October 15th Global Day Of Action
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 3:57 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Hi, we write you from the International Commission of Sol, in Madrid (Spain). We know that you have a lot to do in the USA, as we have here in Spain, but the 15O is coming and we need you to make a milestone in history out of it. It's the great chance we expected to start a real global revolution! This is what we are doing, and could be wonderful if you join us:
Please spread the web page of the call http://15october.net/, the graphic material http://15october.net/spread-it/ and the videos http://15october.net/category/video/. And please send us your videos, banners, posters to contact.takethesquare@gmail.com so that we can compile them and put them in common. Send all of this through your mailing lists, to all your contacts, but also to all your friends.
Explain to everybody that this is not just one mobilization. It's more of "we are reinventing ourselves". Tell the occupiers how the movement is popping all over the world that extend from the streets of the Middle East to Wall Street. Also tell the occupiers that over 650 cities have already confirmed they will do an event on October 15th . You can check in http://map.15october.net/ and if a city plans to do an event invite; tell them to add it to the map. http://map.15october.net/reports/submit Explain to them that 15O is the moment to wake up all of us together and especially tell them that it is in their hands to make it a success. It's not any more about parties, organizations or unions. The call should come from all of the organizations and from the people of the world like you. There is a text that could be very useful to send this last message: "who are you?" http://map.15october.net/page/index/1
It would be great to tell your friends abroad to spread it through their countries. We need one revolution in each single city of the world.
For a further explanation about the mobilization and a more specific plan there is a document written by the international network takethesquare. http://takethesquare.net/2011/09/24/15th-october-whats-the-plan-15oct/
In order to promote and discuss the activities for October 15th, everyone is encouraged to participate and to organize local meetings to plan the details and discuss the preparation of the events for the 15th. There will also be a chat http://webchat.freenode.net/?randomnick=1&channels=15october&prompt=1 , an audio-chat (mumble: Download in http://mumble.sourceforge.net/ Host:tomalaplaza.net Port:64738, see the tutorial in http://takethesquare.net/2011/10/04/mumble-setup-walkthrough/) and a collaborative document pad http://titanpad.com/15october open to everybody, so during the 48 hours people from all the world will be able of talking about the ideas and activities decided in their squares with every other occupation in the world! All the channels will be open for everybody...just participate!
Now, I
ve said it before and I
ll say it again: All of you participating in this growing Occupy Movement are the true heroes of the world. Youve started something that
s going to get huge! Rise up on October 15!Chomsky really tells it like it is:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cdSoMbwTA4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN2Q6sdh6Bg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HvGy2gY0eM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpd3grtjkK8
Keep on fightin`!!
Yours S struggleforfreedom80 http://struggleforfreedom.blogg.no/
It's amazing how fast it has become huge. I started my blog about two weeks ago because no one was speaking out on the corruption or against the political ineptitude. Before I could even launch it, this movement began and spread round the world. I've never seen anything like it!
--David Haggith http://TheGreatRecession.info/blog
And this is not about changing some laws here and there, or voting for an established party, this is a real GRASSROOTS movement demanding radical changes, fighting for more democracy, freedom and equality! I love this movement!
Too bad you all are SO AMAZED at how fast this has become huge that you can't really see WHY it has done so. 4th paragraph above states it all. This has been organized for MONTHS and MONTHS by organizations waiting for revolution. If you believe as below (grassroots, fighting for democracy, freedom) you better open your eyes before it's too late.
People have been clamoring for reform for sometime. I embraced the Tea Party until they let me down.
Don't insinuate that there are sinister forces at work here. The anger and frustration people are feeling are legitimate and real.
It's real!
Husband and I, both professional degrees, steady employment, at least 100K per year combined, sometimes more. Turned down by Citibank (wonder who owns them and sits on the board...) for a 10K loan to fix up our 1 bathroom. Maybe sell our home (10+ years' equity) and buy another better home. No credit card debt, 1 minor student loan, almost paid off.
How is this kind of loan too risky for a global powerhouse like Citibank?
We ended up borrowing from our mother-in-law, and we've almost paid the rest back.
Can organizers share this story? I am the 99%.
YES, Shake the Planet!
It's the beginning of "American Awakening".... Several months ago, when I wrote texts on the internet sites with the title: "when are Americans going to become awake", we (Iranians) knew it will start soon.... We were expecting that (Mr.Ahmadinejad always tallked about human awakening reaching Europe and America).... I became so glad seeing that on TV and I was like: It finally started.... http://forthetimebeing.persianblog.ir/post/47/
Yes, we have been way too passive for too long. That is our mistake. Now, we have to fix it.
dont forget to keep the peace out there people. the people holding power are in hysterics and the only way through their antics is to transcend it with love and peace. ill be with you in vibration. i love you all!
The shortest way to a man's heart is through the chest.
Three more job crushing trade deals. you notice how quietly this is all being done behind the backdrop of the big Jobs Plan being voted down.
When it comes to putting money in the 1%'s pocket, they can all get together on that. Bipartisanship at it's finest. Obama is a fraud.
The only way to get at Wall Street is to go after Washington and every Legislature in America. Term limits to end dictators within parties that control option. End the lobby that funnels big money from the rich and Corportions to politicians through Pack money. Go after these two things and change will happen. We have lost control of Government because of the money that has found its way to Washington and corrupted our politians because of greed. Just go look how many of our politians who through the office they served became very wealthy. Governor Rick Perry is an example.
Good post, may i add ... Fund political Campaigns with Tax dollars. We should be the ones that own the greedy little children in Washington. Make all donations to our politicians illegal. We can't give any one a chance to buy our politicians. They are not for sale.
After nearly twenty years of living in the USA I quit in 2001 believing that the vast majority of the American people were not just sheep but crass materialistic sheep at that, living the "be happy, don't worry" philiosophy that they were bambooling down the throats of the rest of the world as both Naomi Klein and John Perkins showed how. I have been in France these past ten years and for the first time this week I have actually wanted to be in New York. Guys, you are proving me wrong - and I like it. I always held that the USA was too powerful for anyone in the world to either fight it or change it. Change for the USA MUST come from within; and this the first sign of that change. Bravo! The Tunisians and the Egyptians proved everyone who said that the Arabs were incapable of rising against dictators. I pray that the Americans will prove that they can destroy the evil that was spawned in America. Do please remember that this war is not just a national or American war. Corporate territory is the planet (and the Universe if they can lay their hands on it), so the war too must be global. Coordinate with your brethren across the planet and take it back for humanity at large.
1-"Do please remember that this war is not just a national or American war."
2-"Corporate territory is the planet (and the Universe if they can lay their hands on it), so the war too must be global."
3-"Coordinate with your brethren across the planet and take it back for humanity at large."
Musafir, you have my deepest respect, there will be an OWS social network soon.
Amen. to that Javier
Change for the USA should come from the USA.
He did say that... "Change for the USA MUST come from within... "
what a wonderful idea! keep this growing please. dont let the cold winter get you down. we will buy you gas lamps, heaters, blankets. I cant be present for I have a family and work but I will help every way I can and when it comes here, I will join
Another capitalism is possible.!Watch some countries in LatinAmerica. Don´t give up. Love from Argentina
There are riots all around the world. This is a war of the classes , if we cant eliminate capitalism it is not a revolution. Workers should rule.
yeah, lets have a capitalism where workers can rule.
There are riots all around the world. This is a war of the classes , if we cant eliminate capitalism it is not a revolution. Workers should rule.
Keep up the Good Work. Fairness.
United for Global Change #15 October
Time: 8am, Saturday 15 October Place: Johannesburg Stock Exchange 1 Exchange Square Gwen Lane, Sandown, Sandton Johannesburg, South Africa
Be encouraged, though the struggle is not without sacrifice or pain it shall be richly rewarded by all who care and rest assured not in vain.
it is the dawn of a new era this movmement is rapidly hammering the class consciousness of working class which is everything.
Our country is being grossly mismanaged, to the detriment of everyone but the ruling elite. To us, it is abundantly clear. We have to deal with the reality of a failed economic policy, on a daily basis. We cannot escape the consequences of that failure.
