Forum Post: Zombie GOP Lurches into 2014 just like 2013
Posted 11 years ago on Jan. 4, 2014, 5:06 a.m. EST by WSmith
from Cornelius, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
GOP-led House will kick off 2014 like it spent most of 2013
CNN Senior Congressional Producer Deirdre Walsh
Washington (CNN) - The GOP-led House of Representatives will kick off 2014 – a midterm election year – addressing an issue it spent much of last year debating: Obamacare.
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor announced Thursday the House's first order of business when it returns next week from its extended holiday break would be a vote on legislation to address potential security risks for personal information collected on the Obamacare website,
In a memo to House Republicans, Cantor compared security problems with and other state-based online insurance exchanges to the high-profile hacking that Target experienced last month when the retailer admitted millions of shoppers'personal financial information was compromised.
Cantor pointed to a recent report from Experian, a credit rating company, which predicted the health care industry was especially vulnerable to data security breaches in 2014. He also said four House committees held hearings at the end of last year demonstrating that the protections put in place by the Obama administration for were not sufficient.
"To date, the Administration has downplayed the risk of a data breach, perhaps in part because their primary goal is signing people up for insurance through the Exchange," Cantor stated in his memo, arguing there is no system in place to notify those who might be affected by a security problems.
Drew Hammill, spokesman for House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, panned Cantor's announcement, saying next week’s vote was another GOP effort to undermine the law and “that effort even extends to scaring their constituents from obtaining health coverage. “
“Six million Americans began enjoying the security of health coverage this week, including 2.1 million Americans who have enrolled in a private health insurance plan through health insurance marketplaces,” Hammill said.
Aaron Albright, spokesman for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which administers the website, told CNN all personal information entered by those who enrolled in health insurance online is protected.
"To date, there have been no successful security attacks on and no person or group has maliciously accessed personally identifiable information from the site. Security testing is conducted on an ongoing basis using industry best practices to appropriately safeguard consumers’ personal information," Albright wrote in a statement. Albright also said the site uses sensor and other security tools to prevent any unauthorized access.
House GOP legislation, according to Cantor, will "strengthen security requirements as well as require prompt notification in the event of a breach involving personal information."
Republicans already planned to make the midterm election a referendum on the President's signature health care law, so the vote next week will be the first among a string of Obamacare-related votes that will likely stretch into the fall. House Speaker John Boehner and other top GOP leaders have made it clear continued oversight of the law and attempts to roll it back would remain a top focus in 2014.
Cantor's memo promised more action would be coming.
"These steps will be part of the overall effort to protect the American people from the harmful effects of Obamacare by ultimately repealing and replacing the law with patient focused reforms that expand access, ensure quality care, and help control costs."
Bodyguard of Zombies, Counterattack by Cockroaches
Paul Krugman - New York Times - January 2, 2014, 1:39 pm
The bit about the WSJ’s continuing denialism on rising inequality brings to mind a point I think I’ve made before, but which seems especially appropriate for recent debates. It is this: Today’s right wing never gives up on a politically convenient argument, no matter how thoroughly it may have been refuted by analysis and evidence. It may downplay that argument for a while — though often even that doesn’t happen — but it always comes back.
Inequality is a clear though not at all unique example. Consider three arguments one might make against 21st-century populism:
1.) Inequality isn’t increasing.
2.) OK, inequality is increasing, but it’s not a problem.
3.) OK, it would be nice to have lower inequality, but any proposed solutions would do more harm than good.
Which of these arguments does the right choose, when making its stand? The answer is, all three. Argument 1 faded away briefly when the CBO published its landmark study documenting the rise of the one percent, but as we’ve just seen, it’s back (this is an illustration of the concept of cockroach ideas.) Argument 2 doesn’t stand up under scrutiny, but it just keeps being made anyway — it’s a zombie. But meanwhile, argument 3 is made against anyone like, say, the new mayor of New York who proposes even the slightest effort to equalize opportunity.
This kind of thing flummoxes many people, who imagine that we’re having a real debate. It makes perfect sense, however, once you realize that the other side here isn’t engaged in good-faith argument, just looking for anything that comes to hand, with no regard for consistency.
Much the same thing takes place in macroeconomics. There are several arguments you could make for austerity in a depressed economy:
1.) As a matter of principle, government borrowing must crowd out an equal amount of private spending.
2.) OK, maybe that’s not true. But confidence!
3.) OK, maybe no confidence fairy. But debt! 90 percent!
In this case, argument 1 is again a cockroach — Heritage angrily denies making any such argument, insisting that it’s dong sophisticated intertemporal somethingorother, then makes the same argument all over again. And the WSJ does it too. Argument 2 is a zombie, thoroughly refuted by evidence, but continually asserted all the same. And 3 is part-zombie, part highly dubious assertion. Again, however, none of these arguments is ever taken off the table.
Incidentally, I love the sneering way the Wall Street Journal talks about the “notorious ‘multiplier’”, implying that this is a ridiculous notion only ignorant fools could take seriously — ignorant fools like the researchers at the International Monetary Fund …
I’d love to be having real debates on these issues. But we aren’t having and can’t have such debates, because the cockroaches and zombies get in the way. [And their 1% masters own the news media.]
Surprise! Right-Wing Buffoonery Continues in 2014: Pope Pisses Off Rich Republicans Edition
Can someone please give David Brooks [The Carson Daly of pundits] a doobie?
