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We are the 99 percent

Occupy Wall Street: Improving Quality of Life for the 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 2:53 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

The participants of Occupy Wall Street are working for a better quality of life for the 99%. We are everyday Americans who want our voices and every voice to count in the political process. We want policy that looks out for all of our health and economic well-being — not a system that's rigged to look out for only the interests of the very wealthy and powerful.

While we work for these goals, we also occupy a physical space in lower Manhattan, and we work hard to create a safe, secure, and positive environment for everyone who comes to Liberty Square (Zuccotti Park). We have been working diligently to be good neighbors to area residents and businesses. Here are some of the ways we have been making measurable progress on quality of life issues:

  • Toilets: Installed. Despite denials of permits by the City, Occupy Wall Street participants have worked diligently with the help of local officials to secure 24/7 access to toilets within reasonable distance of Liberty Square. Starting today, OWS is providing access to porta-potties in a private, well-lit space with 24-hour security, only 2 blocks away from the square. The portable toilets will be maintained by a professional service, and OWS volunteers are blanketing Liberty Square with fliers directing people to the facilities.

  • Sanitation: Active and effective. Occupy Wall Street has a volunteer sanitation working group that has included hundreds of participants who maintain the park, making sure that anything left discarded is disposed of, sweeping, and cleaning. Their work is particularly important after rainstorms. At any given moment, a visitor to Liberty Square will find volunteers engaged in maintenance and cleaning throughout the park.

  • Security/Community Watch: Active and delivering results. Occupy Wall Street is in a public space in a major metropolis. We acknowledge that there are security challenges that accompany that fact. We have a multi-stakeholder Security Team versed in nonviolence and de-escalation tactics, as well as an overnight Community Watch, whose job is to ensure that everyone is safe. There have been cases of individuals with predatory intentions coming to the space and assaulting Occupy Wall Street participants. OWS security and volunteers has expelled such individuals, and when there was criminality involved, turned the individual over to the police.

  • Noise Level: Reduced and time-limited. We recognize that the drumming the first few weeks of Occupy Wall Street was excessive for many local residents. Stakeholders throughout the OWS community, including the activist-drummers, worked to provide guidelines and Pulse—the drummers working group—has self-regulated for the past week and a half to limit drumming to a total of four hours per day (12pm-2pm, 4pm-6pm). When new people arrive without knowledge of our drumming hours, a member of Pulse now approaches them to explain the policy to them.

  • NYPD Barriers to Business: Down. Some local businesses have been glad to have Occupy Wall Street in the area, and have reported a boom in their business because of OWS participants, and massively increased visitors to Liberty Square. Other businesses have complained about losses, mostly blaming the barricades erected by police after the occupation started. OWS and the neighborhood have requested a removal of these barricades, and thankfully many are now coming down after Community Board 1 and local officials made it clear they were a problem. Additionally, OWS has launched local business outreach initiatives, including the Street Vendor Project, which will encourage supporters of Occupy Wall Street to remotely purchase food from local vendors for OWS participants: http://streetvendor.org/ows

We will continue to work hard to improve the quality of life at and around Zuccotti Park, as we continue pursuing our larger purpose of improving the quality of life for all. Since the arrival of a new grassroots economic justice movement represented by Occupy Wall Street’s, we have helped to block new debit card fees the big banks wanted to impose on millions of Americans; helped homeowners win easier terms on mortgage debt and college grads on student debt; and opened a broad national conversation on income inequality and economic justice that is leading to real change. We will keep working locally, nationally and globally to demand a more just economy and better lives for all.



Read the Rules
[-] 5 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

For those interested, www.occupynews.net has over 150 Occupy Blogs with RSS feeds, (including this one) which makes it one of the fastest ways to keep track of as many Occupy Blogs as you like.

[-] 2 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Great, thanks for this valuable info!

[-] 2 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

GarnetMoon. thanks. I use the blog to jump around all over the country. I will even leave comments at various Occupy sites when I think my comment can contribute something positive.

I mistakenly messed up my email address for the Occupy Oakland site when I registered so I could post comments and have email begged them for the past week to help me get my registration corrected, but I guess they are too pre-occupied. (accidental pun there).

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Even though www.occupynews.net already had links to www.occupystream.com and an RSS feed to www.occupywallst.org, there are now additional links in the tab link section so those interested can more easily jump back and forth between these various occupy sites.

[-] 0 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago


Please pass this on if you agree. We are working on setting a date.

Force Change, Boycott Capitalism

We know what the problem is, let us fix it and move forward together.

When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department, you see criminals.

Our corruption dates back decades to when those, who in trying to preserve slavery, had to find new ways to preserve it and so created a scientific and advanced form of slavery.

Only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom & choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land.

How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it.

Our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another.

In America the population has been transformed into two major voting groups but they only have one choice.

They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations.

Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers.

Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans are realizing that our current system of government is damaging and unsustainable.

Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us??

Occupy Washington and demand that government officials resign their posts.

We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world.

Pass this message along to any and everyone, we already occupy the world, unite.

Occupy Washington, Boycott Capitalism, Force Change


[-] 1 points by CommonCitizenOfEarthLikeYou (5) 13 years ago

Whats the website you plan to start? I have been wondering this for YEARS. Why cant we vote online?? People give sensitive information all the time on line, social security numbers, credit cards. If you can spend your money- no problem. They dont want us to vote online because they know what will happen! They make voting occur during the business day early. How does this make sense???

[-] 1 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago

a world of distractions and cons.... no more - follow us on tweeter or whatever, we are a work in progress.

[-] 1 points by jasmine (12) 13 years ago

how is that 750k money you all have collected working for you, soon the movement will be that 1% you hate. Dont you think you should share that money and pay taxes on it?

[-] 1 points by getrealbro65 (5) 13 years ago

will join when: you occupy the White House; Department of "Justice"; do a sit-in at Barney's office; take over Freddie Mae and march to their 10 "executives'" mansions (like you did in NYC, but somehow skipped over Alec Baldwin); they are getting $10MILLION IN BONUSES after losing BILLIONS of our (meaning taxpayers, not takers) money; waiting for another discussion on this......oh, right, no one is talking; start the dialogue bros

[-] 1 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago

there's a lot of cleaning up to do, from the financial sector but also the food and drug administration where big pharma writes our bills, energy, where energy companies write our bills, to weapons and manufacturing who fool us into war, drug enforcement which funnels money to weapons building and throws kids in jail for a joint while letting the entire nation get hooked on pain killers, anti-depressants, pressure & cholesterol and most alarmingly children on behavior modification drugs. - "they" have wedged themselves between us and our freedom to live.

to go against them or the capitalist system they head would mean death.

this is a crime, the system for the exchange of goods and the system of government by and for the well-being of people should always be seperate.

this new form of slavery must end.

[-] 1 points by outsidenyc (11) 13 years ago

Get a job lowlife and earn your OWN money instead of trying to take it from someone else that worked hard for it. Piece of shit.

[-] 1 points by NewWorldNow (83) 13 years ago

When did this movement get hijacked by nutjobs? It seems like it was only a few weeks: We started out with a noble purpose that the 99% could agree with, and now we have devolved under an invasion of ignoramuses who don't understand basic economics. We are a great nation, founded on capitalism. We don't want to end capitalism, we want to clean up government. I have been supporting this movement with some pretty big donations, but if I wanted to support MoveOn nutjobs I would be sending them a check directly. This movement needs to purge itself or it will die quickly!

[-] 1 points by jasmine (12) 13 years ago

Oh what your not ready to hear everyones agenda? Everyone is going to want something. You have opened your selves up to this. The unions see you as useful idiots for their cause, even the president is using you. The unions are the greedest people in this country, you know Hoffa Jr has 31mill sittiing in the bank right. There are the communist and socialist and who knows what else that have leached onto your movement. And teachers have an agenda to get more money, on and on the people that are using you for one reason or other....

This is a great country that you have the freedoms to make money spend money and live the way you wish pretty much.

From what I see you are not getting to much respect from "the people" and you wont looking the way you do and smelling the way you do in your incampment.

And from what I see you are hurting many people, business owners for one. but you all dont care about that now do you.

[-] 1 points by etarip (1) 13 years ago

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom,and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong that will be imposed on them; and these will continue til they are resisted with ether words or blows, or with both. The limit of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." Frederich Douglass

[-] 1 points by bierzwinski (1) 13 years ago

I completely agree!

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

It wasn't highjacked. It was started by nutjobs.

[-] 1 points by barbara (14) 13 years ago

The comments section isn't an advertisement space. Posting a link to your website once is sharing information. Posting a link to your website repeatedly is spam.

Please stop.

[-] 1 points by ciaplant (3) 13 years ago

yer spammin every dang post with this, yo. 'tis a good tract, but it's kinda weird, reading like 4 different updates, and seeing this post at the top. o_0

[-] 0 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago

yes, there are some nut jobs posting nonsense about marijuana and ridiculing folks, just trying to help clean up.... and work toward peace and true democracy.

We are all over blogs and news sites on the internet as well. People are emailing one another, tweeting has yet to pick up.

please help, believe in us because we are you.

[-] 2 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

better system, I think ciaplant is talking about you. And I have a suspicion that you are minusing everybody elses comments so yours can rise to the top.

If you are, that is utter crap.

[-] 1 points by outsidenyc (11) 13 years ago

Want to clean up? Get a freakin job. Stop trying to take money form people who worked hard for it. Earn your own money, like the rest of us do,

Filthy lowlifes.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

They mean you kiddo, stop it.

[-] 1 points by bloodflower (24) 13 years ago

Capitalism is not the problem. Greed and corruption associated with capitalism is where the problem is . Getting these confused hurts support for the OWS protest. Career politicans need to go. Our politicians need to be people that represent the people.They should come from a background of teachers, plumbers,factory workers ect. instead of the rich and lawyers.

[-] 1 points by jasmine (12) 13 years ago

um the people that are elected are to represent the people lol

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

I agree bloodflower. This very article is about installing toilets. We are very lucky to live in a place where universal sewage care exists. Conforming roadways from one city to the next, one state to the next. Phone lines. Water supply infrastructure. Big screen TV.

The problem is that the system nowadays has squandered the ability to take the built up infrastructure to the next level and use it to create a greener, more self sustaining economy that is less about greed and more about sustainability.

[-] 0 points by NewWorldNow (83) 13 years ago

Thank you for getting us back on point, bloodflower.

[-] 0 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

No thanks

[-] 4 points by joanno (33) from Syracuse, NY 13 years ago

Any attempt been made to purchase Zucotti? Expensive piece of property I'm sure...but I'm also sure the 99% could put together the funds to make it happen. Having a People's Plaza at Wall Street's door would send a powerful, long term message.

[-] 1 points by stevilism (130) 13 years ago

Hmmm....this is an interesting idea...but it would go against what the movement is about...but you may have something there.

[-] 0 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago


Please pass this on if you agree. We are working on setting a date.

Force Change, Boycott Capitalism

for government resignation and a new online voting system with verification so we can rebuild our country and eventually our world.

We know what the problem is, let us fix it and move forward together.

When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department, you see criminals.

Our corruption dates back decades to when those, who in trying to preserve slavery, had to find new ways to preserve it and so created a scientific and advanced form of slavery.

Only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom & choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land.

How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it.

Our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another.

In America the population has been transformed into two major voting groups but they only have one choice.

They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations.

Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers.

Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans are realizing that our current system of government is damaging and unsustainable.

Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us??

Occupy Washington and demand that all government officials resign their posts.

We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world.

Pass this message along to any and everyone, we already occupy the world, unite.

Occupy Washington, Boycott Capitalism, Force Change


[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Not "boycott capitalism". Dismantle capitalism


[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Youll get your ass kicked

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

not if we are the vast majority. Nothing can beat the people if they´re determined enough.


[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Good thing you arent.

[-] -1 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

You can live off the land. Try farming. Class warfare is being brought to you by 0bama &Co. What's wrong with making a profit? Who goes into busines to fail? I love capitalism, it's enabled me to buy the machine I'm posting this on.

[-] 2 points by PreserveLiberty (7) 13 years ago

You idiot. Capitalism is freedom. If you are a "slave", you put yourself in that position through poor decisions. Grow up. Contribute. Become something on your own. Provide for yourself. Stop stealing the fruits of my labor. You can live off the land that you own, and America is one of the few remaining places where you can do so. Wake up, OWS!

[-] 1 points by ciaplant (3) 13 years ago

All labor is social labor

"BAM!"- Emiril Lagasi

[-] 1 points by SocratesPhilosophy (231) 13 years ago

Don't worry, 98% don't agree with Struggle's ideology.

As for myself I'm a Libertarian Anti-Corruptionist OWS supporter.

[-] 1 points by PreserveLiberty (7) 13 years ago

I appreciate your Libertarian Anti-Corruptionism, but stop short at OWS support. Corruption starts and ends with those capable of granting it - namely the politicians who create pointed regulations. You're on the wrong end of the spectrum. Occupy DC, if you want it to end. Identify corrupt individuals and make sure they are punished and/or ousted from the system.

[-] 1 points by SocratesPhilosophy (231) 13 years ago

Agreed, but you have to start somewhere so if that was the start point for them, cool. My worry is what this may become, I see so many post across the web about the Constitution and Bill of Rights doesn't work yet if it wasn't for such a thing they could not say what they are saying... go figure.

[-] 0 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

"Capitalism is freedom." No, Capitalism is tyranny, PRIVATE TYRANNY

watch the links


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpd3grtjkK8 (from 3:10)



Sure. That´s in our nature. We should strive for Anarcho-Syndicalism which is best suited human nature:



"Stop stealing the fruits of my labor"

You mean like what citibank has been doing since the 80s when it first recieved a taxpayer bailout from Reagan and since that along with an increasing number of other corporations taken enormous sums of taxmoney? Is that what you mean? Is it the fruits of the indonesian facory girls´ labor working 10 hours a day for 50 cents an hour at Nike so you can get low cost shoes? Is that what youre talking about?

The ones in reality who are stealing the friuts of our labor are the financial elite exploiting people in the US and all over the world and making millions by pushing a few buttons on a computer at the stock exchange. Really hard labor, right...?

Besides, our "friuts" cant be measured. And if they were you would soon find out that you get much more form society than what you contribute:

We now live in a complex, highly advanced technological society built up by generations of people thru hundreds of years. People have been building infrastructure, contributed to science, developed technology, developed efficient ways of manufacturing etc etc. Because of all this effort we now enjoy a more wealthy, advanced and efficient society than ever. All of this, lots of it built and created long before we were even born, we’re now enjoying despite having little or nothing to do with contributing to it ourselves. In other words, our contributions, no matter what we do, are microscopic compared to what we receive from society. We’re enjoying the results of generations of people’s work gradually building a modern society – an enormous free ride.

Now, what´s also interesting is that even though the rich, which the right-wing tend to support, are becoming increasingly wealthy by doing less, the right always turn to the poor and working class when they want to give a speech about that getting a free rides and stealing the friuts of other people´s labor. The rich, which have become rich mostly by pushing a few buttons at a computer at Wall Street, and/or exploiting workers, which isn`t exactly hard work, are being given more and more tax breaks and benefits by politicians, yet the right wing have the balls to criticize sick people for getting their medical bills covered by the government. To put it this way, as long as the wealthy are getting more and more recourses into their hands by doing very little, people should have no right lecturing the working class and poor for asking for welfare programs.

So how should we organize a complex highly advanced wealthy society? Make it more democratic! Make the workplaces democratic, make the communities democratic. Organize society so that people can be in control over their own lives. Create a society where we focus on peoples needs instead of short term profit. End the system we have today, which encourages greed and unsustainable and pointless consumption, and instead create a society where true human characteristics and feelings like engagement and solidarity will come to the fore. Create a decent civilized society where everyone can enjoy a decent life. Create a society where we all can enjoy a good life

[-] 2 points by PreserveLiberty (7) 13 years ago

OK - let's pull this apart.

Capitalism allows for freedom to purchase from and work for any entity of your choosing. If you're enslaved, you've opted into your enslavement. Create a workplace of your own, or find one more amenable to your liking. An assertion that you're forced to purchase something is absurd. You can grow your own food and fabricate your own clothing.

Yes, a contribution to yourself, family, neighbor, community is human nature, thus our survival. Global/national expansion is not human nature, which is why free market capitalism works. Regulation and blind interconnection disrupts and corrodes this maxim.

The advancement of a given society is natural when freedom reigns. I am proud to pass my accomplishments on to future generation, and glad to receive those of my predecessors. This is not the demand for entitlement that I am talking about. You want a 'living wage' when you haven't earned it. We have no relation, and yet you want to take from me while i get nothing in return but the hope that you'll stop occupying the things i might like to enjoy. Not a fair trade. Those who cannot help themselves deserve our charity. Those who WILL NOT help themselves deserve nothing.