However, even as our economy crumbles before us, the political establishment boldly extols the virtues of laissez-faire globalism. The GOP, bravely taking aim at reality, says that our system of absolute free-trade has afforded Americans the highest standard of living the world over. The Democrats, not to be outdone, and in amazing support of the GOP platform, tell us it is, in fact, our responsibility to deal with the disastrous consequences of laissez-faire globalism: we must foot the bill for a housing crisis created by the establishment’s desire to provide financing, through use of our money, to millions of unwanted immigrants who couldn’t otherwise have afforded to buy a home.
What is truly startling about their attachment to the notion of economic freedom is their simultaneous desire to restrict our citizen's freedom in nearly every other matter. That there could be economic freedom without the freedom of the people who comprise an economy is a foolish notion. If we cannot exercise our will to restrict who we must compete with, even within our own borders, we are not free, and we do not have economic freedom.
Peace. Michael Santomauro ReporterNotebook@gmail.com New York City
In our system, there exists more debt than money to pay it. In fact, the way most money is created is through purchases of mostly U.S. Treasuries by the Federal Reserve or through commercial banking. That is, the Federal Reserve – a central bank made up of privately-owned member banks – loans money to our government at interest. Commercial banks also create money through lending to businesses and citizens. Both practices involve creating money out of thin air. As every dollar created must be paid back with more than a dollar, the debt owed can only be repaid, in temporary fashion, if the creditor is so kind as to issue another loan in the same manner as before, or if the economy can grow at an unnatural rate. If ever the creditor decides not to provide this loan, and if the economy cannot maintain an unnatural rate of growth, many people will be unable to pay their debt, leading to a sea of people who require social welfare programs in order to simply survive.
We are told that the purpose of the Federal Reserve, which was established in 1913, is to provide economic stability and help stave off inflation. However, fractional-reserve banking does the very opposite. It is responsible for the business cycle – the booms and busts – that are so very harmful to our nation. It is responsible for inflation, which is the decrease in the purchasing power of our dollars, and which is a sort of tax paid, through diluting our currency, to the Banksters for providing our people with a disastrous economic system. Finally, it is responsible for creating the need to grow exponentially our population and the resources required to fuel its growth, in an effort to repay a debt that can never be repaid.
To restore ownership of the American economy to its rightful owners – the people of the United States of America – we should abolish the Federal Reserve, incorporating it into the United States Treasury and making an actual federal component. We should make illegal the practice of fractional-reserve banking. We should grant solely the government the right to create, issue, and regulate money, and money will be circulated through investments in infrastructure becoming of a federal government.
Peace. Michael Santomauro ReporterNotebook@gmail.com New York City
I had begun to dispair that the conscience of my country had died and that I was alone in thinking that change was still possible if we could only reach the minds and hearts of those Americans who have been scammed by the conservative held media and convince them that they were supporting their own oppressors.
And there you are, standing in the garden, speaking truth to power. My heart sings for you, with you. I stand with you in spirit, you speak and I feel that my voice has not died. You are my heros. Be strong.
I had begun to dispair that the conscience of my country had died and that I was alone in thinking that change was still possible if we could only reach the minds and hearts of those Americans who have been scammed by the conservative held media and convince them that they were supporting their own oppressors.
And there you are, standing in the garden, speaking truth to power. My heart sings for you, with you. I stand with you in spirit, you speak and I feel that my voice has not died. You are my heros. Be strong.
off subject but.. Carnival Cruise Lines made through 2005 - 2009 11.25 billion paid 126 million taxes thats 1.12% Boeing 2004 - 2009 made 17.5 billion paid 796 million in taxes thats 4.6% Ford 2010 3 billion paid 69 million 2.3% Allegheny Energy 2.5 billion paid 58 million Broadcom 1.2 billion paid 41 million 3.32% Nvidia 2005-2009 1.8 billion paid 41 million 2.2% Xcel Energy 4.3 billion paid 77 million 1.78% Amazon 3.5 billion paid 152 million 4.3% Host Hotels 2004 - 2009 1.1 billion paid 34 million 3.05% Conocophilips 16 billion paid 451 million Valero Energy 68 billion got a 157 million tax refund Exxon Mobil paid 0 in taxes alonge with GE who also paid 0 in taxes Google falls in a 2.4% tax bracket and I have saved the best for last Bank Of America 4.4 billion with a 1.9 billion tax refund Goldman Sachs in 2008 pulled 2.3 billion and got a 800 billion tax refund Since 2004 when I started subcontracting i have been paying at least 27% of my income and never got a refund this is the world we live in. if i have to pay so should they.
Warren Buffet only paid a little over 21% in taxes on millions. My mom, who is retired and who is on Social Security, just took $6,000 out of her retirement account. She was taxed $1,200 on it. That's 20% tax for someone who is retired and has no income coming in, other than Social Security.
THAT is FUCKING WRONG, and shit like this HAS TO BE STOPPED!!!!
Honestly, while at the end of the day Warren Buffet is at the very top of the 1%, I'm glad he at least gets it. Henry Ford realized early on that if he was willing to forgo some of his profits and pay his workers higher wages, it would come back to help him in the end because the upper class does better with a strong middle class to back it up than it does with an over sized lower class.
Your mom has my sympathies... that is some real bullshit right there.
Yes, I agree that it's good he gets it. It just pisses me off to no end that people who make millions are paying less or maybe slightly more than those of us who make meager means. It's fucking pathetic and disgraceful. And then we still have stupid assholes who don't get it and who put us down for supporting this movement, saying we're lazy and unmotivated because we haven't figure out a way or have too many morals to screw others over so that we can become rich. Fuck them, too.
Henry Ford was one of the smart ones. Workers ARE NOT going to be loyal and hard working and productive when they're getting shit on by their employers. That is an old school philosophy that is so completely out of date. People are done putting up with it.
Thanks. I'll pass on your thoughts to my mom. She's justifiably pissed about it.
Three more job crushing trade deals. you notice how quietly this is all being done behind the backdrop of the big Jobs Plan being voted down.
When it comes to putting money in the 1%'s pocket, they can all get together on that. Bipartisanship at it's finest. Obama is a fraud.
Ugh -they want to clear OWS from the park on Friday--with no word on when they would be allowed to re-enter -- perfect timing to disrupt Saturday's global protest plans
Aha! occupywallst twitter abuzz with awesome plans to jump the gun on the mayor and clean the park up first -- if anyone is there take some photos when cleanup is done -- and when crews show up to clean the already-clean park--another reason why this movement is so amazing.
Some interesting links from today:
Occupy Wall Street name recognition soars; 82 percent of Americans have heard of the group: http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/10/12/2011-10-12_occupy_wall_street_name_recognition_soars_82_of_americans_have_heard_of_protest_.html Thousands to occupy London stock exchange as part of Oct. 15 global protest: http://www.businessweek.com/news/2011-10-12/protesters-to-occupy-london-exchange-after-wall-street.html
OWS and celebrities: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-occupy-wall-street-20111013,0,7112422.story
Elizabeth Warren profile http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2011/11/elizabeth-warren-201111
I hope that some time in the near future OWS can set aside a day to honor - and what better way to do so than to invite them to speak - William Greider and Kevin Phillips, the two American reformers who are, in my opinion, the closest in content and spirit to what is now underway.
To all Danes:
Join Occupy Denmark
https://www.facebook.com/OccupyDenmark?ref=ts https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=228854380501095&ref=ts https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=232542073445436&ref=ts
Another capitalism is possible.!Watch some countries in LatinAmerica. Don´t give up. Love from Argentina
Another capitalism is possible.!Watch some countries in LatinAmerica. Don´t give up. Love from Argentina
Someone please advocate for the Article V Convention, it will alter/abolish the current status quo and politics as ususal. It does not re-write the Constitution, only the agreement of 3/4 of the states can do that--but it's the process of a convention alone is what will deliver us. http://www.conconcocn.org http://www.foavc.org
Everyone...don't give up!! Your children, family and friends depend on you...
Good job everyone.