AlterNet / By Janet Allon | January 4, 2014
1.) Ken Langone: Pope Francis, stop pissing off rich people... or else.
Pope Francis has been shaking a lot of conservative Christians up by de-emphasizing the church’s view of gays and atheists as sinners. But the people he is upsetting the most are super-rich so-called Christians, who apparently had no idea that this Jesus fellow was so sympathetic to the poor and downtrodden. And the Pope’s indictment of greed and the implication that trickledown economics doesn’t work, and isn’t something Jesus would condone, is just a step too far.
Them’s fighting words to billionaire Home Depot founder Ken Langone, who issued a warning to the poverty-conscious pontiff this week. In a nutshell, Langone said, shut up with your criticisms of rich capitalists or we’re not going to give any more money to charity. One of Langone’s favorite charities is the Republican Party, so no great loss there. But Langone also said “his friends” might be less inclined to give money for the restoration of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York if that mean old pope does not stop hurting their feelings by saying they lack compassion for the poor.
Right, the old “my friends” story. And where is people’s compassion for the rich? Meanies.
2.) David Brooks: Don’t legalize it, even though I got to smoke it, and yeah, it was pretty fun, but....
Apparently, David Brooks is a haunted man. See, way before he became a conservative columnist for theNew York Times, he made an embarrassing speech in a class. The reason: that ole devil weed. He smoked it at lunch and was too stoned to function in English class.
The memory of that embarrassing episode still keeps Brooks up at night sometimes. He would very much like to help prevent other teenagers from having bad memories like that. He would also like to prevent teenagers (and others) from having the silly fun and bonding experiences he admits he had while smoking pot as a youth. Curiously, he is less concerned about preventing kids, especially and statistically, black kids, from having nightmarish, life-ruining experiences with the criminal justice system after being caught with even small amounts of pot. His main point is that although he smoked it, and kind of liked it at one point, other people shouldn’t be able to because they won’t be able to modulate their use like he was able to. And they won’t pursue higher moral pleasures, like being David Brooks.
3.) Maine GOP senate candidate: The system is terribly unfair to domestic abusers, like me.
Integrity. That’s something we can all agree Washington is sorely in need of. We might however have different ideas about what constitutes integrity. For Erick Bennett, who is running in the primary against Senator Susan Collins, serving time in jail for assaulting his now ex-wife proves he has integrity.
"The fact that I have been jailed repeatedly for not agreeing to admit to something I didn’t do should speak to the fact of how much guts and integrity I have," he explained to the Bangor Daily News. “If I go to D.C., I’m going to have that same integrity in doing what I say, and saying what I do, when it comes to protecting people’s rights, as well as their pocketbooks.”
Bennett is a fighter, all right. He battled his conviction all the way until the Maine Supreme Judicial Court shut him down in 2004, denying his claim that the court treated him unfairly. He’s going as far as he can with this line of argument, saying his opponent supports the system that railroads innocent men facing domestic abuse charges.
Salon’s Katie McDonough reported that to show he isn’t a single-issue misogynist, Bennett has also called Maine Rep. Michael Michaud a “closet homo.”
That’s integrity, all right.
4.) Donald Trump and Stu Varney: Global cooling has been proven by the recent chilly weather.
As we all know, Donald Trump and Fox Business anchor Stu Varney are PhD climate scientists and have dedicated themselves for years to the close observation of snowfall in Central Park. Both habitual climate change deniers were considerably cheered this week by weather news they claim proves approximately 100 percent of the scientific community is wrong. Trump, whose preferred method of communicating his philosophy is Twitter, spewed: “This very expensive GLOBAL WARMING bullshit has got to stop. Our planet is freezing, record low temps, and our GW scientists are stuck in ice.”
Previously, a snowy winter inspired Trump to demand that Al Gore’s Nobel prize be rescinded.
Stu Varney similarly crowed this week that his theory of “global cooling” had been once and for all proven correct. Unable to suppress his trademark smirk, Varney said. “The ship, sent to the Antarctic to study climate change, has been stranded in the ice for 10 days. Attempts to rescue the passengers using ice breaker ships failed. Rescuers finally got through using a whopping, great big helicopter that was landing on the supposedly, very thin ice.... So, it looks to me like we are looking at global cooling. Forget this global warming. That’s just my opinion.”
We can only assume they both enjoyed the snowstorm on the East Coast this week, very, very much.
5.) WSJ’s retired David Wessel: I was wrong about, well, basically, everything. Oops!
One of theWall Street Journal’s best-known economic columnists, David Wessel, wrote his swan song column this week, in which he admitted making at least two big mistakes in his 25 years at the paper during which he was a staunch defender of unfettered American capitalism. Oops, the middle class is not actually better off; and oops, Wall Street is capable of causing a global financial crisis.
Wow! Those would seem to be pretty big mistakes for an economic columnist. Kind of important, too. Wonder how long he was keeping those under his hat.
“Looking back over that quarter-century, four surprises stand out,” his New Year’s Day column said, starting with “the middle-class hasn’t done better,” a claim he had painstakingly made in books and columns. He wrote:
Where did the money go? Disproportionately to the best off, the best educated, the two-professional couples, the winners on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley. Technology and globalization favored the best-educated. The rise of finance paid some handsomely. Earnings of those at the top of almost every field rose faster than at the middle.
