation process of lending disappeared . These Foreign Investors of the oil cartels in OPEC that backstopped a lot of the guarantees in Long Term loans pulled their cash out and thats when the naked shorts were unleashed causing Hank Paulson to go to the Congress and beg for the TARP . Then the federal Reserve made the deal with this Cartel and the US Government went along with it to let Shariah Financial Compliance to be installed in exchange for the federal Reserve to continue to be the trade currency for OPEC oil with the Petrol Dollar . But watch out because these cartels want to end that Petrol Dollar relationship , and are working with the BRIC nations to Influence European Union members to take the BRIC bailouts rather than continue their alliance with the USA and the Federal Reserve London organization . http://www.planbeconomics.com/2011/01/05/why-is-china-propping-up-eu-debt/
here is a argument against the idea of a BRIC European Union Bailout

A bail-out by Bric nations would leave Europe even worse off http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/88c5c38e-e515-11e0-9aa8-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1b91BReM6

The Absurdity of a BRIC Bailout of Europe http://www.financialsense.com/contributors/michael-pettis/2011/10/06/absuridity-bric-bailout-europe
You can see the struggle to control the European Union going on between the Federal Reserve and USA and the BRIC Nations .....

If this happens the USA will be Cut off from world supply as the dollar is rejected by the BRIC nations suppliers and this will cause massive hyper inflation of the supplies in the USA and we do not have a Industrial Manufacturing base to pick up where this lack of supply becomes cut off so my guess is this will give the Government the Green Light for nationalization of the Capital markets in the USA , the Nightmare everyone has been waiting for .

Look at the way they have integrated their financial extraction process into the Capital markets and are controlling the USA Monetary Policy of the Federal Reserve like a bribe on the Federal Reserve that consists of a choice that says if the Federal Reserve wants to continue to be the currency that prices OPEC oil then this arrangement stays in tact ...... This is why we have NO Credit , No Interest Driven Lending because it is against Shariah Law and Shariah Financial Compliance , this is the choke hold on the Big banks lack of Lending , you need to read the compliance structure of Shariah Financial Laws and until this changes we are screwed because the minute we defect from the rules this Compliance has Installed on Wall Street we Lose OPEC Oil pricing with the Dollar and that starts the domino effect on all BRIC nations willingness to continue to take dollars and the USA will be cutoff from world supplies with no back up supply sources , and then Obama will have his green light to nationalize everything !!!!

Shariah Law Financing (Wall Street) Selling Our Souls http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12rYtc1Ss9k

... Shariah Finance - USA Lawsuits and AIG - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4RcXPnJg5I



This is what Has Taken Over Wall Street and is Feeding the Big banks . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_banking
Overview The Dow Jones Islamic Market Index http://www.djindexes.com/islamicmarket/
“Shariah-Compliant Finance (SFC).”

And as they are Bleeding out the primary capital reserves of Most people in the USA , they are planning for the Collapse and Fundamental Transformation of America , remember that statement in 2008 ???




[-] 0 points by Mike221 (2) 12 years ago

I am thrilled that finally we the people are trying to get our voice. I wish that I could be there with you (in Philly) as I live in the suburbs. I can't be there because I'm caring for my 88 year old mom. However, I am donating what I can. I DO have a concern for all the brave souls out there. The weather is starting to turn. I don't want to sound like everybody's mom, but please take care of yourselves. It will be getting colder and wetter and I pray that you stay healthy. I will try to provide what little I can and hope and pray that others do too.. I guess my comment here is more a plea ... to any of you who get sick, PLEASE don't risk your health. Please go home and get treatment. I'm sure that we can allow for that. I salute all of you and you have my utmost gratitude. Again PLEASE don't allow yourselves to ignore your health. God bless you all!


[-] 0 points by Fifty3er (30) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

How is that "Hope and Change" working out for you? From today's Washington Post...

"Obama has more cash from financial sector than GOP hopefuls combined, data show"


[-] 0 points by outsourcedagain (3) 12 years ago

Boycott American Express They have outsourced so many american jobs over the last several years, the company should now be called Indian Express.