REMEMBER: Stay peaceful, stay positive, stay proactive, stay informed and stay true to what you know if true.
Another capitalism is possible.!Watch some countries in LatinAmerica. Don´t give up. Love from Argentina
Well, capitalism itself is, in the long run,not sustainable. It has to be dismantled and replaced with true democracy - democratic workplaces, democratic communities and so on http://struggleforfreedom.blogg.no/1317735903_chomsky_explains_libe.html
By the way, In Argentina workers actually took over many workplaces and are still running them themselves. http://vimeo.com/10061195 What an inspiration!
Democracy is a government type. Capitalism is an economic system. They are completely different. Capitalism is possible and sustainable. The problem is we do not have capitalism. They call it capitalism but its not.
What we have is crony capitalism which is basically where politics and businesses are intertwined. The capitalistic system has been corrupted so it does not work any longer for the bottom 99%. Thus many in the bottom 99% think it is bad because its not working for them.
It is not bad, just broken. If you keep politics and business separate and you keep businesses regulated properly it works and it does very well. When you regulate businesses you make sure they are governed by something other than profits and greed. This doesn't replace profits. It just makes sure that other things are not exploited at the expense of more profits such as workers, the environment, and other businesses.
An argument i use for regulation often, because it is thought of as such a bad thing is seafood. I love seafood. But i cannot enjoy as much of it as i want because of the high mercury content( and neither can you without getting mercury poisoning). If the businesses that were responsible for polluting the water with mercury had of been regulated properly then their would not be mercury in the water that got into seafood.
Because these businesses were not regulated properly it hurts the environment, consumers, and businesses in the seafood industry who would of been selling more seafood. Thus for a little better margin on profits, we messed up the environment, posed a health risk to consumers, and hurt the sea food industry just so our industry or company could make a few extra percent of profit.
This is why regulation is needed in capitalism. We can still be capitalistic and it will work way better than this system. But it has to be done right and it has to have checks and balances.
The alternative to capitalism is anarchism or libertarian socialism.
You say 'they call it capitalism but it's not'. Actually, it is. If you've read Marx, you should understand that the capitalist system always leads to 'crony capitalism' - that's simply the nature of the system. There's no way to keep politics and business separate no matter how much you try to regulate.
Put another way, if our system isn't a capitalistic one, then whose is? Or, if not now, when has capitalism ever existed? Or is the sort of capitalism you're talking about only exist in theory?
Our current system is called crony capitalism. The reason it doesn't work is because people have became complacent and uncaring. Simply put we have been to busy being worried about ourselves to pay attention to how our govt is run. Not just our generation. It has been happening many decades.
It is not a hard to fix the system. http://occupier777.angelfire.com/
Demand # 2,4,5 on that list will basically solve this problem. And no system is perfect. We are a politically ignorant society today. Their is a lack of research, a lot of propaganda, and a lot of following political ideology instead of the people taking a stand like they are now.
It took a long time to reach this point. Its not something Obama did, or Bush, or Clinton, etc. Its what politicians in general did over decades. When this is all over you need to stay involved in politics and so does everyone else. Not to this extent. But make yourselves aware of what is going on. Stop just believing the BS cause this guy says so and look up facts. We live in the age of information at your fingertips. Their is no reason for anyone that can read and write in America to be politically ignorant.
I've heard that only Hong Kong has true capitalism, but I don't know the details of that.
"Democracy is a government type. Capitalism is an economic system."
And what about if we had a more democratic economy..? Which category would that fall into?
Capitalism is a system where democracy is very limited. It`s limited to just voting every 2. year. What would be better is that we created democracy in the workplace, democracy in the communities and so on, instead of having a system where the finacial elite, who are not democratically elected, can posess alot of power and influence http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxPUvQZ3rcQ and control tyrannical institutions http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqlTyAMVDUk
If you like the idea of democracy you should advocate democracy in the workplace and in the communities; that would be a logical alternative to c.capitalism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDHBvQRyOr0
You still arent getting it. Democracy is a govt type. #OWS is pretty much a pure democracy. Our nation is a constitutional( sometimes called representative) republic. A pure democracy never last long.
" Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide"- John Adams.
It is why the founders did not make this a completely democratic nation.
"Capitalism is a system where democracy is very limited. It`s limited to just voting every 2. year." - This is where you confuse the two. You dont vote in Capitalism. Its not a govt. Its a economic "model"
Constitutional Republic -a state in which the head of state and other officials are representatives of the people and must govern according to existing constitutional law that limits the government's power over all of its citizens.
Capitalism- an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned and operated for profit, usually in competitive markets.
They are unrelated.
"You still arent getting it. Democracy is a govt type" No, you` re still not getting it. We can make the economy more democratic. Democracy shuold be more than just voting representatives in governement.
"It is why the founders did not make this a completely democratic nation" And thats what many people living today want to change. Wasn`t Adams a rich slave-owner, by the way..? Why on earth should we take what he said seriously?
Actually, John Adams refused to own slaves, and by many historical accounts expressed regrets that this issue was not resolved by him and his fellow revolutionaries during the framing of the Declaration, and later the Constitution. It was unfortunate that for expediency's sake, and the necessary uniting of the colonies against the British monarchy, that this key issue was swept aside and not revisited until 70-80 years later. Of course, allowing this unaddressed wrong to fester was one of the linchpins that led to the single largest loss of American life - the Civil War. John Adams, however, was a farmer until the end of his lengthy lifespan, all the while tilling the ground with his own two hands.
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, etc. were truly great men, and should be respected for pulling off one of the greatest experiments of the Enlightened Age - the USA. However, as with all people, in all times, and of all backgrounds, we are all a mixed bag. Please don't judge too harshly.
I would like to leave you with a quote by Thomas Jefferson. Although he was of course a slaveowner, he was also one of the greatest revolutionary minds of any age. He recognized that while laws and traditions can give guidance, and we should give humble thanks to the many generations of humans that have gone before us, "THE EARTH BELONGS TO THE LIVING!"
Ok since you want to bring democracy to capitalism, why dont you tell me the idea you have in mind. Cause i really have no idea what your talking about. Democracy is a form a governing. Capitalism is a form of economics.
Because he was a founding father and when you take all the other founding fathers and look at what they have said, as i have, and then you apply common sense to the scenario you will see that collectively together they decided on a constitutional republic. It is still democratic because your elected officials are elected by popular vote.
The only way to make more democratic, that i can think of, is to remove the representative part. Then you have what is known as a direct democracy which is what #OWS is.
The problem with this type of democracy is: 1) Its slow. You have to vote on everything with millions of people. 2) It really has no leader. While that works alright for #OWS could you imagine trying to defend a nation like this? 3) When the people figure out they can vote themselves all kinds of things out of the public treasury, the country will collapse.
What you need is a system of checks and balances between the people and the representatives which i happen to come up with a system for this. Then you need regulations on capitalism. This would be done by the government which is kept in check by the people. This is really the best way to fix this.
You are not going to get popular support to change either the govt type or the economic system. It is to big of a change.
As a last note, setting up a voting system has to be done on paper. That means, for a democracy, people going out and constantly voting. Those votes being collected and sent to be hand counted. It would be very expensive.
You cannot use a electronic system such as the internet for voting. If you want to know why ask Anonymous, the hacker group. People who are very good at hacking can simply change the vote to what they want which counters the effect of a democracy. Protection measures such as a firewall do not stop hackers, only slows them down. I am not saying Anonymous would do this , just that people who are obviously very talented on a PC could do it.
The system we have is the best foundation to build off of. It just needs fixed.
Well, I`m sure OWS have many good suggestions, personally I favor Libertarian Socialism http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDHBvQRyOr0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJnX96id-xII think thats the best way of orgnizing society. Everyone favoring the idea of democracy should favor LS
Well changing the system isnt really an option. To many people dont want a new system. They want to fix the current one. Also that large of change could turn very bloody and that is what we want to avoid is a bloodbath.
