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We are the 99 percent

November 17: Historic Day of Action for the 99%

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 1:11 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

November 17 Day of Action:

  • Over 30,000 People Rally in New York City (NYPD estimated 32,500), including organized contingents of workers, students, and other members of “the 99%”
  • Actions in at least 30 cities across the country and around the world
  • Commemoration of 2-Months Since Birth of the 99% Movement, Festival of Lights on Brooklyn Bridge
  • Blockade of all Entry-Points to NYSE; hundreds participate in nonviolence civil disobedience
  • Sense that a powerful and diverse civic movement for social justice is on the ascent

Tens of thousands took action Thursday, November 17 to demand that our political system serve all of us — not just the wealthy and powerful. The NYPD estimated tonight’s crowd at 32,500 people, at the culmination of the day of action. Thousands more also mobilized in at least 30 cities across the United States. Demonstrations were also held in cities around the world.

"Our political system should serve all of us — not just the very rich and powerful. Right now Wall Street owns Washington," said participant Beka Economopoulos. "We are the 99% and we are here to reclaim our democracy."

New York led the charge in this energizing day for the emerging movement. In the wake of billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s predawn raid of Occupy Wall Street at Liberty Square, 1:00am Tuesday morning, thousands of people throughout the five boroughs and the greater region converged to take peaceful action. Following Bloomberg’s action, the slogan “You can’t evict an idea whose time has come” became the new meme of the 99% movement overnight. The mobilization today proved that the movement is on the ascent and is capable of navigating obstacles.

The day started at 7am with a convergence of a few thousand people on Wall Street. All entry points to the New York Stock Exchange were blockaded. 'People's mics' broke out at barricades, with participants sharing stories of struggling in a dismal and unfair economy.

Through the course of the day, at least 200 people were arrested for peaceful assembly and nonviolent civil disobedience, included City Council Member Melissa Mark Viverito, City Council Member Jumaane Williams, Workers United International Vice President Wilfredo Larancuent, SEIU International President Mary Kay Henry, SEIU 1199 President George Gresham, CWA Vice President Chris Shelton, CWA Vice President , Fr. Luis Barrios of the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization-IFCO, retired Philadelphia Police Captain Ray Lewis, and many others.

"All the cops are just workers for the one percent, and they don't even realize they're being exploited," retired Police Captain Ray Lewis said. "As soon as I'm let out of jail, I'll be right back here and they'll have to arrest me again."

57-year-old bond trader Gene Williams joked that he was “one of the bad guys” and said supportively, “The fact of the matter is, there is a schism between the rich and the poor and it's getting wider."

At 3:00pm, thousands of students converged at Union Square in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. They held a teach-in to discuss their concerns about the prospect of a lifetime of debt and economic insecurity. They held a student General Assembly and marched en masse to Foley Square.

The rally at Foley Square was electric. It was remarkably diverse in participation, across race, religion, gender, and age. As the rally concluded, thousands of participants walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, holding up lights — for a “festival of lights” to mark two months since the birth of the “99% movement”. (November 17 marks two months since the start of Occupy Wall Street at Liberty Square.)

"I worked hard and played by the rules, but when budget cuts hit last year I lost my job as an EMT and now I'm about to lose my family's home," said Bronx resident Carlos Rivera. "I'm sitting down on the Brooklyn Bridge today because it's not fair that our taxpayer dollars bailed out big banks like my mortgage holder, Bank of America, but they refuse home-saving loan modifications for struggling families like mine. It's time banks and the super wealthy paid their fair share and Congress helped people get back to work."



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[-] 33 points by Mazz0928 (46) 13 years ago

It was amazing at wall street today, and Brooklyn Bridge. I admire those who put themselves in tough positions. People just don't understand that this is not a motley crew. There are people of all walks of life. Old and young. Of course there is always a couple bad eggs in a group but you can't put 30,000 people in a box and label them. Unfortunately all the big name news stations seem to be downplaying this and subliminally making you believe that there is not a problem and it's just a bunch of criminals, but it's not. I had to go and see it today with my own 2 eyes...and this is history in the making.

[-] 5 points by joesmith7789 (31) 13 years ago

It is time to boycott the advertisers for the corporate media

[-] 2 points by itsaparadigmshift (15) 13 years ago

no....it is beyond that. It is time to boycott the corporate media. They spin everything to keep people in line.

[-] 4 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

The Occupy Movement is so far doing everything right. This time right now is the time for growth, organizing and making ourselves heard Also remember that striking is often very efficient. Changes and progress come by organizing and hard struggles :

Also read my articles ”The Transition Phase: The Road To Freedom” where I give my thoughts on strategies and tactics, and "The Society We Should Strive For" where I present the society I think we should work for.

"In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival." -Noam Chomsky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YftlB3AxBws

Greetings and Solidarity struggleforfreedom¨


[-] 2 points by Bellaciao29 (99) 13 years ago

You are right, Itsapar... I'm ready to boycott the dirty interests of the elites. Manage for the success of this idea and I'll be with you.

[-] -1 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

The identity confusion stage emerges at adolescence when the individual realizes that some of his or her feelings and behaviors could be understood as homosexual. A period of anxiety and confusion begins, when the possibility of being gay clashes with a heterosexual self-image. Being different may now mean being sexually different, a realization that, given social prejudice, is often distressing. At this stage, LGBT adolescents commonly experience isolation because of the social taboo that discourages discussion of same-sex desires with family or peers. Either emotionally or physically, adolescents may also withdraw from close contact with others because of their sense of difference and absent heterosexual interest. Some adolescents may pursue a strategy of deception, in which they simulate heterosexual interest and vigilantly self-monitor to hide their secret homosexual desires. Identity confusion may continue until late adolescence or beyond. Many individuals, unable to accept a stigmatized identity that seems to preclude membership in other social categories and institutions (sometimes even their family of origin) may avoid intimacy or try to behave heterosexually. Hence, there may be a “postponement of adolescence” until the individual’s 20s or later, when he or she feels more prepared to complete the process of homosexual identity formation, including development and maturation of erotic and intimacy capacities.he identity assumption stage occurs during or after adolescence, when the individual accepts a sexual minority identity. This becomes possible when the categories "homosexual" or "gay" or "lesbian" etc. have been been sufficiently destigmatized that the individual accepts membership in them. Destigmatization is facilitated by positive contact with other sexual minority individuals—few lesbians or gays self-identify as homosexual without direct contact with one or more LGBT counterparts. If identity assumption occurs during adolescence, a youth will generally choose to remain in a hostile heterosexual mainstream or seek support in the adult gay or lesbian community. Researchers speculate that a significant number of sexual minority youth leave home early to pursue the latter course, possibly resulting in a premature assumption of adult responsibilities. Identity management also becomes an issue for self-labeled sexual minority youth since, without emotional and financial independence, indiscriminate disclosure may be risky. For example, many educators and mental health professionals discourage adolescents from coming out to family members if they are financially dependent and can reasonably expect a hostile reaction.This final stage consolidates the process of adopting homosexuality as a way of life. For many, the experience of a same-sex love relationship marks the beginning of identity commitment. Even at this stage, identity management continues to be an issue, with many individuals perceiving a need to hide their sexual orientation from significant others such as employers or co-workers, while at the same time weighing the benefits of disclosure in order to prevent false expectations on the part of associates. Few individuals disclose to everyone.

[-] 2 points by Bellaciao29 (99) 13 years ago

It's time to boycott the electoral spots, the commercial spots, the banks, the media, the shopping, the luxurious dressing, the enormous cars, the status symbols, the organized trips and everything is useful to the elites to become richer exploiting the poors. It's time to make a jump of quality. We refuse the world you have created to satisfy your greed, your blindness, your will to destroy the planet. A better world is possible. The police has no right to brutalize the protesters. This drive doesn't belong to the american people, nor to their history, no to their blood, nor to their Costitution. It's just arrogance.

[-] 1 points by steveee (14) 13 years ago

Why do you expect people to give up what they worked for just because you weren't good enough to attain them?

[-] 0 points by swampwitch99 (4) from Sugar Hill, GA 13 years ago

What a shallow and uninformed comment. You are ignorant of the facts if you honestly think that, but I do not believe that is really what you think. I think you just do what most conservatives do and ignore any/all facts and look for some bullshit generalization to latch onto in order to disengage any hope for communication that might result in any common ground. The truth will set you free

[-] 1 points by steveee (14) 13 years ago

Hey swampwitch....go look up some facts yourself and the truth might set your uninformed ass free. A majority of the people that you are protesting against are part of the 99%. I don't understand why you expect things to be given to you. Why do you have the right to sit at home and complain about a situation when you have done nothing to try and better yourself. Instead of sitting in a park and banging drums and hoping that we live in this majestic disneyesque world where if you want something bad enough it will happen, go out, get a job and start making a change yourself. And if you feel that protest is your only option, than go to washington d.c and protest to the people who really make the changes. I mean seriously, did you even read about this super committe. These poeple in congress are so disengaged from the real world problems that poeple face. My only complaint with you guys are that you are protesting the wrong people.

[-] 2 points by swampwitch99 (4) from Sugar Hill, GA 12 years ago

Ha! You are so typical! I am a 44 yr old mother, homeowner, and college educated activist. I do not sit in parks, I work from home at most of my activism, but I do go to protests and rallies when I feel it is important to do so. steveee, if you can not see that our Congress and politicians in general are corrupt then you desperately need to open your eyes. Corporate control of our country has already been achieved and by voting for those who refuse to enact legislation that will keep their greed and illegal activities in check you are as much the problem as they are. There is a lot more to OWS than protests and rallies, we have some serious activists who are working hard for the betterment of everyone.

[-] 0 points by Bellaciao29 (99) 13 years ago

Uncorrect, Stevee. I don't belong to the classs of poor, but I struggle to help them just because I'm not arrogant. I've obtained whatever I have fought for. I dream a society in which everyone can satisfy his needs and contribute with his capacities to the improvement of the human soul and of the world. The majority of people don't work to obtain more cars, more houses, more food or more money. They are compelled to work like robots, because for every dollar they gain the corps gain a thousand of dollars. Another world is possible, Stevee. It's enough we come back to the men and women of a time. Humanity is better than money and "to be" is better than "to have".

[-] 2 points by swampwitch99 (4) from Sugar Hill, GA 12 years ago

Peace and Love to you Sister Bellaciao29 <3

[-] 0 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

Well said Bellaciao29. You hit the bull's eye. Arrogance. The same thing Hitler died an overdose of.

[-] 2 points by Bellaciao29 (99) 13 years ago

The arrogance is the first daughter of the greed. It's the shame of the human kind. Let's rid of it and we'll come back "human" forever. I want a world without arrogance and I'm sure that the new world will be very different from the old one. I hate arrogance, greed, ignorance and stupidity. Organize an Action Day every day.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Well, maybe. But the impotant thing now is to grow and organize and think long term perspective. When the movement is big enough it can get major resaults. When big enough we can dismantle capitalism, not just boycott different fractions of it.

In other words, The Occupy Movement is so far doing everything right. This time right now is the time for growth, organizing and making ourselves heard Also remember that striking is often very efficient. Changes and progress come by organizing and hard struggles :

Also read my articles ”The Transition Phase: The Road To Freedom” where I give my thoughts on strategies and tactics, and "The Society We Should Strive For" where I present the society I think we should work for.

"In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than just ideals to be valued - they may be essential to survival." -Noam Chomsky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YftlB3AxBws

Greetings and Solidarity struggleforfreedom¨


[-] 1 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

So, just for the record, since you are quoting Noam Chomsky, do you believe that private property should be abolished and do you believe in gun control?

[-] 0 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

"do you believe that private property should be abolished"

No (unless it´s private property on means of production other people are using) Institutions and communities should be run democratically. When it comes to abolishing private ownership on personal belongings etc, absolutly not. You would have known the answer if you read "The Society We Should Strive For"

"do you believe in gun control?"

In today´s western societies or in a free just anarcho syndicalist society the answer is yes. To much guns infringes on our freedom to be able to walk in public without the fear of being gunned down.

[-] 2 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

Wonder why my response to thi was deleted?. Censorship?

[-] 2 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"No (unless it´s private property on means of production other people are using)"

I have a bunch of woodworking tools in my basement, kind of a hobby. You're OK with that being my private property, right? But if I hire someone (and pay a living wage) to come over and use my tools to help make some stuff I can sell at craft fairs, then the tools are no longer my private property? (Too bad, I guess I won't hire anyone. Unfortunate for the person who doesn't get the job, and for me, too: I hate sanding.)

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

"I have a bunch of woodworking tools in my basement, kind of a hobby. You're OK with that being my private property, right?" Absoultely

"But if I hire someone (and pay a living wage) to come over and use my tools to help make some stuff I can sell at craft fairs, then the tools are no longer my private property?(..)Too bad, I guess I won't hire anyone"

In the anarcho-syndicalist society this issue wouldn´t be important or relevant because the workplaces, the economic institutions would be run democratically by workers councils and the communities. Its about being in control of your life and work and have a say in the things that affect you.

If you pay a friend to build something in you basement with your tools and its internally between the two of you without affecing anyone else then its not really important, , the important thing is that evryone should have the right to not be exploited or having to rent themselves to survive and have a right to participate democratically in the things that affect you, like your local community and your workplace

[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"If you pay a friend to build something in you basement with your tools and its internally between the two of you without affecing anyone else then its not really important"

What if I pay five friends?

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

What you and your friends do in your basement in a free classless egalitarian democratic society is your own business, as long as your friends do it voluntarily and it doesnt affect anyone else on the outside (then these people also should have a say in your activities)

[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"What you and your friends do in your basement in a free classless egalitarian democratic society is your own business..."

Well, suppose I put a sign out in my neighborhood offering people money (and maybe some other benefits) to come over to my basement and help me make a bunch of birdhouses to sell at the craft fair?

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

are you by the way interested in knowing about libertarian left ideology or are you just trolling and quarreling

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

You´re really obsessed with details, arn´t you.

If you decide to go beyond activities in your basement and want to sell stuff in society or do other things that affect other people, then the community and the other workplaces, which are democratically run, would get involved and demand a say in your activities. With production and distribution being decided democratically by the participants in the community, and many services being free of charge when you need them, your business would be unnecessary because the community already would have better solutions/services.

[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"You´re really obsessed with details, arn´t you."

Yes. If you don't pay attention to the details everything inevitably goes to hell.

"then the community and the other workplaces, which are democratically run, would get involved and demand a say in your activities..."

How will this be accomplished? How will you police this? Will your police or enforcers or whatever you want to call them come into my basement and confiscate my tools? The word "demand" implies the threat of punishment. Would it simply be confiscation of my tools, or imprisonment, maybe firing squad?

"your business would be unnecessary because the community already would have better solutions/services."

But what if they don't?

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Details are important, but they should be worked out by the people participating in the libertarian socialist society when that time comes. Sitting here today sketching utopia in detail is a difficult task, and a little pointless also.

"How will this be accomplished? How will you police this? Will your police or enforcers or whatever you want to call them come into my basement and confiscate my tools? The word "demand" implies the threat of punishment. Would it simply be confiscation of my tools, or imprisonment, maybe firing squad?"

In my article ”The Transition Phase: The Road To Freedom” I give my thoughts on strategies and tactics to achive freedom.

"But what if they don't?"

Living in a free solidaric classless democratic anarcho-syndicalist society you could present your good ideas to the community and/or workplace and contribute and cooperate to making the society even better

[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"its not about "killing" Its about defending democracy if necessary against violent reactionaries, just like any democratic society operates today."

Sure. But, see, not everyone is going to agree with all your ideas. And once the traditional stability of society is gone and violence is accepted as a legitimate tool, it is Katy bar the door. Who defines those "violent reactionaries"? You could find yourself labeled a "counterrevolutionary."

"yeah, just like "jesus is the only way"/"capitalism is the only way" "if everybody worshiped Christ we´d have a better society"/if everybody worshiped free markeds we´d have a better society""


[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"no, not if the movement is based on libertarian socialist decentralized principles."

It doesn't really matter what it is "based on"; it will be a bunch of human beings, scurrying around with all the baggage that is in their brains. Once the killing starts, whatever it is "based on" will be irrelevant. It probably become a trivial point to Trotsky and Robespierre and Ta Mok what their revolutions were "based on."

By the way, nothing personal, but I bet you folks don't see how similar you are to the Bible-thumpers and other religionists: "Jesus will lead me to heaven," "Allah will give me 72 virgins," "the state will wither away," " a relatively flat non-hierarchical structure," etc. All of these things have about an equal likelihood of occurring.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

its not about "killing" Its about defending democracy if necessary against violent reactionaries, just like any democratic society operates today.

"By the way, nothing personal, but I bet you folks don't see how similar you are to the Bible-thumpers and other religionists: "Jesus will lead me to heaven"

yeah, just like "jesus is the only way"/"capitalism is the only way" "if everybody worshiped Christ we´d have a better society"/if everybody worshiped free markeds we´d have a better society"

[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"All the examples you mentioned did not come about thru libertarian left movements, but with the use of leninist models and other forms of centralized power."

It doesn't matter. As soon as violence becomes a valid tool, the people who are better at violence are going to rise to the top. I imagine Trotsky realized the inevitability of this as the tip of the ice axe penetrated his cerebral cortex.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

no, not if the movement is based on libertarian socialist decentralized principles. Actually, the kind of self defense im talking about is if the democratic structures were violently attacked by reactionaries. Then self defense would be proper. All democratic societies operate by this principle, nothing controvercial or dangerous about that.

[-] -1 points by THElardbutt (40) 13 years ago

Sweet. Trotsky. With a miniature pick axe. Thru the skull. In the library.


[-] 1 points by Coriolanus (272) 13 years ago

"Sitting here today sketching utopia in detail is a difficult task, and a little pointless also."

But that is what you are trying to do. The word "utopia" means "no place" for a good reason.

According to your article "However, in stage III, the movement and its supporters can now start fighting back with violence if necessary. There´s really nothing controvercial about that - It´s only self defense. It´s just defending democracy."

That has been the usual line throughout history, whether it is the Jacobin Terror, the Soviet purges, the Cultural Revolution, the Killing Fields, etc. Humans being what they are, you can expect oceans of blood. So I guess I can expect the firing squad for offering jobs to my neighbors; death to kulaks!

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

All the examples you mentioned did not come about thru libertarian left movements, but with the use of leninist models and other forms of centralized power. In other words not relevant to my article.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

There are no anarchist systems that have ever worked in reality. Ever. They are mental masturbation for intellectuals who cannot be bothered with real-world human action and self-interest. To put it bluntly, "it don't fly".

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

yes there were. Catalonia in Spain is a good example of pretty large scale anarcho syndicalism



It was crushed by fascists though.

Feudal lords: "There are no paralmentary democracy systems that have ever worked in reality Ever. They are mental masturbation for intellectuals"

Look what happened.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

You proved my point. They don't work because people can't perform or survive in chaotic systems.

[-] 2 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

anarcho syndicalism would be a highly organized society. Being in control of your own work and life should be the goal of all humans

[-] 1 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

We are in control of our own work and community. I do a job now that i love. I would not however do it for free. The problem is that people are slackers (Not all) they are lazy refuse to work in school or drop out. They then can not get a good job or one they love. Then there are two option contine on that path or work yor butt off get a better education and do something you love and dont come back at me with the money thing because i did it while working a minimum wage full time job and i had two kids while doing it. Therefore i have no sympathy.

[-] 2 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

"We are in control of our own work and community" No. Wealthy owners and baught off politicians are in charge. Communities and workplaces are not dempcratically run

"I would not however do it for free." AS is not necessarily about doing things for free. Wages would be decided democratically by the participants in as

"The problem is that people are slackers" Sure, there are always going to be some that want to participate less than otheres. But thats really no problem because most people (f ex yourself) like to work, and the slackers shuold be able to get a free ride just like the rest of us: http://struggleforfreedom.blogg.no/1320872575_the_free_ride_society.html

[-] 1 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

Sorry, i dont agree with that or that the wealthy are on a free ride. You might be able to fool a few with your commie attitudes but you andr movement jump the gun. THERE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A SMALL % of americans who were communist hiding behind different names but most of us are not. ? We will fight to the death to stop you for our childrens sake. Just so you know. We fix our peroblems with a vote on election day. Now

[-] 1 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

I have already given you my arguments they where deleted from the website. I dont intend to repete them. What would be the point censorship. Which is exactly what would happen if your little socialist world came to veiw. The russian people didnt expect lenin's communism either. Who would sign on for that.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

What specifically do you disagree with me on, and what are your counter-arguments? We´re all getting a free ride, especially the rich. I m not hiding behind any names. I am an anarcho syndicalist wich is very different than leninism (wich many tend to associate with the word "communism")

[-] 1 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

Oh and yes we made some mistakes. We allowed polititions to stay inwashinton to long and allowed them to do some stupid things but we are rectifying that with each election. That my dear sir is the american way.

[-] 1 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

Oh and yes i see my typing errors. Small keyboard.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I agree being in control of your life and work is an ideal situation. How does handing the "means of production" off to guilds and coalitions give you more control as an individual? Large, powerful self-interested groups of people are not individuals and can never reach complete consensus. At best decisions are "split the difference", at worst they are scream fests with rancorous conclusions (or no conclusion... just think "Super Committee" and you're on the right track).

Your libertarian socialism is the complete opposite of what you say is ideal.

[-] 0 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

when people control their own workplaces and communities they are in control of their own life and work: Please read "The Society We Should Strive For"

In capitalism private tyrannies run the show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqlTyAMVDUk


[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

The only conceivable scenario where 100% agreement is reached every time is a system of exactly one.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Thinkdeer, you've presented as solid an argument against a strong federal government as I've seen here yet.

[-] 1 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

typically in consensus based workplaces, participants recognize the difference between small disagreement and strong descent. Through practice and discussion members are able to negotiate when they are willing to go along with something they may think is a bad idea. If it something they know to be absolutely wrong it is their responsibility to block a decision, if after discussion of the block the group still comes to the same conclusion, a member whose descent still holds strong will show their descent through leaving. The vitality of the member to the group will either cause the group to have to change by 1: loss of the member or 2: a fracturing of the group or 3: a reassesment of the agreement.

It is of course important to remember that consent is not equal to affirmation of the correctness of the coarse of action, rather it is affirmation of the group to take that action. It takes extraordinary humility, but workplaces and living spaces such as this already exist, and continue to grow.

Now if you are asking will this work on a large scale? NO. Though that is precisely the point, large scale equals great centralized power equals greater ability to commit great harm.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

it doesnt have to be 100%agreement on everything. Where there arnt agreement thru consensus democratic procesesses could be used, or alternatively more discussion. The whole point with LibSoc is more participation and more democracy

[-] -3 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

Though my giant swollen hand remains a medical mystery, I now have a suspect. The dread Bearded Fireworm lives on the reef, peaceably crawling about munching on coral polyps. Until…a giant five-fingered hand reaches down from the sky and tried to sample the tunicate that it happens to be crawling on. Then the worm extends its GIANT POISONOUS SPIKES and bam! The offending hand is useless for a week. They’re not exactly spikes, of course. Most marine worms are polychaetes, also known as bristleworms. Each of their segments has a fleshy protrusion called parapodia, from which protrudes hair-like bristles called setae. (Here’s a nice diagram.) Setae come in all kinds of forms – they can be jointed for traction, hooked for gripping, and so on – but the bearded fireworm’s case, they are hollow and filled with poison. Because of this kickass defense, fireworms fear no predators and are out and about during the day. The one that nailed me must have been small or I would have seen it, but individuals can get up to 12″ long. Bearded fireworms apparently also have an unfortunate tendency to sneak into people’s aquariums. Googling around brought out some rather desperate threads on how to remove them. I can personally assure these people that gloves are no defense. I wasn’t wearing any pansy neoprene diving gloves, either – when I work with spiky things like nasty spicule-filled tunicates, I wear hardened rubber work gloves. But they were no match for the probable fireworm, no no.The moral of this story? Looky, no touchy is BY FAR the best way to hang out on a reef. Collecting tunicate samples is way more harrowing than I thought it would be. On top of the fireworm, I almost got nailed by an extraordinarily attractive and extraordinarily toothy Golden Moray yesterday. (Rick would be…so proud. Scroll down for his That’s a Moray Monday series with all the moray goodness you can handle. Except for the golden moray. Rick, do you take requests?) And sorry, ghouls. I forgot to take a photo of the swollen hand at its peak, what with the science and the doctor and all. Though my thumb still hurts, it is no longer even the slightest bit impressive. You will simply have to use your fervid imagination.

[-] 1 points by teachkat (23) 13 years ago

Ok, I read it didnt see that. What I did see was a push for communism (Marxism). This and these Ideas where the very things used by the USSR.when all democracy was taken away. It was never meant to be that way I read marx but that is what happened. What do you do about the people that will not work?we have many .what do you do when someones says,"oh heck no I'm not doing that job its to hard.. or Farm you got to be kidding". What do you do with those people? As for the gun control you know what the say about my cold dead hands.

[-] 1 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Most people want to work, it´s part of our nature : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WveI_vgmPz8

"What do you do about the people that will not work?"

We should in solidarity with them help them find some work that they want to based on their abilities. The people whe refuse to do anything no matter what and just want to sit at home watching low budget pathetic sitcoms, it would be thir loss; thats a sad way to live ones life. Besides those individuals would be a very smal percentage of the population; in an advanced technologial society it would not be noticed, they should get a free ride just like the rest of us http://struggleforfreedom.blogg.no/1320872575_the_free_ride_society.html


[-] 1 points by NY99 (2) 13 years ago

what are you going to replace capitalism with after you dismantle it? No system is perfect, but capitalism is the best we got

[-] 2 points by winkfortherite (2) from Muskego, WI 13 years ago

I agree capitalism is the best we've had up to this point.. Pre corruption, greed, ect. - When the the individuals who have the wealth (1%) are tied into the government - It may as well be totalitarian -Parties? Who cares? WE DO NOT LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY! We live in a republic -Say your pledge of allegeance! A direct democracy is as close to perfect as it gets!

[-] 0 points by TheNewMovement (46) 13 years ago

Your right but wrong also...

We live in a Republican democracy, meaning we use representation to confer our voice to government. The problem is we don't have good representation and corruption is running a muck.

How exactly is everyone's voice going to be heard? Watch the video below.


[-] -1 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

I was checking out my dad's saltwater tank and found that the one little worm-thing I found around Christmas has turned into many, which I think are bearded fireworms (hermodice carunculata). I'm really not sure though. The largest ones I've seen are about an inch long. I've read that some worms are bad and some are good. I figure these little guys aren't any harm at the moment, but I'm a little worried they could kill an anemone or fish once they get larger. Not to mention that I also read that they can have some of their spines floating around in the water that can stick in you or a fish even if you don't bother them. Here's a picture I took of two of them. My camera isn't very good at taking pictures of very small things. The pink part of the larger one is about the same color that they actually are, and the dark parts on them are organs and/or food inside them. They're clearish, like baby earthworms. The white leg-things are furry, not solid, which is why I figure they're bearded fireworms. But I've only been able to match up pictures I find on the internet, and it seems they come in a variety of colors. I haven't found enough information to really know if they're a threat or not. There are hermit crabs, snails, various anemone-things, two fish, copepods (if that's what they're called), and two (at least, it had babies) starfish. There's no living coral, but there used to be featherdusters popping up everywhere. Could they be to blame for the featherduster's sudden disappearance? Do you think they would harm anything in the tank? Should we kill them or leave them alone? Are they really bearded fireworms?

[-] 3 points by mvjobless (370) 13 years ago

We have to expect this from the 1% owned mainstream media. But the bigger and louder this OWS movement gets the more foolish and disconnected they will look and finally they will loose their viewing audience due to the misinformation they are spewing and eventually their business will crash.

[-] -2 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

It isn't big. If the college kids didn't come out last night for a drunk, there would have been maybe 200 of you tired ass sluggs. Get a job and pay taxes if you want to help us!

[-] 2 points by llf (144) 13 years ago

Who is "us"? Who do you think you speak for? You are just an idiotic troll and why in the world would anyone want to help a pebble of excrement like you?

[-] 0 points by Moveoutofyourmomsbasement (-6) 13 years ago

I do believe that "troll" is just using his 1st amendment rights. It so fun to watch you hippies get so righteous.

[-] 3 points by coolnyc (216) from Stone Ridge, NY 13 years ago

The big name news stations are big corporations. The headlines on the TODAY show this morning were Natalie Wood, another sports pedophile and a bullying related suicide. They are downplaying with purpose.



[-] 0 points by TSforever (0) 13 years ago

Those pedophiles are another thing the 99% are pissed off about...

The way corrupt organizations close ranks around predators to protect themselves, and hurt our children.

No More!

[-] 6 points by Hamlet2086 (33) 13 years ago

Bring back Glass Steagall, the law which protected America for 64 years after the Great Depression. After it was removed in 1999, it only took greed seven years to stick both hands into the cookie jar and gut the entire world economy, leaving people with homes of negative value and no jobs. As Deep Throat said, follow the money. When you turn the planet into a casino, the house wins.

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

When you turn the planet into a casino, the house wins. Well said, this is the essence of the problem.

[-] 1 points by Thelogic (3) 13 years ago

the world is not a casino, you don't gamble on education that will get you a high paying job.

[-] 2 points by BShred (6) 13 years ago

Seeing the difference in workload and intellectual rigor between high school and college, how do you know? People with straight A's in high school can get into a good college and fail out. It happens all the time.

So yes, it is a gamble. We are paying tens of thousands of dollars for the possibility that we MIGHT graduate and MIGHT get a good job. It is one of the biggest gambles out there, especially people who have to take out giant sums in student loans.

[-] 1 points by Hamlet2086 (33) 13 years ago

The world is a casino when you take away laws and rules that say the "house" can do risky things with your money without your knowledge and mingle things that are high risk with things that are relatively safe. The more complicated the scammers can make things, the more loopholes they have to pervert the system. Adam Smith's idea that greed is good has some merit but is vastly overrated. He did not mean to let them out of your sight with your money to do as they please (like some knucklehead would). Those who decide to make a living on the idea there is a sucker born every minute are not to be trusted.

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

It is not a casino for every person, only for those who have enough money to play.

[-] -1 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

Spider veins (telengiectasias) are those unwanted blood vessels that make their appearance on our skin. Sometimes they appear on our face as facial veins, across our nose, on our cheeks, or along our forehead. In other cases the spread out across our legs, making us insecure about wearing shorts or skirts. Regardless of where we have them, we want to be rid of them. The good news is that today we now have new technologies which can easily rid our skin of these pesky red, blue or purple vessels. Gone in a Flash Laser removal of spider veins is a highly effective way to reduce and remove the visible blood vessels in the skin. Dermatologists and researchers have developed new lasers which can quickly and painlessly remove these vessels with little or no downtime. Results are often instantaneous and dramatic. Spider vein removal over a large area, such as legs, may require a series of 3 to 6 laser treatments for satisfactory results. The vessels that are removed during the treatment are abnormal and not required for proper function of the body. They actually function abnormally, and once removed, are replaced by healthy vessels beneath the skin. Note: They shouldn't be misconstrued with arteries, which take blood from the heart to the rest of the body.

[-] 1 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Search out "pedophilia and elite" or "pedopilia and New World Order" and you'll be shocked. Its no wonder no-one can control the child sex trade and child trafficking.

[-] 1 points by Justice4all (133) 13 years ago

Very true! I even heard a rumor that the Penn State Coach (Sandusky) is going to ring the opening bell on Wall Street this week. As a show of support to OWS, they have decided to have someone with the most ethics they have ever had on the floor!

