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We are the 99 percent

Building and Defending New Structures on K Street

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 4, 2011, 11:23 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

structure in DC

Last night, Occupy K Street-DC erected a wooden structure, a "People's Pavilion," at their main encampment in McPherson Square. According to Occupiers, the structure will be used as a warm place (designed to be heated by a novel sustainable energy source: water bottles that collect and store solar heat) for General Assemblies, teach-ins, and other community building purposes.

They have also said that the structure represents the needs of the 99% who are being left houseless by economic inequality. The People' Pavilion is a symbol of all homes stolen by banks and corporate greed, right on K Street -- in front of the Wall Street lobbyists who buy the politicians on Capitol Hill. Or, as one Occupier said:

We built this to represent broader problems in society. Millions cannot afford housing and are literally dying. The government is not providing social services. It's time for the people to do it."

The wooden structure was specifically designed by architects to be safe and to comply with DC regulations, and meets the "temporary structure" standard. It is "prefabricated, modular and mobile structure - legally similar to the tents." It lacks a foundation and can be taken down in under an hour. As such, it does not violate city ordinances. According to @OccupyKSt,

This structure is our way of escalating without being destructive; you can "smash" the status quo without smashing anything. #occupydc

This morning, police arrived and ordered the structure to be removed. They gave OccupyDC one hour to disassemble it. The Occupiers began holding an emergency General Assembly to decide what to do. Some were prepared to take down the structure, while the majority seemed in favor of civil disobedience. The GA was unable to reach consensus before the police moved in to attack all those left inside. Many willing Occupiers stayed within the structure to defend it, while a crowd of hundreds has gathered at McPherson Square.

Live Updates

  • 7:30pm: Final three people on the roof top of the A frame are refusing to cooperate. Police on the APC have some kind of projectile weapon, possibly rubber bullets or pepper spray (but not used). Chants: "The whole world is watching"
  • 7:19pm: First roofers arrested using cherry picker and harnesses. 3 remain.
  • 6:28pm: Police using the armored personnel carrier to go after the protesters on the roof. The protesters move to the highest tip on the structure. Crowd mic checks "we got your back" to the protesters and chant "we are the 99%, and so are you!" to the police.
  • 6:28pm: Occupiers mic check the 1st amendment and ask police not to follow their orders. Chants: "This is What Community Looks Like!", "Stay Strong!" At least 26 people have been arrested today so far. Police allowed for a prolonged stand off and moved in to make most arrests after nightfall. The majority of the supporters present are being kept behind a police line, and only those by the structure are being arrested.
  • 6:25pm: Police put inflatable cushion below the structure. Cherry picker and SWAT armored personnel vehicle spotted.
  • 6:19pm: Police shift change. New cops brought out.
  • 6:02pm: All people on the ground at the structure have been arrested. Only six people left, all on the roof.
  • 5:54pm: First arrests being made. Some are being carried away and carted off. Mic check: "We are holding the line in DC!"
  • 5:44pm: 3rd warning given. Protesters issue their own warning to the police asking them to vacate immediately. Others say "We're not leaving!" and chant "Occupy Wall Street, Occupy K Street, Occupy Everywhere and Never Give it Back!"
  • 5:42pm: 2nd warning given. Protesters lay down. More move to the roof. Chant outside: "Let them stay!"
  • 5:40pm: 1st warning of arrest given. Supporters toss food to the occupiers on top of the Pavilion and shout "We love you!"
  • 5:30pm: Protesters mic check the police code of honor, directed at the police. Others chant "let them stay!" Some protesters run across police line to join those inside the structure.
  • 5:17pm: Police armed with pepper spray have lowered their visors and shields after speaking to superiors. As darkness moves in, 100s continue to rally.
  • 5:14pm: Legal observer who spoke to police spokesperson says she has footage of their conversation and wants to put it on YouTube. She says the police were negotiating in bad faith.
  • 4:44pm: After only 5 minutes, the city inspector has condemned the building. Livestreamer: "They condemned this before the Occupiers even built it." (Many have since questioned whether the inspector was actually a city employee at all.)
  • 4:39pm: Protesters have negotiated with police. Occupiers stated they are confident it is a legal structure; police disagree. However, they will allow a city inspector to come see if it is "safe." Protesters say they are not giving up on the structure, but are making a good faith effort to cooperate with the city and keep the situation legal and nonviolent.
  • 4:00pm: Several peaceful protesters remain inside the building, others on the roof below a DC flag reading "Taxation Without Representation." Police still surrounding them, using horses to push back crowd and endanger on lookers. Reports that they may try to use a crane to remove them.
  • 3:56pm: Mainstream media ordered by police across the street, where their ability to witness and document the arrests are blocked by tents.
  • 3:46pm: Police are armed with pepper spray. Reports of rubber bullets also seen (but not used).
  • 3:35pm: Police have put up barricades around the People's Pavilion. Using horses inside the structure to run people out.
  • 2:35pm: Other supporters are attempting to get items (such as warm coats) to the people inside the structure.
  • 2:30pm: Four protesters from the crowd tried to cross the police line to support the people inside the Pavilion. They were tackled, punched, and arrested by the aggressive police. Another protester walked up to the police line and was nonviolently arrested in solidarity with them. MIC CHECK: "'I'm just doing my job' is never a valid excuse for violence!"
  • 1:15pm: A SWAT team has also been spotted.
  • 1:09pm: Even though only the federal Park Police have jurisdiction in McPherson, the Metropolitan Police have also set up a line of riot cops nearby. 15th St reportedly blocked off, traffic bad all around.
  • 12:03pm: Occupy DC mic-checking their reasons for staying: We are challenging systems of oppression in solidarity with people who are most marginalized by inequality, uniting to recognize that economic exploitation impacts all of us, reclaiming public space, practicing direct democracy. The system is broken; we're building a new one.
  • 12:01pm: While helmeted riot police on horses look on, police have attacked the nonviolent protesters who are continuing to occupy the People's Pavilion. Protesters are chanting "shame" and "the whole world is watching."
  • 11:59am: "Whose barn? Our barn!" "This is a nonviolent protest!"
  • 11:55am: "Show me what a police state looks like! This is what a police state looks like! Solidarity forever!"
  • 11:52am: At least one arrest reported for "crossing an invisible police line."
  • 11:49am: Police (some on horses) are setting up a line around the structure and moving in, threatening all (including media) with arrest. Protesters are chanting, "we are nonviolent" and giving out legal advice and numbers for those who may be arrested.
  • 11:46am: Now at least five people on top of roof.
  • 11:44am: Media on-hand. Police continue to be aggressive. GA now mic-checking the significance and reasons the structure was created: "We built this to represent broader problems in society. Millions cannot afford housing and are literally dying. The government is not providing social services. It's time for the people to do it."
  • 11:42am: Police have no informed them they will be arrested if they remain. One Occupier says, "I'm okay with that!" Another adds, "this structure represents civil disobedience. We are evoking our 1st amendment rights." The crowd begins to use the people's mic to read the recently GA approved Declaration of Occupy DC.
  • 11:31am: The majority of the emergency GA seems to be in favor of keeping the People's Pavilion. Police have given a deadline of 12:00pm and formed two lines around them.
  • 11:27am: One Occupier has climbed to the top of the structure and began leading the crowd in chants of "Whose park? Our park!" and "We are unstoppable, another world is possible"



Read the Rules
[-] 16 points by trbroz (15) from Willows, CA 13 years ago

I support Occupy totally. You are heroes who will bring about a nonviolent on our part revolution that will change the world.

[-] 4 points by struggleforfreedom80 (6584) 13 years ago

Hear, hear! The Occupy Movement has started something that will lead to radical changes. It´s growing and spreading world wide. The sky´s the limit. A must see for all occupiers: Noam Chomsky at Occupy Boston: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZbNT62aprM


[-] -1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Give me a break! The 1% are successfully dismantling the social contract by forcing governments to cut services by claiming a phony debt crisis created by the political stooges that work for the 1%. OWS is not succeeding because it is not using tried and true tactics that were used to create the social contract by the Unions in the 1930s. Stop the flow of commerce and the 1% will eventually have to negotiate.

[-] 1 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

I wouldn't call the debt crisis phony...

[-] 2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

it is phony because we KNOW it was an organised crime defrauding the 99% of our lives, selling our lives into debt SLAVERY. we also know the money bought arable land around the equator dispossessing the poor in the third world. so we can prosecute the criminals of this INSIDE JOB and recover our money and self respect!

[-] 0 points by acbdefg (51) 13 years ago

Wow, which president did this debt happen under the past 3 years?

[-] 3 points by BTKcongress (149) 13 years ago

answer: bush. $5T for 2 "wars," $4T for bailouts,,, and counting.

same answer with respect to individual debt by allowing housing to eat 50% of peoples' pay (whether prime or subprime).

[-] 1 points by icfmike (173) 13 years ago

and deregulation !!

[-] 2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

prescott bush and george herbert walker started WW2 by financing hitler's german economic miracle and building his war machine. george herbert walker bush started the war on terror with a FAKE terrorist attack. both 911 and the subprime fraud were INSIDE JOBS started under his presidency!

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

The main bulk of the debt happened under Bush 43. Denying this is the same as lying about it.


[-] -1 points by acbdefg (51) 13 years ago

Bush has been out of power for 3 years. The main bulk of the spending ramped up was when the dems ran all 3 - prez, house and senate. No lies there. Deny all you want.

[-] 3 points by 00zero (20) 13 years ago

for fuck sake, its not a dem thing or a rep thing. both of them fucked up. so for the love of god stop playing this right left bullshit. until they take the time to find some middle ground and put people and logic in front of personal interests nothing will change. no one person is completely right or left. example is abortion i'm left, death penalty i'm right. get it?