It's easy. Ban lobbying. Deal with all conflicts of interest. Like, rich people funding politicians, that's a conflict of interest. Also, a pharmaceutical company making profit if more people are sick instead of making profit when people are healthy...that's also a conflict of interest. There are many examples. Just like traffic is regulated by laws of common sense, economy and corporate behavior must be too. Or we could just let the ones with bigger cars to just drive over the pedestrians and the ones with a smaller one?
Please do yourself the courtesy of at least reading a biography about Adams before demanding his head on a platter.
he was a slave-owner, though, right..?
Okay, here's a wiki quickie for you so that you don't have to take my word for it.
"Adams never bought a slave and declined on principle to employ slave labor.[56]" -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Adams
Reference 56: "Littlefield, Daniel C. "John Jay, the Revolutionary Generation, and Slavery." New York History 2000 81(1): p 91–132. ISSN 0146-437X"
Excellently articulated! Capitalism, through creative destruction guarantees itself an indefinite lifespan and the promotion of innovation and new technology. The current problem is that Big Business has stacked the deck in their favor, eliminated truly competitive free-market capitalism and is stifling innovation for the sake of their corporate profits.
I'm also in favor of libertarian socialism. I agree that all institutional control is nothing but utter bullshit and is inhumane.
Please come to the GA in NYC on 10-15-11
I welcome the movement very much, however it is not a revolution if you demand basic income or a regulation of the financial sector but leave property relations untouched. A revolution would imply that we change the framework, i.e. that we change the way we produce, such that we are not caught any more within the logic of the capitalistic mode of production. I highly recommend to study this book http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/ in order to get an idea how an other way of organizing the economy could be achieved. Do not say "It's time for them to listen" but "It's time for them to go".
Like a newborn baby, a new world might start breathing out of this one on October 15th. Let all of us be its heartbeat, as one.
In Springfield, Missouri on Saturday, October 15, Occupy Springfield MO demonstrators marched from Park Central Square to "The Kitchen" on Commercial Street and donated food and clothing to that organization, which provides aid to Springfield's homeless and needy, I hadn't heard of that before, but it seems a great idea.
So let me get this right wanna join the protest and most of what u want is what Obama wants...raise tax on rich job bil hold wall street acct. I would think it would be in best interest to hold lame congress accountable because they vote everything down...you bitch about Obama raising money for presidency but your raising money to for your fight not saying your wrong doing so...but neither is he and where do u go with a revolution...what's the end result
Been through all of the words. Combed them like a silent zombi. Asking myself now why the words "nature," "natural resources," "water," "biological diversity," and others are not mentioned in Occupy Wall Street. Makes me, writing from the Peruvian jungle, feel a sense of money-hungry people across the boards. I know billionaires and I know penniless. In both batches of human beings I've met those who are happy to see a leaf built to harbor ants, with veins running as deep as the movement. I've seen the power of food. I understand the botanical side of life. I know where tapioca pudding comes from. What's the question? Rich versus poor? Fuck that. How about Bhutan? How about some real intellectual discussion about resources and our children and those who compare political signs on a pig farm. Activated. Start growing your own food and search for the last remnants of the last nature you can find. Hope that Limestone Streams have not all gone dry. I live in the Third World (Underdeveloped, Developing, Intrinsic, Brad Setser and Rhodes Scholars). It's all the same - the same soap opera. We're all mad because modern appliances and technology as the solution and the simple human mind kicked us off the farms. Money hungry. Hungry for money. Sea shells and salt. Obsidian slivers and two times a man. I hestitate to push the button.
Been through all of the words. Combed them like a silent zombi. Asking myself now why the words "nature," "natural resources," "water," "biological diversity," and others are not mentioned in Occupy Wall Street. Makes me, writing from the Peruvian jungle, feel a sense of money-hungry people across the boards. I know billionaires and I know penniless. In both batches of human beings I've met those who are happy to see a leaf built to harbor ants, with veins running as deep as the movement. I've seen the power of food. I understand the botanical side of life. I know where tapioca pudding comes from. What's the question? Rich versus poor? Fuck that. How about Bhutan? How about some real intellectual discussion about resources and our children and those who compare political signs on a pig farm. Activated. Start growing your own food and search for the last remnants of the last nature you can find. Hope that Limestone Streams have not all gone dry. I live in the Third World (Underdeveloped, Developing, Intrinsic, Brad Setser and Rhodes Scholars). It's all the same - the same soap opera. We're all mad because modern appliances and technology as the solution and the simple human mind kicked us off the farms. Money hungry. Hungry for money. Sea shells and salt. Obsidian slivers and two times a man. I hestitate to push the button.
Been through all of the words. Combed them like a silent zombi. Asking myself now why the words "nature," "natural resources," "water," "biological diversity," and others are not mentioned in Occupy Wall Street. Makes me, writing from the Peruvian jungle, feel a sense of money-hungry people across the boards. I know billionaires and I know penniless. In both batches of human beings I've met those who are happy to see a leaf built to harbor ants, with veins running as deep as the movement. I've seen the power of food. I understand the botanical side of life. I know where tapioca pudding comes from. What's the question? Rich versus poor? Fuck that. How about Bhutan? How about some real intellectual discussion about resources and our children and those who compare political signs on a pig farm. Activated. Start growing your own food and search for the last remnants of the last nature you can find. Hope that Limestone Streams have not all gone dry. I live in the Third World (Underdeveloped, Developing, Intrinsic, Brad Setser and Rhodes Scholars). It's all the same - the same soap opera. We're all mad because modern appliances and technology as the solution and the simple human mind kicked us off the farms. Money hungry. Hungry for money. Sea shells and salt. Obsidian slivers and two times a man. I hestitate to push the button.
Occupy Provincetown (in front of town hall) Oct. 15th Sat. 12-2 p.m. bring posters. Occupy Hyannis too, Cape Cod MA. END the FED STAY UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Occupy Provincetown (in front of town hall) Oct. 15th Sat. 12-2 p.m. bring posters. Occupy Hyannis too, Cape Cod MA. END the FED STAY UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's not lose focus here. It's been class warfare for a long time, the wealthy have been pitting the middle class against the poor for decades. The effective tax rate for the wealthy has been a lot less than blue collar workers for a long time. The corporations they run are huge tax evaders and the middle class pays the majority of the bills for everyone. Over paid corporate executives tanked the economy and now with billions in cash reserves they're holding back jobs like a kids that selfishly take their toys home because of new regulations that requires them to play fair. Hold the uber wealthy accountable, make them play fair and pay dearly.
Herman Cain, hear this, a flat tax would be great, lets do 15% over a $15k standard deduction for individuals and eliminate all other deductions except for natural disaster, catastrophic health care and secondary education costs. Corporations get no write offs, 20% tax rate straight up, no exceptions...fire the accountants and hire someone that actually brings in money for your company honestly.
Occupy Wall Street has no aims -- or so our opponents trumpet.
Well, here is a good place to start. LET'S GET OUT OF HE MIDDLE EAST! This will reduce the deficit, get us out of unwinnable wars, and increase our national security since the jihadists won't have a reason to attack us. We'll also be able to move toward abolishing the Department of Homeland Security. And another point. Fewer dead and crippled American soldiers. They are not heroes; they are pitiful victims of a pitiful governments.
In my opinion, what you call neoliberalism has nothing to do with the theory of capitalistic economy that we learned on our universities. This is some kind of financial oligarchy backed up by all mighty mechanisms of the executive power, specially agencies and media. If you look at the theory of capitalism, constant and variable capital are supposed to be a part of the production expenses tied locally for the place, or country where production is taking place. What comes after production expenses , would be a profit margin of 10 – 30%. What we have here is often time outsourced constant capital, which means that the price of the buildings, machinery, real estate, row, etc… is multiple times cheaper because they are placed or purchased in the third world countries; then we have outsourced variable capital, which means that the work power is hired or placed in the third world countries and underpaid several times, sometimes even tenths or hundred times; and then we have a product that is sold here for the same price as it would be selling if the constant capital expenses and work power were purchased / hired here and were paid its market prices, which leaves the owner’s profit margin of 100, 300, even 1000% and more. Not mentioning that domestic workers stay without job because of this, and foreign ones are brought into the position of slaves, working for basically nothing. And then the cherry on the top would be a question - who is capitalist today? Who is the owner of the factory, or enterprise? In my opinion – he/she does not exist any more, unless we talk about small family owned businesses that nobody questions at any point of time. The new neoliberal owners are not physical people. They are financial institutions, investors, banks, who knows who else, that are pushing for their astronomical interest fees and stock market manipulations. It all comes to point that new neo capitalist is actually dethroned himself into a stock market player, while leaving the control of production process to overpaid high management. That way, he can first double dip his profit margin through underpaid work power, then triple dip it through the interest fees of the financial institutions that are financing his business and whose shares he owes, and then possibly dip it again through the insider trading and other undiscovered legal and illegal stock market manipulations… This is the first echelon of scamming the fat from milk. And then there is a second echelon of smaller caliber thieving through the Camden Island and other off shore accounting. Now this is the point where the entire thriller becomes actually fun, because they are starting to thieve each other. But lets just stop here. Lots of luck!