[-] 0 points by outsourcedagain (3) 12 years ago

Boycott American Express They have outsourced so many american jobs over the last several years, the company should now be called Indian Express.

[-] 0 points by Fifty3er (30) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

Why aren't you folks protesting Barney Frank, Freddie, and Fannie?

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''


[-] 1 points by BinaryFu (20) 12 years ago

Because they're a symptom of a corrupt government - they aren't the source. Don't be a modern doctor and treat the symptoms - go after the source and cure the disease.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by Fifty3er (30) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

The Clinton Administration, Fannie and Freddie, and not Wall Street, were the source of the disease....

In 1999, Fannie Mae came under pressure from the Clinton administration to expand mortgage loans to low and moderate income borrowers by increasing the ratios of their loan portfolios in distressed inner city areas... Because of the increased ratio requirements, institutions in the primary mortgage market pressed Fannie Mae to ease credit requirements on the mortgages it was willing to purchase, enabling them to make loans to subprime borrowers at interest rates higher than conventional loans. Shareholders also pressured Fannie Mae to maintain its record profits.

In 1999, The New York Times reported that with the corporation's move towards the subprime market "Fannie Mae is taking on significantly more risk, which may not pose any difficulties during flush economic times. But the government-subsidized corporation may run into trouble in an economic downturn, prompting a government rescue similar to that of the savings and loan industry in the 1980s." Alex Berenson of The New York Times reported in 2003 that Fannie Mae's risk is much larger than is commonly held. Nassim Taleb wrote in The Black Swan: "The government-sponsored institution Fannie Mae, when I look at its risks, seems to be sitting on a barrel of dynamite, vulnerable to the slightest hiccup. But not to worry: their large staff of scientists deem these events 'unlikely'". Mike Stathis also warned about the risks of Fannie Mae, triggering the financial crisis in America’s Financial Apocalypse. “With close to $2 trillion in debt between Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae alone, as well as several trillion held by commercial banks, failure of just one government sponsored enterprise (GSE) or related entity could create a huge disaster that would easily eclipse the Savings & Loan Crisis of the late 1980s. This would certainly devastate the stock, bond and real estate markets. Most likely, there would also be an even bigger mess in the derivatives market, leading to a global sell-off in the capital markets. Not only would investors get crushed, but taxpayers would have to bail them out since the GSEs are backed by the government. Everyone would feel the effects. At its bottom, I would estimate a 30 to 35 percent correction for the average home. And in ‘hot spots’ such as Las Vegas, selected areas of Northern and Southern California and Florida, home prices could plummet by 55 to 60 percent from peak values.”

In 2003, Freddie Mac revealed that it had understated earnings by almost $5 billion, one of the largest corporate restatements in U.S. history. As a result, in November, it was fined $125 million—an amount called "peanuts" by Forbes.

On April 18, 2006, Freddie Mac was fined $3.8 million, by far the largest amount ever assessed by the Federal Election Commission, as a result of illegal campaign contributions. Freddie Mac was accused of illegally using corporate resources between 2000 and 2003 for 85 fundraisers that collected about $1.7 million for federal candidates. Much of the illegal fund raising benefited members of the House Financial Services Committee, a panel whose decisions can affect Freddie Mac.

[-] 0 points by Artist99 (0) 12 years ago

I'm an artist who strongly supports, this movement. I was inspired to designI some logos and slogans, and you can see them here:


Please let others know about them. There are many of us who want to express support but can't get to the protests.

[-] 0 points by Marlow (1141) 12 years ago

All we need now is for Greece to 'Get It'!

(I agree..Well written Topic... TY OWS..)

[-] 0 points by PlasmaStorm (242) 12 years ago

How would you respond if someone said that protesters were falsely accusing the police of police brutality ? And the story in the news where the OWS protester sticks his leg underneath an NYPD motorcycle to pretend he's been run over? Even the left wing journalist called him out.