The rich become rich by doing something more intelligently, efficiently, or desirable to the market than their counterpart. It might not look like hard work to you, but trust that they have done the background work to make it appear so. Right vs Left has nothing to do with this truth. However, the continual quest for 'equality in outcomes' creates regulation that stifles true capitalism, and results in profitable loopholes at the tax-payers' expense. I don't support bank (or any tax-paid) bail outs. Survival is the job of the market - one it does quite well. I can see that you (and most of OWS) are on the Left - is this why you stop short of demonizing the true culprits - the politicians? This protest belongs in DC.

Your platitude-laden closure is hollow, at best. Pure democracy is a fallacy, which ultimately leads to anarchistic collapse and mob rule. Look no further that your own OWS - leadership has already stratified among only a few hundred people. The free market, on the other hand, is inherently democratic. YOU buy what you want - by any decision process you like - if enough people follow, a company succeeds. You have the choice to work for a democratic company. You have the choice to live in a democratic society. You do NOT have the option of telling me that i must. USA creates the best opportunity for a decent life like no other time/place in history. Embrace it! Yes, remove corruption from the market-government relationship, but that change occurs at the ballot box, not the market square. Take a note from the Tea Party - demand cleanliness from your representatives. OR become a wholesome representative yourself. Your enjoyment of your 'good life' has nothing to do with me. Stop demanding theft through taxation of my earnings to provide you with your definition of a 'living wage'.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Money is not equally distributed. Saying that teh marked is democratic is like saying a system wher men have 100 votes while women have 1 is democratic.

Being able to start you own busines (though only people with capital can do that) does not change the fact that corporations are private tyrannies in their structure http://occupywallst.org/forum/replace-capitalism-with-democracy/


"Those who WILL NOT help themselves deserve nothing." Absolutely disagree. We should all be able to enojoy the free ride society http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-free-ride-society/

"Pure democracy is a fallacy" No. Its the societyr we should strive for. A society where people are in control of their own communities workplaces, and lives. http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-society-we-should-strive-for/

[-] 0 points by sassafrass (197) 13 years ago

I'll take take this down point-by-point. /"Capitalism allows for freedom to purchase from and work for any entity of your choosing."/ So why aren't we all working for the finest employers in existence and buying yachts? Because choice is limited and freedom is a relative construct. /"If you're enslaved, you've opted into your enslavement."/ Right, because everyone would rather be a slave than lord of the manor. But of course this will be exactly the rhetoric that will be used when people start getting "encouraged" to make the "choice" to sell themselves into slavery after all their money and rights have been taken away and given to the rich they will be forced to depend on. /"An assertion that you're forced to purchase something is absurd."/ As is the common argument that big business is "forced" to maintain profit by cutting wages and shipping jobs overseas. /"The advancement of a given society is natural when freedom reigns."/ The "advancement" of a society is limited by the finite size of the earth and the amount of resources on it. Frankly, unregulated "advancement" is not a virtue. /"you want to take from me while i get nothing in return"/ Except every last little thing you have, do or use that you didn't do all by yourself. Except the whole world you live in and want to dominate from your throne in a bubble. You didn't make your own clothes, you didn't grow or pick the cotton to make them, you didn't discover how to grow cotton, you didn't discover agriculture. You don't sell whatever product or service you do that you think is so fucking superiorly important in an isolated vacuum. Somebody has to buy it from you and guess what that means? Somebody else allowing you to stay prosperous or even to keep on existing. I'd say that's giving a lot. /"The rich become rich by doing something more intelligently, efficiently, or desirable to the market than their counterpart."/ Again, the rich become rich because everybody else (arbitrarily or rationally) allows them to, and this is subject to change. "Snooki" is neither intelligent nor efficient nor desirable but for some reason we've allowed her to become rich. But in about ten seconds, we will probably change our minds. Thank goodness. /"You have the choice to work for a democratic company. You have the choice to live in a democratic society."/ "Choice" is increasingly non-existent as the workforce continues to be robbed and disempowered by the rich who would be accountable to no one. At least be honest that you want to be a king and have slaves. /"You do NOT have the option of telling me that I must."/ Ummmm.... yeah we do if we have the "free" society of "options" and "choice" you desire. We can say or do whatever the fuck we want. /"Stop demanding theft through taxation of my earnings to provide you with your definition of a 'living wage'."/ Stop demanding theft through exploitation of everyone else's labor and economic activity to provide you with your definition of "liberty".

[-] 2 points by PreserveLiberty (7) 13 years ago

You don't work for the finest employer because you are not qualified. You're not buying a yacht because you can't afford it. You do, however have the freedom to pursue those milestones if you choose.

Your money and rights will be taken away by the rule of law, not the market. If this is your fear, protest DC and the politicians who dictate taxation. The market does not 'take away' your money or your freedom - it has not mechanism to do so, since you have complete control of your participation therein.

All business (big AND small) are created to make a profit, and to return financial growth to its shareholders. Reducing employees and relocating operations are part of that formula. If your job is cut, take the skills you have honed and get a new one. You might have to relocate to do so. A job is not a right.

Correct, societal advancement is limited by resources - WHEN advancement is linear. Efficiency and adaptability are keys to continued advancement. If you're referring to pollution regulation, i agree - communities should protect their common resources as well as is possible - thus our fine republic.

No, i haven't done everything by myself, although i do compete well. I'm not looking to rule others, i just want the freedom to choose my own path, while giving to those to whom i want to give - you probably won't make the cut. I do not make my own clothes, nor grow/harvest most of my own food, but rest assured, that i have the ability and knowledge to do both. I find it much more efficient to pay others for both activities. When i sell something to someone else, they find it of value and 'fucking superior' to both my competition and doing it themselves. That is the even exchange upon which the market is based.

See above for why the rich are rich. Snooki is a perfect example of the market working as intended. She has no appeal to me, yet she has EARNED a lot of money. She must be selling something that people want to buy. Would you suggest outlawing Snooki?? That sounds like an arbitrary determination of who will be rich to me...

I do not want to be a kink, nor own slaves. I find it ironic, however, that you seem to want to decide who should have what - sounds dictatorial.

Create your own workforce. Except the outcome of your decisions. don't be a slave, nor disempowered by anyone.

Exactly right! You can tell me what to do and i can tell you to 'fuck off' and do what i want. Glad we agree here.

Do what you will with your labor and economic activity - please allow me the same. That will be a re-realization of the American Dream. Provide for yourself, of yourself, your talents, your family, and your community. Ask for help when you need it, don't occupy the square and demand it of me.

[-] 1 points by sassafrass (197) 13 years ago

Whether you know it or not, or whether you care or not, your ideology leads to masses enslaved by a few violent lords.

[-] -1 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago

Yes, thank you, we intend on relying on the earth to look after us while we pursue our personal dreams and exercise our freedoms.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

The earth will not look after you. Farmimg is hard work. So is hunting and fishing.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Everyday I take all of my scrap fruit rinds and such and throw them into a dirt hole in the yard, then I throw a bit of dirt on top. It's actually time consuming, but good exercise as well. And I'll have some amazing compost for next year.

[-] 1 points by SocratesPhilosophy (231) 13 years ago

Gardening is fun but will not yield enough food to sustain you and much, much more if you have a family. What are the people in inner cities going to do?

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

I would have to agree with Socrates on this point. However, the local growing of food should be encouraged anyways.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Actually, gardening can provide enough to sustain a person or even a family with. My family has done it before.

[-] 1 points by SocratesPhilosophy (231) 13 years ago


from what I can tell it will take a large piece of land to do so.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by SocratesPhilosophy (231) 13 years ago

He's right, unless you can buy farming equipment.

And it's still not easy.

[-] 0 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago

Retweet this all over the world. Force Change, Unite for World Peace http://wesower.org -- The Beginning is Here

[-] 1 points by getrealbro65 (5) 13 years ago

that's right bro....do what Oakland did....cover your faces (people who are proud of what they are, don't cover their faces....); throw Molokovs, start fires, block a port (with your union brothers, all 9% of this country); and when everything is burning, let's all hold hands and have World Peace; and you will be enslaved to the ilks of Pelosi/Reid/OB/his Czars........ hilarious!


[-] 3 points by outsidenyc (11) 13 years ago

Here's an idea for improving the quality of life. GET A JOB, you lazy leeches.

I worked my whole life doing whatever I had to to raise a family. When I was out of work, I didn't sleep in some park whining that other people had a lot of money and I want some of it.

You filthy lowlifes aren't fooling anyone. You want money that someone else worked hard for. Yeah, that's imporving life. Take money that someone else earned because you're to lazy to earn your own.

I've been there watcvhing you filthy lazy slobs get up at 8 or 9 in the morning. Most of us are up at 6 AM and earlier getting ready to WORK.

In case you don't know what work is, it is something you do to earn your OWN money, not take it from someone else.

Lowlife pricks.

[-] 3 points by prettywreckless (4) 13 years ago

I am not the 99%

What initiated as a small protest denominated Occupy Wall Street has now proliferated around the world like a virus, proclaiming to be defending the interests of the 99% against the boogeymen of the 21st century – corporate greed, government corruption and inequality – which are all summed up by these activists under one name: Capitalism.

What was once the American Dream has morphed into the American Nightmare for a lot of people in the last decade- 46 million people living in poverty, constituting 15.1% of the total population, and unemployment oscillating between the 10-9 % spectrum in the last two years– it is no wonder people are rebelling against the upheaval of the current times, right?

Statistics can be scary and also misleading. What the US Census considers poverty is not what most people envision – no homeless shelters and soup kitchens (the odds of being homeless on a single night in 2009 being 1 in 753). Most Americans living in poverty have all of their basic needs met and then some – including air conditioning, cable or satellite TV, personal computer, Internet service and a car. The households with children also have game consoles.

In 2009 the US Government spent $533 billion in “income security”, which others may refer to as unemployment, disability and retirement. They also spent $284 billion on food and housing assistance – totaling a 12% of the Government budget, helping about 37 million people. These people are really mean and corrupt, I mean why would they spend so much money helping others?

There is no doubt equality does not exist in the United States, but does it really favor the wealthy? The income tax rate increases as income increases, making the wealthy pay higher taxes. The wealthy pay for their food and for the foodstamps of the poor. However the equality demanded by these activist is not equality at all but favoritism of social classes over others- suggesting even higher taxes for the rich and lower taxes for the poor.

The United States Declaration of Independence states that “all men are created equal”, which means all of them must have the same opportunities – such as education, which is accessible to everyone in the United States. It also states “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” as Americans’ inalienable rights, giving everyone an opportunity to fight for their goals and dreams but in no way giving insurance that everyone will achieve them.

The way the numbers roll out the only crime the US Government is guilty of committing is violating the right of Life. Today 16.3% of the population live without healthcare and 45,000 die a year because of it. The uninsured have a 40% higher risk of death than those who are insured, and those who pay the hearty sums charged by health care companies do not always receive the care they need and deserve. Health should not be a business transaction.

The United States in no way is a purely capitalistic country. It gives free education and help to those in need – including but not limited to welfare, unemployment, free education and housing, and free higher education in the form of financial aid. What these supposedly “99%” are protesting is not inequality or capitalism. They don’t want to start down in the social ladder and work their way up, but start at the top right away. It sounds more like the whine of a five year old than a funded argument of an adult. They are not the 99% - I am not wealthy and don’t constitute part of this group – which also means they have to get their facts straight.

[-] 1 points by jasmine (12) 13 years ago

very well said thank you.

[-] 1 points by johnnyapple (15) 13 years ago

How about we all focus on getting all Government appointed officials, from our local City, County, State, Mayors to Governors and all their elected cabinets, all the way up to and including the Federal Government, Congress, Senators’, Obama and his cabinet take, a 10% cut in their outlandish salaries and freeze their raises for the next two years!!! This would make a serious impact on our economy, Christ maybe even balance the budget!!!! They all keep talking about cutting into our very needed social and educational programs, but no mention on their lavish life styles.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Very well said thank you.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

Great post !!

[-] 3 points by emo (3) 13 years ago

Occupy has become about camping. Camping on public land. This is no way impacts upon wall street trading, and has had zero impact upon the economy. You guys need to focus on attack and not on digging in. The rest of the world is watching you and you seem to be scared of any confrontation, and also to be lacking any direction. Are you just going to keep camping till you run out of energy? And camping through a winter? these two things CAMPING and WINTER have nothing to do with the Banking system. This has to be fought on an economic front, by using your brains, not on a physical front by using your butts.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

I think the physical protesters are doing a lot of good for three reasons:

  • they're a very effective advertisement for a political discussion this country desperately needs. But responses like this are needed so that this doesn't turn into bad publicity.

  • they are performing a massive, nationwide "freedom of navigation exercise" calling legal and political attention to unreasonable restrictions on freedom of assembly and the de facto illegality of homelessness in this country. The nuts-and-bolts solutions described in this post show that the problems everyone raises about protesters can be addressed and they're not a fair reason to prohibit such actions.

  • They are still creating a place where activists are meeting, exchanging ideas, and creating partnerships that might not happen online. Such relationships are important for nurturing trust and collaboration for the same reason that scientists go to meetings rather than just reading each others' papers, or businessmen fly around the country to make deals.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

emo, I have suggested that we get the banks to change one rule that is robbing the 99 percent of their wealth. Restructuring a debt requires a default first! This is just outrageous considering it was wall street that created the rocky economy that makes it impossible to pay off debt unless the interest rates on the debt are reduced.

The banking law should be changed to "Debt restructuring DOES NOT require a default" Make this one simple change to the banking rule of law and tens of millions of people will be able to get their lives back on track without walking away from debt and without being forever enslaved to their debt.

[-] 2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

They forced you to take out a loan?

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

A family is planning a trip across the desert. Fifty miles into their trip they discover the car has stalled out because of bad gasoline. They call the gas station that sold them the gas and the gas station attendant (whose name also happens to be Gileos) offers to tow them back to the gas station for 200 dollars.

The family is outraged and says that is unjust, to which Gileos allegedly replied, "Nobody forced you to buy gasoline from my gas station".

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

So you were forced to take out a "bad" loan?

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

lol, come on Gileos, you can't just ignore the analogy, especially when it appears to be a bullseye.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Except that it's not.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

lol, it's a perfect analogy. I'm allowed one after trying out a thousand in my mind.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

No its not and no you are not.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

I never said I was perfect, just had one moment.

[-] 1 points by OWS99 (12) 13 years ago

The Civil Rights Movement was not accomplished in one day. I suggest you take your own advice by "using your brains". Try, it might just work.

[-] 3 points by 789junior (4) 13 years ago

there are so many fantastic engineers and other people in New Zealand that have great ideas to reduce waste, produce emission-less energy, etc, but they are not supported as govt subsidizes big oil. How do we change that? Invest what money you have into little start-ups. It's pointless protesting without positive action.

[-] 1 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Agreed, OWS has taken the stage and now has a chance to act, which means it's time to stop focusing merely on the means (occupying, resisting oppressive police, gaining attention) and work towards the ends (change political discussion [check], remove money from politics, reform government). I am growing very concerned that it could stagnate at that first half and squander it's momentum.

I think it would be very beneficial to have more places where we can discuss actions, for instance ways to invest locally (like moving money to credit unions). I have my own ideas on the point of removing money from politics, but I feel like they are not received well because there is no where I can actually discuss it with others. It's very hard to drop a link or idea and accomplish anything from that alone.

I hope that comes off as more constructive and less rantish.

[-] 1 points by 789junior (4) 13 years ago

It's not rantish at all to want to solve a problem! The opportunity we have with social media is to organise a communal movement towards ethical investment. So often we think "I'd like to make a difference but I'd need a million dollars..." There are literally millions of us watching OWS. A lot of us have some discretionary money, even if only hundreds or thousands. We don't realise this is enough to change the entire direction of business. I guess what anyone reading this today can do is go see an investment broker, or find a publicly-listed company on the net and offer to buy shares, or maybe even just buy more stuff locally. And encourage others around us to not despair at not being able to stop corruption and greed, but rather use what money we have in strategic ways. There are many clever innovative people that need to be encouraged, not the bloody Rupert Murdochs of the world! He's got enough!

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

I like your idea by using small amounts of many from the many we could instill major change. Maybe we could organize a mass stock buying and pool our shares to have a major voice in various share holder meetings. Id go for something like that.

[-] 1 points by ciaplant (3) 13 years ago

Integrate some kinda like micro-financing type-thingy...seriously, food 'n utilities are so expensive, we all should be forming grocery co-ops 'n gas co-ops 'n such.

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

That would be difficult to organize but possible maybe we could instead use our buying power to buy into the energy companies and force change in how they price things. By making local energy controlled by the local citizens could we maybe make a large change in our community. I like your ideas I hope to hear more.

[-] 1 points by 789junior (4) 13 years ago

This is exactly what I'm talking about!:


How nice to know others are thinking in the same way. If we can get OWS to organise an easy way for people to sign up or contribute financially to an investment fund of some kind, that would be awesome. I'll try to get in touch with the organisers - it makes sense for OWS to do it as they have the momentum and the world is watching them. Something like an easy site people can go to, and with just a few clicks buy shares...I know it's not that easy but the easier we can make it the more people will get on board. So if we all do what we can individually, and let's hope OWS takes up this idea.