[-] 0 points by Renaye (522) 13 years ago

Lately, I'm in a perpetual state of shaking my head...the world has gone mad and we're being desensitized by the same people to accept more and more of it.

[-] 1 points by Justice4all (133) 13 years ago

It is quite incredible is'nt it? Hard to see how society has come to where it is when all that is evil runs everything, then brainwashes many to believe that the power that they covet and are given is the way things should be. It doesnt have to be this way, but as long as people stay ignorant and sit on the sidelines and allow the system to keep them in fear and owned the same evils will continue to plague the world as a whole. Thank God for this movement!! It may be our last best chance!!

[-] -2 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

The pork and beef tapeworms are large, flat worms that live in the intestine and can grow 15 to 30 feet in length. Egg-bearing sections of the worm (proglottids) are passed in the stool. If untreated human waste is released into the environment, the eggs may be ingested by intermediate hosts, such as pigs, cattle, or (in the case of fish tapeworms) small crustaceans, which are in turn ingested by fish. The eggs hatch into larvae in the intermediate host. The larvae invade the intestinal wall and are carried through the bloodstream to skeletal muscle and other tissues, where they form cysts. People acquire the parasite by eating the cysts in raw or undercooked meat or certain types of freshwater fish. The cysts hatch and develop into adult worms, which latch onto the intestinal wall. The worms then grow in length and begin producing eggs.For the pork tapeworm only, people who ingest the eggs can become an intermediate host (people cannot be intermediate hosts for other tapeworms). They may swallow the pork tapeworm eggs in food or water contaminated with human feces, or they may transfer the eggs to their mouth after contact with an infected person or with contaminated clothing and furniture. Or eggs may reach the stomach if proglottids are regurgitated from the intestine. As in animal intermediate hosts, the eggs develop into larvae. The larvae penetrate the intestinal wall and travel to the brain (see Brain Infections: Parasitic Brain Infections), muscles, other organs, or tissue under the skin, where they form cysts (cysticerci). In people, this form of the disease is called cysticercosis.Cysts in the brain and the tissues covering the brain (meninges) in people with cysticercosis can result in headaches, seizures, confusion, or other neurologic symptoms. Rarely, cysts develop in the eyes, sometimes causing blindness, or in the spinal cord, sometimes causing muscle weakness or paralysis.

[+] -4 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

coolnyc, you don't understand that people are tired of you wealthy punks who don't work and only look for handouts. Go make mom and dad happy and get a job!

[-] 2 points by coolnyc (216) from Stone Ridge, NY 13 years ago

You don't understand who we are if you think we are all unemployed. I've never been unemployed in my 30 years in the workforce. Some of us think this is a matter of patriotism - a self healing of a vibrant democracy that has been quietly undermined by political graft of amoral corporations and greedy self serving robber barons. Open your mind and open your eyes.

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

This is the difference between right and wrong patriots. To me you are the right one, and in Wall Street are the wrong ones.

[-] 1 points by llf (144) 13 years ago

You have abslutely no data to back your idiotic statement. Every survey that I have seen about who is supporting, involved, and participating in OWS suggests that you are completely wrong and you have absolutely no right to speak for anyone but your stupid self.

[-] 1 points by Hardworkingteacher (10) from Bronx, NY 13 years ago

Coolnyc is right. To back his statement check out the NYTimes graphic ( constantly updated) to reflect public sentiment about OWS. The overwhelming majority of Tmes readers responding support and sympathize with OWS. I suggest that the majority of the readership are employed.

[-] 1 points by ARealNewYorker (227) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

You may be right, but you don't understand the "logic" of guys like this - by definition, OWSers are out of work (and filthy, drug-addicted hippies who are (somehow) also secretly Stalinists). There's no amount of evidence you can give him to the contrary.


[-] 2 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

It is said relentlessly that the Occupy movement lacks a clear message. The only message on display for the public in the Occupy London movement in Canada was that the protesters were torn apart by their own internal bickering, indecision and fear of confrontation with the police.

Their lack of unity, focus and squabbling ultimately sank them and they are gone. Read how it all went wrong here:

www.josephcouture.com “How To Blow A Revolution: The London Model”

[-] 1 points by terrorint (1) 13 years ago

Anyone remember the blasé faire that surrounded the mass arrest of Vic Park "pedophiles" about 20 years ago? In the end, it was a failed attack against university students who sold a few services to pay off their tuition and housing. None were underage, but the johns that got nabbed were instantly labelled 'pedos', and several lost their jobs. Nobody cared, and it was written out of history when the police chief won awards and accolades for what was, in reality, a homophobic attack. London has a history of passive obedience, even when it hurts them.

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

The day proved to be an opportunity for the Occupy Wall Street movement to evolve. While UNoccupied from the parks, it proved that it does not need to hold land to hold meetings and to hold public opinion:


--Knave Dave http://TheGreatRecession.info/blog

[-] 1 points by 99percentnothanks (-5) 13 years ago

Bloody hippies. It's boring now. Just go home.

[-] 1 points by Thisisthetime (200) from Kahlotus, WA 13 years ago

Keep Up the Good Work. Keep Changing and Adapting. We need to be patient. It has taken over 70 years since the last depression to get ourselves back into this mess. Fair-ness.

[-] 1 points by Moveoutofyourmomsbasement (-6) 13 years ago

No it isn't. This is the x generation nerds trying to fit in somewhere. Call it a "cause". But the real reality is that WE, THE PEOPLE are at our jobs. WORKING. I get to work thanksgiving, and I am happy to do it, while you idiots are getting fed organic traditional thanksgiving feast by a NYC chef. You look like a bunch of spoiled brats that just flew in from Oregon, somed some J and decided to have a party.

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

Yes Mazz, the people who were there are theonly ones who know best. The rest of us have to trust the TV.

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

You are right Mazz0928 (not your number in jail, I hope). :-) There is no country and no group of any kind with a 100 % angels. We all know that, but people always try to pass falsehoods as truth, instead of accept truth, they want to make and impose their "truth" this is as old as mankind. But people cannot be so easily fooled now as in the past Germans and communists were. Communism failed in 1991 and this capitalism 16 years later. There is something in the middle, what the two arrogant communist and capitalist sides did not want to negociate, and there is an expression or saying for that in every language: In the middle between extremes lies "virtue" (Spanish) or the "golden middle way" (Dutch), and that is socialdemocracy, and it has been proven by Scandinavians specially and seems to me and to many the best system ever. We all have to learn from Scandinavians, in the whole planet. (OWS: thank you very much for the "edit" improvement. Congratulations, OWS will keep improving for the many years we'll need to change so much)


[-] 0 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

It was really wonderful seeing al this participation and engagement. Wish I could have been there with you. Solidarity from Norway. Yours struggleforfreedom



[-] -1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

A motley crew that doesn't work. Did you all take vacation for the protest?

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

What does work? What is the work you imagine supposed to achieve?

[-] 0 points by llf (144) 13 years ago

And what do you do for a living? It sounds to me that you sell your posterior for some coin.

[-] 24 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

our beautiful community is awakening. they will not intimidate us. they will not brutalise us with their authoritarian BS. we have unbending intent to bring down this tyranny of police thugs and secret rulers.

[-] 8 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

The month of November is a crucial month for the 1%. Lets not buy anything for Christmas. Let's crush these cockroaches. We must become self sufficient!!. They will will try to lure us in by offering deep discounts, deeper than we have ever seen, but we will not give in. Let us all unite.

[-] 6 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

STOP SPENDING brilliant. stop all payments over xmas if possible! lets have local outlets approved by movement. we need a new community life. no male hierarchy BS. share and mutual aid. all generations. lets have an old fashioned christmas without consumerism or christian crucifixion hysteria. lets have bonfires and potlaches. let us rejoice in eternal life.

[-] 9 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

I am not a fan of how the season has morphed into a materialist commodity, but we must keep vigilant that our LOCAL businesses need to survive! They are part of the 99%. Please BUY LOCAL this holiday season! Be thoughtful about your gifts. Also remember our non-profits...they often have very nice gifts. From the Defenders of Wildlife you can adopt an endangered animal and receive a stuffed animal of that species for your donation. That would make any child smile.

[-] 1 points by Uzbazbeil (34) 13 years ago

Most people don't even want to give presents on Christmas. They do reluctantly BECAUSE it is xmas. People don't give at other times of the year simply because they wait till dreaded xmas so they don't have to feel the judgment from family and friends when they don't give anything. Most people feel obligated to give and that is not giving at all. That has nothing to do with Christ even.

Christ = a soul without errors who received the divine love of god to be having made a perfect soul. Who celebrates that let alone tries to heal their soul? We're too busy trying to make the 1% more money on XMAS by buying things no one needs. If you want to give for XMAS give to the homeless or someone you don't know who is in dire need.

One demand of the 99% is that all necessities of life be free and run by volunteers. People feel obligated to buy to support those who would die of starvation and that is because of a system that the 1% set up to get people to be enslaved out of fear of not being able to support their physical life! The necessities of life costing money is a system of coercion through fear fo death or suffering and that needs to stop. It's unethical, ungodly, and unloving.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

Define the necessities that should be "free" and provided by volunteers. What if no one volunteers? Who chooses who will be "drafted" into working while the rest of us get all that free stuff?

[-] 0 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

Hello Concerned, I think Uzbazbeil is speaking to an ideology that seems to be emerging. But I do not believe that the 99% think that we will ever have a democracy run by volunteers with the necessities of life (food, shelter, clothing perhaps) given to all for free. Not in our lifetime anyway. It is a beautiful ideal...a utopia. I get his point: that we are dependent on a system created by those who own the means of production. The communes of the 60's understood this, and there is a movement of intentional communities that exist today and are growing. People are trying to divest themselves from a system that doesn't include them. But at some point they still find themselves in some hypocritical situation because there is no alternative. So there is no pure system available yet. And it is blocked at the top through legislation and through lobbyists for the corporations to which such ideals impact.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

And that is my point. Those who are speaking out for the so called "luxury" society with its volunteers who do all the work are becoming louder and louder in this movement. There is no "perfect" system for there will always be those who want to sit around and do their art or read their books or write their poetry while other are expected to do all the labor that is required to provide them with those "necessities". There will always be those who seek to "rule" in their little corner of the world and seek to make it bigger.

For those who trust that a direct democracy in a volunteer luxury world can work - they are welcome to go build their communities/communes. But, don't force the rest of us into it and don't claim to be the 99%.

[-] 1 points by Uzbazbeil (34) 13 years ago

"they are welcome to go build their communities/communes. But, don't force the rest of us into it and don't claim to be the 99%." I'm already being forced into your economy - one that would throw me out on the street if I refuse to help some company make pink polka-dotted cell phone covers so that 13 yo little Tiffany can look 'cool' in front of all of her friends. If I choose not to work to make useless crap that has no value in a society I deserve to die homeless and starve to death. That is the current value system we have today and all business owners are capitalizing off exploiting the poor's delima of trying to physically survive. It is an unethical economy that needs to change. If people had all their physical needs met without coercion to be enslaved by companies and corporations then the people would be able to choose what they support and its only the companies that have ethical, moral, and virtuous value to society and only those institutions would survive and all of the crap companies and corporations would die. That's what you're afraid of. In consciousness studies people who do not live in fear are happy and are a hundred times more likely to help someone else. Also, we have the technology to automate virtually everything that we need. Many business owners and the wealthy will fear a fair and loving society because they lose their power which is ultimately their only identity and they'll feel destroyed and distraught, but they can heal for the greater good and contribute like everyone else. There's plenty of people who would volunteer to make a loving society work and they would help make sure you had that you 'need' to survive making you look a lazy bum who would more likely be inspired to contribute as well for your happiness' sake. Think about it for a while.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

Bullshite. You have a choice in how you earn your living. No one makes you take an aptitude test and says "you will do this to earn your keep".

Don't want to work for Walmart because they hire cheap labor in another country to make those polka dot dresses? Then learn how to sew and open your own cottage industry offering those things to people who - like you - don't want to buy from Walmart.

If you think that Monsanto and other commercial farming corporations are unethical, then you have a choice to 1) not work for them or 2) work against them by growing your own food and/or sharing it for free with other folks. You can even choose to join in with some others who provide another life necessity and barter together. No one is "enslaving" you by forcing your to buy food. Grow your own. It might take working for someone else for a while, but you can do it.

Don't feel you should have to pay for electricity and water? Then go off grid - many folks are doing that - including those who would be typically called "conservatives" - a hated segment for the most part. And not because they are going off grid to plan militia attacks against our government. They are choosing to do it because of either environmental reasons of their own, or the desire to be self sustaining in case of the "smashing of capitalism" by folks who cry out for a utopian society and will not eschew violent means by which to achieve their goal. Or simply because they feel that mandated electricity connection provided by a monopoly is not something they wish to be a part of.

But, wait, if you had no electricity you would have no running water or TV or Cell Phone or Computer.....of course, you could generate your own - like those who are choosing to go off grid and not be beholden to a monopoly.

Because we live in a country that allows for that kind of freedom of choice.

The operative word here is "choose". If you choose not to work, then why should someone else have to "volunteer" to support your "necessities"? If you can not work, then the moral and ethical thing for society is to care for you until you can care for yourself. If you are permanently disabled, then yes, that moral and ethical responsibility continues. What you want is a world in which those who "choose" not to work will have all their needs provided for by those who choose to work as a volunteer....good luck with that.

"There's plenty of people who would volunteer to make a loving society work" - okay. Tell me what you currently do to accomplish this utopia you write of? What do you currently voluntarily provide to those less fortunate than you? Or would you qualify as one of those "lazy bum's" who need to be inspired first by for the forcing of everyone else into this system you desire?

[-] 1 points by Uzbazbeil (34) 13 years ago

You know, in the documentation that the Federal Reserve uses 'money' is a block to abundance. It's whole purpose is to block access and stop freedom for all of those who do not choose to earn a dollar. For that they are indirectly coerced into financial slavery. That is an occupation, period. An imposition upon our free will and I believe the 99% would agree with me. Freedom is when everything is free and doesn't cost money or everyone gets paid the same amount, equally. You're saying I can go live off-grid if I chose to, but as I recall going off grid costs money and when you don't have access to it then where's the freedom? It's gone and that is what this is all about. We're never going to have a civilized society until we have true freedom and abolish the hierarchical structure of centralizing wealth, power, and decision making abilities that affect everyone everywhere when these leaders have no love for humanity in their heart. Full well knowing all of the suffering going on in society based solely on the decisions of leaders only a sociopath would actually desire to continue with the current system and not believe it need a radical change in the direction of virtue.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

First off, provide a source to your claim that the Federal Reserve is to "block" abundance. Abundance of what?

Again, you are referring to your desire to "not earn a dollar" and your belief that a responsibility to provide for your own needs is somehow financial slavery. I wonder how those who were actually forced to live life as a slave would feel about that position. I wonder if they would equate working for money to use as one sees fit - say for example using money to leave your landlords building and buy your own building to live in - as being a "slave".

The 99% do not agree with you. The 99% do not believe that those who "choose" not to work should be given all of life's necessities for free by volunteers who do "choose" to work.

It costs money to go off grid? It can cost money if you choose to relocate to let's say the Amish Country, buying a house that is already off grid. Or you could simply disconnect your electricity and water - and replace that meter box with a bike to generate it yourself...oh wait, you would have to work to buy that bike and all the necessary components to actually make it ready to provide your power wouldn't you? And you think that you should have the right to choose to do no labor....that a volunteer should come to your house and do all it takes to get you off grid....

Apparently, your definition of freedom is quite different that most of society....yours appears to center on the fact that one should have the choice to do nothing to provide for oneself...that an inability to live a life of no labor is a form of slavery.

By the way, you didn't answer my question of just what it is that you do personally - as a volunteer - to provide for others less fortunate than you.

And I'm curious, you have an internet connection - who pays to provide that for you? I'm sure you think it should be free...........

[-] 1 points by DanRand (9) 13 years ago

Uz is all about getting something for nothing. See his screed at http://occupywallst.org/forum/thousands-gather-foley-square/

I looked him up on the internet, and, before he settled in here, he was on a charity site asking to be given a used car and some seed money. He claimed that he lived off disability checks and had a young daughter that he had never supported.

The self-education that he describes has been entirely focused on the esoteric rather than anything practical that might have allowed him to work, even from home, in order to pay some of his own bills. Indeed, back in November 2009, his studies led to a "divine calling" to pull up stakes and move to Sedona, AZ. http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?p=185724

It appears that, since no free ticket came with that "calling," Uz never made it to Cult Central.

[-] 1 points by Uzbazbeil (34) 13 years ago

It isn't a claim. It's a fact.

You also have a narcissistic personality on here and shows you have no interested whatsoever in humanity, virtue, love, equality, freedom, and you're just using insane arguments that I refuse to indulge you in. You're allegiance is obvious.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

Where is your source....if in it is fact a "fact" you should have no issue in providing a source.

And simply because I don't agree with you, you are now name calling. This is exactly why this movement will eventually fade away...

[-] 0 points by Uzbazbeil (34) 13 years ago

It is in one of the Zeitgeist movies. I don't remember the name of the book off-hand. You'll have to watch it.

A 3 year old can understand how money blocks access and creates slavery as condition for access. Surely, you can understand the concept, right?

Stating a fact isn't name-calling. Just because something doesn't look pretty doesn't mean I'm trying to judge or coerce you which is what name-calling is for. You just have a classic case of narcissistic personality disorder. Narcissists believe in things and ideas that are not even true and are even obviously true. What they think is sane is insane and what is insane is sane to a narcissist. So if a narcissist believes that the current system is fine and has no problems and the OWS comes along and disagrees they'll believe things about the OWS that are not even true and often times proclaim things that are not true. They conveniently ignore certain concepts that usually have to do with virtue or love because narcissists don't have that in their soul which is unfortunate for them. And then when someone points it out to them they argue with them instead of actually doing something loving for themselves like healing their issue. That's what the 1% do. Most of those CEOs are very narcissistic and have an agenda based mentality that cannot see the truth of of anything that could possibly end their ability to accomplish an unethical agenda. That's why they accuse the OWS of being communists or haters of democracy. They invent delusions and project that as their viewpoint based on the idea that what is ethical is evil and what they're doing that is unethical is ethical due to the personality disorder. So what I'm doing is exposing the ethical aspect of the current system and because what I'm saying is true and you can't accept absolute truth you will not agree with me. So as you can see, I'm not calling you names. I'm telling the truth and it is actually loving to tell the truth always because how is anyone going to know that they're doing something that unhealthy and then would have an opportunity to correct the situation. Does this make sense to you?

[-] 0 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

Uzabell....a book or a movie are not a first person source. Show me the Feds documentation that explicitly states that one of its goals is to "block abundance". Without that, you are simply spouting off propaganda.

A three year old understands the concept of the need for money as slavery? Not any three year old I've ever met. They barely understand the need to control of their own bladder and bowel.

A narcissist is preoccupied with fantastic, magical, thinking and daydreams...sounds more like a lot of the posters here who support "free" everything bringing out the best in everyone......

[-] -3 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

SOCIALISM! You work hard and I will gladly collect Actually, please work overtime and send me the difference!!!

[-] 1 points by greenwinter (7) 13 years ago

'You work hard and I will gladly collect, work overtime and send me the difference'... sounds like the IRS

[-] -1 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

Roundworms, or nematodes, are a group of invertebrates (animals having no backbone) with long, round bodies. They range in size from those that can be seen by the naked eye to those several hundredths of an inch long that can only be seen under a microscope.Parasitic roundworms can live on or in humans where they can cause a variety of health problems. Most parasitic roundworm eggs or larvae (immature form) are found in the soil and enter the human body when a person picks them up on the hands and then transfers them to the mouth. The eggs or larvae also can enter the human body directly through the skin. With the exception of the parasitic roundworm that causes trichinosis, mature adult roundworms eventually end up or live in human intestines and cause infection and disease. In trichinosis, it is the movement of the larvae through the body from the intestines and their encystment (becoming enclosed in a capsule) in muscle tissue that create serious problems. Parasitic roundworms that infect humans are much more widespread than many of us realize. Diseases caused by these parasites affect not only poverty-stricken individuals in developing or remote areas of the world, but they also can be important health problems for people throughout the world, including in the United States. As with other parasitic diseases, roundworm infections in the intestines are more common in warm climates than in cooler, temperate areas.Many parasitic diseases caused by roundworms result from poor personal hygiene. Contributing factors may include Lack of a clean water supply Inadequate sanitation measures Crowded living conditions combined with a lack of access to health care and low levels of education The best solution is to try to prevent these diseases rather than treat or cure them. School-age children are particularly at risk for parasitic roundworm infections. The parasitic roundworms consume nutrients (nourishing materials) from the children, which can contribute to malnutrition and developmental problems.

[-] -2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

the non profits are a problem paying themselves fat salaries, driving round in 4x4s SUVs and looking down on the desperate. nothing worse than the do gooders. nothing worse than a man who thinks he's good. look at the deluded evangelicals. the crucified jew is an abomination, A RACIST ABOMINATION. see how even in liberty square the christians come in to do good but they are agents of an all male fascist hierarchy and do not feel in their hearts oneness with our community.


[-] -1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

"Have an old fashioned Christmas without... Christian crucifixion hysteria"...

While I agree Christmas in general sucks, it's origins are kinda intertwined with Christ (thus the name). I'd rather all religious holidays went away, personally.

[-] 2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

"christmas" is the ancient festival of the Rebirth of the Sun the rejoicing that the Sun and Summer are Returning!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It's origins actually are Pagan, not Christian..... just like many holidays were Pagan, and the Christians ripped them off.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Correct. Thanks for the fact-check.

[-] -2 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Idiots, no wonder no one listens to you kids babble.

[-] 1 points by UnitedWeStandDividedWeFall (9) 13 years ago

Really? Why must you troll around? If "no one" was truly listening, there wouldn't be so many cops at Zucotti park. Also, why is it that he turnout in NYC was averaged at 32,500 people? Sure seems as if people are listening.

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

No one able to think for themselves listens. My bad

[-] 0 points by llf (144) 13 years ago

Why are you here then if no one is listening? That is the main problem with human feces like you. No capacity to think or reflect. And on top of that you have the gumption to talk about babbling kids and idiots...What a pathetic loser...

[-] 1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Because i have tried my best to identify. Your random insults have no ground. They only serve to embarrass you further.


[-] -1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

That's easy when mommy and daddy pay your expenses. So call them and say you don't want any presents...

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I hope you aren't referring to me... I pay for everything myself, thanks. "Mommy and daddy" aren't in the picture and I don't exchange presents on Christmas. My remaining family knows better than to spend money where it's not necessary. At most we get on the phone together to talk, which is the best present I could imagine.

[-] 1 points by Justice4all (133) 13 years ago

Dont take it personally Audit--like most on their ways of thinking they are Bill OReilly cloans who make up the story(s) that best suit them. Guess we all deficate on the ground--live with mommy and daddy and have no jobs. Oh another new rule by them--Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are now two of the twelve deciples. Oh Bill (Mr Beck & Mr Limbaugh) your fear mongering and lack of brain cells have spread to your minions--you should be so proud of yourselves! Wait is that a terorist? Oh Sheww its just my mailman, but he has a beard and is a bit tan so wasnt too sure. Wait--better check to see if he's got his birth certificate handy--he may not be one of us!! OK, Im back--hes one of us hes got a rebel flag on his postal truck, and loves his NRA! But that was close--we can never be too careful!!

[-] 0 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

Sorry for my indirect question. How can you spend that kind of time in the park? Do you work? Do you have a family? That's all...

[+] -7 points by FourleafTayback (-4) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

I totally agree with everything that you just said with one exception, MEN MUST RULE THIS MOVEMENT AND THIS WORLD or we will risk becoming weak and unstable. Women can do the cooking and cleaning but they should stay in the shadows of our revolution.

[-] 3 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

F u

[-] 2 points by bettydonnelly (115) 13 years ago

This is a joke right ! Good one. Please don't waste the space on this forum for stupidity. we have enough of that at the White House and Congress .


[-] 2 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Hehe, this kind of troll is almost refreshing. Nonetheless, no.

[-] 2 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Do you have another joke for us?


[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Very funny.

[-] 5 points by athenagrey (7) 13 years ago

When you do buy the necessities, be sure to buy locally grown food and artisanal products. Support the small businesses in your community, and local manufacturers, who will then be able to reabsorb the workers who were let go from the big box stores.

Every dollar well spent is a vote against big business.

[-] 4 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I've been doing a lot more of this. I'd rather give my money to a store owner I like anyway.

[-] 3 points by quercus (93) 13 years ago

Every dollar well spent is vote against big business.

at 63 and unemployed, the impulse to buy, consume is a terrible habit. i have had to re-learn what my depression-era parents taught me: grow a garden, canning, make your own, fix what is broken, recycle, donate, give away all the rest.

my worry today is my children's children.

[-] -1 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

When you purchase your mussels, make sure to immediately unwrap them at home so they can breathe. Discard any mussel that is chipped, broken, or damaged in any way. Also, discard any mussel that is open. The mussels should be tightly closed and stored in a cool area where they can breathe. Just before cooking, soak your mussels in fresh water for about 20 minutes. As the mussels breathe, they filter water and expel sand. After about 20 minutes, the mussels will have less salt and sand stored inside their shells. . Most mussels have what is commonly called a "beard," also known as byssal threads. The beard is made of many fibers which emerge from the mussel's shell. To remove the beard, hold the mussel in one hand, cover the other hand with a dry towel, and grasp the beard; give it a sharp yank toward the hinge end of the mussel. This method will not kill the mussel. If you were to pull the beard out towards the opening end of the mussel you can tear the mussel, killing it. Discard the byssal threads. Remove the mussels from the water. Don't pour the mussels and water into a strainer because the sand has sunk to the bottom of the bowl; you'd end up pouring the sand back on top of the mussels. Put the mussels in another bowl of clean, cold water Use a firm brush to brush off any additional sand, barnacles, or other oceanic attachments. Rinse the mussels under cool tap water, and set aside. Dry with a towel before cooking.

[-] 3 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I never buy anything for Christmas anyway, as I'm not religious and don't celebrate it.... so I'll keep doing what I always do.

I love how the big retailers have been advertising that they're starting Black Friday early this year..... for OUR convenience!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!! Lying is such an accepted characteristic of advertising.

[-] 2 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

Yeah, they have OUR needs in mind...we are finally craving what we really need, sustenance that satisfies our souls.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by sasha03 (6) 13 years ago

Advertising is build on lies fro the get go.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Advertising doesn't have to be about lies, but it is.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

What seems strange to me about advertising in general is that its practitioners seem to believe in a "Guantanamo Bay" model where they just hammer people constantly with zero-content messages. To me it seems obvious that anyone spending that much on advertising is cutting corners with the product, and I also resent monopolies, so I become less likely to buy the product with every ad.

But I don't think advertising has to be that way. I suspect that some form of advertisement-supported media could exist which would require advertisers to provide specifics on things like price (and I don't just mean "first month free!"), which would ban scams and untested fly-by-night products, which would have a price schedule that encourages the widest diversity of ads and not saturation by single advertisers, which would allow free or very cheap spots for worthy causes, interesting events, and particularly well done ads just to encourage viewers to pay more attention, and which would regard their ads not as an attack on the customer but as a service, so that they would for example keep a permanent archive of them on a web site so that if a viewer sees or remembers an ad he liked he could look it up at any time. Now there are some successful organizations, e.g. Craigslist, which have moved somewhat in this direction, but I imagine of seeing a video/television or professionally written magazine go this route would be quite profound, to people who have endured so long under the other system.

[-] 0 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

The home buying and selling community is abuzz with talk about insurance and liability issues involving stachybotrys chartarum, also known as black mold or toxic mold. Some homeowners have even burned down their homes, and everything in them, because they felt it was the only way to eradicate toxic mold from their surroundings. Juries have awarded huge sums of money to homeowners who initiated lawsuits against their insurance companies, with most awards given to people whose insurer did not pay for moisture-related repairs in time to prevent severe mold problems. Awards have also gone against home builders when juries felt that shoddy worksmanship contributed to the mold. Most homeowner policies now include a clause that excludes or limits payments for mold-related issues. While mold is a problem, in most instances its growth can be prevented or stopped before it causes excessive damage. What is Mold? Molds are fungi that reproduce by releasing tiny spores into the air. Spores that land on moist objects may begin to grow. There are thousands of different types of mold and we encounter many of them every day, in our homes and outdoors. What is Toxic Mold? Toxic mold is a type of mold that produces hazardous byproducts, called mycotoxins. While individuals with asthma and other respiratory problems may have reactions to many types of mold, it's thought that mycotoxins are more likely to trigger health problems in even healthy individuals. These toxins are believed to be linked to memory loss and to severe lung problems in infants and the elderly. Floating particles of mold are invisible to the naked eye, so it's impossible to see where they might have landed until they begin to grow. Loose mold particles that accumulate on items within a house are easily inhaled and can be a constant irritation to the people and pets who live there. The toxic mold we hear most about is Stachybotrys chartarum, a slimy, greenish-black mold that grows on moisture-laden materials that contain cellulose, such as wood, paper, drywall, and other similar products. It does not grow on tile or cement. Even if the mold in your home is not toxic mold, it can still be a problem, because any mold growing on organic materials will in time destroy them--and too much mold of any type smells bad and degrades air quality.




[-] 2 points by greenintn (4) 13 years ago

We can still buy. Just don't buy from corrupt corporations! Buy things made by local artists, gift certificates from local Mom and Pop diners, go see live music by local musicians, see local symphonies, give the gift of your time! We gotta help each other, 'cause no one else will.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

That's right. Don't buy any cell phones because they are made by corporations.

Don't buy any cameras or computers or kindles or nooks, because they are made by corporations.

Don't buy any CD's or DVD's unless they are from an independent label for an independent artist.

Don't forget to disconnect the internet service in your home and take out the wireless adapters because those are made by corporations....and forget a new tv, radio or blueray player or ......

Let's see how well you all do.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

Yea buy everything used instead of new. Thats why craiglist is for. Duh.

[-] 1 points by greenintn (4) 13 years ago

Note I said "corrupt" corporations. Do the research!

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

Yep, craigslist makes it easy to protest corruption but still use the product...

Name the "corrupt" corporations....

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

I would say these people do object to the corporate model, and indeed these things would be more trustworthy if made by someone who wasn't plotting how to use them to not-so-secretly spy on their customers. I think that movements such as open source hardware ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open-source_hardware ), fab labs ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fab_lab ), DIYbio ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DIYbio ) and RepRap ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RepRap_Project ) are pushing toward a world where indeed you can get all these toys without submitting to corporate control. Of course, as with cell phones, there is the problem that those in power simply claim the right to communicate in the radio spectrum is owned by them and no one else can compete, but their control is not absolutely perfect and the ingenuity of their competitors is boundless.

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

Until the government steps in and over regulates them.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

No doubt government overregulation does contribute to the domination of markets by a few corporations - especially once they can lobby to have special exemptions custom-written to apply only to their own specific operations.

[-] 1 points by bettydonnelly (115) 13 years ago

Super Idea ! You are a genius.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

The economy is 70% consumer based. This is the only way to crash the dollar and render the billions of dollars that the 1% holds into worthless pieces of trash and not will it do that but it will also bring awareness to the people that we have the upper hand and control of our economy and not the other way around. Fiat money is a fraud.





[-] -1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

This only shows that the majority of you folk are ignorant economically. Yes, don't spend your mommy and daddy's money in November and no one will get hurt! Yes, and the stores lay off the most vulnerable who don't have rich mommy and daddy's!!! What a great idea!