Two of his other big “surprises” were China’s economic explosion and the fact that the 9/11 attacks in 2001 didn’t have a “longer-lasting harmful economic effect.”
But his other big mea culpa concerned the financial market’s supposed inability to cause great economic dislocations after indulging in greed-driven bubbles. Amazingly, Wessel said he and other economists thought that would never happen.
One of few things on which most economists and policy makers agreed in 1987 was that the U.S. would never be threatened by anything resembling the Great Depression....
That was wrong. The 2007-'09 financial crisis shattered the illusion that the U.S. had a well-regulated or well-managed financial system or that it could absorb a financial hit
I wonder if Wessel’s new bosses, at the Brookings Institution where he’ll be the new director of the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy, know he’s sounding practically like a socialist.
6.) Anti-LGBT hater/crusaders: 'Trans-people are circus freaks.'
7.) William Gheen: I’m not a racist. I just think white rule is best.
8.) Another anti-immigrationist: Hispanics lack strong family values.
9.) Franklin Graham: It’s your Christian duty to defend Phil Robertson.
10.) N.C. Rep. councilman resigns in Klingon.¤t_page=1#bookmark
What Is The State Policy Network?
The State Policy Network (SPN) is a web of so-called “think tanks” that push a right-wing agenda in every state across the country. Although many of SPN’s member organizations claim to be nonpartisan and independent, an in-depth investigation by non-profit, non-partisan investigative reporting groups the Center for Media and Democracy and Progress Now reveals that SPN and its affiliates are major drivers of the right-wing, ALEC-backed agenda in state houses nationwide, with deep ties to the Koch brothers and the national right-wing network of funders, all while reporting little or no lobbying activities.
Shhhhhh, you're not supposed to notice such things.
The SPN is made up of dedicated tax free (haven) "charities", who's donors are diving towards improving the World, ( by destroying Democracy). Or at least the profits of their charitable (black money) donors
Don't you know that the States don't matter?
No matter.
The Koch's know they matter a lot.
That's why this thread got no play.
It was buried by trolls.
Never give up, never surrender! The most important lesson the left (concerned and sane Americans) needs to learn!
Petulance, pouting and frustration will only give us more 2010s.
2010 Never EVER Again!
Things go better with Koch!
At least it does for the 1%.
Don't mention this either.
And once again, that's just information that could be gleaned, not the actual amount which is surely MUCH HIGHER.
Massive, Secretive Koch-Backed Network Raised $407 Million for Conservative Causes
The cash was mostly spent on voter mobilization and television ads against President Obama and the Democratic Party.
David Koch, executive vice president of Koch Industries, mingling with guests at a party arranged in his honor by Americans for Prosperity in Tampa, Fla., on the final day of the 2012 Republican National Convention. Photo Credit: A.M. Stan
January 6, 2014 |
The Koch brothers, major funders of right-wing, libertarian causes, have built a sprawling, complex network that raised hundreds of millions of dollars for the 2012 elections, all without having to disclose who the donors are. According to an analysis by the Washington Post’s Matea Gold and the Center for Responsive Politics, the Koch-backed network raised at least $407 million, which was mostly spent on voter mobilization and television ads against President Obama and the Democratic Party.
The billionaire brothers, named Charles and David, have become the most prominent--and reviled--funders of right-wing causes because of their lavish spending.
The amount of money raised by the Koch network was more than other conservative groups, and matched the cash spent by a national coalition of labor unions that helps the Democrats. Because many of the groups are tax-exempt or limited liability companies, the source of the money is unknown. As the Post explained, “tracing the flow of the money is particularly challenging because many of the advocacy groups swapped funds back and forth.” Swapping funds back and forth shields donors from disclosing their names and allows the groups to say they are spending the money on “social welfare” activities. The claims of spending on “social welfare” allow groups to register as 501c4s, which are tax-exempt and don’t have to disclose their donors. The Obama administration recently proposed new regulations that would rein in these types of groups.
“It is a very sophisticated and complicated structure,” Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer, a University of Notre Dame professor who tracks the tax-structure of political nonprofits, explained to the Washington Post. “It’s designed to make it opaque as to where the money is coming from and where the money is going. No layperson thought this up. It would only be worth it if you were spending the kind of dollars the Koch brothers are, because this was not cheap.”
Charles and David Koch provided money to their own network, though it’s unclear exactly how much. They also organized like-minded donors to be a part of their network that provides funding to conservative groups.
The Post reports that the network’s money made its way to two nonprofit groups that effectively served as the “banks” which provided cash to other groups. One key player in the network is Americans for Prosperity, which spent millions of dollars trying to defeat Obama in the 2012 elections.
Alex Kane is AlterNet's New York-based World editor, and an assistant editor for Mondoweiss. Follow him on Twitter
Ain't Citizen United grand?
All those "charities" for the 1% to donate too, without the riff raff geting one red cent.
Koch-backed political coalition, designed to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012
By Matea Gold, Published: January 5
The political network spearheaded by conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch has expanded into a far-reaching operation of unrivaled complexity, built around a maze of groups that cloaks its donors, according to an analysis of new tax returns and other documents.
The filings show that the network of politically active nonprofit groups backed by the Kochs and fellow donors in the 2012 elections financially outpaced other independent groups on the right and, on its own, matched the long-established national coalition of labor unions that serves as one of the biggest sources of support for Democrats. (CONTINUED:)
Did you see the amazing map?