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

Okay Im sold this is a great idea it gives 99% movement some teeth versus wall street and possibly lobbyists. Though I like many others dont have the best investment savvy I would definitely buy in to an organized 99% index fund. Please do look into starting this an let me know. Great call thank you for your insight I hope to hear more.

[-] 3 points by 789junior (4) 13 years ago

What if each of the 99% of us, buy shares (even if only $10) in ethical companies? That way the 99% could truly become rulers of their own destiny - we would control sustainable and ethical growth industries. It's fantastic to protest a corrupt system, but we also need to take control of the future economic system for ourselves.

[-] 3 points by simonnl (3) 13 years ago

The general direction of OWS is correct with a majority base and a real significant problem to be solved. All it takes is time. In the meantime, enjoy yourself.

[-] 3 points by occupymind (5) 13 years ago

Excellent! Keep up the good work, we here in Medford, Oregon are continuing to meet in solidarity. We are hosting a Move-Your-Money event today in junction with a few local activist groups. It will be filmed and place on the internet for all to see. http://www.occupymedfordoregon.org/. Like our FB page if you can! http://www.facebook.com/OccupyMedford We are all in this together!

[-] 2 points by 123john (4) 13 years ago

Protesting banks and moving your money to a smaller bank will do nothing to improve somebodies life or get them a job. Your time would be better spent on protesting companies to bring there manufacturing of products back to THIS country and retailers to sell only USA made products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 2 points by Hello (6) 13 years ago

Which businesses have said they are "glad to have Occupy Wall Street in the area"?

[-] 2 points by outsidenyc (11) 13 years ago

None of them have aholes. Your are ruining the neighborhood with your filthy disgusting habits. Get a job and earn your OWN money like the rest of us, you freeloader pricks.

You cost people jobs in some nearby businesses because they are losing business because of you filthy animals.

Does that bother you at all? Earn your OWN money leeches.

[-] 2 points by arcodorko (49) 13 years ago

I'd like to hear the answer to this question too. Don't be silent, back the claim up.

[-] 2 points by retromac (18) from Westhampton Beach, NY 13 years ago

You're doing an amazing job, including taking care of homeless people the city has turned its back on. (Hmmmm ... that the country has turned its back on). Evil NY Post has used this inclusiveness to demonize OWS ... so just wanted to say I've been there & know they're crazy & YOU ROCK!

[-] 2 points by therock (30) from Altona, NY 13 years ago

I'd like to remind people that respect for the worth and dignity of all beings and the interconnectedness of all life should be guiding principles. We can never expect lasting change if we seek to replace an essentially violent system through violent means. We must dedicate ourselves to the discipline of nonviolence and train ourselves to exemplify it in every every way.

[-] 2 points by turk (1) 13 years ago

A simple idea for restoring American small business and employment.....and taking our economy back.

This Christmas Season, only buy American made. Let corporate America know that they will not profit this season by selling cheap imports made with slave labor in China.

This will increase demand for American products and manufacturers, increase sales in small American shops (you will not find any American products in WalMart), increase employment to meet these demands. A no-brainer, and a blow to the corrupt, greedy 1% who rely on slave labor.

[-] 2 points by myselfbyanothername (3) 13 years ago

76% of the galaxy's mass is taken up by 12% of the planets.....OCCUPY JUPITER!!!

[-] 2 points by not1OR99percent (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

If you had any idea how this has impacted on disabled people who live here you would not be doing this.

[-] 0 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

Don't try to make narcissists feel bad. Its impossible.

[-] 1 points by not1OR99percent (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I see just as much narcissism in right-wing populism, and I have no interest in playing on guilt. But it's become increasingly difficult to go out, run errands, food shop, without becoming ill, getting dizzy, inevitably falling down. Inside, outside, on the street. I can't live like this. I have some sympathy with the overall message. But where do my rights enter into this?

The longer this goes on the less easy it becomes to consider giving the protestors the benefit of the doubt that they care about the effect this has on some of us.

[-] 1 points by jazzycat (5) 13 years ago

Funny. I feel that way when I go into certain stores, like "Toys are Us" or GAG Walmart (which I have been in only about 10 times in the past 10 years - I refuse to shop there unless I absolutely have to). I get dizzy, my nose burns when I breathe, my lungs start hurting, I get nauseous and feel like I'm going to pass out. I suppose it is fumes from all the plastic and chemicals. The smell is overbearing. I can't stay in many stores for more than 10 minutes or I get violently ill. Going to the checkout counter at Petsmart has the same effect, and I haven't been able to pinpoint what product it is that is doing that to me in that store. I don't shop at most stores that only carry imported crap from China anyway, but once in a while I have a need to go into one for something.

But one thing is for sure, our government is not doing anything to insure the our health and safety, the safety and health of our kids, or our pets, or the health and safety of the environment. I fully support the OWS movement in every way. Please don't give up or allow the lawless cops and government to suppress you. Rock on.

[-] 1 points by not1OR99percent (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I think you might have misunderstood. I'm not talking about Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and I do my best to avoid huge corporate chain stores, and have, for decades. It's not always possible, but that's not the point.

Nobody's 'suppressing' me. But the protest has interfered with my ability to walk on the sidewalk in my neighborhood, and made it extremely and painfully difficult to perform necessary tasks and errands. That is not fair, sorry. The government's obvious shortcomings is not the issue here.

And, again, I'm not interested in making anyone feel guilty. It's not so unreasonable that they may not be aware how this is affecting people like me. But I do believe that I and others deserve some consideration. Working around this was near-impossible from the start. It's now gotten to the point where something has to change. I'm not willing to overlook how this impacts on myself and others now just because the cause is important. Interfering with the ability of myself and others to walk on the sidewalk does not advance this or any other cause.

[-] 1 points by jazzycat (5) 13 years ago

I apologize. I didn't mean to sound unfeeling to your predicament. Perhaps if you went and spoke with some of the people who are organizing, they would help you out, or at least be more mindful of the situation. They do seem willing to accommodate people, especially those who are being unjustly harmed. I don't think they want to create that situation for anyone, or to create harm. They are, after all, out there protesting because of the harm that has been unjustly created and perpetuated upon the majority of folks by the 1%. I don't think they want to recreate other problems in place of the problems they are seeking to solve. Anyway. Sorry for the misunderstanding on my part.

[-] 1 points by not1OR99percent (5) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Not a problem. I appreciate that. I would have gone over there by now, except I have great difficulty walking on sidewalks that are crowded to the extent that they are down here these days, even without barricades. It doesn't make sense that they wouldn't at least try to be accommodating, of course. However, my last couple of trips out, it seemed as though the defiant attitude that what they are doing is important enough was the only factor in play.

This is the first time I've really come to this site. I was hopeful that I might be able to find someone to speak to on here about this...but that's problematic sometimes as well, because at times I don't have the strength to type. So it's difficult to even communicate the nature of my disability. I have tried to roll with this to the best of my ability, and I've gotten burned consistently, and it's not fair.

At this point I need a scooter. I shouldn't...but I don't really have a choice. We'll see how it goes.

[-] 1 points by jazzycat (5) 13 years ago

The movement appears to have different committees for different things. I'm not up there, so I don't know. But from what I've read about the movement in NY, I would think there would be (or is) a committee that could deal with this problem and have someone who could possibly help you with your errands or something. I don't know how you would get in touch with them, unless there is an email address or something, because it sounds like you wouldn't be able to make it into the camp with your problem. I would search the site and try to find a number or email address to contact them. It doesn't appear there is anyone monitoring these comments, or someone would have said something already. Maybe next time you go out, you could ask one, or some, of the people on the street if they could help you get in touch with the right person(s) for this conversation.

[-] 2 points by vivalarevolucion (1) 13 years ago

Thank you so much for all of the hard work! I have been waiting for something like this for a long time. What is happening in the park and all around the world is long overdue. Hallelujah and Power to the People!!!

[-] 2 points by teachpeace01 (7) 13 years ago

Where are the artist? Is there a corner for people to paint? sketch? When I was there last Sunday, I saw a group of young rappers putting the words of our struggle to a beat. This was awesome. Artist can move hearts and minds where statistics often fail. Make ART not WAR!

[-] 2 points by overcome (4) 13 years ago

You make us all proud; keep it up.

[-] 2 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

I read Mayor Bloombergs' bit in the NYTimes about how OWS movement should be figuring out ways to create jobs. There is a great saying, that if you get people asking the wrong questions then the answers don't matter. People, all persons, need access to wealth in order to survive. The question is, in a world with fewer and fewer jobs, how will wealth be spread to more and more people? That is the fundamental goal, to spread the wealth. While pundits will preach about the viability of the super wealthy, of those who believe they are entitled to their gross wealth that was earned in the midst of corruption and chaos, We the People know that this is nonsense. If we are not entitled to personally receive the trillions of dollars allocated to the bank bailout, why should they? Paul Krugman offers a great editorial today in the Times, telling how there is a push to obfuscate the facts, to pretend that income disparity is not huge and that it's not about money, but education. Nonsense, as our education system has been relegated to being only about money. Many a person without a job also has a college degree and, as Krugman points out, this does not ensure that people who have degrees are getting good jobs with benefits. Corporations are making huge profits while the people are exploited. This is not a time to simply figure out how to create jobs, it is a time to figure out what kind of work is most important and what is not. Creating space for people to be independent of industry and government to solve social problems is definitely important work to be doing. Keep up the good fight!

[-] 1 points by jazzycat (5) 13 years ago

What is really sad, is anyone can get an equal or better education at the library, for free, but that stupid piece of paper that costs 10s of 1000s of $$$ means someone who might have superior intelligence and knowledge, who doesn't have that piece of paper, is not entitled to the same pay as someone who does. I understand the importance of knowledge and learning, but no one should have to go into debt to get it, and having a degree should not necessarily mean you are worth more.

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

Amen! No to mention the diminished standards that have come about with the glut of money into the system. Education as industry is not valuable.

[-] 1 points by jazzycat (5) 13 years ago

Exactly. An education actually used to mean something. Not so much anymore. In fact, it seems that the educational system in this country has been dumbed down in equal measure to everything else in this country.

[-] 2 points by Elena (4) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street

The bottom line: The economy sucks to the point where people need 2 jobs just to survive. Paid wage slavery. For an average job, you need to work 2 jobs, just to for basic necessities. and the rich do not care. The average person here doesn’t have a future. A young person doesn’t have to work 80 hours a week. The more the upper management knows you need your job, the harder they make your life at your job. Organized religion is making the people think that being subservient to an affluent selfish tyrant is what Jesus wants. Yet, Jesus was impoverished, born homeless and died capital punishment under religious law. There is no trinity. The trinity was created for more money because GOD’s law and his punishment IS severe. Recognition to the devil is fabrication. He is a gin, not even an angel. The devil has NO power. It is GOD who punishes people. Only Christianity gives the devil undeserved recognition. Jesus died for the creator, NOT our sins. And his supplication to GOD was not to end the world yet. Those who wrote the new testament did not interact with GOD’s son.

Thank you,

Ellen 201-290-5102

[-] 2 points by Elena (4) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street

The bottom line: The economy sucks to the point where people need 2 jobs just to survive. Paid wage slavery. For an average job, you need to work 2 jobs, just to for basic necessities. and the rich do not care. The average person here doesn’t have a future. A young person doesn’t have to work 80 hours a week. The more the upper management knows you need your job, the harder they make your life at your job. Organized religion is making the people think that being subservient to an affluent selfish tyrant is what Jesus wants. Yet, Jesus was impoverished, born homeless and died capital punishment under religious law. There is no trinity. The trinity was created for more money because GOD’s law and his punishment IS severe. Recognition to the devil is fabrication. He is a gin, not even an angel. The devil has NO power. It is GOD who punishes people. Only Christianity gives the devil undeserved recognition. Jesus died for the creator, NOT our sins. And his supplication to GOD was not to end the world yet. Those who wrote the new testament did not interact with GOD’s son.

Thank you,

Ellen 201-290-5102

[-] 1 points by Jankoni (1) 13 years ago

Better quality of life is definitely a thing where a lot has to do in the future! http://www.porntubest.com/video-four-teens-one-bed

[-] 1 points by rickMoss (435) 13 years ago

I know it's hard to believe but you have to: WE ARE FREE!!! (Take off the blinders) Isn't that why we're here?

http://WeAreFree.osixs.org Wake----Up! It's time to throw off the chains...


[-] 1 points by jasmine (12) 13 years ago

continued..................................... What country has had more inventions to enbetter "the peoples" life? THe United States has come up with more inventions than any other country to help people all over the world enbetter their lives.
The Microwave: every house hold has one even the poor have microwaves who invented it?

The microwave oven's discovery pretty much comes down to one man, Percy Spencer. Spencer was an American engineer and inventor from Howland, Maine who was working at the Raytheon Company on magnetrons to produce a more efficient microwave radio signal. As it seems with most discoveries, the breakthrough really came about quite by accident. Great American Inventors invented: Crayons, the Ford car, the wright brothers flying machine, windshild wipers, tea bags, vaccum cleaner, air conditioner, the teddy bear, the safty razor, escalator,Theory of Relativity and made famous the equation, E = mc2. the assembly line automated production. synthetic plastic called Bakelite. ON and On it goes.

Some of these great inventors and thinkers were immergants from other countrys but because of the capitalist system we had here they were able to see threw with their inventions. And all over the world have been enbettered because of them.

Yes we have a great system, we have a great country, NO country is perfect. There are things that need to be worked on but out of all the other systems we have the best. Our President is dividing classes into class warfair and all of you are falling right into his agenda. This country provides more for its people than anyother country.

Our country breeds and supports free thinking, the abilty to prosper, and to live an american dream (you just have to work for it). Why do you think so many people come here from other countrys to start business, to work, to live? Cause they see it for what United States is, they dont take anything for granted. And are willing to work hard for what they want. There is not free ride in life, no matter where you are. You have to aspire to be great to do great things and by sitting blaming everyone around you for your failings is just a big fail on your part. Regardless of what the government or the rich or who ever is doing is up to each person to find their way in life. Believe me there is no short cut ( unless you get on the goverment teat). People have been doing this in this country for 200+ years and each generation gets better and smarter. People are living longer over all and we have so much to our disposal.

YOu all can sit in your tents and think the rich are hurting you or you can be one of them by working hard. You can condem and blame everyone for your failing or get off your arses and get busy with life. Many people have done it before you and many will do it after you. You are the -1%. those that have choise to do nothing with your lifes and blame whoever for what you think you cant do.

[-] 1 points by jasmine (12) 13 years ago

continued..................................... What country has had more inventions to enbetter "the peoples" life? THe United States has come up with more inventions than any other country to help people all over the world enbetter their lives.
The Microwave: every house hold has one even the poor have microwaves who invented it?

The microwave oven's discovery pretty much comes down to one man, Percy Spencer. Spencer was an American engineer and inventor from Howland, Maine who was working at the Raytheon Company on magnetrons to produce a more efficient microwave radio signal. As it seems with most discoveries, the breakthrough really came about quite by accident. Great American Inventors invented: Crayons, the Ford car, the wright brothers flying machine, windshild wipers, tea bags, vaccum cleaner, air conditioner, the teddy bear, the safty razor, escalator,Theory of Relativity and made famous the equation, E = mc2. the assembly line automated production. synthetic plastic called Bakelite. ON and On it goes.

Some of these great inventors and thinkers were immergants from other countrys but because of the capitalist system we had here they were able to see threw with their inventions. And all over the world have been enbettered because of them.

Yes we have a great system, we have a great country, NO country is perfect. There are things that need to be worked on but out of all the other systems we have the best. Our President is dividing classes into class warfair and all of you are falling right into his agenda. This country provides more for its people than anyother country.

Our country breeds and supports free thinking, the abilty to prosper, and to live an american dream (you just have to work for it). Why do you think so many people come here from other countrys to start business, to work, to live? Cause they see it for what United States is, they dont take anything for granted. And are willing to work hard for what they want. There is not free ride in life, no matter where you are. You have to aspire to be great to do great things and by sitting blaming everyone around you for your failings is just a big fail on your part. Regardless of what the government or the rich or who ever is doing is up to each person to find their way in life. Believe me there is no short cut ( unless you get on the goverment teat). People have been doing this in this country for 200+ years and each generation gets better and smarter. People are living longer over all and we have so much to our disposal.

YOu all can sit in your tents and think the rich are hurting you or you can be one of them by working hard. You can condem and blame everyone for your failing or get off your arses and get busy with life. Many people have done it before you and many will do it after you. You are the -1%. those that have choise to do nothing with your lifes and blame whoever for what you think you cant do.

[-] 1 points by ronaldpope (5) 13 years ago

I suggest you all watch the movie "Inside Job" And then ask...who the hell do we vote for? If we don't vote, then this cycle just continues My prayers and thoughts go out to all the 99 per cent...keep up the great work!

[-] 1 points by spflhome (41) 13 years ago

If you really like to change things, please click the following link and start a campaign to get millions to sign it......Thanks.


