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We are the 99 percent

Occupy National Gathering Schedule

Posted 12 years ago on June 30, 2012, 2:16 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

occupy national gathering

Occupy National Gathering

View a complete list of speakers, workshops, and trainings here: LEARN & CREATE
Occupy National Gathering Schedule (printable version: right click, save link as…)


All activities will be on Independence Mall (5th and Market) and surrounding parks unless otherwise noted.
9am – Set-up – Independence Mall and surrounding location
11am – 3pm – Occupy Caravans arrive
11am – 1:30pm – Speakers
1:45pm – 3pm – Open Space, Workshops, and Speaker Follow-up Sessions
3pm – NatGat Welcome – Main Stage
3:30pm – “Know Your Rights” training – Main Stage
4pm – “Summer Training” – Community/Solidarity/Skill-Building Exercises
6pm – March
7:30pm – Dinner served*
8pm – 9pm – OccuArts – On-stage Performances (if you’d like to perform, contact Jacob at wjacobr@gmail.com)
9pm – Festivities: Panic Hour Comedy Show

*All meals will be “first come, first served”, but we’ll do our best to get everyone fed. Please bring food to share if you can.


10am – Welcome & NatGat Announcements – Main Stage
10am – 12pm – Topical/thematic meet-ups (find a group discussion – or start your own)
11am – 1:30pm – Speakers & Daily NatGat Announcements – Main stage
(Announcements will be at Noon)
11:30am – 2pm – Peoples’ History Walking Tour of Old City Philadelphia – meet at the Chief Tamenend statue, Market Street @ Front (1st) Street
2pm – 5pm – “Occupy My Soul” art project workshop w/ Elise Kraemer *Off-site, Location TBA
1:45pm – 2:45pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions A (Schedule TBA)
3pm – 4pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions B (Schedule TBA)
3pm – 4:30pm – Open Mic – On the Soapbox
3pm – 5:30pm – Trainings
4:15pm – 5:15pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions C (Schedule TBA)
6pm – 7:30pm – Dinner
6pm – 7pm – OccuArts – On-stage Performances (if you’d like to perform, contact Jacob at wjacobr@gmail.com)
7pm – FemGA – Main Stage
8:30pm – Visioning discussions
10pm – Festivities


9am – Announcements
10am – 12pm – Meet-ups
11am – 1:30pm – Speakers & Daily NatGat Announcements – Main stage
(Announcements will be at Noon)
1:45pm – 2:45pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions A (Schedule TBA)
3pm – 4pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions B (Schedule TBA)
3pm – 4:30pm – Open Mic – On the Soapbox
3pm – 5:30pm – Trainings
4pm – Direct Actions (focused on corporate accountability; details TBA)
4:15pm – 5:15pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions C (Schedule TBA)
6pm – 7:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm – 7:30pm – OccuArts – On-stage Performances (if you’d like to perform, contact Jacob at wjacobr@gmail.com)
7:30pm – Community Assembly – Main Stage
8:30pm – Visioning discussions – Independence Mall
10pm – Festivities – Independence Mall and environs


9am – Announcements
10am – 12pm – Meet-ups
11am – 1:30pm – Speakers & Daily NatGat Announcements – Main stage
(Announcements will be at Noon)
1:45pm – 2:45pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions A (Schedule TBA)
3pm – 4pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions B (Schedule TBA)
3pm – 4:30pm – Open Mic – On the Soapbox
3pm – 5:30pm – Trainings
3pm – Solidarity Action with ACT UP, Tax Wall Street 1900 Market Street
4pm – Direct Action (focused on bank accountability; details TBA)
4:15pm – 5:15pm – Open Space / Workshops / Speaker Follow Up Sessions C (Schedule TBA)
5pm – Circus on Independence Mall
6pm – 7:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm – 7:30pm – OccuArts – On-stage Performances (if you’d like to perform, contact Jacob at wjacobr@gmail.com)
7:30pm – Community Assembly – Main Stage
8:30pm – Visioning discussions
10pm – Festivities: Guitarmy


9am – Announcements
10am – Noon – Visioning Exercise – drafting a blueprint for a better future
Noon – Lunch Break
2pm – 5pm – Visioning Exercise continues
5pm – Final Community Assembly – including reading of any collectively crafted document(s)
6pm - 7:30pm – Dinner
8pm – Final march – Route TBA
11pm – Final Camp-Out & Party – Location TBA


9am – Courtroom Solidarity for a Philly Occupier
9am – #99MileMarch March to Wall Street embarks from Philadelphia
Museum of Art - OWS Guitarmy will be leading an epic 99 mile march from Independence Mall to Wall Street on the 5th for all those that want to join in the quest to deliver the Vision for a Democratic Future! RSVP on their FACEBOOK



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by ElectoralReform (73) 12 years ago

A national vote plan needs to be established. The Green Party US is, in my opinion, the closest ideologically. Supporting the two party duopoly would be a massive mistake, as we have learned already with the Democrats since 2000 and their failure to prevent anything terrible, then their blatant continuation of terrible policies.

http://www.jillstein.org/green_new_deal Read Jill Stein's plan: local building and management using federal funds from proper taxation.

I find Gary Johnson appealing, but too libertarian (he wants to abolish dept of ed, and privatize prisons...)

It's time for OWS to focus on the election! You have people gathered from all over the country (and listening and ready to act from all over the country too!) Pick a direction and go strong! End the two-party duopoly! Don't worry that you might be hurting the Democrats - they failed us! If you worry about Obama and Romney (which you shouldn't) you can focus on all the House and Senate seats available.

The first step is electoral reform! You have to vote to get that!

Twitter: @reformcoalition www.newprogs.org

[-] 2 points by fiftyfourforty (1077) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Thank God Occupy apparently has leaders after all. A national strategy would be a great idea too.

[-] 3 points by sufinaga (513) 12 years ago

with an end to the prohibition of marijuana! an end to the war on drugs! an end to the mass murders and usa gun running!

[-] 2 points by GregOrr (113) 12 years ago

Check out http://the99vote.com - a platform for the 99% to work out policy priorities. It's free and easy to vote on / propose policy ideas - http://the99vote.com/register

[-] 1 points by nolanjo (1) 12 years ago

OWS, while you are doing the work for equality, keep it fun. It is a long fight. I know it can be boring at times, so try to keep it fun. :)


[-] 0 points by CentralPaFarm (4) from Thompsontown, PA 12 years ago

3 CHEERS to ""Mark Dorazio Peacewalker"" for walking across the USA from Oakland Calif last Nov to Pa to wash DC to phila for the two events,,, www.the99Declaration.org and Occupy's national gathering

[-] 2 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago

Won't people be traveling instead?

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago

not me