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

The economy is 70% consumer based. This is the only way to crash the dollar and render the billions of dollars that the 1% holds into worthless pieces of trash and not will it do that but it will also bring awareness to the people that we have the upper hand and control of our economy and not the other way around. Fiat money is a fraud.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

We the 99% have always had control but the 1% have used smoke and mirrors to blind us from the truth using their mass mind control tactics and fiat money fraud. They are the wizard of OZ and we are pulling the curtain.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

People can make fun of OWSers, but they're not the ones who invented an economy that is totally dependent on Santa Claus! Sooner or later people in this country are going to stake that creepy old kallikantzaros good and proper - give Christmas back to the Christians and allow kids the maturity of going with their parents to pick out the presents they want at the most appropriate times of year.

[-] -2 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Actions like this have the counter-effect of harming exactly those whom you supposedly support. Who do you think gets fired first when sales are slow or nonexistent.

[-] 3 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

Making change is hard. During change we face difficult decisions. We must change things in order to create a change. You get fired. Everyone gets fired. The big box retail stores go under and local stores open. Local seamstresses start hiring in mass. Local business become overwhelmed with business and long commutes disappear. Businesses grow and become new big box businesses built on fairness, equality and ethically correct business practices. Maybe. We won't know until we try.

[-] 2 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I own my own small business and will never work for someone else again, so I personally would not be the kind of person affected.

[-] 2 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

I don't know if I agree with your first comment, but hell yeah to being a small business owner! Nothing like the pride of directly seeing your own efforts directly improving your own life with no one skimming from both the top and bottom. I hope everyone can one day work for themselves or work together with peers who hold an equal interest in their business.

[-] 2 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

There is no better teacher than bitter experience, so I'd recommend evryone at some point run their own business.

[-] 4 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

I have worked in collectives, the rise and fall of it all is really tough but a wonderful experience, different from being completely self reliant but interrelated. As an artist too, the rejections oh the rejections, but knowing that my success or failure is my own.

[-] 2 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I hear you, and any time one's art is up for critical feedback it can be a very tough business.

[-] -3 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

I like collectives myself because I figured out I don't have to work too hard. I let the eager beavers sweat and the I collect part of their rewards for no effort.

[-] 1 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

you'd be kicked out of most collectives i have seen or been a part of.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

I also own my own business now. I was working for a huge bank a few weeks ago. The banks are in pain they just maintain an illusion of abundance. The ceo is sweating bullets LMAO

[-] -3 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

So why don't you hire some of us? You have lots of money. Hire 10 - 15 people and make sure that half of the a illegal to be fair. Why wait??

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I don't hire employees because of the legal and tax ramifications, it's nothing but additional paperwork, liability and dealing with unpredictable personality problems. The very few times I've relied on others to provide labor, I hired them as contracted labor. Everyone knew what was expected, there were few legal issues to worry about and everyone got paid. Easy.

[-] 1 points by llf (144) 13 years ago

I'll hire you! Where can I reach you? I have a nice job for you...

[-] 1 points by Julien (3) 13 years ago

Local seamstresses start hiring in mass. Then they realize that the next town over has a group of seamstresses that they could work with, so they buy them out. This goes on for a few weeks/months/years...then you've got a big seamstress company. It's big business again!

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

The economy is 70% consumer based. This is the only way to crash the dollar and render the billions of dollars that the 1% holds into worthless pieces of trash and not will it do that but it will also bring awareness to the people that we have the upper hand and control of our economy and not the other way around. Fiat money is a fraud.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

We are not talking about getting people fired. We are talking about waking people up. If we crash the fiat money then the 1% will no longer have power or influence they will be left with billions of dollars of worthless money and we will be able to reclaim our democracy.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

You will also be talking about everyone who holds cash in a blind panic because their currency is worthless (a la WWII Germany). People don't make sensible decisions in a blind panic.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

You are right, it will cause panic but the panic will be short lived and it will mostly affect the 1%. it will be a small sacrifice to get these blood sucking leaches that treat us like cattle off of our backs. Once we are able to reorganize and substitute our currency with transparent currency then we will be able start fresh and honest.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I'd love to agree with you, but the fact that a majority of people have little or no money in savings (much less gold) indicates to me the nation would quickly be subsumed in civil war.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

There is a possibility of civil war, but it will be caused by our own ignorance and lack of independency. We live in a system that has made us into little spoiled dependent of the system brats. The system was specifically designed to keep us dependant and build big cities that provide food and water for the masses. If we broke up the cities into a matrix of small self sustaining villages then there wouldnt be a mass dependancy for the nessecities of life. Therefore, no civil war, but from the looks of it we will have to learn the hard way.If the system crashes we will see the cities implode and people spread outward like cockroaches unto the outskirts and farmland of the cities.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

There is no question that the next 20 years are going to be increasingly difficult for average people to survive.. That is why it is likely our political system may fall to a dictatorial theocracy.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

Too late, we are already there. except we worship the almighty dollar.

[-] 0 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

mass unemployment is here to stay. "there shall be no more curse." a few more losing their jobs is collateral damage, friendly fire. we are bringing democracy to the country, a better community life for all without the war mongers of the GOP and the christians.

[-] 2 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

God, no. We don't want a true democracy. True democracy results in minority groups being squashed by simple majority. If ten people vote and six want to steal your car, home and money, you're screwed. If it comes to that, I'm leaving the US as fast as I can. Instead, I want this, our democratic republic, to adhere to the Constitution and remove the cancer in our government... colluding with corporations, sending our young to die in Oil Wars, invading countries that represent absolutely no threat to America, decimating the economy by devaluating money, cronyism, etc.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

no we need a democracy with HUMANITY. look at the vote to legalise marijuana in california defeated by a narrow majority so what you say is happening now. still i have always smoked marijuana always ignored the silent dumb majority. democracy and community must be based on morality not the tyranny you fear which is the tyranny of these bully police, christian war monger hypocrites and the PC brigade promising homes and jobs. our job is to destroy this tyranny at all costs and for all time. get these AO s off our backs!!

[-] 2 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

It is indeed tyrannical to outlaw marijuana and other recreational drugs, and much more so to prohibit purchases of prescription drugs by people who can't afford the medical visits to be authorized to buy them.

But it is also morally unacceptable for people to pay gangs and cartels to commit the violence, pay off the authorities, and otherwise politically perpetuate the status quo where violent criminals are making a fortune. For most people marijuana is by no means a necessity - more profoundly altered states of consciousness are available, for example, by communion with nature, prayer and meditation, expanding one's scientific understanding, or in political action. Boycotting cartels not only helps communities in the U.S. and Mexico, but keeps more money in the hands of he 99%.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

first understand the inevitable fulfilling of prophesy then your actions and opinions accord with what is due to appear. cannabis marijuana is our holy communion, the tree of life (revelations) "growing in the midst of the streeet" ie in people's houses, and "on either side of the river" ie on both sides of the tracks, in all classes of society. marijuana is for the healing of nations. the gangs are doing a great job with their deals on wheels delivery service for us pensioners!

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

I tracked down what you're talking about ( http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Revelation+22&version=KJV ). I respect that for some people marijuana can be a powerful metaphor of the tree of life, just as for many the sacramental wine represents the blood of Christ. Still, there is a difference between a Tree of Life growing free for all in New Jerusalem, and a brick of marijuana trafficked by homicidal criminals. However, I intend no criticism for people who grow the marijuana they use themselves, or obtain it noncommercially from people they know.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

cannabis IS the Tree of Life NOT a metaphor. christianity is a roman invention NOT a divine revelation. the romans crucified jesus, king of the jews then fraudulently inserted the cult of mithras doctrines of virgin birth (LOL) and resurrection into the text. there was no resurrection, it is not mentioned in the early gospels. christians speak with forked tongues. they say the bible is LITERALLY true then say everything is a metaphor for jesus. in daniel2 the stone cut out without hands is the SILICON CHIP which is etched with acid, which grows into a great mountain which fills the whole earth which is the WORLDWIDE WEB. see it is literally true! we are a community of love in our hearts based on ABSOLUTE EQUALITY. christians owe their allegiance to an ALL MALE HIERARCHY. christians are a threat to our community! all christian preachers GROOM children by telling them their mothers are sinners! they call this original sin but it directly destructive of family relationships. all christian preachers MONEY SHARK by tithing the poor and vulnerable. alcohol is a chemical lobotomy and the communion of christians. cannabis is our holy communion. the end of cannabis prohibition is the RAPTURE.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I agree with essentially everything you said, but humanity is our job, not the job of government. We're responsible for imbuing our actions with our humanity. Left to a department of government, no one is responsible.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

there's the point! the government should be ours not a cancer in our community. we must be heard not bullied by the servants of the secret rulers the fascist tyrant, the madfucker at the top. our community has been denied by these jackbooted psychos. we just want to be ourselves, relax within and cooperate for ahappier world locally not this class wealth division, petty laws, intrusive police. who the fuck do they think they are? they pretend we are criminals even terrorists but their delusions will blow up in their face.

[-] 0 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 13 years ago

Ron P@ul 2012 Ron P@ul 2012 he wants all the same things as you! censoring what people can say on here? Kinda suspicious no?

[-] 3 points by Thinkdeer (250) 13 years ago

I sincerely believe that the moderators are trying to avoid a politician co-opting the forum or the movement. It isn't against paul, or any other politician, though it is critical of how and when they receive "donations" (read bribes).

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

I think that trying to keep people from saying Ron Pаul's name is absolutely silly, but his "Libertarianism" has severe ideological defects. It is a good system for ten people shipwrecked on a desert island, but when the 11th washes up an hour later and finds himself stopped at gunpoint at the water's edge because all the land is private property, it rather loses its luster. We need people to call for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which I take to mean a free society in which the poor have resort to the necessities of survival, including health care, and the ambitious have the right to work and keep much of what they make. Perfect bean counting in a country seized by force, where key natural resources have repeatedly been assigned to those using deception, corruption, and outright robbery to obtain them - that is just not a practical way to go forward. How rich can the rich get, how poor can the poor become, before we recognize that we have a problem that needs to actually be fixed, not merely lamented?

[-] 1 points by greenintn (4) 13 years ago

Libertarianism, communism, capitalism, socialism, none of these take into account the vagaries of human nature, and if left unregulated will eventually destroy the society through greed and/or sloth. On the other hand, these same systems would probably do equally well, and provide their members with freedom and security, ONLY IF the members of that society watch 'em like a hawk and have the legal system to back them up. The problem with America these days is that a few corrupt greedy individuals control the government AND the courts now to the point where the average citizen has no redress or hope of justice.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

I like Gary Johnson, but he has been actively suppressed from participating in debates, because to the corrupt GOP he looks and sounds like a Democrat and a threat to the system. Ron has far more visibility.

[-] 2 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 13 years ago

The media/political suppression is just crazy it seems if a politician is a threat to the governments ramped spending they try there best to suppress that politicians voice.


[-] 2 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

If Obama allowed that, bring him down too through a no confidence vote from the 99% who brought him to power! We wont tolerate abuse any longer!

[-] 2 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

What do you mean "if"?

[-] 1 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

Call Juliann Assange, he may be able to help with this SOPA crap...

[-] 2 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

The anonymous should certainly be able to help with SOPA, once and for all from the get go!

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

actually they are helping pass it by giving a strong excuse for the bill

[-] -1 points by koali (0) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I don't like reading things from aljazeera thanks anyway.

[-] 3 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

Right on. Self proclaimed rulers, meaning abusers. Too late now for us to buy their shit, we are awaken. Time to bring them down, heads used to roll on the streets during the French Revolution!!!

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

aluta continua! the time has come! no turning back! WE SHALL NEVER BE DEFEATED!




[+] -4 points by Aliensarecoming (-2) 13 years ago

The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events will occur on December 21, 2012.[1][2][3][4] This date is regarded as the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. Various astronomical alignments and numerological formulae related to this date have been proposed.

A New Age interpretation of this transition postulates that this date marks the start of time in which Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era.[5] Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world include the arrival of the next solar maximum, or Earth's collision with a black hole, passing asteroid or a planet called "Nibiru".

Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of such cataclysmic events occurring in 2012. Professional Mayanist scholars state that predictions of impending doom are not found in any of the extant classic Maya accounts, and that the idea that the Long Count calendar "ends" in 2012 misrepresents Maya history and culture.[3][6][7] Astronomers and other scientists have rejected the proposed events as pseudoscience, stating that they are contradicted by simple astronomical observations.[8]December 2012 marks the conclusion of a b'ak'tun—a time period in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar which was used in Central America prior to the arrival of Europeans. Though the Long Count was most likely invented by the Olmec,[9] it has become closely associated with the Maya civilization, whose classic period lasted from 250 to 900 AD.[10] The writing system of the classic Maya has been substantially deciphered,[11] meaning that a corpus of their written and inscribed material has survived from before the European conquest.

Unlike the 52-year Calendar Round still used today among the Maya, the Long Count was linear rather than cyclical, and kept time roughly in units of 20: 20 days made a uinal, 18 uinals (360 days) made a tun, 20 tuns made a k'atun, and 20 k'atuns (144,000 days or roughly 394 years) made up a b'ak'tun. Thus, the Mayan date of represents 8 b'ak'tuns, 3 k'atuns, 2 tuns, 10 uinals and 15 days.[12][13]

[-] 3 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

Stay in the present. It doesn't matter what date it is. Change has already happened. A new movement arose on September 17, 2011. That date was not in anyone's predictions. These kind of predictions are symbolic. Their purpose serves no real purpose other than to suggest possible scenarios for which there are an unlimited number. Stay focused on today. Stay focused on the change that is happening now and help to propel it to 12/22/2012. Peace.

[-] 2 points by Peacedriver (23) 13 years ago

Sept.17,1787: All 12 state delegations approve the Constitution, 39 delegates sign it of the 42 present, and the Convention formally adjourns.

[-] 1 points by Jumphrey (106) 13 years ago

Wow, that totally has slipped everybodies minds about this.. what a beautiful coincidence.

Divine providence, perhaps?

[-] 1 points by Peacedriver (23) 13 years ago

Yes divine

[-] 1 points by quercus (93) 13 years ago

why are you concerned with some 'thing' beyond your control?


[-] 0 points by FourleafTayback (-4) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

I wonder if you will have the guts to comment when December 22nd, 2012 shows up and is a day like any other. Vanity drives most peoples belief in the end of the world prophecies. It must occur during their life time because they are so important. Perhaps the Mayans should have used that high powered clairvoyance to keep their civilization alive. It was a diseased culture of human sacrifice and suffering. It failed because it was diseased and they never saw it coming.

[-] 1 points by sdkeller72 (26) 13 years ago

HAHA, I think their civilization disappearing had more to do with Cortez and the slaughter of millions of Mayans after he showed up on the continent, than disease. ;)

[-] 1 points by hmmm (52) 13 years ago

Still, not to be insensitive, but they didn't see that one coming either...

[+] -4 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

you're right, I'm being unfair. I should be thanking you for not throwing up. Well done, you're a star. You didn't wet yourself, did you? You're in the right city. You didn't say anything overtly racist. You didn't pull your cock out and start plucking it and shouting "Willy Banjo". No, I'm being really unfair. You'd got so much right, without actually being there in the beginning of one of the most important moments of 'occupy wall street'

[-] 2 points by emrankhan (22) 13 years ago

are you just pretending, or you just can't stop making irrelevant comments?

[+] -4 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

Yes, emrankhan, it feels like there's already been an assumption that we're invading and don't you think that we should discuss the practical implications? I mean, this is, after all, the War Committee.


[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

why ask a wooden puppet who is pulling its strings?

[+] -7 points by FourleafTayback (-4) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

So far it is the OWS circus that has been doing the intimidating and brutalizing. The crime statistics are off the charts in the areas of this "bowel movement".

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

I have been there. You are lying.


[-] 0 points by sdkeller72 (26) 13 years ago

Keep believing what Fox (so-called) News tells you - SHEEP!!!

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

You are so full of shit. Get your head out of your ass.

[+] -9 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

So the police thugs are the problem now are they? You have ANY clue what this movement was about - at least when it first started? No, clearly you do not.

[-] 1 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Read what some of the people who started it had to say: http://goo.gl/rqcEu

[-] -1 points by chango (26) 13 years ago

silly 1%'are, the movement is too complicated for your greedy brain , you only understand $$. Burn in he##.

[-] 1 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

Jimmy44 just doesn't understand, the situation is difficult difficult lemon difficult.....

[-] 0 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

He has no brains.

[+] -6 points by GoHomeHippies (-12) 13 years ago

wow.. put the drugs down.. most of the people that are soo againist this movement are the TRUE 99% how old are you? my guess is you're either around my age or an old hippie.. i agree money is the root of all evil.. but protesting in the street and keeping the real 99% from getting to work on time is NOT the answer.. if you dont like america.. get out.. Canada loves hippies :)

[-] 2 points by anotherone (6) 13 years ago

I have to tell you... the LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil... Mone can be very useful for a lot of things if used without greed or without the intent to harm others... The pursuit of money without scruples is wrong!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

How does it feel to be a clueless and powerless sheeple?


[-] -2 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

Another m-fuckin chiken

[-] 0 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

Is that Latin?

[+] -6 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

You m-fucker posted 30 minutes ago , that you are tired and going asleep, you 44 pound chiken

[-] -2 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

Turn that fucking racket off! It's just VOWELS! Subsidised... foreign... fucking... vowels!

[+] -11 points by OccupyYourSweetAss (-7) 13 years ago

Thank you NYPD for all your hard work, America understands that these scrubs need to be dealt with.

Occupy Their Asses NYPD!!!! Keep up the good work!

[-] 5 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

We Won. The more they arrest us. The more of us that crop up out of the shadows. We get bigger the more they resist us. What you resist persits.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Have you noticed that the movement gets BIGGER and BIGGER every time the NYPD and Bloomberg pull something stupid??? I guess not. You're just another person in denial.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

when will you lose your job, home, health insurance? your humanity and sanity have already gone!

[-] 17 points by laurensierra (24) 13 years ago

Beautiful site in New York City.

We occupied our bridge in San Diego - very peaceful.

Thank you all of New York occupiers for making this happen, for keeping the spirit of the movement alive. We LOVE you!!!

In solidarity.

[-] 0 points by talkinboutarevolution (54) 13 years ago

Yeah, but CNN cropped the picture. There were many more than that. They have given very negative coverage.


[-] 17 points by inca (42) 13 years ago

That shot alone shows a lot more than mere HUNDREDS reported by the mainstream media channels. So tired of their blatant lies and nonsensical "news" coverage. ABC: I don't care who got voted out on DWTS. NBC appears to be the worst of the lot, OWS is not even mentioned in their headlines.

[-] 8 points by msmikestew35 (11) 13 years ago

WSWS.org has good, continuing coverage of the protests. It is our media - media of the working class. It is run by the money donated by the working class. There is not corporate advertising.

[-] -2 points by propsdir (25) 13 years ago

Class warfare, exactly what the socialist administration likes

[-] 3 points by sasha03 (6) 13 years ago

ever heard of democratic socialism. i ask my students to define socialism off the top of their heads in every class. only one ever had an approximate example in 15 years of teaching university students in this country. Check out a certain senator from Vermont who describes himself as a democratic socialist.

[-] 1 points by quercus (93) 13 years ago

class warfare is what it is, exactly? no, but with a consirable amout of ambivalence.

a story told as a tale of two...seprarate groups, unequal, such that a corp. is reified as a person.

that is what the supremes say. what is more, under the rubric of 'free' speech!

[-] 5 points by NYCteacher (6) 13 years ago

I really think we should plan actions protesting the media, targetting the NY Post here in New York: the biased coverage as well as corporate control, monopolistic consolidation, and the vast fortunes of Murdoch and his ilk.

What a day yesterday! It was elating to be there. And the responses of people in the street not involved in the protest was so heartening. Many, many thumbs-ups, waves, smiles.

[-] 5 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

"Occupy Fox".... Now there's an idea whose time has come.

[-] 2 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

There is a reason that the Occupy movement in London, Ontario was the first in the country to be evicted by the police. That reason is largely because the Occupiers had little support from the public and their only consistent media strategy seemed to be to display their own indecision, fear of confrontation and internal bickering.

They faced difficult odds, for sure. But ultimately they sank themselves. Read how it all went wrong here:

www.josephcouture.com “How To Blow A Revolution: The London Model”

[-] 2 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Yes, these papers show such blatant contempt for the people these days. Have you been reading the headlines lately? It is like they are saying F you to their audience everyday and they just don't care what we think.

[-] 3 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

It also concerns me how they try to estimate the numbers of demonstrators, but fail to count the number of police. I was stunned at the presence in Foley Park 4 hours before the rally, and at Zuccotti at 2:30 where the presence turned out to be more than the number left in the park after the students left for Union Square. And just before the altercation with the police where that one protester was shown all over the news and web as some kind of hero...(sorry, but he did react 'violently' by throwing a bottle or battery at the police!)... the police tried to coral those left in Zuccotti park, and the protesters were outnumbered. I was there, and it was unsafe, and it was an intimidating tactic used by the police to incite.

[-] -1 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

Live rock will allow you in general a faster cycle. This is because there is already bacteria colonizing the rock whereas with dry rock, you need to start from scratch. I started with pre-cured live rock and my cycle only took about a week. I never even measured ammonia, only nitrite. I cured dry base rock and that took about 3 weeks to cycle. You should add fish slowly no matter what type of rock you use. After a cycle of dry or pre-cured rock, the bacteria population will be at a minimum. The more organic waste on the rock, the more bacteria will grow, but that will cause the cycle to take more time because you will have more ammonia and more nitrite than if there was less organic material. Dry rock is lighter, so you get more for your money, you don't get any unwanted hitchhikers or nuisance algae. It is significantly cheaper, even if you need to buy off line and pay shipping. I don't feel it is worth it to pay more for live rock. If you only need a little bit, it is easier to go with live rock, you can pick it out at the lfs and get a piece you may need. However, I don't like paying for extra for something that isn't necessary. Usually some macro algae, GHA, bryopsis. Occassionaly you will see some nice, beneficial macro algae such as dragon's breath, but this is rare. You may also get some critter such as stomatella, bristle worms, sponges, turnicates, isopods, copepods, aptaisia, mantis shrimp etc. Corals are a very rare find. If you get GHA, it's not too bad, but if you get bryopsis, it will be very difficult to rid your tank. Isopods are bad, and hard to eradicate because they will reproduce. Stomatella are good as are copepods. Sponges aren't bad, but in my experience usually die, although I do have a bunch of pineapple sponges in my sump and under my rocks. You may also get some nudibranches which can eat certain corals, zoas or monitpora, or some aren't so bad, it's the luck of the draw. Aptasia can get out of control quickly, but can be killed. Some like mantis shrimp, others don't. You may also get asterina starfish too.

The good news, you seem to have a good idea of what your talking about. I would go with dry base rock for the above mentioned benefits. I started with pre-cured and suffered a bryopsis outbreak, which nearly made me take my tank down, I have had monti eating nudibranches, I also got stomatella. I wish I would have just used base rock. That way you know exactly what is going into your tank. Check out bulkreefsupply.com, they have a good deal on base rock. I had a very bad experience with Marco Rocks, but others have had good. I would go with fiji rock or other rock from the Pacific. Florida rock is more dense and doesn't look as nice in my opinion, but it is dirt cheap. Good luck and hopefully I have answered some of your questions.Also, don't base your decision on coraline algae. It will grow. If you get corals, most of the time it comes in on the rock or plug. So don't worry about it. It actually becomes a nuisance itself.

[-] 14 points by BrandonsStepDad (13) from Fort Smith, AR 13 years ago

A big THANK YOU goes out to all the protestors especially the one that put his tent up first in Zucotti Park, Brandon Watts. You stood up to let your voice be heard and now you are a Hero to many in this country. YOUR MOTHER AND I ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU AND LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 6 points by BTKcongress (149) 13 years ago

I second that!! I am very proud to see apathy die and activism rise up to prompt changes that benefit the citizens of this country as a whole, and not just special interests of the few corporate elite.



[-] -1 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

Bristleworms range in size from small (about 1" long) up to very large at about 20" in length. Most small ones are an orange color, sometime appearing two-tone in color. Larger bristleworms are frequently gray or brownish in color. Bristleworms are composed of many segments and have bristles (setae) which extend from both sides of its body along its entire length, hence their common name. These setae are clearly visible in the picture above. Bristle worms live in the sand or within the live rock. They are nocturnal and not usually seen during the day. Look for bristle worms at night with a flashlight to see if they are present in your tank. Feeding the tank in the evening will sometimes cause them to come out and feed. Capturing large bristleworms, if you desire to do so, can be difficult. They are secretive and primarily nocturnal. Large ones should not be captured by hand due to their sharp pincher teeth and setae which can puncture the skin. One way to capture large ones is to place a rock with a hollow on the bottom side onto the sand in the evening. A piece of shrimp or similar can be placed into the hollow to act as bait. The next day the rock can be removed and the worms will come out with the rock, or they can be captured using a net or tweezers and disposed of. There are also traps available on the market. Biological controls are sometimes mentioned. Several species of Wrasses, Copperbanded Butterflyfish, Banded Coral Shrimp and Arrow Crabs are all suppose to eat bristleworms, but I doubt that they will eat the large ones which are the only ones to possibly be concerned about. My recommendation is to leave them alone unless you have reason to believe they are causing damage. Also be aware that when an animal, such as a clam dies, the bristle worms will frequently feed on the carcass as will any scavenger. Many people misunderstand that the worms are only scavenging and falsely assume that the worms killed the clam or other specimen.

[-] 10 points by STEVENVINCENT (17) 13 years ago

On November 22nd it's time to show up en masse at the BANK OF BANKS; The Federal Reserve Bank!

[-] 2 points by kikz (2) 13 years ago

33 Liberty St.

[-] 10 points by chango (26) 13 years ago

mainstream media pretends to be liberal but their noncoverage shows wall street owns them. CNN is the worst piece of trash network with their braindead newsactors.

[-] 6 points by gregg (11) 13 years ago

Absolutely. CNN is a part of Time Warner, a publicly traded company and one of the largest media companies in the world. Their main goal, above all else, is to make profit. That's the reason they exist. "News shows" are just a means to that end. They have huge debts to banks and are constantly re-capitalizing that debt. They are fully integrated with big banks, so much so that it's almost as if they are one entity. Richard Parsons, current head of Citicorp is the immediate past Chairman of Time Warner. nuf said. NBC is owned by Comcast, which they just bought from GE, and they control the company thru the creative use of A and B voting and non-voting shares, therefore they can control a company that is so leveraged that they actually own less than 1% of it. So they are the bank's bitches. ABC=Disney. nuf said. Fox is so highly leveraged they were able to offer distributors over $5 per subscriber X 70million to get distribution when they came into being. They restructure debt constantly and gain huge concessions from governments on a global basis. And on and on like that. We all get the point. The corporate media is fully integrated with the finance industry. This is not new information, it's just, as you say, never been more obvious and more disgusting how they create non-compassion and hardship for the majority of honest hard-working beings. Turn them off.

[-] 2 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

Thank you for posting this. So many people do not educate themselves with knowledge of this nature. Turn off the tube and end the mindless entertainment. T.V has the potential to be a positive helpful tool and we use it to deaden ourselves.

[-] 1 points by quercus (93) 13 years ago

no, don't turn off, don't occupy thier corp. headquarter-lobbies.

rather, occupy thier head-space: e-mail, twitter, facebook, etc.

as talking heads their world is very small, that which is out-side is alien, and thus, fear-full.

remember, they define them-selves in a closed mind, as we do with an open mind.

we all live this world

[-] 0 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

"Their main goal, above all else, is to make profit."

This is how businesses are able to hire people. No businesses = No jobs. Get it?

[-] 1 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

Down with greed and corruption. Up with businesses with fair and ethical treatment of employees!!! We need businesses owned by kind, helpful and concerned individuals.

[-] 1 points by sasha03 (6) 13 years ago

Ben and Gerry,s, how about co-operatives where all have a voice decent level of income from real profits, not the fictitious ones invented by the Banks and the government, lining their private pockets. In a co-operative a CEO is usually paid the same as the line worker.

[-] 1 points by gregg (11) 13 years ago

yes. agreed, and jobs are not bad, they are needed. but in this conversation we are talking about a free press and the need for a free press in a democracy. investigative journalism and the freedom to speak openly forms the very foundation of the USA. the airwaves, now contained in cables but still megahertz nonetheless, are a public commons which the people of the USA lease to these big companies to use. an important part of this agreement is that they serve the public interest. however, this has changed over time, and the drive for profits has now superseded the more important necessity for fairness, unbiased views, ethical journalistic standards, balance, etc in their news reporting. but they can't serve two masters, and their (our) system dictates they serve their corporate charter first. this is their only option. so coverage of issues is presented in a way that generates memes and creates new mythologies which entrench and enhance their revenue generating imperatives. that's not good or bad from the corporate view, it just is. from the view of the citizen that relies on this media to get vital information, we now must be aware that the rules have changed and they can't be trusted to tell any story that is not in their own interest. they just are not in a position to do that. so once again I say, turn them off.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

No, cable news organizations do not broadcast over the air. They are privately owned, thus not subject to the same rules, which is as it should be. The rise in popularity of blogs and other citizen news networks (for lack of a better term) are proof that the traditional media are less relevant to people.

[-] 1 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

I really think it is important that we make a distinction in our language between a business and a corporation. There are many many small businesses that will never become corporations. Let's keep them in our minds as we work to change the economy. We need to develop local economies and that will include local businesses.

[-] 2 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

A corporation is the same as a business. Businesses/corporations can be big or small. Just because a corporation is big does not make it "evil". The problem comes when business is entangled with government, like oil or banking interests, and money and favors get sloshed back and forth in one gigantic pipeline of corruption.

[-] 1 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

Yes. I understand, but there is a distinction between a family owned business, small business, a local business, and a corporation. One can own a business and not be a corporation. A corporation consists of a body of shareholders and a board of directors, many individuals united into one body, with limited liability. Many non-profits are corporations, for instance. I was a director of one. When the movement describes it's concerns toward corporations, we need to keep to that term and not generalize by using the word "business." It creates a division within the movement. The movement supports small business owners, local businesses and depends on them for goods and services. It is the large multinational corporate entities that the movement has big concerns about.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

There are different kinds of corporations. Sole proprietorship, partnership, C-corporation, S-corporation and limited liability (LLC, LLP). If you were a director, you should know this already. The business is not the problem, the entanglements with government is the problem... and the same issues I have with these compromised businesses is the same problem I have with unions or other special interests that are similarly colluding with government.

[-] 1 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

I see that you are more interested in being difficult, rather than having a conversation. You are not arguing with me, you are testing my patience and arguing against an idea I have not even entered into. I am a teacher. I am interested in language and how language is used. I was making a comment about people's perceptions of corporations and how they sometimes lump in small businesses, which are NOT corporations. That is all. I support small, local businesses. You have a beef with what you perceive to be collusion between unions, special interests and government. That is fine. I am not arguing that, nor was I going there.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Actually, I thought we were having a nice, civil conversation. Thanks for the clarification of your point.

[-] 0 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

The media business do not have this goal "profit making". They are only one arm of a larger company. Their goal is to facilitate profit-making for the larger company even if they have to operate at a loss.


[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I agree. CNN is nothing but a right wing ass kissing network.


[-] -2 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

OK. Firstly, don't raise your voice. This is a sacred place. Now, you may not believe that and I may not believe that, but, by God, it's a useful hypocrisy.


