A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Six)
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 23, 2011, 3:30 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
This is the sixth communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.
On September 22nd, 2011, sixteen cities from around the country and the world stood in solidarity with us, protesting the disparity of power and wealth that exists in our society. In Liberty Square, no such disparity exists. Everyone's needs are taken care for, food, medicine, water. The only need, the only right, that we cannot take care of is shelter, though this is not our choice. Mayor Bloomberg said that he would give us a space to protest but at every moment he attempts to erode us. He uses absurd police tactics – arresting protesters for using chalk on sidewalks, for wearing masks on the back of their heads in violation of a law that is a century and a half old, for... what, exactly? He uses the tactics of media suppression only available to a billionaire with a media empire. It has not worked. It will not work. We are growing. Each day more cities join us. Each day our movement grows. We demand real change. We will see it.
As organized by our labor working group and outreach working group, we stood in solidarity with Teamsters local 814 and picketed Sotheby's. We are joined and will act in solidarity with the Professional Staff Congress, a union of 20,000 employees from the City University of New York.
As always, our General assembly and work groups kept busy maintaining and securing our space and our freedoms.
Tonight we were joined by a protest against the for-profit legal lynching of Troy Davis. We are all Troy Davis. If Troy Davis had been a member of the 1% he would still be alive. Together we numbered nearly a thousand strong and marched on Wall Street. The police arrested six of us and attempted to incite violence by splitting the march and boxing in protesters, in spite of this, we remained true to our principles of nonviolence. After the police arrested our members we marched on their First Precinct as phone calls from supporters flooded in, urging the police to release the jailed peaceful protesters.
We are unions, students, teachers, veterans, first responders, families, the unemployed and underemployed. We are all races, sexes and creeds. We are the majority. We are the 99 percent. And we will no longer be silent.
As members of the 99 percent, we occupy Wall Street as a symbolic gesture of our discontent with the current economic and political climate and as an example of a better world to come. Therefore we invite the public, our fellow 99 percent, to join us in a march on SATURDAY AT NOON, starting from LIBERTY SQUARE (ZUCCOTTI PARK) at LIBERTY & BROADWAY.
This is a call for individuals, families and community and advocacy groups to march in solidarity.
We stand in solidarity with Madrid, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Madison, Toronto, London, Athens, Sydney, Stuttgart, Tokyo, Milan, Amsterdam, Algiers, Tel Aviv, Portland and Chicago. Soon we will stand with Phoenix, Montreal, Cleveland, Atlanta, Kansas City, Dallas, Seattle and Orlando. We're still here. We are growing. We intend to stay until we see movements toward real change in our country and the world.
We speak as one. All of our decisions, from our choice to march on Wall Street to our decision to continue occupying Liberty Square in spite of police brutality, were decided through a consensus based process by the group, for the group.
just please consider that resident aliens and naturalized citizens suffer a similar experience in this country. there are many, many people who are not american born, but who are as frustrated and many in fact are very passionate about bringing about a change in the country they live in. for many years now many, as you call us, aliens were voicing their concern about the direction where the american economy and politics are headed, but we are often told the same - if you don't like it then pack up and go back to your country. and i take this opportunity to tell you that this attitude towards us is frustrating. it would be nice to see a bit more appreciation, inclusion, and regard towards us. because we stand for the same cause, we suffer the same, and we desire change as much as you do.
I'm a natural born citizen, and whenever I mentioned things that need to be fixed in the USA, I ALWAYS get backlash from right wingers telling me the same thing.... to pack up and leave if I hate it so much. If I hated it so much, I would leave. The reason I'm still here is because, although we have a lot of things that need to be fixed, I love my country, and this is where I'm from. I want things to IMPROVE. Does that mean I hate my country???? They are so misguided and defensive and are the same ones who claim over and over that the USA is the best country ever and want to pull out a gun on you if you disagree with them.
They are defensive because they are afraid to be exposed, which mean the truth would have to come out. Check www.rdwolff.com and listen to all media there. You are not alone!
Our founding fathers came here for some of the very same things we are standing up for right now. Taxation without representation (though it's of a different kind now), free speech, freedom from religion in our laws, and oppressive rule. They left so we wouldn't have to ever again, they gave us a Bill of Rights as a weapon against all of this.
I believe you meant freedom OF religion. The idea that you are free to worship/not worship, whomever you choose, in whatever manner you choose. While I myself have no religious affiliations, I still feel that religion plays a large part of this country's culture and history, not to mention a large part of many of its citizen's lives. I am tired of hearing about people lobbying to have this or that religious symbol removed. I am also tired of hearing about the reverse, religious people objecting to the teaching of certain sciences. Where is the personal awareness of today's people? If you want your children to learn something other than what the school teaches, teach them yourself. If you see some religious symbol of a civil building, just remember that those religious values are a part of that area's history, an not some sort of personal attack.
