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We are the 99 percent

A Message From Occupied Wall Street (Day Five)

Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 22, 2011, 3:51 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: communiqué

Note: Our use of the one demand is a rhetorical device. This is NOT an official list of demands. Click Here to learn more about how you can participate in the democratic process of choosing the "one demand".

This is the fifth communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.

On September 21st, 2011, Troy Davis, an innocent man, was murdered by the state of Georgia. Troy Davis was one of the 99 percent.

Ending capital punishment is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, the richest 400 Americans owned more wealth than half of the country's population.

Ending wealth inequality is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, four of our members were arrested on baseless charges.

Ending police intimidation is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, we determined that Yahoo lied about occupywallst.org being in spam filters.

Ending corporate censorship is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly eighty percent of Americans thought the country was on the wrong track.

Ending the modern gilded age is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly 15% of Americans approved of the job Congress was doing.

Ending political corruption is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly one sixth of Americans did not have work.

Ending joblessness is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly one sixth of America lived in poverty.

Ending poverty is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, roughly fifty million Americans were without health insurance.

Ending health-profiteering is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, America had military bases in around one hundred and thirty out of one hundred and sixty-five countries.

Ending American imperialism is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, America was at war with the world.

Ending war is our one demand.

On September 21st, 2011, we stood in solidarity with Madrid, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Madison, Toronto, London, Athens, Sydney, Stuttgart, Tokyo, Milan, Amsterdam, Algiers, Tel Aviv, Portland and Chicago. Soon we will stand with Phoenix, Montreal, Cleveland and Atlanta. We're still here. We are growing. We intend to stay until we see movements toward real change in our country and the world.

You have fought all the wars. You have worked for all the bosses. You have wandered over all the countries. Have you harvested the fruits of your labors, the price of your victories? Does the past comfort you? Does the present smile on you? Does the future promise you anything? Have you found a piece of land where you can live like a human being and die like a human being? On these questions, on this argument, and on this theme, the struggle for existence, the people will speak. Join us.

We speak as one. All of our decisions, from our choice to march on Wall Street to our decision to continue occupying Liberty Square, were decided through a consensus based process by the group, for the group.



Read the Rules
[-] 7 points by Sara1977 (32) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Solidarity and support from Toronto.

I would urge you to narrow your ocupation's demands to three (3) seminal ones:

  • Removal of corporate personhood.
  • Public financing of political campaigns.
  • Reinstatement of stiff financial regulations such as Glass-Steagall

From these 3, much of the political, social, and economic deterioration and injustice can be resolved.

We are your witnesses. Keep fighting.

[-] 7 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

3 is too much I'm afraid Sara, it should be boiled down to one simple, congenial meta issue that everyone can readily agree on, you can see in the comments on this post that the diversity of participation makes it hard for consensus on one thing to occur, let alone three. Something like "End Corruption", "Banksters Out" or "Economic Democracy, Now"

To give you an example of the kind of brand/demand that work, In 2001's events Argentina's people overthrown 5 presidents in 2 weeks, the demand was "Everybody Out"(Que se vayan todos)

[-] 3 points by Sara1977 (32) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Javier, you make a good point.

Public financing of political campaigns will stem the flow of corporate money and agendas into every level of government.

[-] 4 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

That may be one of the implementation points of the demand/brand, but where Im going to is that the demand should be a conceptual one(a conceptual vessel), thinking in terms of a brand, you setup a brand and then you progressively go developing the products/deliverables/implementations of that brand.

So, if your plausible promise/demand/brand is "Economic Democracy, Now"

in example, you could easily have some of the specific implementations be:

  • Removal of corporate personhood.

  • Public financing of political campaigns.

  • Reinstatement of stiff financial regulations such as Glass-Steagall

  • Restore the issuance of currency to the congress.

  • Etc.

[-] 2 points by Sara1977 (32) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Javier, that makes a great deal of sense and would certainly open the door for an organization of demands which the majority can stand behind. Thanks so much for your insights and the provided links. I shall read them.

[-] 1 points by LghusaLinda (0) from Triangle, VA 13 years ago

I agree. One demand representing the full scope of needs and then suggestions on how to meet the needs can be listed along with all recognized needs. Thanks to the previous comments here and the suggestions of others, I can make the following suggestion:

End enslavement through police "statism", all forms of oppression (needless restraints), competitive adoption, miseducation, and economic deprivation.

It is slavery to include impoverishment and the resulting untimely deaths that is causing the concerns in America and the world community. Slavery is a homocidal practice that humans themselves may not utilize.

Thank you for giving America hope again!

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

Give it time

[-] 2 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

SanJose made a good analogy of a soup below; The plausible promise/brand is the name of the soup, the name of the dish. The ingredients, measures, preparation procedures, being the specific implementation. The recipe can be developed progressively, improved, in short, Open Source.

[-] 1 points by OneMessageNow (2) 13 years ago

Javier, I'm supporting your suggestion for "ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, NOW." I think it really captures the soul of the movement. I know the leaders want to use the energy of the protest to "remake America," and that's possible - but only if the movement can mature itself to focus around a central message.

[-] 1 points by PunkPatriot (2) 13 years ago

The reason we need full public financing is partially because of corporate personhood. We MUST end corporate personhood.

[-] 3 points by georgeg (9) from Lakewood, CA 13 years ago

Agree 100%. Keep the focus down to attainable goals.

[-] 2 points by Zax (4) 13 years ago

Agreed. The key demands should be as few as possible and as broad as possible in relating to what is being protested. From that, additional demands from groups with different priorities can also be listed. Javier offers some useful links below. Wish more of us could be there to offer our viewpoints. Hang in there.

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

yes - give it time to develop

[-] 2 points by Epona99 (2) 13 years ago

Agreed, a more focused message will draw more support too

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

in time. give it time

[-] 2 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I'm afraid this protest is going to go badly off track - you are on Wall Street for a reason. To end the dysfunctional relationship between Wall Street corporations buying off the political system. Troy Davis was a tragedy but I think capital punishment is outside the scope of this protest.

Sara is completely right - the other issues like immoral profiting off sick people, American imperialism, etc are all a result of corporate manipulation of our political system. I think her 3 demands hit the nail on the head and should be the real focus of this protest.

[-] 3 points by Sara1977 (32) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Matt, Javier made a good point that ONE demand is best. In that case, public financing of political campaigns would precede the other two.

With fewer bought-and-paid-for politicians, laws regulating the financial industry could be drafted.

[-] 1 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

My big gripe is reversing Citizens United but that would be overturned through public financing of campaigns. I would get behind that... And 1 clear demand is better than 3... you're right

[-] 1 points by Sara1977 (32) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Absolutely. I am disturbed by it too.

I think that with the infiltration of private, corporate money into all positions of elected and appointed power, Citizens United was an inevitability. The Supreme Court was naturally next.

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

Actually, they aren't on Wall Street but nearby. They went from having no demands, to one demand ("occupy Wall Street"), to having almost every conceivable demand. It's a symptom of political inexperience and the fact that there is a lot wrong in this country. -www.planetanarchy.net

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

give it time!

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

I'm not sure they have much time. The NYPD seems to be erecting fences around the park to enclose them. The sooner they get some demands, the better.

[-] 1 points by waitingforthedream (8) 13 years ago

I talked to a lot of people there last night. Many were stuck on Utopian principles in which they can give the USA a makeover overnight.

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

give it time.

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

People shed their illusions only when they try to put their ideas into practice.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I agree with sticking to those 3 points.... but I do think the Troy Davis situation is a part of that. It's all about the cronyism that's sweeping the nation.... and the corporations and crooked politicians are the fault of that. So, it is tied in, but I agree on sticking to the 3 main points and the rest will follow.

[-] 1 points by Willem (35) 13 years ago

@ Sara removal of corporate personhood, good one, thumbs up!

[-] 1 points by OneMessageNow (2) 13 years ago

I urge the protest to adopt Javier's suggestion, "ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY NOW" to encompass the most critical demands of the protest. See below for his explanation and some very good discussion.


[-] 1 points by sknkwrks (4) 13 years ago

Good. I think these might not sound "energizing" but are at least concrete and achievable, as opposed to "ending war"- lovely and necessary, but, well, good luck with that. Let's reign in Wall Street first.

[-] 1 points by swimguy112 (2) 13 years ago

I think those demands are very solid!

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

then give it time

[-] 1 points by mimi4five (5) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Great job with your contributions Sara, keep it up. Here is a meta-link for you as a gesture of appreciation:

Lenders in the Temple http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cO8GzpUvMsw

[-] 0 points by Chaparo (0) from New York, NY 13 years ago

I strongly support Sara, we need to express or political sentiment, but then boil it down to clear concise demands that can not be interpreted as simple idealistic rhetoric. I am sure that that will attract the support of much more people. People love to discuss and argue about semantics and political theory... but few can deny that flash trading is an example of a wild schizophrenic economy activity that can only benefit the rich. Few can deny that corporate financing of political campaigns lead to a corrupt state.

so lets keep it simple

-reinstatement of stiff financial regulation such as Glass-Steagall -End of public or corporate financing for political campaigns -outlaw flash trading

please lets try to create some sort of document that expresses these demands, and have it reach political leaders (only one of many actions to be done - one that does not exclude manifestation and direct political action)

[-] -1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

The above are good demands but they are not going to reinstate the living wage in America. Demands must also be easy for the public to get behind.

Public financing would be great but American elections are run at the county level where it is very easy to bribe elections supervisors to allow the theft of elections with electronic Jim Crow voting machines.

Demand one: Restoration of the living wage. This demand can only be met by ending "Freetrade" by re-imposing trade tariffs on all imported goods entering the American market to level the playing field for domestic family farming and domestic manufacturing as most nations that are dumping cheap products onto the American market have radical wage and environmental regulation advantages. Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr.

Demand two: Institute a universal single payer healthcare system. To do this all private insurers must be banned from the healthcare market as their only effect on the health of patients is to take money away from doctors, nurses and hospitals preventing them from doing their jobs and hand that money to wall st. investors.

Demand three: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment.

Demand four: Free college education.

Demand five: Begin a fast track process to bring the fossil fuel economy to an end while at the same bringing the alternative energy economy up to energy demand.

Demand six: One trillion dollars in infrastructure (Water, Sewer, Rail, Roads and Bridges and Electrical Grid) spending now.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

Demand eight: Racial and gender equal rights amendment.

Demand nine: Open borders migration. anyone can travel anywhere to work and live.

Demand ten: Bring American elections up to international standards of a paper ballot precinct counted and recounted in front of an independent and party observers system.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Demand twelve: Outlaw all credit reporting agencies.

These demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy.

Lloyd J Hart 508-687-9153

[-] 2 points by Sara1977 (32) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Lloyd, these are concrete and on-point demands that tens of millions of Americans can get behind. The challenge for occupywallstreet will be to incorporate them into their overall message (purpose) behind the occupation.

[-] 1 points by DLM (7) 13 years ago

Are you being serious in your demands? Your basic demand is entitlement for everyone, lets give everyone what they want. That is what has gotten us into the trouble we are in in the first place, not corporations. People who don't want to work for what they want or need; rather, they want someone else to give them what they want and need are the problem. Granted, there are things the Gov't can do to create jobs and promote helping yourself such as: 1) a lower corporate tax rate to bring back American businesses; 2) impose trade barriers to protect American business, however this will result in higher product prices; 3) LOWER UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS to incentivize people to look for jobs, not incentivizing them to sit around and do nothing; there are many others that I'm not going to get into.

Now on to addressing some of your demands. Demand 1: Raising the minimum wage to $20/hr. Are you trying to kill all small businesses or business in general? You raise minimum wage to $20/hr and business won't be able to survive, they aren't able to pay that kind of money, maybe your large corporations can but most of them also wouldn't be able to pay that. Let's look at Wal Mart for example. Wal Mart employs 2,100,000 people, you figure a 40 hour work week for them that's $800 a week, $3200 a month, $41600 a year. Take that times the 2,100,000 that equates to wages payable of $1,680,000,000. Wal Mart's reported revenues in 2010 was $421,849,000. Let's take out wages expense: Wal Mart reports Net Income of -1,258,151,000 that doesn't include all other business expenses. Sounds like a pretty good business doesn't it? NO, if that was enacted there wouldn't be business, jobs, or anything; America would cease to exist. Is that what you want?

Demand 3: Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment. I would assume they get $20/hr as well. You are arguing for fairness correct? You want a politcal system that is fair and not controlled by corporate lobbying. How is demand 3 fair. Let's pay those who aren't working, aren't contributing to America the same amount as someone working their butts off to try to provide for themselves and a family potentially. FAIR? I think not. Who is going to pay for these people getting $20/hr who aren't working? Answer, those that are working. So now these working folks who are trying to provide for themselves and/or a family also have to support those collecting $20/hr sitting around doing nothing. Bogus!

Demand 4: Free college education. I am a current college student who has paid for his own college education my entire time in college and plan on doing so as long as I am in college which will include Master's and potentially Law School. While it would be nice to have tuition paid for, it is a ridiculous request. Pay for your own damn college education if you want it. Go out and get a job to pay for it, get loans and pay them back as soon as you can. Stop asking for the Gov't to pay for everything, take care of yourself.

Demand 5: Ending fossil fuel economy and establish alternative energy. I am fully behind establishing alternative energy. It will create more jobs and strengthen our economy. Ending the consumption of fossil fuels, No. How about start drilling? The resources we have are meant to be used, use them. All drilling companies or any company for that matter that may cause harm to the environment are required to have a plan in place to restore the environment to the way it was before they started drilling and required to follow through with the plan. It isn't going to harm the environment. This will create thousands and thousands of jobs.

[-] 1 points by DLM (7) 13 years ago

Demands 6 & 7: Spending money. I agree with these almost 100%. They will create many jobs to hopefully get us back on track.

