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How to Rebrand Walmart

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 14, 2012, 12:25 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: 99 pickets, walmart

via 99 Pickets:

Ready to Jam a Walmart Near You? Great! Here’s How.


[Go to 99 Pickets to click and download high resolution JPG files that you can print on any color inkjet printer, or download a .ZIP file with everything included here]

Making the Signs

  • The “Unstoppable” and “Fightback!” price cards are ready to print and copy onto 8 ½ X 11 card stock. Cut ‘em youself!
  • The “Lower Wages Guarantee” sign can also be printed on 8.5 X 11 with little cutting (Those are the same size and look as signs right by the cash register… Just sayin’).
  • The red banner-type signs (“Poverty Pay”, “Inhumane”, ”Solidarity” are formatted so you can print them on legal size paper and they’ll be just the right size for the displays in the store. After you print them on legal paper, cut them. Then copy them two at a time onto 11 X 17 card stock.


Put ‘em up!

  • There are plenty of places for the price cards. Anywhere you see one of theirs, you can put one of these!
  • The banner-type signs fit a few different kinds of displays. They should fit over the text of longer signs that are the same height. Just look like you’re supposed to be doing what you’re doing. Smoooooth!
  • No need for tape, or clips!


Jam Your Own Jam!

  • Have another message for Walmart shoppers? Make your own signs!
  • Go scope out you local Walmart to come up with ideas.
  • Act on Good Ideas! There are a lot of peaceful, creative, fun way to clear the eyes of those blinded by corporate-driven consumerism and send a strong message to the corporate crooks themselves. Choose yours!
  • Make people laugh. Make people think. Cause consternation. Challenge the consumer to re-examine his/her environment and choices, but be creative not destructive!

Share With Others!

Send photos and videos (at your own risk and discretion) of signs you’ve posted to our Rebrand Walmart tumblr!


Sandy Survivors Day of Action and Citywide Convergence #D15 - Rebuild the City: Restore Power to the People!

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 13, 2012, 5:03 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: nyc, occupy sandy


ReclaimNYC – #D15 – Facebook Event

12pm actions in affected communities
5pm convergence in Manhattan @ Bloomberg’s house

#D15: Rebuild the Sandy

Two months after Superstorm Sandy the disaster is not over and relief needs are still great. Homes are uninhabitable with black mold taking hold, heat and sanitation are still absent in many places. Yet the government response has been glaringly absent. As with Katrina and other recent disaster-and-recovery events city, state and federal agencies have handed off reconstruction resources and responsibility to corporations and markets.

That hand-off has pushed affected people further out of their communities, further into crisis and vulnerability, and further from the decision-making tables that allocate public resources. Where government has failed, Occupy and other groups stepped in.

But we now understand that climate change has turned a corner: we will be hard hit again by extreme weather events. And so we ask whose interests our government serves? Is it polluters, predatory lenders, and disaster profiteers? Or can we build a stronger, better, resilient New York where all of us, regardless of race, class or power, can weather future storms?


Staten Island
1128 Olympia Boulevard
Across from St. Margaret Mary’s Church

Parking Lot on Mott Av. And 21st Street


Mayor Bloomberg’s home
17 East 79th
btw 5th Ave & Madison Ave


OWS Updates for Dec. 12 - 18

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 12, 2012, 4:58 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: events, occupy sandy, strike debt, nyc

We don't know when the next flood or economic storm will hit. But it will, and our networks of resistance and solidarity will be even more necessary, even more fruitful.

Below, you will find ways to engage in our mutual recovery from the man-made disaster of climate change, debt and financial collapse.

This Sunday, Strike Debt is hosting a regional open house and Holiday festival to celebrate the success of the Rolling Jubilee Telethon which raised over $471,999 to abolish $9,444,811 of debt!

Join us to celebrate and learn about Strike Debt projects while enjoying food, art, music, (even a children’s area) with allies including Occupy Sandy, Northeast Strike Debt Affiliates, faith groups and community organizations. Hope to see you there!

-- from the ‘Your Inbox: Occupied’ team

Occupy These Actions & Events

Volunteer with Occupy Sandy
520 Clinton St., Brooklyn, C Train to Clinton/Washington.

Join us every day to help in the Rockaways, Coney Island, Staten Island, Sheepshead Bay and Red Hook. There continue to be thousands of New Yorkers in need of help restoring their homes from mold and other damage. New and returning volunteers are welcome to meet at 520 Clinton to be sent to help at recovery sites around the city.

Wednesday, December 12th, 7pm
The Legacy of the Puerto Rican Art Workers Coalition: A Talk with Yasmin Ramirez
Taller Boricua, 1680 Lexington Avenue

OWS Arts & Labor invites you to a talk about The Puerto Rican Art Workers Coalition (PRAWC), where art workers in New York City came together to demand reforms to the exploitative and exclusionary practices of the art world.

Saturday, December 15th
Rebuild the City: Restore Power to the People

We are living in mold, without heat or sanitation. We need local emergency housing, emergency mold remediation, and an end to the red tape. FEMA isn’t listening. The Mayor isn’t listening. We are doing the work ourselves. Sunday, we come together to ask the government: Will you work with us?

12pm Community Rallies:
Rockaways - Parking lot at Mott Ave and 21st st.
Staten Island - 1128 Olympia Boulevard, Across St. Margaret Mary's Church
5pm City Wide Convergence @ Mayor Bloomberg’s home:
17 East 79th btwn 5th Ave & Madison Ave

Sunday, December 16th, 2pm
A Winter’s Jubilee: Strike Debt Regional Open House and Holiday Festival
55 Walker St., Manhattan

Interested in Strike Debt? Want to join up and help build a global debt resistance movement? Just want to learn what a global debt resistance movement might look like? Come to this open house & holiday festival hosted by Strike Debt NYC, featuring special guests Silvia Federici, George Caffentzis, and more! Bring your friends and family, Jubilation is in the air!