And here we are, AGAIN, fighting for those same things.
anonalien - my father was an alien. I feel your pain. There are many outstanding citizens who happen to have only a 'green card' but love this country and hope to one day proudly call themselves a citizen. But there are the 1% who come here to steal from the citizens, who refuse to learn the language, adapt to the rules, establish crime or drug routes. If you stand with us, then you are one of us.
And don't feel bad, I've been told to go back to my country too. Oh wait, I was born here.
I'm sure the protesters are inclusive of all immigrants. It's the ones who don't want change who are bigoted toward immigrants.
Nice point, in a sense it could be said that all the 99% are considered aliens by the 1%.
If you Americans, feel oppressed, disenfranchised, slaved, etc., how do you think "aliens" feel?
If Americans are FED up, then the Aliens beyond fed up, well into bulimia.
hear hear
you are uninformed and ineffective dilettantes. you'd benefit from learning more about the targets you protest. and leave the apple products and fixed-gear bikes at home.
You guys suck! You don't even know what you are mad at. You keep saying you're growing, yet the rest of us can hardly see you. LMFAO! Take a bath and shave, maybe you can get a job and buy a home, loosers!
As a senior struggling with health care costs i have very little money but, i am going to scrape together a few bucks to donate to these courageous folks. And i am going to continue contacting media outlets for coverage.
I feel the same oldguy! I am an old lady!
Thanks to you, too! We are fighting for you!!!
Thank you oldguy! We are fighting for all of us
You know... I just do not get it??? Our Left wing Gov.t lies manipulates and constantly changes it stand on the issues depending on how it fits their agenda... then to ad insult to injury wants massive taxs on ALL Americans (Including the Occupy Wall Street Protesters) and give to other countries in the world!!! You are being played people!!! I am sure you are angry SO AM I !!!! I have been unemployed for more than 4 years... You do not see me blaming wall street. I blame the people who orchestrated this... It all Started With ACCORN, BARNEY FRANK, CHRIS DODD and several others who told in fact demanded!!!! the banks give these bad loans anyway possible!!!! You should not be blaming wall street you should be blaming the Gov.t in fact you should not be in wall street you should be at 1600 Pennsylvania AVE.!!! What kind of a president instigates unsafe acts by the people??? Think about it... We are all being played!!!!!!! by Reed Pilosi and the likes. The Leberal people want Socialism, communism and marxism. When they achieve this act we will not longer have freedom only Communism and Socialism!!! No more freedom for you, your families or the rest of us!!!!! Stop and take a second look at what is happening! Please for my family and the people I love! please I beg of you not to rip our country apart! because America is the last place on earth for freedom, once that is gone their will be no place to go on earth!!!
I called NYPD Internal Affairs and filed a complaint about the excessive use of force and the violation of the protestors rights to assemble peacefully (even though I live in WA), anyone can call. The number is 212-741-8401.
So what is your point, bankers should stop lending money? It is clear you have no plan. Get a job or I hope the cops continue to rip out your hair-extension "dreads." Guess what else. Actual poor people don't like being poor and would like to be rich. Why don't you go into their neighborhoods and mentor them with education and training towards feasible long-term careers? Oh wait, because that's hard, and acknowledges real world complexities. Instead let's be obnoxious about something we don't understand to the extent police force is needed, then let's whine about that. Keep up the good work!
Apoyo total desde España, nos globalizamos, tenemos los mismos objetivos. En España sufrimos en el 36 una guerra civil, con nuestros abuelos. Ahora el mundo tiene otra guerra civil contra los mercados. El pueblo unido jamás será vencido.
I am so proud to see all of you stand up for change! My heart is with you. I am an educator working with unitedoptout.com to stop the corporate take over of public education. We can win this battle!!!
Keep it up! I can't wait to protest in San Francisco. Keep it up until the Wall Street criminals and corrupt politicians are in jail!
Thank you for standing your ground and not giving up hope! Wish I could join you. I will continue spreading the word. From Saint Louis MO
Please make a sign or two for me along the lines of:
Hey "Job Creators," Where Are The Jobs?
"Job Creators" Love Outsourcing Work Overseas!
I think the term "job creators" needs to be exposed and taken on full throttle.
Please keep it going. Will try to make it down there myself - but for the love of the gods, don't stop!
Some Guidelines For Non-violent Civil Disobedient Traffic Blocking.
Never plan where and at what time you will do an action. Create groups of ten to twenty or more activists and have each group elect a coordinator who will pick a time and location for an action and only announce the action moments before it occurs. While waiting for the coordinator to declare an action the group can choose a flash mob approach and receive a text of the time and location allowing the group to disperse locally before the action or the group can just picket on the side walk with the coordinator before the action is called. This approach prevents undercover police from knowing exactly where and when the action will take place. Once the action begins it will also take time for the police to arrive and get organized for the arrests allowing for the greatest impact on the traffic. The more time your are sitting on the pavement the more the traffic will be snarled.