Demand 9: Open borders migration. Anyone can travel anywhere to work and live. Anyone can travel anywhere to work and live, do it legally! What's wrong with doing things in the confines of a law. If you can't get a work visa to come here and work the first time, try again and again and again until you get it. Don't sneak across the borders to take jobs from legal American's who need those jobs.

Demand 11: Debt forgiveness: This is absurd. This will kill the global economy instantly. Debt doesn't magically disappear; someone, somewhere is going to have to absorb those losses. Businesses can't absorb those kind of losses and keep going-concern. Gov't's can't absorb those losses and be expected to provide the spending you call for. If businesses, gov'ts, and the individual in general can't pay back debt don't take it out in the first place. Where is the responsibility? Our Gov'ts certainly don't have it and many individuals don't either. How about this as a demand? Take responsibility for yourself and stop relying.

You say your demands will create so many jobs it will be completely impossible to fill them without an open borders policy. I say your demands kill the economy instantly; businesses cease to exist, jobs aren't created, people will be begging in the streets for a crumb of bread or water to drink which won't be found either because it will be too expensive to buy or there won't be any available.

[-] 1 points by Papa (1) 13 years ago

I came here to get a perspective on what the movement hopes to accomplish. From reading the comments of people like Lloyd, it boils down to

  • Give everyone tons of money, regardless of their employment.
  • Spend tons of money regardless of having it to spend.
  • Make expensive things free.
  • Welcome everyone in the world to participate.

Hmm, it is going to be tough getting it up and running. 'Better get someone like Joseph Stalin or Mao to lead it.

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

You would be better off in the republican party or the right wing of the democrats. Good luck to you.

[-] 1 points by tpaine76 (1) 13 years ago

You have to be kidding, right? I don't have the time to dissect your points one-by-one, since I have one of those magical 'jobs' you talk about, but I'll make a few points:

Demand 8: See amendment 14. Demand 11: Are you suggesting that all loan companies should go out of business when their outstanding loans aren't repaid? What is your plan for private economic investment, when there's nobody left to offer loans? How are you going to replace the jobs lost when this happens?

[-] 1 points by coolcatfl1969 (1) 13 years ago

Lloyd J Hart for President....here, here!

[-] 1 points by sknkwrks (4) 13 years ago

Well thought through and concrete.

[-] 1 points by theOnlineGovernmentDotcom (97) 13 years ago

Agreed with the tariffs and giving 'made in USA' a booster shot

[-] 6 points by accordingly (7) 13 years ago

All of these "one demands" amount to multiple demands. Wasn't the intent of #occupywallstreet to have one demand and to occupy Wall Street until that one demand was satisfied?

[-] 5 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Solidarity and support from Argentina.

Mr./Ms. OccupyWallSt,

I understand there should be one simple, plausible demand.

Please read up on the theory of what you are doing (Open Source Protest).

"For an open source revolt to be successfully formed, it needs a plausible promise. A meta issue around which all of the different factions etc. can form (remember, most of the groups and individuals involved in an open source revolt can't agree on anything but some basic concepts)"







[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

I would like to know what you Mr./Ms. OccupyWallSt(The poster) think about the Open Source Protest framework, we could setup a videoconference with John Robb, the military theorist that developed the theory, so that the GA is well informed about this.

I truly believe that if these methods are understood and employed, now unconceivable results can be achieved.

[-] 5 points by attorneysomewhere (22) 13 years ago

I was supporting you guys until I read this. I can agree that there is a blatant state of affairs in which the rich/"Job makers" (as they prefer to be called on their talk shows) attempt to get away with providing as little as possible to the 99%/"Those who dare have refrigerators" (again, their example) so that the rich may continue to line their pockets. There is something that clearly needs to be done about a scenario in which the rich can export jobs to other countries for tax benefits/evasion, and then act dismissive when they're being blamed for the current state of economic hardship sweeping this country.

That said, what was a good protest to address the issue of Wall Street profiteers and corporate takeover of a country has been diluted and corrupted by the typical Greenpeace/Earth Day/Anarchist garbage that usually snakes its way into most protests. Point by point:

  • Troy Davis's death was a horrible thing, this is true. However, what does that have to do with corporations, Wall Street, or New York as a whole? If there is any person to blame for this, it's the people who denied his due process in the face of overwhelming evidence that left for fair doubt, and those people -are- replaceable. I can assure you, as a member of the profession, that with the correct people in place, our system is one of the most defendant-friendly court systems in the whole of the world. However, that requires getting the correct people in place; you know, the ones who aren't taking money from filling up jails, as has been exposed of judges and related administrative hearing panels. (Which ties back to stopping corruption in government.)

However, since your interest is tying to "ending capital punishment", I'd be curious to find out what your alternative is, given the fact that keeping every person who has been put to death alive would have bankrupted their respective states, if not driven up the tax base even higher. (But, again, that can tie into the rich not pulling their weight, if you're inclined to make that argument.)

  • Wealth inequality is something that shouldn't be protested. Sometimes, some people just work harder for their money, treat and compensate those who helped them get there appropriately, and do earn what they have. What you should protest is those who have accumulated their wealth by stepping on the heads of others, abuse their wealth and influence to make others yield, and generally marginalize their workers and tax liability. If that's what you meant by wealth inequality, then I agree; if you mean some sort of commune thinking, I'm sorry, that's just not feasible in this global economic structure.

  • I can agree with police intimidation. Too often, police have gone from government funded people who have sworn to serve and protect to government funded jackboots, seeking to assert authority in places it may not even be legal to do so. A "I'll just go with it and see if prosecution can make it stick" mentality isn't appropriate for any person who's licensed to carry a gun. Of course, this makes the argument for better police training and oversight, not the dissolution of the police force as a whole. That's what you meant, right?

  • Corporate censorship does need to stop. Another agreement.

  • I'm sorry, but I don't see how ending our 'modern gilded age' would be relevant to the dissatisfaction towards the direction the United States is heading. I would wager that getting non-corrupt people elected with the decency to listen to their constituents more than their corporations would be the answer to this problem. But perhaps I'm not understanding what you mean when you say "ending the modern gilded age".

  • Obviously I believe in ending political corruption.

  • While it's a lofty goal to declare an end to joblessness, and one I can idealistically agree with, that would be a hard thing to have happen. Would the requirement that everyone have a job mean that you cannot fire someone if they're incompetent at their job? Would jobs be assigned? If your answer to either of the previous questions is yes, you're on the wrong track. The only way to end joblessness would be to make owners put more money into their corporations and/or stores to make another position available to the point where there's a surplus of jobs available. However, under the current system, this seems unlikely, as that would dip into their profits severely, and they can just open more jobs overseas for less money (see: India Call Centers).

  • Poverty is a clever, emotional term. As in, poverty can be defined as different things for different people: what's -your- definition of poverty? Get back to me with that, then I'll see if we're in agreement on this. (But, to be fair, this is also idealistic. Just saying.)

  • I can agree that we need some method of socialized medicine as other first world countries have established.

  • I can agree that the United States should have followed George Washington's words and kept to our own shores. We should have no more business with other countries than exports/imports and treaties/negotiations as through the UN.

  • It's nice to want to end war, yes. But, unless you care to reveal your master plan to brainwash everyone into thinking exactly the same way, with exactly the same goal, and exactly the same route to get to that goal, you're not going to succeed in this endeavor. Unless you feel there's a better way to avoid wars (aside from getting less trigger-happy politicians in office; that's a given, although it would only reduce, not eliminate war).

As you may or may not have read (those with patience, I salute you), I can agree that the situation is to a point where corruption in politics and corporations have gotten to a point where the 'little guy' is objectified and treated as an expendable commodity. However, by diluting that message to, "You know what? Let's just take down 'THE MAN'," you just lose support from people who are critically thinking through this situation.

I'd suggest re-evaluating what you're about, and why you're on Wall Street. I'd hate to see you folks waste months of time just to find out that, on September 21st, 2011, people started viewing you as entitled hippies with nothing better to do (and I say that without judgment).

EDIT: Since you've declared it a rhetorical device, I suppose the points of this post are moot. But let me just say that, for being a rhetorical device, you're literally confusing a lot of people, leaving yourself open to misinterpretation by people watching, and providing the opportunity for deliberate misinformation by those who would decry what you do.

[-] 1 points by bryanz (1) 13 years ago

One of the only posts I have read so far that I agree with for its practicality and critical thought. This movement needs more focus and logical debate, not just emotion (which is nice to see but can't be relied upon alone).

[-] 1 points by complimentaryadmission (1) 13 years ago

Thank you for introducing a dose of reality to this conversation.

[-] 4 points by illicitizen (4) from Charlotte, NC 13 years ago

Yeah, not to be a pedant, but that looks like 11 demands. I thought the idea was to protest the SCOTUS declaring Corporations were = to voting citizens. I agree these are all valid concerns/demands. But you run the risk of being kind of interpreted like religion (being purposely confusing). e.g. there is one god but there's a father, son, holy turnip etc... Just my thoughts. I support your efforts and wish I could be in the rain in NYC right now.

[-] 1 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Yes, we need to start with the broadest change w/mass appreal to the 99% we claim to represent.... reversing Citizens United (overturning a SCOTUS decision would be very impressive) should be the goal.

And a Communist Manifesto workshop once again does not represent the 99%, nor does the anarchist symbol used yesterday. Instead of being a broad coalition of the masses we are marginalizing ourselves.

[-] 3 points by CoyoteSixGuns (7) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

We need to cut thees goals down because we will loose support if our ideal are too broad. i single goal than can connect across the 99% and is a clear separation between the 1% because there could be 1% that feel the same way about some issues like ending poverty and joblessness. Narrow the Goal. What cuts through the air faster to its target, an pointed arrow, or a brick? the arrow because its focused to a single goal the brick is two wide its clumsy. Look at past protests, One Goal that bound every one together. Be it ending the conflict in Vietnam, The french revolution, The American revolution, the Haymarket affair... ONE GOAL for masses ONE GOAL for the 99% ONE GOAL That shows the MASSIVE separation/difference between the 99% and the 1%

[-] 3 points by bliffblaff (10) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

chicago is massing up for friday!!!

[-] 1 points by KaliColleen (2) 13 years ago

where at? i'll be in chicago friday evening!

[-] 1 points by bliffblaff (10) from Chicago, IL 13 years ago

9pm is the vigil for troy davis at milenium park!!


[-] 2 points by ryanstone (18) 13 years ago

Phase 1 is totally correct. Rely on your elders that have been there. The same thing was going on 40 years ago and we stopped it. Being an old dog myself. Getting back in the streets like the old days hurts my head. Just to old for that billy club and tear gas stuff.

[-] 2 points by AnonAnok (27) 13 years ago

Occupy everything. Demand nothing. The value is in the process, in opening up an autonomous space and learning to collectively resist. Those in power will not concede. Even if just out of principle. What kind of precedent would it set if the government capitulated to people in the street? The ruling elite will only offer concessions when they legitimately fear a loss of their power through revolt and revolution. Hopefully by that time, we realize that we don't need to stop half way - that their willingness to negotiate is a sign of their weakness.

[-] 1 points by sknkwrks (4) 13 years ago

So where do you plan to go with this "process"? Any plans to actually change the system and help people who are suffering? Abstract anarchist philosophies are for children of privilege (and yes, that's all of US because we're in the U.S.) who can afford to play games with activism and not have any concrete goals (or demands), because nothing is truly a life or death issue for them personally. Your water isn't being taken away, like in Bolivia. Your not facing kidnapping torture and murder, like activists in Guatemala and El Salvador. So really, have you asked yourself why you do what you do and if it actually served anyone but your own ego.

[-] 1 points by ryanstone (18) 13 years ago

So true AnonAnok! The rich need to be in fear of loosing or getting there riches and powers taken away. That is the bottom line.

[-] 2 points by minxiemcn (3) 13 years ago

I agree with the people about capital punishment. We can not be against it “formally” in this group until we meet our Primary goals. To me the goals look like this.

1) Ending wealth inequality is our one demand. 1a) Ending joblessness is our one demand 1b) Ending poverty is our one demand 2) Ending health-profiteering is our one demand. 3) Ending political corruption is our one demand. 3a) Ending police intimidation is our one demand. 4) Ending corporate censorship is our one demand. 5) Ending American imperialism is our one demand. 5a) Ending war is our one demand. (My feelings toward the Demands.) 1) Wealth inequalities, Joblessness, ending poverty are one and the same. 2) THANK GOD 3) The police would not be out there if there elected supervisors were not feeling intimidated themselves, this is our power. 5) We are Imperialistic and war prone because we have these bases.

[-] 2 points by Knowby (4) 13 years ago

Hey guys -

Looks like there's a semblance of consensus in terms of simplifying the message. From a news standpoint, the simpler the message, the easier it is to communicate, and the easier you'll be able to get media attention (they wont give you guys a whole newscast, but you're more likely to get your story read if its short and simple).

Also, in terms of the mask arrests - I'm sure someone's already suggested it, but you guys could always rename it the "Occupy Wall Street Masquerade Party," so people who want to wear masks can legally do so (though I have no idea if that would get you guys into more trouble by claiming you're having an event or something).

Also, as it's been suggested, never underestimate the power of music! It's something people can gather around, and if you can come up with a catchy enough hook, you're more likely to turn heads and gain support.

And lastly, write letters! I know it seems trite, but I've always felt that a mass letter campaign works better than a protest. Flood your congressman or woman's office with letters so they have something physical to show for your efforts. Show you're willing to use multiple routes to get your point across. As someone already said, New Yorkers are used to ignoring people, and protests seem fairly common these days. While that's a great thing, it lessens the effect of any individual protest. So everyday, have everyone write letters and have someone deliver them to your local government offices. It's also a great way to get those who can't join you involved! Post an address, and have everyone pick up their pens and get to work!

