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Detroit: Fight the Banks, Save Jennifer's Home!

Posted 12 years ago on July 5, 2012, 2:56 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

via Occupy Our Homes and Occupy Detroit.

Join us as we protest the federal government's participation in the foreclosure epidemic and Fannie Mae's planned eviction of a Detroit family at the McNamara Federal Building at 477 Michigan Avenue in Detroit on Monday, July 9 at noon! Call Fannie Mae at (312) 368-6200 and demand that Fannie Mae call off the eviction of Jennifer Britt and her family! Click here for FB event.

More info: The big banks have been waging war on Detroit's neighborhoods, leaving homeless families and blighted, vacant homes in their wake. The banks' ongoing campaign of fraud, corruption, and greed has caused senseless destruction across Michigan, and in Detroit most of all. Jennifer Britt's story is one egregious example of this terrible phenomenon.