Do not lock arms or go limp when the police begin the arrests. When police reach down to make the physical arrest give them your arms and let them help you up and walk with them to the paddy wagon. This approach allows less injuries to occur to the activists and the police. It is also important that the coordinator does not participate in the action so that he or she can let the police commander on the scene of the action know how the activists are physically prepared to be arrested. This will put the police at ease knowing they will not have risk injury in the arrests.
When doing an action do not step out into speeding traffic. Wait for a lull in the flow of traffic in the street and then walkout remaining in a standing position until the most immediate cars are halted by your action. Once the traffic has clearly stopped because of your blockage then and only the will the coordinator give the ok to sit down. Safety is of the utmost importance in all these type of actions.
Only activists that know and understand that they may be brought up on actual charges and may have to spend some time in jail should take part in these actions. Always give your name to the police so the legal team that will represent you can find you in the system after the arrest
When doing these actions always keep a smile on your face and good cheer in your heart so the police can see your not angry at them. Your traffic blocking is the general symbol of our collective anger but that does not have to translate to anger between you and the police.
As Michael Moore stated on Olberman last night a cop on wall st. told Michael that "These guys (Pointing at the exchange.) destroyed the police pension funds'. letting Michael complete his film shoot on wall st.
As soon as I can find some cash I will come down there and be with you folks.
Tons of Love Lloyd Hart 508-687-9153
I'd like to get you to Wall St. If you can set up a donation fund like the Food Fund (https://www.wepay.com/donate/99275) maybe we can get you from MA to NY.
If you would be so kind DuboisDusoleil. I would be deeply grateful to you for your assistance. https://www.wepay.com/donate/163287
The above link points to a fund trying to raise $10,000. Is this correct?
I just put that number in because wepay asked for a goal number. I don't need that much to travel.
Yes I am sure there are many cops who feel the same, look at Wisconsin. Are you from Mass.??
Thank you for sharing this. Great points.
Very important information you shared with them. Even a flinch when being arrested can be taken as resistance.If they follow your arrest instructions the process should be uneventful. Besides, if the arrest is filmed it will also show their full co-operation.
2 might be a good tactic when they come to snatch a few, if they come to arrest massively you have to cancel the facilitation.
My best wishes and hopes are with you. I cannot make it but I will support it with whatever little I can donate and by spreading the word. Stay strong and we will succeed. Is anybody in Toronto listening? We need to start something here.
Deacy, I haven't heard anything here yet. We were loosely organized last year for the G20 and the police response was unbelievable repressive and heavy-handed. I will keep a watchful eye and update on here if I learn of organizing action.
Update: I just noticed Javier's posting about occupy Toronto market exchange. Will look into that as well.
There is Sara: https://occupywallst.org/users/Sara1977/ and there is this: http://occupytogether.org/events/occupy-toronto-market-exchange/
Portland, OR is part of the 99%! We stand with you and you can call on us to act. I have a resale clothing store here in PDX and would love to get you piles of clean, warm clothing if you need it! I would be happy to mail at least 3 boxes of clothing, just need an address, thanks! ferncapella@gmail.com
Many people are looking for information about the occupation on Wall St. and longing to be with you. Keep it up so that we may join you when we can. Many blessings to all of you for your safety and well-being. Many kudos on your democratic process. Solidarity forever!
CAN YOU HELP ME GET 5,000 signatures on my petition to OVERTURN CITIZENS UNITED by October 23, 2011.
Help get corporate influence out of government.
Sign the petition at:
the whole world needs to join in!!
Young Americans. You are brave and wise. You will show the people in the whole world how to save humanity from greed, poverty and war. The 99% in Poland are with you. We believe in you. We support you in our hearts. May we grow up to join you.
Young Americans. You are brave and wise. You will show the people in the whole world how to save humanity from greed, poverty and war. The 99% in Poland are with you. We believe in you. We support you in our hearts. May we grow up to join you.
Thank you!!
Hi everyone not only the occupations listed in the message are supporting #WSO, all these places in this map: http://www.thetechnoant.info/campmap/ and many more that are not registered ar part of this PLEASE SPREAD the world revolution, in your city, next 15 of October as in: http://15october.net/ Meet you all there!
AND PLEASE do not forget to sign the petition. https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions#!/petition/recognize-men-and-women-who-are-occupying-wall-street/tX0ZX8Z7 THANKS!
I think protesters should single out Goldman Sachs for the lies that their CEO, Lloyd Blanfein, told before Congress. This liar continues to bilk his customers and the American public with impunity. With the ongoing protection of former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulsen who continues to work behind the scene for his old firm, Goldman Sachs, Blankfein, could literally get away with murder if he wanted to. Whose to stop him? The incompetent SEC? The FBI (what a joke!)? Under the present system, Blankfein is too big to fail.
As a free libertarian, I believe the occupation of Wall Street is a proper and very necessary protest against the continued pilfering of our national treasure by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and the other big banks ("Big Pigs") that are housed on Wall Street.