[-] 1 points by BTKcongress (149) 13 years ago

thank you.

[-] 1 points by acbdefg (51) 13 years ago

I agree, blaming Bush is all they have to say. Worse, they believe it. Now it's time to go block people working or something equally stupid.

[-] 1 points by aniadrift (17) 13 years ago

I view people who blame the republicans for all the problems, and people who blame the democrats for all the problems, in equal contempt. Both are ignorant and short-sighted. Bush started many of the problems we are facing now; Obama has continued and expanded Bush's policies. The democrats and republicans are one and the same.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

We're STILL buried from what Bush did... over an 8-year period. Do you think it can be fixed in just 3 years??? You are delusional if you think so. Yes, Obama is guilty of adding to the debt, but if it wasn't for Bush, we WOULD NOT BE IN A BIG MESS..... would we?????

8 years of huge mistakes can't be remedied in just 3 years. Get a fucking clue.

[-] 1 points by BTKcongress (149) 13 years ago

completely incorrect or a liar (if you're intending to distort).

70% of the debt is bush.

[-] 0 points by acbdefg (51) 13 years ago

OK, if you want to believe that I have no time or reason to end your delusions. Have a great life and enjoy the hallucinations.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

Yes it is, Its fake money that doesn't exist.The banks,corporations have put the American middle class into serfdom.If the gold is not in the vaults,the US Treasury,then the debt is fake. The middle class should not be carrying this debt on our backs when it doesn't really exist.

[-] 1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

I see we got troll patrol again.


[-] 0 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

Our best bet in the short term is to start printing money for everyone that needs it. Print as much money as we have to until no one is on the street, and no one is hungry or cold. What do you think they did to "bail out" all those idiot companies? They printed them some money. Let's print some too. We have hands. We have paper. We can make green ink. Let's go.

[-] 2 points by davids (13) 13 years ago

Great idea, print more money and make it worthless and causes inflation. Take a look at Germany after WW1, the people needed wheelbarrows to carry their money and then they only had enough to buy a small amount of food. Inflation hits the lower income people the hardest. Isn't the lower income people the majority of people you are trying to help?

[-] 1 points by tannerface (13) 13 years ago

If printing money causes it to be worthless, what does burning it do?

[-] 1 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

Not if the money comes form the piles already being hoarded by the banks. There is already enough currency in flow to share properly with everyone. That is why there are mobs in the streets being laughed at by a few people who own the entire city. If we gave every person $250,000, all we need to do is shut down Chase bank. What is more important? Keeping these companies who can not turn a profit to save their lives in business, or keeping people fed and housed?

[-] 1 points by GetaBrain (22) 13 years ago

Another genius heard from. LMAO.

[-] 1 points by MDubbs (16) 13 years ago

If we hyper inflate the dollar it will become worthless, but our debt will be less too, lol

[-] 1 points by korzib9 (80) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

so will our salaries.

[-] 1 points by MDubbs (16) 13 years ago

not a problem if your unemployed, lol, I was mostly joking

[-] 0 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

I have heard no better ideas. Why are we printing money to hand to GM? So they can keep making crappy cars to sell us? FAIL. Why did we donate all that money to American Airlines after 9/11? They just finally went out of business. What happened to that money?? They can't even run a business after having everything paid for??? Pathetic. We want our money back.

[-] 2 points by GetaBrain (22) 13 years ago

Who gave the money to GM? Who donated to AA? Who pisses away money like it's on trees. OBAMA, that's who. Stimulus 1 and 2.

You want your money back, now you know where to get it. That's where you should be protesting, on the White House lawn.

[-] 1 points by Rawone (2) 13 years ago

You need to get to Washington, where all the control really is located. Start with Obama and the democrats that have increased the debt by approx $10T since 2006 and continue to outspend income by $1.5T per year. Another five years and you will be lucky to have any freedom, or possibility for any job or income.

[-] 1 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

Not just Obama. Every president has done it since Eisenhower. The stock exchange is the correct place to be attacking. The companies of the stock exchange control the white house. They have bought out all the voting machines, and they hire people to flood washington d.c. with lobbyists who completely control our government. Do you go to your brother when you want something from your dad? No. You just go to your dad. Screw your idiot brother.



[-] -1 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago


[-] 3 points by ediblescape (235) 13 years ago

99% against 1% does not need any arm weapon. The best weapon is a idea.

[-] 2 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Per ardua ad astra! Carpe diem! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Occupy everything.


[-] 1 points by davids (13) 13 years ago

Brilliant move. Shut down industry and commerce which will drive up the prices of goods and services. This will really help the 99%!


[-] 0 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

The worlds first non-violent revolution. And a revolution about money, taking money from those taht hold it.

and its going to accomplish this through peace.

Gimme a break.





[-] 7 points by downwiththat (11) 13 years ago

To quote Mario Savio,

"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious-makes you so sick at heart-that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part. And you've go to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've go to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working

[-] 1 points by Freedom2100 (25) 13 years ago

As true now as it was in 1964, maybe more so....

[-] 0 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

What if the machine itself is incompatible with human freedom?

[-] 6 points by CsP4321 (24) 13 years ago

It is never necessary in America for the police to suppress the freedom of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

there is something rotten when this kind of harassment, arrest, restriction of speech and movement happens in America. It is tragic and un-American!

The real crime, the crime of the century just played out right in front of our eyes. We need some accountability and indictments need to be brought against the real criminals on Wall Street. Arresting Americans for exercising our constitutional rights is absurd while the ones who stole billions of “hardworking taxpayer’s” money - under the guise of “too big to fail” - walk free and receive bonuses from the people’s tax revenue.

Those of you who disparage OWS are either part of the 1% or you are woefully uninformed of American Constitutional rights.

[-] 2 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

Well said!

[-] 6 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Right on occupiers, scare the hell out of the 1%!!!

[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

How did they do that???





[-] 4 points by ahbregman (18) 13 years ago

People seem to have lost the ability to see symbolism. The "house" is a symbol for our belief in the fundamental right to shelter, if the carpenters had put the house in their own yard would any of us be talking about this. If we banter over property rights we get nowhere. The rights of people everywhere nationally and abroad are infringed upon by the powerful all the time. OWS recognizes the lack of "legal" permits and documentation as a means of civil disobedience to bring an issue into our collective consciousness. Without the crossing of lines and the pushing of boundaries we maintain the status quo. We must keep pushing these boundaries to keep the ball rolling, and yes there will come a point when the quantitative change will transfer to real qualitative change. Keep learning and keep building, unity in the movement is key.

[-] 4 points by yoss33 (269) 13 years ago

Another new development. Good job on the buildings. What about a flatbed truck to move them around, would that work? Set up flash Occupy housing strategically? Just brainstorming, but nice, that looks like a pretty structurally solid house. There must be some Occupy carpenters in the mix.

[-] 3 points by MachineShopHippie (216) from Louisville, KY 13 years ago

I love how everybody thinks we're lazy slackers, but everywhere there's an occupy movement, people are building stuff and doing cool, creative things. Occupy Everywhere!

Guy with the tool belt - I love you. Everything about you is fabulous and amazing. Build & Occupy!

4:44pm: After only 5 minutes, the city inspector has condemned the building.

6:02pm: Only six people left, all on the roof.

(Sounds like a pretty decent little structure to me, but hey, what do I know, I'm just an engineer.)

[-] 3 points by OccupyNot (23) 13 years ago

So what is the story with this building? Have cops torn it down yet or are they building a 2nd story?

[-] 0 points by iamows13 (10) 13 years ago

It was gone that first night, but not announced here.

[-] 2 points by aniadrift (17) 13 years ago

The boomers and Gen Xers will mock these kids, but they are the future. You can't fight the future. They can (and will) delay your control, but the older generations and the ideals they hold will die off. All those who fight you do so in futility, and this is why they fight you so vehemently, with so much rage; they are as cornered animals, they know they are fighting a losing battle and they are furious. They know their time is coming to a close. You have only to remain strong and wait for the world to fall into your hands. What you must ensure, occupiers, is that you maintain your principles once you do gain control. The boomers protested as you are, and sold out their principles for comfortable middle class lifestyles as they grew older; they caused many of the problems we are facing now. Please do not follow their example.

[-] 2 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

Occupy Congress

[-] 2 points by jdjay (34) 13 years ago

Rather than declaring war on the American people as our elected officials basically have done it would be nice to see them come up with some out of the box ideas that would provide jobs and housing, together. It would be nice to see see a new influx of coops dedicated to local agriculture and self-sufficiency. But instead it is my way or the highway. That doesn't jive with their model of economic oppression.
They can't exploit us as much if we are self-sufficient. If our leaders had any sense of decency they would be willing to accommodate everyone's needs. A lot of us would prefer to be part of old school self-sufficient agrarian societies. We have to figure out a way to make it happen.

[-] 2 points by Garrettleeturner (1) 13 years ago

wow still no article about the passing of the defense authorization act?

dont you think it's crucial to spread that kind of information to all of us in this movement?

if you dont already know about it, here's an article : http://rt.com/usa/news/detention-legislation-torture-senate-891/

and heres an article about the boughtout mainstream media not telling anyone about it: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-12-01/politics/30462154_1_drone-strikes-civil-rights-military-junta

[-] 2 points by me2 (534) 13 years ago

So cool how it was built to code and within legal guidelines. Very smart. One of the most intelligent protest actions I've seen to date. Very interested in seeing the "bad faith" negotiation video.

[-] 2 points by therising (6643) 13 years ago

Cheers OccupyDC!! Thank you for your courage!!

[-] 2 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

This is great.Forward to the Capitol steps.

