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Making Worlds: An OWS Forum on the Commons

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 16, 2012, 3:30 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

The Making Worlds forum starts today in Brooklyn and runs until Saturday (with additional events Sunday). The following is the schedule of events which will take place at:

The Church of the Ascension
122 Java St. (Greenpoint)
Brooklyn, NY


THURSDAY, February 16

  • 5pm: WELCOME: Sign-In, Food
  • 6-6:45pm: OPENING
    Introductory words / Making Worlds Organizers Introduction to the Commons / Silvia Federici and Priscilla Gonzalez
    Dawn Diaz - Women Against Domestic Violence
  • 6:45-7:15pm: Dinner
  • 7:15-9pm: George Caffentzis.
    James Quilligan - Global Commons Trust
    Christopher Rude - Union for Radical Political Economics
    Alicia Godsberg - OWS Antiwar WG and Peace Action

FRIDAY, February 17

  • 5pm: WELCOME: Sign-In, Food.
  • 6-7:30pm: SESSION 1: ENVIRONMENT
    Reclaiming the Commons. (Alexa Bradley)
    Water struggle in Bolivia. (Marcela Olivera)
    Beyond Oil NYC. (Dan Miner).
    Occupy Food: Seeds. (Paula Winograd)
    Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development Update. (Sara Burke)
  • 7:30-8:15pm: Dinner
    Update on Global Commons with David Bollier
    Art and the Commons: Beyond the Tangible. (Maria Byck, Antonio Serna - OWS Artists)
    From Copyright to Copyleft: Commons for arts and sciences. (Marcos Wasem)
    Occupy University.
    Occupy Student Debt Campaign. (George Caffentzis, Robert Oxford and Chris Casuccio)

SATURDAY, February 18

  • 9-10am: WELCOME: Sign-In, Breakfast
    Feminist/Queer/Postcolonial commons. (Miriam Tola).
    Challenging Male Supremacy Project. (RJ Maccani).
    Child Raising as a Form of Resistance that builds radical communities and rela tionships. (Ileana Méndez-Peñate). Reclaiming and Reorganizing Birth, Breastfeeding, Babycare for the Commons. (Ina Bransome & Haya Brant)
    Domestic Workers Alliance. (Priscilla Gonzalez).
    Health as Commons. (Babak Karimi).
  • 11:45-12pm: Break (15 min)
  • 12-1:45pm: SESSION 4: ECONOMY - Economics of the Commons
    Public Goods, Externalities. Market definitions of the Commons. (John McGloin)
    Solidarity Economics. (Caroline Woolard-Solidarity NYC)
    An Introduction to the Commons. (James Quilligan, Nancy Roof)
    The Anti-commons of the Commodity. (Chris Rude, URPE)
  • 1:45-2:45: LUNCH
  • 2:45PM-4:30pm: SESSION 5: ECONOMY - Money and Banking
    Alternative Banking and Alternative Economies, Jim Constanzo (and possibly others).
    Questions and answers about money, banking and finance. Chris Rude and Sara Burke (URPE)
  • 4:30-4:45pm: Break (15 min)
    Moderation. David Bollier
    Creating New Commons with City Top Level Domains. (Tom Lowenhaupt)
    Network. (Ron Suarez)
    Immigrant, Resident Voting Rights. (David Andersson)
    Occupy-Commons strategy workshop. (George Pór, Mary Beth Steisslinger, Tina Bakolitsa, Mark Jagdev)
  • 6:30-6:45pm: Break (15 min)

RELATED EVENT: Sunday, February 19th

Location: 300 Nevins St., Brooklyn, NY

    Alternative Economies: Occupy, Resist, Produce



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago



[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 12 years ago

What was that all about??? :)



[-] 1 points by paulg5 (673) 12 years ago

I do not think OWS's agenda is converting everyone to Christianity, stop sounding like a religious fanatic it scares me!