Thanks for reading-

[-] 2 points by SanJose (4) from San Jose, CA 13 years ago

A great list of demands.

Now take all of those demands and carefully make a great tasting soup out of it.

Then give that soup a name that helps people understand what all you're doing.


I love you brothers and sisters. Keep it up.

[-] 2 points by JasonAhmadi (2) 13 years ago

As a member of occupy wall street there from the beginning, I feel that these set of demands DO NOT REPRESENT ME!

If I was not recovering from a staff infection I developed after being released from police custody and was present at the assembly where this was proposed, I would have blocked this decision.

Also, Troy Davis has a stay of execution and is still alive.

Peace and Love, Jason Ahmadi

[-] 1 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Troy Davis was executed last night.

[-] 2 points by Travis (2) 13 years ago

These demands are too broad... Narrow the demands to a few and they will be stronger and change is more likely to happen. Have direct demands, televise actual demands, put them on Livestream or whatever... But all I have seen so far is uncertaintanty and it makes the entire group look unorganized and there just for the purpose of protesting just because they want to be apart of something. Then more people will come.

[-] 2 points by Krishnammm (3) 13 years ago

Sounds great. Thanks for adding the Calendar. That's very helpful! I'll be back down soon with some friends.

[-] 2 points by florella (2) 13 years ago

Hey everyone, I'm sending you good wibes every day, and I'm spreading the info and the links. I'm so impressed with you - rock on!

I think your points above are great! Here some feed back on the things that got me a bit "stuck" in the text while reading:

  • Starting with "ending capital punishment" is understandable considering what happened last night - but is this really your most urgent/important demand? The most urgent/important demand/-s should be on top of the text. It's not that I don't agree with this point here, just questioning it's position on the list.

  • Same feeling on the second point. Isn't the economical situation the most urgent? The economical situation is also smth that many agree upon, no matter their political beliefs. Maybe better to start with these points.

  • "On September 21st, 2011, the richest 400 Americans owned more than half of the country's population." - I'm not a native speaker but to me this sentence sounds like the rich own the poor?

  • I think the point on "modern gilded age" could be clarified a bit for those who might not immediately understand that term. I'm sure you want people from all walks of like and all parts of the planet to understand what you mean here. I do, but it took me a moment as a non-native speaker, and I have studied these subjects =)

All the very best to all of you!

[-] 1 points by mogel (1) 13 years ago

So you couldn't figure out what the point of the protest was so you just decided to puke onto the paper anything that a typical 13 year old radical feminist marxist would agree with, it's fitting that none of you even knew what the goal of the protest was before you decided that you wanted to be a part of the never-ending self embaressment that this movement represents. Keep complaining but it won't help any of you get a job, or a decent education in politics and economics.

[-] 1 points by realuscitizen (2) 13 years ago

Does anyone really understand economics on here? Everyone is screaming for more jobs, which I agree, but, you cannot just create 1 million jobs out of thin air. Everyone says "do away with capitalism" but does anyone realize what that means? Capitalism promotes people to be innovative and come up with ideas and business, which in turn, creates jobs. There has to be demands for those jobs. Yes many companies in the U.S outsource to foreign countries but does anyone here know why? The government leaders in office impose so many restrictions and duties/fees on these businesses that in order to stay profitable and competitive they have to outsource overseas. Why, to drive down prices to make them lower because many Americans complain about how high the prices are on things. If you want more jobs you need the government to deregulate the private industry just like they did with the transportation industry back in the 80's. You need to look at the people in office who gave bailout money to the wrong business entities. I agree that all of those individuals should be taken in and prosecuted and have all that money returned, but to say to end capitalism is absurd. Have you seen how well that worked for the U.S.S.R and Korea, oh wait, both those economies collapsed and neither of those countries have been able to bounce back ever since. Occupy Wall Street is just a fad that people are looking for something to be a part of. Reading and hearing why most of them people are there makes me sick because none of them even have a clue. A real call to action needs to be made and this disorganized mess is not the way to do it, and OWS is protesting the wrong people. You need to go after the corrupt politicians in office now if you want to make a difference. You can move the people in Wall Street out this very second, but nothing changes because the SAME CORRUPT PEOPLE are still RUNNING THE COUNTRY. Take off your blindfolds and look at the facts, before anyone comes in with the conservative comments, just know tha I am a Democrat and liberal, have been my whole life, but I think and make decisions for myself. Wrong is wrong and right is right, there is no line to be blurred there.

[-] 1 points by realuscitizen (2) 13 years ago

Does anyone really understand economics on here? Everyone is screaming for more jobs, which I agree, but, you cannot just create 1 million jobs out of thin air. Everyone says "do away with capitalism" but does anyone realize what that means? Capitalism promotes people to be innovative and come up with ideas and business, which in turn, creates jobs. There has to be demands for those jobs. Yes many companies in the U.S outsource to foreign countries but does anyone here know why? The government leaders in office impose so many restrictions and duties/fees on these businesses that in order to stay profitable and competitive they have to outsource overseas. Why, to drive down prices to make them lower because many Americans complain about how high the prices are on things. If you want more jobs you need the government to deregulate the private industry just like they did with the transportation industry back in the 80's. You need to look at the people in office who gave bailout money to the wrong business entities. I agree that all of those individuals should be taken in and prosecuted and have all that money returned, but to say to end capitalism is absurd. Have you seen how well that worked for the U.S.S.R and Korea, oh wait, both those economies collapsed and neither of those countries have been able to bounce back ever since. Occupy Wall Street is just a fad that people are looking for something to be a part of. Reading and hearing why most of them people are there makes me sick because none of them even have a clue. A real call to action needs to be made and this disorganized mess is not the way to do it, and OWS is protesting the wrong people. You need to go after the corrupt politicians in office now if you want to make a difference. You can move the people in Wall Street out this very second, but nothing changes because the SAME CORRUPT PEOPLE are still RUNNING THE COUNTRY. Take off your blindfolds and look at the facts, before anyone comes in with the conservative comments, just know tha I am a Democrat and liberal, have been my whole life, but I think and make decisions for myself. Wrong is wrong and right is right, there is no line to be blurred there.

[-] 1 points by Christy (62) 13 years ago

The banks got their bailout- I think one of our demands should be the middle/lower class bailout. Many middle class people are suffering w/ student loan debt. Can we please make one of the demands relief from private (commercial) student loans (we should be allowed to ischarge them). Many of us are drowning in student loan debt. PRIVATE student loans are a big problem- they are offered at high interest rates, and they have a lot of fees. Predatory lenders lent out millions of dollars several years ago- and they were poorly regulated.

[-] 1 points by Doughy (1) 13 years ago

Doughy (Annapolis, MD) Sara1977 wrote: "I would urge you to narrow your ocupation's demands to three (3) seminal ones:

* Removal of corporate personhood.
* Public financing of political campaigns.
* Reinstatement of stiff financial regulations such as Glass-Steagall

From these 3, much of the political, social, and economic deterioration and injustice can be resolved." That is most of what needs to be said about what your objectives should be. It is unrealistic to expect wealth and income inequalities to be eliminated, but it is imperative that they be reduced. The severe inequalities that have developed in the past 3 decades are excellent metrics of the nation's economic and political degradation. Nobody earns more than about a million dollars/year; beyond that amount, income accrues mainly from theft (and sometimes from fantastic luck, as in the cases of Bill Gates and his partner; I think his name is Paul Allen). If the concentration of income and wealth could be remedied, many of our economic and political problems would become tractable. I think your objectives should NOT include stopping capital punishment or police intimidation or ending joblessness or poverty, simply because those are politically unsmart and therefore would detract from your prospects for any success. The Citizens United decision is a crippling strike against democracy but I do not know any way to undo it other than by supporting Obama in the next election and hoping that one of the bad guys on the court drops out before January 2017. What we REALLY need are public-interest organizations that lobby for the right things AND are themselves democratic. I find that Common Cause, Public Citizen, etc. have some good leanings BUT they are strictly TOP-DOWN organizations. The folks who run them are much like politicians themselves -- they love to talk and write but are not interested in what ordinary citizens have to say. Their Internet sites do not invite or encourage citizen inputs and have no provision for accepting them except maybe 256-character snippets, and you need to enroll in Facebook or Twitter or some such cede-your-privacy gimmick to do that. I recently sent pseudo E-mail messages (like this one) to my US House Rep and my 2 US senators on 3 separate topics and have not received any responses that addressed my topics, so it does no good to write to your official reps except on a "standard" topic. I discovered that Jeffrey Sachs of the Earth Institute at Columbia Univ. has some good views on public issues and tried writing to that organization about this problem. I prepared a message and copied it to their "E-mail" box but then found messages saying that my message must be less than 3200 words, which required hard editing on my part. I got a response telling me I should stop complaining and start my own blog. If I had a blog, it would not do any lobbying as an outfit like Common Cause does. So I think what we need is influential public-interest groups like Common Cause that are run by people who are not so conceited and arrogant that THEY decide what issues to champion and what positions the group should take on them. Thank you for what you are trying to do. Good luck.

[-] 1 points by RailRoadingAmericaDotCom (2) 13 years ago

Return our day to day manufacturing from Communist China by increasing tariffs on their goods so that the cost to purchase would equal what it would cost to make in the USA. We have lost millions of jobs and trillions of $ to China and other foreign nations.

If getting off of foreign oil should be a national priority, then why isn't getting off of foreign goods? Wall Street lobbies to keep these jobs in places like China.

There are nearly 200 WalMart stores in China— How proud the shoppers must be to see everything in the store made in their country. Are you, as an American, proud to shop “big box” retailers and see 99% of the goods Made In China?


[-] 1 points by RailRoadingAmericaDotCom (2) 13 years ago

Return our day to day manufacturing from Communist China by increasing tariffs on their goods so that the cost to purchase would equal what it would cost to make in the USA. We have lost millions of jobs and trillions of $ to China and other foreign nations.

If getting off of foreign oil should be a national priority, then why isn't getting off of foreign goods? Wall Street lobbies to keep these jobs in places like China.

There are nearly 200 WalMart stores in China— How proud the shoppers must be to see everything in the store made in their country. Are you, as an American, proud to shop “big box” retailers and see 99% of the goods Made In China?


[-] 1 points by Danimal (9) from Leeuwarden, FR 13 years ago

Great List! This article puts the deinition of the 99% in some perspective: http://www.occupy-wallstreet.com/us-vs-them/the-99/ The important thing is to focus on goals that are truly for the 99%. No infighting!

[-] 1 points by grp8011 (7) 13 years ago

"Everybody Out"(Que se vayan todos)!!!!

Yeah!!! Argentina had the right words! Then "we" the people must STOP feeding the pig!

Think about what you do every day that supports the purses of the chosen few? And think of an alternative.

We must be creative about this and simplify it.

FYI - the first rule of advertising... which is how they fooled us in the first place... KISS or Keep It Simple, Stupid!

I am calling NO ONE stupid.... but the truth is... the 1% think we are!

Republicrats.... ALL!


[-] 1 points by Wahkonrainbow (4) 13 years ago

Solidarity and support from Wahkon, Minnesota.

I am for ending American imperialism. I wrote an article about this "one demand". It's on-line. Its title is Ending Catholicism and Related American Imperialism.

[-] 1 points by Wahkonrainbow (4) 13 years ago

Solidarity and support from Wahkon, Minnesota.

I am for ending American imperialism. I wrote an article about this "one demand". It's on-line. Its title is Ending Catholicism and Related American Imperialism.

[-] 1 points by Wahkonrainbow (4) 13 years ago

Solidarity and support from Wahkon, Minnesota.

I am for ending American imperialism. I wrote an article about this "one demand". It's located at: http://www.towahkon.org/endofimperialism.html

[-] 1 points by Wahkonrainbow (4) 13 years ago

Solidarity and support from Wahkon, Minnesota.

I am for ending American imperialism. I wrote an article about this "one demand". It's located at: http://www.towahkon.org/endofimperialism.html

[-] 1 points by renidataylor (1) 13 years ago

go with a constitutional amendment to take the money out of elections. public financing and free airwaves.. also demand congress make no lawthat doesn't apply to them and they should receive the average wage of their constituents, put them in the soc. sec. system and no pensions....

[-] 1 points by amber77 (2) 13 years ago

OccupyWallStreet is the best thing that has happened in this country since the Civil Rights Movement. People have finally decided that they are not going to allow a small group of capitalist and financiers to destroy this country. Now #OWS is in jeopardy of losing its credibility because no one appears to know how to communicate with all the various factions of the movement. It is essential that the demands made are reasonable for now. Because it will take empowerment before real change can take place. A call for jobs ought to be one of the primary demands. Then #OWS needs to figure out how they can implement an effective means of communicating and working together once people are no longer in the street. For example, the flower children of the 60's and 70's were easily identifiable by their dress and lifestyle. Anyway, it will not be a simple solution to this necessary protest, but I believe that it has so many possibilities. The fact that so many keep proclaiming that there are not leaders is just not the truth, because many who speak at these protests consider themselves leaders and some appear to be moles who can effectively create chaos and destroy the purpose of the movement and possibly become too much like the teaparty. Get petitions written focusing on the demands! Let people across America sign them, but more importantly, set up a committees or congress' involving a diverse group of people from around the country. Travel to meets with these groups and take recommendations back to cities or put them up on internet in form of petition which can be approved or disapproved -- or voted on only once by citizens within a state. This movement needs to look as though it is directed, because within two or three years, this movement can contribute to changes not only in elected officials but also in our Constitution. I recommend changing Constitution to give Supreme Court Justices a limited term of 10 years since they are now politically active and a part of the problem. And I recommend giving Presidents 2 six year terms in order to give them time to do the work of the people and not have to focus on campaigning for half of their terms. I recommend giving legislators in both houses staggered limited terms of 2 four year terms each and 3 two year terms to keep them as legislators of the people and not make them beholding to Corporate America. Maybe then we can have legislation that addresses the real needs of the country without shafting the populace.