[-] 2 points by jwtom (2) 13 years ago

Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

[-] 1 points by Dtrigger (6) 13 years ago

The attempt at Globalization is the same as the tower of Babel; and God will take care of this one as well.; In the meantime. Occupy!

[-] 2 points by jwtom (2) 13 years ago

I am not trying to talk about religion. I am only trying to say that whenever the people unite together to do something, they will be successful.

[-] 1 points by Dtrigger (6) 13 years ago

Actually I'm not talking about religion either. If you knew history you would know the tower of babel was an economic attempt. As well


[-] 2 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Watch out for the 1% controlled mob; the mob is dressed in uniform and riot gear mounted on enslaved horses.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

No. They are dressed like you, and pretend to be on your side. They try to make you look violent, unreasonable and dangerous. They are the ones who yell at the cops before there is conflict.

[-] 1 points by Socrates469bc (608) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Ah the planted instigators, that age old trick...

[-] -1 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

If you find fault in my warnings, as a member of the "establishment", take me to task. But before you do, listen to Lennon's Shaved Fish.

[-] 2 points by ronimacarroni (1089) 13 years ago

That house looked pretty nice


[-] 2 points by bigdonnie58 (1) 13 years ago

Public Party Of Indiana The "fight" is never about what one has as an Individual;But what we have as a Whole. With 99% minus a few traders...and We has a winning hand.

[-] 1 points by freetowork (1) 13 years ago

It's not the government to provide social services, Never when hearing about the american dream I never heard "It's my dream to be supported by the government." No there was a time when people fought and work three jobs to get what they need and now people look to the government to support them.

[-] 1 points by masini (2) 13 years ago

New Structural must be in our hearts. These structures certainly will not kill again. We must begin to educate people that we have power and influence policy so. Just so our efforts will remain in vain. http://www.miere-bucovina.ro/propolis

[-] 1 points by klmcelroy (15) 13 years ago


 DEBT US ALL (sung to the tune of Deck The Halls)

  1. Debt us all with bailout follies! Tralalala lalalala! What’s the rea - son to be jolly? Tralalala lalalala! Hundred bucks per barrel of oil! Tralala lalala lalala! Drink the Kool-Aid, Join the Chorus ! tralalala lala lala  
  2. Bomb we now our latest peril Tralala lalala lalala! Billion bucks a week? no quarrel! Tralalala lala lala! Strike them hard if they’re not for us Tralala lalala lalala! Freedom's yours if you're conformist. Tralalala lala lala!  
  3. See the blazing world before us Tralalala lala lala ! Europe's crashing, print more dollars Tralala lalala lalala! Constitution's now in tatters Tralala lalala lalala! End the wars and fund what matters! Tralala lalala lalala!


  1. There is a house in Washington they call the Cap-i-tol It’s ruining the modern world, let protest flags unfurl. To curb the endless wars they cause, Let citizens unite ! O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  2. My Father was a Senator, he sent in the Marines I asked him when the wars would end . "We’ll squeeze ‘em 'til they scream" My Uncle was a General, and now he builds their planes. O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight!

  3. My Mother worked in Washington, inside the Pentagon She'd add up all the men who died, then add them up again. The General said he saw the truth , but would he tell? O NAY! O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  1. "There’s too much money in this game. Let companies stake their claim." "My neighbor’s in Afghanistan, A thousand bucks a day" The troops they send to guard his truck die for a lot less pay. O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  2. My brother ran for Congressman, they said: "It costs a lot. You'll take our money for this race, or else we'll have you shot." My sister is a radical, she thinks things can be changed O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  3. They say it’s called Democracy, they let us vote and wail But rich men write the laws you see, the poor just go to jail Now DOD can take you in and THROW AWAY THE KEY. O tidings of civil war tonight. Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

  4. There is a House in Washington, a Senate down there too The People can withhold their tax ~ that's me and you and you! As long as profits rule all else, this country's goin' to hell. O tidings of civil war tonight Civil War NOW ! O tidings of civil war tonight.

WALL STREET (Sung to the tune of Silent Night) by John Judge, Carl Chatski, Kim Louth

  1. Wa-all Street Where the rich meet All's not calm All's not right In the parks, the people abound Human voices protest all around Greed's disturbing the peace Greed is disturbing the peace

  2. Joblessness grows true rate ? Who knows... Where did all -- our money go? One percenters say "BAIL OUTS WERE SWELL" While the people have all gone to hell! People, come out and prot-est, Protest the DOLLAR as King.


Now, I know you think you tough, But you better keep you distance If you dealinwith a brother Knows Non-Violent Resistance You be braggin bout you juice, Dissineverybody, laughing Ha Ha, But you won’t be smiling long When you run into Satygraha Dr. King he had more power In his one little finger Than whatever you’ll let loose By pullinon that trigger Now, I really don’t think That you’re getting the whole pitcha But you’ll know it soon enough, if I get non-violent witcha Violence gets back violence, Always has, every minute, every hour But that cycle’s gonna end When it come up against Truth Power

AN OBAMANATION (To the tune of The Crystals “Da Doo Ron Ron” )

  1. They put him in the White House, and it felt so strange It took so long long, it took so long. They called it hope, and then they called it change He looked so strong, strong, he looked so strong. Yeah, my heart stood still Yes, it was a thrill But when he came to power, it was straight downhill! He do wrong wrong wrong, he do wrong wrong

  2. He knew he's doing wrong when he told those lies It was so wrong wrong, it was so wrong He spoke so quietly, but my oh my It was so wrong wrong, it was so wrong! Yeah, he caught my eye Yes, he told some lies Then ~ when he went to war It was all wrong wrong, it was all wrong!

  3. Surveillance and the torture are still goin' on, That is so wrong wrong, that is so wrong My only vote was spent on an automaton I went along long, I went along. Yes, he tortures still Yeah, and he bombs at will Now, he's dronin' on and on He do so wrong wrong, he do so wrong.

  4. He bailed out Goldman Sachs and his other pals Was that so wrong wrong, was that so wrong? He gave them dough, he had become a shill ! He went along long, he went along. Yeah, he looked so fine Yeah, fooled me one more time Now he's just like Bush, but worse! He do wrong wrong wrong, he do wrong wrong.

VIOLENT NIGHTS (sung to the tune of Silent Night)

  1. Violent nights, no respite All is bombs, all is fright Sounds of danger to mother and child Birthplace of Jesus is so defiled Wish for heavenly peace Wi-i-ll there ever be peace?

  2. Violent nights, no end in sight C'vilians quake at their plight Fires fall down from heaven afar Weapons- makers sing Alleluia ! Peace asunder is torn Will peace come Christmas morn?

OCCUPY! OCCUPY! (Sung to “Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells”)

  1. Oh! Occupy! Occupy! That's the only way Oh what fun it is to tent When you cannot pay the re-e-nt!

  2. Occupy! Occupy! from Wall Street to the Fed Screw us, and we'll multiply We're in the streets tonight! HEY !

[-] 1 points by OWSMusic (57) 13 years ago

A song for the banksters on Wall Street... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FM3KR9dEOk

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Excellent and the ending was the best! Here's a parody for you. Borat visits OWS:


(For anyone who doesn't know:Borat was a funny movie.)

[-] 1 points by simplesimon (121) 13 years ago

Those walls are ass backwards like the Citgo sign! Fill er up man!

[-] 1 points by billbux (35) 13 years ago

We are beta testing a new system that allows anonymous geo-tagged messages.

We would love for you to try it and give us feedback – you can find us at:



Thank you!

[-] 1 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

worst video ever

I think it's interesting that no one wants to answer who gave money to build this thing? Donations from rich? poor? Corporations?


[-] 1 points by DBrice00 (0) from Park Hills, MO 13 years ago

May I offer my unmitigated support, as well? As I view some of the comments, just below, on my display, I see some references to the "Debt Crisis", I think I remember that the Obama Administration, upon its arrival said, to the "Nation", that their budgets would reflect the costs of prosecuting our adventures, in Iraq and Afghanistan. Suddenly the debt crisis appeared. I thought, more than thirty years ago, the Reagan tax policies would create immense problems, in the future. We have endured more very bad policies between then and now, so the "Debt Crises" is the result of years of misguided policies.

I expect that the O.W.S. adherents, are quite well informed about "Wall Street" issues, I would like to publicly recommend David Cay Johnston, who writes on taxation, specifically, I would like to mention "Perfectly Legal" and "Free Lunch". He may be the Upton Sinclair or Lincoln Steffens, of our generation.

[-] 1 points by cjmine (1) from Denver, CO 13 years ago

Important distinctions have been made here about the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution in that it does NOT state that the government must provide a specific place in/on which to peacefully assemble. As U.S. citizens, 100% of us own all public land. 99% are choosing to occupy such land and property of the people nationally, exercising rights to peacefully assemble in an attempt to redress grievances with their government. While erecting a wooden structure on K Street in McPherson Park violates local building codes and laws, let us not lose sight of the fact that such a construction is peaceable in nature and is in no way hostile or violent to anyone. Geographically closest to the decision power that will affect the most positive changes we’re demanding to see by the acts of this historical national movement, the occupy K Street people are in the wrong place in DC. They should seek the shelter and protection of a publicly owned building where their voices would be heard and resonate. In 2008, during the worst period of our current recession, the largest addition to the Capitol in its history, opened. The Capitol Visitor Center is a $621 million facility that's about as large as five football fields and includes an exhibit hall, auditorium, two theaters, meeting rooms, gift shops, and a restaurant. As a partial owner of this rather elaborately expensive yet publicly owned piece of real estate, I hereby give you my personal permission to assemble there. It provides… • Shelter from the cold that the 99% pays for • Clean running water that the 99% pays for • Sanitation facilities that the 99% pays for • Access to food preparation facilities that the 99% pays for … and therefore, we all have the right to use it. What more suitable space accommodates the rights of U.S. citizens assembling to redress their grievances with government than within its very heart?