Sunday, December 16th, 3pm
Neil Barofsky Visits OWS Alternative Banking
Room 411 of the Columbia University International Affairs Building at 118th and Amsterdam

Neil Barofsky, author of Bailout and former Special Inspector General of Tarp, has agreed to visit the Alternative Banking group of Occupy. He’s joining us at our regular weekly Sunday meeting time up at Columbia. Everyone is welcome, please come with questions for Neil. We will assume the audience has read his book.

Tuesday, December 18th, 8pm
Immortal Technique Hip Hop Jam for Sandy Relief
Brooklyn Bowl

Immortal Technique and Music For Occupy team up to bring you a dope night of REAL Hip Hop to to provide much needed relief to NYC and beyond from the devastating effects Hurricane Sandy brought to our city. For more information please contact us at musicforoccupy@gmail.com $15.00 minimum donation. Proceeds to go to "Occupy Sandy" relief efforts.

For Text Message alerts on your cellphone about daily events, actions, and important information, sign up for the ComHub SMS blasts by texting @owscom to 23559.


Fight "Right to Work" in Michigan: Occupy the Capitol #SaveMI

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 10, 2012, 5:36 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: solidarity, labor, michigan

Update: 12/11: This is what Lansing looks like this morning as around 15,000 people have converged on the capitol:


Occupy the Capitol

“In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, such as ‘right to work.’ It is a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights. Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining by which unions have improved wages and working conditions of everyone…Wherever these laws have been passed, wages are lower, job opportunities are fewer and there are no civil rights. We do not intend to let them do this to us. We demand this fraud be stopped.” —Martin Luther King

workers occupy the michigan capital in lansing

Last Thursday, nearly a thousand union members and supporters gathered inside the Michigan capitol building in Lansing to protest lawmakers' decision to ram through "right to work" legislation. The day ended abruptly when police began assaulting and pepper-spraying protesters, provoking an evacuation and lockdown of the capitol building. The protests have continued, and at least eight people have been arrested. This Tuesday, thousands more will descend upon Lansing to protest the 1%-backed "right to work" legislation, the most extreme anti-union law Michigan has ever seen. Nurses, teachers, autoworkers, service sector employees, iron-workers, and many other workers (including the unemployed), plus their families, allies, and communities, have already spoken out. Many have also received training and are preparing for nonviolent civil disobedience.

Occupy stands staunchly in solidarity with these days of action. The unfolding events in Michigan are the latest assault on workers' rights in the U.S. and across the globe. Government policies such as the cynically-named "right to work" legislation will lower living standards for the 99% and benefit the elite who profit from our labor. In the face of these blatant attacks on low-income and working people, we must show sustained and escalating resistance. Together, we can defeat the Wall Street, corporate agenda of consolidating wealth in the hands of the few at the expense of the many.

Therefore, we call on all Occupiers in Michigan, the Midwest, and beyond, to join in solidarity and Occupy the Capitol. Now is the time to activate the networks we've created and begin organizing for mass action. The lesson of Wisconsin's failed recall vote was that election politics are not enough — we need to put everything on the table: sustained physical occupation, mass civil disobedience, even the option of general strike. From the Flint Sit-Down Strike of 1936-37, to the West Coast Port Shutdowns of 2011-12, history has shown time and time again: direct action gets the goods.

RSVP for Tuesday's Day of Action on Facebook
Twitter hashtags: #saveMI #NoRTWMI
more facts on why 'right to work' is wrong for everyone

right to work is a lie

"light brigade" solidarity message from Wisconsin


NYC, 12/11: Hold Walmart CEO Accountable!

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 10, 2012, 5:26 p.m. EST by OccupyWallSt
Tags: labor, 99 pickets, solidarity, walmart, nyc

When: Tuesday, December 11 @ 4:30pm
Where: Harold Pratt House, 58 East 68th Street, New York, New York 10065
RSVP on Facebook

Just weeks after the massive demonstration of the #WalmartStrikers Black Friday day of action, Walmart CEO Mike Duke is visiting NYC on Tuesday, Dec. 11 to give a speech for the Council on Foreign Relations entitled "The Responsibility to Lead" - talking about women's economic empowerment, food security & the global middle class.

That's ironic, since Walmart represents the epitome of corporate greed: from use of sweatshop labor, to the poverty wages it pays associates, to discrimination, to illegal retaliation against workers who organize. Mike Duke has no right to speak about the "global middle class", and IT'S TIME WE TAUGHT HIM THE MEANING OF RESPONSIBILITY.

Join ALIGN, 99 Pickets, Walmart Free NYC, Occupy Bergen County, Retail Action Project, MoneyOut/VotersIn, and allies for an afternoon of action -- picket lines, street theater, and more.

Text "@pickets" to 23559 for day-of text message alerts.

We will publicly hold Mike Duke accountable for:

  • The deaths of 120 workers from a fire at Bangladeshi sweatshop producing clothing for Walmart in incredibly unsafe conditions.
  • Paying Walmart workers poverty wages, forcing many to file for public assistance, and for retaliating against workers when they began to organize and speak out about working conditions.
  • Mistreatment of workers across Walmart's supply chain, especially warehouse workers and immigrant workers at Walmart suppliers


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