[-] 1 points by CommonCitizenOfEarthLikeYou (5) 13 years ago

Hermain Cain said: "China is developing nuclear capability." China has had nukes since 1964. Its clear these candidates are interested mostly in artificially propping up the military industrial complex. The powers that be have always relied on fear and paranoia of the unknown to gain total control of an ill-informed populus. The argument is valid on both sides (Russia/US during cold war as example). The SYSTEM becomes OBSOLETE when this fear of someone you have never even met thousands of miles away is gone. CIA, FBI, TSA, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, 1.5 trillion in 10 years on wars. Our president has no real power anymore, he listens to appointees and does what they ask. He has become a puppet tool like the rest of them, a victim of the MACHINE. We are the "freest" nation on earth with 5% of the world population, but house 25% of the worlds prisoners in our privatized prison system, where people profit when more prison cells are filled, it becomes evident that these companies would be interested in filling said prison cells in the name of the all holy bottom line. Unite against the machine, or be destroyed by it. Tear it down bolt by bolt, for our children. The time is now. Occupy. Soon more people will wake up, dont give up. I believe in you and wish I could help, I cannot.

[-] 1 points by CommonCitizenOfEarthLikeYou (5) 13 years ago

Hermain Cain said: "China is developing nuclear capability." China has had nukes since 1964. Its clear these candidates are interested mostly in artificially propping up the military industrial complex. The powers that be have always relied on fear and paranoia of the unknown to gain total control of an ill-informed populus. The argument is valid on both sides (Russia/US during cold war as example). The SYSTEM becomes OBSOLETE when this fear of someone you have never even met thousands of miles away is gone. CIA, FBI, TSA, Homeland Security, Patriot Act, 1.5 trillion in 10 years on wars. Our president has no real power anymore, he listens to appointees and does what they ask. He has become a puppet tool like the rest of them, a victim of the MACHINE. We are the "freest" nation on earth with 5% of the world population, but house 25% of the worlds prisoners in our privatized prison system, where people profit when more prison cells are filled, it becomes evident that these companies would be interested in filling said prison cells in the name of the all holy bottom line. Unite against the machine, or be destroyed by it. Tear it down bolt by bolt, for our children. The time is now. Occupy. Soon more people will wake up, dont give up. I believe in you and wish I could help, I cannot.

[-] 1 points by spflhome (41) 13 years ago

Adopt the following platform to achieve political clout:

Why this is Important Currently Congress is reviewing cutting benefits of millions of Americans while keeping their perks and benefits intact. They must not be treated differently than any average hard working American. If the hatred and the childish behavior we are currently witnessing in the congress does not end soon we must fire the elected representative whether a Democrat or Republican and elect a new member who puts the interest of the millions of hard working Americans before the party. If necessary, the time is now to start a new 3rd party "All American" that governs from the middle representing the most Americans. This party can start with the following platform: 1) Balance the Budget in the next 8 years. 2) Make a pledge to make America energy independent over the next 8 yrs. Start using natural gas for converting national Buses, Trucks and all gas guzzling vehicles to natural gas in the first phase. In many countries mass transit buses and some private automobiles already run on natural gas which is cleaner than regular gas. The technology already exist. 3) Cut the budget of non-essential and non-productive Federal Departments in half. 4) Cut the budget of every other Federal Department except Defense by 10% 5) Review Defense and cut all the waste wherever possible and feasible. Strengthen wherever necessary. 6) Put wage and price freeze across America until we balance the Federal Budget that includes Congress, Federal Employees and ordinary Americans 7) Cut the Expense Budgets of Congressman by 15% and put a mandate that they must travel in economy class in public airlines like most Americans do. 8) Give Tax Breaks to companies that innovate and manufacture in America using American workers. 9) Close all corporate loopholes, stop all subsidies to large oil companies and other profitable public corporations. All large corporation should pay a minimum of 15% corporate tax, no exceptions. 10) Give incentives and low rate loans to bonafide new start-up small companies with a strong business plan that would employ more than 10 employees. 11) Re-evaluate all trade agreements and stop all unfair trade practices by all foreign countries. 12) Give 10% Tax Credit to anyone buying an American car or any American made large ticket item. 13) Require banks to approve all mortgages in a timely manner with clear guidelines to stimulate home buying. Hold banks accountable if they turn down any qualified loan application in a timely manner. Offer $2000 Tax Credit to a qualified new home buyer for the next 3 years 14) Introduce a new 2% National Debt Reduction Tax for all the ordinary American tax payers. Anyone making more than half a million dollars ($500,000) per year would pay 3% National Debt Reduction Tax while all corporations with the revenues over 1 Billion Dollars would pay 4% National Debt Reduction Tax. The budgets of all the federal departments would be frozen until the federal budget is balanced. THIS TAX MUST BE ELIMINATED UPON BALANCING THE FEDERAL BUDGET with a going forward balanced budget amendment without this added tax. 15) Put a 5% National Debt Reduction Tax on all the Chinese imports until the federal budget is balanced. 16) The Social Security and Medical Benefits of all the individuals over 58 yrs would be protected while looking to eliminate waste without reduction in benefits. In the future, Congress should not be allowed to dip in to Social Security and Medical trust fund. The Congress and the Federal Employees will not have a separate program. All individuals should be given control of their own accounts with a limited safe investment options similar to the options available in the annuities offered by many private insurance companies.

IF YOU AGREE, PLEASE MAIL THIS TO EVERYONE CONCERNED ABOUT OUR ECONOMY AND SERIOUS ABOUT FIXING THE PROBLEMS. We must be strong at home to be strong abroad. If we don't fix our problems at home, we would become a laughing stock in the rest of the world. Fire any elected official who play the partisan politics and ignore the reality and fail to understand the pain of ordinary citizens. Do send this to your Congressmen and Senators.

[-] 1 points by yossigt (1) 13 years ago

OWS is the hope of all the world because the 1 percenct occupays the world also be aware that the 1 percent in europe working together with the 1 percent in america yossi - israel

[-] 1 points by johnnyapple (15) 13 years ago

How about we all focus on getting all Government appointed officials, from our local City, County, State, Mayors to Governors and all their elected cabinets, all the way up to and including the Federal Government, Congress, Senators’, Obama and his cabinet take, a 10% cut in their outlandish salaries and freeze their raises for the next two years!!! This would make a serious impact on our economy, Christ maybe even balance the budget!!!! They all keep talking about cutting into our very needed social and educational programs, but no mention on their lavish life styles.

[-] 1 points by johnnyapple (15) 13 years ago

How about we all focus on getting all Government appointed officials, from our local City, County, State, Mayors to Governors and all their elected cabinets, all the way up to and including the Federal Government, Congress, Senators’, Obama and his cabinet take, a 10% cut in their outlandish salaries and freeze their raise for the next two years!!! This would make a serious impact on our economy, Christ maybe even balance the budget!!!! They all keep talking about cutting into our very needed social and educational programs, but no mention on their lavish life styles.

[-] 1 points by Dylan585 (-3) from Kerhonkson, NY 13 years ago

I wish i could be there, keep going, Rochester NY is with you!!!!

[-] 1 points by Dylan585 (-3) from Kerhonkson, NY 13 years ago

I wish i could be there, keep going, Rochester NY is with you!!!!

[-] 1 points by thehealingsquad (2) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Too bad the New York Times doesn't read this page: it would help the accuracy of their reporting...

[-] 1 points by drunkenmonkiees (18) 13 years ago


dedicated to the occupy movement

[-] 1 points by panagopoulos (1) 13 years ago

vote for the 3rd party this election GET THAT POINT ACROSS TO EVERYONE!

[-] 1 points by nsd72 (31) 13 years ago

Why not take this improve life quality to a whole new level and wrap it up in occupy's mission?

I'm in London, been speaking to the occupy people here. I've worked for a decade in the field of social justice/wellbeing. Seems to me that although there are many voices here, there's a common thread that links all protesters: whether it's justice, greed, the economy, jobs, pay, the future... what this is really about is how we treat each other (& the world we share).

Remember the Peace Sign, & how by capturing the zeitgeist it attracted millions of followers in the 70s? Why don't we adopt a new symbol that captures today's zeitgeist that acts like a sort of umbrella for all our views?

This would give the current amorphous, multi-celled mass enough identity to bring some cohesion and more impact. But like the symbiotic jellyfish, you can hack it into pieces and it will survive... so they can't take it down and there's an underlying purpose and methodology that they can't dispute.

What's that identity? It's summed up in the phrase "I care about mankind and the world our children will inherit." And the underlying methodology is wellbeing-focused - because we all deserve wellbeing and improving wellbeing has tremendous social, economic and political consequences.

Not trying to sell anyone anything - just seems to me the 99% lack a uniting symbol so please come back to me with your comments. The symbol I propose is called the tocamu (see tocamu.com) and you can read/copy & paste a one page sheet to your friends if you want to (click to enlarge to readable size): http://www.tocamu.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Unite-Letter.png

Wouldn't it make sense if this army marched under one flag?

[-] 1 points by Barbara555 (78) 13 years ago

Please OWS, go to the comment pages of WP, NYT, and Politico. Our views are underrepresented there:






[-] 1 points by fedupwithpoliticians (5) from Hampton, VA 13 years ago

You are 100% correct about a system "rigged for the wealthy and corproations". See


Read the section about the roaring 20's and you will see that reducing taxes by 3 Republican administrations caused that depression.

The lie that we have been living is that they have been operating the government and propping up the economy with Social Security taxes for a generation. That is generational theft.

U.S. engineering, drafting, office administration, and manufacturing jobs have been leaving this country since 1977. The U.S. economy has been fundamentally and disastrously altered. They changed the unemployment statistics in 1994 to remove long time unemployed people from being counted.

Ask your Congressman and Senators how much money they have invested in China (and other foreign lands with free trade agreements) while they claim to represent you! How can they represent your interests while they are aiding their investments in China?

[-] 1 points by fwankie123 (490) from Immokalee, FL 13 years ago

Keep up the good work OWS!! Some Suggestions

The #1Issue Of Our Time - Campaign Finance Reform - Occupy Congress!

Make Campaign Finance Reform the dominant political issue in 2012. Get the Fair Elections Now Act passed into law where political candidates for federal office would raise a large number of small contributions from their communities in order to qualify for Fair Elections funding. Contributions are limited to $100.00. Strictly voluntary by the candidate to avoid legal issues.

Require new FCC regulations granting 100% FREE air time to all federal candidates who obtain sufficient petition signatures and/or votes to get on the ballot and participate in the primaries and/or electoral process.

Once you start electing people that have voluntarily taken a maximum donation of $100.00 and are not tied to special interests, you will begin to get a more responsive federal government that will actually carry out the will of the people.

You can begin to solve big problems in an open and rational way. Solutions like...

End the "revolving door" of politicians and their staffs from ever becoming becoming lobbyists and prohibit all federal public employees, officers, officials from ever being employed by any corporation, individual or business that they specifically regulated while in office.

Create a fair federal tax code. The marginal tax rate ought to be raised to 50 percent on income between $500,000 and $5 million, 60 percent on income between $5 million and $15 million, and 70 percent on income over $15 million. There should be a 2 percent annual surtax on all fortunes over $7 million. The estate tax should be 55 percent and kicks in after $2 million. Capital gains should be taxed at 35 percent. End the home mortgage deduction on all homes over $750,000. Corporations should be taxed by a variable amount based on the percentage of payroll going to US workers. A small business employing 100% US workers should be taxed somewhere between 15-20% while a company that has completely shifted its production overseas should be in the 50% range. Eliminate corporate loopholes, unfair tax breaks, exemptions and deductions, subsidies and end offshore tax haven abuse.

Break up the biggest banks. Reenact Glass-Steagall. Abolish credit default swaps. Derivatives must be traded on transparent exchanges. Tax all Wall St. financial transactions at 1%. Damp down speculation and raise $400 billion a year.

A ten-year federal program that involves a New Works Progress Administration (WPA) and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) to create millions of jobs rebuilding America that includes infrastructure banks run by engineers, not politicians to extricate ourselves from the Great Recession now and increase productivity later.

Seriously address the housing crisis where one in four mortgages are underwater in America. The Congress should give bankruptcy judges the right to amend mortgages in order to pressure lenders to reduce principle owed.

Increase upward mobility in an increasingly stratified society, the federal government should pay tuition and fees for all students, part and full time, who are enrolled in two-year public institutions in the United States.

End the wars. Reduce the military budget by half ($275 billion).

Medicare For All. Allow Medicare to purchase drugs directly. Give MEDPAC more authority to drive down medical costs.

[-] 1 points by jasmine (12) 13 years ago

"Create a fair federal tax code. The marginal tax rate ought to be raised to 50 percent on income between $500,000 and $5 million, 60 percent on income between $5 million and $15 million, and 70 percent on income over $15 million. There should be a 2 percent annual surtax on all fortunes over $7 million. The estate tax should be 55 percent and kicks in after $2 million. Capital gains should be taxed at 35 percent. End the home mortgage deduction on all homes over $750,000. Corporations should be taxed by a variable amount based on the percentage of payroll going to US workers. A small business employing 100% US workers should be taxed somewhere between 15-20% while a company that has completely shifted its production overseas should be in the 50% range. Eliminate corporate loopholes, unfair tax breaks, exemptions and deductions, subsidies and end offshore tax haven abuse."

What you trying to do is make everyone poor with your figures there. Do you realize right now a NYC business will pay out between State,city and fed tax 50% of what they make in taxes. So forevery doller made 50cents goes to taxes. How does he pay his help, his rent, his over head and still take a pay check home to feed his family?

You would be pentalizing people to make money. You would pentalizing business to be in business. The very very rich dont have to stay in this country, they can just take their money and leave. Then whos going to pay for all those entitlements. That capital gains tax you think is so great would hurt those people that arnt rich but have invested moneys for their retirement when they wont have any money coming in and depend on that money making money.

Oh for all your fed programs whos going to pay for them? The bigger government becomes the more dependent the people get and the more it has control. The bigger it gets the more bad dealings go on.

Alot of the morgages that are underwater were morgages that shouldnt have been in the first place, the feds convinced the lending houses to give more loans with less restrictions, so anyone and their brother got loans that shouldnt have. The got credit cards and other types of loans the same way. Those people that got those loans should be responsible for them selves in knowing they couldnt afford the loan in the first place.

You get free education from 1-12 on the taxpayers back, now you want the taxpayers to foot your higher education. AT what point are you going to be responsible for your self?

Do you know how much it takes to bring a drug to market? Who is going to pay for all those who are on medicare? its already to big.

WOW you do want it all for free... hope at some point you are a taxpayer NOTHING is for free, someone has to pay for it.

ANY job made by the government cost the taxpayer to pay that person, the only way it works is if the people that work for the government pay in enought taxes to pay for them to work which is not the case so it starts taking from private sector peoples taxes to pay the fed employee, its a closes system, the only people that make wealth in this country bring in new money is the private sector. And the private sector has to pay taxes to keep the feds jobs going, state govements going and city goverments going. SO you need more private sector jobs then government jobs to keep things going. The less the government the less the bill is to the "people"

[-] 1 points by fwankie123 (490) from Immokalee, FL 13 years ago

you are a very simple minded person. quit watching fox news

[-] 1 points by aveybaby1234567 (8) 13 years ago

This is a continuation from the statement below: In the words of Theodore Roosevelt, “The government is us; we are the government, you and I.” To government representatives: A country that cares about the well-being of its citizens is synergistic and healthy. The concentration of wealth has created economic stagnation and a lack of synergy. Stop complaining that our government cannot do the things it was designed to do. Fix it; don’t abandon it. Take action now. We want to: Stop allowing corporations the rights of people, and have our government representatives treat real people (their constituents) with the respect they deserve. Eliminate tax loopholes, and tax credits for corporations/businesses/companies making huge profits; especially those who move jobs out of the U.S. Provide incentives to those who keep jobs in the U.S. Repeal the Bush administration tax cuts for the wealthy. Provide rehabilitation rather than incarceration for nonviolent criminals. Reduce wasteful or unnecessary military spending. Fund infrastructure projects nationwide to rebuild our nation, create jobs and economic growth. Have the right to collective bargaining and to belong to a union, should we so choose, for the purpose of ensuring a fair wage and workplace safety. Ensure policies that provide a safety net to meet basic human necessities such as health care, food, and a minimum standard of living. Promote policies and projects that support and benefit society as a whole, rather than for the few. Make it grounds for dismissal from office for a member of the U.S. Congress to make/sign a pledge that could create a conflict of interest with that member’s Oath of Office. Repeal the Financial Modernization (Gramm-Leach-Bliley) Act of 1999, and reinstate the Glass-Steagall Banking Act of 1933, so that no bank will be too big to fail. Reinstate the Financial Transaction tax that was repealed in 1965, in order to reduce financial market volatility.