Protesters should now be painfully aware that all the Big Pigs are customers of Michael Bloomberg who, despite being sworn to protect the public, is going to do all he can to shelter the buyers of Bloomberg trading systems from exposure as the exploiters they are. New Yorkers, Bloomberg does not have your interests at heart, only his own and that of his fellow billionaires.
This is the kind of movement that can really impact the absurdity of what wall street has been doing. I only hope you can get the baby boomers who are losing all their savings via wall street to join in. Keep the faith.
Big love from a student in Manchester, England! GO GET 'EM GUYS<3!
Tell the NYPD and every state, county and city government worker and union members and 401k beneficiaries - Wall Street purposely destroyed their pension and retirement funds. See The Sucker Punch at www.deadlyclear.com
You'll find links to the lawsuits against the banks for some of the pension fund damages... Not nearly all but enough to make workers think about their future and hopefully support the cause.
Also to those who are trying to make us believe that nothing will be accomplished...
"Those that claim it can't be done should not interrupt/discredit/stand in the way of/belittle those that are doing it".......GB Shaw
"We occupy Wall Street as a symbolic gesture of our discontent with the current economic and political climate and as an example of a better world to come."
This is a really good statement. Perhaps it could be made into a position paper?
The NYTimes has come out with an article saying that we have no purpose and don't even understand what we are protesting. Let's prove them wrong. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/25/nyregion/protesters-are-gunning-for-wall-street-with-faulty-aim.html?_r=1
Heard there would a reunion at the Epoch Coffee in Austin, TX today but nothing happened when i called there. Was it cancelled? Did you guys change the place?
You think Troy Davis should be freed? If that's the case, I no longer support this cause >:(
I am disaabled and can't be there, but I am with you in spirit here in Wisconsin! I have donated for food and water, and I hope you will all stay safe and well!
I am SO PROUD of you all! DO NOT GIVE UP!!! THANK YOU for standing up for our rights and striving to debunk the Wall Street Myth. Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
People do you know that the Chinese are here on our soil doing our jobs right here in front of us. In California the goverment had hired a Chinese company with their workers from China. Their there right now building the there. This is so wrong in so many ways. WHY, because we don't fight. Go to Diane Sawyer news and you can see the clip from today for yourselves. There are protests going on in this country that we need people of all racist and ages to go. We need to stand together against these wrong doings. What more do they have to do us before everyone gets mad enough.
We Love You 99%ers....
I am so proud to see all of you stand up for change! My heart is with you. I am an educator working with unitedoptout.com to stop the corporate take over of public education. We can win this battle!!!
My thoughts & prayers go to you who are sleeping in the streets in the name of us.
Any word on activites in Fl, especially Pinellas County? I am thinking downtown St Petersburg with Williams Park as base would make a great ideal.
Stop saying "We are the 99 percent." You do not speak for us.
It's not about speaking for the 99%. It's about identifying and fighting as members of the 99%.
Not when he says "We are the 99 percent." That's him claiming to be speaking for me. And that's absolutely untrue.
I'm clear on the west coast and due to the media blackout I did not hear about the wall street protests till today, . .Many people are just beginning to find out, . . .please don't give up!, . . more days! , More days!, . .the word is just starting to get out!
Norman Goldman the progressive talker just announced last night that because so many were emailing him about the occupation that he is now giving it coverage on his AM talk show, he is in California.
Please spread the word in any way you can through FB if you are on it, text messages, etc. I find it "interesting" that the Tea Party is not counter-demonstrating... but I am imagining it is because they are being told not to, in order to not draw people's attention to us.
come out and join us in LA, SF, or wherever is closest. We can keep this going!
Our only hope is campaign finance reform. Get the money out of politics fast. Reform campaign financing - stop the ability of the corporations and banks to write our laws. And if we don’t? They will, with total disregard for the planet, plunder every last bit of fossil fuel, destroying the land, air and water, then suck every last dime up from the bottom to destroy the middle class. Then when the collapse comes they will blame anyone but themselves for the destruction of the only planet we have and maybe mankind itself. Remember, question authority, be aware of social conditioning, stay informed and inform others. As long as we have the Internet we have a chance. Keep the Internet free.
I have to sympathize with you people for your desperate reaching for anything to quell the chaos that we are experiencing on a global scale. Unfotunately, you are all going about it in the wrong manner. Protest will ultimately not produce the results you seek. You cannot expect victory over a corrupt system by negotiation. You can defeat a corrupt system by ostricization and refulsal to participate in the system. If through their system they have placed chains upon you, then how do you expect that you will gain freedom through their system? Refuse to participate, they can only control you with your consent. It is a simple principal of capitalism, if you do not like the product that is produced (guilt, fear, control), then don't buy it.
Occupation is in itself a form of refusal. The communities and links that are formed as a result of this will help create a network that will enable people to opt out, something that is very difficult for people especially in American where community is largely nonexistent and most people are reliant upon corporations for their very survival. We need a diversity of tactics to overcome this system, and this occupation is a crucial jumping off point.