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Why is it in the shape of a pentagon?

[-] 1 points by therestofus (40) from Estancia, NM 13 years ago

hail occupiers we are too big too fail and will only increase in numbers thank you thank you

[-] 1 points by Misenka141957 (61) 13 years ago

Bravo, this is the beeginning of a new and selfsufficient society that will ddesttroy the 1% because they will not neeedd them anymore. Again, bravo!!!

1% RUN! It iis the beginning of your end!

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

What another great idea, great, great job, thank you for your sacrifice and courage.

[-] 1 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

I have an improvement on that idea : Build structures outside the city too and use geothermal temperature control combined with perfect insulation. Get the crowds someplace safe and dry. Everything we need is right here. Very little wood needs to be used. The ground should be dug to set up the geothermal pipes. A well needs to be dug if it can not be connected to a water source. The earth and rocks dug up in this process can be used to build the foundation and most of the walls. Glass roof and walls would be good for solar heat and to allow hydroponics. The geothermal pipes run 10 feet or so below the ground. The water can be pumped with bicycles to start out since so many people are around, keeping the 55 degree temperature underground a constant base to heat up from in winter and cool down to in summer. The structures should be at least 10 to 20 times the size of the pathetic thing that I see in the picture here. There needs to be room for hundreds in each one. Work for free, and eventually everything will be free, and there will be enough for everyone that needs.

[-] 1 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

Another thing to keep in mind when building a home and staking a claim. If you do not have weapons to defend it, barbarians will come in and take it from you. Just look at the white house. George Washington used to live there. Look at it now. There is no point in building if you can not protect it. May as well just keep laying on the street and going limp when someone touches you.

[-] 1 points by JDub (218) 13 years ago

I hate to agree with mr negativity, but he is right. Property ownership is really all down to, will u kill to keep it?

[-] 1 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

Also, we do not have to kill to defend against barbarians. I have cleared the barbarians off of my land with a stun gun and a few calls to the cops. I have never had to hit anyone with my stun gun. A few times I had to hold it up and push the button. What followed were bowed heads and promises never to bother me again.

[-] 1 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

Or would you die to defend it? There is a difference between killing for what you believe in and dying for it. Big difference. Also, if no one tries to examine the faults, then mistakes will be made. There is a huge difference between being "Mr. Negative" and trying to solve problems.

[-] 1 points by JDub (218) 13 years ago

Mostly, my point is, that if someone trys to take what u have, then you either defend it or leave. If a country goes to the moon, simply planting a flag does not actually claim it. Having weapons and the ability to defend your claim is what land ownership is really about. Look at indiginous people. They have land, another group of people decide they want the resources of that land, and thus, make a pogrom to wipe them out, so they may exploit those resources. Its sad, but real.

[-] 1 points by Adam (116) 13 years ago

Yes what you are describing is happening right now all over. Banks take people's homes after they worked for decades in our country. In Peru, the last "indigenous" people are fighting with whatever they have to chase away gold miners. These gold miners are using chemicals which run off into the rivers and destroy their food. Criminals must be identified and dealt with. There is no excuse for polluting. This affects everyone's home.

[-] 1 points by tedscrat (-96) 13 years ago

Not a bad looking structure. How about putting your skills to work with Habitat for Humanity

[-] 1 points by jgbennet (0) 13 years ago

The OWS movement needs a propagandaesque poster child for the misdeeds of the greedy and they can find that poster in the iconic images of richard nixon.

THE FACE OF GLOBALIZATION & DEREGULATION http://politheo.com/nixon.png

Get your graphics guys to come up with some good ones. Nixon's face is worth 1000 words for corruption and his ideology is where it all began.

In 1974 Nixon deregulated the movement of capital in and out of the US. Britain followed suit in 1979 and other countries did so during the 1980s so that by the 1990s most of the world’s flow of capital was deregulated.

After the onset of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented many economic regulations including the institution of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and *the Glass–Steagall Act,*.

The 1930s regulations stayed largely in place until Richard Nixon's Administration.

NIXON IS PATIENT ZERO in the pandemic spread of the global financial plague & his face is the perfect fit for a nemesis when you guys are being called dirty hippies.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Well said. You might want to also check out the threads re: Federal Reserve at www.occupytogether.org

[-] 1 points by SelfReliant (94) 13 years ago

OWS is a notable movement. Great to see people using their right to protest, this is part of our history. Keep it up. But you cannot expect continuing general support if you insist on thumbing your nose at laws. That starts to feel like anarchy and won't fly. In reading this blog, I realize that there are many viewpoints within the OWS camp, including those of anarchists. Hope the ongoing, continuing OWS can avoid their influence. Keep up the thoughtful protests, awesome

[-] 2 points by Dtrigger (6) 13 years ago

Come on with the "keeping the law" stuff. The Constitution doesn't state that you have to pull a permit to peacefully assemble. If they made it illegal to drink alcohol would that stop you? Just look at the roaring 20's for your answer.

[-] 2 points by JDub (218) 13 years ago

To point out, look at marijuana usage right now. Or underage drinking. Or Speeding, Or drinking/texting while driving. or any other number of laws that people break as often as they can, for no reason other than convenience. Laws are often passed that represent a small percentage of society's wishes, and have done much damage in the past/present. Like prohibition in the 20s, and prohibition of Marijuana now, and the control(or lack there of) of prescribed medication.

[-] 1 points by SelfReliant (94) 13 years ago

Dtrigger, I respectfully disagree with you here. Love the spirit of protest and the fact that the movement is raising consciousness on a variety of issues. But to do this in a way to disrupt the very society that needs improvement makes no sense. Where wod it stop.....claim a public park to occupy, claim a private park to occupy, try to shut down a port which takes money from working people. I don't believe these actions help the cause, which has so much good within it. Just my view, I realize I am much more moderate than many who believe in the concept.


[-] 1 points by Sparky81212 (0) 13 years ago

I'm not clear why people keep talking about OWS "breaking" the laws. Social revolution is about change, it is about protesting the laws and those that created them from a control centered point of view. It's about standing up for the rights of the individual as well as the community. Do you really believe that our local building departments care if you build a house out of toothpicks? Of course not, they care about getting their permit fee, inspection fee's etc. They care about the money. If they weren't payed, they wouldn't be there, and in reality we do not need them.


[-] 1 points by inlikeflint (42) 13 years ago

It was designed by architects and installed in the park. It's art. It's art in the park, which in most cities is allowed in public places. The destruction of the structure violates freedom of expression and since it was designed by professional artists (architects.) It is protected by the Federal Trade Commission. The city may now be sued by the architects for destroying intellectual property and a lendable asset.

[-] 2 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Fantastic analysis, THANKS!

[-] 2 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

Good idea. I wonder if anyone there knows that...

[-] 1 points by inlikeflint (42) 13 years ago

If they don't know, they need to know. They have less than 360 days to file and coordinate with the ACLU.



[-] 1 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Am a 99er (laid off due to company closure & exhausted both my Unemployment Benefit that I paid into for 20+ yrs. plus my savings during this now global financial crisis)and a 99%er myself. Through all of this I've learned that in a major metropolitan area such as the San Francisco Bay Area that for those who would take a low wage or minimum wage job in the hopes of avoiding using their unemployment benefit-ie:keeping 'off the dole' those wages are not compatible with the lowest local costs of living and frequently equal only 1/2 or less of the lowest rental of a 1 bedroom apartment meeting city code and health requirements plus utilities-sort of implying that the lowest compensated that need to be self supporting are truly unwelcome! Since I myself am career displaced and for the moment unable to collateralize my skills to a position paying equal to or greater than my prior earnings (which were above average income for the San Francisco Bay Area) I became increasingly aware that with the advent of Sacramento's Tent City as a response by those who also lost jobs, their businesses and finally their homes due to the financial crisis that a revision of the definition of housing was in order.

Looking to the history of mankind and the fact that by living in a non-mobile home most of us can be more trapped into an economically / job barren location. Which makes more sense when earning power can be eliminated within a short time, prolonged by conditions beyond one's control and employment and businesses last only a few years-immovable or permanent structure housing where if owned could take years to sell in the face of local, national and global economic crisis or moveable housing that is portable such as this structure, mobile or motor homes, tents, teepees or yurts?

I think the Nomadic cultures of the world have it right:when life sustaining resources disappear what can and do they do? That's right, they pack up and move along to where life sustaining resources are!

Hey, as long as city planning commissions and huge companies who hire employees below the average lowest cost of living fail to design areas where those wage earners can obtain shelter that meets building and health codes while allowing for those wage earners to be able to stay off of private and public assistance programs well then, maybe we'll be seeing more 'Tent Cities' or 'Yurt Cities' and a return of Hobos (nomads who work for cash under the table or barter as was prevalent in the 1930's and '40s) and other nomads who choose to set up camp for longer stretches while working as W-2 or 1099 employees as long as gainful employment is unavailable for what used to be the 'middle class.'

[-] 2 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

I applaud your courage; I got laid off, too, and I'm fighting an age-discriination case against a big, super-wealthy Wall Street law firm where I was a secretary for almost 24 years. And this so-called "layoff" had been carefully engineered two years before the recession hit to target older workers (the law firm went on a hiring spree to hire younger workers in preparation for illegally "laying off" the older ones).

Thanks for the post, and I hope you can manage somehow, these are terrible times.

