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We are the 99 percent

12 May - Flood the City! #GlobalSpring

Posted 12 years ago on May 6, 2012, 5:37 a.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

via Occupy London

On 12 May people around the world will rise up again responding to the global call for action. In London we'll visit those who gambled with our futures and we'll deliver our very own personal messages to them.

Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/occupylondon
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/occupylondon
Donations: http://www.sponsume.com/project/meet-1-0

More on the Global Days of Action: http://may12.net, #12M15M



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[-] 1 points by manifesto2000 (1) 12 years ago

Time to get Intercity back in operation in Canada. I propose that we hold a mumble conference on Monday at 11 AM Pacific Time. We must put on our list of actions joining with the Common Front for Retirement Security the goal of having the Criminal Code used as the primary tool for regulating the finance/insurance industry. This will require transforming the culture to get everyone in the investment industry to understand Article 29 of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights that holds that everyone has a duty to the community to ensure that everyone else's rights are upheld. This is the best way to stop the compartmentalizing buck-passing that prevents seniors from getting protection from deceptive practices by dishonest brokers. This could be a foundational step in ending the gambling casino that has hijacked investment capital from the real economy.




[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

If we can get Tampa on board, I can do my best to sign up 50 people


[-] 0 points by PetadeAztlan (113) from Sacramento, CA 12 years ago

It is great to see this trans-Atlantic coordination and communication via Internet Power. Let us not forget to help those who are not online to obtain Internet Access. @Peta_de_Aztlan

[-] 0 points by FriendlyObserverB (1871) 12 years ago

Will there be petitions to sign?


[-] -2 points by domeschino (-7) 12 years ago

The BEST protest is a MASS MEDITATION send a peaceful message of LOVE AND TO REDISCOVER OUR SPIRITUALITY that was taken away many years ago. They changed our DNA ( 95% is junk) to lower your conscious and imprison us here on this planet. They drugged us with sex, money, cars, music,MOVIES to make us forgot we are very powerful spiritual beings.They deprived us from other civilizations and technology They had us slaughter each other for thous years. FREE YOURSELF. MEDITATE and Ask for the LIGHT THE ENERGY Reactivate your DNA. organize MASS MEDITATION.Join our facebook group and spread the word..turn those protests in mass meditations... THIS IS OUR ONLY WAY OUT! LET'S DO IT


[-] -2 points by domeschino (-7) 12 years ago

The BEST protest is a MASS MEDITATION send a peaceful message of LOVE AND TO REDISCOVER OUR SPIRITUALITY that was taken away many years ago. They changed our DNA ( 95% is junk) to lower your conscious and imprison us here on this planet. They drugged us with sex, money, cars, music,MOVIES to make us forgot we are very powerful spiritual beings.They deprived us from other civilizations and technology They had us slaughter each other for thous years. FREE YOURSELF. MEDITATE and Ask for the LIGHT THE ENERGY Reactivate your DNA. organize MASS MEDITATION.Join our facebook group and spread the word..turn those protests in mass meditations... THIS IS OUR ONLY WAY OUT! LET'S DO IT