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Occupy Boston Facing Midnight Eviction

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 5:52 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Occupy Boston

Live Updates:

  • 10:30:Occupy Boston camp still standing
  • 1:57: police dragging tents from streets
  • 1:40: tents in the streets
  • 1:31: police superintendent: "no intention of evicting tonight."
  • 1:14: reports that police will not raid Boston tonight, occupiers skeptical, dancing
  • 1:08: Atlantic Avenue blocked by peaceful protestors, police stymied by dance party
  • 12:36: report that cops are due in 15 minutes
  • 12:10: deadline passes, tension mounts. Live aerial view
  • 11:45: 7,000-10,000+ occupying Dewey Square
  • 11:25: "arrestable" occupiers to link arms to protect park, "unarrestables" to rally in solidarity across street
  • 11:08: occupiers have erected defensive barricades in anticipation of imminent police raid.



From New Amsterdam to Old Amsterdam: Solidarity!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 5:02 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt

Occupy Amsterdam Raided

from Occupy Netherlands:

Occupy Amsterdam Police Raid on 8 December 2011

Somewhere around 13:00 NL time Occupy Amsterdam was raided by the local Police and Military Police. Tents and even medical supplies like for example an arm crutch have been confiscated and removed.

Cleaning vans of the city have been deployed just after the removal of the tents to clean up the pavement.

Occupy Amsterdam has only the big army tent, media tent and the kitchen still standing on beursplein 5.