I have to sympathize with you people for your desperate reaching for anything to quell the chaos that we are experiencing on a global scale. Unfotunately, you are all going about it in the wrong manner. Protest will ultimately not produce the results you seek. You cannot expect victory over a corrupt system by negotiation. You can defeat a corrupt system by ostricization and refulsal to participate in the system. If through their system they have placed chains upon you, then how do you expect that you will gain freedom through their system? Refuse to participate, they can only control you with your consent. It is a simple principal of capitalism, if you do not like the product that is produced (guilt, fear, control), then don't buy it.
I have to sympathize with you people for your desperate reaching for anything to quell the chaos that we are experiencing on a global scale. Unfotunately, you are all going about it in the wrong manner. Protest will ultimately not produce the results you seek. You cannot expect victory over a corrupt system by negotiation. You can defeat a corrupt system by ostricization and refulsal to participate in the system. If through their system they have placed chains upon you, then how do you expect that you will gain freedom through their system? Refuse to participate, they can only control you with your consent. It is a simple principal of capitalism, if you do not like the product that is produced (guilt, fear, control), then don't buy it.
the cart doesn't move if the horses don't pull. we don't need to change the mentally immobile 1%, we need to open the eyes of the exploited 99%!! Everyday more good news, more cities, and a little more hope!!
Unfortunately our bus will not be arriving till about 3pm saturday can anyone tell me if you expect to be back in the square by then or if not where we can meet up?
Thank you to all you peaceful protestors. I wish I could be there. I have protested the unlawful foreclosures in my state by writing to my Attorney General, the Director of Finance and my Representatives. I have also written to President Obama twice asking that he recognize the unlawful foreclosures and that he solve the economic crisis in part by solving the housing crisis. The only reasonable solution to the housing crisis is principal reductions.
The Wall Street banks played fast and loose in the past decade or more. They created a bubble in housing. The victims were the homeowners and the investors in the mortgage backed securities. Now those same banks continue to misbehave by foreclosing unlawfully. Those Wall Street banks created a worldwide financial mess. Now they refuse to clean it up. Honestly, many of their managers need to be charged criminally.
The banks balance sheets are a sham. I can read them. Trust me, they are a sham. I am a CPA.
You people are right to protest. We need change. You are no different than the Sons of Liberty. Only, you must stay peaceful.
President Obama, I want you to know that I wept for joy the night you were elected. And yet, I have been completely befuddled by your leadership. I feel as if Wall Street is in your pocket. When are you going to stop being so cozy with the banks?
Protestors, my heart and mind are with you and your purpose. I think you need someone to write your posts in a more professional way. You need to be passionate, but you also need to appeal to the intelligent Americans who will disassociate with you if your posts and messages are not accurate, intelligent, and well written.
Good luck. I will send financial support if you will organize a financial structure to do so. Put a financial person in charge of it please. Someone with good bookkeeping and budgeting skills. Keep this whole demonstration peaceful AND professional and you will have many Americans joining you!
For those in Florida who cannot make it to wall st.
Thank you to all you peaceful protestors. I wish I could be there. I have protested the unlawful foreclosures in my state by writing to my Attorney General, the Director of Finance and my Representatives. I have also written to President Obama twice asking that he recognize the unlawful foreclosures and that he solve the economic crisis in part by solving the housing crisis. The only reasonable solution to the housing crisis is principal reductions.
The Wall Street banks played fast and loose in the past decade or more. They created a bubble in housing. The victims were the homeowners and the investors in the mortgage backed securities. Now those same banks continue to misbehave by foreclosing unlawfully. Those Wall Street banks created a worldwide financial mess. Now they refuse to clean it up. Honestly, many of their managers need to be charged criminally.
The banks balance sheets are a sham. I can read them. Trust me, they are a sham. I am a CPA.
You people are right to protest. We need change. You are no different than the Sons of Liberty. Only, you must stay peaceful.
President Obama, I want you to know that I wept for joy the night you were elected. And yet, I have been completely befuddled by your leadership. I feel as if Wall Street is in your pocket. When are you going to stop being so cozy with the banks?
Protestors, my heart and mind are with you and your purpose. I think you need someone to write your posts in a more professional way. You need to be passionate, but you also need to appeal to the intelligent Americans who will disassociate with you if your posts and messages are not accurate, intelligent, and well written.
Good luck. I will send financial support if you will organize a financial structure to do so. Put a financial person in charge of it please. Someone with good bookkeeping and budgeting skills. Keep this whole demonstration peaceful AND professional and you will have many Americans joining you!
Great post Diane - I agree with you!
Thank you to all you peaceful protestors. I wish I could be there. I have protested the unlawful foreclosures in my state by writing to my Attorney General, the Director of Finance and my Representatives. I have also written to President Obama twice asking that he recognize the unlawful foreclosures and that he solve the economic crisis in part by solving the housing crisis. The only reasonable solution to the housing crisis is principal reductions.