[-] 8 points by chango (26) 13 years ago

BRAVO !! Beautiful work OWS! Keep it up, you represent us who have had no voice! I thank you as do the rest of us.

[-] 4 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

humanity is awakening from the brutalisation of centuries of this evil fascist tyranny which controls the police banks media president, which has long divided mankind with BS religions preaching war, putting horrific images in our minds and brainwashing us into hating our fellow man with racism and the suppression of women.

[-] 3 points by cat7757 (18) 13 years ago

Great job OWS!! Keep up the great work.


[-] 7 points by jannlilith (7) from Mason, TX 13 years ago

Thank you to those doing this. I just am so amazed. I'm scared to be hopeful again, but I am glad that there are people who will stand up. I've been shuffling off to work as a therapist, and it's not really been possible either financially or ethically (my patients are pretty severe, and they continue to be impacted by the financial decisions of this country even more than I do) for me to go. There isn't an "Occupy" in my town. Yet. Today there were protests against some things going on here as well, and I learned of it later.

I'm rambling, but it's because I stand in awe of the protestors. And, I thank them for trying to defend my freedoms and well-being. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. My words are not enough.

[-] -1 points by fulosers (-13) 13 years ago

Born in Manhattan and raised in Staten Island, Oscar stumbled upon the exciting world of commodities trading while a freshman college student visiting his then girlfriend, now wife, Lisa, who had just gotten a job on the floor. Soon the lure of big money in the fast paced, pressure packed 'pits' (as brilliantly captured in the movie 'Trading Places' with Eddie Murphy and Dan Akroyd) prompted Oscar to pursue a full time career on the Commodities Exchange. Working the floor by day, Oscar took evening classes at the New York Institute of Finance. Under the tutelage of world renowned analyst John J Murphy, Oscar became a well respected analyst among his peers and soon started his own successful order execution, trading and analysis firm. An early adopter of sophisticated analytical pattern recognition and trading technologies, he began sending his daily analysis sheets, first by fax and later via email. His consistently reliable advice drew attention from investors around the world, and at the request of his clients Oscar has traveled the world many times over solidifying existing and forging new relationships in the international community. After many years in the pressure cooker floor environment, and with electronic trading threatening the very existence of the open outcry system, Oscar yearned to break away from the need to be present in the pits each day. Seeing the potential in short term using a multitude of complex computer algorithms and charting trading through analytical programs, Oscar combined his technical savvy with his floor experience to create a unique 'hybrid' style of analysis which he has begun to share with the world through his new daily video series 'Short Term Trading with Oscar', which is available through his website www.futurestraders.com and on Youtube. With emails pouring in from around the world thanking Oscar for his 'no-nonsense' approach to trading, and various Youtube awards attesting to the series' popularity, the New York Post took notice and featured Oscar in a business article on 01/16/07. Crain's NY Business has also features Oscar's service in an article printed on 02/20/07.

[-] 7 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

The Media is the problem, its the most powerful tool to control people by promoting news they view is important. Live feeds online are the future for info. Congrates to all the journalist or amatures responsible for the live internet video feeds. You made history today more than you'll ever realize... !!

[-] 6 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

Imagine the effects made today by the live video feeds, imagine tommorow!

What does the future of this form of live feed mean for the future?

[-] 1 points by chango (26) 13 years ago

the corporate pigs are right now trying to figure out how to make $ from all this.

[-] 4 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

Jay-Z messed up last week on that concept.

[-] -3 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

That is your career....... And I think it might be fucked, but let's just check. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty fucked. Now, I hope you can play the spoons, because you're too old to go back to being a gentleman's fluffer.

[-] 3 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

Is that all you offer on this site?

[-] -1 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

I saved Latin, what did you ever do?

[-] 1 points by N0DAMNG00D (66) 13 years ago

Whats with your anger toward me and most other posts on this site tonight?

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Just ignore them.

[-] 1 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

but you can't ignore the 99%, you can only hope to contain us!

[-] 0 points by agnosticnixie (17) from Laval, QC 13 years ago

What does this have to do with anything.

Also it was too late to save latin a thousand years ago. Or if you want to be pedantic: latin has no need to be saved, as its children now represent a huge chunk of the world in the form of Portuguese, Castillian, French, Catalan, Romanian, Italian (and various minority languages like Sicilian, Venetian, Sardinian, Vlach, Gascon and Occitan)

[-] 1 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

Is that Latin?

[-] 7 points by Trumpeter (24) 13 years ago

What if the military joins Occupy America? Will that wake up Congress? >:)

[-] 3 points by Dublin99 (65) 13 years ago

The nature of an army and how it is structured and controlled, means they cannot take orders from outside their normal frame of reference.

Commanding officers are middle class, doing the bidding of the controlling class and the regular soldiers are lower class poor just glad to have a job and education.

Same all over the world.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I like that idea!

[-] -1 points by HighEarner (19) 13 years ago

Congress is wondering the same, but the other way around.

[-] -3 points by Jimmy44 (-57) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Not gonna happen.

[-] 5 points by AmericaninSweden (4) 13 years ago

My fellow Americans,

Greetings! We hear you loud and clear here in Sweden. Keep fighting and be the voice of the other Americans who are currently living overseas.

American living in Sweden.

[-] 5 points by rebel9999 (24) 13 years ago

It's time for this revolution to get into high gear so to yield results. We have to gather ALL the people from across America and tell them to come to New York to close down the Wall Street Stock Exchange and keep it shut down until Wall Street and the government passes laws, policies and regulations that will stop the ripping off us us Americans by the rich. This rich people's game of dirivatives has got to end! Read my web page at www.mybetteramericaplan.com and on my Current Events section are many ideas that will show how to legally shut down Wall Street, the Chicago Mercantile, Congress and the Republican Convention in Tampa this summer. Remember, they won't change until we make them change!

[-] 1 points by VTSupportsYou (108) 13 years ago

Rebel, I agree with you that the volume needs to be turned up - although kept non-violent - but I would ask a favor of you and any that had sites with good ideas; Bring those ideas to this forum to keep things centralized. By making people click out of the page you splinter the community. Think about what OWS NYC would look like with their thousands thinned out in 1000 parks all over NYC rather than centralized as one strong force. Not very effective.

[-] 1 points by Dzehenuti (15) 13 years ago

Yea it is true ! GO there and make concerts,music etc.

[-] 5 points by InOrder (1) 13 years ago

Thanks for this great thing you're doing. Russia and Ukraine is with you

[-] 5 points by genie (3) 13 years ago

i work for a big corporation.. things r changing-time off with pay if volunteer our time to a local community charity of our choosing- they reached out to communities to uncover serious local community needs-not large charities.they took care of misplaced employees in Thailand flooding, and put a voice of workforce together-i took 1 on 1 personal verbal surveys all day today... people long exploited were angry. people recently compensated when immediate organization started to truly care about employees - r grateful. listening to people's frustration and anger.... brought me to my knees today. so reading this page brought tears to my eyes - there is hope

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Good luck to you, and keep working hard!

[-] 5 points by toddndallastx (20) 13 years ago

You will NEVER cause the change I believe you are trying to affect unless you define your premise in ways that everyone can support you and in a way that revolutionary change can occur. Tackle TRUE CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM. Demand laws that state that a politician CANNOT accept or spend ANY contribution that does not come from a citizen that he or she would represent. No PACs...no corporate donations. Even push for a Constitutional Amendment. Everyone would join you on this.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

What you have said has been stated OVER AND OVER AND OVER again in regard to this movement. It IS one of its biggest goals.

I really wish people would stop saying the movement has no clear goals. It's really not hard to find them.

[-] 2 points by deacent (3) 13 years ago

This poster has an excellent point. There's too much potential for corruption and conflict of interest under the current rules. Please visit http://www.getmoneyout.com/ and http://www.rootstrikers.org/ if you haven't already done so.

[-] 4 points by OccupyLink (529) 13 years ago

Hi. We are all watching from a distance in total admiration for what you and the guys are doing in NYC. We thought that Amercians were not real activists to be honest. However, this protest march has been a bigger success than we could have imagined. You are giving us all power. I know we will win.

From Edinburgh, Scotland.

[-] 4 points by kjonesdp (7) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I'm proud of what we achieved yesterday. I'm in this fight for my children - and we're winning. A glorious day for OWS. The people united will never be defeated!

[-] 3 points by DougJR (5) 13 years ago

I am a Kiwi and support you 100%. But I can see that if you want to gain more support from the American public you need to start giving a clear message. What do you want? What you want to see happen? How do you acheive what you want if Politicians decide to listen? I see on TV from where I am, that their are still people in America who do not know what you want! You must start giving the people and government specific goals! Otherwise you may lose support! You cannot afford to piss the public off with protests that might disrupt their lives. The protest at the Port was a bad idea, especially because of the economic conditions. You have an election next year, if you do not start to make your clear demands an election issue, then you will lose the oppurtunity to make change!

[-] 3 points by pdenker (3) from Athens, GA 13 years ago

I've been consistently active in the Occupy Athens GA group. We're small, but we've been occupying the front door of the University of Georgia 24/7, peacefully and with tents OK'd by local police, for almost 50 days.

NYC -- WE NEED YOU TO PHYSICALLY REOCCUPY! Somewhere. I know it's a headache. But the national movement's still growing. We're not ready to move it to the internet or Twitter. We're not ready to be "like water" yet. And a lot of us out here look to Occupy NY as a model.

If we can't maintain our local tent occupations nationwide (and maybe even if we can), a lot of us here are saying: WE NEED TO MARCH ON WASHINGTON DC! Everyone in Occupy, nationwide. Now, fast, soon! -- not in July. Let's get tens or hundreds of thousands of people to converge on and Occupy the National Mall! They can't break up a crowd like that. And we need to stay out in public, in tents, in the public eye, on the news, driving forward this conversation about what's wrong and what to do about it. NATIONAL CONFERENCE -- OCCUPY DC!

Patrick Denker Professor of English University of Georgia

[-] 3 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

I am glad people marched for me last night. I am doing everything I can in other areas. I implore you to do the same. Continue to march. Move your accounts to local, non-profit credit unions. Buy local food, merchandise and holiday items. Stay away from malls and box stores. Visit craft fairs. Every dollar counts. Keep our money local. Let's change the system one dollar at a time, on a massive scale. Buy used, trade toys with each other, get hand me downs. If we do this nationally, we... will... be... the change. One year from now, the nation will be different. Be the change.

[-] 3 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

It was an amazing experience to be part of yesterday's actions. I was so humbled to see so many people peacefully moving, protecting each other, teaching, asking questions, raising banners, singing.... in unity... awake, clear of their purpose and their messages, clearly focused, united. I know that many are still just tuning into the news at 7 and 11 and getting biased coverage and reactions from reporters. They still think we are without goals, without demands, young and stupid, mentally ill and criminal, UN-neighborly and loud, annoying and bothersome.... I hope someday our movement will finally reach them, but for now... we will continue to make actions. We will keep the momentum going forward... and I will be with you! Thank you all for waking the collective unconscious!!

[-] 3 points by Econome (20) 13 years ago

This has been an absolutely inspiring movement. Although there is so much more to be done, its promise is proving to be limitless. I've seen so few actions more honest than those carried out in the last two months. As long as the essence of this movement remains, there is no stopping this idea.

[-] 3 points by Ruecast (17) 13 years ago


I have a relevant suggestion:

I think it is necessary to mirror this blog as soon as possible. It is surprising to believe that the US government has not banned it all yet.

It is necessary to mirror it everywhere. As Wikileaks.

PD. I have the impression that the mobilization, far outnumbered 50 thousand people. This has to be one of the most important processes in the history of the United States.




[-] 3 points by moutainhiker1 (5) 13 years ago

We the people need to protest the health insurance companys, they want you to pay thousands of dollars out of your own pocket ,before they have to start paying any of your medical bills, all health insurance companys are money eating crooks.

[-] 3 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

The month of November is a crucial month for the 1%. Lets not buy anything for Christmas. Let's crush these cockroaches. We must become self sufficient!!. They will will try to lure us in by offering deep discounts, deeper than we have ever seen, but we will not give in.No more consumer zombies. Let us all unite!!

[-] 3 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

Congratulations. This is the second American revolution, after the first one was bought by Wall Street. Keep on going, and good luck, the world needs you. Best wishes from Alicante, Spain, where we also fight for the same.

[-] 3 points by RomCath (24) 13 years ago

Nous retrouvons ici l'Amérique que nous aimons.

[-] 3 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

Merci. Nous existons encore, et esperons d'organiser un retour. Comme l'Europe peut comprendre, nous avons un petit problème fasciste...



[-] 3 points by msmikestew35 (11) 13 years ago

People are coming face to face with the real interests of the government. They have no money for schools, the homeless or the sick and needy but ample to beat up and evict people who exercise their first amendment rights.

[-] 3 points by classynancy (-73) 13 years ago

Sometimes to walk the road of peace, you must climb the mountain of conflict!

[-] 3 points by Raw1 (6) 13 years ago

Who has perpetrated all of the violence? They are completely out of line and need to hear it!

[-] 2 points by PeterCrush (2) 13 years ago

Now is the time for Occupy Wall Street to starting planning to field a third candidate in the Presidential election next year.

The two-party system is decadent and bust. Fix it now with a credible third party.

[-] 2 points by PatriotMissiles (37) 13 years ago

Just for the fun of it, I'd like to see somebody post a picture that shows the crowd of 11/17 at its peak! If the media is not going to show the true numbers of the protest than people need to get aerial photos from the tops of buildings to show just how big the movement is. During Obama's last campaign one of the strategies they used was getting out pictures of Obama speaking in front of huge crowds to show him as a leader of a giant movement, people, etc... Before every major protest, we need to have installed photographers at strategic high locations to photograph the actual size of the gathering and then spread the photos wide and far. Without these pics, the importance of the day is marginalized.

[-] 2 points by citizen01 (4) 13 years ago

So I had an idea. On top of just posting pictures and video of police brutality and publishing their identity and filing reports...how about we send the video footage to their moms?

[-] 2 points by BlackDynamite (2) 13 years ago

I used to work as a banker for one of the large "Super" banks, and I left last year because of the same reasons OWS protests for today. The plutocracy must be stopped!

The fees banks charge for accounts, credit cards, debit cards, points, hidden fees, it's all a scam. Banks only care about the banks. And if you are with them, they're against you too! You are an easy mark for them!

Join a credit union, close your bank account. MCU is a good one in New York City

As a man who was on the inside, you are getting taken for a ride, as soon as you step inside.....take it from one of the people who punched your admission ticket.......


[-] 2 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Could you broadcast this from the rooftops to all those who think Chase et al are their friends...

[-] 2 points by sweet60neet (3) 13 years ago

My name is Anita Clinton and I am the 60 year old activist my friends in the paddy wagon were chanting about my handcuffs being too tight. I did not get relief until I reached One Police Plaza and Officer Diaz removed my handcuffs. I thank him for hearing me, respecting me and relieving me of my pain. My arresting officer Braccio was pretty cool too. I met 4 vibrant, intelligent women in my cell who reignited my hope for a better future. I also had the pleasure of see a retired police officer from Boston who was in full uniform and arrested with us. It was his birthday and we sang happy birthday to him. Although the police tried to encourage me to go straight home, I made my way to Foley Square met some co-workers and walked across the bridge. I was amazed at the awesome light show on the Verizon building and once in Brooklyn had dinner with friends. I went home, tired but oh so happy and bursting with pride for myself and all the participants. Thank you OWS. rock on!

[-] 2 points by Anonymustly (2) 13 years ago

I support the goal, but I still don't see how gathering and protesting are going to accomplish real change. I'm thinking the only way to really get big money out of government is for us to step up and use the power of the movement to get OURSELVES elected to political offices across the nation.

[-] 2 points by Guin (2) 13 years ago

Thank you to everyone who participated in non-violent direct action on behalf of those who could not join you. This is just the beginning and we are in for the fight of our lives. I lived in an old RV for several years trying to pay down government bills to the IRS and Student Loans. During that time my daughter was called into military service in Iraq. I left my husband for a year to care for our three grand children in her home, while he held down his job. We lost my income for me to do so, but there us no other way. After I returned home, his hours were cut. We have still to recover. So, it make me madder than hell that these companies make profits and pay no taxes. Where's justice for the rest of us? So many could use a bail out. And as far as war? War NO More. I understand stand now that this was about OIL, which is what the Corporations want, need and are willing to rape everyone everywhere for. So what happens when they use it all up? Please don't send your kids to war for this. So many innocent lives lost, injured and suffering. So many friends and families hurting. As far a health care? I know an elderly person who pulled several teeth because they could not afford and neither had the credit for dental care. The MSM reports on yesterday were horrible, fully exposing who they work for. The information that helped me follow events best were the live streaming vids and twitter online, so we DO need to pressure the US Sentate to vote down SOPA (like they'll listen, lol). What Occupy is trying to do here IS important. Please, let's never give up and let's all KEEP ON.

[-] 2 points by arnabsen (2) 13 years ago

The 1% won't be a pushover though - we'll need to keep pushing ... solidarity from India

[-] 2 points by jgarcia (25) 13 years ago

Just read that Wall Street is laying off 75k workers - many of these will not be the people who created the leverage capitalism and mortgage backed securities mess. Why did the government get a commitment from the banks no to have layoffs for a period of time in exchange for the trillion dollar bailout? This is a source of anger and frustration - we the taxpayers received nothing in return for the bailouts - it is not enough for the banks to simply repay the money - there needed to be some kind of quid pro quo for the reckless behavior

[-] 2 points by gjarvi (63) 13 years ago

Thanks jgarcia, here is a link to the story: http://money.cnn.com/2011/11/18/markets/wall_street_layoffs/

"It's the second week of what's expected to be a brutal season for job cuts as big banks have already announced that there will roughly 75,000 fewer people working at their firms.

Bank of America (BAC, Fortune 500) and JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500) commenced new rounds of job cuts this week, following the lead of Citigroup (C, Fortune 500), Goldman Sachs (GS, Fortune 500), Credit Suisse (CS) and RBS.

Most of the layoffs at Bank of America this week came from the firm's investment banking and capital markets divisions, according to a source close to the firm. A Bank of America spokesperson declined to comment. In September, Bank of America announced planned cuts of 30,000 employees over the next several years."

[-] 1 points by ARealNewYorker (227) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

This is such a tough one, morally. The thing is, most of the layoffs have come from i-banking and capital markets... these are exactly the kinds of job cuts that would come if we get what we want - these are the divisions that a. gamble with our money and b. produce effectively nothing (the proportion of worldwide capital markets to markets in real, tangible goods is something well over 50 to 1 (most recent estimates are from a few years back), up from 6 to 1 in 1970, which really oughtta tell us something). So, on the one hand, it sucks that low-level employees are getting screwed while the higher ranks are untouched (and will probably receive bonuses, once again), but, on the other, any more sustainable economic system is going to reduce the number of these kinds of jobs significantly.

[-] 1 points by jgarcia (25) 13 years ago

I see what you are saying. Believe me, we could certainly use less Merrill Lynchs and Lehman Brothers in the world. But, many of the layoffs impact operations and lower level people - the non-producers. As you say, cuts are made to be able to pay the big bonuses to producers. My bigger point is that we, the taxpayers, received nothing in return for bailing out these institutions. It is not enough for them to simply repay the money. For example, these companies could have been tagged with a fee on future revenue to help cover national health care costs. Or they could have been charged with a fee to pay for unemployment benefits or reduce the national debt. Without some kind of penalty, they will just engage in this type of risky behavior again. Corporations and their leaders need to understand that there are bad consequences to engaging in risky business to increase profits and thus their bonuses.

[-] 1 points by ARealNewYorker (227) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I know... Not only are they continuing to engage in this kind of BS, but they're actively lobbying for further deregulation... What's sad is that the very little interest they've paid on the loans (which is like 10% for most of the major banks - compare the APR on the credit card they gave you!) is not going to be used for anything other than paying down the debt, unless we get that miracle we've been waiting for.

[-] 1 points by jgarcia (25) 13 years ago

I know - 3 years into this economic crisis and barely any new regulation or enforcement - I do not trust treasury's accounting on how much money has been paid back. And the banks just got bigger and more riskier. But we have to continue to educate those around us - I think it is too much for some people to believe how corrupt things are.

[-] 2 points by Cleric (16) from Sântimbru-Băi, HR 13 years ago

even if it s complicated it must be done . and clashes are a consequence of differences in view . but these corporatist aholes are playing a dangerous game game with our future and the future of our children ... and WE will not allow this . Dont give up guys , we have faith in you , and a change must come sooner or later , go on with the protests , TOGHETER AS ONE ( P.S. greetings from Europe ).

[-] 2 points by smiledocNM (3) from Alamogordo, NM 13 years ago

Does anyone know whether anything is being organized to facilitate the rise of potential political candidates out of this movement? So many tea party crackpots were elected last year. I think it's our turn to vote Occupy candidates into office next year, and take our democracy back. If anyone has information on this, please email me at richardowen6@gmail.com Thanks!!

[-] 2 points by Human (23) 13 years ago

Heros, everyone of you! What a moment , so many moments, tears of joy filled my eyes, then rage at the jack boot treatment by the NYPD. I understand you want to keep it peaceful, so it's probably best that an enraged and inspired 51 year old woman like me has to work and can't be there. I've watched too many vids to know that I would have jumped in and fought to the death. But I promise, I would take at least one jack boot with me.

[-] 2 points by lexiluther (1) 13 years ago

Yesterday was historic. Front page and top story on so many media outlets. But for the movement to be effective we have to keep it up. We should be doing this every day. Let's learn from our brothers in the Arab world who endured state sanctioned violence for weeks and months but went every day to continue the protest and the struggle. I will be out there again today! Let's do it!

[-] 2 points by alainfrombelgium (3) 13 years ago

...All over the world we are millions of people thinkin like you... NEVER STOP PLEASE !! From a Belgian/European citizen... Bests regards !!

[-] 2 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

The 99 percent is not a club of brotherly love where we take care of our own. We fight and kill each other to further our own interests just like the 1 percent labeled as the sole enemy. We have to understand and deal with our own selfish nature if we ever hope to improve things.

Read about the civil war amongst the 99 percent themselves here:
www.josephcouture.com “It’s About Me, Stupid”

[-] 2 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

The month of November is a crucial month for the 1%. Lets not buy anything for Christmas. Let's crush these cockroaches. We must become self sufficient!!. They will will try to lure us in by offering deep discounts, deeper than we have ever seen, but we will not give in. Let us all unite.

[-] 2 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

Again a comment I posted dissappeared. What is happening here? Is OWS being hacked by the FBI or CIA or whoever? I repeat, Congratulations, Spain is with you, the world is with your, the world needs you, keep fighting. Good Luck

[-] 2 points by Dzehenuti (15) 13 years ago

Hi people. I am from Czech republic. I am at Africa just now. I wish you that you get the fastest changes. the only solution is WorldRevolution it is true.. but we must go with peace in hearth and be calm without conflicts.U.S. is a key point for a better start across the world.If you can do in the U.S. will be a model for the world. Good Luck and peace in heart.

[-] 2 points by dealdoctor (148) 13 years ago

Inspired! Determined! The Future!

[-] 2 points by Violetarojo (119) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Smiling from me to you! God bless everyone! Inspiring!

[-] 2 points by zorbaka2 (61) 13 years ago

You have set youselves up against the most organized, millionaire supported, experienced bunch of profiteers the world has ever seen. It is a great cause. People know the system has become corrupted but have become complacent and without hope that it can change. The message that we as a society desperately need to move away from worshipping the false gods and idols of money. I think some realistic leaders need to come forward to enter elections and become spokespersons. We still have the voting process and the internet and now we have a lot of people making noise. Maybe a lot will not go to the street and yell but they will vote for realistic people who don't bend to the controllers of the money.

[-] 2 points by Dublin99 (65) 13 years ago

Take Back America and The World.

The world can see that the place where uncontrolled capitalism first flourished is first place where it is being rejected outright by the majority of people.

You're reminding the world why we used to love America. True freedom is the freedom of mind and spirit, not the freedom to choose between fast food joints.

[-] 2 points by johnnylaveo (6) 13 years ago

No se rindan, DON`T GIVE UP, My solidarity from Spain.

[-] 2 points by Dennie (3) 13 years ago

Help! I have a great idea for the movement but I don't know how to get to them. How about "occupying" police stations. I'm not being a smart ass. Think what would happen if several hundred people showed up on the police station doors saying "Hay we're here to be arrested." If they don't arrest you the presence of a very sizable group will impede the working of the station, locking it up which they way don't want. Or they they will arrest you, again locking up the station in paper work and than where are they going to put a thousand people? It would be like crashing a website with too many hits! Their only viable option would be to allow a location to be occupied...some place else. The threat of overloading their system would keep them from attempting to empty another encampment. As a bonus the protesters could bring a raft of destroyed camping gear for the police to deal with as well! What do you think?

[-] 1 points by mikal2k (20) from New Rochelle, NY 13 years ago

Every time the police attacked Zuccotti Park or Foley or Times Square their stations were effectively closed. They were unable to conduct business as usual, or as I like to say, they were OTHERWISE OCCUPIED.

[-] 2 points by salvorappa (7) 13 years ago

.beautiful, so always forward ...

[-] 2 points by jerrykraut (1) 13 years ago

To the power that be

Do not use the police or the army against us. This is not a police state. We have the right to assemble and protest. Why do you think we in this state, jobless and living out in the cold? If we have a choice we would prefer to have a job and be living in a warm, heated house of our own.

If only you are not fighting wars all over the world and developing more and more destructive weapons, the money could have been spent to create more jobs for ordinary people like us. If those money have been used to repair and re-build roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, etc., we would have jobs. Its still not too late. That is what we are trying to tell you, in large numbers, in strong voices.

[-] 2 points by benfrie (12) 13 years ago

Mayor Bloomberg declares victory against Occupy Wall Street as thousands swarm lower Manhattan in all-day rallies


Their vow to get many more out in the streets fizzled, Mayor Bloomberg declared.

"Occupy Wall Street had predicted on their website that tens of thousands would be participating in today's protests, but there have been far fewer - and so far they have caused what can accurately be described as minimal disruptions to our city," he crowed

The protesters, still smarting over their defeat at Zuccotti in a city courtroom, took to the streets by the hundreds Thursday morning in an effort to show that the movement's anti-greed message endured.

Later, several thousand union members and college students joined late day marches in Union, and then Foley squares.

[-] 4 points by VTSupportsYou (108) 13 years ago

""Occupy Wall Street had predicted on their website that tens of thousands would be participating in today's protests, but there have been far fewer - and so far they have caused what can accurately be described as minimal disruptions to our city," he crowed."

Which is pretty heeeesterical considering the NYPD themselves counted the number of protesters at over 30,000.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Wow.... do these idiots realize how dumb they make themselves look and sound when video coverage proves they are lying through their teeth???? What a bunch of morons they are.

[-] 2 points by Raw1 (6) 13 years ago

Who has perpetrated all of the violence? They are completely out of line and need to hear it!

[-] 2 points by emrankhan (22) 13 years ago

I love you OWS, and just donated $50.Lets raise some serious money to strengthen our campaign.

[-] 2 points by benfrie (12) 13 years ago

Some of the police hit and shoved protesters in an effort to clear the way, and one woman pinned to the ground by police was bleeding from her mouth. At least two people have been arrested so far.


[-] 2 points by NorCalsoco (0) 13 years ago

Yessss, I am so happy about this.

Though i am confused about the "Us vs. Police" aspect of this whole thing. Is it wrong to suggest we need to stop yelling at officers and degrading them. Remember we are in this together.

Yes, some officers are acting out of line, but so are some protesters. Free speech or not, if someone got in my face and screamed at me that i had no soul and I that i didn't understand humanity, i wouldn't feel bad about knocking them out.

These are people you are trying to belittle, don't embarrass yourselves.

Heres to another 2 months!

[-] 2 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

You are an idiot too.

[-] 1 points by chango (26) 13 years ago

you miss the bigger picture, go back to FOX news...

[-] 0 points by MeSoHorny (1) 13 years ago

Look for bristle worms at night with a flashlight to see if they are present in your tank.  Feeding the tank in the evening will sometimes cause them to come out and feed.

Capturing large bristleworms, if you desire to do so, can be difficult.  They are secretive and primarily nocturnal.  Large ones should not be captured by hand due to their sharp pincher teeth and setae which can puncture the skin.   One way to capture large ones is to place a rock with a hollow on the bottom side onto the sand in the evening.  A piece of shrimp or similar can be placed into the hollow to act as bait.  The next day the rock can be removed and the worms will come out with the rock, or they can be captured using a net or tweezers and disposed of.  There are also traps available on the market.  Biological controls are sometimes mentioned.  Several species of Wrasses, Copperbanded Butterflyfish, Banded Coral Shrimp and Arrow Crabs are all suppose to eat bristleworms, but I doubt that they will eat the large ones which are the only ones to possibly be concerned about.  My recommendation is to leave them alone unless you have reason to believe they are causing damage.  Also be aware that when an animal, such as a clam dies, the bristle worms will frequently feed on the carcass as will any scavenger.  Many people misunderstand that the worms are only scavenging and falsely assume that the worms killed the clam or other specimen.

[-] 1 points by hattiecat (5) 13 years ago

Now this guy knows what he is talking about!

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

It's so interesting to look at this now and see how quickly Occupy rose.

[-] 1 points by therising (6643) 12 years ago

It's incredible how quickly this movement grew.

[-] 1 points by klockdoc (1) 13 years ago

The picture you are using to depict a "rally:" on November 17 is actually a photo from October 5, 2011. An aerial view supplied by CNN. Notice the S&P up 20 points! Wasn't in November.

I guess lack of participation requires the use of photos from earlier segments. No good for your image IMO

[-] 1 points by betterdecisions (3) 13 years ago

It's time for change can we all agree on that? It's time for all people to be represented by their government and that government to regulate economic matters so the majority is not faced with these crisis. I saw a clip of Newt Gingrich telling OWS members to take a shower and get a job. Great advice if there were a plethora of jobs that met the cost of living today. I have a job Newt and I have been working all my life. I cannot get ahead when the price of bread to gas keeps going up and my pay keeps going down. I am not making these decisions to ship jobs over seas and move America into a place where we do not produce anything. Americans are just expected to consume and not produce anymore. How do I consume if I have no money? I have to choose what I have to give up to feed my family and in turn stop paying that cable bill, phone bill and recreational trips that are some of the few things that put money back into the American economy. when I buy a product from a company that produces or buys its goods in another country that money is not getting put back into my economy. So there is no revolving door of money that keeps this country moving ahead. Instead we are sending a large percentage of our money out of the country to create jobs elsewhere. I am not making it under the economic decisions that are being made that I have no say in. Election day does not give me a voice. It gives me a choice between candidates that are not burdened by the problems I am facing today. These people are influenced by high paid lobbyists to protect the interests of the people paying their salaries not the majority of American people. I am an American and I believe in freedom and I want to be free. I want to be free of corporate overhead that bolsters egos and lines pockets. I want to be free of people holding office that cannot see the turmoil that is facing me today. I want to be free of back door deals that are portrayed in main stream media as good for all but in the fine print cost us our homes. I want to be free from monetary oppression that has become the American capitalism that is today. You can dress it up all you want and put a bow on it but the economy we have today cannot be described as capitalism but a form of the idea of capitalism which is much like Lenin did to communism.

[-] 1 points by EndCorporateAmerica (2) 13 years ago

"POWER TO THE PEOPLE" How about the taxerpayers vote on where their money should go instead of voting for some crooked politician who is funded by "Corporate America" whom we know nothing about and cannot trust. These Politicians have done a great job screwing up this country and taking billions of our money for their salaries and cadillac benefits. By allowing the people to vote on their money instead of politicians we would put a stop to "Corporate America" , lobbying and pork that they all love so much.