Let's be honest, God takes a man like Elijah and turns him into someone who can make rain or not rain. We have to learn why the rain stopped. The rain stopped because of the sin of God's people. The Holy Spirit is not being outpoured on the Western Protestant world because of its sin, which is identical to the sin of Israel in the days of Elijah.
America blessed the world because they truly believed in Jesus Christ, however wealth makes one boosting, self-sentered and forgetting Who actually controls all things. We will run around, look for solutions, become more crazy, demand our rights, etc.. etc.. It will all be useless if we don't get on our knees and ask for forgiveness, place God in His rightful place and go back to the roots of the American people - what your nation was build on. The Good News, made bad by your creed and "we-are-the-best" mentality. Comments by an outsider sitting in a dry african country, surrounded by poor people, where a blessing is someting to eat maybe onece a week!
You people are whats wrong with this country. Most of you voted for the man thats in office and now are mad about it. Tough shit that there isn't enough 100k jobs available for everyone. I bet your local fast food restaurant is hiring maybe that 60k college degree in liberal arts was a bad idea. I bet the Army is hiring, and you all are really ignorant if you think a protest is going to do anything enjoy another day of unemployment you lazy fucks.
After several weeks of peaceful protests, we have seen the result, if any. We were herded along the sidewalks like cattle going to the slaughter house. We were beaten, assaulted and brutalised by the police. That's all that had happened. We have not brought about any change, anywhere.
Throughout history, which revolution was won without a fight? Look back at the French, Russian, Chinese, Tunisian, Egyptian, Libyan and last but not least, our own American, Revolution. Did they come about through peaceful protests? Enough of protests. Its time to Rise Up and Fight. May The Force be with you.
Shine a light shine a light Shine a light won't you shine a light Philadelphia freedom I love you, yes I do
Elton John -Philadelphia Freedom -1975
Here is my simple idea on how we as a nation can start a "Shine a Light" supporting movement for Occupy Wall Street.
"Shine Your Head Lights in Solidarity for Occupy Wall Street"
Organizers of Occupy Wall Street should pick the day. The supporting movement would be a well coordinated effort of all in support of the Occupy movement to drive their cars during daylight hour with their headlights turned on.
Support for the Occupy Wall Street movement is at over 54% with many in this country still unaware of what it stands for.
The purpose of "Shine a Light" in support of Occupy Wall Street will be three fold:
The above is the heart of my idea. Here are some administrative thoughts. Obviously this would need to be coordinated through all Occupy Locations, social media as well as traditional media. I have personally sent a copy of this email to every cable and politically active blog I could. It is my sincere hope they will get this idea to the right person. The time and place would be set well in advance so as for as many people to know about it in advance. This will be a day light operation obviously.
Nothing could be more peaceful and easy for someone to participate in than this. It could be a catalyst for those on the sidelines in this country.
On a lighter note, while I was searching for clip art or images of cars with day time headlights on, I also found some excellent photos of funeral processions with all of the cars head lights on except for the hearse. The movement described above could also be symbolic of the Death of our Democracy, with the hearse being our democratic government and the cars with headlights representing the people of the procession in mourning.
For those of us that me jaded or think this might be just to simple for their tastes, I say think about it. If say The Rachael Maddow or KO from current TV got the word out on this; how excited would you be to go out that day with your lights on supporting Occupy Wall Street. Just picture the first car coming your way in the opposite direction with the lights on " I can see the hands waving and hear the horns blowing as we pass by." I was at Occupy Charlotte on Sat. Oct 3rd. and as traffic came down the street blowing their horns in support it energized all of us! Anyway if you feel as I do, and that there is value to this very simple idea please circulate this.
Thank You Bob Cooper
P.S. In the spirit of "This is What Democracy Looks Like" Could some one there read the first couple points of this idea at your gatherings. Thank You for all your doing. I will be there in a two weeks and didn't think this should wait..
Herman Cain wants to tax the poor, increase taxes on the middle class and give massive tax cuts to the rich with his 9-9-9 plan.
Don't let this man get elected!!!
http://www.businessinsider.com/what-wall-street-protesters-are-so-angry-about-2011-10?op=1 has interesting charts, and comes from a surprising source!
I am a financial analyst that don't believe my profession anymore. What I can analyze investments with this companies lying in their profits, investments banks creating scam under the SEC supervision, Washington hiring the same guys that created this mess as consultants, economists, presidents of agencies etc. I expected a tougher response from Obama, and a review of some Republican values: let's tax the rich people, let's regulate the derivatives, let's fire SEC leaders, let's make these CEOs pay back their "incentives". Keep going, folks. We can't pay this alone. Investment banks have to pay the largest share.
My thoughts on Occupy Wall Street and what is about to take place this weekend. First of all I pray that those who will be involved in any form in these demonstrations and movements this weekend and always, do these things in peaceful ways..angry and rage can turn quickly into violence and that is just one more thing that this world does not need! Keep your focus and do it will peace and solidarity in mind. Second as for all the police officers that are "forced" into being in this situation as they have sworn to protect us and uphold the law at the same time!...please remember protesters that the pressure on these officers is more than should be expected by them. They are very few in comparison to your numbers. Put yourself in their place..the whole world watching the huge amount of pressure they are under and what it must be like for them also. They are being looked at and expect to perform perfectly in every direction. Everyone has a breaking point under this kind of pressure. Treat them with the respect you should and they they truly deserve. Sure there may be a few bad apples out there but god knows there are on the protesters side also!!! These officers are overworked, overwhelmed, under extremely stressful conditions and being kept away from their own home and families. Use your heads, keep the peace, and be respectful or you don't deserve the consideration to even be heard. Don't be a part of the problem...be part of the solution!!!!!! I 100% Fully Support Occupy Efforts and pray for the changes we all need so badly.
My thoughts on Occupy Wall Street and what is about to take place this weekend. I fully support these movements in every way, with that said..Good luck and best wishes to everyone. First of all I pray that those who will be involved in any form in these demonstrations and movements this weekend and always, do these things in peaceful ways..angry and rage can turn quickly into violence and that is just one more thing that this world does not need! Keep your focus and do it will peace and solidarity in mind. Second as for all the police officers that are "forced" into being in this situation as they have sworn to protect us and uphold the law at the same time!...please remember protesters that the pressure on these officers is more than should be expected by them. They are very few in comparison to your numbers. Put yourself in their place..the whole world watching the huge amount of pressure they are under and what it must be like for them also. They are being looked at and expect to perform perfectly in every direction. Everyone has a breaking point under this kind of pressure. Treat them with the respect you should and they they truly deserve. Sure there may be a few bad apples out there but god knows there are on the protesters side also!!! These officers are overworked, overwhelmed, under extremely stressful conditions and being kept away from their own home and families. Use your heads, keep the peace, and be respectful or you don't deserve the consideration to even be heard. Don't be a part of the problem...be part of the solution!!!!!!
better look for jobs not blamiming capitalist lazy bombs
bunch of worthless people and mexican and african(nigers) gathering for free money fuck all homos
TY Spain!... and for those who cannot be on the 'front lines' physically , here is your chance to Stop the Corruption on Wall Street by sending our Message to the 'Hill' and to the White House..... Sign the ONLY onLine petition written by Independent Retail onLine Investors.. Those who have Experienced the Abuse First hand.. Who KNOW the problems, and Know how to Stop the Abuse!........ ...http://www.thepetitionsite.com/8/stop-the-corruption-on-wall-street/.. TY you All for you efforts. Marlow
You are the hope! You are the change! Change - this time, its for Real!