The Wall Street banks played fast and loose in the past decade or more. They created a bubble in housing. The victims were the homeowners and the investors in the mortgage backed securities. Now those same banks continue to misbehave by foreclosing unlawfully. Those Wall Street banks created a worldwide financial mess. Now they refuse to clean it up. Honestly, many of their managers need to be charged criminally.
The banks balance sheets are a sham. I can read them. Trust me, they are a sham. I am a CPA.
You people are right to protest. We need change. You are no different than the Sons of Liberty. Only, you must stay peaceful.
President Obama, I want you to know that I wept for joy the night you were elected. And yet, I have been completely befuddled by your leadership. I feel as if Wall Street is in your pocket. When are you going to stop being so cozy with the banks?
Protestors, my heart and mind are with you and your purpose. I think you need someone to write your posts in a more professional way. You need to be passionate, but you also need to appeal to the intelligent Americans who will disassociate with you if your posts and messages are not accurate, intelligent, and well written.
Good luck. I will send financial support if you will organize a financial structure to do so. Put a financial person in charge of it please. Someone with good bookkeeping and budgeting skills. Keep this whole demonstration peaceful AND professional and you will have many Americans joining you!
Thank you to all you peaceful protestors. I wish I could be there. I have protested the unlawful foreclosures in my state by writing to my Attorney General, the Director of Finance and my Representatives. I have also written to President Obama twice asking that he recognize the unlawful foreclosures and that he solve the economic crisis in part by solving the housing crisis. The only reasonable solution to the housing crisis is principal reductions.
The Wall Street banks played fast and loose in the past decade or more. They created a bubble in housing. The victims were the homeowners and the investors in the mortgage backed securities. Now those same banks continue to misbehave by foreclosing unlawfully. Those Wall Street banks created a worldwide financial mess. Now they refuse to clean it up. Honestly, many of their managers need to be charged criminally.
The banks balance sheets are a sham. I can read them. Trust me, they are a sham. I am a CPA.
You people are right to protest. We need change. You are no different than the Sons of Liberty. Only, you must stay peaceful.
President Obama, I want you to know that I wept for joy the night you were elected. And yet, I have been completely befuddled by your leadership. I feel as if Wall Street is in your pocket. When are you going to stop being so cozy with the banks?
Protestors, my heart and mind are with you and your purpose. I think you need someone to write your posts in a more professional way. You need to be passionate, but you also need to appeal to the intelligent Americans who will disassociate with you if your posts and messages are not accurate, intelligent, and well written.
Good luck. I will send financial support if you will organize a financial structure to do so. Put a financial person in charge of it please. Someone with good bookkeeping and budgeting skills. Keep this whole demonstration peaceful AND professional and you will have many Americans joining you!
Well said...I agree with you too Its a crime what these banks have been allowed to get away with. We have to change. The middle class is dying......its time for change
I've noticed a lot of people asking where they should donate. This is a critical website issue to resolve. The donate button should be on your main grey navigation bar at the top [DONATE], so that no matter what page people are on, they can easily find it. It will save time having to answer the question over and over, and will probably bring in more donations. You should also consider putting a simple donation link in the footer of the page, under the phone # and email.
Guys, never, never give up no matter what until we succeed! My heart and soul goes with you although i cannot go there because, guess what, am unemployed in Austin, Tx. Got shafted by a corporation which is kicking people out so that the CEO can get rewarded with more increases a bonuses for what they call good results. What a farse this f...ing system is, man. We need to seed these protest here in Austin and San Antonio.......is anybody listening outhere. We want to join you in doing the same in Austin and San Antonio!!!!!!!!
There is a meetup at epoch coffee that was supposed to start a 9am today!!
Please make a sign or two for me along the lines of:
Hey "Job Creators," Where Are The Jobs?
"Job Creators" Love Outsourcing Work Overseas!
I think the term "job creators" needs to be exposed and taken on full throttle.
Please keep it going. Will try to make it down there myself - but for the love of the gods, don't stop!
Please make a sign or two for me along the lines of:
Hey "Job Creators," Where Are The Jobs?
"Job Creators" Love Outsourcing Work Overseas!
I think the term "job creators" needs to be exposed and taken on full throttle.
Please keep it going. Will try to make it down there myself - but for the love of the gods, don't stop!
Hi 365 poet, I am in Lexington. I am going down next week. Have you checked out FB's Carpool to occupy Wall st? there are people from Mass. going down.
I think this movement is amazing, I hope that it is sustained for as long as possible. But to say that those at wall street are the 99 percent, is not necessarily correct. I've gone to the space and all I see are young white folks. There should be more of a diversity (age, race, culture,sex etc.) in order for this movement to fully represent the 99 percent. This is not to be an insult, its just what I have observed. I have spoken to a lot of people of color and they have expressed to me to same sentiments that I have expressed to you.
Tell the people of color you talked to to show up and that will solve the imbalance.