[-] 1 points by thinkhard (1) from Brandywine, MD 13 years ago

The "1%" is watching too, and they are not idiots... this is a power struggle in its infancy, and I only pray the ideals expressed by OWS are true and the RIGHT reasons are what people remember as time goes on. Nonviolence is used like a shield to hide passionate hatred and sentiments that are expressed in violent terms, on this site and all over. There is the 1%, then the real believers in the true ideals of OWS, then 95% of America looking for someone to follow and trust, whether they understand what they are doing or not. Playing a game of us and them will not bring the world together.

[-] 1 points by Suzyoh (1) 13 years ago

My husband's thoughts on the Super Committee and this Congress in general:

Thanks a lot for dodging your responsibility to provide the citizens of this country with a secure furture. Thanks a lot for kicking the the can, once more, down the street.

These folks should forever more be known as the Tin Can Congress. Every member should be sent boxes of empty tin cans to their homes and offices. Everytime they attend a public gathering they should be greeted by the sound of clanging empry tin cans. The symbol should be become so widespread and iconic that a mere cartoon or picture of the an empty tin can will have universal meaning.

I am forwarding this to the Occupy Movement(s) because this might be another action to take - Suzanne

[-] 1 points by sweet60neet (3) 13 years ago

It was an amazing day, even if the media only covered the violent clashes and NOT the 30,00 plus people who crossed the Brooklyn bridge and witnessed the amazing light show on the Verizon building

[-] 1 points by LeftHandedGypsy (3) from Russellton, PA 13 years ago

Amazing! But I think we need to set a day of action in the spring, something we can build up to all winter. The resistance will live on through the winter but there will be a slump. We need to get as many people into the streets as possible and those who are on the bubble will be less reluctant if the weather is favorable. An example would be the protests at the Pittsburgh G20, many people did not protest because it was suppose to rain. I support action through the winter but as I said we need something to build up to.

[-] 1 points by Joyce (375) 13 years ago

Yo tengo el gato, pero, no tenemos Los pants ones

[-] 1 points by 99percentnothanks (-5) 13 years ago

Bloody hippies. It's boring now. Just go home.

[-] 1 points by Occupation (3) 13 years ago

Occupation Declaration(3) All this to the need for time for a change! Because people have started to wake up. We are no longer silent, we have to make their voices heard. Now is the time to re-do the masters of this country when people unite to change the injustice is possible, we want to be themselves equal, are not you a traitor charity equality, equality is not "equal start", but also must include "the distribution of equality ", we want to" maximize the minimum welfare benefit ", the lowest level of society to improve people's lives and welfare, the economy is not your captive rogue advocated: With the big assets, rely on" trickle-down effect. " In the 1960s, the East China has done the best; their people truly have equality, including "the ability of equality", the lower hair did increase the ability of workers, is the need to give them access to education, opportunities for political participation, to improve their confidence. In India, lower caste people the ability always low, because they have no chance, and no confidence. And Mao's China at the grassroots level to increase the ability of workers on this point, but also the world's best. Moreover, Mao's China, India, less than one million people died, is because the Chinese grass-roots people's benefits be fundamentally improved. This is a very glorious history of mankind's achievements. What we want is that of equality, such as natural rights! ! ! We want to know what the world, this easy to. There are not easily, and that is because the forces of eleven historical status if it can be used in unison a call-we will break this historical forces, more large joint, you hear of our disapproval, we list up the ranks, aspects of the confrontation screaming. We've got the experiment. Police bullets hit the Wall Street giant body forever, but a call from us, we should conduct our coalition! State by our country, our society who society, producers of our production! We are 99% of the world, the cake should we do to lead by our distribution, we must be open and transparent, not dirty deal to end the hypocrisy of greed game, creating a broad popular participation in politics and policy of civilization. Together, we gold world, we brilliant new world, in front!

[-] 1 points by 99percentnothanks (-5) 13 years ago

Bloody hippies. It's boring now. Just go home.

[-] 1 points by Occupation (3) 13 years ago

Occupation Declaration(2) Wages are determined by the company boss, no employees the right to decide, the boss can easily dismiss employees because he believes he is the owner of the company's production and, in his view of production and the company is his private property. We have been naive to think that it is perfectly justified. In fact, the earth belongs to all mankind, the state belongs to all people. All means of production and the company, as well as all the wealth belongs to all people, is public! Each of us can not leave alone other people's work and living in a civilized society. Unless you want to earn their own power back to the original forest. The water we drink contains water company workers work hard, the food we eat contains the hard work of farmers as well as food processing enterprise workers for their hard work, we take the vehicle include driver auto manufacturers hard work and hard work of workers . Doctors and nurses for their hard work to us from disease damage. Teacher's hard work for us and future generations culture. The value of labor is much, very often the so-called market economy decisions, it can not correctly reflect these workers' labor and the labor bosses, how much of their pay is actually fair. Fact is the market economy has resulted in injustice, inequality, environmental pollution, will lead the human catastrophe, will eventually destroy mankind. Private ownership is the root of all evil!

The owners of the money or use his wealth to buy a production factory to start a business, hire employees for production. The legitimacy of his former wealth, which he now belongs to his company, formed by history. All along, 99% of people are not involved in public decision-making all this is reasonable. From the past to the present, all of which are reasonable, we have sought the views of the masses? No! No! All this can not be justified from a fundamental and unreasonable! We do not recognize!

All this wealth and power belongs to all people! All of these decisions by all the people how much work each should pay is reasonable, whether employee or owner of the work of labor. Should be decided by all the people with money can not buy the private production of individuals, or employees there should be. All people should have the power to decide whether the company decided to pay the owner of the program, or should employers and employees jointly decided. National policy should represent the interests of all people, should represent at least 99% of the people's interests, rather than 1% of the people's interests. All companies are owned by the state, while the state belongs to all people, so any company layoffs, all people have the right to decide.

Who should determine national policy? Sitting in the state administration office those officials do? No! If these officials can not represent all people, at least 99% of the people's interests and positions, he was not competent to decide. National policy should be decided by all the people, democratically elected by the people to really trust the selection of their officials and representatives, to govern and supervise the officials.

U.S. two-party elections, ostensibly democratic. Most members of both parties and large enterprises and financial groups are inextricably linked, they are bosses of big companies, but the left pocket and right pocket, people can only choose candidates of their choice president. 99% can not be truly representative of the interests of the people. U.S. monetary policy, national policy can not be truly representative of 99% of the people's interests.

The so-called freedom and democracy, full democracy is the capital, elite democracy, the masses were excluded. This year, U.S. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, from the Balkans to the Middle East and North Africa, at the outbreak of revolution in the streets of all countries, have taken the trouble to reiterate: "peaceful protest and the right to occupy the public square, is in any case must be the right to be respected. "However, when the American people together to exercise this" in any case must be respected the rights ", the armed police immediately subjected to violent repression, subjected to the news media completely blocked.
[-] 1 points by Occupation (3) 13 years ago

Occupation Declaration(1): Our people are the masters of the country, what are the people? Yes, people are members of the main body as the basic social working people, ordinary people of a country, different from the few privileged. The reality is the opposite of truth, the people doing very much, take the few people privileged to grant rights to administer the country, but managers will be representative of the people entrusted to the people of contingency into slavery whip, will set their children's happiness in blood and tears of the people above them to the power of the vertical to horizontal capital and build a modern version of the capitalist countries the caste system. They denied the gift of power to civilian children. Caste system has been extinct in the country, re-emergence of such a miserable state of the prehistoric culture is incredible, it is outrageous! Political atavism surprisingly speechless, people can no longer tolerate the taste of slavery, we do not make a mighty, noble, capitalists, workers, we have to re-do the masters of this country! Today, the mighty, noble, joint to the extreme capitalists, social corruption to the extreme, people suffer to the extreme. Capitalists and other mighty noble, though small in number, but in order to have succeeded in maintaining their own special interests, exploitation of the majority of civilians who the public interest, the first is knowledge, and the second is money, and the third is the use of force. The best education is a noble capitalists the patent, the general civilian population, absolutely no chance to get by. They have unique knowledge, then give birth to a wise and class. Money is the life of the plan through, everyone could have been made, but those who have knowledge of the nobles and the capitalists, the whole of what is "capital intensive" of all another way, money will gradually flow into the hands of the privileged and the boss. They both land and machinery, housing, reverted to their own, called "fixed property." In turn called the "active property" of money, the income of their treasuries (bank), so they work for millions of civilians, only a dollar only sporadic give a penny. Since there is no work for money, then give birth to the rich and the poor class. Aristocratic capitalists with money and knowledge, they even set up a training camp, set up military-made gun. By "thugs" signs, so that dozens of divisions, hundreds of United to recruit them. Worse more along the lines of pumping small way, made signs, that what "conscription." So strong son of a soldier, is confronted with the problem is carried out of the gun. We look at the Wall Street target of repression, not of their own grasp how much I hit it? Aristocrats and capitalists use such magic bullet, civilians would not dare say anything, then give birth to the strength of the class. Today in the United States, 1% of the rich has a 99% of the wealth, while 99% of the people the state tax, no one truly representative of our Washington politicians are 1% of the people for this service. Daikin is the main about the Congress, the policy preference for big donors, big business, especially in the financial industry. Those in power do not people make decisions, is money behind the primary. All this led to the U.S. current poor financial, economic, and employment status. We are 99% "of people to protest the government's economic policies so that only 1% of people become the real beneficiaries, and we asked to change this situation, asking for a good job and benefits protection. People create wealth, but not the full enjoyment of their the creation of wealth, the distribution system of injustice led to people's wealth looted. not just the distribution system, no amount of wealth can not protect the people's happiness. big business, big companies, especially financial owners, the use of money in politics exert strong the impact of capital and political marriage, making the policy only benefit a very few large consortia of capital and profit-driven nature of human greed, the government is not monitoring the majority of people will lead to the conscience and the interests of those in power balance favoring the benefits will lead to unfair government policies, even for huge profits artificially create a war.

[-] 1 points by screwtheman2 (14) 13 years ago

This shit was weak!

[-] 1 points by Freedom2100 (25) 13 years ago

One of the challenges we face is the deep conditioning from the media and corporate advertisers that contributed in no small part to the attitudes of mid/late baby boomers who came of age in the late 1970's/early 1980's. It is no accident that on a collective level this group chose to play the game and kiss * in a tough economic time just as a new generation is putting themselves out to bring about real change in this country in an equally tough time now. But those deeply conditioned in the past will resist these changes every step of the way as the neocon culture has held sway over the last 30 years--great perseverance will be needed!

[-] 1 points by radicalarry (4) 13 years ago

Dear friends,

I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a
new feature on WhiteHouse.gov, and ask for your support. Will you add your
name to mine? If this petition gets 25,000 signatures by December 19, 2011,
the White House will review it and respond!

We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama
Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets
enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response.

You can view and sign the petition here:


Here's some more information about this petition:

Throw out all elected officials. We the people deserve a VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE in this government and all
elected officials immediately be thrown out of office. Furthermore, the
election system be changed to a lottery system, for congress and the senate,
thus ending the corruption inherent in an election system.

This petition needs 150 signatures to be readable to all americans on the web site. It will let the white house know that WE THE PEOPLE are done with this corrupt government.

[-] 1 points by ITALOARG (2) 13 years ago

We, many people around the world which is being harmed by US policies that inflicted us huge damage, are all with you. Moreover, it is crucial that OWS keep growing and spreading all over your beautiful country, so we can fight peacefully tohether to bild a better world, which is absolutely possible. There are billions of hearths beating together at te same rythm... We need to unite them all in a global necklace capable to defeat bankers and their unhuman, barbarian perversion. From Greece, Italy, Argentina, France, Spain and many other countries that we're in touch to each other, I'm aloud to send our message to you: Do not stop, let's not stop until the job is done...

[-] 1 points by ITALOARG (2) 13 years ago

We, many people around the world which is being harmed by US policies and worlwide financial corporations that inflicted us huge damage, are all with you. Moreover, it is crucial that OWS keeps growing and spreading all over your beautiful country, all over the world so we can fight peacefully tohether to bild a better world, which is absolutely possible. There are billions of hearths beating together at te same rythm... We need to unite them all in a global necklace capable to defeat bankers and their unhuman barbarian perversion. From Greece, Italy, Argentina, France, Spain and many other countries that we're in touch to each other, I'm aloud to send our message to all of you: Do not stop, let's not stop until the job is done...

[-] 1 points by TheNewEconomicSerfdom (2) 13 years ago

Ultimately we the civilized citizens who care about the overall welfare of our fellow countrymen, will come to govern the corporate greed interests that represent a tiny percent of the population, but which have come to dominate how our collective tax payments are spent and how our government policy is decided. We shall govern the Corporations, not vice versa.


[-] 1 points by itsaparadigmshift (15) 13 years ago

self education and self governance. that is what this movement is going to achieve.

we need to start more gardens and become self reliant. buy local products and boycott big grocery chains. i like to send my hard earned money to the people i see growing the food. processed food is still food to eat and survive on but we should move towards a more holistic diet to have a holistic life style.


420 is a trillion dollar industry waiting to be taken off the prohibition list ;)
its being held down because they fear its potential.

[-] 1 points by Ponk (2) from Österåker, Stockholms Län 13 years ago

The media in Sweden reported nothing about the 30,000 people! In Sweden we hear nothing about the abuse from the police at the Occupy actions. The media is corrupted and owned by the 1%. In a article about the action that took place at wall street on the 17:Th. in one of Sweden's largest news paper – It was only mentioned that seven police-officers was slightly injured. I wonder how many of the 400 hundred arrested was injured?

[-] 1 points by Time4change99 (1) 13 years ago

I keep hearing people talk about the "Occupy Wall Street" movement being about destroying capitalism. That is not the problem here. Our problem is the misuse of federal power and funds. The banks did not bail themselves out. If our socially elite federal government had not chosen to bail out big banks, and big manufacturing the inept management would have forced the weak top heavy organizations into bankruptcy eliminating the positions of the few people creating the problem, allowing vibrant leaders and organizations to capture the assets and build a new base of leadership.

This is not government controlled redistribution of wealth, but natural evolution of value. That is how capitalism is supposed to work. If you fail at providing a valuable product through valuable people, you fail. But with government bailouts, inept leadership gets rewarded with millions of dollars of bonuses for epic failure.

So I am the 99% and it is time to change the way we spend taxpayer's hard earned income. Neither Republican, nor Democratic leaders get that. So it is time for change.

[-] 1 points by jgarcia (25) 13 years ago

Props to the UC Davis Students! It is clear that the powers at be will do anything to keep their corrupt rule. It is sick that someone can give orders to riot police to pepper spray kids sitting on steps. These are kids. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. There is something really sick with us that this happens. Of course worse things happen. Why aren't orders given to pepper spray Dick Fuld, Stan O'neil, John Corzine, etc.

[-] 1 points by goodyboo (1) 13 years ago

Banks do not lend existing money. Banks create money when we borrow. It is called checkbook money. It does not really exist. Google for "HOW DO BANKS CREATE MONEY" to understand the extent of the robbery. You see, when you buy a home, banks says you can write a check for a million. You take the check to the seller. You have the home. Seller takes the check back to the bank. Bank moves "promise to pay" from your account, to his account. But the bank does not really pay a dime to anybody. They know that you will keep writing a check and never really ask for the money. Yet they demand that you pay interest. It is slavery. This is how the rich 1% only owes 5% of the debt and 40% of wealth, and the 99% owes 95% of the debt and only 60% of the wealth. The matrix is real. You are all slaves of the rich paying interest for money that is created out of nothing. You are only a battery to them.

[-] 1 points by AlexGiotopoulos (1) 13 years ago

I understand that the rally was scheduled for November 17 as it marked two months since the start of OWS at Zuccotti Park. Is there any other disambiguation about why the rally was scheduled on 17N?

[-] 1 points by rcarmstrong (115) from Cadyville, NY 13 years ago

I am looking forward to presenting the following ideas at tomorrow's GA in Northern New York

  1. While I respect the effort to meet in working groups that reflect one's area of interest, and I believe this work is necessary in the long run, I wonder if it is best for now to come to a [collective decision about what the whole group can work on, something that is deemed as the highest priority and especially urgent.
    Recently I have begun to believe that our mission to end corruption in government and Wall Street's pervasive involvement in it can never be effectively addressed until essential demands are made, prerequisite demands, from which other reform will flow. One essential demand is that campaigns be financed publicly. Notice that I specifically propose public financing as the solution rather demand a more general goal: campaign finance reform.
    I understand that GAs have been reluctant to engage directly in the political system and involvement with parties, this is a nonpartisan idea that recognizes the root of our current system's malfunction. Public finance would also loosen the two-party stranglehold on the electoral process. 2. Is it possible to propose statewide and then national GAs to convene in the near future?
[-] 1 points by Joe4more (165) from Cranston, RI 13 years ago

As one of the 99% I also took a significant "hit" yesterday. The State of RI passed legislation to alter retirement benefits for current and future retirees. Once again, the 1% with the help of the Providence Journal led a misinformation campaign, pitting taxpayer against public servant. EngageRI, a collection of wealthy businesses and corporations ran misleading TV ads. The advertising by those in favor of pension reform were assuring the public the measures would be "fair" to the taxpayer, businesses, teachers and other public servants; sadly, the legislation ends my COLA for the next five years (about $7500) and all requests by me to ascertain the cost over the next five years on others with "skin in the game" were futile. Crickets! The dirty secret: pension reform will be accomplished by cutting the rank and file, otherwise known as the 99% GO OWS Change is needed, now!

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Calling the action of N17 historic is an incredible stretch. On F15, 2003 the peace marchers numbered close to 2 million. CNN claimed the number was 250,000. United for Peace and Justice put the number at 500,000 but when I observed CBS's raw ariel footage and using the NYC's own method of measuring crowds the number was clearly closer to 2 million.

However the labor based rallies in the 1930s were much larger than the N17, 2011. It is important to get a perspective on what is happening and not exaggerate the level of support and or the impact that OWS is having. Sure there are lots of people that can't afford the time or money to get out and rally with OWS that support the effort but there are many that fear anyone that does not take a clear policy stand.

OWS is not really growing that much and has lost it's public symbol of camping. Thirty two thousand in NYC is not that big a number and it strains credibility when OWS claims history. It should be stated now that OWS is groping in the dark looking for some direction.

Well I wish you good luck. I have made my suggestions but the absolute beginners leading this effort are continuing to operate out of fear and not clarity of purpose.

[-] 1 points by Kat1 (2) 13 years ago

THIS IS URGENT!!!! A new law that President O'bama wants to pass is called "The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act" Anyone who disagrees with the Government can go to jail under this law, if it passes. Read on site- Beforeitsnews.com

[-] 1 points by rcarmstrong (115) from Cadyville, NY 13 years ago

I am planning to share this talk with everyone I know. Collins skillfully presents his ideas with humor and reason--such a gentle man. I love the fact that he makes his case in such a human way, through stories, rather than through facts, figures, graphs, and charts. Collins' presentation style reminds me that though these statistics are necessary tools, nothing is as powerful as a story about human experience. http://www.commondreams.org/video/2011/11/19#comment-1984989

[-] 1 points by SuzannahTroy (31) 13 years ago

Guess who’s pals newspapers tried to spread false news the day of protest worked against OWS.

Our protest with OWS Health care in front of St. Vincent’s W. Village which of course wasn’t front page news! http://mayorbloombergkingofnewyork.blogspot.com/2011/11/wsj-next-years-budget-trim-deficit-by.html Mike hired his campaign staff and makes the tax payers pay - one guy howie wolfson such a smoe == I want them all fired and Mike to reimburse the tax payers. Resign Mike!

[-] 1 points by Ruecast (17) 13 years ago


I think it is important to Occupy FOX News.

It would be something serious, since corporate media has eroded the democratic dialogue of the country.

B. S.


[-] 1 points by Dougs08 (2) 13 years ago

Hi, I'd like to thank all those who took part in all this, you are providing those of us in the UK who are in this too with great inspiration. Remember we have nothing to loose and everything to win!!.

[-] 1 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 13 years ago


They are now listening. Prepare to fight OWS. They are now going to bring the noise. 32000 made them scared.

[-] 1 points by morgan2012 (3) 13 years ago

Americans, Now it’s your turn to make your choice: http://american-republic.org/

The American Republic Manifestum

[-] 1 points by dakota (62) from Canton, MI 13 years ago


The above information is critical to the OWS movement. PLEASE READ IT!!! It shows just how this country has been corrupted by the big banks and lobby organizations. They have damaged our democracy!!!!

[-] 1 points by Justice4all (133) 13 years ago

Dear wealthy: That sound that has been a nuisance, and one that is driving you crazy from your glass bubbles, is the sound of the worlds largest hammer being built. It has a long way to go til its completion, but imagine the noise and trouble it has already caused you in its just being built. It will continue to get louder and louder while you try to shield yourselves away in your ivory towers, but much like the poor and desulute you have ignored or pretended do not exist, when that hammer is completed and collectively as a world group we swing it at those bubbles you have barricaded yourselves in, you will be faced to deal with the world you have created face to face, rather than acting as if it was not the system you had created. Justice is coming, and soon your glass houses will be destroyed!

[-] 1 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

It is said relentlessly that the Occupy movement lacks a clear message. They only message on display for the public in the Occupy London movement in Canada was that the protesters were torn apart by their own internal bickering, indecision and fear of confrontation with the police.

Their lack of unity, focus and squabbling ultimately sank them and they are gone. Read how it all went wrong here:

www.josephcouture.com “How To Blow A Revolution: The London Model”

[-] 1 points by Thelogic (3) 13 years ago

Aparently you people have forgetten what this country was made from. Those people in the big corporations worked hard to get where they are. They studied at colleges and universities to get a good education and a good job that pays well. They deserve the millions of dollors they are making. Now they are getting punished for what they are doing, what they worked so hard to get? This is wrong! Why should someone get punished for being successful? This country is a do or die country. Now you are going to come back and say, "Well what about all the bailouts that the government gives?" My response would be, "Those in government are jokes in general so they obviously are doing stupid things, but who elects them?"

The people on Occupy Wallstreet are demanding someone give them thier money that they worked hard for. This is the injustice of the people, not the corporations. Now you are going to say, "Well I worked hard too! Why can't I get a decent paying job and keep it?" The answer to that is that this country is a do or die country. If you can't keep up with the demands of this country then you will put on the streets. Then you are going to say, "Well I worked hard! I did my best!" Well guess what, you weren't good enough. Rather, you get better, or fall like you're supposed to. Occupy Wallstreet is a failure.

For those who want money, start your own corporation. You can work 15 hours a day. You can beg for and borrow the start-up money. You can put your life's savings on the line just like those people did who are now making millions and sometimes billions. Those people gave everything they had to get where they are, and a lot of them failed at it, too. Guess what though, they got up and tried again. They didn't give up and they didn't ask government to bail them out. If you want money then work for it. That is what this country was made from. That is what America was made from. Not from people demanding money from those who put thier lives on the lines to get thier money. If this continues then you can consider our country going into socialism. Just as Beka Economopoulos said above, "We are the 99% and we are here to reclaim our democracy." You are not reclaiming a democracy, you are starting a socialism.

[-] 1 points by vonnielb (1) 13 years ago

I owe the OWS for opening my eyes!nI have always felt there was nothing I could do about the waste, injustice, and false advertising of our government. I have been complacent.

Finally, a glimpse of hope! The OWS movement, although poorly reported on, and downplayed, has given me that hope! What the general population has seen and heard, is only that which, media, (television, radio, and the printed word,) have chosen to share. There seems to be a consistent, general editing, by the media, for the purpose of downplaying the vast feeling of a growing, (and thanks to the internet,) more knowledgeable segment of America's baaing sheep-like constituency. Unfortunately, if "us little old sheep" don't research anything more than the general top news, the "wool" blinds us.

The OWS movement protesters, have shown their dissatisfaction and that we, the general public, can voice that same feeling, that we no longer have to accept it as, "the way it is." They have had the strength to endure, put their comforts last, and risk arrest, to give us hope, a platform on which to speak, with a newfound voice, so that we can say, "This is wrong!" They do not have the answers, nor have they promised them. Admitting there is a problem is the first step, finding solutions and a better way than that which exists, is up to us. And if the 99% don't speak up and figure out the solutions, the 1%, will.

The November 17th movement in NYC was said to be estimated by the NYPD as 32,000 strong. It matters not where they originated. Arrests totalling 200 would be .00675%. That would mean 99.99325%, or thereabout, would be the percentage of peaceful protesters. Their stories, were taken to the subways on November 17th, not to shut the system down, but to educate the general public. This is not what the media has reported. The subway ride was to open eyes to the stories of the movement, for people like me, that have not been able to see through the "wool" the media and our government has maintained as our "eyeware." The effort was not trying to shut the subway down, (misleading,) as reported.

This is the first time in my life, that I actually thought about having the guts to exercise my rights and responsibilities, to contact my congressman, and the Mayor of NYC (which I have done three times this week.This is the first time I thought I could speak up against the waste, against the twisting of good bills, to benefit the 1%, loopholes, and with the absolute disgust I have, for those that are supposed to represent me and my wishes, and have squandered both. I speak out against the bickering and child-like actions of Democrats vs. Republicans, and Republicans vs. Democrats. I don't care what your party is. Work it out! Get the money out of politics, and the politicians out of the money game. Voice it, research it, and find solutions.

This is my NEW VOICE! The baaing of sheep is becoming the roar of the lion! Take notes America! I thank OWS for empowering me and many others, like me. You will start hearing our voices, and I guarantee the polls will be different. We will research you, politicians, we will vote accordingly, and we will not tolerate red-tape partisanship, or "padding" of bill language to benefit corporate need and greed, or frivolous wasting of our tax dollars, by "representatives" we have given all our power to, and then forgotten. Watch out congress, you work for us! We are paying attention, and we are getting involved!

Media, get it straight, this is what OWS/NYC/WallStreet/Global Revolution is and has done, for me, and many others like me across the entire world. This is HISTORY, and OUR STORY America, let our voice be heard, and get involved in being the solution.

For my son, Andrew Brown

Vonnie Brown One Little American

[-] 1 points by SponsoredByNobody1 (1) 13 years ago

!! IRONY ALERT !! Did anyone catch the monument to a former NYC Mayor at the foot of the Brooklyn Bridge in Cadman Plaza where the NYPD steered us to after the march? http://vimeo.com/32301962

[-] 1 points by Amenhotep4 (1) 13 years ago

Democracy and Capitalism: The Pyramid within the Sphere

Sphere-a three-dimensional surface, all points of which are (equidistant) from a fixed point. Pyramid- A pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are (triangular) and converge at a (single point). No matter the discipline we operate in, the path to its mastery is to go from the simple to the complex and back to the simple (enlightenment). The “simple”, being founded in an immutable principle, or Natural Law, is the basis in which variable expressions, no matter how expansive, must always adhere to. In the case of our system of government, that foundation is the sphere, which is composed by the consent of the body politic and thus, like the universe itself, making all within its confines equal in Nature if not in expression.

Capitalism, despite its utility, by its competitive nature operates as a pyramid, where the power to control the flow of wealth is at the apex, but the power of its sustenance is at the base-the working people which is its foundation. However, the problem with this system, as it is practiced today, is that it merely serves its (convergence point) -a deluded hierarchy. It has predictably devolved into cultural pathology where mindless consumption and greed has become the all encompassing mode of survival! In other words, no matter how much one attains, (especially a corporate entity) if one doesn't maintain their impulsion to continually and expansively feed at higher levels of input, then one is considered to be “dying”! Thus, this paradox poses the old question; "Are we to live to eat, or eat to live"? It’s just that simple; because depending on which answer one perceives as being correct, there is a vastly different approach and outcome for both. I'm sure some will argue that we do both. But, if that was the case, as a collective, we wouldn't have the economic problems that we are now facing. In fact, both of our systems, political and economic, would be spherical, and thus balanced! Yes, complexity is one thing, but complications, born of profound falsities and misapplication of Cosmic Law, are another.

We find ourselves at this juncture because it is easier to operate within the relativity of complexity, rather than according to an immutable but simple truth! Even the very word- "universe" means “all things turned into One”! But if we can't accept, and operate by this simple truth, then no matter what we do will be folly. Sometimes it’s just too difficult for the ego in Man to admit that a thing is not working as intended, not to mention the fact that there are the ultra-materialists who would rather worship at the alter of the status quo to their last breath, than to consider any other possible potentialities. I know that in the immediate term what's needed is jobs and saving people's homes. However, the ultimate goal is to create a bright line between money politics.

[-] 1 points by ThadiusWeingart (3) 13 years ago

For an insightful analysis of the movement read the following blog: http://smallcraftadvisorychronicles.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by ThadiusWeingart (3) 13 years ago

For an insightful analysis of the movement read the following blog: http://smallcraftadvisorychronicles.blogspot.com/

[-] 1 points by premji (2) 13 years ago


“Twister Distribution” movement (TDM) is a revolutionary simple concept based on “Open source procurement and distribution” of anything useful to Mankind!

Linux development, as a “best practice” example of productive collaborative culture, which could potentially be adopted in developing TDM. It's the World's largest supply chain! It's the World's largest open procuring and distribution network! It's the World's largest idea / knowledge bank! World's largest insurance Company without premium! It does anything ethical under the Sun! It's the largest collaboration of knowledge society!

TDM: DEFINITIONS TDM is a global movement for open source procurement and distribution of anything, not evil! It is a combined phrase meant to bridge ideas from the open source movement with central ideas from the free software movement, free intellectual movement, free retail movement and any other movement stands to improve human life and dignity. It is envisioned as the single largest sales and distribution network, practicing 'Diminishing Capitalism or ethical capitalism”. Limited intellectual rights that may help to lead a comfortable life for elite people, which will be reduced gradually as TDM progresses.

TDM refers to a tendency by individuals to work, collaborate, produce and distribute anything useful to mankind, protecting ethical values that reflect openness, sharing, collaboration and transparency. The movement also reflects a tendency and a preference by individuals to use tools that are available under TDM licenses. Every FSM project can be funded in future by TDM as it is the backbone of TDM.

Open Source Culture (OSC) usually refers to a condition where cultural artefacts are made generally available to all citizens. Participants in an open source culture have the right to use and modify shared artefacts, but are usually required to redistribute these items back into the community if there are changes or improvements. Open source culture is unique in the sense that it is recursive; its basic tenet is that the culture itself is based upon the sharing and promotion of cultural artefacts.

TDM product has its source code (software code)/ ingredients and methods of production/ design made freely available to the general public. They can be licensed under various licensing structures of TDM and, depending on the specific license, users have various rights to modify and redistribute the software, in some cases, even for commercial purposes, even commercial products. TDM stands for quality and humanity! (If there are ambiguities, please modify my thoughts. Then only it can be perfected. Only your thoughts can make it fool proof)

[-] 1 points by RudiKelle (2) 13 years ago

WHEN WE WIN , all these violations by perverts and sadistic police will be investigated and these animals will be jailed under the NEW LAWS drafted by the NEW SOCIETY . We know facist laws are wrong - They dont - cos they ENJOY their filth. The Animals who perpetrate these CRIMES havent just violated people once ... this is their lifestyle ... When a citizen pervs or peppersprays or bashes an innocent person, he is hunted down and jailed. If he is a cop like Bolog , he is protected by the force? .. Wot part of SADISM dont you understand ???