Printed Name Signature Date
*policy that leaves coordination of individuals’ wants controlled only by the market, with no government intervention or regulation.

get formatted soft copy by request at aveybaby1@gmail.com

[-] 1 points by aveybaby1234567 (8) 13 years ago

An American’s Proclamation and Petition

The purpose of this proclamation and petition is to communicate to the country, the world, and our government, the facts as we see them, to explain the basis for our frustration and dissatisfaction, and to proclaim our grievances and demands. WHEREAS, the health and general welfare of people is more important than profits, and WHEREAS, the government was formed by the people, for the people, and WHEREAS, anyone with common sense knows that corporations are NOT people, and WHEREAS, members of Congress have made laws and promoted policies favoring wealthy campaign contributors rather than responding to the needs of the majority of their constituents to pass laws and policies that “promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,” as stated in the United States Constitution, and WHEREAS, the result of these laws is that many corporations and individuals holding the top 1% of this country’s wealth have become increasingly wealthy, greedy, and corrupt, at the expense of the masses, while continuing to practice business as usual, without suffering any consequences or being prosecuted for their wrongdoing, and while continuing to receive exorbitant salaries and bonuses, and WHEREAS, many corporations use tax loopholes enabling them to pay zero taxes, and in some cases, receive tax credits, which deplete tax revenues that could be utilized for public services, and WHEREAS, the laissez-faire* economic policy, and the experiment of trickle-down economics has failed most Americans, and WHEREAS, public servants have lost their jobs and more are being laid off daily, further eroding education and safety in our communities, while reducing access to public services, and WHEREAS, millions of Americans have lost jobs, homes, retirement savings, life savings, health care insurance, and in some cases, their health and their life, while others are unable to find work after incurring student loans they are now unable to repay, and WHEREAS, Americans have faithfully contributed to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security with the expectation that they will receive what was promised, yet Congress wants to cut benefits, and proposes turning these programs over to allow the private sector to experiment with public funds, and WHEREAS, state government officials are taking away workers’ rights, and doing their best to destroy unions, and WHEREAS, our infrastructure is in decay, and our government is unable or unwilling to rebuild it, and WHEREAS, we incarcerate more individuals per capita than any other country, and provide the largest percentage of military spending worldwide, at great cost to our economy and society, and WHEREAS, Congress is dysfunctional and unable to pass laws and make policies to meet the needs of the vast majority of Americans, and WHEREAS, according to the first amendment to the United States Constitution, the people have the right “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” and WHEREAS, we do not want to take this country back; we want to take this country forward into a prosperous future.

[-] 1 points by aveybaby1234567 (8) 13 years ago

I agree with your ideas. They make a lot of sense. I've been following the OWS activities. Some comments I've heard on talk radio and in person is that there isn't a cohesive voice and there is a general sense of frustration but no solutions proposed. I think you have a lot of them outlined, but they need to be communicated to our representatives in Congress (if they will listen), As with any group, they go through the usual forming, storming, norming, and performing phases. I think OWS is between the storming and norming phase, and will soon move into the performing phase. We must discourage folks from acting out the negative aspects of frustration because the movement will lose its legitimacy of purpose.The more cohesive and consistent the message and the more people communicate the same message the better chance the movement has of being taken seriously. Violence and destruction should not be the answer, but rather a consistent and persistent message will wear down those who will otherwise not listen. When the industrial revolution began and capitalism provided a lot of economic growth, it was looked upon as a good thing, and it could have been, but it started to get out of control and balance, and the government recognized that capitalism can become abusive to the masses, resulting in child labor, and other labor abuses. Business owners were getting rich off the masses. That's why they instituted safety net programs and that's what led to unionization. This helped us become a more balanced nation of welfare capitalism, but in the 70s things began to change and we started getting out of balance again, and became worse when Bush cut taxes for the wealthy. Now, with the threat of losing our safety net programs and rights to collective bargain, the masses are revolting. Unless our government can get capitalism back in check and balance again by spreading the wealth and providing a minimum standard of living and healthcare for all, things are going to get progressively worse. I've attached my statement that I am sending to my representatives in Congress: If you feel the same, copy and paste into a WORD document, modify it to include your issues, then sign, date and mail to your representatives. When Congress understands that many people are of one accord, MAYBE they will begin to listen.

[-] 2 points by fwankie123 (490) from Immokalee, FL 13 years ago

I agree with your ideas, too. I think you need to prioritize your ideas as I did. Until you get money out of federal politics, NOTHING will change! Your petition will fall on deaf and corrupt ears. The legislative, executive and Supreme Court have been bought off.

[-] 1 points by aveybaby1234567 (8) 13 years ago

yes, that's true. That should probably be the #1 priority, but it's difficult to get that many members of Congress to agree to get the money out of politics since they benefit from the buy offs and campaign donations.

[-] 1 points by fwankie123 (490) from Immokalee, FL 13 years ago

it will not be easy. blood will be shed before it is all over

[-] 1 points by Occupytheimf (134) 13 years ago

Gr8. Just what i need. Insomia

[-] 1 points by designwn (1) 13 years ago

Fellow Brothers and Sisters:

Please be patient..... this is America....every day of the week..

Develop a new vocabulary.... solidarity sounds too much like socialism.... if it doesn't fit make something new...America is good about that....If they, the media, can make climate change from global warming...Its cherry picking time!!!!!!

Perservance and values...what this country was based on.... is it still?

Ensue your heart....follow where she takes you...

God Bless....

[-] 1 points by TheRoot (305) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Shining the light on crony capitalism means exposing the corrupted individuals who don't want you to know. Yes, cronyism like any ideology starts with an individual who bands together with other like minded individuals. What these individuals don't want you to know is that they're getting something for nothing. See how by looking at this. http://vimeo.com/4835053

[-] 1 points by rickMoss (435) 13 years ago

Protesting is courageous! But we have to do very big things to solve our very big problems. We need a new vision for America and a revolution to move it forward.

FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM Read “Common Sense 3.1” at ( www.revolution2.osixs.org )

Free people shouldn't act or live like slaves...

[-] -1 points by TheRoot (305) from New York, NY 13 years ago

rickMoss: You promote the second bill of rights as stated by FDR and pasted on your website but at the same time you say (as you did above), "Free people shouldn't act or live like slaves....".

If you live only because society permits you to, then you have no right to your own life. In your support for FDR's politics, your supporting one of the efforts that leads to the denial of your right to your own life. You can't have freedom and eat it too. Pick one or the other. Paying lip service to both is just trite propaganda. Be clear. Come out and say it straight. Either you want to subordinate yourself to the will of society or you want to uphold your right to your life. As to courage and the stuff on your website, you have it exactly backwards. The Founders were courageous; FDR was a pussy.

Promoting the will of society above the individual solves nothing. Shining the light on crony capitalism is a start to solving the problems. It means exposing the corrupt ideas held by those who don't want you to know about them. Cronyism is a set of bad ideas. Those practicing them have to blow smoke so that you can't see them for what they really are. What the Cronyists don't want you to know is that they're getting something for nothing. What they're doing is not capitalism. What they're practicing today has been practiced for thousands of years. The tribalists did it; the lords, kings, mercantilists all the way to our modern day collectivists did it and continue doing it. Crony capitalism is just one more variant.

True Capitalism is a recent advancement, a marked contrast to the misery that most of mankind lived for thousands of years. Capitalism comes from the idea that it is right and good for an individual to live for himself and not subject himself to the will of others nor subject others to himself. That is truly a remarkable innovation because it is the first political system that upholds life. If you really want big things now, learn about it. As you go, don't get suckered in by the crony capitalists. Shake them off as just another variation of tribal leaders. You really can solve very big problems politically by advocating the right of the individual to his life and property. You can make it lasting by discovering and practicing the morality that individual rights come from. For that, you don't have to look to the Heavens for the source of rights but simply to yourself. Their source is right between your ears.

Live reasonably. Uphold your life as the highest purpose. Do no harm in the process. You'll identify the only political system that is for you and worth your fight. You'll also come to live the real meaning of courage and understand why FDR and his kind never came close to it.

All the best, TheRoot

[-] 1 points by rickMoss (435) 13 years ago

Dude, don't make me break you off something. It's not my site but I agree with most of it. Your reply is incoherent. I don't know how you got to this - "Either you want to subordinate yourself to the will of society or you want to uphold your right to your life." I didn't get that. What I got from the site was total freedom and then some. You're like the typical, frightened conservative. Holding onto the past for dear life. While all the time it is the your reluctance to let go of the past that is making you more irrelevant and unimportant not only to yourself but everyone else. I'm sorry I'm not smart enough or eloquent enough to explain the site and the concepts to you. These guys are much smarter than you or I will ever be. I'm sorry I can't help you with the struggle in your head. Let's just hope it stays there. And your love affair with capitalism is nauseating. I thought capitalism was an economic system. A failed one at that. Make all the excuse you want. But when you look at the decline of the U.S. and the rest of the world and cite capitalism, please! My friend, you've been drink too much of the kool-aid. Get that out of your system.

[-] 1 points by zygarch (83) 13 years ago

To begin with, there are already groups mobilizing to enact change. Anyone who has not already signed the following petitions, please do so:

To get money out of politics: http://www.getmoneyout.com

To repeal corporate "personhood": http://movetoamend.org

To bypass the two-party system, visit: www.americanselect.org

And of you're really serious and go here: http://moveyourmoneyproject.org/

As a reward, you can check out this HOT video! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=k5kHACjrdEY

[-] 1 points by cedverrier (2) 13 years ago

we need you in Italy , we need the robin tax

[-] 1 points by cedverrier (2) 13 years ago

we need you in Italy , we need the robin tax

[-] 1 points by barb (835) 13 years ago

Young people here are inspiring and its wonderful to see progress in their vision for a better world.

[-] 1 points by sherdog (2) 13 years ago

I wish the media would stop the black out on OWS... It ticks me off as they spent weeks and weeks on Egypt and Libya as well as others! This needs to change! ~ occupymyhomepage.com

[-] 1 points by rcopela2 (1) 13 years ago

These guys on the west coast are actually doing something about all of this chaos. Check it out:


[-] 1 points by therock (30) from Altona, NY 13 years ago

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote that the philosophy and practice of nonviolence has six basic elements.

First, nonviolence is resistance to evil and oppression. It is a human way to fight.

Second, it does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent, but to win his/ her friendship and understanding.

Third, the nonviolent method is an attack on the forces of evil rather than against persons doing the evil. It seeks to defeat the evil and not the persons doing the evil and injustice.

Fourth, it is the willingness to accept suffering without retaliation.

Fifth, a nonviolent resister avoids both external physical and internal spiritual violence- not only refuses to shoot, but also to hate, an opponent. The ethic of real love is at the center of nonviolence.

Sixth, the believer in nonviolence has a deep faith in the future and the forces in the universe are seen to be on the side of justice.

[-] 1 points by therock (30) from Altona, NY 13 years ago

Let us dedicate ourselves to nonviolence. Here is a resource http://howtocamp.takethesquare.net/2011/10/12/non-violent-struggle-50-crucial-points/

[-] 1 points by NewWorldNow (83) 13 years ago

At first I was a big supporter of the movement, but I have come to see that we are trampling the rights of others, and that is not right.

[-] 1 points by OccupyYoga (1) 13 years ago

Health and Wellness: We are also offering Health and Wellness Meditation with Occupy Yoga + Meditation to the OWS site, protestors, working groups, and to the public. Class and practice sessions at 3pm and 6pm every day at the Tree of Life at OWS. All are welcome.

[-] 1 points by dls101 (27) 13 years ago

I am talking to friends about this post in particular. I like the connection between the Zuccotti Park community and the rest of the 99%. In a difficult situation, to say the least. You are a model for all of us as we work to improve our quality of life.

[-] 1 points by NessEliot1932 (2) 13 years ago

Get Money Out is up to 238,OOO signatures!

[-] 1 points by NessEliot1932 (2) 13 years ago

Occupy Party for 2012! 13 Months to organize.

Put together a Slate of Candidates - begin recruiting now.

[-] 1 points by prophet (1) 13 years ago

I am only a man like you, to whom it has been revealed that your god is one God. So whoever would hope for a meeting with their Lord - let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone.

Shall we inform you of the greatest losers as to their deeds? they are those whose effort is lost in worldly life, while they think that they are doing well in work.

I have believed what Allah has sent down in scripture and I have been commanded to do justice among you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. For us are our deeds and for you your deeds. There is no need for argument between us and you. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is the final destination.

Who created the heavens and the earth?...Then have you considered what you invoke besides Allah? If Allah intended me harm , are they removers of His harm: or if he intended me mercy, are they withholders of His mercy. Sufficient for me is Allah: upon Him alone rely the wise reliers.

O my people, work according to your positions, for indeed , I am working: and you are going to know to whom will come a torment disgracing him and whom will descend an enduring punishment.

I only invoke my Lord and do not associate with him anyone. Indeed, I do not possess for you the power of harm or right direction. Indeed there will never protect me from Allah anyone, nor will I find in other than him refuge. But I have for you only notification from Allah and His messages. I do not know if what you are promised is near or if my Lord will grant for it a long period.notification .

I seek refuge in the Lord of daybreak. From the evil of that which he created. From the evil of darkness when it settles. And from the evil of the blowers in knots. And from the evil of an envier when he envies.

If the sea where ink for writing the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my lord where exhausted even if We brought the like of it as a supplement.

He is Allah, Who is One, Allah, the eternal refuge., He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to him any equivalent.

Messenger of Allah - twitter-prophet12121

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 13 years ago

If it were not for the fact I am homeless, jobless, totally broke, and stranded in a rural area, I would donate every last bit of my money, material items, wisdom, and energy to this cause. And I think you should too.

[-] 1 points by getrealbro65 (5) 13 years ago

hey fleabaggers......clean up your crap and go home (probably to your above-median house and ivy League grad folks & friends.......but first go by the White House where the Problem is and see how long your friend will let you hang around; or, please ask your Oakland brothers to go by Madame Pelosi's estates for tea and scones.......she sure knows how to scam the system; she can teach you (from a distance, of course....); ever hear of the crony-capitalist Solyundra (sp?) disgrace; where'd that money go; you don't pay taxes, we do, and it is outrageous. Stop by your bud Barney's joint as he hands out MILLION DOLLAR PERKS to Fannie Mae crooks (oh , sorry, THOSE bonuses don't count in your PR); but you might educate yourselves with where the housing bust started (and the name was not Bush); don't you know you have a right to buy a house you can't afford and then walk out on your contract with those nasty bankers (who must have had a gun to your head).......don't we all love Free Speech!!!!

[-] 1 points by RWW (2) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street is probably the stupiest thing that I have ever seen. Maybe not, I guess there has been a Communist element for many decades. If you're a big loser, then I guess Communism makes sense...

[-] 1 points by RWW (2) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street is probably the stupiest thing that I have ever seen. Maybe not, I guess there has been a Communist element for many decades. If you're a big loser, then I guess Communism makes sense...

[-] 1 points by gabygabriella (1) 13 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0ibsoqjPac please watch this link its is about how the fda has been blocking a safe and effective treatment for cancer to benifit big business

[-] 1 points by gley (3) 13 years ago

One of the misunderstandings about the Occupy movement is that it is anti-capitalist. In fact, it is really anti-corrupt capitalism. For example, Occupy Dallas is supporting one successful Dallas business owner who got shafted by insiders as explained at http://progressivist.hubpages.com/hub/story-jeff-baron

[-] 1 points by OWS99 (12) 13 years ago

Yep, spot on. This is not about anti-capitalism, it is not about communism, it is not about any form of radical thinking as the press has been so quick to conclude. It is ALL about bringing an end to corruption, prosecuting those (bank) villains who wholly and thoroughly committed F-R-A-U-D in the face of this nation, and then subsequently (so far) have wiggled their way out of any legal consequences, while quietly waiting for the 5 year statute of limitation to expire. Let's hope NY State Attorney General Schneiderman manages to quietly dig the dirt up on every single one of them and roast their behinds before those five years are up. We are the 99% and we want justice :)

[-] 1 points by francofrog (2) 13 years ago

Changing the world takes more than carrying placards and shouting slogans. You have to be prepared to sacrifice yourself, put your life on the line. If you don't have that self-sacrifing spirit, don't talk about changing the world.

If you cannot even defend a few pieces of equipment, what else can you defend? Who would trust you to defend their well-beings for them?

Gandhi is the most incapable political leader the world has ever known. He caused newly independent India to be partitioned into several parts, bloody racial conflicts and finally, he himself was assassinated. His passive resistance did not win independence for India. It was the British who handed independence to India on a plate. Why did the British do that? 1947's Britain was governed by the socialist Labor Party. Both the British government and the majority of the British people then were sympathetic towards their overseas colonies seeking independence. During the Second World War, the British themselves were at the receiving end, almost ended up as Germany's colony. They could feel what it was like to be a conquered people.

Peaceful protest and passive resistance will bring no change. It will only encourage the establsihment to treat you harshly.

This Occupy Wall Street movement is symptomatic of what ills Americans today. We are a people who cannot get anything right anymore.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

If Gandhi's tactics were so ineffective and irrelevant to the outcome, then why did deliberately following them bring such success for Martin Luther King, Jr.?

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

More great developments by OWS! Thanks for another fantastic job of finding practical, humane solutions to daunting problems.

