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We are the 99 percent

Fund the Spiritual Insurrection—Gift the Iconic Ballerina and Bull OWS Poster. (Now Accepting Bitcoin!)

Posted 10 years ago on June 2, 2014, 12:40 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: Ballerina and Bull Poster, Occupy Wall Street

Give us a boost in time for a hot summer! Let's send 1,000 Occupy Wall Street posters into the wild!

Order a fine art quality poster or canvas for your comrades and friends. Proceeds of your donation will go towards an activist fund managed by the Occupy Solidarity Network. You will be pleased with the crisp, high-quality reproduction that we offer.

For those of you who've been asking for a way to pay with bitcoin... the time has arrived! Simply add the poster to your cart and during the checkout process you will be given an option to use bitcoin. Hooray!



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[-] 2 points by GentleOne (5) 10 years ago

Your one demand is comprehensive. Look at what you need to see as the components of that. List everything, think through fairness to benefit the largest number and avert the environmental devastation occurring now.

[-] 2 points by pigeonlady (284) from Brooklyn, NY 10 years ago

I would like another image. A hot looking guy in short shorts on the bull would be nice.