[-] 1 points by BTKcongress (149) 13 years ago

sorry to hear the terrible situation, it's hard to beat lawyers at their own game. the irony is that some institutions fear hiring someone over 40 for fear of this type of potential liability,,,

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Thanks for your comment and support. But, you know, there wouldn't be any need to fear liability if the employer's weren't trying to get around the law. In our case it was absolutely clear--they were going after people according to age and leaves of absence. The weekend supervisor was even forced to go through the records of her staff and "write up" anyone who had used "too much" sick or leave time, including a gay man who'd worked at the firm for 30 years and had to take time off for AIDS treatment! And this wasn't a small solo practice, this was on the scale of huge bonuses, lavish cocktail parties every Friday night for the lawyers, billing at $700, $800 an hour and up for partners... they didn't need to threaten this man, who was terminally ill, with losing his job, for God's sake.

Thanks again for your kindness.

[-] 1 points by BTKcongress (149) 13 years ago

I worked at such a firm too. i do wish you the best in your case. the secret many don't know, is the lawyer representing you must see some serious merit or he wouldn't take the case--this is much more particularly true in cases against law firms.

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Hi, I haven't been on the website for a bit, and just saw your kind comment. But you know, it was a HUGE struggle to find any lawyers to take my and my former co-worker's cases. The Supreme Court made a horrible, anti-worker decision aptly named the Gross case in June 2009 that was so pro-employer and made it so much harder to win an age discrimination case that we were incredibly lucky to find two working class fighters, members of NELA (National Employment Lawyers Association(?)). So we're really lucky these two lawyers took our cases basically on contingency although we had to pay them something up front and expenses, but not by the hour. But what's terrible is that the employer can still try to outspend our lawyers in time, because our lawyers have very small law firms--a solo practitioner and a two-partner office, and they can't put in enormous numbers of hours without getting paid. Thank you so, so much for your support. We're at the point where I just had to refuse to accept a ridiculous "settlement" that would have ended up being virtually the same ridiculous "package" I would have gotten if I'd signed away my rights three years ago in a severance agreement. Thanks so much! I believe what I learned in the Trotskyist movement, it pays to fight back. But I also think OWS has changed the picture so that our chances may actually be better.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Hugs to you and thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I hope you win your case and that if it is a class action that not too many of you are involved but just enough to realize just compensation for your troubles! We'll get through this I know we will somehow. I try to be thankful that things aren't worse and keep on keeping on! Best, D & J in Reno, NV P.S. Be thankful you do not have the anchor of what I term 'Pariah Status' that anyone from the real estate, mortgage banking/brokerage or financial industries carry-it's no fun to have employers thinly veil their hostility despite the fact that ethical representatives of these industries are in no way responsible for the massive 'short' to housing values and the financial crisis that have hurt all of us, especially those whose earnings were or are below the 'affluence quotient' of $250K

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Thank you, and you're right about class action--if there are a lot of people, you don't win much. There were about a dozen older women I think could have brought lawsuits, but most just didn't have the energy for a fight or lawyers who were willing to take a case. Another coworker who was also targeted like me has a lawsuit, we have the same lawyers. I had no idea how incredibly illegal the so-called "layoff" was until we got to the discovery phase of litigation and got to see some of the documents--and they hid some of the most revealing, and didn't comply with many of the discovery requests, for obvious reasons.

So we had to discern the tricks through Sherlock Holmes-like tactics, pouring over company phone directories to see where secretaries had been moved around, transferred out of safe jobs into a so-called floater pool, so the firm could try to claim we got laid off because we were floater secretaries, while the much younger secretaries who'd been recently hired--most in their early twenties--got transferred out of their jobs as floaters into the safe jobs and were retained.

It was such a carefully calculated attack on the older workers who were most expensive, according to who had ben on leaves of absence for illness and/or caregiving. The firm--which was doing so well it was promoting lawyers to partner at the very same time--actually threw three older women around 60 who'd had cancer into the street in the Washington office, too young to get Medicare. These ruthless lawyers and the corporations they serve are the 1%, and they only got away with what they did (and we're hoping they didn't in our cases) because we didn't have a union, it was pure opportunism.

Good luck to you, I really hope for the absolute best for you, and thanks so very much for your kind thoughts.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Thanks and you're very welcome. The plight of you and your coworkers is more than worthy of a New York Times reporter covering it. I will never understand why employers (and yes, even business partners) do half the things I have seen over the years-bottom line is it's best to have a written contract no matter what (handshake deals-no dice! I got rooked out of the sale/1031 exchange transaction involving a $65M SNIF (skilled nursing facility) by a former broker friend for whom I was informally associated but had worked off and on with from 1982 to 2000 and did almost all the work-calls, research, paperwork, timely FEDEXing etc. Because he and I had the informal business arrangement we did there's no fricking way I could ever legitimately sue him but the other partner who bank rolled our little venture to break into commercial real estate is owed a little over $75K. Karma has a way of getting back at people though because my former broker 'friend' ended up with cancer on his eyeball in an area closer to his brain which Dr's were able to remove and he sort of went religious nutty, moved away and last I heard he was living in some religious communal ranch with the wife he met at the church in the El Dorado Hills of California. We found out from a friend of a friend in that church that he got married because in reality he's gay but wants to be 'right with the church.'

I've been involved in 3 legal cases that were work related. One case was myself vs. a company which had to do with harassement and sex harassment, the second case was work injury that I and others won but for very low level remuneration since all I could get was a contingency attorney(this was also where I learned how disposable call center customer service reps are for the multi-national companies and how easy it is for them to violate insurance and labor laws by dragging things on until the insurer drops them and then relocating a call center several counties away).The last employment related case I was involved in was due to labor law violations (as a real estate agent/loan officer at that company we were salary plus commission) and the employer failed to compensate for overtime, many of the top people (yours truly) were staying on the phones dialing our lead sheets to generate loan apps. and field appointments while eating through our lunch hours, staying after normal office hours until 9PM to do the same. Since most of my work life in real estate and loans prior was straight commission people like me didn't really care about the 60 and 80 hour work weeks necessary to generate near and to 6 figure income but I did see considerable verbal abuse and firings of those who were not as focused and dedicated-usually the youngest 20 something workers and many of us were tiring of 'old, dead leads' that had been called over so many times that the application to appointment ratios and quality were suffering. Also, the employer was failing to listen to us top percent producers about focusing on the purchase finance market vs. the refinance and running the business into the ground so a few other employees enlisted http://www.nka.com/ to file suit on our behalf.

With just over 200 then currently working there along with close to 2000 prior employees during the time range of documentable labor law violation at the end of the class action I ended up with a check for slightly over $400 and of course the two employees who started it each split a little over $300K in the settlement.

After all the crap I've seen and been through I truly believe that self employment as long as I can focus on that as a goal is the way to go to spare myself from it.

In closing, feel free to update me by back messaging through my OWS name if or when you win the case or you have any press releases concerning it.

Best, D in Reno, NV (yes, we relocated out of San Francisco Bay Area sight unseen but using online research and we're surviving off of husband's Veteran's Service Connected pension since he was work injured around the same time as my company closure/layoff.)

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Wow, thank you, that's a lot you've been through. very poignant story about the $400 from the class action settlement... that's one reason I didn't think it would help me to try that route. Thanks so much for the offer to contact you, and I would like to be able to ask you about some legal things, possibly a little later. The lawsuit took up so much time for three years straight that everything else at home is backed up beyond belief. It's not over, but at the point where the judge has to rule on the employer's "motion for summary judgment"--that is, attempt to throw my case out of court. I felt I could have gotten a degree in employment law for all the time I put into learning about my case, but now I know what they did to us--a lot of other women felt badly about themselves when they got so-called "laid off," but fighting this lawsuit taught me what criminals we were working for. It wasn't us.

Thanks again!

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

LOL, yep, 'If they can, they will' is a truism that I've concluded when it comes to people 'getting over' in business. I'll try to answer any legal questions you might have related to the cases I've been involved in, but I think you might do well in the chat threads at www.lawyers.com

Interestingly by word of mouth I heard a suit was filed on the labor law suit mentioned, then there was a scurry in the office to begin documenting our 'after hours' and then a letter sent to every past and present employee outlining the case and whether or not we wanted to be part of the claim. By that point most of us were more than fed up so most checked the box and signed to be participants. It took almost a year before the case was settled as with the call center case so I completely understand where you're coming from!

A big part of my consenting to participate was the fact that the employer a few months before had called a meeting to advise cuts to all salaries and draws against commission-ouch! Half of the staff that were more senior to me (with 5+ years of association) and some of whom were also in the 'top producer' roundtable left within days of the announcement while the remainder stayed to the end.

The work injury suit with the multi-national company's call center was the one that took the longest and was the most dragged out (almost 2 years!) but my contingency attorney there basically did all the work; all I had to do was supply him with documentation (ie:the claim denial) and reports such as the company's insurer showing up with 3 reps, circulating around the offices and even speaking with me casually to let me know they were in the process of 'dropping' this company for non-compliance.

The harassment/sex harassment case was relatively straight forward and the employer offered to do an 'out of court' settlement which I declined since the perpetrator in question had a prolonged nasty habit of being drunk, verbally abusing and harassing us real estate agents while on the job at our assigned subdivisions. The tipping point for me was the evening he showed up, locked the door to the sales office and became obscene with me and I as well as others wanted him fired.

Truly, when it comes to litigation I look at it as a 'last resort' when all other options fail in getting a fair resolution.

In closing, hope your day goes well.

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Wow, you've had so much experience, thanks and I'm looking forward to looking at the website. I haven't been on this website for a couple days, but I really appreciate your reply. And I agree, a lawsuit's the last resort. My former coworker and I sued only after we'd finally lost our jobs. It's pretty much a given that if you make much of a complaint in a job where there isn't a union you're not going to have a job--and suing, forget about it, if you sue while you're at a job, it's over.

