Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 5:18 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
As daylight broke this morning around 5:40am, helmeted and armed mobs of U.S. Park Police – some wearing unnecessary hazmat suits, backed up by dump trucks and riot police on horeseback – moved to forcibly dismantle tents and other infrastructure at McPherson Square in Washington DC, where Occupy DC on K Street has called home and provided for the needs of one another and the public since October 1st. All in DC are encouraged to go to McPherson to show support. Outside DC, if you don't like what the National Park Service is doing, call and let them know at 202.485.9880!
7:30: As cold rain sets in, now-homeless protesters vow to hold General Assembly tomorrow and regroup in spite of having had their homes destroyed by police. Reports of tasering and others beaten by batons throughout the day. Solidarity demos have begun in other cities, including Oakland. Via @Sara Jeans:
"This will not kill #occupydc. We may not be there tonight but we are planning & will come back stronger"
Today! 3:30pm until 6:00pm 3rd Ave between 161st and 163rd, Bronx, NY
The beating of Jatiek Reed and the murder of Rahmarley Graham are just two more examples of Mayor Bloomberg and Commissioner Kelly’s failed policy of harassing, incarcerating and murdering our Black and Latino youth and we, the community must stop them. Enough Police Brutality in our communities! We demand justuce for Jatiek, Rahmarley, and all victims of police violence! It is time to fight back! This march will be after the press conference from the two families and Assemblymen Erick Stevenson. Directions: 3rd ave between 161st and 163rd Street, Bronx NY
2 or 5 Train to Prospect Ave
BX 15, BX 13, BX 21, BX 55, TO 161ST OR BX 6 TO 3rd ave
Also today, marchers in New York will be joining with Occupiers in Boston, Milwaukee, and many other cities across the U.S. and world to say "No Sanctions, No War, No Dictatorship on Iran!" Via Facebook:
Today, 1:00pm until 4:00pm
46th St. and 7th Ave, Manhattan, NY
A coalition of individuals, groups and organizations including World Can’t Wait, ANSWER, Iranian-Friendship Committee and many more have called for a nation-wide “Day of Mass Action to Stop War on Iran” on Saturday, February 4th. Unfortunately, this call to action makes no reference to the democratic movement in Iran, otherwise known as the Green Movement, which mobilized millions in 2009 followed by a brutal government crackdown. We know the Iranian government manipulates such gatherings as the forthcoming "Day of Mass Action" into evidence of support for the regime. We also know that some individuals and organizations in the anti-war movement have historically aligned themselves with the regime, regardless of its violent suppression of Iranian people working towards political and social change.
We, a group of Iranians/non-Iranians in New York City, not affiliated with the coalition mentioned above, will participate in the Day of Mass Action to voice our ardent objection to sanctions and to reject calls for war against Iran. But we also find it imperative to stand clearly with the Iranian people’s struggle for democracy. The Iranian people are the only legitimate power to bring about the changes they want. Any foreign intervention only stifles prospects for a more genuine democracy by strengthening the ruling elites in Iran who would pose as “defenders of national self-determination.”
The Iranian Green movement, Arab Spring, and occupy movements have inspired us all that another world is possible! A world in which we are no longer victims of corruption, war, and exploitation. We stand in defense of the Iranian people’s right to economic and social justice. We refuse to be the pawns of a broader struggle between the world’s elites who only seek to profit from our suffering.
We, therefore invite you on February 4th with your Green slogans and signs. Our participation would be more meaningful and our message clearer if we show up together.