It's pure hypocrisy that Bloomberg et al. have attacked OWS for not being able to solve on its own the overwhelming societal problems of homelessness, criminal behavior, drug addiction, mental illness and alcoholism, unemployment, lack of access to medical care, and more, which OWS has had to address in its encampments. It is the height of hypocrisy for one of the wealthiest of the 1% to demand that OWS substitute its own limited resources for those of the powerful capitalist state to solve these appalling conditions. For example, the 1% has had the resources for years to wipe out homelessness, which only continues to get worse, but instead chooses not to.

Meanwhile, wealthy real estate developers build higher and higher luxury condominiums in downtown Manhattan, often on the very streets where home, for many of the derelicts who live there, is a cardboard box.

I’ve never heard any concern from any “elected” official about such issues as “sanitation," “quality of life," and—here’s the best one—PERMITS for those long-time homeless city residents who sleep on the street because they feel they have no safe alternative. (I don’t think they’re allowed to sleep in the parks or subways—does anyone know?) So what's the big deal with a tent? Or “security”? Is the city really worried that someone sleeping out at night might get hurt? That’s really touching. (And I completely support immediately turning over to the police anyone at Zuccotti Park who’s engaged in criminal activity of any kind).

It's absolutely outrageous to suggest that OWS itself could possibly take in the outcasts of capitalism. Considering the huge social crisis, especially its effects on millions now living in poverty, the extent to which OWS has gone WAY out of its way to deal humanely with problems it did not create and can never solve without the full resources of the state is beyond admirable and courageous.

Thank you profoundly for your brave fight for our humanity!

[-] 1 points by OWS99 (12) 13 years ago

Yes, yes, yes, and YES!

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Thank you so much!!!

[-] 1 points by PoliticalPrisoner2012 (3) 13 years ago

Protesting Wall Street, or Lafayette park or downtown Oakland doesn't get the message across. The real enemies to this country are the right-wing politicians who empowered the Wall Street robber barons.

Picket Congress itself.

Picket the Republican National Committee.

Picket every GOP official's office. (Good touch occupying Mitch McConnell's office!)

Chant, sing and demonstrate at every last right-wing campaign gathering.

Right-wingers sold this country's future out for rich people's mega-wealth. The rest of us have to try and survive the devastated country left behind. It was only a generation ago this country was the preeminent military power, the preeminent space power, the preeminent power in education, science and research. Thanks to right-wing policies this nation is hard pressed to find any field where we are second place, except in how fast we can drive millions of our own citizens into poverty.

No one in this country is safe until every last right-wing politician is driven from office. No exceptions.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by VoiceOfReasonLA (16) 13 years ago

Picket? for what purpose? Do you think a single politician is going to just throw their hands up and say "You are right. I have to stop profiting from the people, taking income when the troops are being paid half wages, taking income when the budget is not balanced, and living with a pension bestowed until death..." The whole movement is doomed without a specific goal to be attained. Make a list, create a manifesto, then attack each line item one by one. Railing against the Capitalist Boogey Man will not solve the problem.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

NASA , thanks to 0bama is now a muslim outreach program. Go after Dodd and Frank, fannie and freddie,Janet Reno , who forced no income verification mortgages on the banks.

[-] -1 points by TheRoot (305) from New York, NY 13 years ago

It's the other way around. The "robber barrons" empowered the politicians. Now, both are living "happily ever after". Don't believe for a second that Chris Dodd and Barney Frank (along with their staffs) had enough brain power to come up with that legislation. It was hand crafted by Wall Street who veiled its real purpose with the slogans of regulating Wall Street. What a load! The legislation is unjust in the name of justice. It promotes the growth of crony capitalism and stymies real capitalism. The financial kings of Wall Street just found two mouths in Washington to advance their cause. It's one of the oldest tricks in the world to say one thing but do another. It stems from one of the oldest motivations in the world- get something for nothing.

Replacing the crony politicians won't solve the problem because there are plenty more from where they come from and it doesn't pay attention to the stronger of the two partners- crony capitalists.

OWS is at a good location to begin with but many of its adherents hold such a hodge-podge of ideas that they will change very little. One recurring idea that many OWS'ers hold is that capitalism is bad. It isn't. Capitalism comes from the idea that it is right and good for you to live for your own sake and in living it is not good to subject others to yourself. Crony capitalism perverts that idea and comes from the notion that says that you have to live for the sake of others.

If you want to win, then fight that notion. A great place to bring on that fight isn't Wall Street or Washington. It's your college classrooms. Go back to school. Tell your professors that they can put their heads up their own asses because you're not letting them do it to you any longer. Tell them that your there to learn how to live your own life for your own sake. If they won't teach you, find someone who will. If you can't find someone, then Google it and teach yourselves. You can win this. Live reasonably. Uphold your life as the highest purpose. Do no harm in the process. You'll change yourselves and in so doing, you'll change the world.

Sincerest regards, TheRoot

[-] 1 points by Iamsheep (3) 13 years ago

Just as long as we remember that 20% of the 99% are living in homes valued at over $300k...at least that's what nypd profiled them at after their recent arrests...sounds like there are phonies among us

[-] 1 points by OWS99 (12) 13 years ago

lamsheep, either you are a plant trolling around here to provoke conversation or you are not 'getting it'. $300.000 in NYC or LA (as VoiceofReasonLA points out) buys you little more than a broom closet at the top of a stairway to heaven (i.e. 5 flights up - by FOOT). Anyone renting in Manhattan paying $5000/mo or less is still SQUARELY in the middle of the 99% bracket. That is not WEALTHY. WEALTHY is where the 1% kicks in. Every person whose retirement account has been DEFLATED due to the hideous FED circus we have all been subject to is pissed. Everyone who has seen their housing value drop like a rock due to all this banking fraud is pissed, and everyone who has lost a job (high paying or low paying) due to all this is pissed. Please re-visit your theory, because you are off the mark. Then be happy those 99%ers of us who work here in Manhattan and can afford to support the OWS cause with money or goods do so (and we do!)

[-] 1 points by Talentscout2323 (3) 13 years ago

Yep. What is Michael Moore posing for? And kanye west? Really?! Geee let's just get Warren buffet out ther for a photo op while we r at it so these clowns can act like they understand us and then go home to their mansions!! Down with posers like buffet west and Obama!

[-] 0 points by VoiceOfReasonLA (16) 13 years ago

YOU people coined the phrase 99%. That means all but the superwealthy qualify by the standards YOU created. Michael Moore, while famous and an asshole, does not qualify as your 1%.

A home (Single Family Residence) worth $300K in LA is in the ghetto...are the ghetto dwellers not part of the 99%???

Stop being such elitist assholes. Make a plan, set some goals, then you can make real change.

[-] 1 points by salvo (10) from Trapani, Sicilia 13 years ago

Sorry, Wall Street is a project Occupy anti-capitalist or a meeting for a picnic?_

("scusate, occupy wall street è un progetto anti-capitalista o una riunione per pic-nic?_)

[-] 1 points by OWS99 (12) 13 years ago

Good job being a step ahead of Bloomie and his Boys in Blue. No, really, I do respect our mayor and - to some extent - the NYPD, but you guys have done a commendable job of 'staying put'. Brought gear down for you last Saturday and just received 24 pairs of gloves in the mail today, also for you folks downtown. And there will be more stuff coming next week. We'll help keep you warm this winter. We are working New Yorkers in Midtown Manhattan and we are the 99%. Kudos!!

[-] 1 points by jk1234 (257) 13 years ago

I hope this gets some good news coverage. I bet Bloomsberg wishes winter would just freeze this movement away.

[-] 1 points by dakota8 (1) 13 years ago

guys. you really should lobby for inflation free money by margrit kennedy. THAT would be your economical program.

[-] 1 points by dls101 (27) 13 years ago

Wonderful. Keep up the good work!

[-] 1 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago


Please pass this on if you agree. We are working on setting a date.

Force Change, Boycott Capitalism

until we have full government resignation and a new online voting system with verification so we can rebuild our country and eventually our world.

We know what the problem is, let us fix it and move forward together.

When you look at a republican or democrat, congress or FDA official, Judges and Justice Department, you see criminals.

Our corruption dates back decades to when those, who in trying to preserve slavery, had to find new ways to preserve it and so created a scientific and advanced form of slavery.

Only two components were required -- the illusion of freedom & choice and the taking away of the freedom to live off the land.

How else would you get a person to submit themselves to mind numbing or degrading work unless you oppress them into it.

Our current system is rooted in corruption and every attempt in preserving it involves manipulating human thought and turning people against one another.

In America the population has been transformed into two major voting groups but they only have one choice.

They had been distracted up until now with television and American culture which prospered through the oppression of other nations.

Americans allowed themselves to be fooled into using their military and economic dominance to seize resources of other nations and create expanding markets for American profiteers.

Now that technology, competition and conscience have evolved Americans are realizing that our current system of government is damaging and unsustainable.

Our government officials have allowed private profits and personal benefits to influence decisions that affect the health and well-being of people all over the planet, not just in America... how much longer will we allow them to rule over us??

Occupy Washington and demand that all government officials resign their posts.

We will setup new online elections with a verification system that will allow us to see our votes after we cast them, put our new officials in office and work toward rebuilding our country and our world.

Pass this message along to any and everyone, we already occupy the world, unite.

Occupy Washington, Boycott Capitalism, Force Change


[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

I adore capitalism.

[-] 1 points by isa (0) 13 years ago

@789junior i agree! with you! i think the best way is to start pulling the money out of the main companies asap. i think that if we all of us were ti support ethical companies that are going to help us shift with at least 10 dollars, we would change a lot of things!

[-] 1 points by getAjobUbum (0) 13 years ago

Why don't you occupy a job you laze bums?

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

I currently work sixty hours a week and will be doing sixty six...

[-] 1 points by AtomicZ (149) 13 years ago

Slow and steady wins the race - #OWS is David to WS's G O L I A T H !!! & we all know how that story ended ... peace AtomicZ...

[-] 1 points by derf (-2) 13 years ago

hi pedro zapata

[-] 1 points by 789junior (4) 13 years ago

What if each of the 99% of us, buy shares (even if only $10) in ethical companies? That way the 99% could truly become rulers of their own destiny - we would control sustainable and ethical growth industries. It's fantastic to protest a corrupt system, but we also need to take control of the future economic system for ourselves.

[-] 1 points by ukiddingme (2) 13 years ago

a great day on Wall Street utiimately becomes an increased expense for 99% of Americans...that needs to stop.

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

everyday the local and national news report on whether it was a "good day" and the stock market went up, or it was a bad day and the stock market went down.

It's a form of wealth worship that has no basis in real reality yet it controls the mood of the country.

[-] 1 points by kirkstir77 (5) 13 years ago

you are correct if I have the story right the dow is a index (not a average) of only 30 stocks out of thousands its not that hard to make 30 stocks go up or down with enough money they are not randomly chosen but hand picked the dow is not a statistically significant number but a fabrication

[-] 1 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

Isn't it ironic how we can look to the middle east and perhaps think it's weird when religious faiths bow en masse to their god several times a day, then not give it another thought when our own mecca media announces all day long how the stock market is doing.

It feels like mind control to me.

[-] 2 points by kirkstir77 (5) 13 years ago

yes mind control, casino investing, come play, put your money down, you can win and be rich and beautiful, its a big scam, the money didn't just disappear, it never existed, Bernie Madoff said that America is one big ponzzie scheme, he would know

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I totally agree.

[-] 1 points by ukiddingme (2) 13 years ago

a great day on Wall Street utiimately becomes an increased expense for 99% of Americans...that needs to stop.

[-] 1 points by laidoffworker03 (5) 13 years ago

Now all we need to do is occupy the upcoming political conventions on both sides. We should also either boycott the polls, or go and vote against every politican on the ballot, and as for the campaign trail, lets put the breaks on that also. We the People shall be heard. Like Malcolm X said, It's the ballot or the bullet. They have the bullets, but we have the ballots. But this time their will be no more bogus elections, we have to see to that with the Occupy Movement.

[-] 1 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 13 years ago

Keep Up the Good Work. Fair-ness.

[-] 1 points by overcome (4) 13 years ago

You make us all proud; keep it up.

[-] 1 points by dthompson (79) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Where were people taking care of their "business" before the portable toilets were installed?

[-] 1 points by Drbeaker (9) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Mostly McDonalds and Burger King.

[-] 1 points by dthompson (79) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Yikes - did they allow this?

[-] 2 points by Drbeaker (9) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Grudgingly, yes. And as much as I hate McDonalds and Burger King as corporations, I think we all owe the owners of those particular franchises a debt of gratitude.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I'm sure it helped their business a bit, too.

[-] 1 points by Drbeaker (9) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

That's probably true. My friends and I have not bought anything there but I'm sure some people have. However, I should point out that the McDonalds on Broadway across from Zuccotti has an ATM free for members of the People's Alliance Federal Credit Union (http://www.pafcu.org/), a great place for people from central Brooklyn to move their money away from the big banks!

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

They most certainly did, 24/7. They were amazing!!

[-] 1 points by vomsquad (7) 13 years ago

There is only one politician who OPENLY embraces Occupy, and that's Governor Buddy Roemer! He went to Z park and released this video statement to the protestors week ago: http://youtu.be/zh7TBVtm5yI

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

I like where this is going but I would like to see a more legal effort started OWS needs lawyers. Im sure there are some lawyers in this group that can get started taking legal action. Can possibly organize a mass buying of some stock that way we make use of different companies through there investor meetings.

[-] 1 points by BNB (89) 13 years ago

Really good news about the porta-johns.

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

Although, in response to Bloomberg's cry for people to figure out how to create jobs, is that not apart of his duty as a public servant and is his administration not integral to pushing down the wages of city workers? He has the resources and authority to help develop progressive action, like green building and retrofitting homes through out the state of NY which has some of the nation highest energy costs. It seems clear that politicians don't want to be bothered with accountability, but they also don't want to step out of the way of progress.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by ThomasPaine333 (32) 13 years ago

I like this - thank you for posting this information. I've supported you guys from the start, but was starting to have my doubts - mostly because of the violence in Oakland and other 'drama.' I've seen the encampment in DC and for the most part they are clean. I do believe it's natural to want to see results from the on-going occupation and therefore, I thank you for posting this. I would encourage you to continue the dialogue by more direct action - by taking the evidence from your 'mock' trials and taking it to the AG. Unlike others, I believe in the laws and the courts. The California AG is refusing to take part in the settlement talks with banks.

[-] 1 points by Taiga (1) from Waynesboro, VA 13 years ago

Yes, you have and THANK YOU!

[-] 1 points by gagablogger (207) 13 years ago

Kudos on the stellar organization. I mean it.

[-] 1 points by OooGeeE (21) from New Rochelle, NY 13 years ago

Good job. Just get the media team to get some quality reporting down pat too. None of the ever go to the GA or any marches and never usually have nothing to say. Except for Dwayne.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

Can someone explain to me the point of this movement? I read an article that I support the view on the Goldman Sachs situation... but I don't understand what the 99% is asking for...redistribution of wealth? What right do we have to do that. That is more unconstitutional than anything currently going on. That's like being the richest person in your neighborhood...because you worked hard and started your own business.

Then one day the rest of the neighbors got together and said we want to take all your extra assets and money and divide it up amongst the neighborhood until we are all even...because we don't have as much as you. No we didn't sacrifice in the past the way you did to get what you got...no we are not sacrificing now to do something with our lives...instead we want the cheap easy fix and to take what you have earned.

America is awesome...look at the owner of Cains chicken or the owner of Starbucks or even Steve Jobs for that matter. They sacrificed for a time in order reap great rewards...that is available to ANYONE that has the dedication to make something of themselves. Heck if you guys spent half the energy you are on protesting and boycotting and being so angry...you could problem start the next big millionaire franchise and distribute whatever wealth you made...as YOU saw fit.

[-] 2 points by MachineShopHippie (216) from Louisville, KY 13 years ago

The problem is not that these companies have generated a tremendous amount of wealth. It is that these companies have generated a tremendous void of wealth through predatory lending, corrupt banking policies, back room deals with politicians to avoid financial regulations, inflating the housing, education, health care and securities markets, and laughing all the way to the bank. Who do you think profits when you buy a house for $200,000 and 5 years later it's only worth $80,000 and you're defaulting on your mortgage payments? The housing bubble was a planned, foreseeable, deliberate effort on behalf of these companies. It was enabled by politicians through sub prime loans and decreased regulatory oversight. Follow the money and realize that these companies have bled the country dry, and now that they have all your money, they also own your house. I'm not even going to bother going into the student loan cycle of poverty or the boom health care companies have enjoyed on the backs of the 99%.