This will be the second wave when the rest of the world joins in. Watch for Canada! "countless people will hate the new world order, and will die protesting against it" HG Wells 1939
Hi there! People around the world follow your fight with hight interest cause United States are still the model that we all follow (btw, i'm french). In France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, we are all adopting your wild capitalist system, even if we see where it goes (nightmare). If you change your politic system, you can be sure that these changes will spread over the glob quickly and that's why you're a big hope for us all! That's why you have a big responsability and you shouldn't take it lightly. I'm really afraid when I read your people calling for anarchy. Anarchy is a really beautifull utopia... but just an utopia, not realistic cause only applicable if everyone would be good and educated (and people aren't good and educated). You should try to formulate main ideas in a manifest, arguing for social security, health for everyone, grants for workless people, regulations for banks and finances, strong unions being part of the administrative head of companies, etc. You could write real economic projects, as rising taxes for financing all these reforms, state taking part of the biggest companies, transparency on budgets and salaries, etc... well a fare socialist program. Revolutions with no formulated goals are condamned to fail.
Well, sorry for my bad english. Wish you political success!
There are goals for this revolution. They are quite clear. We just need to figure out how to make them happen.
You need a 'virtual bank' to avoid using the currency called 'dollar'.That is everybody Mr. A has to disclose ones assets for consumption including dollars/money in order to hand them over to a 'Body/Organisation' which organizes the flow of consumables etc to people whenever Mr. A is asked to do so while keeping one more person Mr. B as a guarantor to his assets.Which implies that the newly formed Body can use at the most only half of the assets which people disclose to them.Just think upon it.Thus the virtual bank consist of people who disclose their assets for consuming which they lend to the Body which returns the people/lenders the assets/consumables in the course of time which they had earlier lent to the Body.
You can start with just gaining the confidence of the people by letting them only to disclose what ever they want to offer for the time being. But the government can sabotage this plan like other plans which must be kept in view. You can start like this that whatever donations you get you can take loans from the participants/people only to that extent.
That people who disclose their assets may like to consume them as well in the course of time for example my income is 1000 dollars a month which naturally I do not use at a time therefore I can disclose that to the Revolutionary Body who can use some of that money to help those who give sacrifices for the revolution or for other essential purposes with an intention to return me the part of money they spent.
Donations can act as a guarantee for them(Revolutionary Body) to proceed ahead in order to make the virtual bank a success which shall cater to the requirements of the revolution.
You need a 'virtual bank' to avoid using the currency called 'dollar'.That is everybody Mr. A has to disclose ones assets for consumption including dollars/money in order to hand them over to a 'Body/Organisation' which organizes the flow of consumables etc to people whenever Mr. A is asked to do so while keeping one more person Mr. B as a guarantor to his assets.Which implies that the newly formed Body can use at the most only half of the assets which people disclose to them.Just think upon it.Thus the virtual bank consist of people who disclose their assets for consuming which they lend to the Body which returns the people/lenders the assets/consumables in the course of time which they had earlier lent to the Body.
You can start with just gaining the confidence of the people by letting them only to disclose what ever they want to offer for the time being. But the government can sabotage this plan like other plans which must be kept in view. You can start like this that whatever donations you get you can take loans from the participants/people only to that extent.
You need a 'virtual bank' to avoid using the currency called 'dollar'.That is everybody Mr. A has to disclose ones assets for consumption including dollars/money in order to hand them over to a 'Body/Organisation' which organizes the flow of consumables etc to people whenever Mr. A is asked to do so while keeping one more person Mr. B as a guarantor to his assets.Which implies that the newly formed Body can use at the most only half of the assets which people disclose to them.Just think upon it.Thus the virtual bank consist of people who disclose their assets for consuming which they lend to the Body which returns the people/lenders the assets/consumables in the course of time which they had earlier lent to the Body.
You can start with just gaining the confidence of the people by letting them only to disclose what ever they want to offer for the time being. But the government can sabotage this plan like other plans which must be kept in view. You can start like this that whatever donations you get you can take loans from the participants/people only to that extent.
You need a 'virtual bank' to avoid using the currency called 'dollar'.That is everybody Mr. A has to disclose ones assets for consumption including dollars/money in order to hand them over to a 'Body/Organisation' which organizes the flow of consumables etc to people whenever Mr. A is asked to do so while keeping one more person Mr. B as a guarantor to his assets.Which implies that the newly formed Body can use at the most only half of the assets which people disclose to them.Just think upon it.Thus the virtual bank consist of people who disclose their assets for consuming which they lend to the Body which returns the people/lenders the assets/consumables in the course of time which they had earlier lent to the Body.
You can start with just gaining the confidence of the people by letting them only to disclose what ever they want to offer for the time being. But the government can sabotage this plan like other plans which must be kept in view. You can start like this that whatever donations you get you can take loans from the participants/people only to that extent.
we appreciate this historical event in addition, American society is the concentrated form of class struggle throughout the human history in general ,now this movement has shaken all the fetters and barriers through which the 1% the rich have been fettering working class minds and thoughts. this tramendous action has given the sense that the working class is not just a class in itself deprived from their all rights but it is a class for itself which is undefeatable if they once come to know their power in fact this movement is realising them their power. which is realy nasty thing for the 1% greedy people. You have nothing to lose but your chains and there is a world to win
Globalization. American workers first. Globalization is both damaging to our culture and to the health of our once-thriving economy. As manufacturing is increasingly shipped overseas, and as there are increasingly more Third World immigrants trafficked into our country to serve as modern-day slaves, there are increasing levels of unemployment – not concealable by the best efforts of those who manipulate statistics – the decline of wages, and dissatisfaction amongst those American workers whose jobs are surrendered to foreigners.
The OWS protesters finds nothing particularly redeeming about the notion that – disregarding the long-term consequences of such a policy – we ought to surrender American ingenuity and manufacturing expertise overseas in order that the wealthy elite might profit, selling competitive advantage that belongs to us all – technology and know-how that was built on the backs of generations of American workers and thinkers. These practices hurt Americans.
And while OWS protesters recognizes the importance of trade, we do not recognize other peoples and other nations as having any competitive advantage beyond a willingness to accept inadequate wages or beyond merely holding resources important to our advancement. That there is no one more inventive, more industrious, or more hard-working than the American is an idea constituting a part of the cornerstone of our ideological platform. Where others falter in their belief of this idea, we will stand steadfast in our conviction.
Accordingly, so as to protect the American worker, his family, and their way of life, we believe that it is necessary to restrict the import of certain goods. We will take the necessary steps toward protecting American industry, wherever it faces trouble. More specifically, there must be consequences for those companies who further their aims at the expense of harming their countrymen. If a foreign government can provide a tax incentive for those companies willing to go global and deliver to them American jobs and manufacturing technology, we can offer the same companies a disincentive to do as much. Wherever possible, we will take measures to ensure that the goods we consume are made by American hands, in American factories.
We will also make every effort necessary to break apart those corporations that have overtaken competitors by way of predatory pricing and collusive activity, by exploiting initiatives intended to help the disabled, by exploiting illegal-immigrant labor, and by any other activity that decent, hard-working, ethical, American businessmen are unwilling to do in accordance with their principles. These activities have transformed many corporations into monopolies that hurt ournation both socially and economically, and we will not sit idly by as they seek to grow ever more powerful.
Peace. Mike Santomauro Editorial Director New york City
the most powerful non-violent tactic to use is a general strike, nation wide to continue until the ceo's that created the so called "crisis" are investigated, tried and convicted with a demand to pay up all the money the fraudulently collected and put that money to work putting people to work and paying off the deficit. They should be sent to prison for a long time. A general strike should continue untill we shut this countyr down and have the corporate mongers on there knees . This will mean a period of suffering for us all , we need to be brave and willing to endure the hardships our effort to take this country back to true freedom and opportunity for all. What a wonderful world, we can do it! No more bail outs. It's payback time!