No wonder they're called the Kochtapus.
Charity, or money laundering?
As they say on FLAKESnews.
You decide.
''Buried'' is NOT the same as 'ignored'. I twinkled WSmith re. SPN hours ago but what would happen if I commented on your thread there ?!!! I've looked at and liked the 'MotherJones' link but given the current state of play here on the forum, why'd anyone go there ?!! So who's ''bitching all over the place'' again ?! Other than me of course, lol.Of course The GOP are ''Zombies'' but what of Democraps on-the-hill, eh ? but mos def see : .
ad iudicium ...
Some are still honorable as we have not been completely sold out - yet - and some are just as bad as the worst of the right ( far fewer ) - in their having sold their soul to money the wealthy the corp(se)oRATions to the destruction of our country/society/world.
'Elizabeth Warren & Alan Grayson' say I hear you but 'Dennis Kucinich & Cynthia McKinney' say I don't !!! You get me DKAt ?!! But yes, somehow I still have some kind of residual belief in voting but only as a bare minimum for achieving social justice, peace and a sustainable economy that worx for all The 99% ! & fyi all .. & .
Am also talking this opportunity to wish you and yours all the very best for 2014 and beyond. Stay well, warm and wise DKAt and solidarity @ you.
pax, amor et lux ; hic, nunc et semper ...
Right Back At Ya - Stay well, warm and wise and solidarity 2 you.
Any which way one looks at it - it comes down to ( for making a better world for all ) having the right people in office - as nothing gets done on a large scale without organization.
To get there ( the right people in office ) will take major involvement by the majority of the people to take government away from the very few that currently hold sway and are doing their damnedest to destroy the world.
Perfection is a hoax.
Everything is a choice of lesser evil.
Unicorns don't exist!
Just because it is not possible ( Perfection ) does not mean it should not be striven for. Like totally clean energy - abundant never ending and cheap beyond belief. Don't got it it? Work towards it. Will never get there completely? So what? Get as close as we can.
Quit defending the Both-Same Queeny Troll! Her Latin valedictions are pure pretense, covering an insidious subversion of anti-1% tyranny & OWS, for the inexperienced and political novices.
WTFU, you can't STRIVE for anything if you're not in the game. And as Elizabeth Warren said, "the game is rigged." How do you best fight fire when everybody pouts, disengages, gets duped, doesn't care, or chases Unicorns? With FIRE!
Decades of Political Neglect has consequences. We don't go from 30+ years of Voter-apathy, Fascist, Rightist, Corporatist, MIC, and 1%-GOP ENTRENCHMENT to a Green Party Agenda in a single election. WE BLEW THAT OPTION, decades ago! And we perpetuate it with the lowest Voter Turnout in the world.
Lesser evil is the only way out! When we are dealing with mere mortals and our form of democracy, it's always the only way to fly! GET SMART!!!
Look at what the More Evil side does: They get whatever they can and keep asking/demanding/taking more, consistently, relentlessly, insidiously, ruthlessly and rapaciously. They hate democracy and America.
2010, after electing a POTUS willing to make changes if we were willing to support him (with a SANE congress), we pouted, and look what happened!!
WTFU! 2010 Never EVER Again! We have clean-up to do.
Can I call you a 'Democrap Shill' seeing as though you have contrived to call me a ''Queeny Troll'' & to mention ''unicorns'' lolol ?!!!
I am not offended as such but you should note that gender based attempts at insults are the sign of a latent homophobe !!
I'm not talking about ''perfection'' btw & DKAt's point is as sound as your petulant shouty response, is telling !
I've come across you many times before and it's one of the reasons I generally don't comment on your threads. Your links and points re.ALEC / SPN, are sound but there's a bigger picture. Very little will be handed down to The 99% from 'on high' but as history shows again and again .. much can be won from below and I seem to recall an excellent 'Eugene Debs' speech you once copied to me - or was it 'Huey Long' ? In any case - can you read my link to a short article, without actually popping a gasket .. is the pertinent point right now ? Maybe if you can, then you can also consider the link I sent to shooz too ;-)
per aspera ad astra ...
You're a Goddamn Deceitful Troll Queen! And, as you also know, you are destructive to this board (a compliment for you). Save your dime store phych for the rabble you soooo whorishly downshift for (patronize). You pay lip/link service to pro-99% causes, for board-cred, while you incessantly feed and stoke the anti-unity, anti-progressive, anti-Dem engine. Fuck off and Die RW-GOP-shill Bitch!
PEOPLE: has she ever helped the 99% cause beyond lip-link service?? EVER?? Has "Get Out The Vote" ever graced her pernicious posts.
Your (s6) reply isn't for me, it's for those who are fooled by your cloying pretense, fancy-froufrou, hucksterism for failure, and boundless links. "BUT, WE ALL KNOW THE DEMCRAPS ARE JUST AS BA'AD." I know this BS, I see you, you're a saboteur, and you've always been one, here.
As I have asked for years now and never EVER received an answer for: What's your GD alternative, queeny?? If Cons are so obviously bad and Dems are so "JUST as bad," what say you we do??? Bitch? Pout?? Chase Unicorns??? You have nothing, ON PURPOSE!!!
Dems didn't block UI extensions, CONS DID!!!