This is not about the poor coveting the rich. I work for a manufacturing company owned by a good man who works very hard and lives very well as a result of profiting from both hard work and good decision making. I don't want to redistribute his wealth, even though I'm sure he's about 10 tax brackets above me. I know that in my industry, I work hard and actually make something, and if I do a good job I will be rewarded. I live a comfortable life, I pay my bills on time, and I am treated fairly by my employer. This is how capitalism works when moral, community conscious people work together. I'm proud of what I do, and I'm proud of the company I work for. The companies that OWS is focusing on are not hard working people who make things or provide services. The only thing they manufacture is debt, and in doing so they remove money that people have made 'the hard way' from circulation. They don't provide goods or services, they provide master plans to wheedle their way into politicians' pockets and out of their mouths for the purpose of inflating value on things that the 99% need. When this value gets inflated, less of your paycheck goes into your community and more of it goes to financial institutions. The multi million dollar golden parachutes that the executives from these companies get are their reward for coming up with a plan to turn your $600/month mortgage payment into a $900/month mortgage payment and your $60,000 college degree into a $120,000 college degree. Do a google search for "false economic expansion" or "deficit driver" and you'll see what I mean. These guys created debt and sold it to the general public for our actual hard earned dollars. A capitalist, free market system sees everyone rewarded if they produce something for which there is a demand. These guys were rewarded in BILLIONS for masking debt and trading it around between themselves, inflating the value with every trade and collecting a profit every time. This is not the haves versus the have-nots. It's the producers versus the thieves.

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

Well put!

[-] 2 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

I understand where your coming from as I also created a company that was moderately successful but that isn't what is being argued here. This is more about fair wages for work done, making everyone pay there fair share in taxes, and having controls put in place so our elected officials truly represent us in office.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

So what is the action plan for increasing the wages? Laws?

I am not against fixing a system if its broken... But you cant tell a business owner what he must pay a person doing work for him. You cant have universal wages...it stifles growth and productivity. Wages MUST be left to the owners discretion...left to the free market to decide. Creating laws to set guaranteed or regulated pay scales will destroy the free market and dissuade small business from developing. I am in sales, if I work hard I make more than everyone else does for my company. If I just sit around and answer phones I make nothing.

I realize times are tough, but those that dedicate themselves...overcome it....and if everyone worked hard...intelligently...our economy would be steam rolling like it was in the past. I do agree that 90 percent of politicians are corrupts scoundrels...and back any plan that can change the republican/democratic coupe.

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

I agree on many points regarding redistribution of wealth one cannot force wage. I would prefer to cause a more fair competition that does not hurt small worker maybe by helping small business for example. the best wages usually come from small business but small business is unable to be competitive given tax situation. Currently a majority of large companies pay average of 18% instead of 35% unlike small business paying the 35%. By fixing the tax situation we can make small industry more competitive and create a thriving middle class but this is just one of many actions that can be taken to help with wage issues. Thank you for answering I really enjoy other points of view.

[-] 1 points by pataleck (1) 13 years ago

i don't own a business i work for a living and when ever i believe i should get a raise in pay i go talk to the boss/owner of the business and find out whst it is i need to improve on to EARN a raise. you do not go in to their office and say "i know i am doing moderate level work and i can do better, but i don't want to you just need to pay me more." you are paid what you are worth to a company. do your job better = more money

[-] 0 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

Destroying the free market seems to be the point. There is a type of "magical" economics espoused here that believes you can do things like set wages, guarantee jobs, etc. that is at odds with the actual universe.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

Thank you freemarkets... we live in a time where information is too easily accessible to be that blind. Research and prove anywhere in any time that those things actually work...they cant.

[-] 2 points by joanno (33) from Syracuse, NY 13 years ago

There are millions of Americans who work as hard as those you mention who have not reaped the benefits they have. OWS is not about wealth redistribution as much as it is about equal access to wealth and protection of wealth from the greedy. There is a huge difference. Terms like redistributing wealth, job creators and class warfare have been coined by people who have no interest in equality.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

Well there is difference between intelligently working hard towards a goal and digging ditches. The millions of Americans that work hard and have reaped no benefits are at fault...not the system. I can right now go work in a coal mine 80 hours a week...get an apartment that is really cheap....live off baloney sanchwhiches for 8 months to a year...save enough money to get a loan to start a business (with my savings as collateral...which was the basic strategy used by Cains chicken). Then invest my time and energy into making that business succeed... No matter how hard it is or how many hours i must put into it. I can come out a millionaire...just like MANY have.

The problem is the plan...who wants to work that hard and sacrifice, when you can join a movement and complain about not being born to a rich family. If your dad had started a million dollar company from scratch....would you still be complaining? NO... In fact it is easier for women and minorities to get loans than it is for most of the people that start these million dollar businesses. Banks are required to give a certain amount of loans to women and minorities.

[-] 2 points by joanno (33) from Syracuse, NY 13 years ago

Not sure where you're going here...ended up with lots of whining. Also, seems like you're saying everyone who works hard wants to be a millionaire...lots of folks have to work 2 jobs, and live cheap just to feed and clothe their family. Your story might unfold for a single person, but family obligations put that narrative out of reach for most adults.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

the point is the opportunity...had that person sacrificed before they had a family and made something of themselves they wouldn't be where they are. I think its safe to say that if a person could make 100s of dollars or millions of dollars for hard work...MOST...people would choose the millions.........

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

If you can't afford to have children , dont have them.

[-] -1 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

Equal access to wealth depends on what you do with your life.It's about YOUR ambition, drive and willingness to work . The constitution guarantees equal opportuniy not equal outccome. Not everyone is equal in talent, drive and ambition. There is work for everyone if you're willing to actually work. There are no bad jobs but there are bad attitutdes.

[-] -1 points by FreeMarkets (272) 13 years ago

You don't "access" wealth, you CREATE it. It is not a fixed pie.

Think of farm crops: You don't "access" the food. You plow, sow, weed, water, and then harvest it. The "access" folks are the ones who want to steal the food.

[-] 2 points by OooGeeE (21) from New Rochelle, NY 13 years ago

Go to the home page and the point of the movement is on the right hand side Mr. Smokin'mynuts. The movement hasn't just started. YOU KNOW WHAT WE ARE ABOUT.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

but I want you to explain to me what you want..ooogee...what do you want from the people that have created this wealth for themselves through hard work and sacrifice...that you yourself could do...if you got off the couch and started working and saving and trying to be an asset to the world...instead of a succubus.

[-] 2 points by georgetaylor (67) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Many of those copropations have not made all their money from their own hard work and sacrifice, but by the hard work and sacrifice of those who worked for their companies. And what did those people get? Their wages and benefits reduced, and their jobs sent overseas. The greedy corporatopns we oppose did not create this wealth for themselves, they created the wealth on the backs of the working stiffs like me, who have labored for more than 35 years and have verry little to show for it. Those same corporations have spent millions padding the campaign coffers of politicians and lobbyists to get laws passed that make it easier for them to exploit the people who work for them. We both know you are only here to troll, and spew your tea party rhetoric. Save it. You are never going to loosen our resolve. In the words of Anonymous, who helped to wake us all up, "We are the 99%. We are legion. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Expect us."

[-] 1 points by myselfbyanothername (3) 13 years ago

It must be nice to be free from the burden of intelligence!

[-] 1 points by georgetaylor (67) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

I don't know. Is it?

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

Ok say what you are saying applies to the majority of companies...what do you propose will solve it?

[-] 1 points by georgetaylor (67) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago
  1. REAL Campaign Finance Reform. No corporate or union money allowed in political campaigns.

  2. No more lobbyists.

  3. If you want to get real, the most simple fix would be publicly financed campaigns, with equal time and resources for all candidates, with no interference by any special interest group. That would include those negative ads the politicians don't take credit for.

Taking money out of politics would give us reprersentatives who would be responsible to their constituents and not the money interests that put them in power.

This would be followed by the repeal of the laws that have allowed corporations to whittle away at the middle and lower classes, and get us back to where we could work hard and have something to show for it, without fearing the next illness, or how we are going to survive retirement without losing our homes..

I don't speak for the entire group. No one does. But, you asked me what do I propose would solve it, and I gave you an answer.

[-] 0 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

I dont disagree with any of that...that has to do with politicians...I am for any political system reform we can attain. My concerns were more directed at that ideas to have government set wages and increase taxes on corporations.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

Don't you get tired of saying "greedy corporations"?

[-] 1 points by georgetaylor (67) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Not as long as they dont get tired of ripping us off.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

So you are the victim of greedy corporations?

[-] 1 points by georgetaylor (67) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Yes. Two banks, Two different health insurance companies, and more. I sent you a message. I dont want to bore everyone with my story.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

I you couldn't live up to your leal obligations ( paying back a bank for the money they lent you) or your health insurer, why is that their fault? They in business to make money.

[-] 1 points by OooGeeE (21) from New Rochelle, NY 13 years ago

First off I have a job and I'm successful. What I want is those most powerful to stop influencing our politics and controlling the system. I want fair wages for hard working people instead of jobs being shipped over seas for cheap labor. I want MADE in the USA on about 90% on the things I buy. IS THAT CLEAR? Just because people support the movement doesn't mean we don't work Idiot

[-] 1 points by joanno (33) from Syracuse, NY 13 years ago

It's pretty clear you are not interested in serious dialogue.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

absolutely I am...I honestly cant not understand what you people want... I was walking down the street of New Orleans dressed in a suit and headed to my hotel, on a business trip. When protestors from Occupy whatever...asked me what I was doing to help. I told them...I have a job and am paying my taxes...and they booed at me lol... I was like that's a bad answer? Its like their mentality is oh...hes one of those...those... "successful working people"

Please give me a logical response that will make me see some form moral reasoning and logic to what this movement represents.

[-] 1 points by joanno (33) from Syracuse, NY 13 years ago

I'm sorry that happened to you and can understand it was upsetting. The movement has attracted a wide range of folks, not all of them understanding how to create meaningful dialogue. You do seem to look at everyone in this movement through a negative lens though and are quite provocative in some of your comments. In that manner, you are similar to those who booed you.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

I can see that...to my fault I am very aggressive in nature. My apologies.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

"I told them...I have a job and am paying my taxes...and they booed at me lol..."

My opinion of their response is that many people who oppose this movement (and fail to see or want to deny the wrongdoings of many who caused the current financial situation) give that same response. Perhaps they were wrongly assuming what you meant by your statement, but that's my guess as to why they reacted that way. Most people who oppose the movement tell the protesters and supporters, "Get a job and pay your taxes, instead of mooching." Perhaps they thought you are one of those people.

Also, working and paying taxes isn't being an active part of the movement. The movement is about ending corruption in government, in corporations, etc. Working and paying taxes isn't a specific act to help move the movement forward such as protesting, coming up with ideas on how to end corruption, etc. are.

[-] 2 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

I dunno...maybe...but my point is the problem isnt the system...its the people. We have been hand fed everything our whole lives...we haven't worked for anything. We do not understand what sacrifice and integrity even mean. I guarantee if you take all the people protesting and replaced them with people from oppressed socialist foreign countries... we would see an influx of growth and development of people dedicated to working hard to make the most of themselves...that is what this country was founded on... Immigrants coming here and working hard and being honorable...that's what created the country we live in today. There is a reason everyone comes here...

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

"We have been hand fed everything our whole lives...we haven't worked for anything."

You're very wrong about that. I haven't been hand fed everything my whole life. I had to work to become successful in my career (through working hard in school and getting good grades to going to college and working hard, etc.). I have gone without food, heat during the cold winter months, and hot water many times (when I was a kid). Many other people have to work even harder.

Many of the immigrants you speak of killed off many of the Natives. They also got welfare from those Natives (the ones they didn't kill).... food, clothing, shelter, crops, the education to produce their own crops, natural medicines, etc. Yes, many came here to have a better lie and became productive.... but it all didn't happen without the sacrifice and suffering of others (Native peoples). This country actually was founded on murder and lies. Most history books and classes won't tell you that, though. Even Thanksgiving is a big myth and a lie that most people buy into.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

I can tell you had an extremely liberal history professor... but this isnt really the same topic... I mean yes we did do injustice to the Indian people...which by the way is a large part of my families heritage. But I am not referring to that far back.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

What matters is truth, not liberal or conservative.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You mentioned what the country was founded on, so yes, you are referring that far back. And what was the point of mentioning the hard work of immigrants (our ancestors)? After all, didn't they work hard to make a better life for themselves and for the rest of their kin who followed them? So, why are you laughing at what I said?

No professor told me what I have mentioned. It's something I'm able to figure out and learn on my own.

Again, the first immigrants here lived off of the welfare of the Native peoples. Without it, they would've died off. They DID get help from OTHERS to get their start. That's not a liberal idea. It's the truth.

And, I am older than you probably think I am. I may not be in the same generation as you are.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

We have not been hand fed... With all due respect sir, look at the history of labor in this country; it is quite disturbing.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

And because people in other places suffer more than we might here doesn't mean that we have been given everything and don't deserve what we have. In one breath, you say that immigrants came here and worked hard and made something of themselves, and in another, you say we've been given everything. Why is it again that immigrants came here?

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

BECAUSE THE OPPORTUNITY lol ...seriously? I said our ancestors worked hard...not us ...not this generation... Its pathetic to see the work ethic of our society in comparison to even 20 and 30 years ago.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Goldman Sachs (and others) has created wealth for itself through hard work and sacrifice? You need to do some research on this.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

Actually I said I agreed with this websites view and action plan in that Goldman Sachs situation...just thought id help clear that for you.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

never said that...obviously reading is a problem for you...that may explain your association with this movement.............

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Here's another example of what you've said.... "Can someone explain to me the point of this movement? I read an article that I support the view on the Goldman Sachs situation... but I don't understand what the 99% is asking for...redistribution of wealth? What right do we have to do that. That is more unconstitutional than anything currently going on. That's like being the richest person in your neighborhood...because you worked hard and started your own business."

No one is talking about redistributing the wealth of people who've worked hard and who've earned an honest living.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

"but I want you to explain to me what you want..ooogee...what do you want from the people that have created this wealth for themselves through hard work and sacrifice...that you yourself could do...if you got off the couch and started working and saving and trying to be an asset to the world...instead of a succubus."

Hmmmmmmm.... I guess you have a problem explaining exactly what it is that you mean.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

What does that have to do with goldman sachs? I was referring to the wealthy business owners in general.........................

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Um.... because you are accusing people of wanting to take money from those who are rich, in general, and are saying people are sitting on the couch and not working. That's not what this movement is about. It's about Goldman Sachs and others that have done wrongdoing at the expense of the general population.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

Its not just about that one situation...its about forcing companies to change their wage structures ...to regulate wages... to tax those who make more... those are failed ideas the world over. If you cant do basic research to discover that...use common sense. If you start a business and the government tells you how much you can make, how much you have to pay your employees (whether they work hard or not), who you have to hire, and then taxes the fire out you....youd give it up. Why go through all that when you can go be an employee and get paid top money and give little effort...just go join the ignorantly blissful masses.

[-] 1 points by georgetaylor (67) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Thats where you are incorrect. Those ideas did not fail. They were working just fine until the late 1970s. Companies didn't fold up because their workers got a living wage or they had to pay more tax. In fact America expanded exponentially under those laws.

It was after they started slowly and incrementally changing the laws to allow them to reduce their taxes and get loopholes to avoid paying taxes at all that at it started to seperate the middle and lower classes from their hard earned posessions. Then they came up with "Right to Work" laws that broke the unions that helped hard working folks earn a decent living for helping to grow those corporations. . . and the people got poorer and the rich got richer. Then they changed campaign finance laws to enable them to pocket politicians and corrupt the government into doing their legislative bidding. All of this was done while lulling us to sleep and telling us it was the American way. Lying to us that if we give more breaks to the rich, the money would end up trickling down to the rest of us and they would create more, and better paying jobs. Well if that had happened, you and I wouldn't be having this conversation. Unfortunately for the greedy corporations (not all corporations fall into this category), we have awakened, and we don't like what we see. that is why we Occupy. That is why we will not stop until these wrongs are reversed.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

" If you start a business and the government tells you how much you can make, how much you have to pay your employees (whether they work hard or not), who you have to hire, and then taxes the fire out you....youd give it up."

I haven't seen anyone propose those things. What people want are FAIR and LIVABLE wages for jobs and a reduction in the gap of what most CEOs make compared to the other employees in their companies. Do you think it's fair that a CEO can pay herself/himself $9 million a year, while most of their employees make meager earnings? And people who make a lot of money off of investments pay LOWER taxes than people who work for a living.

[-] 1 points by whatyousmokin (18) 13 years ago

Look...you have the right heart...I can see your opinions are based on wanting the best for everyone...but the ideology is not sustainable. No I dont think CEOs should make what they do...and if they attained it illegally, we should go after them.... But if they can make 9 million dollars because they are that smart and make the company much more...who are we to say they dont deserve it. I work in sales.....If I found a way to make enough commission to make more than all the bosses...soon I would be promoted to high position. I generate revenue for the company therefor I am paid for how much revenue I can generate. Think about steve jobs.......irreplaceable. How much should get paid? As much as he wanted...he was the brain child...he was worth every penny of the his salary....if you replaced him you would get much less results for similar money.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

"All of the studies show that U.S. CEOs are paid significantly more than CEOs in any other country in the world. We found this to be the case with Canadian [CEOs]. When we looked at the entire population of TSX compensate index firms, the U.S. CEOs were paid about 50% more than the Canadian CEOs. This was a study that I completed with Professor Stephen Sapp and we matched each Canadian firm with a U.S. firm in the same industry and in the same relative size range, to ensure that we’re comparing apples to apples. But then when we focused in on just the cross-listed firms we were a little bit surprised to find that those CEOs of cross-listed firms were paid on par with their U.S. counterparts."


