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Occupy Santa Rosa: A Statement Of Solidarity With Students

Posted 12 years ago on July 3, 2012, 3:25 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Crowd of Mexican protesters, many wearing Yo Soy 132 shirts. One sign reads: A mi, no me reprimen revolucion
Thousands march with Yo Soy 132 in Mexico City to protest irregularities and violence during last weekend's Mexican presidential elections

The following statement was approved by Occupy Santa Rosa General Assembly on Thursday, June 28.

We are inspired by your student-led rebellion against the burden of student debt and the massive popularity that you have galvanized. Your movement is the spark that created a groundswell for new possibilities of economic and social equality. Occupy Santa Rosa stands with # Yo Soy 132, Occupy Canada and Montreal, all people with debt, and all of Occupy as we work together to create a truly just and democratic society!

With love and solidarity, Occupy Santa Rosa Santa Rosa, California

Occupy Santa Rosa Stands in Solidarity with Occupy Montreal, Occupy Canada and Mexico’s #Yo Soy 132 Movement – Student Struggles Everywhere are United!

On Sunday, July 1st, Occupy Santa Rosa is sending a written statement and visual message of solidarity to the masses of peaceful protestors taking to the streets in Mexico City, Montreal, and across Canada. July 1 is Canada Day, as well the day of the Mexican presidential election. Our messages of solidarity are attached, and can be found on www.occupysantarosa.org.

This latest North American tide of peaceful, democratic protest began in Montreal, Quebec in February, when students went on strike to protest a 75% tuition hike. The protests spread and swelled when the government attempted to limit the students’ right to assemble, and on the 100th day – May 22 – 500,000 people took to the streets across Canada. The protests continue daily, and have been amplified by events unfolding in Mexico.

The #Yo Soy 132 protests were sparked on May 11, when an influential supporter of conservative Mexican presidential candidate Enrique Peña Nieto accused students protesting Nieto’s proposals of being “not real students, but part of a mob hired by one of Peña Nieto’s political opponents,” according to Latin American News Dispatch. (http://latindispatch.com/2012/06/22/mexico-yo-soy-132-movement-seeks-to-influence-presidential-elections/) The students responded by videotaping their student IDs and posting them on YouTube. There were 131 students, and Mexicans across the country rose up in solidarity by proclaiming, “I am number 132″ – “Yo Soy 132.”

The protest movements in Montreal and Mexico City have supported each other with public statements and solidarity actions. Occupy Santa Rosa is inspired by these movements and stands in solidarity with them.

Since its inception, Occupy Santa Rosa has organized local peaceful protests around student issues – specifically the failure of Exchange Bank to reinstate the Santa Rosa Junior College Doyle Scholarship fund, and radical austerity cuts to the Santa Rosa City Schools budget. We will continue to proclaim education as a human right, and support the just struggles of students and youth everywhere!

“In a just society everyone is encouraged and supported equally. Not just the wealthy but everyone,” says Occupy Santa Rosa supporter Jean Redus. ”If we wish as a people to advance our culture, to move forward into our greatest possibilities, solid public education must be a choice that is available to everyone, and should definitely not leave young people saddled with debt that grows over their lifetime like a devouring beast.”

Occupy Santa Rosa calls upon the U.S. media to cover the beautiful, important protests in Canada and Mexico as they unfold, so that the 99% across North America can know that they are united in their feelings of anguish and outrage, and can be inspired by the dignity and power of nonviolent protest.

Occupy Santa Rosa supports North American democratic solidarity, not North American “free trade” and austerity programs that reward the global 1% and punish already-suffering and precarious populations. We know that we can combine our strengths and numbers and work towards a world that honors and cherishes our youth – as an investment in the future of humanity, and the advancement of us all.


Oakland: Lakeview Elementary Occupation Raided; Rally at 5pm!

Posted 12 years ago on July 3, 2012, 2:05 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Community members sit on the steps outside Lakeview Elementary
Photo from the June 16th rally in support of the Lakeview Sit-In

Since June 15, parents, teachers, students, and allies from Oakland have occupied Lakeview school in response to the closure of five public elementary schools. Officials want to convert the buildings into private charter schools and offices, forcing students into different schools ten miles away without offering transportation. On the last day of class, community members began an on-going sit-in. They set up a community space complete with a library, free classes for children, social justice training, and more. Members of Occupy Oakland and other local Occupations have offered support and security patrols for the brave community members inside.

Around 25 people were inside this morning when Oakland police issued an evacuation order at 4 a.m. while most of the city and potential supporters slept. Just before 6 a.m., police raided the site and issued a dispersal order. Most of those inside complied with the order voluntarily, while a few remained inside in nonviolent protest. A parent and a former Lakeview student were arrested. According to witnesses, police threatened to use chemical weapons despite the presence of children and would not allow legal observers or media inside. Also according to witnesses, sanitation crews rushed in and the city immediately began building a fence after the arrests were made.

The community has vowed to stay and not give up the struggle to defend public education. A convergence of occupiers and all supporters has been called for 5pm Pacific today in front of Lakeview.

More information: SaveOaklandSchools.org
For updates: @LakeviewSitIn


#OCHI Members Occupy State Attorney's Office In Solidarity With #NATO5

Posted 12 years ago on July 2, 2012, 8:41 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

protesters rally with a bullhorn and a banner reading Stop Chicago´s Oppression Plan

Earlier today, three of the five people who were arrested on trumped-up charges of terrorism during the NATO summit in Chicago last May pleaded not guilty during their arraignment. The National Lawyers Guild has called the case a clear example of entrapment, as the supposed terrorist plot was coordinated by police informants themselves, who had infiltrated the Occupy movement disguised as protesters. Occupy Chicago marched to the office of State Attorney Anita Alvarez to demand freedom for the #NATO5, other Occupy supporters who were arrested surrounding the anti-NATO mobilization, and all those held by the flawed U.S. (in)justice system. The trial for the three arraigned today has been set for summer 2013.

Supporters of the #NATO5 flooded the courtroom and raised their fists in protest and others have demonstrated in front of the Federal Prison at Van Buren & Dearborn in Chicago throughout the day. Three Occupiers entered the State Attorney office and refused to leave until all charges against the #NATO5 are dropped, while others rallied in support outside chanting "Brick by brick, wall by wall, our prison system has got to fall!" and "Hey Anita what do you say? Let the #NATO5 go today!"

The sit-in did not last long before police moved in to arrest. The 3 people who occupied the State Attorney's office have been taken to the jail at 18th and State. Several dozen Occupiers have made their way there for jail support, and others are encouraged to join them!

For more info and updates check: Free The NATO5 | @OccupyChicago