PEOPLE: Our political system is the way it is because it suffers from malnutrition. We, WE, are the nutrition our political system needs. We, WE, are what our political system is deprived of. In our absence, Big Money has abducted and exploited our political system. The last thing we should do is disengage or pout more!
PEOPLE: OF COURSE our political system was snatched up and corrupted, that's what happens when you abandon valuables. Duh. But the beauty of our political system (democracy) is that our participation trumps all! But you have to maintain participation!
Unfortunately, we have a two party, winner take all political system (Instant Runoff Voting is possible if we show we want it). The 1% (whose tyranny we're fighting here, BTFW!) owns the Republicon Cult (they have lost their legitimate party status), Dems are subjected to a petulant & misinformed electorate and 1% money, thus compromises are the only means of political existence/survival. Cons have no such problem because they are purchased, or gerrymandered (thanks to 2010 non-Voters), or propagandized into office by 1% influence, ownership of MSM and endless CU money!!! Voters solve the problems.
So, as fancy & pedantic as shadz66 proselytizes, she's a party to misinformation, either by anarchist recklessness or plain & paid RW trollery ~ the result IS THE GD SAME! And, as we all know, she's smart enough to know what she's doing!! Cha-ching!!
WTFU People! Get Involved. Participate. As Thom Hartmann always says, Democracy is not a spectator sport ~ TAG, YOU'RE IT!!
Dear Ms. WendySmith, ''Gender based attempts at insults are the sign of a latent homophobe'' - repeated here from above, because sadly u seem not to have quite got that point yet, as further evidenced by this hysteria :
You're really losing the plot here very badly Wendy and seem not to even have read my responses here on your thread never mind elsewhere. Thus, I'm obliged to repeat a little of both what I said to you and to DKAt, whilst utilising your preference for bold highlights, in mid-paragraph :
''I've come across you many times before and it's one of the reasons I generally don't comment on your threads. Your links and points re.ALEC / SPN, are sound but there's a bigger picture. Very little will be handed down to The 99% from 'on high' but as history shows again and again .. much can be won from below and I seem to recall an excellent 'Eugene Debs' speech you once copied to me - or was it 'Huey Long' ? In any case - can you read my link to a short article, without actually popping a gasket .. is the pertinent point right now ? Maybe if you can, then you can also consider the link I sent to shooz too.'' &
In reply to DKAt's : ''Some are still honorable as we have not been completely sold out ...'', my response was : '''Elizabeth Warren & Alan Grayson' say I hear you but 'Dennis Kucinich & Cynthia McKinney' say I don't !!! You get me DKAt ?!! But yes, somehow I still have some kind of residual belief in voting but only as a bare minimum for achieving social justice, peace and a sustainable economy that worx for all The 99% !''
So Wendy - is OWS to be a co-opted front for The Democrats ?!
Is that now actually - your declared position and mission here ?!!
If so, what do you think OWS' position on that matter may be ?!!!
All noise and no links makes you in love with your own shouty, hectoring, offensive voice - so let me help u out here in redeeming our exchange a li'l, in this my last ever comment on any of your threads :
''America's Duopoly of Money in Politics and Manipulation of Public Opinion'', by Charles Ferguson (Dir. ''Inside Job'') : ;
''Capitalism in Crisis : Who Are the Real 'Takers' ?'', by Bernard Weiner : .
''Corporations Control Our Lives'', by Thom Hartmann : ; & .
I could take it that this year's 'Midterms' are like a 'splinter in your mind' too BuT I strongly suspect that you'd be shouty and offensive under any circumstances really, so I shall leave you to just talk amongst like minded peeps but I am grateful to be able to put up the links above - especially for Thom Hartmann of whom, I'm a BIG fan. Elegant and graceful response to bw btw, tho' I'm not sure u get the ''F'' word !!!
et temet nosce ...
Recrimination, exaggerated strawmen, righteous indignation, get off your high lace horse and go iron some doilies, you whorey windbag. You're going to pop a button on your black witch dress and put an eye out of one of your cats. And you're not worth this trouble. If you really are a "BIG FAN" of Thom Hartmann, stop emulating almost every GOP modus operandi in the book! Quit Trolling! I can't take your unctuous spinster sanctimony when you get busted!! So stir another brew, spin another spell and jab another doll for all of us.
While she's "occupied," let's work on getting out the Vote and removing this 1% yoke of tyranny. We are only Voter Turnout away from achieving this goal. Don't be discouraged, suppressed, or dissuaded from participating in our democracy.
2010 Never EVER Again! Unite and Win!
You are the saboteur. You are the troll. You are the one who tries to make this forum and OWS a fight for the status quo. You are the one who is destructive to this forum. You are the one who needs to wake up. OWS is not synonymous with the Democratic Party. Go post somewhere else if that is all you care about.
And, FYI:
Not sure if you're S6 or that crazy hair brain S6 defends, and visa versa. It's you, we know.
Blatant recrimination is just how the RW, 1%-Cons are wired, and roll, so I must assume the obvious. Furthermore, you are fact-less and without a shred of logic, so you further validate your RW BSer status. "OH the DEMs...!" only seals the deal. Go fuck your fascist self!! Or if you're just that excruciatingly naive, read "A People's History Of The United States" by Howard Zinn and listen to Thom Hartmann and Randi Rhodes, you poor ignorant country mouse with a keyboard.