[-] 1 points by amber77 (2) 13 years ago

OccupyWallStreet is the best thing that has happened in this country since the Civil Rights Movement. People have finally decided that they are not going to allow a small group of capitalist and financiers to destroy this country. Now #OWS is in jeopardy of losing its credibility because no one appears to know how to communicate with all the various factions of the movement. It is essential that the demands made are reasonable for now. Because it will take empowerment before real change can take place. A call for jobs ought to be one of the primary demands. Then #OWS needs to figure out how they can implement an effective means of communicating and working together once people are no longer in the street. For example, the flower children of the 60's and 70's were easily identifiable by their dress and lifestyle. Anyway, it will not be a simple solution to this necessary protest, but I believe that it has so many possibilities. The fact that so many keep proclaiming that there are not leaders is just not the truth, because many who speak at these protests consider themselves leaders and some appear to be moles who can effectively create chaos and destroy the purpose of the movement and possibly become too much like the teaparty. Get petitions written focusing on the demands! Let people across America sign them, but more importantly, set up a committees or congress' involving a diverse group of people from around the country. Travel to meets with these groups and take recommendations back to cities or put them up on internet in form of petition which can be approved or disapproved -- or voted on only once by citizens within a state. This movement needs to look as though it is directed, because within two or three years, this movement can contribute to changes not only in elected officials but also in our Constitution. I recommend changing Constitution to give Supreme Court Justices a limited term of 10 years since they are now politically active and a part of the problem. And I recommend giving Presidents 2 six year terms in order to give them time to do the work of the people and not have to focus on campaigning for half of their terms. I recommend giving legislators in both houses staggered limited terms of 2 four year terms each and 3 two year terms to keep them as legislators of the people and not make them beholding to Corporate America. Maybe then we can have legislation that addresses the real needs of the country without shafting the populace.

[-] 1 points by Howtodoit (1232) 13 years ago

Here's how we can easily Reform Wall Street: Take away their powers "once again." And a Million People March on The Hill will help get it done!

For example, "We are here Congress because we want to bring REINSTATE the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 http://www.investopedia.com/articles/03/071603.asp#axzz1aPEc3wX which help saved our country from the Great Depression by preventing investment companies, banks, and insurance companies from merging and becoming large brokerage firms; instead of just being Banks and Insurance companies--why can't we learn a history lesson here Congress? Btw, why did most of you vote for its final repeal in 1999? http://www.counterpunch.org/2008/09/19/shattering-the-glass-steagall-act

Think about where we are now, it all started in 1999 with the subprime loans Senator Phil Gramm was peaching on Senate floor. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKQOxr2wBZQ&feature=related

Furthermore, we also want you to CHANGE the Commodities Future Modernization Act of 2000 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodity_Futures_Modernization_Act_of_2000 BACK to where it was before 2000, which since has deregulated energy markets and consequently allowed for such scams as The Enron Loophole; whereas in the early 2000's Enron Corp. was charging 400 bucks plus for a kilowatt hour...They all when to jail for this. But, the Enron loophole is still not closed, for example, allowing speculators to resell barrels of oil over and over again before it reaches the gas station owner. It's basically, legal gambling at our expense. What were those lawmakers thinking then? What are you thinking now? Either do the right think, or you're part of the 1%."

Why are oil prices high? The Enron Loophole



Rolling Stones Reporter: Truth about Goldman Sachs--how they have cornered the markets--basically, The Enron Loophole and the Repeal of Glass-Steagall Act in 1999. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waL5UxScgUw

Let's get focused and bring back Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, they got it right 1933, we don't need to REINVENT the wheel because bringing this Act back will create an even playing field once again....and let's finally Close the Enron Loophole, which allowed Enron to charge what they wanted for energy; they went to jail for this; but no one closed the loophole, why? Re-election Monies from the banks and oil companies! The writing is on the wall.

[-] 1 points by ConservaLib (8) 13 years ago

Hit them where it hurts. Close your bank accounts and open new accounts in your local Credit Unions. Start a run on the banks. We can bring them to their knees along with the Executive and Legislative Branch and command their attention more than any vote will.

"What Uncle Sam giveth, We the People can TAKETH AWAY!"

[-] 1 points by VoiceInTheDark (1) 13 years ago

40% of our world lives on less than $2 a day 85% of Ugandans live on less than $1 a day Many children in 3rd world countries DIE before they turn 5

you think paying for college is bad? Over 370 Million of the world’s children will never make it to the 5th grade.

1.1 BILLION people worldwide don't have access to safe drinking water 5,000 children die daily from water-related illnesses. That's 1 death every 20 seconds.

Yes, the economy is bad. Yes, many families are struggling. but compared to the majority of the world, we are incredibly blessed! Just because we're American doesn't mean that we are entitled. Redistributing wealth is not the answer; it won't create jobs, it won't really solve anything. Keep in mind the big picture people, the 400 most wealthy may own more wealth than half the country, but the wealthiest 20% of the world (which includes middle class America) account for 76.6% of private consumption. We are not truly the majority, not truly the 99%. We are the majority, and to many, America is the 1%.

[-] 1 points by hksuraj (2) 13 years ago

As an indian i would support for this fight Take on my friends outsourcing is the enemy of all

[-] 1 points by hksuraj (2) 13 years ago

Guys this is absolutely correct. These politicians are killing the countries. I think outsourcing is not the option to bet. I think it destroys the relationship between two countries. Take this type of fight to India also

[-] 1 points by germanized (2) 13 years ago

So you're going to change the world, starting at Wall Street. You're a small number of people. You think this will spread? The entire nation as a whole is in the grip of apathy because we know the end is coming. Capitalism is at it's last breath. You have no plan to adequately replace that system. Screeching owls with no place to land. Move on.

[-] 1 points by germanized (2) 13 years ago

So you're going to change the world, starting at Wall Street. You're a small number of people. You think this will spread? The entire nation as a whole is in the grip of apathy because we know the end is coming. Capitalism is at it's last breath. You have no plan to adequately replace that system. Screeching owls with no place to land. Move on.

[-] 1 points by wiiilson (1) 13 years ago

How do you expect the government to end joblessness exactly? Also I don't understand the name "Occupy Wallstreet" If anything should be occupied it should be the FED.

[-] 1 points by stevelnyc (2) 13 years ago

I guess you deleted my post. If so, it tells me a lot about your organization and you definitely wont' be taken seriously.

[-] 1 points by stevelnyc (2) 13 years ago

I agree with some things but I think the organizers need to clarify and better define some of the demands. I did some googling to better understand OWS's demands in an unbiased manner.

Now, it's your turn to do the same and hear people's views of the demands, in an unbiased fashion like I did. READ through http://www.opposingviews.com/i/money/jobs-and-careers/unfocused-occupy-wall-street-protesters-make-list-demands

It would also be nice for you to read this article to see my concerns about open borders: www.qando.net/?p=8096 . Again, the open borders demand needs to be better defined.

DO IT, ok? It will only help OWS become more focused and be taken more seriously.

[-] 1 points by PierpontLuv (38) 13 years ago

hmmm 11 demands are your 1 demand? No wonder you people don't have jobs

[-] 1 points by Dawncooke (1) 13 years ago

As much as I'd love to say shove it to the government and the banks. The only way this can end peacefully is if there are some realistic sets of goals within this movement. Like for example federal tax should be equal across the board no matter how rich or poor you are. They should only offer a tax credit to companies who employ Americans! The banks need a measure of reasonable regulation so that they can create an equal distribution of wealth instead of hording it. They should be absolutely required to pay back the bail out with the same interest that they are charging people. Furthermore there should be an end to lobbing in Washington period. Major corporations should be required to write letters to governments officials the same way any other citizen should. Citizens should not be considered by Law to operate as business entities because this is a violation of our civil rights and human liberties. As the corporations should now be allowed rights that individual citizen are allowed. Those are just a few ideas. But this needs to get more organized and some people need to do some real work here to make these things actually happen. If not I am very afraid for our lives. Our government has the ability to become a lot more oppressive really fast! But don't be scared!!!! Be Smart! These seem reasonable....

  1. Removal of corporate personhood.
  2. Public financing of political campaigns.
  3. Reinstatement of stiff financial regulations such as Glass-Steagall
  4. Restore the issuance of currency to the congress. Etc. stiffer regulation of insurance companies Limitations on the cost of health care and college tuitions.
[-] 1 points by talpenn (1) from Ra'anana, HaMerkaz 13 years ago

All we need is an internal sense of unity, interconnectedness, mutual feeling, love of others, "love thy friend as thyself". That should be our one demand, to just become one, like one body that is able to perform perfectly as a living thriving unit. Within that body everyone is there for everyone else but himself. Everything that is special about me is used to the utmost benefit of everyone else. We are all cared for by everyone else and I can stop trying to survive, a new life can be born.

[-] 1 points by benjio (1) 13 years ago

Who the hell are we making these demands to? Our government? Are you asking for them to take over our lives and our freedom? We have a constitution. We can overthrow this corrupted 2 party system. We simply need to elect a party the represents the 99%. This isn't a protest but a gathering of "We The People" to organize and take our country back. DON'T DEMAND ANYTHING! JUST WAKE THE EFF UP!

[-] 1 points by chico47 (2) from Hillsborough, NJ 13 years ago

If you guys want to be taken seriously, then you need realistic and practical demands. Not some pie in the sky Utopian wish list. Have you been to www.townhall.com? The blogs there think these demands confirm what buffoons they think you are

I support you folks in spirit and I want to get involved, but not with these demands. You need to think more realistically about what the root cause problems are. The deregulation of Wall Street, The weakening of unions, the dismantling of the new deal, Lobbyists and corporate money in politics leading to legalized bribery. This is where you need to focus – on the economy not social issues. Fight for a more democratic capitalism rather than winner take all capitalism. Focus on economic issues not social issues.

Right the right-wing (FOX NEWS, Townhall) is having a field day with OSW and they will be attacking. Your growth and success is a threat to them and their Tea-Party movement. Please do not become the left wing ideological equivalent of the Tea-Party. Be smarter. Get to understand the issues and recommend serious, positive and realistic changes. Good Luck! I am routing for you...

[-] 1 points by GeoSoros (4) 13 years ago

Sorry Lloyd, I just peed in my pants from reading your ridiculous demands. So you're saying that everyone is entitled to a living wage and a free college education? Why would you want to even educate yourself if you're getting a living wage from who? Wall St.? So you're saying Wall St. should pay you for not working?? I'm not even going to touch the other demands because it's so bizarre. Get off the streets, and the drugs, take a shower and get yourself a job.

[-] 1 points by GeoSoros (4) 13 years ago

Sorry Lloyd, I just peed in my pants from reading your ridiculous demands. So you're saying that everyone is entitled to a living wage and a free college education? Why would you want to even educate yourself if you're getting a living wage from who? Wall St.? So you're saying Wall St. should pay you for not working?? I'm not even going to touch the other demands because it's so bizarre. Get off the streets, and the drugs, take a shower and get yourself a job.

[-] 1 points by GeoSoros (4) 13 years ago

Sorry Lloyd, I just peed in my pants from reading your ridiculous demands. So you're saying that everyone is entitled to a living wage and a free college education? Why would you want to even educate yourself if you're getting a living wage from who? Wall St.? So you're saying Wall St. should pay you for not working?? I'm not even going to touch the other demands because it's so bizarre. Get off the streets, and the drugs, take a shower and get yourself a job.

[-] 1 points by GeoSoros (4) 13 years ago

Sorry Lloyd, I just peed in my pants from reading your ridiculous demands. So you're saying that everyone is entitled to a living wage and a free college education? Why would you want to even educate yourself if you're getting a living wage from who? Wall St.? So you're saying Wall St. should pay you for not working?? I'm not even going to touch the other demands because it's so bizarre. Get off the streets, and the drugs, take a shower and get yourself a job.

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

I deeply agree that capital punishment is so very much another fight. You'll mess up the focus of you start making it about that and it will fail.

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

Rein in Wall Street. Ensure that they pay more than a fair share of the deficit. Tax them. Listen to Warren Buffett. They must pay because it's wrong for them not to. They must pay because of what they did to spur the recession. Enough is enough. Rein in Wall St.

[-] 1 points by overthehill (9) from Lyndhurst, NJ 13 years ago

I think this is wonderful. But ONE THING - keep this movement AWAY from the old politicos and Socialist Organizations who will take credit for everything, shape words that were not said and turn it into a pie-in-the-sky radical waste of time. When they get in, they corrupt. I know them well. Keep this fledgling movement way from those who see themselves as life-ling freedom fighters. They're on an ego-trip beyond belief, have no lives or relationships because they're too meglomaniacal, and they ruin everything. Stay free

[-] 1 points by Minerva (1) 13 years ago


Corporate 'personhood' allows them to be sued.

This whole thing is nonsense. Each time what you are demanding happens it ends in tyrrany. It was tried here before in Jamestown. First it was all communal, but failing because sharing everything regardless of input resulted in not enough to go around (more people just sat around). John Smith used Biblical principle, "He who won't work won't eat," and things worked well 'till he got shot. Then they forced people to work until they died.

I'd rather live in the system we have than be a slave for the lazy.

[-] 1 points by chrissatori (8) from Lancaster, England 13 years ago

Watching from the UK I like what you are doing and respect your honest struggle. However, with the exception of the primary demand to end the death penalty, which would in itself be a massive result, all the demands are vague, and do not specify any one particular action with which change might be initiated.

The three seminal demands suggested by Sara1977 below also make a lot of sense to me.

I cannot identify how negotiation is taking place between the people's assembly and the state on your demands, nor who it might be taking place with, nor what exactly the state is supposed to do, or how it is to implement a desired response.

You seem to be suggesting that someone, presumably within the existing government structure, must work this out and undertake all this nitty gritty but I'm not sure if they've been told yet.