[-] 1 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 12 years ago

It's actually very common that radical events will be hosted by churches. Like the last time I went to a feminist punk rock music festival, it was hosted at a church lol


[-] -2 points by sufinaga (513) 12 years ago

christianity is the CORPORATE RELIGION controlled by the same fascist tyranny as corporate america. the INTENT of putting an image of a man nailed to a cross into children's minds is to FRIGHTEN them. are we going to allow such violent images in our community? the INTENT of telling children their mothers are sinners is to GROOM them. we all know of the widespread abuse by christian pastors. can ws risk their presence among us? the INTENT of the "virgin birth" is to disguise the barbaric human sacrifice at the centre of christianity. the INTENT of the resurrection is for the pastor to jerk you off with a happy ending then money shark with tithes. the gospel is a scam! the INTENT of the gospel is to brutalise and enslave us. we have been brutalised by their BS for 2000 years. their offer of help should be refused because they are fascist stooges obeying the male hierarchy of their church.

[-] 1 points by AdmBurningskull (1) from West Jordan, UT 12 years ago

You obviously have not read the Bible, in any way, shape, or form. Christianity is in no way a corporate religion. Christianity's message is one of love and tolerance. The fact that church after church has warped, distorted, and destroyed that message doesn't change that. I am a Christian , and to me it sounds like you're TRYING to start a terrible, terrible flamewar. Go home. Find a Bible. Read it. Then see if you still feel this way.

[-] 2 points by sufinaga (513) 12 years ago

i know the bible v well. christianity is an evil influence. we must protect our children from your BS indoctrination. you are an AO who look down on the rest of us, on our community and call us sinners. you are need to be deprogrammed. jesus is a dead jew and was crucified by the romans, beheaded by the jews and his wife, who you call a whore, was first at his tomb. you will call me a demon but i do know scripture better than you. in daniel 2 the stone cut out without hands is the silicon chip that grows inti a great mountain that fills the whole earth that is the worldwide web. it is that stone silicon etched with acid that is freeing the slaves and causing mass unemployment. you say that stone is jesus so you are not reading scripture literally. in revelation the tree of life is marijuana which is growing everywhere and is our holy communion. you say the tree of life is jesus so you are not reading scripture literally. you are spreading lies in your delusion. we are a non violent movement. you are preaching violent BS in christ crucified. you are preaching a war against muslims wasting our boys lives. you and your so called religion is BAD MENTAL HEALTH. christians are a bunch of psychos repeatedly reliving the crucifixion, imagining you are eating dead jesus' flesh then talking to your imaginary friend. only a dumbass believes in the virgin birth. only a dumbass believes in resurrection after crucifixion in first century palestine. you support israeli inhumanity in gaza. you are an evil enemy of humanity which is our globalREVOLUTION against your fascist tyranny. only a complete idiot would believe that jesus is a scapegoat for your sins. JAH IS NOT MOCKED FOR WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWS THAT SHALL HE REAP. so you neither know nor follow scripture. you want to tell our children that jesus died for their sins. how can they sleep with that BS in their innocent minds. how can you sleep preaching this horror story which has no relevance to our live. go and crucify your own children and i will drive you over the cliff with the gadarene swine which all christians are. you are here to save us and recruit for your community of the deluded "saved". we have heard it all before! jesus is a dead jew. end of that BS now go away to your own damned community and leave us to fight the good fight against your fascist masters.

[-] 2 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Evangelical Christianity has sort of been turning into a corporate religion with their mega-churches and TV sermons. Also it's very easy to make a convincing argument that protestant beliefs are what gave rise to capitalism.



[-] 1 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 12 years ago

You do realize that's not the academic definition of capitalism?


[-] 1 points by jart (1186) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I don't consider personal possessions to be private property so we're never going to agree. Please don't bother replying.



[-] 1 points by Spade2 (478) 12 years ago

I think that might fall on deaf ears.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 12 years ago

i will keep repeating the truth and it will set us free. the passion of the christ was given an 18+ certificate yet these evil intentioned crucifixion merchants want free reign to preach their BS. i do not need to crucify a jew boy to save my soul. wake up and see the christian message is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE. just see how these christian AOs attack me personally but will not discuss their horrific dictrines or misreadings of scripture. i know scripture v well. i have many bible study prizes so i know the truth. the gospel is a scam. are we going to protect our people from their scam. conversion is bullying into the fear of death then the lie of the resurrection, the happy ending. christianity is a horror story from beginning to end. we want another genre for our religion. OUR BUSINESS IS JOY not "saving" prey. they are predators among us. wake up and wake up the camp to drive them back into the hell where they belong.

[-] 1 points by Spade2 (478) 12 years ago