"Go fuck your fascist self!!" Let me guess; you have been a twerp your entire life and now with the anonymity of the cyber world, you have the chance to be a yahoo, without any repercussions, right??
Will you be competing with GirlFriday today to see who can be the most vile?
And you? Your point? Your brilliant contribution to repairing the society neglect and exploitation has wrought???
" What's your GD alternative, queeny??"
Stop relying on politicians and start creating the change ourselves. Same answer it's always been.
Besides that incredible 2 hour journey you complete one evening every 730 days - the allmightly vote- what else can someone like you do to push the agenda?
And as I have said before, if you really feel that voting is the lone and most important thing you can do, then get to the campaign offices and start recruiting more campaigners.
Report back on your experiences if you will.
"Stop relying on politicians..."??? Who would you rather conduct POLITICS & GOVERNMENT?? Corporations??? They are already willing and unable to to do it NOW!!!
Is this YOUR alternative???
You haven't a clue about my political advocacy.
Voting is THE best way to effect political change.
Suppressing the Vote is THE best way to elect RepubliCons.
Report to us how much the GOP pays you.
So you don't get involved in the actual campaigns? You just spend two hours every 730 days and thats your contribution?
The stalker below this comment doesnt do too much either. Thats your company.
The above message was brought to you by a PR firm because he owns a PR firm. Paid for by Libertopians.
We have a RepubliCon in the White House.
Isn't that just sooooo fun to say. Wonna back it up?
There are more than a hundred progressive reforms this POTUS has enacted that no REPBLICON would touch with a ten MILE pole. The fact that this first black POTUS has compromised with an unprecedentedly recalcitrant GOP and SCOTUS, and the multiple/also unprecedented Con acts of obstruction and filibuster, limiting the progress this POTUS could do with a Dem congress, does not make him a Con, it makes him a patriotic survivor. After what we did to him in 2010, he had every right to resign and tell the petulant electorate, go fuck yourselves!!
No it is not fun to say that we have a 'RepubliCon in the White House,' but it's true.
Obama...a "patriotic survivor"??...puleeeeez. Surely your joking.
"Everything is a choice of lesser evil."
As it stands now, yes. The fact you blast people as unicorn chasers is only pushing it further into the realm of shit.
Only to Unicorn chasers!
The system our neglect has rendered is two-party and money controlled. If you advocate a viable alternative, let's hear it. Otherwise, you're just another distraction. Everything is a choice between lesser (and greater) evils (or imperfections). This is the way of reality.
The effect is exactly the same.
Not surprisingly, you once again offer nothing on the link I posted.
Just going off on some other tangent.
당신이 그만 두는 그들의 입찰을 하 고, 내가 당신의 영혼을가지고 그들에 대 한 닥 것 이다.
또는 나요 당신은 그들에 게 기꺼이?
GOP-paid troll or reckless anarchist: the anti-unity, anti-progressive success, anti-only viable party to oppose the 1%-GOP cult (Dems) sabotage is the same. Under the specious cover of "Thom Hartmann of whom, I'm a BIG fan."
I miss Thom's radio show. They took it off the air not long after Snyder was elected.
He's a favorite of mine.
Why do you miss Thom's show? What's wrong with you? Please explain. | Hello!!!
I don't know how you people on this board, and elsewhere, survive without all the wonderful Progressive Talk Radio/Streaming that's continuing to flow out there. They took the "Plymouth Rock of progressive Talk," KPOJ, Portland, OR, off virtually days after Obama's reelection. But I haven't missed a single show by computer streaming. Tune-In and iHeart Radio, or through their websites.
The Randi Rhodes Show is the best and still on: | And her website is the best bar none, as well.
I just don't understand, you're on the computer, but you don't google?? Virtually all of Air America Radio shows are still on (Al Franken went to the Senate and Rachel Maddow and Ed Shulz went to MSNBC ~ Big Ed is also still on radio/streaming). Get on it Truth Seeker!! You have a lot of catching up to do!!
I listened in the car. I still read his books............:)
You can set it up in your car. Norman Goldman has simple instructions:
You can listen on your computer while you're on here replying to ignorant morons and evasive saboteurs.
Thom Hartmann books are great. But there are 1000s of news stories and events everyday that, as "Ring of Fire" host Bobby Kennedy Jr. says, are not covered by MSM.
Get on (& with) it and spread the word, fellow traveler. Information is key!
I want a radio station back!!!
It's not just for me. It's for everybody.
It's all right wing bullshit!! Up and down the dial.
( Can we still use the term, "dial"? It doesn't really apply anymore.)
Guess what, we went to sleep and the RW & 1% took over radio, just like government. Only radio isn't a democracy with the possibility of redemption with participation. But through government we can take back our public airwaves.
Until then, we stay informed using the computer and smart phone. It's easy, "for everybody," and in many ways better.
Quit being a stick in the mud, start rolling with the punches, try it~you'll like it! Then encourage others. 1000s of uncovered/omitted stories a day are waiting.
I have a dumb phone.............:(
and 30 extra dollars a month
I wish.
quit making excuses
It just happened again. This time in LA.
I want my radio station back.
Yes, it was covered on all the previously mentioned progressive radio shows, as well as several I didn't mention. It wouldn't kill you to listen, you might encourage other, less set in obsolete ways, people who could use the information provided by these broadcasts.
"I got mine," shouldn't be a such a common mindset here.