It's time to state exactly what you want to see in specific and concrete terms. I imagine Obama or somebody on his team is who you want to be dealing with in person.

[-] 1 points by chrissatori (8) from Lancaster, England 13 years ago

Watching from the UK I like what you are doing and respect your honest struggle. However, with the exception of the primary demand to end the death penalty, which would in itself be a massive result, all the demands are vague, and do not specify any one particular action with which change might be initiated.

The three seminal demands suggested by Sara1977 below also make a lot of sense to me.

I cannot identify how negotiation is taking place between the people's assembly and the state on your demands, nor who it might be taking place with, nor what exactly the state is supposed to do, or how it is to implement a desired response.

You seem to be suggesting that someone, presumably within the existing government structure, must work this out and undertake all this nitty gritty but I'm not sure if they've been told yet.

It's time to state exactly what you want to see in specific and concrete terms. I imagine Obama or somebody on his team is who you want to be dealing with in person.

[-] 1 points by brez (1) from Albuquerque, NM 13 years ago

Love and Light from New Mexico

[-] 1 points by Rasterius (13) from West Leederville, WA 13 years ago

Full support from Perth Australia

[-] 1 points by RJM53 (2) 13 years ago

Right to shelter is found nowhere in the constitution. No bank has "taken" anyones home if they could make the payments. You are not the 99% you may represent 1% or 2% at most.

[-] 1 points by ricksaunders (1) 13 years ago

I just want to say to all of you, all of you involved, that I love you for what you are doing. For standing up for those who cannot. All of you have major karmic bonus points coming your way. Peace.

[-] 1 points by protest2survive (2) 13 years ago

There is nothing you could demand or ask for that the system is going to give you. Why do they care if you "occupy" wall street? They can just send cops to get rid of you when you become too much of a nuisance. That said, I wish you the best and let me know when the actual revolution starts.

[-] 1 points by protest2survive (2) 13 years ago

There is a whole of a lot more to get angry for than the above list. We have massive unemployment, wages are shit, there are millions of empty forclosed-on houses across the country just sitting there after families with kids got thrown out on their asses. Million of families that were once middle class now have to choose between paying their energy bill, buying gas to commute to work or groceries. Not sure if you're feelin' this in New York..

[-] 1 points by devinesara (1) 13 years ago

I hope you guys are all registered to vote . . . for Ron Paul.

[-] 1 points by stopthebanks (1) 13 years ago

Agree with Sara1977. Get focused and get organized. The problem with the protests, and one of the reasons they're not getting media attention or widespread support, is that they've turned into a mish-mosh of progressive causes, many of which have very little to do with Wall Street.

The causes Sara1977 outlines are central to the real issues. Troy Davis, American imperialism, Palestine, legalizing pot, freeganism, and toplessness may all be important causes, but one protest at a time. Come out with a focused message and look organized - right now the protest looks like some kind of homeless burning man granola concert and not a serious effort by serious people to deliver a concise, imporrtant message.

Is there real leadership? Even this post doesn't make sense, with a whole list of demands, each following by "this is our one demand". You obviously can't count. So frustrated because we need to undo the banks' ownership of this country and this protest has to be right and successful!!!

[-] 1 points by Enzlee (1) from Essex, MA 13 years ago

Look. I can understand everything that is said here by every single person. The only people's opinions I don't see on here are the people on Wallstreet. The bosses, and the men in charge.

Everyone else, or the "99" percent, feels, knows, understands that there is something inherently wrong. I dont give a damn what affiliation you are.

The change will come, and it can come at the Citizens hands, or at the hands of fate. Every other real shift in government, has been a process, with The American Revolution itself starting, before the declaration of Independence was ever written.

A comittee needs to be formed, and action, even beyond "Occupation needs to be taken."
By action I mean everything, from campaigning, and recruiting, to marching, and boycotting. I abhore, violence but what has to done must be done, and will be done no matter what. If the Citizens of America wait for this to resolve itself, it will be come violent and no one will have any control.

[-] 1 points by Natasha (5) 13 years ago

These "demands" are too broad and not concrete. If you're occupying Wall Street, then focus on that. This is why the LEFT doesn't get anywhere, you try to tackle every single cause possible in one action, then go home and nothing has changed. You loose credibility and believe it or not, you SHOULD care whether the average person thinks you're just doing this for fun. If you want to start a REAL sustainable movement that's beyond the usual marches of activist scene-sters, have a small number of achievable, concrete demands that focus on Wall Street.

To borrow from someone's comment below:

-Removal of corporate personhood. -Public financing of political campaigns. -Reinstatement of stiff financial regulations such as Glass-Steagall

Not romantic enough? Get over it, and find out how hard it will be to achieve these three.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Natasha, sounds great...would you be willing to work with me to start it? I am game...

[-] 1 points by sknkwrks (4) 13 years ago

I support all the above and the occupation...BUT when the usual tactics of marching, occupying and ritualized civil disobedience fail to create change- THEN WHAT? These tactics failed to stop the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and we (I include myself, I am not innocent) went back to our normal lives or the next activist cause du jour. We on the Left are too used to loosing, and repeating the same patterns of resistance that make us feel good, and give us great war stories to tell, but ultimately achieve nothing. We have to be more introspective, more self critical about our tactics and less factionalized. We need to stop pointing fingers at who is or isn't "radical" enough, and try to turn the numerous small cliques of the Left into a "movement"- because we don't have one yet. Let's look back to the Civil Rights movement, see what worked for them, what has changed in our society and how to evolve our tactics. In short- WHAT NEXT when this is over, will we continue the struggle against Wall Street, how will we take REAL control over those in power, or just wait until things get so bad our society totally breaks down. Because that's where we're headed, and it will not be an Anarchist paradise...

[-] 1 points by Tazilon (2) 13 years ago

I count at best MILITARY bases in 34 countries. That is a far cry from 130, as you claim. Are your other claims so far off base, as well? Personally, my ONE demand you should adopt if you want to protest something meaningful is this: Return the Federal Government to the limits set by our Constitution. Do that and every other thing you protest disappears in a short time.

[-] 1 points by Tazilon (2) 13 years ago

So, let me get this straight: you are having a protest and you don't even know what your ONE demand is yet? Please list the 130 countries we have MILITARY bases in and name the bases. I am calling pure BS on that one. What are you 99% of? Personally, I detest the way a select few have deformed our Constitution and I detest how so many have been purposefully enslaved to government handouts but I want America to return to what first made it great. I do not want America to become what has kept so many other countries in perpetual mediocrity or worse. SO my vote for your ONE demand is: End America's enslavement of poor people to the government and build personal responsibility and accountability instead. Self worth always trumps self pity.

[-] 1 points by DLM (7) 13 years ago

Bingo! Building personal responsibility, what a great demand.

[-] 1 points by LibertyDenied (2) 13 years ago

Addressing corruption and crony-corporatism is done be forcing government to stop violating the Constitution. It is ONLY by violating the Constitution that the government has ANYthing to 'sell'. When there is nothing to sell, there are no 'buyers'. Think about it. The feamers of the Constitution understood this VERY well, and it woukd serve We the People to understand as well that only a strictly limited government and THE RULE OF LAW ( being the REPUBLIC of the United States the founders created for us) will protect us and provide us with the least amount of corruption possible. Our government and the Constitution were not created to restrain the people. They were created to restrain Government!

[-] 1 points by LibertyDenied (2) 13 years ago

The only "demand" we need or should have is to have a LEGAL and LIMITED GOVERNMENT. A CONSTITUTIONAL government. When Our freedoms and Liberty are 'restored', when [real] free markets are restored, is when America can be restored. As well, I must say that some of the 'demands' posted in these comments sound like progressive socialist ideas. Wages, for example can not be 'mandated', and if you want less corruption in government we must SHRINK it, and 'demand' that it limits itself to only it's very few enumerated powers. When this is done with President Paul leading the way, all of the problems facing Americans and America will by default begin to be addresses in OUR favor. What we need to be 'demanding' is the restoration of our Constitutional liberty to be Free - INCLUDING our market place so that it can be a FAIR market.

[-] 1 points by Wearemedia (2) 13 years ago

I am pissed oil corruption is not on this list, gas is creating a gap between the people who stand and who want to stand. The 99% want 99 cent gas the 99% will not let politics divide! ONE DEMAND TRIALS FOR CORRUPTION THE 99% GET JAILED FOR ILLEGAL ACTIVITY SO SHOULD THE 1%

[-] 1 points by PunkPatriot (2) 13 years ago

Ending Corporate Personhood would make it possible to tackle every other problem.

Corporate Personhood is the REASON that we have corporate money in politics.

We will not get a bill for full public financing for elections until we remove corporate personhood from the equation. Actually, we can't get ANYTHING done until we remove corporate personhood from the equation.

[-] 1 points by creativebunny (2) from Muir Beach, CA 13 years ago

I demand to disband the American government and use the finances to fund holistic health programs for emotional and physical healing. After all the neurosis placed upon us by our consumer culture, it's the very least that could happen. Transmute the greed and fear into healing.

[-] 1 points by AnitaStewart (1) 13 years ago

Solitarity! What about a demand to END corporate personhood? This is the root of most of these demands noted above. Please see http://www.movetoamend.org for more information. CORPORATIONS ARE NOT PEOPLE AND $$$ IS NOT FREE SPEECH!

Anita Stewart

[-] 1 points by warewolff (7) 13 years ago

How about a demand that "Anonymous" be excluded from all decision making process?

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Why? That has been the problem with the Left...always marginalizing/excluding because of tactical/ideological reasons.... No more!

[-] 1 points by warewolff (7) 13 years ago

Because they ultimately run this website and made an active threat to cyber attack major corporations. That doesn't represent the majority.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Don't be so sure that in the long run this does not get more support...

[-] 1 points by ILoveAmericaaa (2) 13 years ago

I undestand that our county has a lot of problems, but if you are going to complain about everything about our country, then why don't you just move to another one? Be greatful that you live in a country where you have freedom. And be greatful that you don't live in east Africa where hundreds of thousands are die from starvation, HIV/AIDS and Malaria. Oh and i love how you disabled anonymous posting (; I dont care about making a account i just don't want to support something like this...

[-] 1 points by ILoveAmericaaa (2) 13 years ago

I undestand that our county has a lot of problems, but if you are going to complain about everything about our country, then why don't you just move to another one? Be greatful that you live in a country where you have freedom. And be greatful that you don't live in east Africa where hundreds of thousands are die from starvation, HIV/AIDS and Malaria. Oh and i love how you disabled anonymous posting (; I dont care about making a account i just don't want to support something like this...

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Please leave and go support something YOU Do believe in...

[-] 1 points by realitista (1) 13 years ago

Please take a look at this: I think it covers a lot of the points everyone wants to to get money out of politics, social and environmental responsibility, all in a clearly layed out plan which is legislatable: the ESRA: http://spiritualprogressives.org/newsite/?page_id=926

[-] 1 points by Mpt (1) 13 years ago

Your rhetorical device is listing a zillion things and claiming that each one is your "one demand.". No wonder you're not getting publicity. You have no common purpose and you make no sense. -mpt

[-] 1 points by humptvivacqua (6) 13 years ago

Power To The People Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people, right on Say you want a revolution We better get on right away Well you get on your feet And out on the street

Singing power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people, right on

A million workers working for nothing You better give 'em what they really own We got to put you down When we come into town

Singing power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people, right on

I gotta ask you comrades and brothers How do you treat you own woman back home She got to be herself So she can free herself

Singing power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people, right on Now, now, now, now

Oh well, power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people, right on

Yeah, power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people, right on

Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people Power to the people, right on

[-] 1 points by themissinformed (9) 13 years ago

to vague. get down to specifics already people.

[-] 1 points by nodalmonad (15) 13 years ago

governments are not going to give you anything. can we get over this delusion? they're more concerned with keeping the rabble in check as capitalism falls deeper into crisis. don't ask for a new world, take it. go on the offensive, liberate your desires and all that stuff. Once we get enough people we should occupy the offices, never let em start trading again. Repurpose the spaces to find ways of associating to meet each others needs and desires. Transcend markets and money and commodities. Tear up the concrete jungle.

[-] 1 points by shano (1) 13 years ago

Fair trade, NOT free trade.

End for profit prisons.

Removal of corporate personhood.

Reinstate public financing of political campaigns.

[-] 1 points by vredenburger (1) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Although most, if not all of these demands are relevant and justified, I very much agree that for simplicity's sake, narrowing the occupation's demands to one all-encompassing ultimatum is necessary.

Due to the number of voices within just this one article, I would advocate for one that reflects that—participation by all, in social, political, and economic spheres. By democratically deciding on matters like allocation of resources, capital punishment, the living wage, education, infrastructure, infinite etc. by consensus or majority-rule, we would reflect the collective voice that proved it's existence on 17 September.

I hope this helps in some way—much respect from north of the border!

[-] 1 points by mimi4five (5) 13 years ago

Thank you......The revolution has started. I am a grandmother who wants a better world for those five little people who call me Mimi...Keep fighting !!!

[-] 1 points by waitingforthedream (8) 13 years ago

If you live in NYC, invite every homeless person to sleep in Liberty Plaza. Put a real face on poverty in America.

[-] 1 points by ryanstone (18) 13 years ago

This protest needs to go nation wide. A lot of people are with you but can't travel. All major cities. Please list cities and contacts. One demand for know.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

There is a Facebook page "Carpool To Occupy Wall St." go to your state and you will find lots of people who are organizing carpools and groups of people to go on a bus. Good luck!

[-] 1 points by hoserman16 (13) 13 years ago

Debt forgiveness, I think every oe can get behind it. It puts money in our hands and takes it out of theirs. Increasing our power and weakening theirs so that we can work on other demands with that leverage.