I spoke to them about this issue at the occupation space (so they were already there), but they still expressed discomfort. Some already brought up the issue to the GA and received some off colored responses (no pun intended), for lack of a better term.
ct2889, do you have any advice for the NYC occupation on how to make people of color feel more welcome? This is an important issue and other occupations around the country should take note
I do not believe it is that simple and easy to just vaguely say if they're not here, we do not have to deal with it. That in itself should not be what a sustained, broad, diverse, and strong movement should look like, and act. I have been consistently watching the livestream, the people involved, the passion, and love for one another. I respect and I am for the goals and long-term mission of the action, which when I go back to the city next week will join. As a student from New York City, from a predominantly Latino and Black neighborhood, connecting and networking with community organizations around the city, in certain neighborhoods, in high schools will prove essential for getting people involved. New York City is a hotbed for resistance. When 1 in 5 people in the city live in poverty, education and action should be a prime characteristic of a movement that can last and expand, but most importantly diversify itself. The argument that they should join us if they were interested, does not solve any issues or correct any ills, but further isolates and divides people. A movement with such clear intentions needs to fight for the integration of Human beings, everyone, and from every culture, but it requires networking, connection, and diverse forms of outreach. Just some input I'd like to give, from someone that understands the nature of our money-influenced political system, who has become disillusioned, but who looks to reach out to others who are bogged down by the issues at hand, and are trying to subsist rather than resist.
One Love.
m726, I agree 100%. Do you have any advice for NYC and the rest of the country? Should there be greater attempts at outreach to minority communities? If so where should these outreach efforts begin?
Yes, they should begin immediately. I am not familiar with other spots in around the country in terms of specific demographics, but communities that are consistently underrepresented should not be continue to be underrepresented. The easiest and most efficient means for outreach, in NYC especially should be Unions and community orgs from every type of neighborhood in the city, as well as maybe creating workshops and having discussion-based sessions on whats our current situation, and what this movement is fighting for, presented in high schools and even middle schools. Committees have been created, no? and if so, what are the committees?
m726 - I am not in NYC so I can't speak for the groups there, but i know there is a labor committee division of the General Assembly that has connected with some unions (including the Teamsters). I would get in touch with agnosticnixie (she's often on the chat) and she may be able to help pass this on. Thanks for your response, that's very helpful and I agree this should begin immediately.
Yeah, will do. Thanks for the responses as well. I im in Upstate New York right now, in college, but if anything I'll also relay this message when I go back to the city next week.
One Love.
They should come out and join in, everyone is welcome. Do you have any advice on how we can broaden the movement to reach out to a more diverse group of participants?
People aren't receiving personal invites to join in.
Um.... nobody is inhibited from joining in. Who's fault is it if no people of color are there?
Nobody is 'inhibited', but that also doesn't mean that they've been made to feel welcome.
OK THEN, So tell those who expressed their sentiments to come and join and sweat with us. Or start their own, maybe?
Please stay true to your principles and do not allow agitators to side-track your cause. Someone needs to set up a paypal account so that money can flow to your support. The rest of us should be contacting the media an complain that not enough coverage of the protesters is being given. This is a historic event and should be documented for all to see. Call the TV Station managers and flood them with complaints. Strange how so much daily international media attention was given to the events in Tahrir square and hardly a mention of these historic events in our own back yard. Need more You Tube footage, too.
Let's give a bunch of unemployed morons free pizza and wireless internet, while they protest some vague "rich people are bad" cause. Yeah, sounds awesome.
Go check your 401k and see who is the moron
There are one or two accounts that have been set up for people to donate money to. I think there is a link on the main page of this site.... in the upper right corner.
There is a Paypal account... I donated last night...
So how do i get in it? Do you think they get it?
Good luck with your job search!
Mishenka, I believe that I found it on the livestream page...I will double check. I am assuming that because it's on the livestream page that they are getting it...good luck
LINKS: September 23, 2011
Here are some directly and/or tangentially related links:
How to Protest in NYC https://mikecanex.wordpress.com/2011/09/20/how-to-protest-in-new-york-city/
Facial Recognition Hack http://venturebeat.com/2010/07/02/facial-recognition-camouflage/
Resisting, Avoiding and Adapting to Police Tactics https://revolutionaryresources.wordpress.com/2011/02/21/resisting-avoiding-and-adapting-to-police-tactics/
The Bazaar http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2004/09/bazaar_dynamics.html
Urban Takedowns http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/open_source_warfare/
Emergent Intelligence http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2006/02/emergent_intell.html
CyberWar http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2008/08/open-source-war.html
OSW Standing Orders http://globalguerrillas.typepad.com/globalguerrillas/2010/03/journal-osw-standing-orders-compilation.html
Great links, Javier particularly the one on thwarting the face recognition... So I am imagining that just applying the paint/make-up that way is effective?
I fear that Politics may be creeping in unseen, ONE DEMAND Corporate Fraud Justice! The 99% get jailed for illegally activity so should the 1%. Demand Investigations, Demand Justice.
Not overaching enough as to be the one.
An idea: arrange main demands and work with each of the growing occupations, so each has one demand. Because there is a need for changes but there is also a need for Unity in a Purpose.