Whine, whinge, whimper !!! Why would I offer you anything btw ?!! Other than links of course ! Consider :
minima maxima sunt ...
Ms. Flowers has nothing to do with your ability to ignore your own community.
May they frack your apartment.
Re. 'Ms. Flowers', please see - & do you know what's wrong with the forum? I'm an infrequent regular & something feels distinctly awry here today. Never Give Up On The Forum! Occupy Solidarity!
Another wave of the troll invasion.
I like Ms. Flowers work, but feel she and many others underestimate the size and power of the right wing that's arrayed against progress.
'Underestimating the right wing' or even 'overestimating' it is secondary perhaps to just getting on with the task at hand ie. educating the 99% and btw surely any 'troll invasion' only makes us all sharper :)
Here's a reminder of what we're up against - - 'This is no exaggeration. The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund was able to obtain over one-hundred pages of FBI documents that labelled the Occupy movement as “domestic terrorists.”
Never Give Up Or Lose Sight Of Why We're Here! Occupy All Streets! Solidarity.
So far?
The continual troll invasion, has left us fewer in number.
It's not the number of posters but only the quality of the posts that matter! I guarantee that there are far more readers than just posters here. Trolls will eventually get caught out, but the good information here is invaluable for the future education of The 99%. Remember - The 99% Resistance takes many forms: + .
Never Give Up Or Lose Sight Of Why We're Here! Occupy All Streets! Solidarity.
True, but they have buried and/or ignored the lion's share of that info.
Sometimes, I must admit, dealing with them leaves me feeling a bit jaded.
Don't lose heart! The Info Is Accessible! We all do good work here - even the 'antis' because they make us sharper. Don't despair, OWS is about HOPE!
As long as they are not obnoxious and offensive, leave the trolls to dig their own graves! They ALWAYS slip up in the end! OWS does not seem to have any 'orthodoxy' so it's a 'heterodoxy' and bad ideas will be exposed and good ones rise to prominence. This is an important forum.
Never, Ever Give Up On The 99% Struggle! Occupy The Future! Solidarity :)
Can we get back to movetoamend?
Getting the money out, for a long time was a main focus.
One that we seem to have lost.
No. 'movetoamend' was NEVER enough! See - I'm away to my kids now but that is also why I'm here! Never Give Up! Occupy Perseverance! Solidarity :)
HaHaaaahaha crazytalk
How appropriate ......Heeeheeheheheee
You're another member of the twinkle team who uses power over others, trolling, and banning to destroy the site. A true 1%er you are. How many did you ban? PeterPropotkin, Odin, gnomunny, etc... All people who actually care about Occupy, not like you and your twinkle team. Buch of Democrap co-opts. Only scared disgruntled old men hide behind censorship.
HaHaaaahaha crazytalk How appropriate ......Heeeheeheheheee
Yes, very appropriate. You trolls are more transparent than a newly cleaned window. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Paid well, no doubt. You can trick most people, but you can't trick those who have good perception. Your tactics used to destroy this site weren't that deep. Go back to your Democrap site disgruntled old fart.
Why don't you write another letter to your dear President. He'll make everything OK right?
HaHaaaahahaHeeeheeheheheeeahaHaHaaaahahacrazytalkHaHaaaahahaHeeeheeheheheeeahaHaHaaaahaha very appropriate veryveryvery appropriate aaaahahaHeeeheeheheheeeahaHaHaaaahaha so very very fitting U HeeeheeheheheeeahaHaHaaaahaha
Everyone knows you're a troll my friend. It was only obvious to Trashy at first, but every else has picked up now. The Twinkle Team were always here to destroy this site. You don't promote community building, you promote community destruction. That's why there are so few users now. You censored most of them. Your trolling days are nearing their end. Go back to your Democrap site where you came from. Keep writing letters to your dear President. Occupy does not want you Dan. People like you are antithetical to the movement. Go find others to abuse with your trolling ways.
Everyone knows U're a troll my friend(?)crazytalkUwere always here to destroy this siteUdon't promote community buildingUpromote community destruction.One wishes that Urtrolling days were nearing their end. Uarewhy there are so few users now - U crazytalk - U.
Are you game to prove that? Or, are you scared?
How about putting a post up and asking everyone what they think of me and the Twinkle Team? A post where nothing is censored and everyone is able to say what they think. Game? You're too scared for that. Just like the 1%, you need to control the conversation with banning and censorship. That is trolling.
A real man would not be scared of the truth. He would let the community talk without restraint.
People want a Bridge to the Ground. They don't want your censorship, insults, lame trolling, and letters to the President.
I don't need 2 - U do it all by Ur self - everysingle time - U musta ripped off Ur own mask a couple of hundred times by now crazytalk - all I need do - is 2 let you continue 2 rant - like always.
Scared old disgruntled man. Doesn't even have the guts to ask the community what they think. Needs to hide behind point manipulation, mob attacks with his other twinkle team henchmen, and censorship. Very lame. Democrap style lame. How's your boss, Obummer?
Yap, just as I thought. Scared. You know that if you put up a post asking the community what they think of the twinkle team and their ways you would be burnt alive. You have no guts. You have to hide behind a false narrative you create by manipulating points and censoring those you disagree with. Antithetical to Occupy. A real occupier would be happy to ask the community what they think. You're a phoney. Always have been. A Democrap troll sent here with his twinkle team to destroy our community. Same on you.