But I do believe from the movement, it pays to fight back. In the last week, the employer offered me and my ex-coworker such a ridiculously low settlement that we would have ended up with just about the same amount as if we'd signed away our rights and taken the outrageously low severance "package" over three years ago. I'm just so grateful that OWS has forever changed the climate in this country and--we're in New York City--this employer knows that if we can get past Summary Judgment, that is, the judge grants us the right to go to trial, the employer would face a jury that HATES rich Wall Street law firms that steal from and bully their employees.

Thanks for listening and thanks again for your story and good luck.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Hi and you're welcome as always! The www.lawyers.com website was really helpful for me concerning a number of questions I had concerning the labor law issues and for wills, living trusts and probate.

Your case with your employer does not surprise me in the least and I'm so glad you both refused their insult! We are all potentially vulnerable in employment situations where or when the employer turns 'bad' and this is why there are unions at many companies. Somewhere along the line in many cases the employer perpetrated 'bad behavior' and employees started the union because '50 plus 1' cinched it.

OWS is just the beginning of regular people organizing and causing long overdue change and I wish I was in New York to witness and participate what I was able to hear on the Internet Police Scanners for the days of the mass protests that were also streamed with video online!

What we're facing in this country for people who just want to earn an honest living is a challenge with the economic pressures and corruption on all fronts. For anyone just starting out or wanting to 'start over' it's much more difficult when lowest paying basic jobs only equal 1/4 to 1/3 of the local rental housing and that's not including utilities for most major metropolitan areas. The days of starting a home based business from your kitchen table in the hopes of growing it to supplement or escape the 'rat race' if that is what someone wants to do like Lillian Vernon www.lillianvernon.com or even something simple like Debbie Field's Chocolate Chip Cookies is nearly impossible (due to reams of governmental requirements and health codes not present prior to the early 1970's) and yet companies like these are what we need more of.

Anyway, keep up the good fight, never back down and as Churchill said: 'Never ever, ever, give up!

Take care and best to you!

D&J in Reno, NV

[-] 1 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

Thanks again for your help. I have to check that website. I agree with everything you're saying, and it is absolutely terrible what's happening to all of us. This crisis of capitalism and driving down the standard of the working class was predicted over 40 years ago when I was in the Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party. Unfortunately I can't be an activist right now, but I still remember one man in the party, actually someone who was wealthy from one of those high-paid executive jobs, telling me about this coming fight: "Some day the party will send you out to Wisconsin to organize [the revolution], and that day will come as surely as I'm standing here." I think we're beginning to get to that point, but I don't know if we have the organization to lead the workers in a class war, given what we're up against. But OWS is absolutely magnificent and revolutionary, and we have to participate in whatever way we can to keep it going and make sea changes in the world.

Thanks so much for reminding me of that quote from Churchill, it's great. All the best, and Solidarity!

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Wow, you have some interesting background. Are you originally from the US? Alot of the interest I'm having with respect to the economic & political issues is relatively recent starting with the S&L crisis and Enron(which the MF Global fiasco makes it look like child's play.) In looking up Trotsky I'm glad at least that what history classes I was required to take ( and which to me was a waste since my original interests were in the sciences) gave me a brief overview enough to recall. Anyway, the more stuff I come across the more I realize bizarrely that as George Soros has said and to paraphrase that "Nobody is in possession of the truth." Here then is a link to a Stanford professor and author discussing Wall Street's role in Europe starting in 1914 through WWII and clarifies alot about the forces shaping global economics and politics Check out this video on YouTube:


Things like this and what seems like a struggle to understand the most likely forces at work and what's best to do when necessary (ie: violations of rights and clear misuse/ interpretation of them under the US Constitution and Bill of Rights and Federalist papers as the founders intended vs. the corruption we see now makes me recall one of my favorite anonymous quotes to "Keep your mind open, but not so open your brains fallout." I think basically what most people want is to be able to enjoy as much or as little as they so choose of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness within the context of 21st century advances but without an atavistic dictatorial group or source: Orwell's 1984 springs to mind as a stark illustration and since OWS seems to 'fill the bill' by drawing the best ideas from various individuals and ideologies of which none seem to stand alone to fulfill what most are looking for, the eclectic mix of positive ideas for action resonates well with most in effecting change which really is an ongoing process for individuals all the way through to the greater global community!

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

You're right. If people move to where the jobs are (or aren't, really), then we'll start to see slums like those outside of Bombay. We cannot afford to buy a structure that stays in one place because we have no job security. When the people are too afraid to invest in the infrastructure, it weakens the state and the economy. I've seen this in countries in East Asia where the young post-high school generation is mostly job-hoppers who go from part-time job to part-time job and live in youth hostels because they cannot secure full-time employment.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Considering that it appears the US economy and it's real estate/financial sectors are not likely to return to average performance levels (if that)until around 2020 many will be in for a slow slog towards any semblance of economic stability.

Slums as you describe in Asia with 'job hoppers' on the increase to the proportions of the East - Delhi comes to mind as well as China, Vietnam and Phillipines is uncomfortably a strong possibility for the US and Europe if we don't rectify our economies and industries at home.

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

I agree; it is a problem that leads to many more problems. The elephant standing in the room in the US is human trafficking, as we are the #1 destination for trafficked humans in the world and also a major exporter. With the insecurity of the situation described above, that will only get worse.

[-] 1 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

The number of 'disappeared youth' and why is something I am well aware of. Also, the unreported suicides of individuals and even whole families due to loss precipitated by economic crisis -it's horrific to hear from law enforcement,fire and emergency medical personnel and worse to hear live as dispatchers communicate these harsh realities that are 'blocked' from media coverage in the hopes that less occur (I guess it's based on a 'mass hysteria' argument and they want to prevent a rash of suicides and family murders?)

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

Yeah. I've lived in Japan which has the highest rate of suicide in the world. Ignoring the problem isn't going to make it go away; you have to address it. At least in Japan there is tons of research on the suicides and suggestions on what to do to lower the rate. It is a public issue that everyone knows about and is trying to solve. I'm pretty sure it's only the 1% that would use the "mass hysteria" argument, you know? I don't watch corporate media, but I wouldn't be surprised if that term were used for the Occupy protests.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

'Mass hysteria' comes from my past studies of the psychology of groups/crowds. Yes, there are alot of studies on the phenomena. Oddly, a greater number of the suicides I am aware of are those of members of religious groups known for their strictness and for 'shunning' of those who fail to measure up.

It begs the question: Is this a parallel set of pressures to those which the Japanese face in their hierarchical society?

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

The parallel I can see clearly is the economic one. When someone is laid-off, can't pay their debts, going out of business, or the blame for some financial catastrophe in the company is placed on them, etc. One thing you don't see in Japan is the ridiculous price of university education. I studied at a mid-level four year university for $400/semester, including tuition and fees. My student housing was $72/mo., and textbooks ranged from $8-$27 a piece.

[-] 0 points by economicallydiscardedcitizen (761) 13 years ago

Blame, social ostracism lack of empathy and support definitely cause more harm than good. I was unaware of the way Japan's Universities charge but was surprised in watching a recent documentary that foods in restaurants all have a set maximum price-ie: for a serving of a certain type of sushi the charge could be no more than a specified maximum amount.

In closing I hope Japan is able to recover more quickly than expected and people/countries continue to help in the wake of their triple tragedies.

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

Yes, good luck to them and to us.


[-] 1 points by TheUnchainedComic (12) 13 years ago

Laughing is one form of coping with the uncertainties and tribulations of our common mortal existence in our challenging natural milieu. Laughing is an autoresponse we all experience while confronting everyday evidence that jars our personal worldviews. One may chuckle due to their first-glance impression of others erecting a structure not at all to compliance to conventional code, while another will hoot at the same scene because a different worldview informs their take. In this case for instance, one might get immediately giddy owing to the builders' blatant defiance of normative convention and celebrate that spirit as a warm and welcome alternative to usual compliant status quo. I'm loving it, and I'm not alone. Peace.

[-] 1 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Why are you being so abusive to the police? I have to wonder if some of the big-mouths are provocatures. Yelling at and insulting the police only makes you look immature, unruly and belligerent.

It also creates an unnecessary divide between OWS and the police. The police are doing their job. Treat them with respect. They are not the problem.

[-] 2 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

the police are the ENEMY in our local communities. they are freemason thugs illegally organised federally by the DHS. stop and frisk is bullying. all marijuana charges are MALICIOUS PROSECUTIONS. just watch Lt JOHN PIKE pepper spraying our intelligent young people peaceful protesting to see a TYPICAL PSYCHOPATHIC COP in action. we need to get all these uniformed psychopaths back in their cages.


[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Both of my grandfathers were Freemasons. They were exceptionally good men.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

the freemasons/knights templar control the system and your ancestors joined for their MATERIAL GAIN.they are a fascist elite, like christians thinking they are better than the rest of us. freemasons and christians are ENEMY agents obeying their fascist all male hierarchy.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

They were far from supper rich. But they had decent professional lives. One owned a construction company. The other ran a prison release program to help convicts integrate into the legitimate economy. He's the one whose father and brother were betrayed by FDR. He was the most dedicated Mason. They were pillars of their communities.

[-] 1 points by sufinaga (513) 13 years ago

it is very important to venerate and love our ancestors. the system they were part of is a fascist tyranny. they might have been pillars of the community but that power was corrupt and undemocratic. it is that fascist system we are here TO REPLACE.

[-] 1 points by dmwdp001 (3) 13 years ago

If you read the updates, the OWSers attempted to negotiate with the police, and were later met with violence. If the reporting is accurate, I'd say they handled the police situation well, but I wasn't there so I can't say for sure.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I'm talking about tactics as well as simple ethics. The police are in a situation that requires them to enforce the law, or not pay rent. For the most part they really do protect and serve. We need to change things at a much higher level so that we can have the police do in the US what the do in Iceland. Arrest the banksters.