For unity of purpose to emerge, one central, wheel-spokes hub demand should be shared by all instances of OWS. Internally, the instances and the movement in aggregate, should develop and discuss a multiplicity of specific demands, but to the exterior, one simple, overarching common message/ demand/plausible promise should be broadcast. It is the coming together of the spokes at the hub that makes a wheel a wheel.
In order for America to rebuild and Unite it will required the voices of all of America! Many Americans having been standing and continue. Why? Because Americans support a better America! They are standing for the causes close to their heart. You stood for End of Capitol Punishment! Will you stand for End of Abortion? To those on Wall Street do not let Politics divide please! We must stand but in Unity because we all ways stand up for each other. Grab the homeless in New York bring them into your square, feed them. March for Rebuilding America. Many Americans are gathering peacefully. Let those Americans who step up become our future, prospect lawyers, doctors, Search for the People's Candidate for President. We are a governed nation, you are assembling and remaining civil. Continue to hold the line. People donating should send clothing dress like they do!
How do we start something like this? How do we tell you that we are starting something like this? Seattle WA needs to join the list. We are all part of the 99%. Seattle Washington speak up!
There are actually a few groups already protesting here in Seattle. I was at a kick off protest last Saturday organized by the group www.usdayofrage.org which had about 50 people. There was another civil disobedience group that staged something yesterday. It would be great if we could bring everyone together.
Here is the meetup group I've been using: http://www.meetup.com/USDayOfRage/Seattle-WA/
Also started a facebook group, http://www.facebook.com/pages/US-Day-of-Rage-Seattle. We could probably use a unified Occupy Seattle group of some kind as well to organize these things.
Hope to see you at a protest soon! Reach me at Audaces_Iuvat on Twitter.
EDIT: and along those lines, look what I found: http://occupytogether.org/
From what I understood, there's already people protesting in Seattle. Or perhaps I got that wrong. I thought I remembered something about someone getting arrested.
edited as per you. make it happen.
You could redact a post at the bottom of this page: https://occupywallst.org/forum/ to let the OWS community know.
Also, you could contact info[at]occupytogether[dot]org. so it is added there.
Regardless of your "nature" of being born in this the US. Your illegal family members need to be accounted for and apply for work visas. You are NOT entitled to all the US has to offer if you are NOT a US citizen. If I go over to Canada, China, Mexico..
They will NOT tolerate me their if I am not on a visa or I am not a dual-citizen or applying for full citizenship... I have a sis in law that has been here since she was 15 and finally became a full citizen 2 years ago.. she is now 36..
She is Chinese born and raised in India and the US.. So this has nothing to do with what is a feeling of entitlement because if you act that way then you are slapping my sister in law in the face for working on becoming a citizen for 15 years.. and that I think is why we need accountability for illegal citizens.. period..
I don't care if you come here but put your name in the books, pay your taxes and use a damn work visa.. simple as that.. if anyone is not willing to do this. has no business being in the US and applying for food stamps, welfare, medicaid, chip etc... Now go and get counted or LEAVE!!
I have cancer, and since you are taking care of everyone's healthcare needs, i was wondering if I could come down and get the tumor removed surgically... Also my son needs a tonsilectomy... Do you do those there...? How sterile are your tarps and piles of clutter?
I haven't joined the medical team yet, but I'd happily remove that tumor for you.
Other than the bull, it was a nice post... But I'd like to know more about what happened with tbe march on the police presinct... Were there more arrests? Were people released?
Can you all go by the title ".01% of the 99%" rather than claiming you have the shared voice of the 99%? I disagree with most of your demands and your approach.
It would be very much appreciated.
Don't feed the trolls/Do feed the planet. The Wall St. Occupation rocks the house. Keep on keepin' on! We are spreading the word. Stay strong!
Agreed, please everyone, lets not fall into the trap of discussing the 99pc issue and ending up with 70 posts about that making the relevant information harder to find.
Please, don't argue with anyone saying something along the lines of what areUserious is saying.
Except it's arguably the most vital issue with this whole thing. They're making the claim that these demands come from the 99% when they in fact do not. It's an explicitly false statement.
I second that Javier, que hijo de puta...
Love ya, bro/sis!!
Why dont you name yourself as the 0.0001%, thats just about all you amount to. As the rest of us, we are the 99%. Do you hear it clear? 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99%!!!!!!!!!
I fully agree. These flaky, dim-witted morons don't represent ME. And I am certainly part of the 99% in terms of income. The difference is, I am not an unemployable moron who smells like marijuana and body odor.
It's not about speaking on behalf of the 99%. It's about identifying and fighting as members of the 99%. If you want your voice to be heard, add it to the discussion! You are welcome to join us at Liberty Plaza.
Except this has already gone way off track. Why is a protest against Wall Street suddenly becoming concerned with capital punishment? The Troy Davis incident is certainly a sad one, but it has nothing to do with this, and is making this movement appear as protesting for the sake of protesting. And that does not represent me, nor most of the so-called 99%.