[-] 1 points by captgene (2) 13 years ago

In a Democracy you get exactly the government you deserve. When Politians spends millions of dollars for a government job that pays a few hundred thousand dollars for a few years, the warning sign is there and problems will occur.When America gets sick the entire world suffers in some way, it is just a matter of time. The solution to most problems lies in our souls to do what is right for all Americans and not just what is best for ourselves. The cure to an illness begins with understanding the root cause. Blame is not a cure.

[-] 1 points by DonQuixot (231) 13 years ago

Son of Gaddafi arrested. Sons of Rockerfeller and Goldman Sachs worried. Humor is important in all circumstances. :-) Good luck from Spain, the funniest country in Europe according to polls. I will let you guess who are the least funny.

[-] 1 points by RomCath (24) 13 years ago

During recent months, many peoples have manifested their desire for liberty, their need for material security, and their wish to live in harmony according to their different ethnic groups and religions. Indeed, a new state has been born on your continent. Many conflicts have originated in man's blindness, in his will to power and in political and economic interests which mock the dignity of people and of nature. Human beings aspire to liberty; then to live in dignity; they want good schools and food for their children, dignified hospitals to take care of the sick; they want to be respected; they demand transparent governance which does not confuse private and public interests; and above all they desire peace and justice. At this time, there are too many scandals and injustices, too much corruption and greed, too many errors and lies, too much violence which leads to misery and to death. These ills certainly afflict your continent, but they also afflict the rest of the world. Every people wishes to understand the political and economic choices which are made in its name. They perceive manipulation... " said Pope Benedict in Benin.

[-] 1 points by tsdevi (307) 13 years ago

You know what the powers that be are really afraid of..it's not simply occupying public spaces, or public ones that have been made private, but private spaces. We need not destroy any business, we need only to stop working for the corporation(s) that own them and instead work them for ourselves. Pyramids need the bottom, the bottom does not need the top. They know this, which is why so much emphasis is placed upon elitism and exclusivity.

[-] 1 points by SleekMinister (13) from Oslo, Oslo 13 years ago

Yeah! So great to see all this support, especially when I'm incapacitated a world sea away...

[-] 1 points by noado51 (1) 13 years ago

Create your own money to help to fuel the economy of the movement. It could be used for a thousand things you do and would give real power to the people who work inside. It would also be tax free and it would make the banks nervous and give real leadership to the millions who support you.They may even follow and this time go global. The peoples' money.Not the Bank's money.There is a money shortage among the supporters but you can change that today.

[-] 1 points by AideOfHillaryClinton (1) 13 years ago

You rats.What history you have made. The Government has ignored you. Do not you understand that your peoples struggle for equity and justice cannot succeed at all.Do you know why because you are not corrupt people.You do not get corrupted because you have understood the real mechanism of exploitation and misinformation run by the Government of USA.But there is a hitch.The government shall not let you make people aware of the reality behind the economy and about the Government policy.Remember the Government shall not allow 99% any sort of freedom even of the expression.We 1% shall rule you.Stop this nonsense popular movement of the people or the Government shall crush you skunks.

[-] 1 points by Jindy30 (1) 13 years ago

I went on a few of the anti war demostrations in nyc when bushy and his cronies were declaring war on Iraq ( a former US ally only 20 years earlier)..'and there were hundred of thousands of people marching down manhattan... What did it achieve? Then we have a hundred people camp in a park in manhattan with a new message and tone...and voila... Go figure... It's a revolution... My question is where are the large groups that organized the anti war marches... The Global Justice group etc etc...

As I am sure next years election is going to come down to these issues, particulary taxation I think OWS could do well to get the message into middle America...

[-] 1 points by iarwain01 (1) 13 years ago

The public will ultimately decide to get rid of any politician who supports neoliberal policies. The occupation movement can spend its time in the surrounding communities and being educational about the close links between government and corporations. But neoliberalism is guaranteed to fail, because it hurts our economy. And the American people are not stupid, they'll remember how the two parties destroyed the US economy, will continue to try and destroy it, and get rid of them.

[-] 1 points by oilfieldandproudofit (40) 13 years ago

You notice on the bottom of the picture about a tax on food with saturated fats? watch the documentary "fat head" and see how that's part of the one percents bid to keep you unhealthy you won't believe how the governments guide lines for healthy living are made to keep you unhealthy and sell commodity foods instead of healthy ones that aren't commodities. Did you know the foods the gov tells you to eat to stay healthy are the exact food that farmers feed there live stock to fatten them up? also did you know that the foods the gov tell you to eat have boosted rates of type two diabetes and heart disease? Don't take my word for it check out the doc and bare with it to the end because it is a bit dry but the message is true.

[-] 1 points by TheGiops (3) from Roseville, CA 13 years ago

"Narrow minded" is kind of an overstatement...

[-] 1 points by TheGiops (3) from Roseville, CA 13 years ago

Don't forget that tomorrow (11/18) Roberto Saviano, the famous Italian writer, will be at Zuccotti Park! http://goo.gl/6iBXU

[-] 1 points by gurby1 (2) 13 years ago

Keep up the good work. It is shame that Bloomberg ordered the clamp down and is now going to face the consequences. Boycott Bloomberg news and removing him form the mayorship should the next objective of New York protestors.

I can relate with many of you who have been jobless for 2 years or more and had to survive on minimum wages at time

Shame on corporate America and a dysfunctional Government system.

[-] 1 points by DougJR (5) 13 years ago

Texas1 I'm not from your country. But I remember a story about a people who, nearly 300 years ago overthrew a corrupt King. He thought that everything belonged to him, he could write Laws to suit himself. Now, you have new "Kings" who are doing the same thing! With the help of Politicians who are elected by you but don't represent you they can write your Laws to benefit themselves, Steal your money, commit fraud on a massive scale and nothing will be done , because they write the Laws, they control the Politicians and your Legal system! 300 years ago, the protest started out small as well. Not everyone supported it. I wonder, if you were around 300 years ago, who's side would you have been on?

[-] 1 points by DougJR (5) 13 years ago

I am a Kiwi and support you 100%. But I can see that if you want to gain more support from the American public you need to start giving a clear message. What do you want? What you want to see happen? How do you acheive what you want if Politicians decide to listen? I see on TV from where I am, that their are still people in America who do not know what you want! You must start giving the people and government specific goals! Otherwise you may lose support! You cannot afford to piss the public off with protests that might disrupt their lives. The protest at the Port was a bad idea, especially because of the economic conditions. You have an election next year, if you do not start to make your clear demands an election issue, then you will lose the oppurtunity to make change!

[-] 1 points by mantelln (8) 13 years ago

Hey guys that is awesome!

We need to demand things like freedom of information. And the freedom of the internet, without regulations of our freedom of expression, or a presidential 'kill' switch.

We are able to use this technology with such efficiency in an open setting, that the work that can be done with it is worth far more than the money that can be made to special interests by regulating it.

Also the decision and information sharing mechanism of a people's movement could be run possibly far more efficiently online than it can on ground, with greater, and possibly built-in organizational capabilities.

We must be aware of the importance of these technologies and protest to keep them free for everybody to leverage and explore!!

[-] 1 points by CEOSoverpaid (1) 13 years ago

Camping in Zuccoti is illegal. All you have to do to legally stay in NYC is rent a basic, cheap hotel room for $300 a night. The CEO's do it all the time. No biggie when you make a billion a year, lol! So get with the law like CEO's. Heck, if it's illegal, just bribe a Congressman a couple mil to change the law to let you legally stay in Zuccoti Park. Or if the city gives you really a hard time, spend a Bil and just BUY Zuccoti Park and have it renamed to yourself. Do things like the CEO's do! LOL!

[-] 1 points by 44mag (28) from Coventry, RI 13 years ago

Leaders aren't born they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.

Vince Lombardi

[-] 1 points by Donewithows (1) 13 years ago

I've been following this page since its inception.i was all for it.I was finally able to make it on 11/17 which was day of action.I arrived at zucatti a little after 1pm with my sign in hand.I met a few good people my first hour there.I was chatting with a few people when I saw Brandon Watts kicking police fence.so the person I was chatting with came to the conclusion that fence was there to help other people access to sidewalk as they went about their business.During the next few hours I stayed on the liberty street side of the park.During that time Brandon continues to move fence cops move it back and he moves it again.At one point Brandon is smoking and blowing into a cops face then he squirts tooth Paste on the same cop.A few people and I myself advised him to stop this is a peaceful protest and the cops were'nt really bothering us.The cops push fence one last time that's when Brandon smacks one of the cops knocking his hat off and runs to the crowd.Brandon got what he deserved there was no need to for him to disturb our peaceful protest.This how ever wasn't the last thing that bothered me.Everyone at ows cries 1st amendment rights.how ever on a few ocassions I saw 99ers rip signs from people who were against them and after that I was done.This movement has no agenda.Provoking violence is not for me.Violating same rights your preaching proves to me that this is going no where fast.

[-] 1 points by ARealNewYorker (227) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

You're basing your impression of the entire movement on one guy?

[-] 1 points by NYGUARD (-6) 13 years ago

The citizens of the Occupy Movement are true patriots. They are fighting for the country that our forefathers must have envisioned but they are entering the battle without armor or weapons.Our first amendment rights (the people to assembly) are being manipulated by the government. Laws are being passed to enrich the wealthy and in turn their wealth pays for the elections of the politicians that pass those laws. We now live in a plutocracy. We the people no longer control the government. We the people no longer have a voice. Taxation without representation. Ring a bell? I truly believe that our country is on the verge of a revolution, however, we no longer live in the era of Ghandi. Passive resistance can only be effective when there exists a strong moral entity to take up the cause of the oppressed and expose the evil of the perpetrator. The problem has been exposed. The cancer has been identified. It is time to target and eradicate this disease. I am not an advocate of non-violent civil disobedience. I believe it's time has passed. If you're not willing to sacrifice everything, you can expect to gain nothing.

[-] 1 points by robjc (1) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Thanks to all of you for making me feel less afraid and powerless.

  • Robert in Jersey City.
[-] 1 points by funkymonkeyq (4) 13 years ago

omg! this oregonian cheers you on!!!! thanks so much for taking it to the street, for going out and representing in the belly of the beast!!!! would that i could come and join you, but my finances keep me in oregon... but i'm marching here! so much love to all of you :-), more than words can describe.

thank you, all of you, from the bottom of my heart.

[-] 1 points by ditdot55 (1) 13 years ago

Though I live in Recall City (Madison) Wisconsin, I was riveted to UStream's live feed ALL DAY LONG! Way to go, NYC!! That and LiveStream was the only way people at large like me could know what was going on during the entire day of action. I strongly encourage you to again stream ALL FUTURE ACTIONS - It may be the only way we, part of the 99% can actually see it live. KUDOS TO ALL!!

[-] 1 points by BraddDavis (10) 13 years ago

When is Occupy going to WAKE UP and target the 1%ers who are at the core of the problem? Obama, Biden! Pelosi, Kerry, and their fellow corrupt & greedy politicians? THEN, I will stand with you. Everything else is just whining...

[-] 1 points by GeoTan22 (1) 13 years ago

So proud that people are finally starting to wake up... I look at our government and it makes me so mad. What is the point? These guys get on their platform and tell us their policies but does it matter what your policies are when congress and the house will block you no matter what because they don't care about the people they only care about politics and making sure the opposite party does not get ahead. Voting is a waste of time the two party system is broken and the house and congress need to be fired

[-] 1 points by Jryoung (1) 13 years ago

It would appear there is very good reasoning for all of this. Corrupt system of legal and government spending the American peoples money however they want to. No real voting process anymore. It used to be the people could choose the presidential canidates, but now the rich have that right as well. What I mean by that is the head parties democratic and repulican (rich people) pick the canidates that give them (corporate America) the best benefits and lowest taxes. Mean while the worker that is supposed to see the benefits from this doesnt. Instead corporate American pockets the profits and throws the costs of insurance on their workers now. This allows companies and owners of these companies to become richer. (sad but true) Look at past trends of tax breaks bills passed for most major companies and taxes paid by the same campanies and tell me why their workers havent seen any of these raises, instead they consolidate multiple jobs into one paying one wage expecting the worker to do three jobs. (Thats not right) With jobs going over seas companies arent taxed by that country at all in some cases and they profit 100% but the books show different (no real transparency when dealing with other countries) Again Not right. Yet lower class, Mid-lower class, and middle classes have to pick up the tab for all of this through taxation with no true representation. Again (not what our founding fathers intended) There are a lot of things that arent right about our system right now that truely need to be addressed. Even Warren Buffet agrees that the tax system isnt fair. Why should some one making 9 billion a year (bill gates) pay less than 10% in taxes? The same rate as some one making $10,000-$25,000 a year. If you add up the loss on how much taxes could have been taken from the entire upper classes for the last 60 years that the loop holes have been open. It would have paid the national debt 15 times over again. The lack of leadership is one of the major issues. Not to say anything bad about our commander and chief. I love and respect the man but not the decisions. he is the negotiator for overseas trading which we have taken a deficet (even from american owned companies overseas). When i was a boy a we would walk away from a bad deal and look for another buyer not take the loss and lose money. simple thought. Congress should stop voting on raises for themselves when they arent doing their job to begin with. They are public servant in the attempt to represent the public not the be entitled to do as they please. The legal system is flawed by corruption and the highest bidder as well now a days. Sad but true, if you have enough money you can get away with murder. (OJ simpson). I have plenty more to say. trust me I can back all of this up. Simple economics is what is produced here and sold elsewhere makes us money. Quick question to whom ever....What do we produce anymore and why? Simlple answer its cheaper for coporations to move companies to other countries to avoid paying benefits and lower wages but gettinr higher production So the owners get richer and pay less taxes yet again corporate america wins and american public loses. There are a lot more issues that also need to be discussed on how the freedoms of the american public are being stripped away one by one to suit the needs of corporate america. Freedom of speech and the right to persue happiness. why is a worker not allowed to have rights? Right to work states and Work at will states that the employer can fire just cause they feel like it and without justifiable causes. I will write more later. Please respond if you feel like it.......have a good day

Look up last interview with Warren buffet and tax spreads that he brought to the table proving that the top twenty percent didnt pay what you are claiming. simple math 500 million people US and out of that 20% pay supposed 45% taxed According to law not including all the tax breaks. top 20% as you claim them are 100million people paying 45% which equates to little when you consider 400 million people paying 40%-10% majority of that is in the 30% range. so you do the math 400million paying 30%-40% tax campared to 100million paying a capped 45% on taxes I bet i know which payes more...........

figure i would add this too since a few people think others are Stalins. Math is right there figure it out......Majority pays more than the minority always its simple math,

[-] 1 points by ARealNewYorker (227) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I am a big fan of math-doing, but we have to be accurate in our numbers; the US population, according to the last census, was only 310 million. But your general point stands - too few people make too much money.

[-] 1 points by TownshipRebellion (2) 13 years ago

Yes i know my enemy.

[-] 1 points by KnaveDave (357) 13 years ago

Way to go, Occupants. I just wrote an article about the UNoccupation of wall street and about misrepresentation of the movement in the press.


Also wrote about how the 99% make over 50% of all the income in the U.S. but pay only 40% of the taxes. So, making the rich pay more taxes is not socking it to the rich. I tis only making them pay their fair share, which the Bush tax cuts demolished.

[-] 1 points by rps2053 (1) 13 years ago

A message of thanksgiving and thoughtfulness to OWS. http://saintjulianpress.com/1/post/2011/11/a-hunger-for-community.html

[-] 1 points by JDisME (1) 13 years ago

Read an article on Yahoo! called: Occupy Wall Street in one word: Corporatism. That should be your goal. Also, don't march on NYSE. Instead go to ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, NewsCorp. etc. Just a thought

[-] 1 points by unfleecedbysheep (153) 13 years ago

Everybody should check out a website that was created for organizing movements. It's founder created a model called the M.A.P or Movement Action Plan. It has been used in the Anti-nuclear movement for the last 50 years. The website is "www.doingdemocracy.com", named after a book written by the founder called Doing Democracy:The MAP model for organizing social movements. It details the long term actions needed to keep the movement on track and proceeding to the next level. Many people will become discouraged or depressed with not being able to create the change we want. The idea is to create organizations to educate each other on the local level nation wide, and organize activities to: petition, protest, and create events to focus in strategic ways. The other important part of the next step is to change the pattern of behavior so the powers that be, who oppose the movement, will be a step behind. This website is part of the SMEP, Social Movement Empowerment Project. It provides materials, training, and networking to aid in the progress. Another interesting organization is at the website www.eon3.net

[-] 1 points by WEPartyMentor (20) 13 years ago

All WE want is a shift in consciousness from I to WE. www.we.net - Together WE can make a difference! www.wepartymentors.info

[-] 1 points by Liza1 (1) 13 years ago

Lets NOT make this about individual spirituality. Because it is not. it is about being spirited:) And not standing for being treated like idiots by our Govt, corporations, banks and any other greedy agenda. BTW I could not be there, yet I was there completely in my heart. I totally was awestruck by the video I saw today! OWS is making a difference and believe it because it is true! We are one people with a common goal. Stay strong.

[-] 1 points by Proud1Conservative (-3) 13 years ago

What you gonna do is cause alot of funds to be spent that the rest of us that work and pay taxes pay, get some of you killed (maybe most if you really piss off the real majority), and waste time and distract from getting some real change acomplished. Go to work!!!

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Who is this "real majority"?

[-] 1 points by Barbdoppes (17) 13 years ago

The 'movement' is gaining support of a lot of people of all walks of life but they do not necessarily want to sleep in tents. Be careful who you lump together in this movement and come up with nasty remarks of those that actually dare to live outdoors for a long period of time. Could you do that Mr. Hygiene.

[-] 1 points by wupta (25) 13 years ago

Ignore the big media stations, they are obsolete. Evidence the mass of people showing up. The news is on social media like Twitter, Livestream and Youtube and once you watch it, you know it to be addictive and real. The truth has it's own power of penetration. It grabs you by the shoulder and shoves you in your seat and makes you watch. Once you see the news in it's freshest presentation you will never go back, except for entertainment. The truth will change you. Not once can I remember feeling so engrossed in anything that MSM have "produced".

[-] 1 points by wupta (25) 13 years ago

The mutual realization of millions of people nationally and internationally that their self interests and mutual welfare is dependent on themselves and not the corrupt political system was a seminal moment in the history of mankind. With this realization the global movement has I think reached critical mass, and from this point on I feel we will see a more rapid progression of events. It will take time to re-create ourselves in our image, along the way the establishment will do all it can to disrupt and stop this progression, it will fail. The movement is based on intelligence and communication and this they cannot overcome. The key is to stay decentralized and grassroots. This not only difficult to control but also very representative. We will succeed.

[-] 1 points by beniquin (2) 13 years ago

El sistema de la Reserva Federal es un sistema monetario privado creado el 23 de diciembre de 1913 y sus dueños son las familias Lehman, Goldman, Sachs y Rockefeller de Nueva York; los Rothchields de Londres y Berlín; Lazard de Paris; Israel Moses Seif de Italia; los Kuhn, Loeb y Warburg de Alemania. Los ciudadanos no son propietarios del dinero de la Reserva Federal, el ciudadano paga una tasa prima de intereses del 5% por todos los billetes de la Reserva Federal en circulación anualmente lo que causa automáticamente un 5% de inflación cada año. La Reserva Federal tiene el monopolio de la emisión de dinero en Estados Unidos y sus políticas afectan a todo el mundo. Esa es la raíz del problema, la sinarquía dueña del poder económico y político y del Estado. http://dianaduquegomez.blogspot.com/2010/09/por-una-sociedad-libertaria-diana-duque_19.html

[-] 1 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

The news reported today about an activist nun in India who was bludgeoned and hacked to death by a mob wielding clubs and machetes. They were paid to murder her because she tried to stop a mining company from destroying the land and exploiting the people. But the worst part was that she was killed by the very people she was trying to help because the company bought them off.

Read how even in our world the 99 percent can be their own worst enemy here:

www.josephcouture.com “It’s About Me, Stupid”

[-] 1 points by Robbedvoter (24) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I arrived yesterday morning in Zucotti at 9 AM and saw the army of policemen and far away across the street what looked like penned in OWS. I hesitated to join as it seemed police had control. I am glad I did as it became clear OWS knew what they were doing and nimbly adjusted strategies to keep moving and surrounding the cops. I am impressed by the savvy and determination of those directing the movements. It made me feel powerful and hopeful.

[-] 1 points by citizen01 (4) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by Justice4all (133) 13 years ago

Shouldnt all these bankers, and politicians (Congress, Senate and our local officials) most if not all of them be arrested? I mean if they have created a system where they have profited, fine. However, since it seems they have mainly profited by defrauding the masses they had sworn to serve, is'nt that a crime? Should'nt citizens arrests begin by the people to bring these people to justice? If anyone of the rest of us would have done such things, our asses would have been long since prosecuted and put away. Shouldnt the same rules apply here? Hell, they wont even let people have their basic rights to assemble. Sure they will let it go on for a few weeks or a month, but after it reaches a point in them where it irks them more than they wish--they decide to use brute force to take away peoples rights. Who are they to do such things? Considering they have violated more rights tha any of us can comprehend! If they are criminals, the people should be demanding more than just social change and consciesness, we should be demanding they be brought to justice for fraud, and violating others civil rights! Citizens arrests should begin immediately!! No one can make the kinds of money that they all do and achieve the positions of power without a criminal element involved--it's quite honestly flat out impossible! If those occupying and who believe in what the occupiers stand for, our next step of action should be to start making citizens arrests! Just watch how fast the system changes when they are held to accountability for the first time!

[-] 1 points by Sovjet (19) from Mačvanski Prnjavor, Central Serbia 13 years ago

Money is the real problem here..I see some people commenting about big business..I want to explain something here. This capitalist system, which is a monetary based economy, is not flexible, none monetary system actually is...If you start regulating it, it will eventually stop the whole economy and cause recession, on the other side, if you deregulate the system, it will create monopolies, powerful conglomerates, every single company will automate it's assembly plants, leaving people out of work..and once the large consumers are left out of job and money, product demand would quickly fall, making the system collapse from inside...

[-] 1 points by BrooklynMike (1) 13 years ago

I'm beginning to wonder whether there's danger in this loosely defined populist movement where practically anybody who is vaguely disgruntled can find acceptance. Among them are recent college graduates finding that buying a degree (often confused with earning and utilizing an education) is not a gold ticket to a job that will pay off loans in due time, and jobless who are in various states of complacency and despair. People are angry, but not collectively proposing solutions. To me this poses potential for violence without leadership, and potential for tyranny with leadership.

We excoriate our politicians for ambiguity and indifference. Do the people in the park expect to be judged by different standards, or is there something else going on here?

[-] 1 points by mc2150 (14) 13 years ago

I am ready for a new world. I truly hope this movement has the steam and perserverance to bring about change in this world. I am sick and tired of the corrupt and wicked ruling over the many good people throughout this world. I see an awakening taking place amongst humanity. I just hope it is a large enough to unshackle the chains of the system that enslave all of us!

[-] 1 points by heyshell (2) from Plymouth, MA 13 years ago

Such a beautiful sight to see!

[-] 1 points by ConcernedAmerican (9) 13 years ago

As this Movement Grows they will be a need for organization with concrete goals. You have to say what you stand for not just what your against. Let those people show up in front of the mayors mansion tell everyone to protest by taking there money out of bank of america dont pay their card or mortgage refuse to work dont buy gas call your local senator representative mayor govenor and inundate with phone calls calling for a reform. This government needs to go back to the people and what they are going to do about it or they will loose there jobs etc... there are so many things that can create an impact if it is an organized effort to focus the attack on these things instead of gathering marching and yelling yes it will get you attention but for how long until there is unification in the same main ideas united u stand divided you fall most people if asked dont even know what they are marching for or have very diffferent ideas on whats going on. I support ows 1000% but now that youve made some noise its time to make an impact!

[-] 1 points by wdsted (2) 13 years ago

Let's Help Occupy Wall Street Organize their Message: Go to all the Occupy FB Pages and post this: Occupy Please Organize around these Five Principles: 1) Do Away with Citizen's United 2) Repeal the Patriot Act 3) Regulate Wall Street (No backroom profiting) 4) A Trillion Dollar Jobs Bill and 5) Restore 2003 Tax Rates for Million Dollar Incomes.......Sieze the DAY!! DEMAND this from the Congressional Super Comittee......see my recent activity to go to all big cities.

[-] 1 points by sasha03 (6) 13 years ago

The financial sector, Wall Street, is one of America's most devastating weapons of mass destruction.

[-] 1 points by sasha03 (6) 13 years ago

Democracy is a system of government; by the people for the people. It is not a system which serves 1% of the population and the rights of the people in America are constitutionally protected. The people have the right to question decisions the government makes. This right was denied, fro example concerning where the approximately $ 7,000,000,000,000 dollars of taxpayers money went in the Bank bailout package. The government is not to serve the private interests of a few greedy and undisciplined individuals and corporations against all others. This crisis has cost the world millions of jobs and homes and the right as human beings, to clean water, air and a little stability in life. It is time for major change.

[-] 1 points by mikex911 (1) 13 years ago

Everyone keeps complaining about not being able to get money to start a small business bc the banks are holding all the money. First of all this doesn't make sense bc the banks wouldn't make any money if they didn't loan it out. But then you have people that think they should get the banks money just bc they want to open a business or bc they feel they need it. No one has ever loaned money to a start up company just to help someone out, 30 years ago or current day. There's no secret conspiracy of rich men that say they are going to sit on all the money. As bad as it sounds, America was not built on people giving other people money to help them out. America was built and is still being built on people loaning money to people or small businesses in an effort to get a return. This is a flawless system. This is what weeds out the bad ideas from the good ideas. If you want to start a business that will be successfull and you can show how/why it is going to be successfull you will not have any problem getting a bank or anyone with money to loan it to you. It wouldn't make sense not to provide this company with capital. If they want to loan it to you at an unfair rate then there will be someone next door that will under cut them bc they will see that they can get a return on their money. The ones that loan their money to this company also deserves to receive a return on their money since they took on the risk of loaning it out. This is competition. Competition breeds quality. Banks will compete on their rate to loan the money out until the rate is fair for the risk they are taking on. This is what America was built on, not hand outs. This Occupy BS is asking for handouts to people that aren't offering any value. The system is flawless if someone is offering something of value that others want. By the way, I am one of the 99% and I understand this. Is there really that many people out there that don't get it.

[-] 1 points by OWSClarity (8) 13 years ago

Is there a list of what the OWS wants anywhere? I thought this video might tell me. Also, is there a spokesman? I listened to a guy on the news last night who was interviewed by a news station. He wasn't real clear but I did hear him say that he was against corporate corruption. The guy inteviewing did not ask the right questions so it left so many things unanswered. Is it corporate corruption inside the corporation. if so, was there any action once reported to police? Or is this corruption between corporations and government? I did hear that one government official is being investigated for corruption wiah a company recently. Thanks!

[-] 1 points by Bibiblue (1) 13 years ago

OWS needs to define more accurately what they are fighting against and for. It needs to spread its message more effectively for the 30% who have no clue about OWS, to help them take a stand without the help of the (mostly) negative press coverage

[-] 1 points by NeilNYCitizen (2) 13 years ago

Does anyone have footage of the NYPD ramming those of us who took to the streets from Union to Foley Square with their motorbikes? What about them ramming us when we reached the park? The only camera crew I saw was a Japanese crew at Canal Street stating this was their best footage in two months just before the cops started ramming us.

[-] 1 points by NeilNYCitizen (2) 13 years ago

Does anyone have footage of the NYPD ramming those of us who took to the streets from Union to Foley Square with their motorbikes? What about them ramming us when we reached the park? The only camera crew I saw was a Japanese crew at Canal Street stating this was their best footage in two months just before the cops started ramming us.

[-] 1 points by foius (4) 13 years ago

One of the more interesting issues that seem to be gaining consensus is the fact that there is clearly a health/habitat/cleanliness issue around the cleanliness/dirtiness/ of OWS tent cities and encampments. Are these issues of cleanliness relevant to the OWS agendas? Moreover, I am concerned about the sustainability of this," movement without leadership". Will the political capital that has resulted from this movement be utilized in an efficient manner so that the economic and educational issues which impact the 99% are addressed? Why do the OWS participants continue to function without a clear-cut organizational structure? Whatever happens to this movement in the future, OWS has made its' presence felt and known all over the world. Kudos to those participants for taking the first step in making a difference.

[-] 1 points by Decoy4924 (44) 13 years ago

So I was thinking maybe we should hit Congress next by redefining voting lines in states. Currently the lines are set to make safe areas for congress so they don't have to be worried about being voted out. Without the worry of opposition they don't need to listen to there voters. By making congress worry for there jobs we can start to get some real changes made around here. CNN did an article on this. http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/18/politics/gerrymandering/index.html

[-] 1 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 13 years ago

some people dont seem to know why people are in the streets. These people didnt lose their jobs, houses, investments and dont understand why people are pissed off. I'll spell it out for you. Private money has bought our government. Our government no longer serves the public. We want private money out of our government so we can function as a nation. This is a transcendent belief of individuals across boundaries of person and representation. It is true this is a generalized statement, but there are only a hand full of laws that to be repealed (i.e. glass steagall). And we know what ones those are. The secondary demands are those of the right sof our citizens to be restored. This too is painfully obvious. repeal the patriot act for starter. If you find the OWS too ambiguous for your tastes please visit their homepage, http://occupywallst.org/ OWS shouldn't have to make specific demands of our elected officials. It is their job to identify and protect the public from threats foreign and domestic. So I guess really we are demanding our elected officials do their jobs! But I would also say that it would be wise to expect a political party to rise from this. However the power of OWS is in it's ability to function without a leader per se. OWS's current goal is to spread awareness about the problems of current politcial system; not to take responsibility for it since we already have a government who supposed to do that. We demand their accountability. But it is unlikely the government will do that unless forced. So I would expect a more focused approach to emerge soon.

[-] 1 points by Bayraba (24) 13 years ago

Watch "Thrive" to see how to change the world: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI2LGmZ_EP4

[-] 1 points by smiledocNM (3) from Alamogordo, NM 13 years ago

Does anyone know whether anything is being organized to facilitate the rise of potential political candidates out of this movement? So many tea party crackpots were elected last year. I think it's our turn to vote Occupy candidates into office next year, and take our democracy back. If anyone has information on this, please email me at richardowen6@gmail.com Thanks!!

[-] 1 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by nimbus22 (106) from Chaska, MN 13 years ago

I wish I could have been there.

[-] 1 points by angreeretiree (1) 13 years ago

ou claim to leaderless and it shows. You, the Movement, are blowing the real ability for reforms. Did the recent banking and securities reform legislation go far enough and if not why, and what needs to be done.Name and bring forward a squeaky clean leader or small committee with a list of what went wrong, who did it, why, and exact steps to fix the abuses. Put out a call to us retired business people to assist or be a part of the above suggested committee or be advisers to the leadership. Retirees will get involved because we have the time, the ability and we got screwed really bad.

[-] 1 points by Justice4all (133) 13 years ago

The most secretive truth the top earners spread as fear but never want us to grasp is that--they believe and practice socialism on a biblical scale! If the rest of the world catches on that socialism is the best way to help every man woman and child--their reign will be over!! They spread it as communism--which it in no way is--as they have well known and have used it to enslave the rest of us to their sheer economic and worldly power over the rest if the world.