[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

"But if they can make 9 million dollars because they are that smart and make the company much more...who are we to say they dont deserve it."

They can make that much, because they are the ones who make the decisions as to how much they make.... not because they worked that much harder and are that much smarter than the rest of us. Most people don't have a say in what their wages are. They have the choice of either accepting or rejecting them, for the most part. And a lot of these people, the ones making millions and billions, are the same ones who want to take away collective bargaining rights away from those who do the actual hard labor.

We're not saying all CEOs are guilty. But there are many who are.

Here's an example...

"But then last year, 2008, there’s a completely different story [to tell]. Let’s look at the CEO of Citigroup, Vikram Pandit. [Last year] he brought home US$38-million, which seems a little bit modest, but during the same time period his shareholders lost more than 75% of the value. I think the Citigroup share went from around US$30 a share to about US$7 a share. So while his shareholders were losing, he was winning. And the bad part about that situation was, at the same time, Citigroup accepted US45-billion in bail out money from the U.S. Federal government. In this particular case we have the shareholders who are very unhappy and then we’ve got the tax payers of the United States who are very unhappy."


Yes, in sales, people are paid a commission on what they sell. CEOs are not paid that way, however.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

Sorry, CEOs get paid market value just as athletes do.

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

What right do the people with the booty have to it? Rights are defined by society and the norm of aiding and abetting gross wealth accumulation is waning in popularity...if it ever truly had it. There is a perfect saying about success and the person who claims that they got rich because of hard work...the question being WHOSE? Franchises rely inherently on the grossly unequal distribution of wealth because of the unequal nature of their employment hierarchy...not to mention the external costs of business that all persons pay for with their health. Why should anyone take pleasure in inequality, particularly their own? No one, not one person, becomes wealthy independently, as this is an impossibility. Just because a person has money does not make them wise to the needs of others...in fact its often quite the contrary.

[-] 1 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

Currently the only stated objective of the movement is "Remove Money from Politics." They have also released a statement which was read in full by Keith Olbermann.


[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Many more objectives beyond the one you mentioned have been stated several times.

[-] 1 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

Yes, but that is the only one that has been officially adopted by the movement. Other organizations have proposed goals and stated concerns, but that have not passed through the General Assembly.

[-] 0 points by raines (699) 13 years ago

olbermann,.....................another useful idiot.


[-] 1 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

Huzzah! Keep leading the charge New York! Show the world what the 99% is capable of!

[-] 1 points by bettersystem (170) 13 years ago

Retweet this all over the world. Force Change, Unite for World Peace http://wesower.org -- The Beginning is Here

[-] 0 points by karenpoore (902) 13 years ago

My thoughts and suggestions: OWS needs to take their half million and whatever else donations the cities have collected and rent halls to give assemblies advertising to the 99% to attend and we need to protest. That way we have control of the morons that are destroying the movement.We need to de-occupy public spaces, go back to our cities and support the economy and hold our rallies in each city. This whole thing is getting way out of control and we are not attracting and educating the 99% that are still living in la la land. Without support from 100% of the 99% we will see no change.

[-] 0 points by ChristopherABrownART5 (46) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

Good work. Now protect everyone, firstly the occupiers themselves by establishing that the movement seeks to defend the constitution which is seriously violated by congress, making need for the protests to being with.------

With article 5 we can defend the constitution against this protracted attack that first disabled the society with manipulation, misinformation then started dismantling the constittuionality.--------

Article 5 is our first and last constituional right. If we fail to use it, our constitution will evaporate and there will be no right of assembly any longer. Article 5 IS a peaceful and lawful rebellion.

[-] 0 points by sppratam (-14) 13 years ago

Milk Street: Closed down. The proletariats that had worked there are now collecting unemployment. Win win!

[-] 0 points by velveeta (230) 13 years ago

Go OWS! Power to the people!

[-] 0 points by oldfatrobby (129) 13 years ago

"I believe that Barack Obama owns the Occupy Wall Street movement," Rudy Giuliani said at the Defending the American Dream Summit. "It would not have happened, it would not have happened but for his class warfare. And remember, as it gets worse and worse because it's going to get worse and worse, where it came from. Barack Obama. He praised it. He supported it. He agrees with it. He sympathizes with it. And as it gets worse and worse, I believe this will be the millstone around Barack Obama's neck that will take his presidency down."

"How about you occupy a job. How about working? Working. I know that's tough," Giuliani also said.

[-] 1 points by getrealbro65 (5) 13 years ago

AMEN, a real Mayor; brought the City back from the reeking, stinkpot it was and enforced normal cultural standards (like, no peeing or crapping on the streets......imagine that.......) Keep up the nonsense; you'll always have the votes of the NorthEast elites and California lunatics (when do you hit Hollywood to take their $millions away; weather a lot nicer; mansions are H U G E; Streisand has 5 mansions on her compound) This country is still loved and supported by all the rest, so we will try not to smile too much when inauguration rolls around January 2013

[-] 0 points by KennSpace (9) 13 years ago

The Corporate Occupation of the United States

 Our corporate controlled government (through corporate lobbying  and election funding ) is out of the peoples control. People want government control back. Makes sense to me... I feel US corporate capitalism (corporatism) is a type of economic fascism: To have a corporate being where the chain of command eventually muddles all responsibility to any human being. These corporate beings are running your life and controlling your government. (Enough to really make an individual mad and protest.) The corporate being does not exist, and when it comes to face it's corporate responsibility, it is a piece of paper. That is plain and simply wrong. Restore capitalism to individual responsible chains of command, or this struggle will be lost. (This also includes corporate lobbying and corporate election funding, being outlawed; and a new form closer to individual control is established.)

Please Sign the petition to amend the Constitution for revoking corporate personhood at:


January 20, 2012 – Move to Amend Occupies the Courts!

Move To Amend is planning bold action to mark this notorious date — Occupy the Courts — a one day occupation on Friday January 20, 2012, of the Federal Courts, including the Supreme Court of the United States and as many of the 89 U.S. District Court Buildings as we can. Inspired by Dr. Cornell West, who was arrested on the steps of the Supreme Court last month, Move to Amend will lead the charge on the judiciary which created — and continues to expand — corporate personhood rights.


[-] 0 points by masterandcommander (9) 13 years ago

OK. So if all of these people went out and did some real work instead of beating on drums would you not be able to generate more power for your cause? What do you want someone like me to do? I have worked hard all my life and do not want to pay any more taxes for people to sit around and beat on drums while I work. I do not make over $550,000 a year or whatever the %1 is. However, I work had and I am very happy with what I have. WHy should I work hard to support people sitting in a park?

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

Its not about supporting people in a park its about bringing the US back to a stable middle ground. Through this effort I hope reform in congress and business taxation can be accomplished. My business pays 35% tax which is understandable what angers me is G&E and others are paying -53% tax negative yet they consistently show profit each year. If big business is not brought into check they we stop they small business and competition.

[-] 0 points by mansoor114 (6) from Germantown, MD 13 years ago

Here is how the banker's game works:

1) Get the government to issue some currency (cash -- paper or reserves at the central bank -- reserves are government issued cash central bank deposits). Government issued cash is around 5% of the currency (money) supply. The government issued currency is put into circulation by the government simply spending it.

2) The rest (95%) of the currency is issued by the private banks. Each customer loan is a new bank deposit (i.e., new currency) and increases the currency (money) supply of the economy. Note that this newly created money (currency) is put into circulation by the borrower spending it. Most currency (about 95% America's currency supply) has been borrowed into existence and when bank customer pays the loan back that amount of currency is removed from circulation. The banking system cannot go backwards (fewer net loans) as time moves on because fewer net loans means fewer currency in circulation in the economy.

Accmulation of interest charges on outstanding loans means that the currency supply must constantly increase even if it means giving out lower quality loans. Think of it like a plane flying it must fly at some minimum speed or else the plane (the banking system) will crash (i.e., banking system collapse).

3) The bankers make dam sure that the common public does not understand how the monetary system works meaning that the private banks issue 95% of the currency. This is whole another topic how they do this.

4) The system works until real economic capacity of the economy grows and debts can be serviced and interest charges paid. Most of the time the economy oscillates between boom (growth) and bust (recession) because bust is needed to clear debts and start a new lending cycle.

5) Eventually, one of these cycles goes so deep that currency supply (and demand) falls so low that too many debts become un-serviceable. The recession becomes a depression now.

6) The bankers then have to decide how to "reset" the system. One way to reset the system is to let the depression takes its course. But of course this path is very chaotic because people lose jobs and may become violent. Once most debts are cleared lending can start again and the currency supply is replenished. Wars are a good way to get initial money (currency) into an economy after a depression to get demand going again. This is the great depression scenario.

7) Another way to "reset" the system is to get the government to print too much money and spend and destroy the currency and blame it on the government. This justifies issuance of a totally new currency (note that hyperinflation clears debts) and the lending cycle can start again. This is the Weimar scenario.

8) The banking system (as is) is setup to maximize the power and influence of the global bankers and NOT for the maximum general well being of people. By the way this is a global game. This is the only system around no matter what country you are in. The global banking cartel makes sure that no competing systems are allowed to exist (so they might be copied and global bankers will lose power).

For more details on this stuff please read the following articles in order listed below:








Mansoor H. Khan


[-] 0 points by 99t01 (0) 13 years ago

This is to all the geniuses who are running this country. We can fix the job market in one month. Let’s abandon the 100 years old 40 hours a week and implement 35 hours work week and you will see how quickly the unemployment number drops.


[-] 1 points by efschumacher (74) from Gaithersburg, MD 13 years ago

This is going in the right direction. I would advocate a 4 day 32 hour week, and strongly encourage the beneficiaries to devote the newly liberated day to the expansion of direct democracy. The people have to be ever watchful lest the smooth talking snake oil salesmen give us the shaft again.

[-] 0 points by derf (-2) 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by pataleck (1) 13 years ago

why should the city have to pay for your toliet you already know the city is broke and str4eched to limits. what you are doing is making them take money away from some of the programs you are fighting for. the people out marching need to learn to be more self relient and not need to suck on someone elses tit to survive.

[-] 3 points by Drbeaker (9) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

The city is not paying for the toilets, they are merely granting us a permit. You all could have just pointed this out instead of starting a homophobic flame war over it.

[-] 1 points by pataleck (1) 13 years ago

my mistake

[-] 2 points by Drbeaker (9) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

You see how nice and pleasant conversations can be when we just argue facts instead of calling each other fags?

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

They are very self-reliant. They are making their own energy, because the city took away their power generators. I LOVE that the OWS protesters are so creative!

[-] -1 points by derf (-2) 13 years ago

go suck a dick

[-] -1 points by derf (-2) 13 years ago

you are a fag

[-] -1 points by pataleck (1) 13 years ago

possibly, but also tired of you guys saying it's not right that someone worked hard sacrificed a personal life, and made something of them selves and you trying to trying to say because your an american that you are guarenteed the right to live that same life style without doing the work.

[-] 1 points by derf (-2) 13 years ago

its all about mexico

[-] 0 points by Rob (881) 13 years ago

"Since the arrival of a new grassroots economic justice movement represented by Occupy Wall Street’s, we have helped to block new debit card fees the big banks wanted to impose on millions of Americans; helped homeowners win easier terms on mortgage debt and college grads on student debt;". You are so full of shit, you had nothing to do with any of this. Next Up "Sun Rises today, OWS claims creation of a new day"


[-] -1 points by korzib9 (80) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

It sounds more like improving the life of the people at OWS than the 99%.

[-] -1 points by getAjobUbum (0) 13 years ago

Enjoy Winter, bitches!

a s s h o l e s

a s s h o l e s

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a s s h o l e s

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a s s h o l e s

a s s h o l e s

a s s h o l e s

a s s h o l e s

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

We most certainly will!! Thanks for the warm wishes, getajobubum!! Stay warm and Happy Holidays!!!


[-] -1 points by realist (-2) 13 years ago

Hey all you OWS idiots,

Don't lump me into your ridiculous, hippie, attention-seeking movement. Go get a job and grow up.

[-] 3 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

Seems to me you are intreged by the movement or you wouldn't be here, spending your precious time on it.

[-] 0 points by realist (-2) 13 years ago

You mean "intrigued?" No wonder you are pissed about all the student loan debt you incurred. You can't even spell at the high school level. Have a splendid weekend being a dumb lazy hippie my friend.

[-] 1 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

i'll be impressed if you are as good in my language as i'm in yours. :p

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

;) Bam!!!!

[-] -1 points by JT0261 (-1) from Las Vegas, NV 13 years ago

Fucking waaaa. You are all a bunch of baby's. I would rather work for a fast food joint getting by than stand around bitching about how life isn't fair and that the lobbyists and politicians are ruining the job market soaking up all the money for themselves. You all are the reason why we have crap running the country. Either you voted because of your own social agenda or you didn't bother to vote at all. Why not read political news, stay on top of agendas, and boot the scum bags out when they can't figure out how to do their job or lie about it. Standing idly with signs and banging drums doesn't do shit to change things!

[-] 2 points by nparker (39) 13 years ago

Seriously dude? Are you even awake? They are changing things and whether you like it or not the end is nigh for the greedy pigs at the top. The people have spoken. We aren't going anywhere. We are many. WE ARE THE 99%!

[-] 1 points by georgetaylor (67) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Trolls like you and "realist" need to go back to your failed Tea Party and spew your garbage. Most of us have jobs. I have worked since I was 16 years old (1977). I served my country (USAF 1978-1982). I pay my taxes. I have voted in every election since I turned 18.

I watched my wife die at age 39 from breast cancer in 2002 while our health insurance stonewalled on every step of her treatment because it was "too costly". After she died I raised my kids myself and didn't ask the government for a nickel.

I lost my home to foreclosure then, because I had to chose between her treatments and the mortgage payments. I watched the bank block the sale of my house before forclosure, then make 45 thousand dollars more than I owed when they auctioned it off. 15 years of on-time payments down the drain and the bank kept the equity.

I watched my friends lose their jobs because their companies sent them overseas, where they could exploit low income workers.

I pulled up my bootstraps and worked even harder. I worked my way out of a 2 bedroom apartment and fixed my credit. Then in 2004 I had a new home built for 187,000 dollars. It was the lowest priced new home in a 50 mile radius from my work. I have never missed a payment.

In the meantime, my health insurance premiums went up, my homeowners insurance premium went up, and my car insurance premiums went up, while the amount of coverage on all three went down.

Now, the greedy banks have created, then burst the housing bubble, leaving my home worth less than 90,000 dollars.

Now, I have a negative equity in my home of 82,000 dollars. I can pay for the next fifteen years and still be upside down on it.

My kids , now 18 and 23 years of age maintained good grades throughout our struggle. Neither has been able to find work that will ever enable them to move away from my home, because they barely make enough money to make their car insurance payments and gas to get to and from work.

My daughter's employer, a large pharmacy chain, doesn't hire anyone full-time, because they do not want to give any benefits like sick leave or health insurance. My son has been unable to find a real job for more than a year. He gets by, doing odd jobs for anyone that will hire him, while maintaining his college grades.

I only tell you this because you, and others who do not want to take a real look at the face of the Occupy movement, need to see that we are not all a bunch of whining, crybaby, drum-beating, jobless hippie communists. Most of us are just like me. We are hard working Americans who are fed up with getting screwed by the greedy.

I have earned the right to stand in a park with a sign. Whether you believe it will change anything or not is of no consequence. Change is coming. We will see to it.

[-] 1 points by prettywreckless (4) 13 years ago

And rich people's homes also devalued, or do you think this only happened to you? The job market is highly competitive and good grades are no longer enough. This isn't because of corporations' greed. There are fewer jobs because of a lot of reasons:

  • baby boomers constitute the largest generation, and most of them are still young and wont retire -we just got out of a global recession -more people go to college now, thus creating a higher demand for jobs in professional fields

A lot of people have good grades, and a lot of people go to great colleges and universities.. but how many of those people are willing to go the extra mile to make themselves stand out? How many of these people get involved in their college activities and do internships? How many go and start their own projects while in college? Not that many.. and those that do are the ones who get the jobs, plain and simple.

The only point where I agree with you and which is most misfortunate is on your wife's passing, which I'm sorry. Health should not be a business transaction.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Thank you for sharing your personal story with us. You sure have been dealt a lot, and I applaud you for continuing to fight. The ones accusing you and I and others of being a bunch of whining, crybaby, drum-beating, jobless hippie communists surely must be part of the 1%.... or are aspiring to get there..... because they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves.

[-] 1 points by efschumacher (74) from Gaithersburg, MD 13 years ago

Standing idly with signs and banging drums doesn't do shit to change things!

Oh man, you never read your John Milton: "They also serve who only stand and wait". He was a blind man, writing in the 1640s. Quite a lot changed during that era, though that particular revolution wasn't finally completed till 1688. Granted, it has soured a bit since then.

[-] 0 points by derf (-2) 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by realist (-2) 13 years ago

Totally agree...