[-] 1 points by pork (8) from New York, NY 13 years ago

love it! :)

[-] 1 points by verbaljunglegym (4) from Wappingers Falls, NY 13 years ago

The many problems we see are the result of a deep cultural problem. We live in an ego driven, consumption based, self aggrandizing, patriarchal, dominator culture. We must seek balance and tolerance and destroy division and fear.

Fear is the Mind Killer

[-] 1 points by Jstonewall (1) 13 years ago

What a joke! Wall Street is the largest group of thieves & robbers in this nation. They act as terrorists raising the price of oil & gas through undue speculation. They steal from the poor & homeless daily by causing prices of everyday commodities to rise. They should not be occupied but razed to the ground! Jack Stonewall

[-] 1 points by DLM (7) 13 years ago

Go ahead and destroy these "groups of theives and robbers in this nation" and see what happens. Simple supply and demand will say this: with less businesses producing a good and demand holding stable, prices will rise. Corporations don't excert 100% control of all commodity prices. Example: A famine or fires or any other natural disaster destroy 50% of the wheat crop in Russia=less supply of wheat, demand is going to hold steady meaning rising prices.

[-] 1 points by Jaspen (1) 13 years ago

HERE'S AN IDEA, PLEASE FOLLOW SUIT - I just posted the following in the comments section of a New York Times post about Armorous Squid: "Hey NYT! Why aren't you covering the now 6 day Occupation of Wall Street??? Could it be because rather than being an unbiased source of news, you are actually OWNED & your content is DICTATED by the very corporations that the U.S. People are protesting against???". If we all post the above question in the all of the mainstream media's relatively frivolous stories, perhaps more awareness in the general population will be brought to light. PLEASE COPY AND SHARE!!!

[-] 1 points by swimguy112 (2) 13 years ago

I think that it is also important that you guys/gals address the lobbying racket between corporations and their regulators. Maybe something also about education?

[-] 1 points by coupmediagroup (1) 13 years ago

Coup Media has devised and is hosting an online voting poll to manage the official Demands Document. as Democracy is living and breathing, so is this document. Voting is even being conducted within this system to decide on the official name of the demands document. Participate and vote http://tinyurl.com/demandsofoccupywallstreet This is the poples show of hands vote. 1 person 1 vote.

[-] 1 points by ryanstone (18) 13 years ago

When is Seattle going to get involved. That nwill get media attention. After WTO everyone knows Seattle will turn it up.

[-] 1 points by johnbrown (2) 13 years ago

This looks like good demands to me

[-] 1 points by phase (1) 13 years ago

from what i read below: is there an elder activist that can help the group to learn from some of the most effective strategies used in the protests that created times of great change? the internet is helping and HURTING organization here it seems. I'm no expert but it seems that some of the guidance trying to be offered is being blown off as totally useless: in my opinion it is not. find a group of elders you trust: there was a revolution that changed the world and there are people with stamina and wisdom from then to help.

[-] 1 points by wtfever (2) 13 years ago

A little presumptuous regarding the assumption of who has "fought in all the wars." How many of the [self-appointed representatives] of the 99% have actually served? Certainly the economy sucks, but, for the love, it is still possible to create fruit harvesting possibilities for oneself, depending on one's willingness to labor.

[-] 1 points by boyd1955 (1) from City of London, England 13 years ago

Place your demands in any way you want ... Just being there and standing up for what you believe is the beginning ... All my support from London

[-] 1 points by minxiemcn (3) 13 years ago

I agree with the people about capital punishment. We can not be against it “formally” in this group until we meet our Primary goals. To me the goals look like this.

1) Ending wealth inequality is our one demand.
1a) Ending joblessness is our one demand 1b) Ending poverty is our one demand
2) Ending health-profiteering is our one demand.
3) Ending political corruption is our one demand.
3a) Ending police intimidation is our one demand.
4) Ending corporate censorship is our one demand. 5) Ending American imperialism is our one demand.
5a) Ending war is our one demand.
(My feelings toward the Demands.)
1) Wealth inequalities, Joblessness, ending poverty are one and the same. 2) THANK GOD 3) The police would not be out there if there elected supervisors were not feeling intimidated themselves, this is our power. 5) We are Imperialistic and war prone because we have these bases.

[-] 1 points by Allithia (3) 13 years ago

I am in full support of ALL these demands. Settling on one or two is essentially saying that the 1% still have the power and we don't want to appear unreasonable or they may not give us what we want. No. One of Canada's most humane and dignified politicians (probably the only one), the late Jack Layton said "Choose to strive for visions you may never see realized in your lifetime." We must speak our truth and settle for nothing less. This hour of playing small and succumbing to apathy to survive the madness has to stop! In solidarity, for humanity's freedom and dignity, from BC, Canada.

[-] 1 points by Zax (4) 13 years ago

There's no reason we can't see both. One, or a few, unifying demand(s) related to the protest's origin and location followed by the rest of what we/they wish to achieve. The points of view of those there may conflict at certain points, so if an agreement in language can't be agreed upon, they can still put forth that/those point(s) individually or in a group who shares those points of view.

[-] 1 points by yilb (1) from Seattle, WA 13 years ago

THIS. Love the process, keep on. People who want simple and easy should be aware that fascism is both. I've had enough dumbed down media and politics. Bring it on.

[-] 1 points by Camper (2) 13 years ago

Occupy Wall Street is diluting it's message. The Our One Demand is not being taken too seriously; "they can't even count" is what I am hearing. What happened to One Person, One Dollar, One Vote? Everyday there are new issues, but making a stew out of them is reinforcing the notion of "they don't know what they want".

[-] 1 points by Reveal (1) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

Solidarity from California. This is an essential movement. "Let not your Soul's filament burn out for temporary satisfactions, indulgences." -Unknown

[-] 1 points by withyou (4) from Estero, FL 13 years ago

Cut the communist crap and focus on what regular Americans can do to equalize the bounty of our country. Get rid of the Tea Partiers and the "no tax on the rich" Congress. Fight for more bank and investment regulation. These are real things you can do. Put pressure where it counts rather than on all this periphery junk you are wasting your energy on.

[-] 1 points by Zax (4) 13 years ago

New Yorkers are used to ignoring people, especially those sleeping on the street and park. I know it's tough to do much with low numbers and the NYPD controlling everything, but you don't want the protest and those there to be pigeonholed as an Others group that is to be ignored or looked at and judged from afar. It'd have been nice if Lupe Fiasco, and other musicians in that city full of them, had been involved and performed music. He was there, but just hanging out. Not sure if there's anyway at this point to get some out there.

Also, when numbers were or are larger, taking the protest throughout the city and trying to encourage people to join the line, bringing it back to home base, would possibly help inform people that the protest is happening and that it's something fun they can be a part of as well. Fliers cost more money, waste natural resources, turn into trash, and are likely less effective in a city full of them. The crowd looked quite diverse on Sunday, so I think it would have also dispelled stereotypes that the protest is just for certain groups of people. Good luck this weekend. I hope it picks up momentum again.

[-] 1 points by Goodalfred (4) 13 years ago

You are heros, we will follow in other countries, this conecerns everybody.

[-] 1 points by Goodalfred (4) 13 years ago

You are heros, we will follow in other countries, this conecerns everybody.

Watch the first 25 min of this video and you will realise how terrible our economic system functions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg

[-] 1 points by Goodalfred (4) 13 years ago

You are heros, we will follow in other countries, this conecerns everybody.

Watch the first 25 min of this video and you will realise how terrible our economic system functions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg

[-] 1 points by Goodalfred (4) 13 years ago

You are heros, we will follow in other countries, this conecerns everybody.

Watch the first 25 min of this video and you will realise how terrible our economic system functions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg

[-] 1 points by THMSFLSSS (1) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago
[-] 1 points by cristina (2) from Seixal, Setúbal 13 years ago

Solidarity from Portugal! Go on and resist!

[-] 1 points by Sunlight (1) 13 years ago

All good reasons to show up. Especially if you are tired of being ignored.

[-] 1 points by suff (1) 13 years ago

Police guy intimidating livestream cameraman to move.

[-] 1 points by youguysaredumb (7) 13 years ago

Gonna need to see some academic sources for all these September 21st facts.

[-] 1 points by poetryandhums (9) from Philadelphia, PA 13 years ago

RIP Troy Davis.

Doesn't it seem so hypocritical that men who are not God will take another human's life for a crime that they were not there to witness?

To take a life should never be an option. Reguardless of what this person might or might not have done.

All will be judged one day, and not by men but by God, and God will remember the real murderers.

[-] 1 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

99% is a bit of a exaggeration, considering more than 5% of the population make fortunes of Wall Street. Lies != More Supporters

[-] -1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

The 1% is who owns the majority of the wealth in the nation. The 99% is the rest of the people.

[-] 1 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

I don't own that wealth, and I don't agree with you, and I can name over a hundred other people who disagree with you. Therefore it is not 99%.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I don't give a shit whether you or any of your friends agree with me or not. The 1% is what is being reported from many sources. If you don't own that wealth, then you are a part of the 99%. So, because you and your friends disagree with me, that makes all of you right? I was just explaining where the 1% and 99% came from.

[-] 0 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

I actually get what you mean, re-reading it so lets calm down. You imply that the 99% agree with you, by saying "This is the fifth communiqué from the 99 percent." - You imply this is coming from me and my friends as we are part of the 99% and that is just not true. They don't. You imply you speak for the country. You don't. I respect you for what your doing even though I disagree with it, just because your willing to stand by your beliefs. Its the lies and misreadings to gain support I care about. A fact I had hoped most "activists" would understand considering this seems to partly about 'the man' telling lies.

[-] 1 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

momomo - you need a refresher course in math. There are appx 312 million people in the United States. 1% of 312 million is 3.12 million. So you naming youself and a hundred people would fall far short of 3.12 million people... yes?

[-] 1 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

naming the 2000 people at your protest would fall quite short of that number as well. let alone the 99% you guys were trying to pass off. But that was taking account that i'm not part of the 1% therefore any single person over that 1% would make 99% impossible.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

It doesn't matter whether you agree with what the protesters are doing or not. If you aren't part of the 1% who owns the majority of the wealth in the nation, then you are a part of the 99% who doesn't.... regardless of what your beliefs are. That IS the point.

[-] -1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

And as an FYI, I am NOT one of the protesters currently (but plan to join in if any protests are organized in my area). Not everyone posting on here is one of the protesters. You are assuming a lot here.

[-] -1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I didn't imply any of what you are claiming. The protesters are saying that 1% of the American population owns the majority of the wealth in the nation. That means that the remaining 99% of Americans DON'T OWN the majority of the wealth. That is ALL that I am saying and is ALL that the protesters are saying.

Did I say anything about anyone agreeing with me.... other than I don't give a shit whether you or your friends agree with me?

[-] 1 points by youguysaredumb (7) 13 years ago

If you put 100 people in a room, 20 of them probably will be unemployed, uneducated, apathetic and uninterested. 50 will be content working at their service jobs and going to the bar on Fridays. 29 will be working on their careers and make money to put their kids through college. 1 will be a driven genius who will stop at nothing to get what they want.

Chances are, the way things are, are a reflection of the people themselves. The 1% came to be what it is for a reason. In all of history in any society, a 1% always emerges.

[-] 2 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

1% emerges to steal from everyone else? Is that OK with you? If they make their earnings honestly, then there's no problem. When there's corruption on a broad scale (the banks, corporations, politicians, etc.), then there's a big problem.

[-] 2 points by Sara1977 (32) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

Precisely. It is this defense of outright theft and exploitation that is glorified as the genius of the '1%' that I find objectionable.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Right. Genius to me is people like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Beethoven, Mozart, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, and many more.... not people who screw everyone else over. Many of us know of ways to screw people over, but we don't do them because we don't believe in doing them.

[-] 1 points by youguysaredumb (7) 13 years ago

Edison started GE and was kind of a dick to a lot of people like Nicola Tesla. I'm pretty sure the rest pulled their share of dick moves to get to where they are now

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

My point is that the people I mentioned actually had the genius to invent and do things that made significant contributions to society which still influence us today.... through art, science, music, inventions, etc. The fat cats in the financial sector who are responsible for helping to bankrupt the nation did nothing but that.... screw people over to make themselves millions while hurting others. They accepted millions upon millions in bonuses while their companies asked for bailouts from the federal government. I don't recall any of the people I mentioned purposely helping to bankrupt their nations. I'm sure every person in the world has character flaws that we could talk about.

[-] 1 points by youguysaredumb (7) 13 years ago

Wether it is OK or not, you cant change anything.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

It feels to me as if you have lost your own voice. I don't know why you just post negative comments--are you a right-wing troll? If that is the case then I can see why you are so negative. Remember, GB Shaw famously said "those who claim it cannot be done should not interrupt those that are doing it"... Whether you agree or disagree, it IS happening, and it is just the beginning. Nothing more sad than those who feel defeated who slavishly insist that nothing can or will ever change. Being connected to my fellow human beings who are concerned about the state of the world, is a wonderful feeling which makes all of my other interests/activities even better... Are you passionate about anything??

[-] 1 points by DLM (7) 13 years ago

I disagree with a lot of the points being brought up in this movement, but there are a number that I could get behind. I don't know your political affiliation, but if I had to guess it would be a left-winger. I consider myself moderate but leaning to the right wing. With that little background, let me say this, by calling people "right-wing trolls" you are going to lose a lot of support from those who could support some of your causes. So Good Luck with your demonstration.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Why don't you join the tea party if you don't agree and stop wasting time here, since you do not align yourself with this movement. Actually, this movement has the support of the majority...

[-] 1 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

thats your belief and nothing else. why not call yourself "iamsmart"? smart being adpating to the system and not wanting to change anything. why engage others if you really believe that? they will learn sooner or later, what concern is it of yours?