[-] 1 points by bobd2 (1) 13 years ago

Google is the worst tax scammer of all. You may have invested in it and you may use it, but it is just another big fish on-line megabillion dollar company owned by big fish megabillionaires and megamillionaires. Google is a company that successfully avoids paying Federal Income Tax, because it is all about making money for their owners and has absolutely NO SENSE of ethics, integrity, or contributing to America in anyway. It is the 0.001%.

[-] 1 points by bettydonnelly (115) 13 years ago

Central Park belongs to the people. You should demonstrate for space there. Start at Bloombergs House. Hire off duty NYPD to provide security.

[-] 1 points by italia317 (1) 13 years ago

....so what did all this accomplish?

[-] 1 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

It got me to thinking. I bet it got a few other people to think. Thought is good. Conversations around the world about how things could be better. Let's make a better world. Today.

[-] 1 points by JJN (2) from Tarifa, AL 13 years ago

The system is now insotenible, they know it.

But think to empty their pockets before it makes crack.

Let us fight for a system for people, the system is coordinated for the rich to make more money.

Viva The evolution!!

[-] 1 points by koali (0) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Carlos Rivera's story - this is tough to hear. But I know someone tougher. So do you.

[-] 1 points by sam101 (2) 13 years ago

OCCUPY WALLSTREET FOLKS - Please oppose the exploitation of US citizens.. As companies hire cheap H1 and VISA folks in our country inplace of American CItizens..We can solve all our crisis if we can cancel all these Visa folks and send them Home and let US citizens take that JOBS..Please Help us in Achieveing American Dream of Americans..

I oppose H.R.3012 - Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, and am tracking it using OpenCongress.org, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.

stand with the US citizens dear senators represtntatives..stand with them aganist there exploitation by the companies here in our home...Our Citizens with hefty student loans are out of work..our younger genration are starving because there parents don't have jobs...Our veterans are out of JOB...At the sametime companies hire VISA HOLDERS FOR work in our country...Indian and American companies..Do u know how many visa holders are working in our country in H1, L1 and EAD..there are 6 Million of these folks 95% from India and China..Do you know Indians companies in USA employ 1 Million Visa Holders mainly from INDIA..99% of these companies employ Visa Holders..they don't hire a single American...Fight for that people..Stop the discrimination against American Citizens..ALL Indian companies in USA hire only Indians or VISA holders..they just don;t hire an america..Take any example of Indian and American consulting BIG and small companies..Top 10 Indian IT and consulting companies employ more than 1 Million VISA holders in USA in H1, L1 B1 EAD and they have less 100 employees (mainly in admin work as receeptionist) as US citizens..same case for American companies...where WE GO ..FIGHT FOR THAT PEOPLE..SEND THESE VISA HOLDERS HOME..CANCEL THERE work permit..we will prosper again..fight for the real cause OCCUPY WALLSTREET FOLKS..Fight against these injustice people..Fight to Increase THERE VISA FEES TO 30k/year SO COMAPNIES CANNOT BRING IN CHEAP WORKERS BUT ONLY BRIGHT AND BEST CANDIDATES TO WORK HERE BY PAYING THE premium..We need people from across the world..across different race..Talent is everywhere in the world..But the scenario is perosn in Germany, France, Africa and Australia wants to come and work here cannot do that because for the last 10 years 95% of all Workd Visa listed above is taken over by Indians and Chinease..In 2011 even though our presideNt INCREASED THE VISA FEES TO $2000 , 82000 OUT OF 85000 IS FILLED BY NOW WHEN AN AVERGAE AMERICA CITIZENS IS HAVING DIFFICULTY IN MEETING ENDS MEET..stop this injustice..Cancell all these work visa's or increase there yearly fees to 30,000/ANnum so that corporates should be just replace an american worker with a CHEAP OVERSEAS WORKER

[-] 1 points by alainfrombelgium (3) 13 years ago

Never forget Without us they're nothing Without them we're everything

[-] 1 points by alainfrombelgium (3) 13 years ago

the dictatorship of money seriously harms public health !!! ANOTHER WORLD NOW !!!

[-] 1 points by Skullkandii (0) 13 years ago

This was great but we need to do something more direct to address this problem. Congressmen and a large majority of people in this country are captured by special interests that rule media and policies. To change this we must exercise the only power we have left in this dying democracy. That is the power of not voting. In a real democracy each vote is equal, but in our simulacrum of democracy those who are represented are not those whose votes are the majority. What is represented today is wealth in the form of campaign contributions. However votes are still the mean through which the promises of campaign contributions become actualized into policies that ultimately harm our country and the working class. Thus the only way to change things is by not voting. This most certainly means that the next president and congress will be Republican, but this also inexorably signifies that those who will be voted out, or better, not revoted in, will begin to listen. We should only vote for those who do not receive contributions from big interests groups. There are thousands of us who are willing to support them. We do not need TV ads and trips to cities. This is the 21st century- we have social media and electorate campaigns need to go back to the people. Civil disobedience is not only protesting. The greatest form of civil disobedience is to abstain our votes. Only then the people who think they have our support just because they profess democracy will know that they do not until they bring democracy back.

Incidentally after reading some comments I was really appalled by the ignorance of people. The next thing that must be reformed if we truly want a civil society is education. We cannot be denying reality. it is time to go back to facts and reason. We live in a country that is ignorant of history where opinions have taken over facts. This needs to change or we will continue having people who elect captured politicians who are actually ruling against the interests of those who 'elected' them. One blatant example is the comment, read over and over, that OWS people should go to "China" if they do not like capitalism. Capitalism is not a form of government- Capitalism is an economic mean of production. China has a capitalistic economy. This is exactly why we are now in these problems, people are ignorant. People don't understand facts, people cant articulate concepts. The capitalism we have is hardly capitalism. It is corporatism. In a real capitalistic economy those who create the means of production should not necessitate the continuous help and support of government. We need to reform. the first step is not to vote, do not vote for Obama, do not vote for your congressmen. Send them the message that either they change or we wont support their votes. Left and right do not matter- what it matters is democracy and we have to fight to get it back.

[-] 1 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

There are other ways to vote. Lots of names on the ballot. Not voting is to be silent. We will be heard. Our voices will ring loud enough to be heard. Vote. Vote for someone who will make the changes for a more just society. They may not win. But, be heard.

[-] 1 points by sykikstatik (1) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

Thank you thank you thank you, to all Occupiers everywhere. Thank you for your vision. Thank you for putting on display our collective Imagination and Sensitivity and Intelligence. Thank you for demonstrating our faith in a positively collaborative civilization. Thank you for shining the klieg lights on the insanity and slavery of blind consumerism. For those of us still caught in the script of the old system, who cannot find a way to join you in the streets, please know how much intent and excitement and encouragement accompanies you. Know that each and everyone of you speaks for thousands more, still silent, stifled and trapped. Your actions are incredibly important to us. You are in service to Humanity, and Humanity is showering you with love in response. Limitless gratitude goes out to you. Thank you.

[-] 1 points by SirDudeGuyFella (1) from Winter Park, FL 13 years ago

I watched the live feeds and read the blogs and subreddits all day yesterday. You all have moved me to tears. Keep it up. I can't be with you in body but I'm with you in spirit. Keep strong for those of us who can't be there. Thank you. Truly. Thank you.

[-] 1 points by Winterhawk (-1) from Mt Kisco, NY 13 years ago

We KICKED ASS!!! Veni, vidi, vici!!!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Keep on fueling the fire, Bloomberg and NYPD..... because this movement WILL continue to grow.

[-] 1 points by JosephCouture (45) 13 years ago

There is always hope. There is always a way. Read about the stubborn determination of average Joe 99 percent to overcome obstacles in his path here:

www.josephcouture.com “Obstruction To Paradise”

[-] 1 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

Boy, i feel so with you Carlos, my blood is boiling, cause ive been there. No job, walking alone in the cold snowed streets and desperate. You dont leave your home Carlos, stay put and gather occupiers around you. Find a lawyer to press charges against boa and demand to be bailed out just as they did! You dont leave your home, and they cannot commit murders, have the occupiers tape everything if necessary!

[-] 1 points by sam101 (2) 13 years ago

OCCUPY WALLSTREET FOLKS - Please oppose the exploitation of US citizens.. As companies hire cheap H1 and VISA folks in our country inplace of American CItizens..We can solve all our crisis if we can cancel all these Visa folks and send them Home and let US citizens take that JOBS..Please Help us in Achieveing American Dream of Americans..

I oppose H.R.3012 - Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, and am tracking it using OpenCongress.org, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.

stand with the US citizens dear senators represtntatives..stand with them aganist there exploitation by the companies here in our home...Our Citizens with hefty student loans are out of work..our younger genration are starving because there parents don't have jobs...Our veterans are out of JOB...At the sametime companies hire VISA HOLDERS FOR work in our country...Indian and American companies..Do u know how many visa holders are working in our country in H1, L1 and EAD..there are 6 Million of these folks 95% from India and China..Do you know Indians companies in USA employ 1 Million Visa Holders mainly from INDIA..99% of these companies employ Visa Holders..they don't hire a single American...Fight for that people..Stop the discrimination against American Citizens..ALL Indian companies in USA hire only Indians or VISA holders..they just don;t hire an america..Take any example of Indian and American consulting BIG and small companies..Top 10 Indian IT and consulting companies employ more than 1 Million VISA holders in USA in H1, L1 B1 EAD and they have less 100 employees (mainly in admin work as receeptionist) as US citizens..same case for American companies...where WE GO ..FIGHT FOR THAT PEOPLE..SEND THESE VISA HOLDERS HOME..CANCEL THERE work permit..we will prosper again..fight for the real cause OCCUPY WALLSTREET FOLKS..Fight against these injustice people..Fight to Increase THERE VISA FEES TO 30k/year SO COMAPNIES CANNOT BRING IN CHEAP WORKERS BUT ONLY BRIGHT AND BEST CANDIDATES TO WORK HERE BY PAYING THE premium..We need people from across the world..across different race..Talent is everywhere in the world..But the scenario is perosn in Germany, France, Africa and Australia wants to come and work here cannot do that because for the last 10 years 95% of all Workd Visa listed above is taken over by Indians and Chinease..In 2011 even though our presideNt INCREASED THE VISA FEES TO $2000 , 82000 OUT OF 85000 IS FILLED BY NOW WHEN AN AVERGAE AMERICA CITIZENS IS HAVING DIFFICULTY IN MEETING ENDS MEET..stop this injustice..Cancell all these work visa's or increase there yearly fees to 30,000/ANnum so that corporates should be just replace an american worker with a CHEAP OVERSEAS WORKER

[-] 1 points by vats (107) 13 years ago

Long live america , down with companies sending jobs abroad, bring back jobs back to america,

[-] 1 points by thebiggleone (1) 13 years ago

I like this picture summing up the bankers resistance to Occupy Wall Street http://worlddominationplan.com/bailout.jpg

[-] 1 points by hattiecat (5) 13 years ago

Photoshop is a wonderful thing!

[-] 1 points by SuzannahBTroy (10) 13 years ago

Bloomberg and his mini-me serve a term in jail! Surprise Billionaire media tries to make OWS movement out as nothing = scared!! Here isnews from our protest - but 1st. Bloomberg Rubenstein Quinn Murdoch have taken John Liu out. Check my blog on John Liu dead man walking - they want Quinn bloomberg puppet as mayor.

solidarity protest with OWS and their health care division came out.  6th Precinct left us completely alone.

http://youtu.be/xkGvTLJloMk I just made this and I am in it --- The Rudins got very ugly and cruel sending security to get us off their private property I screamed them away shaming them, slam Quinn, Bloomberg etc.

there are a series of youtubes I made tonight and blog posts. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJoHO65Zwc0

empty chairs with names  Howard Rubenstein is saved for last and accused of controlling media and politicians - empty chairs include Cuomo, AG, Health Commissioner, christine quinn,  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfBRjA-6Bmw

Louis Flores organizer summing up the protest

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbW89rHHv6Y 15 second youtube

OWS Health Care  joins us die in http://youtu.be/Do5LP1s5gbQ

on my blog photo of Sandra with amazing art of her "big" cookie. http://suzannahbtroy.blogspot.com/ you have to scroll down for some photos

We still have a wrongly fired NY1 camera non union man fired for allegedly staging us the protestors in front of Rudin Sales office

HOW SAD, SICKENING AND DISTURBING THE NY TIMES NY POST NYDN PROTECT THE RUDIN FAMILY profits and will not report the fact the People are furious and they want a condo. Rudin's profit People Die!

[-] 1 points by bohratom (22) 13 years ago

Wow facts here are about as bad as Fox News does them. That 32,500 figure that people here keep relaying is from some guy on ows chat that he heard police say 32,500 on the scanner. First I listened to the scanner the entire day/night and the only number police used were "hundreds" or "thousands" when trying to move police to cover the protestors. They would never use a number like 32,500. I mean just think about that, police are going to estimate a moving flow like this a use a number with a 500 in it. Its just comical to see ows take some bogus claim from someone on ows chat and then make that their "fact" for all their stories.

Reminds me of the tea party when they said they had 250,000 in DC last year and official crowd reports were around 25,000. Ill do the same here and say after listening to the the police scanner, when they used the term afew thousand moving to the bridge, that around 3000 participated in NYC.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

If people really believe it was only hundreds there, then they are completely ignorant and lacking any intelligence at all. All you have to do is WATCH the coverage on MSNBC to see the REAL story.

[-] 1 points by smith6john (34) 13 years ago

I know what you are doing!

[-] 1 points by deacent (3) 13 years ago

It's really great that people are finally coming together again to express their frustrations. Thank you to the peaceful people in the Occupy movement for that. But eventually messages will need to translate into action.

If we really want things to change, you and I need to change. Before that happens, we need to understand who we should be angry at and how they get their money. We need to do research on this and get it published in an easy-to-use format. Who are the companies that provide the fuel for this abuse of power? Through what channels does the money of every-day consumers wind through to end up in their coffers? How does that translate to locality? Once we know that, we need to figure out what can be boycotted to get their attention.

One thing we can all do right now is write to your representatives about specific concerns you have. Advocate for campaign finance reform. Given a hard choice between campaign dollars and votes, a politician will take votes every time.

Now more than ever, it is so important to cast an informed vote. Refuse to vote for the polished, Madison Avenue produced campaign. If there's no competition, run or encourage someone you believe would make a good candidate to run. Vote for a candidate that isn't being promoted with a lot of money but you could still live with as a representative. Don't worry about throwing your vote away by doing this. Maybe someone will notice if we all throw our votes away.

[-] 1 points by wiseone60 (3) 13 years ago

it was awsome ..keep up the good work ..more will awaken to the truth

[-] 1 points by yoss33 (269) 13 years ago

Well done New York Occupyers. Keep it up.

[-] 1 points by theMISCisHere (-1) 13 years ago

Awesome pics. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin' huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.

[-] 1 points by dakota (62) from Canton, MI 13 years ago

I wonder if there is a plan to invite all of the Occupy Movements to converge on NYC? I thought perhaps funds collected could be used to pay for buses to carry in Occupiers from other cities. Of course, they could also contribute themselves to such an event. It would be amazing to get hundreds of thousands to converge on Wall Street and to demand the resignation of a corrupt mayor, Michael Bloomberg. I want to see this movement accomplish what has been accomplished elsewhere - the removal (or stepping down) of corrupted politicians!!!

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I think that's a neat idea, but I also think it's important to keep Occupy movements going throughout the country to keep it strong and growing.

BTW, howdy, neighbor!

[-] 1 points by dakota (62) from Canton, MI 13 years ago

I agree. I would just like to see the Occupy Movement demonstrate that the 99% can decide whether or not Wall Street is open for business. It isn't up to Mayor Bloomberg, and it isn't up to the police. THE PEOPLE DECIDE!!! Unfortunately, the politicians in the country corrupted democracy. From what I have seen, OWS is democracy in action.

Have you participated in the Ann Arbor Occupy?

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I haven't participated yet in OccupyAnn Arbor or OccupyDetroit. Have you? I've been really busy lately but want to get more involved.

[-] 1 points by belltor (60) 13 years ago

should occupy federal justice dept until the indite and prosecute all those involved in mortgage securities fraud

[-] 1 points by kikz (2) 13 years ago

why is there no OWS presence at '33 Liberty St, NYC' home of the Fed????

[-] 1 points by turkish (1) from Istanbul, Istanbul 13 years ago

Advises from a non-american point of view : 1- Replace hippies and white trash out of the group with white americans in. 2- Keep signs like these going http://thejunction.net/blog-images/jumpfuckers.jpg 3- Put politics out, economy facts into the signs. 4- Prepare a short inspring video (like a chant) to post on youtube 5- Tell people how less educated US citizens are compared to a 3rd world citizen in science, maths etc. to keep people sleeping. It's not suprizing that most doctors have non-us origins 6- Prepare for casualties.

[-] 1 points by creepshow (1) 13 years ago

:-) Keith Olbermann talks Bloomberg...


[-] 1 points by zorbaka2 (61) 13 years ago

It seems like you are grossly exaggerating the numbers. Either that or news media is under estimating. They said Maybe a thousand. It made you look bad. I think a strategy Session is seriously needed. The protests get attention but It is time to move on to some real ways toward change or Independents will not support you. Maybe some political Candidates for office.

[-] 1 points by mikal2k (20) from New Rochelle, NY 13 years ago

Dear Brandon Watts, Like any real hero you are far from perfect, yet you embody the times you live in perfectly. Thank you for all you've done and for what you've sacrificed. Keep it up! One suggestion, since you are forced to spend some time in jail- write a book. I'm dying to read it, and can't wait to see what's in the new chapters. Yours in Peace- Uncle Mike Occupy

[-] 1 points by imnot99 (-1) 13 years ago

Wheres my comment?? Is this censoring freedom of speech??

[-] 1 points by mm2kay (6) 13 years ago

Repost this:

Funny how the Mayors against illegal guns is an organization lead by Bloomberg. The Cities that had hard crack downs on occupations are the same mayors that are part of this organization...

Fact is when the gov't takes your rights away, including your right to bear arms. You're going to get oppressed.

[-] 1 points by AmericanGovernmentAgent (5) 13 years ago

1% envies U! U cockroaches ! Heh!

[-] 1 points by DonHawkins (37) 13 years ago


Nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning.

Guess these so called leaders think everybody has been living under a rock can hardly wait for some great wisdom and knowledge today Newt are you a two faced lying dog who speaks with forked tongue? Did anybody see Jon Stewart last night well Jon I for one don't watch wimps............

[-] 1 points by apato (6) 13 years ago

www.theindignados.org - Are you one of us ?

[-] 1 points by ediblescape (235) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Edwin (47) from Anseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 13 years ago

I so wish I could be there. I spread the news day and night!!! We will win.

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

Win what?

[-] 1 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

The chance to be heard.

[-] 1 points by badconduct (550) 13 years ago

Serve you what? Fine bottled wine, on ice with a gold rimmed glass?

[-] 1 points by benfrie (12) 13 years ago

and police were seen taking one protester, Brandon Watts, 20 - his face covered in blood - out of Zuccotti after the scary incident.


[-] 1 points by msmikestew35 (11) 13 years ago

There is nothing more changeable than human psychology. That's especially because the psyche of the masses, like Thalatta, the eternal sea, always bears within it every latent possibility: deathly stillness and raging storm, the basest cowardice and the wildest heroism. The masses are always what they must be according to the circumstances of the times, and they are always on the verge of becoming something totally different from what they seem to be. - Rosa Luxemburg, German socialist revolutionary

[-] 1 points by KC2IFR (1) 13 years ago

I just saw the interview with Peter King on CNN.......what a moron he is.....people like him in our government make me sick........he is part of the problem.....a BIG part..........

[-] 1 points by benfrie (12) 13 years ago



[-] 0 points by leoneo (76) 13 years ago

That is great that 30,000 people marched in NYC today, but what did it acomplish? I have hear nothing of results since this movement began. Can anyone tell what progress has been made. And I mean real progress not a wacked out version of someones reality.

[-] 1 points by ARealNewYorker (227) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Well, what would a result look like at this point? Despite the slogan, there's still only a small group of people down at any given Occupy, compared to the general population. We don't have the numbers, and we certainly don't have the political or economic force to bring about any quick changes, so I don't think, at this point, that the absence of any change of laws speaks against us. I mean, the protests to stop the Iraq war were significantly larger than this, and they didn't stop a recalcitrant administration from going ahead with it.

On the other hand, we've got growing support from the American population, even in the face of an enormous campaign against us from the right wing and nominally-liberal media - I don't even need to say anything about Fox; but the Daily News (which is supposedly a liberal tabloid) and CNN through their darling Erin Burnett tried really hard to discredit us (Daily News called for our expulsion from the park, despite the fact that polls were showing a great majority of New Yorkers supported us). And it says a lot if you look at the sea-change in discussion in the political world (from the debt to actually addressing unemployment; yeah, we still have work to do on actually getting congress to talk about banking fraud, let alone restructuring trade laws). They may only be paying lip-service, but they're doing it because they know people are listening. And that's something, especially since, for the past 30 years, any public discussion of rampant predatory capitalism was met with the charge of "socialism" (which they still use against us, just as much as they do stereotypes about how we're all jobless and worthless). It's not much defined in terms of changing the rules, but it's something necessary to getting those rules changed - until larger groups of people start demanding changes in favor of more equitable regulations, then it won't happen. And I think you can say pretty surely that we have started to get the ball rolling on that.

[-] 0 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

For god's sake the banks paid back the bailouts!! Freddy and Franny are the real culprits! They are still asking for more money, $6B last week alone. Get your facts right! General Motors still owes us $80B so go ask all Chevy owners to pay up!

[-] 1 points by ARealNewYorker (227) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

I usually don't respond to trolls, but what the hell. This is typical bullshit - nothing like a moron who spouts one fact without the context and then asks us to "get the facts right." Here are a few facts:

  1. There is an Occupy Detroit. So we are demanding something from the automotive industry. That doesn't mean the banking industry isn't at fault, too. I suppose you'll object that we're not really protesting that, either, because we haven't occupied every Bank of America branch in the country.

  2. Yes, the banks mostly paid back the TARP, at least according to government estimates as of 2010 (several other reputable sources have varying accounts of how much has actually gone back - the NY Times says there's an outstanding 480 billion, CNNMoney has it at 357 billion outstanding, and Pro Publica has it at 239 billion; aren't you the kind of guy who ordinarily distrusts the government? Also, more reason to distrust: several sources have suggested that the actual bailout money issued was closer to 4.4 trillion, coming from the Fed, which is only a quasi-governmental agency, anyway). a. There is a projected $10 bil surplus. So what's the interest that we've reaped for that? $10 bil over 2 years on a loan just south of $700 billion is less than 1%; most of us have an APR on credit cards issued by these very banks that's north of 15%. b. The banks received this money at practically no interest in large part because their salesmen (Paulson, et al) blackmailed the government into giving them it. According to the rules of capitalism, they should have received nothing, and their businesses should have failed. Instead, they've managed even further to concentrate their power (e.g. B of A buying up Merrill Lynch, etc.), and all of the major execs got huge bonuses for failing. c. They bear primary responsibility for tanking the economy (see my response below to your stupid claim that it's all Freddy and Fanny) - they got rich, and now our economic structure is screwed beyond belief (let's all wait to see what happens when the Euro crashes - most of our banks have huge holdings overseas). They're sitting on trillions and not loaning a lot of it out, and when they do, it's at a significantly larger rate than they did before. d. Their crony lobbyists are now, after all of this, still trying to eliminate the very few regulations we have in place against them. So after they've fucked us all, they're back to bitching and moaning about how their taxes are too high and there are too many regulations (I'd suggest you consult the World Bank's recent "Doing Business" report before saying the US is too highly regulated for businesses to move shop here; it says a lot about the banking industry). But you can go ahead and complain that we're all whiners.

  3. Fanny and Freddy have some responsibility for all this, but it's not primary, let alone sole responsibility. They issue securities, they don't make loans No one forces a bank to issue a loan (the Community Reinvestment Act only requires FDIC insured institutions to apply the same standards to all borrowers - it doesn't force banks to go out and issue loans to everyone; the law itself only applies to retail banks, anyway, not to Wall Street investment houses or to mortgage companies like Countrywide (which actively sought out risky borrowers and fed them misinformation about the loans, neither of which things are mandated in the CRA) - in 2006, over 80% of subprime mortgages were written by private unregulated lenders).

  4. Most of us have jobs. We're concerned with rampant unemployment. Official estimates put it at 14 million (and that's for ANY employment - it includes people who are only able to find part-time work). At the same time, there are an estimated 3 million unfilled job positions in the states. So, yeah, some people can go out and "get jobs," but where does that leave the other 11 million?

Get your own facts straight, troll.


[-] 0 points by chrislovesdana (0) 13 years ago

How many Mexicans are occupying wall street? None. Do you know why? They're out working hard and doing whatever it takes to support their families. Now all of you under 30, on-line community manager wanna-bes take some notes, get a skill and do something useful.


The Man.

P.S. Hang up and drive.

[-] 0 points by flang23 (47) 13 years ago

OWS was so awesome yesterday! I started the day doing drugs as usual, then I screamed and yelled at a bunch of children going to school, then I defecated against a car, made terrorist threats against Macys and finally threw a brick at a cop! I'm a hero!




[-] 0 points by ruthie (2) 13 years ago

Nobody is listening to your message because you are so disorganized. All we see are people defacating in public places, rape, overdoses, violence, and squalor. If your organization actually protested about unemployment, lower taxes, and improved health care, people would listen. We don't need anymore big government or free handouts.

[-] 0 points by ruthie (2) 13 years ago

Nobody is paying attention to your message because people are so disorganized. All we see are are people defacating in public places, rape, violence, overdoses, and squalor. No one wants big government, higher taxes, and unemployment. If you protested about more jobs, improved health care, and lower taxes in a civil way, people would take notice.

[-] 0 points by mikex911 (1) 13 years ago

Everyone keeps complaining about not being able to get money to start a small business bc the banks are holding all the money. First of all this doesn't make sense bc the banks wouldn't make any money if they didn't loan it out. But then you have people that think they should get the banks money just bc they want to open a business or bc they feel they need it. No one has ever loaned money to a start up company just to help someone out, 30 years ago or current day. There's no secret conspiracy of rich men that say they are going to sit on all the money. As bad as it sounds, America was not built on people giving other people money to help them out. America was built and is still being built on people loaning money to people or small businesses in an effort to get a return. This is a flawless system. This is what weeds out the bad ideas from the good ideas. If you want to start a business that will be successfull and you can show how/why it is going to be successfull you will not have any problem getting a bank or anyone with money to loan it to you. It wouldn't make sense not to provide this company with capital. If they want to loan it to you at an unfair rate then there will be someone next door that will under cut them bc they will see that they can get a return on their money. The ones that loan their money to this company also deserves to receive a return on their money since they took on the risk of loaning it out. This is competition. Competition breeds quality. Banks will compete on their rate to loan the money out until the rate is fair for the risk they are taking on. This is what America was built on, not hand outs. This Occupy BS is asking for handouts to people that aren't offering any value. The system is flawless if someone is offering something of value that others want. By the way, I am one of the 99% and I understand this. Is there really that many people out there that don't get it.

[-] 0 points by anonymouse (154) 13 years ago

it's so true: “You can’t evict an idea whose time has come!” last night i felt hopefully optimistic that change will come because its time truly has come. the business as usual politics of big donors agendas crowding out the concerns of citizen voters has to stop. even big business has to understand that if we lose our jobs, our income, housing & healthcare we're not going to buy their goods & services. the current system isn't working for anyone, and even the 1% understands now. nobody wants to see our beautiful country devolve into chaos, but that's the path we're on unless people once again feel they have a stake in the system.

[-] 0 points by Ocu4trash (0) from White Haven, PA 13 years ago

Gosh I'm sick of the occupiers......I make very little each year and im not complaining or looking for handouts. I work for what I got. Your movement will do nothing. We hard working americans will just move on with or without you

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

If you are content to suffer in silence, so be it, but don't hate the people who are standing up for themselves...

[-] 0 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

methinks you are projecting. You assume that everyone is suffering in silence who is not marching with you or occupying public spaces or not writing here in support of you? How arrogant.

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

No, I see the tension between what the person is dealing with and what is actually possible...

[-] 1 points by chango (26) 13 years ago

don't be a troll

[-] 0 points by iworkhardyoushouldtoo (-5) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street - I'm all for protesting but you gotta find the time to take a shower. How will you ever find jobs smelling the way you do? :)







[-] 0 points by the101stpercent (5) from Westhampton, NY 13 years ago

If OWS was the 99%, over 300 million American's would be protesting.

But for some reason, less than 100,000 are protesting, WORLDWIDE (32,500 in NY * 30 world cities = 975000....this is probably high since most protests didnt have 30,000+).

So OWS is actually the .003% (975000 / 307000000 = .003). Please stop claiming to speak for people who have no affiliation with you.

[-] 1 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

I believe you are just speaking for yourself. Each individual OWS is speaking for him/her self. We are our own voice. I hear you. You sound like you are O.K. with short life span products meant to be used and replaced for profit. Peoples jobs being reduced to part-time just so the corporation doesn't have to give benefits. I respect your opinion. My voice will be heard. Their voices are being heard. Or, you would not have commented. We are being heard. Even, you are being heard.

[-] 0 points by keithill (3) 13 years ago


The people who criticize capitalism are the people who do not understand it.

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

The people who truly understood capitalism would do more than criticize it....

[-] 0 points by Spade2 (478) 13 years ago

OWS needs centralized leadership, or it will fail, history shows us this. It would be very sad for a movent with legitimate ideas, large support, and huge potential to die because they lack leadership. Right now, many occupiers are divided because they don't have definite goals and it's giving the 1% the advantage. For the movement to achieve actual change and get Americans out of poverty and corporations out of our politics, they need to centralize their leadership and filter out the counterproductive anarchists and Marxists.

[-] 2 points by OWSClarity (8) 13 years ago

This is a great comment. I have been trying to fuse it all together but it is so difficult. Right now, it is full of emotion and rage. But no clear direction. if we get a list of demands, we can present this to the nation. Right now, people are not taking it seriously and it is getting bad press. We need to be clear with what we want.

[-] 0 points by Ipsophakto (24) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Wow, so....people here are suggesting a spending freeze. Exactly how does that help you and the rest of the 99% when the government is running a deficit? Furthermore, how is the government supposed to pay for all that "free" education you keep demanding?

Why is economic illiteracy so pervasive with members of OWS?

Eat the rich? Stop spending? Get ready for a crash diet - and for the harsh lesson of cutting off your face to spite your face: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=661pi6K-8WQ

[-] 1 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

Freeze spending! Where? Big box large corporation greedy corrupt businesses. So where do I buy what I need? Buy local. Every dollar used wisely, makes a world change. Bring down corporations. Loose your job when they crash. Let the change happen. A new world will be born and it will be worth the head ache. Don't whine. Embrace the change. Local businesses will begin to thrive and when they do, you will have a good job with a decent boss and great benefits. Be the change.


[-] 0 points by keepthinkingamerica (2) 13 years ago

PROTEST THE GOVERMENT! You are protesting the wrong people!!!

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

that's right we should be protesting the gov't alone because the economy and the state have nothing to do with each other! brilliant analysis/!


[-] 0 points by JimNix (0) 13 years ago

What is everybody bitching about? I love it here. I have a job, a house, a car, a full belly and nobody is shooting at me.

[-] 1 points by lehmanck (1) 13 years ago

JimNox, you and your family are fired ippn daily with an endless barage of toxins emitted by toxic profit corporations overseen by corrupted regulators not enforcing laws weakened by corrupted politicians bought by those souless single purpose for profit billionaires. 1/2 of all men will get cancer. 1/3 of women will too. Oil companies pursue their profits without regard forthe colateral damage.