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Does yelling at the cops make them evict the people? No. The divide is created by the people giving the orders. What is the function of the police in contemporary society? Do they exist to protect us, or do they exist to protect the powerful against the people? When protests and movements come into being, the police face choices as to which side they will support. When they are given odious orders they can speak out. If they do not, they are complicit

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

I'm not sure that erecting semi-permanent structures is appropriate at McPhereson Square. What does it accomplish? There are already tents of comparable size down there.

Do you think yelling at and insulting the police is likely to bring them over to our cause? Such conduct is more likely to alienate them, and create a hostile relationship. Note that DC Metro Police are not in riot gear.

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

It would be nice if their union came out with a statement.

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

That wouldn't seem right to me. They are individuals who will certainly hold different opinions. To me this is one of the great things about OWS. There is no single voice speaking for all of us.

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

The police have a union. If they have any ethical complaints about the orders given to them the union should voice those complaints. If the union does not raise any objections, we assume the cops want to and approve of following the orders as given. What does that make them?

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

It's more complicated than that. One thing I have to say is that DC local news reported that building inspectors declared the structure to be unsafe. My father learned carpentry from his father who owned the construction company that built the house Wolfe blitzer now owns in Hollywood FL. I learned the basics from my father, and the rest from The Feynman Lectures on Physics and the corresponding problem set. That structure was exceptionally well built.

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

It really is not though. A public statement from the police would lead to more good will between them and protesters.

The structure was "politically unsafe."

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

You don't have a military background, do you?

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Why do you ask?

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

If you had served in the military, especially in the enlisted ranks, you would understand how command and control limits the options of those on the front lines. The guys on the field are the ones who take the bullets, for someone else's fight.

The police union cannot issue policy statements contrary to the official will without someone being fired and possibly even prosecuted.

Think of this whole thing as a play, and everybody has their role. How you play your part will influence how they play theirs. If we confront the police with anger and hostility it only serves to alienate them and everybody sympathetic to the police. We end up looking like an unruly mob of belligerent thugs.




[-] 0 points by GetaBrain (22) 13 years ago

So now when they finally get those dipshits off the roof, they're going to take it down. Hey geniuses, guess what's going to happen after that? They're going to close the park for good to you. You people just keep grabbing and grabbing and don't know when to stop. That's why you'll fail in this 'movement.'

[-] 0 points by fjolsvit (957) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

That is superlative architecture.

[-] 0 points by fishb8 (62) 13 years ago

Its about individuals speaking through a collective that speaks for all voices simultaneously by repeating everything one person says

[-] 0 points by billbux (35) 13 years ago

We are beta testing a new system that allows anonymous geo-tagged messages.

We would love for you to try it and give us feedback – you can find us at:



Thank you!




[-] 0 points by Bayraba (24) 13 years ago

Regardless of legality/illegality, do the people of Washington want their money spent on 100's of police to remove something that looks like a Christmas gift stand? And next time, there will be even more police necessary. You can't arrest or evict an idea whose time has come... http://www.bayraba.com/why-the-space-to-occupy-is-so-important/




[-] 0 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

The Occupy Wall St. Movement has no leverage to force change and until OWS gets some leverage nothing will change.

If OWS blocks traffic and shuts down business as usual, OWS will have leverage to force change.

The forgotten must block traffic to remind the forgetful of the needs of the forgotten.

Don't follow the leaders. Block traffic with your friends.

Guidelines For Non-Violent Civil Disobedient Traffic Blocking. http://occupywallst.org/forum/guidelines-for-non-violent-civil-disobedient-traff/




[-] 0 points by OWSMusic (57) 13 years ago

A song for the bankers on Wall Street... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FM3KR9dEOk



[-] -1 points by Gileos (309) 13 years ago

Id like to see them try to build something on my property, what a buch of pansies.

[-] -1 points by theCheat (85) 13 years ago

How long is temporary? what I I want to utilize that space, can I kick you off of that patch of grass and claim it as my own? What If I plant my flag on the top and occupy this structure?

[-] -1 points by SelfReliant (94) 13 years ago

Campers: Come on now, you have absolute right to protest, but you cannot claim land that you do not own. You cannot build structures on other'sand (be it private or public). Actions like this will further erode what support you have. I applaud heartily your spirit of protest, but am increasingly turned away by this sort of thing.

[-] -1 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 13 years ago

Did they get a permit to construct that thing?

[-] 2 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

No protest permit either. Shoot them on sight?

[-] 1 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 13 years ago

No I would not shoot them but I would question the wisdom of construting something like that without permission, a permit, or insurance for that matter.

It appears these folks think it is OK to do whatever you want wherever you want.

[-] 5 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Funny, that's what the 1% think and do.

[-] 2 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 13 years ago

Actually they get permits, follow construction codes, and submit to inspection. In fact I cannot even build something like that on my own property without a permit and inspections.

[-] 5 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Actually, they buy permits, purchase influence to manipulate the codes to build what they want, and routinely pay off inspectors or use political connections to get approvals. The development and construction industry is an exact representation of corporate political corruption.

Example: Spot zoning is illegal, while "Planned Development Districts" (PDDs) are a "legal" process used to change zoning to suit a developers purpose.

[-] 3 points by BreadLandPeace (359) 13 years ago

This is a really good point. In Greenwich Village, the 1% allowed the only hospital on the lowest west side of Manhattan, St. Vincent's, to go bankrupt, and an uber wealthy developer is lobbying to tear it down and build--guess what--luxury condominiums. In the meantime, there's no emergency room for several million people. The developer's trying to get the hospital rezoned and the mayor and other "officials" refuse to even mention St. Vincent's. OWS came to our demonstration back on October 25, and it was a powerful addition to our continuing protests. This movement is real!

[-] 1 points by Meesa (173) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Whoa, Nucleus -- we're not talking about corrupt building protocols -- we're talking about regular folks getting permits -- a reasonable request and a system that DOES work. In our Brooklyn community, we've seen it all -- craft fairs, food fests, ecology days, greenmarkets, animal adoption events -- you need permits and you apply for them and you get them, for the most part.


[-] 1 points by Dtrigger (6) 13 years ago

And buy their permits or council members. Seen it. Know it's there.

[-] 1 points by JoeTheFarmer (2654) 13 years ago

Yes they have to pay for their permits. I had to pay for a permit to add a deck on my own house on my own property.

Are you saying that you believe some people cheat the system so it is OK for these folks to do the same?

Im my humble opinion, criminal activity committed by one group never justifies criminal activity criminal activity for another.

[-] 1 points by Dtrigger (6) 13 years ago

Read from freedom to slavery, read the end of America, read the shock doctrine. You then have a bigger picture of the permit issue.

[-] 2 points by Meesa (173) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I would love to see OWS for once apply for a permit -- maybe hold a day-long "exhibition" in public space WITH PERMITS about various issues that concern them -- do it up with posters, performance art, GAs, mic checks, distribute flyers/readings lists/select readings from the OWS website. What do you think?

[-] 1 points by ronjj (-241) 13 years ago

These are the same people (American citizens) that put existing laws into place.

  1. Maximum occupancy requirements due to lawsuits over death and injury in overcrowed bars, nightclubs, etc.
  2. Sanitation standards due to lawsuits over bad food at an open restaurant.
  3. Jaywalking etc standards due to lawsuits over vehicle-pedistrian accidents.
  4. Construction standards based as a result of lawsuits based on substandard work done on some sites in the past.

Why if it was wrong in all these prior circumstances, does OWS think that they can do as they well please today. Do they have liability insurance or are they willing to assume full responsibility to cover loss of life or injury in that GA meeting shed, or will they even bother to post occupation limits at the door???

What is OWS trying to prove, that their parents and grandparents were utterly STUPID in getting these laws implemented in the past to protect citizens (their children) in the future. You might just consider one of the older admonitions in existence - "honor your mother and your father".

[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

but but OWS is about something else.... and its bigger than all of that....


[-] -2 points by valleyofthedolls (-1) 13 years ago

Are you kidding me? Building a flimsy house without a building permit. going on hunger strikes? These histrionics are becoming tiresome TO THE 99 pecent that actually work for a living. The shouts of "the whole world is watching" have become tired and stale. the truth is the "whole world" does not give a damn! act less flaky and perhaps OWS will get some respect and support until then.....

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

I work two jobs and protest on my mornings off. You'll notice I didn't say my "days" off, right? Many of the people in Occupy are unemployed or homeless and less lucky than I am. Others have quit their jobs in order to protest in hopes that they can build a system less corrupt. It's only natural that this movement is scattered with various forms of protest. There is no official leader of this movement (though Occupy Denver elected a border collie to speak for them). The fact that there is no official leader means also that there is no "elected" tyrant, no one to play king of the mountain and force us to do his bidding.

The beauty of this system is also that if you have differing opinions and ideas, you can go to your general assembly and express them. You are just as much a part of this movement as anyone else, and again, you are part of the 99% whether you would choose to be or not.


[-] -2 points by fishb8 (62) 13 years ago

working on three months . . .absolutely no difference, still arguing amongst yourselves, nothing resolved, begging for basic needs . .limping from one site to another . .pretending you are beginning a new world . . .Go back to your video games....mess up your own basement . .. . you will be eaten when your "usefullness" to certain entities ends . . .

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

I think that maybe you are not fully informed on who participates in Occupy? We come from all walks of life. I myself work two jobs and protest on my mornings off. To say that there is no difference is to ignore that this is a long process. Rome was not built in a day, as they say. I'm not sure what arguing you are talking about, but any instance in which a wide range of people are trying to work together will involve negotiation, discussion, and debate. Have you ever witnessed a General Assembly? Maybe you should attend once so you have more of an idea of what you're criticizing, but it is a system in which even voices often shouted down get to be heard.