[-] 1 points by youguysaredumb (7) 13 years ago

The jerk store called and they're running out if YOU

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

What you are saying is irrelevant... Kudos to the 1% of people who make their wealth honestly and with hard work and without exploiting others ... Then there are those who work hard and honestly, who can perhaps never become rich but who deserve to make a good living... Better yet, let those who are not millionaires/billionaires, work without theft of wages... Alan Greenspan notoriously worked against "wage inflation" when he was head of the FR; yet he had no problem when that applied to CEO's...

[-] 1 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

When I said you I should of made it clear I meant this group, which admittedly I included you in perhaps wrongly, as a whole and not just you. But that is what they are saying in case you want me to explain how they saying it.

This is the fifth communiqué from the 99 percent. We are occupying Wall Street.

This is the fifth communiqué from the 99 percent.

from the 99 percent.

See the last line where they say FROM the 99 percent yeah, that is a lie and is exactly what the group is saying. I said I understand where the 99% came from, I'm disagreeing with the way the group using that statistic. Would you like me to go other it again?

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Another reason we are protesting is the less-than-adequate education system that allows so many people to have inadequate basic grammatical skills... I see this all too often. Forgive me momomo but "should of" is incorrect. "should have" or: "should've (contraction) is correct grammar. Typos are one thing....

[-] -1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

If someone said "I am from this group", that means they are a PART OF that group.

[-] -1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

They are simply saying they are part of the 99% and are not a part of the 1%. How is THAT a lie? They are saying FROM, meaning PART OF.

[-] 0 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

When a message comes from a group, it does not mean part of the group it means from the whole group unless stated otherwise. From does not mean part of in any butchering of the English Language. It means it has come from somewhere which in this case is claimed to be THE 99%, not part of, not a member off but THE 99%. This is the same argument as the Government uses when there lies get found out. They never said the lie but they sure as hell implied it.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

So, if I say I'm PART of the American population or FROM the American population, that means I'm saying I'm the WHOLE American population and not just a PART of it?

You people really are idiots.

[-] 1 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

Context is a wonderful thing read up on it one day.

Saying you are from a group is different that a letter from a group. A letter titled from THE group says right there it is THE group. Do you see the The? The letter makes no attempt to state that it is not from the all the group, therefore the use of THE group in this context says the whole group.

Take a English lesson some day, you might learn important words like context. Idiot.

[-] -1 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

it say from the 99%, not from 99%. need me to elaborate? i think not.

[-] -1 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

kinda considering I include the the's and the 99% includes me who its not from ;) so please do elaborate

[-] 1 points by pariscommune (205) 13 years ago

the message of this is that none of the 1% are present in this protest but all of the members of this protest are from the 99%. obviously they think the 99% and the 1% dont have common interests and they are on the side of the 99%. life gets much easier and other people much less stupid when you try to understand what people want to voice with their words, not bring your own ideas into the rumble before you understood THEIR position.

[-] 1 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

I never said I didn't understand what they were saying. I have said the grammar is used to say something that is not true, exactly like government grammar oddly enough. Not that the people are not from the 99%.

[-] -1 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

99% does not imply it comes from you too, clearly you are the 1%. if they said we are the 100% that would imply it's coming from you. not too tough to comprehend

[-] 0 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

I've already been stated to not be in the 1%. It's already been stated that which percentage your in does not matter if you agree with this or not, yet apparently because I disagree I am in the 1%. Make up your mind. Also your going to have a impossible time proving even 40% of the population agree with what your doing, so have a go at proving 99% do. Go on.

[-] 1 points by mattymatt (88) from New York, NY 13 years ago

actually, i agree with you that with the direction this protest is heading it's marginalizing itself. It started out focusing on an issue I would say the vast majority would support (reversing citizens united/corporate influence in washington) and now has workshops on communism. i think they're being pulled in too many directions.

re: the 99% - look obviously its a message/speaking point to get across that the majority want this or that. I don't believe that they LITERALLY believe that 99% agree with them , but the vast majority. They're not actually saying that but it has a better ring to it than "we are the 84%!" or "we are the 88.2%!" However, like I said, unless they crystallize a message around broader goals they will succumb to having tried to do too much too quickly.

[-] 0 points by momomo (5) 13 years ago

Yes I can tell its a claim for the speaking point. But even claiming the vast majority, or even a simple majority support them is not a fact and is only born from the opinion of. "I believe this therefore everyone else does to" I could make the same claim that 99% of people love corporate greed, I could also claim the majority support corporate greed. We could both throw friends at each other support our view but still realistically we will never know the views of anything but a minority of people so making claims like that is just wrong. There is no proof so it is not a fact and should not be used.

[-] 2 points by Knowby (4) 13 years ago

You guys do realize a flame war won't really help spread or validate your points of view. Points have been made and reiterated, but I think most important is that despite continued arguing about the new posts' message, you all GET what it's supposed to mean. Leave it at that or please continue with, if anything, intelligent discourse. And remember: it's ok to disagree! Respect each other and respect everyone's opinion. Name-calling shows weakness, immaturity and desperation to prove one's opinion as superior, and at this point I think it's clear that trying to prove your points will spawn more sarcasm and pointless disagreement than intelligent discussion.

Thanks for reading!

[-] 1 points by KaliColleen (2) 13 years ago

I could not be filled with more pride to be an American right now!!! =) For so long I have sat and wondered how much more of this b.s. we could all take and this year by far has been the most heightened emotional time for a lot of people. We never have to eat what is being fed to us! So from Chicago I love all of you! My heart goes out to all of you! Keep resisting the power that is trying to keep us under control! We can do this! There are more of us than there are of them =)

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

<3 <3 <3

[-] 1 points by kravgirl73 (2) from Littleton, CO 13 years ago

My heart is with you, marching with you, being arrested with you, dancing with you, protesting with you. So much love and faith from Denver!!!!!

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

<3 <3 <3

[-] 1 points by 4thaugust1932 (1) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Wondering why SEC is not regulating the market capitalization of listed companies while FED regulates the reserve ratio of banks?

[-] 1 points by Tea (2) 13 years ago

I agree with you

However, being reactionary takes you off course. What happened last night to Troy Davis is wrong and needs to be addressed, but putting it up front under a list of several demands stated as "Our one demand" lacks purpose and clarity. If you added something at the end that says something like, All of these seemingly individual demands are part of the One True Demand that we have which is that our government return to it's foundation of democracy and end this insanity and corruption we see permeating every facet of our lives, it might be more cohesive. Right now it sounds like you don't know what you really want.

I wish you luck today.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I disagree. When I read the demands, it told me that the protesters know very well what they want. They just listed them separately.... things that are out of control right now.

[-] 1 points by Tea (2) 13 years ago

I might be wrong, it is only my opinion and I only speak for me. It isn't important as they have said it is rhetorical

The important thing is we agree that all they have listed are ALL out of control

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

That's fine. I just wanted to point out that it all makes sense to me. Perhaps they could organize the info differently.... have 3 main points and then list details under those 3 points, so that it doesn't seem like there isn't a clear message.

[-] 1 points by jsutice4all (1) 13 years ago

58 YO former stockbroker who says keep going. we have been waiting for someone to start the revolution. 9/11 was DONE by usgovvie PIGS. Mountains of proof of that. the www is gonna take them down and string them up. Don't forget that!

[-] 1 points by DaveSign (6) 13 years ago

Poverty rates increased in all states and the median household income dropped in all but five states and the District of Columbia from 2007 to 2010.

[-] 1 points by starsforbrains (1) from Turner, OR 13 years ago

This communiqué is promising!!

[-] 1 points by DaveSign (6) 13 years ago

092211-Greetings from Dave Sign. I hope to join you soon. Know that your mission is essential and the world is watching. I know that physically we cannot shut down Wall Street since Wall Street is on everybody's computer via electronic trading. Greed is deeply embedded in the hearts of the operators. Sharing is needed when people are so rich and children need new school books. When parents are asked to bring school supplies to a public school. The problems you and I care about are maintained in the hearts of individuals and corporate leaders who profit to excess at the cost of all Americans. Every body has to accept personal responsibility for their actions in a free society. When corporations outsource jobs to increase profits they are undermining the American way of life. When Americans buy things made in other countries that employ exploitative labor practices the individuals are at fault. Remember the early days when everybody had a job in his or her town. Granted, there were many needs and less people, but most everyone had a means on contribution to the greater good and progression of society, and they has a source of income or trade. I believe we have lost that to an extent by outsourcing of jobs and importing of cheap merchandise. The political system of taxation without representation is wrong as the needs of the majority of American are not being met, as many do not have job security, health assurance or a retirement promise. Talk of reducing Medicaid and Social Security should be parts of the group priority, for we all would be the gray ones some day. Our Elected Representatives(OER) need to represent the needs of the people. OER need to push legislation for subsidy of alternative energy and sustainable farming while reducing subsidy for oil and corporate welfare. Only 1.5% of troubled mortgages have been resolved while banks have been given billions. Bonuses were paid to Bank executives, dividends were paid to investors and raises have been given with that money while working people were evicted from their homes. More later from Dave Sign

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I agree, but it's really hard to buy American when almost nothing is made here anymore. I look for American made products and have a very hard time finding them.



[-] 1 points by docnoodle (8) from Howland, ME 13 years ago

My prayers to you all. Any updates about the arrestees outside the obvious, such as charges etc.? Also, how will this coincide with the occupation of Washington the sixth?

[-] 1 points by AllahIslamQuran (1) 13 years ago

We are with you all the way! These sort of injustices must stop for once and for all. It is unbelievable that is gone this far.

[-] 1 points by inFern0 (1) from København, Hovedstaden 13 years ago

Much support and love from Denmark!

[-] 1 points by mrheart (2) 13 years ago

this is beautiful

[-] 0 points by SSD (0) 13 years ago

I also agree that the list of demands needs to be kept short. Five at most, but three would be even better. We also need to remember why we're here. What happened to Troy Davis is an outrage, but not really relevant. D

[-] 0 points by Bee (9) 13 years ago

These are not demands, they are hopes and wishes. They are hopes and wishes that I and many of us share, but for the purposes of this occupation, which I thought was meant as an action intended to yield a tangible result, they are too vague, too simplistic, and don't succeed at being realistically obtainable, nor even to serve as an explanation of the occupation's underlying theory.

What is needed, in my view, is a statement of purpose that succinctly explains how and why the financial system has left so many jobless and in poverty while enriching the very few. Many people in the general public don't understand what the protest is even about, and by making vague and pie-in-the-sky statements like this one you are not doing anything to help the cause or help yourselves (us) be understood.

My advice would be to take a page out of the antiglobalization movement, which was very successful at explaining the complex issue of why globalization hurts the poor majority. That movement made great effort to explain its underpinnings. I have seen none of that here.

The one demand should be something very specific -- and for heaven's sake, don't call 11 demands your "one" demand. That doesn't even respect the basic rules of language, and makes you sound foolish.

I agree with the poster who said that this sounds like political inexperience. It also sounds like a refusal to listen to all the voices who have been chiming in but who could not be physically present at the assemblies.

I strongly support you, but right now I am sighing and shaking my head in despair.

[-] 1 points by EndSpiele45 (2) 13 years ago

I agree with you, each of the demands should have a detailed explanation of how the problem came about and the possible solutions and outcomes.

For instance the Glass-Steagall Act, also known as the Banking Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 162), was passed by Congress in 1933 and prohibits commercial banks from engaging in the investment business.

It was enacted as an emergency response to the failure of nearly 5,000 banks during the Great Depression. The act was originally part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal program and became a permanent measure in 1945. It gave tighter regulation of national banks to the Federal Reserve System; prohibited bank sales of securities; and created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), which insures bank deposits with a pool of money appropriated from banks.

Beginning in the 1900s, commercial banks established security affiliates that floated bond issues and underwrote corporate stock issues. (In underwriting, a bank guarantees to furnish a definite sum of money by a definite date to a business or government entity in return for an issue of bonds or stock.) The expansion of commercial banks into securities underwriting was substantial until the 1929 stock market crash and the subsequent Depression. In 1930, the Bank of the United States failed, reportedly because of activities of its security affiliates that created artificial conditions in the market. In 1933, all of the banks throughout the country were closed for a four-day period, and 4,000 banks closed permanently.

As a result of the bank closings and the already devastated economy, public confidence in the U.S. financial structure was low. In order to restore the banking public's confidence that banks would follow reasonable banking practices, Congress created the Glass-Steagall Act. The act forced a separation of commercial and investment banks by preventing commercial banks from underwriting securities, with the exception of U.S. Treasury and federal agency securities, and municipal and state general-obligation securities. Likewise, investment banks may not engage in the business of receiving deposits.

Investment banking consists mostly of securities underwriting and related activities; making a market in securities; and setting up corporate mergers, acquisitions, and restructuring. Investment banking also includes services provided by brokers or dealers in transactions in the secondary market.

The Glass-Steagall Act restored public confidence in banking practices during the Great Depression. However, many historians believe that the commercial bank securities practices of the time had little actual effect on the already devastated economy and were not a major contributor to the Depression. Some legislators and bank reformers argued that the act was never necessary, or that it had become outdated and should be repealed.

Congress responded to these criticisms in passing the Gramm-Leach-Bilely Act of 1999, which made significant changes to Glass-Steagall. The 1999 law did not make sweeping changes in the types of business that may be conducted by an individual bank, broker-dealer or insurance company. Instead, the act repealed the Glass-Steagall Act's restrictions on bank and securities-firm affiliations. It also amended the Bank Holding Company Act to permit affiliations among financial services companies, including banks, securities firms and insurance companies. While a lot of people would benefit and profit from this kind of change, we have to realize that these were elected officials drafting this kind of Law under pressure by a well funded multi-national Lobbying Industry. This measure could be seen as a form of deregulating the Banking System for a monetary gain. While I don't want to get into specific detail of who or why, it is very important to establish a time-line and specific names and outside influences in order to make a well designed demand.