General strike until reform is enacted in laws. That will take care of the rest. We can't be satisfied with just investigated the crisis. We need a permanent solution.
Everyone should strike the banks.... take your money out and go to credit unions. Take your debt to the credit unions, also.... if you can.
perhaps OWS will talk to Patrick Byrne? check out his 5 year fight against corrupt wall street! http://www.deepcapture.com/
Its time for this not to only change our countries, but also to take the world in the direction of a OneWorldGovernment that can bring us into a United Earth..... A United Terra! We should do this preferably peacefully, and with alot of support but it possible.
It's the beginning of "American Awakening".... Several months ago, when I wrote texts on the internet sites with the title: "when are Americans going to become awake", we (Iranians) knew it will start soon.... We were expecting that (Mr.Ahmadinejad always tallked about human awakening reaching Europe and America).... I became so glad seeing that on TV and I was like: It finally started.... http://forthetimebeing.persianblog.ir/post/47/
some americans are wide awake and have been talking about this stuff for a very long time, some are awaking now (but, do they have a choice?), many, and i mean many will remain sleeping. then there are some who really don't give a damn.
And to hell with those who will remain asleep and to those who don't give a damn. The majority DOES give a damn.
ahhhhh! the early morning. time to make some coffee! (...on oct. 15th)
and after coffee run the streets and scream viva la' revolucion!
it would be nice to wake up one day feeling you have an abundant, good life and a secure future because the folks in the gov and your employers care for you. then go to the subway station and see people who are in the same manner relaxed and joyful, not dark, sad, staring as if in a trance at one point ahead of them. not to mention their worn out clothes from wall-mart, because they cant afford new ones and of a better quality.
I agree.
It's the beginning of "American Awakening".... Several months ago, when I wrote texts on the internet sites with the title: "when are Americans going to become awake", we (Iranians) knew it will start soon.... We were expecting that (Mr.Ahmadinejad always tallked about human awakening reaching Europe and America).... I became so glad seeing that on TV and I was like: It finally started.... http://forthetimebeing.persianblog.ir/post/47/
It's the beginning of "American Awakening".... Several months ago, when I wrote texts on the internet sites with the title: "when are Americans going to become awake", we (Iranians) knew it will start soon.... We were expecting that (Mr.Ahmadinejad always tallked about human awakening reaching Europe and America).... I became so glad seeing that on TV and I was like: It finally started.... http://forthetimebeing.persianblog.ir/post/47/
Influence share holders to divest in corporations that pay CEOs and senior executives more than 100 times their lowest paid worker.
Influence all Americans to close accounts at major banks and join credit unions.
Force Congress to pass Fair Trade laws to replace Free Trade laws.
Force Congress to pass term limit legislation, three terms for the House and two terms for the Senate.
Force Congress to make corporate campaign contributions illegal, only US citizens can contribute up to $100 per candidate.
Force Congress to pass the Employee Free Choice Act H.R.1409.
Wonderful! We love you Spain occupiers! And everyone around The World! We are better than what's been sold to us -- human dignity is worth this!
Wonderful! We love you Spain occupiers! And everyone around The World! We are better than what's been sold to us -- human dignity is worth this!
Don't stop now; the whole world is watching.
Keep up your momentum.
The efforts to silence this movement are those of desperate plutocrats, and only go to solidify its necessity. I have a job, but I support wholeheartedly those who are not so fortunate. I will do my best to join the largest gathering near me this weekend.
The times of the mega-rich treating us like cattle are over. PLEASE don't give up. Do your best to make the police understand they're protecting the wrong side. History will see you all as heroes.
Another capitalism is possible.!Watch some countries in LatinAmerica. Don´t give up. Love from Argentina
I will be attending on Oct 15 and I am bringing my three daughters...anyone in NJ that wants to donate non-perishable food items...i would be happy to bring them to the demonstrators...let me know...items can be dropped off to me Sat morning in Union NJ...contact me msuayan55@yahoo.com
I will be attending on Oct 15 and I am bringing my three daughters...anyone in NJ that wants to donate non-perishable food items...i would be happy to bring them to the demonstrators...let me know...items can be dropped off to me Sat morning in Union NJ...contact me msuayan55@yahoo.com
or you can give it to your local food shelter
Another capitalism is possible.!Watch some countries in LatinAmerica. Don´t give up. Love from Argentina
This clip from Rage against the Machine is of actuality more than ever
Not a huge fan, but when he teamed up with Boots... at least some humor was introduced to the schtick. Can't take this stuff too seriously.
made me think of this:
Lolllll portable Mosh Pit what a stupid yet funny idea
fuck you all
I'm guessing that's how you say "Good morning" where you come from?
I am amased at how Occupy works. Would like to have your input on the movement to understand it better. I am asking you to answer 10 questions and I am happy to share results if you are interested. Please, take some time for it: Thank you! http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Q3NF7QB
sounds like all you people should go get a job and quit living of obama.
Your name is so fitting.
A lot of us have jobs.... thank you. When things have changed, don't come asking any of us for help.
Sound like you should go back to school and learn some proper grammar.
To the Americans who are trying to use this fringe Leftist OWS movement to destroy Capitalism and the American Constitution, you will fail.
To the Non-Americans who think this fringe Leftist OWS movement will allow you to take down America, you're sorely mistaken
America is a center-right country and any talk of 1) Non-Americans changing us for a Socialist style system and 2) Leftist Americans taking down Capitalism...WILL fail.
Taking on greed and corruption is one thing...taking down Capitalism and the American way of life is entirely different and you'll have hundreds of millions of Americans united to STOP you.
(snore) The fact that you think OWS is a "fringe Leftist" movement gets you put on the "pay no mind" list.
Thank you.
America! Fuck Yeah! Freedom is the only way, yeah!
A word out to all you godless commies and evil foreigners from us Real Americans -- we will not stand by and let you destroy the greatest and most powerful nation to ever grace God's green earth! We will fight you off like those 300 Spartans fought off the vast Persian hordes! We will beat you off single-handedly and make you ejaculate for "help" just like we did with the British so many years ago! So lick my butt and suck on my balls!
It looks like there many out there on the Wall Street Protest that don't have jobs today and never have even looked for one,And you want the rest of us to support ya...Get real your not on the right path.What makes you people think the world owes you anything at all. Did your parents ever give you any type of chores while growing up? or are you protesting because you don't have any job skills at all ? Or you are not able to pass a drug test? What is wrong ? Get off your ass and look for a job...Even if it's a miminum wage it's still a raise for what your getting today.I worked for $3.65 per hour on my first job in 1969. My next job was as an applince repairman for 6.50 per hour,almost double the first one.Unlike you floks I was not afraid to work for these wages,I had a better vision than living at home with my parents,How many of you live at home or are on gov entittlements? Far to many is my guess.You need to look at your leader,Chief and Commander and ask for anwsers. Wast of time ,and if you think that this is like a police state you had better think again,They are just tolerating your little party,Wait untill you get out of control ,then you see what a police state really is. God Bless Texas.
$3.65 an hour in 1969 wasn't that bad.... considering the national minimum wage here is not even double that.... 40 years later. What the fuck is your point?
I have a career, I support myself 100%, and I support this movement and will join it in my area. Go get a fucking life.
There seems to be this universal assumption by critics around here that people on the left either don't work or don't want to work. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't just so damn offensive and wrong.
But hey, these people tend to be on the right. They've pretty much ensured that I'll never vote Republican again in my life. It's a shame that I don't really want to vote for Obama either, but I'm willing to hold my nose if I know it's going to piss off those who have been so vehement in telling me how I'm somehow lazy and worthless. At least it will prevent nutty right-wingers from being placed on the judicial benches.