[-] 0 points by fishb8 (62) 13 years ago

But alas . . .you build nothing except discontent, and shame for your soul

[-] 1 points by proudofOKC (361) 13 years ago

“Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.” ~ Oscar Wilde

[-] -2 points by SelfReliant (94) 13 years ago

Protests are great. This sort of defiant and reckless behavior is not.

[-] -3 points by theCheat (85) 13 years ago

Start a fire under that structure, they should get off, but then again these are OWS protesters, not a bright bunch.

[-] -3 points by zucnei (103) 13 years ago

So it is your right to erect structures on public land?

[-] 3 points by dmwdp001 (3) 13 years ago

Under ideal circumstances, no. As a means of civil disobedience and symbolic speech against economic injustice, perhaps. In my opinion anyway.

[-] 2 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

yep. If I want to set up a lemonade stand and sell water with lemons on public land,Im entitled...and so are you.

[-] 2 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

Good question.

The short answer is yesish...

Its nothing different than going to a park and erecting a 'tent' (even though i never had a tent that required nails before), setting up a hotdog stand, placing a table and chairs and play some music, etc.. However, you still must comply with the park ordnance, city ordnance, and so on. Something that alot of people have a hard time remembering is that is public land, not there land. Its as much as mine as there's. Thats why we have ordnance in place, they are what the public as a hole agreed on, and hence represent the views of the overall public, not just a handful of people.

[-] 5 points by Shelbs (7) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

I don't understand. Where in the Bill of Rights does it say, "The First Amendment is limited to city mayors 253 years from now who find it inconvenient, city ordinances and people who have surrendered their freedom for security." Sorry, but the First Amendment comes... well, first. I think I'll take a revolution over city inconveniences. 80% of these protesters have a job, families, a home, paying the same taxes you are, so either get out of the way or stand up and help.

[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

well, what is in the bill of right's is:

"Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Which in turn means that Congress shall make no law prohibiting freedom of speech and people peaceably to assemble. No where does is say that the government must provide a place to assemble, nor that one group of people have rights over another.

While you may feel that the mayor or police enforcing the current laws is a violation of your First Amendment right, I would ask what part and how? Forcing people off of public land's does not violate the First Amendment right. Here is a quick check list Is there a law preventing you from free speech? (Remember, it may not be where you want, like i cant come in your house an say what I want) Is there a law preventing peaceful assemble? ( Assembling on land that you do not own or have the permision to assemble on is not peaceful assemble) The other parts, people are not complaining about, So ill skip them.

Now, "so either get out of the way or stand up and help." is what you said, While I agree, I would say that I'm trying to help.

Im pointing out the truth and informing the mislead public. People are protesting and spitting out lies, and there for propagating the lies even more. Making every move and argument even weaker than before. If people started to show respect, learn what actually is in the amendment before mis quoting them. Then maybe the movement might move.

Knowledge is true power

[-] 1 points by Shelbs (7) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

I'm sorry, but who pays for the upkeep of these parks? Who pays for City Halls? Taxpayers. You. Me. Us. They are no more private than the sidewalk is, which apparently is city property, too. Like I said, I'll gladly violate city ordinances in favor of bringing this country to where it needs to be. I dare say anyone who stands against these protests, who complain about their streets being blocked or their parks "encouraging defecating," have lost their spirit as a free American. Let me ask you: where do you think we should move our protests? To the City Halls where DPS continues to tell us we have only a three hour Free Speech time? Further down the streets where our own countrymen fight against us? Tell me what protest in this nation was accomplished that did not involve blocked sidewalks, police brutality and unlawful arrests. The First Amendment is in no way limited, and you will never convince me otherwise.

[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

Im going to sound bite you a little, so: "gladly violate city ordinances in favor of bringing this country to where it needs to be"

The city ordinances were put in place by us, the tax payers, and what gives you the RIGHT TO VIOLATE MY RIGHTS?

Simple question, can you answer it?

[-] 0 points by zucnei (103) 13 years ago

Didn't you hear that the first amendment grants you a right to erect semipermanent structures on public land until you stop being angry?

Its just like a lemonade stand - if the lemonade stand covered 95% of a park with tents, did not move for two months, used gas generators in enclosed spaces covered with cardboard, had a security team, encouraged defecating in the surrounding area, and had a smaller, unelected sub group that met in an atrium and dictated use of that space for the entire public. You did not realize that democracy looks like 10 unelected people from outside your community meeting in an atrium and deciding how a park would be used?

[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

No, i didn't. That must be the "new" first amendment that everyone is talking about. Sorry, my bad

[-] 0 points by zucnei (103) 13 years ago

I think the general assembly passed it a couple weeks back...

[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

So, Quick question, is the leaders at the general assembly the 1% of the 99%?

[-] 1 points by Dtrigger (6) 13 years ago

Took a shower, got a job, rented a house, STILL PISSED!

[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

lol.... who are you pissed at?

[-] 1 points by Dtrigger (6) 13 years ago

Let's start with the warmongers and move on from there.....shall we?


[+] -4 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

Who is paying for the wood and nails and saws and drills to build this?

[-] 2 points by CsP4321 (24) 13 years ago

Who cares who paid for the materials...


[-] -2 points by Bambi (359) 13 years ago

I care since OWS is against the wealthy.........So if it's someone who has big bucks or a corporation that helping support that structure it would mean you are hypcrites.

[-] 3 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

Yea so those who destroy the world get a free pass from you, and those of us who try to change things are always under the moral microscope...get a life bambi

[-] 3 points by Frizzle (520) 13 years ago

So anytime they buy anything would make them hypocrites in your eyes? Does that include food too? Or does that way of thinking only count for certain goods. Please explain, because i truly don't understand how you can expect anyone in our current society to not spend money.


[-] 2 points by CsP4321 (24) 13 years ago

Perhaps we should compare and contrast; two by fours $75, plywood $150, nails $25, labor free, AIG bail out $182 billion dollars. Irony in Bambi's reply - priceless!


[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

tax payers... ikd

[+] -5 points by GetaBrain (22) 13 years ago

So just shoot them if they won't get off the roof, what's the problem?

[+] -5 points by OccupyNot (23) 13 years ago

These people are crazy. They think they can just put up buildings wherever they want. We should get a pool going for how long before it is torn down. All the work tthye are doing and they don't have a clue that it ISN"T they property. Seriously, these OWS people are delusional. LMAO.

[-] 6 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

How often are communities uprooted and destroyed so that corporations can put up buildings on ground that is not theirs? These actions reveal the double standard in American society according to which the people are judged by one set of rules and the corporations are judged by another. If we do not challenge this double standard it will continue to structure society in a way that hurts all of us. The corporations are not capable of being responsible and they will use the power that our unconsciousness gives them to do destructive and ridiculous things that none of their individual members would countenance in his or her capacity as a rational being.

[-] 1 points by HarryPairatestes2 (380) from Barrow, AK 13 years ago

"How often are communities uprooted and destroyed so that corporations can put up buildings on ground that is not theirs?"

Okay, how often?

[-] 1 points by jdnreha (85) 13 years ago

it happened in the movie UP, theres once

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

That is the status quo. It happens all the time.

[-] 1 points by HarryPairatestes2 (380) from Barrow, AK 13 years ago

Can you give me a specific example?

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

What Hunt oil is doing in Peru.

[-] 1 points by HarryPairatestes2 (380) from Barrow, AK 13 years ago

My sympathies to the natives for the drilling going on in Peru, but they have been paid for Hunt Oil crossing their territory and entered contracts for the right. What does that have to do with your argument of corporations uprooting communities in the U.S.?

[-] 1 points by bankrun2011 (89) 13 years ago

I mean in the World. The US is part of that world thing...




[-] 3 points by Vooter (441) 13 years ago

That house doesn't look too delusional to me. And when the pigs tear it down, another one will go up, and another, and another, and another...



[+] -6 points by OccupyNot (23) 13 years ago

Aholes. It isn't your property. You can't build things wherever you want without permits, inspectors, whatever and once again, IT ISN'T YOUR PROPERTY. They are going to tear it down. They are going to arrest you. They are going to bash your heads in (my favorite part) and pepper spray you (2nd favorite). How dumb are you morons?

If police were smart, they would lose the aholes that are arrested for a few days in the system. OR maybe take them for a drive 20 or 30 miles in the woods, release them and let them see what real camping is.

I can't wait for the Youtube vids of the head bashing and pepper spray to be posted later. I love watching them over and over and LMAO. Dopes.

[-] 1 points by Shelbs (7) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

You and people like you are the reason why mankind no longer has its humanity. I'm sure it's easy for you to point fingers and watch from behind your computer screen the people that make these sorts of sacrifices, that take these kinds of beatings to save asses like you who continue to sit in their dark angry corners laughing at all the misfortunes others are suffering on your behalf. Too easy to be selfish, even easier to be a worthless pile of meat. Which, sir, you are.

[-] 1 points by HoneyintheHeart (101) 13 years ago

OOO 3 huges your way my brotha/sista...let me know if u need anymore

[-] 0 points by MiMi1026 (937) from Springfield, VA 13 years ago

You watch to many movies. your evil. a blood thirsty troll.Go get your head examined.

[-] -1 points by GetaBrain (22) 13 years ago

Right on. They need to get jobs or go home to their mommies.

[-] 1 points by Shelbs (7) from Austin, TX 13 years ago

Get a brain. 70% of protesters have a job, a home and families, yet still have the guts to get out there and make this a better country for even morons like you.