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Forum Post: Zucotti Park?

Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 31, 2011, 3:55 p.m. EST by DunkiDonut2 (-108)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I went back through many hours of posts and cant find mention of Zucotti Park. Looks like nobody cares about it. The important center piece of OPWS, smack dab in the middle of liberal democrat New York City, and nobody cares. Tent sale on Craig's List.

Happy New Year and much WEALTH to ALL!



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[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

Welcome to America. Funny how people only like their own freedom of speech.


[-] 0 points by capella (199) 12 years ago

I think of it as zucchini park, short time home of the the ows vegetables.

[-] 0 points by DunkiDonut2 (-108) 12 years ago



[-] 0 points by DunkiDonut2 (-108) 12 years ago

Death to a useless park.