On that note, I've come to the conclusion that the main change I'd love to see come out of all of this is reform of our election system. Not just finance reform -- I'm starting to think it might behoove us to find ways to do away with this winner-takes-all system that forces us to accept two parties. We have two political monopolies in this country -- Republicans have a monopoly on the right and Democrats have a monopoly on the left. Those monopolies need to be broken up into smaller parties with clear platforms. We need to reform the system in such a way that encourages multiple parties, coalitions, and power-sharing arrangements. It's not the obvious solution at first but I think this would go a long way in resolving some of the problems in this country.
I totally agree. Let's do it!!!!
Judging by your spelling and grammar, I'd say you have little to no idea what you're talking about. Most of these people probably have far more of an education than you can claim, but are so neck deep in student loans and no employment prospects that the only place they can turn is a handout.
They were lied to. They were told they'd have a job if they went in debt to continue school. Tuition goes up, but the wages stay the same.
You're bought and paid for, buddy. Your only frame of reference is over 40 years ago - the world is a very different place now.
You complain about government handouts and entitlements when trillions of OUR dollars were spent bailing out failed criminal schemes. Are you saying billionaire crooks should be rewarded for their mistakes while middle class people die in the streets? Not to mention, your age suggests you have friends who "live at home" and "are on gov entittlements".
You are part of the problem. Your ignorance is turning this country into a Banana Republic where you're told what to think, buy, and believe.
People like you are quickly becoming the minority.
I have a good job, but I support wholeheartedly the many who are not so fortunate. All you can do is frantically misspell your confused words and contribute absolutely nothing to the betterment of society. I can't even begin to fathom the depths your idiocy. Please stay off the internet.
Great reply. I couldn't have said it better myself. It's just amazing to me how lost some people can be.
".... trillions of OUR dollars were spent bailing out failed criminal schemes." And, trillions of OUR tax dollars have been spent to unjustifiably invade two countries, because of having a fucking moron dope head as president.
Excellent response.
Personally, I think the aggressiveness is spot on. Some ideas are best met with logic while others merit only ridicule.
Seriously, bdubatdi, nice reply, but still very aggressive and fairly nonconstructive (except to the ego of the poster or the poster's temporary online admirers; now, don't get me wrong, I understand being upset about ignorance, but lashing out at a brother who doesn't understand will not help anyone...).
Even through the meanness of bdub's post, I hope you could read between the line and re-think your harsh words, GodBlessTexas. I am not saying not to be passionate, we need Texas's awesomeness! Please, take your fire and apply it to the correct area!! We need your support, rather than scorn! I always thought the first states to say FUCK OFF to a government system out of control would be Texas, South Carolina, and California, maybe Oregon. Now is not a time to divide ourselves based on discrimination. I may not like hippies, or college kids, or asian women, or guys that wear striped shirts, or whatever bullshit criteria one may want to segregate others with, but that does not all of a sudden ban this particular "(arche)type" of person from the human collective, we are all brothers and sisters. Say for example hippies piss me off ideologically, as they eat at McDonald's whilst muttering "fight the poweer maan...", but do I care about them as I do all other humans? Of course! Now if these hippies were stealing money from the entire world in order to finance their own private drum circles and hippie parties, then yes we would need to have a discussion and change the scenario. This is exactly what is occurring now, except it is very driven, successful people with a lack of perspective and addictions to unhealthy patterns that affect the entire world, much like an alcoholic father affects an entire family and it's daily life and growth.
I hadn't considered people with older perspectives who haven't been compelled to update them, would have a partially inaccurate view of this current world scenario. For example, my girlfriend's father (late 60s- early 70s) still disapproves of her and thinks she should have gone to college, despite the fact that she has had a steady job paying over $20 an hour for almost a decade, while her sister (who graduated from college) is currently out of work and living with her husband's parents, after being devastated by the housing/mortgages crisis. Even after seeing his daughter that followed the plan and played by the rules lose her house and job, he still holds on to an old perspective he formed long ago in a different world and time, and is unfair to his daughter who managed to dodge the bullet of spoon fed societal failure, and is still paying rent, taxes, providing services in the work world and eating! I mention this only to show how some of our elders have become misguided, not by their own malevolence or ill intent, but by their situation and the information they receive and where it comes from (often TV and newsprint....very inaccurate medium for truthful, non-biased information, unfortunately).
I feel that these fellow people would want to help, their hearts are in the right place, but they feel threatened and defensive, because they have yet to realize or accept that the system they grew up with, that they have been piloting/participating in for their entire life, has gone awry, partially because of a lack of vigilance and hands-on participation.
I am not blaming or judging anyone, I am attempting to shed light on this concept as to bring together two sides that seem to oppose, but are actually the same side. As Noam Chomsky explains, "the smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." We need all people is this world that can, to help those that can't understand that they are poisoning the well. The vast majority must make the small minority understand that they are killing themselves and their long-forgotten brothers. That is what this movement is all about. Help us heal, relent, and we will forgive you. Those who act without love are only lacking it in the extreme. Harming one's brother will not aid him or society, even if he has hurt himself and many others.
The current state of society can and will be the catalyst of the complete re-balancing of the Planet, people of Earth UNITE! We are ONE! Fuck new world order, let's order a new World, what toppings do you guys want?
"The vast majority must make the small minority understand that they are killing themselves and their long-forgotten brothers."
You can't make the small minority understand something they don't want to understand. I've seen lefties try to do this for years, and it just doesn't work. I've gotten to the point where I don't mind being a bit aggressive and calling out simple stupidity when I see it, so I fully support bdub's comments.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.....
Thanks for your salient and noncontributing reply. Hope things are going well for you.
people are starving in the world (as more and more people are in america) and you are telling them to shut up and assimilate. why don't you go get a $7.15 an hour job in NYC and try to survive on your paycheck. you'd be eating pasta for the rest of your life, growing a fat, retarded ass.
the program that runs you is out of date.
I am not usually the type to go to protests, but I'll be at the Montreal protest on October 15th. I just wanted to share with everyone why I am going. I just graduated from University, I got about 20 000 in students loans and another 4 000 in credit card loans at 18% interest. I was lucky enough to get a job as soon as I graduated, and I am making 30 000 a year. I spoke to the head of my accounting department, I am probably going to end up paying 3 000 in taxes. That's fine by me, I get services for those taxes. But what really grinds my gears is the fact that GE did no pay in taxes last fiscal year. These large corporations have the resources to lobby and fund politicians, who then go ahead with tax loopholes. I support what you guys are doing, and I'll see you on Saturday.
It looks like there many out there on the Wall Street Protest that don't have jobs today and never have even looked for one,And you want the rest of us to support ya...Get real your not on the right path.What makes you people think the world owes you anything at all. Did your parents ever give you any type of chores while growing up? or are you protesting because you don't have any job skills at all ? Or you are not able to pass a drug test? What is wrong ? Get off your ass and look for a job...Even if it's a miminum wage it's still a raise for what your getting today.I worked for $3.65 per hour on my first job in 1969. My next job was as an applince repairman for 6.50 per hour,almost double the first one.Unlike you floks I was not afraid to work for these wages,I had a better vision than living at home with my parents,How many of you live at home or are on gov entittlements? Far to many is my guess.You need to look at your leader,Chief and Commander and ask for anwsers. Wast of time ,and if you think that this is like a police state you had better think again,They are just tolerating your little party,Wait untill you get out of control ,then you see what a police state really is. God Bless Texas.
Ignorance is bliss huh?
Texans don't protest when they don't like the perceived direction in which the country is going.
They just bitch a lot and threaten to secede from the Union. That's what these OWS kids would do if they were Real Patriotic Americans.
I wish many of the Southern states would secede. If they're that fucking ignorant, who wants them? They'd fall on their faces so fast.
So many of them ignore the fact that the majority of Red States actually receive "welfare" of sorts from us rotton, godless Blue States. If it weren't for the Federal government's role in ending slavery in the south and forcing their state governments to recognize civil rights I would say that I wish we had never tried to reintegrate them back into the Union in the first place.
I totally agree!!!!!! The South, with the exception of D.C., has the lowest test scores (high school students) in the nation. Doesn't surprise me that they don't get it. They're still caught up in the Civil War, while most of the rest of us moved on a very long time ago.