[-] 0 points by dantes443322 (148) 13 years ago

Awesome. OWS support slips even further.

[-] 0 points by occupyfreedom (1) 13 years ago

ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! SOPA can STOP OWS in its tracks.

The Stop Internet Piracy (SOPA) was introduced in the House of Representatives "TWO WEEKS AGO", and while it does very little to stop piracy, it gives corporations and District Attorneys unprecedented power to censor almost any site on the internet. SOPA allows the Attorney General to cut off sites from the domain name system, virtually disappearing them from the web - the "SUDDEN Internet death" as many have called it and cut off an "alleged" infringing websites' money supply - until proven INNOCENT. This bill would put the US government and its local affiliates in the very position we criticise repressive regimes for doing - all in the name of copyright".

Copyright (c) Trevor Timm is an activist and blogger for the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He specialises in free speech issues and government transparency. The views expressed here are his own. Read the full text here: http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2011/11/20111116141248301243.html

Please take a note of the SOPA bill at your earliest and spread the word. Last nite I checked every radio station in NY and none were relaying any information about OWS except for FM 99.5 in NY and ofcourse social media. With access to social media and websites - OWS can not network or communicate.




[-] 0 points by Dzehenuti (15) 13 years ago

GOD is with us.

[-] 0 points by propsdir (25) 13 years ago

I don't believe The numbers of people at the protest were that high yesterday. It was also a day of shame that the real 99% had their lives disrupted by protestors for nothing other than the protestors are self-centered.

School children were frightened and threatened by people exposing themselves, others deficating in public. What utter shame on you.

[-] 1 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago

Any large group of protestors will be infested with a few people who are there for apposing reasons. I am sorry the march was joined by some who did not have a reason for being there other than chaos. To comment on your other concern...Unfortunately one of the best ways to wake up someone who has been zombified / encourage those too afraid to join / and be heard yourself, is to disrupt. The marchers are truly doing their best to be peaceful in their disruption.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Um.... apparently you missed the camera shots of the THOUSANDS who were there.

[-] 1 points by Tellmebouttherabbits (1) 13 years ago

Really? There was pooping in the streets? Dang! I missed it...

[-] 0 points by MeSoHorny (1) 13 years ago

Overall the list represents a nice cross-section of Scripture and tells an uplifting story of God’s work in the world. He created it (Gen. 1:1); calls us to trust and submit to him, not conform to it (Prov. 3:5-6; Rom. 12:2); loves it enough to save it (John 3:16); and commissions us to traverse all of it making disciples (Matt. 28:19). From this list we learn that when most people turn to Scripture, they’re often looking for encouragement. They cling to these verses trusting that God is working for their good (Rom. 8:28), giving them strength (Phil. 4:13), planning their hopeful future (Jer. 29:11), and calming their anxieties by answering their requests (Phil. 4:6). If nothing else, these results help those of us who regularly preach and teach the Bible understand how many Christians and even non-Christians use the Bible.

Let me mention an omission. Maybe you caught it, too. Knowing the whole Bible and not just the most-searched passages, you realize that the absence is glaring. You won’t learn from this list why God needs to redeem the world he created. You won’t learn why his love is so significant. You won’t find any warning of what’s to come if you don’t believe. In short, you won’t read about our sin and God’s wrath. Actually, you need to follow the list all the way down to #19 and #20 to find sin. At #19, 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” And #20 reads, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”

[-] 3 points by marlinls (6) 13 years ago

Dont forget: Matthew 21:12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,

[-] 1 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

You're quoting bible passages and your nickname is "MeSoHorny"? That is twisted.

[-] 0 points by StopOWS (50) 13 years ago

OWS should start to focus on politicans. That's where the real problem is. We have representatives that don't represent, they do what ever they want and it's usually only about themselves.

They make the rules for Wall Street and they get rich doing it. Being a politician isn't about the people any more. Hasn't been for a long time. Look at all the money pols are making on insider trading according to 60 Minutes report last Sunday. And they're arrogant doing it.

You guys are trying to get jobs and stop corruption but your pols are trying to get rich and the hell with you. Attack corruption where it starts, at the top. I'm not talking about just Democrats, it's all of them. Bush is gone, concentrate on NOW.

Look at all the pols who currently have charges against them. There are tons of them and we can't get them out of office. They just slap them on the wrist and it's business as usual.

You want to protest? Great but do it another way. March on politicians offices until they get the message that they work for you. Make them do their jobs. Then I'll retire my username and join you.


[-] 0 points by MeSoHorny (1) 13 years ago

Look for bristle worms at night with a flashlight to see if they are present in your tank.  Feeding the tank in the evening will sometimes cause them to come out and feed.

Capturing large bristleworms, if you desire to do so, can be difficult.  They are secretive and primarily nocturnal.  Large ones should not be captured by hand due to their sharp pincher teeth and setae which can puncture the skin.   One way to capture large ones is to place a rock with a hollow on the bottom side onto the sand in the evening.  A piece of shrimp or similar can be placed into the hollow to act as bait.  The next day the rock can be removed and the worms will come out with the rock, or they can be captured using a net or tweezers and disposed of.  There are also traps available on the market.  Biological controls are sometimes mentioned.  Several species of Wrasses, Copperbanded Butterflyfish, Banded Coral Shrimp and Arrow Crabs are all suppose to eat bristleworms, but I doubt that they will eat the large ones which are the only ones to possibly be concerned about.  My recommendation is to leave them alone unless you have reason to believe they are causing damage.  Also be aware that when an animal, such as a clam dies, the bristle worms will frequently feed on the carcass as will any scavenger.  Many people misunderstand that the worms are only scavenging and falsely assume that the worms killed the clam or other specimen.


[-] 0 points by Sharpie933 (20) 13 years ago

SEIU? Really? Do you have any idea how federal and state money SEIU has channeled into unnecessary health care costs? You know part of the reason health care is unaffordable? Because SEIU members help to keep costs high. I am not anti-union. I am not anti-health care. but SEIU has had a lot to answer for. Do a Google search on them. I am not making it up.


[-] 0 points by genie (3) 13 years ago

evict the 1%?

[-] 0 points by benfrie (12) 13 years ago

The NYPD are up to something a little more vile and tricky than ordering baton-wielding police goons to charge recklessly up Manhattan streets, beating every man, woman and child in their path. 'Snatch and Grab' operations are currently being employed against Occupy Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park.

"They keep pushing into the crowd in formations, grabbing people, and then withdrawing," said Eric, a college student who wished not to share his last name, from Zuccotti Park over the phone. "They've done it three more times since you left."

During the police operations he spoke of, Eric was struck in the groin, pushed to the ground and cracked across the shin with a nightstick. "I had my open hands in the air the whole time," he said. " I wasn't threatening anyone. They just beat everyone unfortunate enough to be around this one guy until they drug him out."


[-] 0 points by watcherbeyond (0) 13 years ago

Well, looks like Wall Street was not shut down, nor was the OWS street movement. However, who gained more from the actions of yesterday? Next inning?


[-] -1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

A motley crew that doesn't work. Did you all take vacation for the protest?

[-] -1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

So union people get paid to show up for these things. Their power is directly through state and local governments who never, ever challenge their demands, for which we all are on the hook for billions of dollars! So look at all the union people there and think about how hard you will have to work to pay for their retirement and gees try to save for yours. What's the issue? Do you want to pay for their spectacular retirement while you work until you are 80? I'm not a coward. I worked and saved to retire. I don't want to pay for those who won't work. BTW, how did you get the day off?

[-] -1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

So again, what was the end result? 30,000 people who don't work went down town to complain about the millions who do in fact work. Big deal!!

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Are you kidding? Do you know how many union workers were there? How many wall street workers joined in? Face the facts, you are just redirecting your aggression because you are scared to face established power...coward

[-] 1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

So union people get paid to show up for these things. Their power is directly through state and local governments who never, ever challenge their demands, for which we all are on the hook for billions of dollars! So look at all the union people there and think about how hard you will have to work to pay for their retirement and gees try to save for yours. What's the issue? Do you want to pay for their spectacular retirement while you work until you are 80? I'm not a coward. I worked and saved to retire. I don't want to pay for those who won't work. BTW, how did you get the day off?

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

You have no idea how labor politics works.....Remember all the threats in the news about collective bargaining givebacks and so on...You are a coward you are afraid to face CORPORATE power

[-] -1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

So again, what was the end result? 30,000 people who don't work went down town to complain about the millions who do in fact work. Big deal!!

[-] -1 points by FreedomIn2012 (-36) from Hempstead, NY 13 years ago

Okay, so after all the that work, what actually was accomplished? We pissed off a bunch of people who work for a living, and that's about it. I didn't see any bank person fall down in fright. They will all get their (diminished) bonuses, and NYC will be worse off. Less taxes = less money for the poor. Not all of us have wealthy parents to feed and cloth us.

[-] -1 points by FourleafTayback (-4) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

I saw a flash mob of circus freaks. It will end soon. President Obama has ordered Homeland Security to coordinate the ending of the "movement" with all of the mayors of the infested cities. It is an embarrassment for him and the Democrats. It's almost over.

[-] 4 points by marlinls (6) 13 years ago

It's just beginning.

[-] -1 points by FourleafTayback (-4) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

Socialists and anarchists have stood on the very ground that OWS does now and have protested with even greater violence and fallen because it is a fringe group. The lack of a unified and coherent message has actually benefitted OWS because when you actually hear some of the ideas floated (living wage, loan and debt forgiveness, etc.) the veil is lifted off of the ugly face...it is socialism pushed by the disenfranchised and lazy. I don't blame you for being angry about finding jobs but you should express yourselves non-violently and in the right direction to try to achieve change. The problem is that if you try to become legitimate and have candidates run for public office who are socialists you will lose and you know it. I hope you are just young because there may be a chance for you. Be careful not to get arrested. It will stay on your record and you will not be able to explain it away at a job interview.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.

[-] 2 points by the4thofjuly (32) 13 years ago

ignorant. go comment on the yahoo message boards. stop trolling ours.

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Do you have any idea what socialism is?


[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Socialism works extremely well in many places, and the people there are very happy with it. Go learn something instead of trolling.


[-] 1 points by Tellmebouttherabbits (1) 13 years ago

Hello, wet blanket.

[-] 3 points by VTSupportsYou (108) 13 years ago

While it's true that the numbers may ebb and flow it is too late to stop the ideas that OWS represent. Remember, this is not just a movement centralized in NYC, USA. This is now worldwide.

When you throw a pebble into a lake there is no way to keep the ripples from spreading...or to take them back.


[-] -1 points by MeSoHorny (1) 13 years ago

Bristleworms range in size from small (about 1" long) up to very large at about 20" in length.  Most small ones are an orange color, sometime appearing two-tone in color.  Larger bristleworms are frequently gray or brownish in color.  Bristleworms are composed of many segments and have bristles (setae) which extend from both sides of its body along its entire length, hence their common name.  These setae are clearly visible in the picture above.  Bristle worms live in the sand or within the live rock.  They are nocturnal and not usually seen during the day.

Good or Bad?: This is a tough one.  Historically, bristleworms were all considered to be bad.  Most literature warns that they can attack and eat clams, anemones, corals and even fish. 

Recently, most hobbyists have come to the conclusion that small bristle worms pose no threat to other tank inhabitants and are in fact good scavengers and add to the biodiversity of the tank.  You can even buy bristleworms from some sources.

Even large bristleworms are starting to be better understood.  Although it appears that some large bristleworms can be aggressive predators, these seem to be in the minority.  Many large bristleworms seem to fall into the harmless scavenger category.  The one in the picture above has been in one of my tanks for several years.  It is about 1/3" across and at least 12" long although I have only seen about 6" of it.  It lives next to a group of clams and has never shown any interest in bothering the other creatures in the tank.  He is a very impressive looking specimen in his own right.

[-] -1 points by freeusa (14) 13 years ago

OK 30,000+ shows up and 30 cities across the country and around the world, SO WHAT THEY DID SHOWS UP! What have you accomplished for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and next week, and so on? What is your next clown act? OWS just going to keep paddling for more donations from the 99% sure not the from the 1%. Then what have change? the minds of Government officials or the so call greedy 1%?

[-] 4 points by HighEarner (19) 13 years ago

Actually, due to the nature of capitalism, it's now only 0.9%. Until next month, when it's less. What did your telling protesters off accomplish?

[-] -2 points by rman917 (-6) 13 years ago

News Flash: OWS blinded by their own sensationalism & stupidity.

30,000 protestors? Wow, and you are against the MSM? More like 5,000 AT MOST.

Occupy Subways? Occupy a DESK you scumbags.

Block Traffic? Go play in traffic.

Why do you think there are so many hate posts here? No, it's not the CIA or the FBI or Bloomberg's cronies.. we are WORKING PEOPLE. You all live in some dream where you think that you can get FREE STUFF just because you were born in the wealthiest country in the world.

WAKE UP. America didn't become the wealthiest country in the world by sitting on our asses and singing songs. That's all I saw yesterday at Zucotti.. songs, provokement of police, pointless chants, and young people who so obviously had a youtube education as opposed to a college degree.


[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

WAKE UP. America didn't become the wealthiest country in the world by sitting on our asses and singing songs.

Think slavery, genocide, atom bomb.....nothing to be proud of...wickedness

[-] -2 points by FourleafTayback (-4) from Woodbridge Township, NJ 13 years ago

When a political movement resorts to violence it has already lost! OWS is a diseased movement and is doomed to failure....always was. Enjoy the last couple weeks of temper tantrum and then try to make something of your lives with HARD WORK.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Um..... the movement HAS NOT resorted to violence. Where in the hell do you get your "news" from?

[-] 1 points by raychel (37) 13 years ago



[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

What do you know about hard work?


[-] -2 points by imnot99 (-1) 13 years ago

I think you should all go out and get jobs. I do not agree with anything and I am not the 99%. I work PT, my husband works FT. He went to school for his MBA and would like a better job. Is he having trouble finding one? Yes, but so are a lot of others! But we are not out there crying because we are "not being treated fair". What exactly is it you want? What is your goal? Do you have a mission statement? Why are things "below" you? Maybe start out at minimum wage at McDonalds and if you work hard enough maybe one day you could OWN a McDonalds? But maybe that would be against everything you stand for? And what about this "I want my fair share"? I want mine too! But I sure as heck do not want to take it from someone who worked hard for it! I want to work for mine! And when I get it I sure don't want to I've it to people who don't want to work for theirs! How can you feel good about what you are doing when you are interfering with businesses in the areas that you are? Stores are closing and losing business because of you. You are hurting more people. How is that right? Are you really okay with that? Go get a job and get off the street.

[-] 6 points by nycuws (5) 13 years ago

Your ignorance of the core of the problem, and of the massive corruption in our political and economic system is staggering. Only two weeks ago, the former Senator and New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine, and former Chairman of Goldman Sachs bankrupt its own company from corruption. MF Global has told investigative authorities that $600 million of customer money is missing. The shortfall was withheld from investigating authorities for five days -- an apparent violation of the law, according to the head of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. His investors were school teachers, nurses, hard working Americans who did all the right things. Most had their money in cash for safety. Now they have lost everything. 1000 people have lost their jobs. You need to read and get your mind out of your narrow, self rightous bucket. Those values you hold are good ones. But they are based on a time when our leaders loved its people. Those values are gone. It is we the citizens who hold those values dear and we are marching to make our leaders accountable to uphold those values. Get a job you say. There are none, they were sent overseas. A revolution has begun. And out of it, the will of the people will forces our leaders to listen and be accountable. Things will change, and you'll life will improve over the years. But you cannot take credit. It is those, in the streets, fighting for our democracy, our rights and civil liberties who will forces the corruption to change. Not those like yourself, who sit back and benefit from everyone else leading the fight.

[-] 0 points by dontbeangry (7) 13 years ago

There are jobs, however many of them require experience that takes hard work to obtain. They require technical skills that can be had by taking fairly reasonably priced online courses or reading books. And don't come at me with "not all of the 99% have computers" because this whole movement is being organized online. Anyways, I read somewhere that the primary reason kids out of college don't take up engineering or computer science is, you guessed it, it's TOO HARD AND TOO MUCH WORK!

[-] 4 points by guynorth (33) 13 years ago

Many of the people involved are linked to unions, colleges, and public service. This is not an exclusive movement of beggers and bums. If I lived where such were possible, then I would be involved; and I make $51,000/year. Further, there is no requirement to have a mission statement just to express dystopian frustration.

[-] -2 points by mrkeyjr (29) 13 years ago

Im confused. My parents begged, borrowed, and amy have very well stole (Kidding) to send me to a top notch high school and college. I was never considered privileged in my life. I busted my ass and now i am a fairly solid position career wise because of my work and that of my parents. It is readily apparent that most of the OWS kids are just that, kids, and more importantly, spoiled kids, can someone give me a reason to feel sympathy for them?

[-] 3 points by guynorth (33) 13 years ago

There is no single demographic of age in which can describe the body of the OWS. Nor is it a movement by consequence of simply not receiving assumed inherited dues. It is primarily an expression risen from previous years of apathy out of an impression of impotence in attempting to change anything regarding the general infrastructure of the societal model in which resides today; which has not always been the societal model of the United States.

Indeed, debt economics are one of the issues which arise among many people involved, and this should not come as a surprise as the debt economy of the United States has risen at the same time in which the middle class has rapidly begun to shrink. A reading of history of many nations shows that this trend tends to lead towards exactly these kinds of consequences. That is, the people of that given nation will only sit idle for a while before they see their position as having less to lose in the future of the general quality of life by becoming verbose than if they remained silent.

What the OWS is cardinally, is not a protest of non-workers, but instead a protest of American citizens who wish to markedly grab the attention of their representative body and demand by volume that ethical responsibility to representative seat exists once again where it radically does not now.

It is largely, if it is to be any one concept, a call for representative ethic reform; specifically in regards to interactions between the government and the corporation. Essentially, the demand in muse is for a switch from a government that concerns carefully with the corporate motive to a government that concerns carefully with the citizen motive.

As such, along with this ideal comes the appropriately timed frustration with representative political "games", such as "obstructing" (as can be seen between congress and the current president revolving health care issues; rather than address many points one way or the other, congress has largely decided to refuse to facilitate progressive discussion. Which will not hurt anyone in congress, but only further injure the system for the citizen by confusion and delay).

It is for these concepts, and many similar, that there are tens of thousands across the nation taking to protesting; not because they want free-rides or assumed dues.

[-] 1 points by mrkeyjr (29) 13 years ago

Rhetoric. That is all you are spewing. And therein lies your fault. You site no specifics, you just refer to broad ideas. It is obvious though that you are a strong writer. Use that to find a profession rather than waste time on a website or in a park.

[-] 1 points by guynorth (33) 13 years ago

Rhetoric, as in the skillful use of language to make a compelling statement? I can only thank you for the compliment of that. However, if you meant something more along the lines of repeated propaganda without consideration, then I would state - to be clear - that I am not affiliated with the OWS movement itself in any way, nor am I a affiliated with any political party.

I think it's fantastic that a course of action has forced open a dialogue in America on what constitutes a sustainable direction of public welfare (not "welfare", the program) and the relationship between the responsibilities of the citizen unto themselves and the responsibilities of the institutions of the society unto the citizen.

Is there something you would prefer I isolate for specificity? If I was broad it is because the subject of discussion was itself broad in terms, lacking any specific legislative address or institutional function.

I'm more than willing to continue the dialogue with my own personal thoughts on America; of which are not attained from, nor existent due to, the recent occurrences of social protests.

I would be interested in which discussion, of the broad topics previously wrote, you would find interest in me elaborating more upon.

Thank you, guynorth

[-] 3 points by InterestingTimez (3) 13 years ago

You must have graduated school awhile ago because now the story is different. I have 4 years experience and a 3.9 GPA, and no criminal record. I have to work a low paying job. School loans are crushing me and for the record I did not go on spring break once.

How can you be so blind to the struggles decent hardworking people are facing from coast to coast?

[-] 2 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

Those who want to know just what this movement wants accomplish - and resent its speaking for us by the 99% slogan when we DON'T know what their end goal really is - are not blind to the struggles.

You write that you have four years experience but don't say in what field the experience is. You write that you had a 3.9 gpa but don't specify whether that was in college or high school.

Four years experience doesn't automatically entitle anyone to anything other than an income slightly above entry level. A 3.9% gpa only matters as it translates into the "real" world in other words, did you struggle to maintain that average with hard work and dedication or did you take only those classes needed to graduate? Are you one of those students for whom good grades come easily?

The job situation has always been that you enter at the ground floor and work your way up - either in one company or by taking your experience somewhere else - whether you had a college degree or were in skilled labor or working in the food service industry. What too many of us who are questioning this movement hear is that you want to enter the job market at management level incomes.....that is not the real world and never will be.

[-] 1 points by mrkeyjr (29) 13 years ago

Timez, completely wrong, although I feel for you. Im 5 years out as an undergrad (which I do not consider awhile) and I have a solid job while still continuing my education. So, long and short, its pretty easy to be "blind" to the struggles you reference. First, college educated Americans do not need to struggle provided they do not have their heads up their rears. I saw plenty of my classmates go the Philosophy major route, think they would get hired for something and then act shocked when they ended up at a Starbucks. The American Dream is the following: Work your ass off and results follow. I, and all of my friends did that. Those who are kicking and screaming did not. Not trying to be cold hearted or mean, but I know first hand that success requires intelligent hard work. It seems that many of those who claim to represent the 99% might be working hard, but arent doing it in the most intelligent way.

[-] 1 points by HighEarner (19) 13 years ago

Why would you want to feel sympathy to anyone?


[-] 3 points by Collegegrad22 (2) 13 years ago

Oh great, another "go get a job" response. How original! Actually, it is you who are misguided on this movement. You choose to listen to the media reports versus seeing things for yourself. Anyways this isn't about people who are angry about not having a job. That is just something the critics want everyone else to think this is about because it casts them as lazy. Simply going out and getting a job will not solve the problems we are protesting about. In fact, it would play right into the 1% and corporate desires for us to sit in a corner and shut up while they continue to rob us on multiple fronts. Furthermore, a large percentage of the protesters DO HAVE JOBS!! Just because you have a job doesn't mean you don't have an interest in greed and corruption spinning out of control. One of my good buddies has been with his company for 5 years and all of a sudden they decide to start shipping jobs overseas and laying off here in the U.S., all because they put profit over social responsibility. In addition to this, all benefit coverages have been decreasing while premiums have steadily increased and wages have been flat. However, in this same timeframe, the executive compensation packages have gotten higher and higher.

[-] 1 points by anotherone (6) 13 years ago

There are no jobs out there! hence OWS.. Get an education!

[-] 1 points by HighEarner (19) 13 years ago

23 year old bartending mom has spoken. Listen to her, she was you a few years ago. Her needs have changed. Yours may, too, someday. For every person wanting to change the corruption of society, there's a woman who dreams of bagging an expert of corruption, to improve her here and now. You're all dumb if you don't get that.

[-] -1 points by GoHomeHippies (-12) 13 years ago

wow.. go fuck yourself. i work my ass off for me and my son. and have no interest in finding a man to support me. Why dont you stop looking for alternate reasons why people cant stand yous nasty hippie bastards that are doing nothing but making yourselves look stupid, and making our streets smell like shit. why dont you go hold up and sign and chant something.. cause that REALLY matters to people..

[-] 2 points by HighEarner (19) 13 years ago

Hmm, hold up a sign and chant something, sounds like an internet forum. I guess we're all hippies compared to people who are at work as we type this. How about we both just shut up and get back to work, instead of making it easy for the rich to get richer than us?

[+] -4 points by Texas1 (-3) 13 years ago

Sorry to break it to ya folks but people like myself and Jimmy44 are the 99% and you people are just dumb. Perhaps your skills in mathematics are a bit lacking. The population of NYC alone is like a little over 8 million and your big N17 march only netted like 32K( by YOUR estimates) and... fyi...., please look up the significance of N17 before you go about randomly protesting and such. So...lets say you actually had 32k(FOX NEWS actually gave you 2k which was the highest estimate of the 5-6 news sources I searched) 32k is still only .4 %. And you OWSers are not limited to drawing from NYC. Apparently you draw rapists, robbers, communists, socialists and worst of all...Hollywood dipshits from all over to come to NYC so you can throw the whole 8 million into 32K equation away and you are left..........well.........you guys are just too damn LEFT!...go home...get some rest....get a job...but mostly get a clue.

[-] 3 points by anotherone (6) 13 years ago

I believe the OWS movement is not about communism or capitalism... It is about people trying to get people to do the ethical, moral and just things we need... God bless OWS warriors!

[-] 1 points by Concerned (455) 13 years ago

Are you certain of that anotherone? You might want to do a bit of digging into just who the organizers of this whole thing were and who their major financial backers are now. That's not to say that regular folks are not donating but this movement is NOT about fixing the political system to better serve all of us - this about "smashing capitalism" and replacing our current system of government with a socialist one.

On the service, this is a "good" movement - who believes that bail outs were "fair" when despite them we all still lost jobs, 401k's and our homes? No one. So we can all agree on that.

Who thinks its fair that the rich - including the richest members of our congress - have continued to make money while the rest of us are being squeezed by hidden taxes on every good or service we obtain and visible ones on all forms of insurance - mandated by law - and our utilities - run by monopolies in the strictest sense of the word ? No one.

Who doesn't want to end crony capitalism where our politicians get benefits including future employment as consultants or lobbyists as well as being able to act on Insider Trading which would put the rest of us in jail? No one.

But does the 99% want to "smash capitalism" and move to a true socialist system? No.

And that is the issue. Be careful what you support when you don't know exactly what the real agenda is.

[-] 1 points by OWSClarity (8) 13 years ago

Can you be specific? What does OWS want?

[-] 2 points by greenwinter (7) 13 years ago

For every protester on the street, there are at least 2 more that wished they could have been there but couldn't be. Think about those numbers.

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

I agree with Henry David Thoreau: "any man more right than his neighbors constitutes a majority of one" Still, mobilizing even one out of 250 New Yorkers to come to a protest improves the odds that majority will actually count in some future vote - and it's a huge achievement. In this day and age it is not actually necessary to get most of the population to physically walk down to the protest - the point is, those few people have inspired the rest of us to hope that yes, we can stand up against the Republicans and ineffectual Democrats - rejecting tax increases on employee health care costs and FICA tax and mortgage interest for the poor, rejecting tax cuts on inheritance and income tax for the ultra wealthy.

[-] 1 points by NormalforNorfolk (3) 13 years ago

How many Germans joined in the fight against Hitler, about the same, 4%, so is it always that amount of people that ever have any courage and the rest are too fuckin scared of change?? Like you....

[-] 1 points by JimmyMacK (11) from Saskatoon, SK 13 years ago

yosimite sam take it easy yer gonna pop a vessel....thanks for your two cents....now move along....

[-] -1 points by HighEarner (19) 13 years ago

Sorry to break it to you, too, but most supporters of the anti-bailout movement live nowhere near NYC, and have obligations keeping them from getting there. Most people don't care what numbers are reported, or have any interest in arguing about %'s.

[+] -6 points by ikki5 (61) 13 years ago

yay, 0.006% of people showed up.... wow, grow up people

[-] 3 points by vitriolck (69) 13 years ago

30000 people is a large number of people to come out into the streets and risk arrest for a cause. It certainly means more than your lame ass sitting at a computer being an asshole.

[-] 1 points by chango (26) 13 years ago

beautiful comment, the sad part is that many of the 99% support 1% abusers.

[-] 1 points by dotsend66 (43) 13 years ago

You are a complete idiot,

[-] 2 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 13 years ago

And I second that.

[-] 2 points by the4thofjuly (32) 13 years ago

no...wait...maybe...yeah that guy sucks

[-] 1 points by jimmycrackerson (940) from Blackfoot, ID 13 years ago

"no...wait...maybe...yeah that guy sucks" feces through a straw

fixed...it's pretty ikky i must say

[+] -8 points by GoHomeHippies (-12) 13 years ago

OWS, has to be the dumbest movement ever!! these people are actually trying to be taken seriously, but a very LARGE amount of the protestors are young hipster druggies.. they made a "good neighbor" policy which NO ONE follows stating no drug or alcohol use, but there's pot smoke in the air everywhere and reported herion use with a large amount of the crowd, no abuse or verbal abuse, but yet there's plenty of cussing and reported rapes.. hmm.. how about the No abuse to property.. there were plenty of reports of people using the bathroom in peoples front yards, and even porches, Drumming must be at a maximum of 2 hours a day... wow.. really? Drumming.. like i said you're trying to be taken seriously.. drumming is not the way to do it people.. Last but not least of the rules of this policy, Respect health and sanitary regulations.. ha.. righhhhtttt.. all these people are disgusting dirt bags.. soo.. again.. if you'd like to be taken seriously, maybe take a shower, stop doing drugs, dont rape your neighbor, and put the drums up you fucking hippie bastards.. It's sad to say, but i hope the police uses as much FORCE as they need to get all of you off the street.. i'm a 23 year old bartending mom.. if anything I AM THE 99% yeah i wouldnt mind being paid alittle more.. but that's MY problem because I didnt do something about it!!! Stop blaming the government, and corporate america for your problems just because THEY'RE ACTUALLY DOING WELL!! jealousy isnt cute on anyone, exscpecially dirty hippie protestors wishing it was 1969.. wake up.. it's 2011 almost 2012.. if you havent noticed pretty much ANYTHING is possible in America if you have the drive to get you there.. but all you're doing is making it damn near impossible for any of you to get jobs in the future by getting arrested.. good idea morons. Go occupy yourselves by getting a job like the rest of true 99%

[-] 2 points by chango (26) 13 years ago

a wall of 1% noise, go back to watching Fox 'news'....

[-] -1 points by GoHomeHippies (-12) 13 years ago

go home

[-] 1 points by kayak69 (57) from West Sand Lake, NY 13 years ago

There are no jobs asshole. And the reason you don't get paid a little more is the share holders need it more than you. Wake up and smell the coffee. You are NOT a true 99%er.

[-] 1 points by InterestingTimez (3) 13 years ago

Your post says you "didn't do something" like goto college, work part time (7 days a week for the entire semester) and earn a 3.9 GPA in a field you have 4 years experience in?

Guess what I did and now with my school loans (for the record no spring breaks for me) I am probably worse off than you, a supposed single mom working as a bartender. Wake up and get a clue to what is really going on and why people are so pissed off.

[-] 1 points by JimmyMacK (11) from Saskatoon, SK 13 years ago

didn't even need to finish reading that one....sticks and stones buddy

[-] 1 points by vitriolck (69) 13 years ago

You are so full of shit. "Pot smoke in the air everywhere" Is that so. Have you ever been within ten miles of OWS? Front yards? Who paid you to write this? There are no fucking "front yards" in lower manhattan, you dolt. I hope the ten cents you got from the heritage foundation for writing this rank propaganda helps you raise your kid. (Unless that's a lie as well) "Pretty much anything is possible in America"...Anything except for you having the slightest clue what's going on.

[-] 0 points by GoHomeHippies (-12) 13 years ago

hahahahahahahaha!!!! oh i've been there.. plenty darling! and no i didnt get paid to write that, that's how MOST OF AMERICA FEELS. And i know all about the drugs there, because alot of friends i went to high school with are part of your protestors.. and they went to college.. then flunked out for partying to much.. wake up and realize corporate america and the government isnt the problem.. you are

[-] 1 points by the4thofjuly (32) 13 years ago

hahahaha cool comment! i totally dig your ironic writing style