[-] 1 points by andrewpatrick46 (91) from Atlanta, GA 12 years ago

That situation was sort of the exception. There was no need to arrest him violently tho. The proper response from people whose job description is "Protect and Serve" would have been, "Sir, are you alright?" "Here let me help you to the side of the road so as to not block traffic." As opposed to what they did, which was completely ignore him, and then arrest him for kicking over the scooter. And of course the way they arrested him was with such force that you would have expected him to have been physically out of control.

even if you had seen him stick his foot under the scooter, don't ignore him, make him look stupid by responding with kindness.

If officers would do stuff like what I described above, people wouldn't hate them so much.

This one exception does not excuse the NYPD of any of the other travesties they have committed, nor does it excuse police in other parts of the country.

The Police in this country are brutal and racist and that's the bottom line. We live in a Police State and that has to change.

[-] 1 points by BinaryFu (20) 12 years ago

Don't hate them too much - they have a pretty thankless job most of the time. Out there, they are out numbered by the protesters 20 to 1 or more. Each one of them is adrenaline pumped, training rushing through their heads, looking out for that first protester that takes it too far.

In their situation, it's a live/die scenario. Imagine this for a moment: Imagine a group of protesters grabbing one cop out from the line and yanking him into the crowd. The crowd keeps pulling him further away from his support, being beaten and battered the whole way, until the crowd strips him of protective gear, weapons, everything.

Imagine the terror of something like that happening to you just because you went to work like you do every day of the week, trying to keep peace and order in the city you love so much, you take shit pay just to keep it safe.

Think maybe your buddies might overreact a touch? Think maybe that might make you go a little over the top over ANY potentially bad situation? Think all that adrenaline will let you restrain your baton arm? Think you'd even have a clue how hard you just hit someone, how far you bent their arm back?

You're not even thinking about that at that moment. You're hoping to god that your partner is watching your back from having a mob rush you.

Yes, acting with kindness would be super. It'd be awesome. It'd also get you killed. Mobs see kindness as weakness. A mob can sometimes be like a feral pack of dogs. You show fear, you're dead meat.

[-] 1 points by andrewpatrick46 (91) from Atlanta, GA 12 years ago

"In their situation, it's a live/die scenario. Imagine this for a moment: Imagine a group of protesters grabbing one cop out from the line and yanking him into the crowd. The crowd keeps pulling him further away from his support, being beaten and battered the whole way, until the crowd strips him of protective gear, weapons, everything. Imagine the terror of something like that happening to you just because you went to work like you do every day of the week, trying to keep peace and order in the city you love so much, you take shit pay just to keep it safe."

First of all, that shit would never happen unless they provoke the crowd. Second of all, no one would even imagine doing that if they didn't have a reputation of being complete assholes. Can you imagine being beaten silly because you were being a smartass? Happens all the time. Why? because cops are vicious virulent power-hungry assholes. I've said it before and I'll say it again:

Line up ANY number of cops on a fence, give me a Machine Gun and I will, WITHOUT HESITATION kill every one of them for crimes against humanity.

And from the paragraph, you sound like a cop, maybe YOU'RE NOT an asshole, chances are you're a fucking dick, if you're a cop, if not then that comment was not directed at you. By the way, when my Parents were growing up, if you were 16 and caught drunk driving, the cop would tell you to get back in your car, and that they would follow you home. No ticket, no taser, no shoving you to the ground to assert their almighty authority, no arrests, no jail, no threats to destroy your family, no threats to ruin your life if you don't do what they want, no overall asshole behaviors. My mom grew up in the suburbs of Tampa, FL and my dad grew up in the suburbs of NYC, NY on the Jersey side in a town called Morristown. Two completely different parts of the country, but both with the same things to say about cops. THEY USED TO "PROTECT AND SERVE." Now, they just Oppress and Intimidate.


[-] -1 points by getAjob (-1) 12 years ago

Do you think, you are wasting the 99% tax money by occupying wallstreet?

[-] 1 points by joybasu (23) 12 years ago

no, they are trying to reclaim the huge tax money wasted on corporates..


[-] -1 points by tr289 (916) from Chicago, IL 12 years ago

Just bumping this back up... Seems to have gotten lost in the spam . =(