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Occupy Chicago: Anaheim Solidarity March Against Ongoing Police Repression

Posted 12 years ago on July 27, 2012, 4:12 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

"#1 gang here is the police"

from the Occupy Chicago for Anaheim Solidarity Group (via InterOccupy):


On Saturday, July 21, Anaheim, CA police officers murdered 25-year-old Manuel Diaz, shooting him in the back and head as he ran from them. When Manuel’s friends, family and neighbors gathered to voice outrage over the murder, police responded with continued violence, releasing an attack dog, as well as shooting rubber bullets and beanbag projectile at the crowd, which included small children. Subsequent protests have been met with additional force, resulting in multiple injuries and arrests.

The ad-hoc Anaheim Solidarity Group in Chicago calls for a march to be held in support of those facing continued police violence and state repression in Anaheim. Participants will gather this Friday, July 27th, at 8pm in Millennium Park, at 201 E Randolph, where they will create banners, signs, and chalk messages in solidarity with Anaheim. The march will step off at 9pm.

Marta Marlin of the Anaheim Solidarity Group says,

Chicago is no stranger to police violence. The Chicago Police Department is at war with our low-income communities, and communities of color. We remember Rekia Boyd, gunned down by an off-duty police officer this March, and the victims of torture at the hands of Chicago police officers, who were recently awarded millions in court settlements. Enough is enough! We stand in solidarity with the people of Anaheim, as we continue our own struggles against police violence and oppression.

Friday March Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/155049387965415/

Community activists have also called for a rally against police violence this Saturday, at 12pm, at the Daley Center, 50 W. Washington.

Saturday Event info: https://www.facebook.com/events/245411462244517/

Video of Anaheim Police Brutality:

Sign the Petition for Anaheim Families

The Anaheim Solidarity Group is an ad-hoc coalition of Chicagoans from all walks of life working against police and state violence and repression.