My point is that a brief explanation of the impact of every issue would yield a more positive result and support for the reasons for each demand. As complex as the world is today a lot of research based on factual information is needed for making every case. By the way I support your ground effort in Wall Street, and just as important is a positive exchange of ideas in this blog to bring about that change.

[-] 0 points by Bermuda (0) 13 years ago

To all of you who are protesting today : I just want you to know that your voice is heard.

From Belgium with love. Keep going guys.

[-] 0 points by spencerpsn (2) from Freiston, England 13 years ago

Here's my suggestion, the one demand should be the same one we have repeated since 2008; "Jump, you fuckers".

Love the EZLN rhetoric guys, but I think you'll find it devisive.

Maybe it would have been better to go for something simple, like any purchaser of a share must hold it for a period of, say, six months. Or in other words, Wall Street gets shut down.

[-] 0 points by alanhowitzer (17) 13 years ago

Nothing specific about confronting Wall Street in these demands? And we are calling ourselves 'Occupy Wall Street'?

We are never going to end joblessness in a capitalist society! That is one of the fundamentals of capitalism, the ability to fire people, at which point they are jobless even if it is for a day.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by AreUSerious (20) 13 years ago

-What does capital punishment have to do with wall street?

-I don't understand, how do wealthy people own the poor?

-Why do you complain about censorship when statements you disagree with eventually get ranked below and removed from your website? Why don't you keep ALL comments and sort them chronologically?

These all sound like demands you should bring to the federal level, why don't you all bring your beef down to DC and leave the city tax payers who are currently paying the tab for your little gathering?

[-] 0 points by youguysaredumb (7) 13 years ago

Normal Americans (99%) will not take them seriously when theyre resisting arrest while walking around the streets wearing surplus gas masks and anarchy t-shirts.... This post will be gone before you can say censorship.

[-] 0 points by FreeWriter (0) from Colorado Springs, CO 13 years ago

Colbert gave you some very good coverage tonight. Hang in there, all.

[-] -1 points by LghusaLinda (0) from Triangle, VA 13 years ago

Thank you for great desire to provide and protect everyone! The removal of America banking protection and the continued miseducation of our youth and the continued employment of wilful crooks has caused great harm here and throughout the world.

America is under siege of the big government and big business apostates from my faith community. These enslavers have been at work for over 3000 years and will not stop short of truthful, lawful death penalities and deportation. We are being used as breeding animals for criminal miltias. The only way to control the criminals in my Faith Community is with US Constitutional due process and then some (the Bible correctly understood). Most in my Faith do not understand the word of God nor the Constitution. Our God requires His style of due process and that they be cherished, protected and well provided. We were brain washed in Egypt and cannot overcome our falsehoods in any other way. Most Christian believers never believed as intended and practice the crimes of ancient Israel.

Keep up your good desires and lawful efforts. Please remember that each sovereign has to keep their covenants and correct lawfully. We who are democratic need to help one another move to a democratic nation. Here in America, I and others need help in deporting the antiAmericans so our own from abroad may move here in peace.

Please avoid communism; only seek volunteers or you will be overwhelmed by the enslavers as our Faith group has. These people have thousands of years experience in government overthrow and will kill without fear.

Our faith is to provide free home ownership and common land allotments for our community members. See if you have volunteers who will work to provide for their own type of volunteers in said manner. Use no force and no lawlessness. Communities start discriminating when coercion or forced compliance is considered.

You can see general description of what a common land community is to contain at my website. It is a Christian website so our hard speech is present. Please do not be offended because you are in disagreement but seek the sketch of a common land community. The Bibilical demensions vary or are not available. It has a core citadel, common lands for city residents, and then the wealth/farm area; it is probably about 75 to 100 miles across; it is similar to a small US county. The community would contain undeveloped fields and streams for wildlife and hunting/fishing. Experts in city military defense and argricultural production are needed to build a city that can withstand seige and make all of its inhabitants wealthy.

Also, please see the Middle East Proposal to see why volunteerism is needed and to consider seeking what I call Condiminiumship governments should they be needed. http://kingdomofheavenusa3-17.zoomshare.com

It is not America that is the problem. We were wilfully designed by the founders to seek the very best for each individual in the human race, no opression, no defamation, no defraudment, and no neglect of anyone. The problem is a criminal civilian community and the ignorant and the treasoness in the government. Please love America and help restore her to the loving mercy and joyful energy we are intended to receive from her.

Good luck and great success to you all in peace.


[-] -1 points by rickied (31) from Worcester, MA 13 years ago

Uh, I'm sorry, but what happened to it being ONE demand? And what's with the sudden Communist swing? I'm about as liberal as they come, but some of what you're suggesting goes WAY past what any of this is supposed to be about.

Also, I agree with the comments that saying this is a communiqué "from the 99%" is not an acceptable phrase to use, as "the 99%" is not sending this message. You are. And you don't represent, nor do you speak for, me or any of the other masses of this country.

[-] 2 points by waitingforthedream (8) 13 years ago

I've been visiting the site because I live in NYC and I'm sorry to say, but a lot of these people are radicals and very communist sounding. Just because I'm anti-corporate greed.... it doesn't make me anti-capitalism.. so they do not represent me either.

[-] -1 points by capitalism (-9) 13 years ago

You all need to go back to your section eight housing, after all the government is the one writing your welfare checks. How about this, let's have a protest to end welfare checks... oh I forgot you all are on welfare checks so that's ok. There are plenty of jobs available but they aren't going to chase you down, you have to get off your lazy rump and look. To all of the protesters: don't come to a battle of wits unarmed. You have no cause and no purpose. Finally, get the heck off wall street and let business continue.

[-] -2 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

I love you guys but these demands have to be placed in order of priority. Your protesting Wall St. and the crimes they committed. Placing capital punishment at the top of your list just makes you reactionary and the American public will simply dismiss your protest as just a bunch of disorganized, unfocused grand standers. The American public is not interested in how you connect the dots from Wall St. to capital punishment. The American public is interested in your proposals about the economy and fighting for the living wage, universal health care, guaranteed income, and ecological justice.

Another thing, you have picked fight with wall st. but you are unwilling to do what the Unions did to create the living in the first place and shut down businesses that rob the working people of their wages and their dignity. If you do not start a traffic blocking campaign soon you will perceived as just another vanity protest designed to make you the activist feel better about yourself but being completely ineffective in bringing about change.

So, if your demands are not met you'll stay in the park? Oh my god, those dirty thieves on wall st. are shaking in their boots. I have been apart of a bunch of protests over three decades and I can tell with certainty that all you are doing is spinning your wheels sitting in a park and not taking real action instead of marching around the free speech zones set up by the cops.

I know I'm sounding like a hard ass right now but the authorities already have you figured out and know you won't resort to tactics that have worked for the working class in America for 150 years, Shut down the businesses that are robing us with a massive traffic blocking picket line until you force them to the negotiating table to get your real demands met.

You need to get real and stop being reactionary or the public support you have already gotten will go away and this list of demands is getting the big eye roll from most that read it.

Lloyd Hart 508-687-9153

[-] 2 points by greenmeme (2) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

I agree with you LloydJHart : Priority, Sensationalism, Focus and Strategy

SwissMiss, Binh and others need to understand there is historical precedence in what you are suggesting. The 1979 Iranian Revolution against the Shah was successful, because among many things, the Bazaar--the businesses who controlled a lot of money and power--supported the revolution and shut down the market. In 2009's election protests in Iran, the Green Movement realized the power the Bazaar has previously had, and still holds. Unfortunately their calls for support from the Bazaar were met with deaf ears. Had they had the support of the Bazaar, which meant the business agreed to close and kill the market until conditions were met, they would have succeeded in their demands.

The only way we'll get what we want is if they don't get what they want.

I also agree with you on sensationalism. Yes, we want to end sanctioned murder, but why weren't we protesting Troy Davis' execution sentence four plus years ago with such fervor? (For the record, I have been writing and calling offices for the past four years, and I disagree with the sudden reaction to yesterday's murder of Troy.)

[-] 1 points by waitingforthedream (8) 13 years ago

I completely agree with you.

[-] 0 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

The protesters are not interested in what you have to say since you call them vain reactionaries. I'm sure Wall Street is shaking in its boots now that you're behind your keyboard telling the activists they are fools. -www.planetanarchy.net

[-] 0 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Excuse me but I have not called anyone "vain reactionaries" or "fools".. I am speaking rhetorically about public perception. If you can't have a rhetorical conversation without being condemned in political activism and speak candidly about the issues at hand then we are already defeated.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

I totally disagree with you. If you think it's not important to stand up to the cronyism that is committing crimes across the board, including murdering a man who they couldn't prove was guilty, then you are misguided. That cronyism that killed Troy Davis is part of the whole big machine.... corporations and Wall St. crooks pandering to politicians and vice versa, so they all can get what they want. I agree with being organized, but saying no one cares about the Troy Davis situation is just not true. People are seeing it as one part of the Big Machine, as I call it. They're connecting it to everything else.

[-] 2 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Another example of someone putting words in my mouth. I am suffering as powerful a sense of powerlessness, hurt and defeat as you are about Troy Davis but putting the death penalty at the top of your demands will not be taken seriously by the American public. And yes I can connect the dots between economic and racial injustice just like you but that's not where the American public is right now. Getting the living wage back is where they are. At the height of comfort the working class achieved in the 1960s the supreme court abolished the death penalty. Then Reagan came in and began the unravelling of the living wage and the supreme court reversed itself. So my point is that economic justice floats all boats of the justice agenda.

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

"...stop being reactionary..."

"Placing capital punishment at the top of your list just makes you reactionary"

"...just another vanity protest..."

^- Your words from your mouth. Don't like it? Delete your earlier comment.

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

No malice was intended Binh, just a reality check and that's all.

[-] 1 points by Binh (83) 13 years ago

I never said anything about your intent.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

"So my point is that economic justice floats all boats of the justice agenda."

I agree with that.

[-] 1 points by Javier (283) from Villa Maipú, Buenos Aires 13 years ago

Cool SwissMiss, Economic Justice, perhaps the one plausible promise/demand could be along the lines of: Economic Democracy Now

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Yes.... I agree.... but it does help to site examples of what is meant. Some people may then say that stating that we are demanding economic democracy is too broad and isn't specific enough (some people might not be aware of all the specifics). So, perhaps the message could be organized better.... by stating the main point/main few points and then giving specifics of each. It could be arranged in outline form.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

People are seeing it as just one of the consequences of the elite/the greedy/the corrupt ones who have all the power.

[-] 0 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

But what I'm seeing are people typing on Facebook and talking about how concerned they are about what happened to Troy Davis, and they are tying it in with all the corruption that is happening. I'm not saying that capital punishment should be on the top of the list or that it shouldn't, but I do think it should be part of the list. People are talking about Troy Davis a lot. It is one of the problems that the elite are causing.

[-] 1 points by LloydJHart (190) from Vineyard Haven, MA 13 years ago

Yes, but a few days from now people will go back to worrying about the living wage or a wage period. There is 50% unemployment amongst blacks in America which will still be there after the public has moved on to the next immediate issue in their lives.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

True. Like I said, I agree with sticking to the main points..... but I don't think it's wrong to mention sub-points. Sub-points are supporting evidence/examples. Maybe the info could be organized better..... as "these are our main topics" and "these are supporting sub-points" if they want to mention them to further explain.

[-] 0 points by Camper (2) 13 years ago

"elite are causing" in reference to Troy Davis? Saying elite are causing capital punishment is a very broad stroke and inaccurate. There was another execution yesterday, it too was capital punishment, not much talk about that.

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Yes, the "elite" (not necessarily meaning economically elite but the politically elite or the government elite) executed someone without having sound evidence of proof. maybe it is a broad brush, but there are ties to why these things happen.... as in the case of Arizona creating for-profit prisons as one example. I'm not saying this is tied to Troy Davis, but the for-profit prisons have been created to satisfy those who own these prisons to up their profits, and in order to get them legalized, these owners pander to the politicians, and then the politicians pander to the owners. They take care of each other.

Why did the government of Georgia execute someone without having beyond-a-reasonable-doubt proof that Troy Davis was guilty? This issue is part of the whole bigger problem in this country.... those who are in power abusing their power.

You can't blame people for not knowing about something if there isn't any news being generated about it. I had't heard of the other execution until you mentioned it.

[-] 2 points by maureen (19) from Novato, CA 13 years ago

Not to get completely off the subject but Georgia is also the home to Fort Benning and the School of the Americas which trains Latin American dictators and death squads.

Arizona used to return illegal crossers to the border with no criminal record. Now they lock them up. Why? Private prisons get paid for every prisoner they lock up. Look up 'Operation Streamline' or go to the Tucson Federal Court and watch proceedings in person.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Yes it is...if only the people of the US knew what is being carried out in their name....

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Precisely. It's a big epidemic that is plaguing our nation.... an epidemic that includes many areas of life and society.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

I agree with you, SwissMiss... capital punishment is a form of intimidation directed at those who do not have the power/money to escape it. The rest of the developed world--last I checked--has abolished the death penalty... Are the PTB stupid? No...

[-] 1 points by SwissMiss (2435) from Ann Arbor Charter Township, MI 13 years ago

Thanks. Some people actually believe that the fact that the majority of people in prison are black because blacks actually are the ones committing most of the crimes. This also is an epidemic... an epidemic as you described it. And now the Latins in Arizona and other states are being targeted.... targeted in Arizona as a way of making more profits.

People act as if white people are so pure and innocent and don't ever do anything wrong. The big players who caused the financial meltdown ALL are white, except for maybe 3 people. I remember (from watching the doc "Inside Job") there was at least one black guy and a woman tied to it. I don't remember anyone else beyond white males being involved and responsible.

I don't get why the general population is OK with high profile white collar crimes being committed by white people, but they will hiss and spit and bitch a lot about "all the minorities who commit all the crimes".