As evidence, my comments here had high points and yours didn't. Until you used your socks to change that of course. Twinkle Team tactic number 1#. Manipulate the points. Twinkle Team tactic number #2. Ban and censor everyone that disagrees with the Twinkle Team (which is basically everybody)
Dan the ban man - His motto: Don't listen, ban. Then write a letter to the President.
If you & GirlFriday are trying to use your wit to take shadz down, I have news for you, it isn't working. Everyday for the past few days, he has shown his superiority to you two in countless ways, the foremost of which is his integrity.
Keep trying though as the depraved, desperation that you & GF exhibit is entertaining.
So in your vaunted book, he's the official OWS leader?
That's sad. He's officially refuted actual OWS material.
In my opinion shadz speaks very well for our struggle. That does not mean that we have to all be in lock-step as you insinuate.
Yet you are.
and that's very strange.
Very unusual.
Who's inside that sock anyway?
A dishonest person. One that you have known in the past as someone else.
WOW 8 points for you & Smitty!! You guys have suddenly gotten really popular overnight.
Hi! Good article for you here - & Do you know what's going on here? Never Give Up On The Forum! Occupy Solidarity!
"Do [I] know what's going on here." Yeah, it's pretty much the same as it has been since day #1.
This is an important forum and I really didn't mean to pique you. There is lots of good stuff here and if you'll allow me, I'll add this to you too - Never Give Up On The 99% Issues! Try To Occupy The Bigger Agenda! Solidarity.
MattLH - No. Just a comments section after each article. Never Give Up On OWS! Occupy Solidarity!
is there an open forum at NationofChange ?
Is that a problem for you?
Or are you just concern trolling on the heels of the last few days invasion of the previously banned?
No the dissension and partisanship that you promote on here is not so much a problem for me, as much as it is an embarrassment for all of Occupy.
Enjoy yourself... now.
Lies are not dissent. They never were.
Concern trolling isn't either.
Be aware of that.
No right, "lies are not dissent," but your lies are lies which you repeat over and over again and together with your little catch phrases, you brand, denigrate and even ban anyone who is not partisan. Your tactics are remarkably neocon-like, but then again, so is your support (by your silence) of GF's pro-neocon, hegemonic seeking, inhumane Israeli policies.
You missed the part about concern trolling and how use of puppets and bots are just another lie.
I posted what I wanted to post on the subject. As usual it was ignored by trolls.
If you have an issue with GFs opinion, take it up with her.
You're concern trolling is becoming more than a little annoying.
Try and pick an actual issue.
Been there, done that. But there is a big difference between being erroneously banned and having to open a new handle, and opening a new handle just to fraudulently support/defend your own Trolly ways. That's getting into Norman Bates territory.
Oh am I? What is "very unusual" is the dissension that you seem to perversely delight in promoting on here.
That you insist on lockstep.
That you think lies=dissent.
That you think libe(R)tarian PR hacks are the cats meow, and follow them around..
It's you who seems more than a bit perverse.
Oh, this is where you fuckers decided to all jump on Shooz at once. Odin, you are odious.
If two sock puppets with the same hand inside them talk to each other, or touch, does that make the Earth spin in the other direction, or create a black hole in time?
It's completely out of control at this point, and quite frankly embarrassing to anyone that openly backs OWS.
I know.
Yeah, puppets, hacks and bots.
Which one are you?
Why are you Righties always sooo hung up with "Superiority?"
You do know that the point and mission of this website is to overthrow the tyranny of the 1% from the 99%? This isn't a beauty, popularity or superiority contest, this is a Class War struggle.
Wait, that would be why you sabotage all possibly successful efforts in achieving the 99% goal and muddle the identity of Trolls and Saboteurs with diffusive and distracting nonsense. A sock puppet diversion, red herring, decoy. Considering the degree of her indeterminable "integrity," I would not doubt that "columbiavalley" is really s6.
What a distracting waste of time. Your mission accomplished.
Get out the Vote, People!
2010 Never EVER Again!
Oh Gosh !!! I can't pretend I did not see that !! You'll only wind them up to work harder so I'll have to work twice as hard with four times the headache !!!
I only managed to go at it today because storms are keeping me inside & finally I'll add - the thing about pedestals is they are only good for falling off ! Many thanx for the expression of solidarity tho' & 'HNY @ U 4 2014' & an interesting short read for you :
pax ...
I would not be pulling it out of my ass to say that you have wide-spread support both on and off this forum. I just wanted to take time out after sledding with the GKs to remind you of that. Knowing this, and an aspirin, a snifter of brandy or a toke will help too.
By whom, Reice Priebus & Turd Blossom?
I appreciate what you have said and will not forget it .. or you. I have been on and off the forum for hours today & it is time for me to devote some time to my 'nearest and dearest', so I'm signing out for the day (especially as it has gone past the witching hour where I am lol) but I will cross link to another relevant reply and then in my 2nd link, to something far more intellectually in keeping with OWS : & .
pax, amor et lux ; hic, nunc et semper ...
You're so lost in your spinster world of arsenic and old lace you probably really believe anyone gives a shit what you do. I suspect you'll be stirring your witches brew and sticking pins in your black Obama voodoo doll. Is there any point in minding the splinters on your broom anymore, who cares?
Gray Merchant of Asphodel ?
fighting to keep secrets
there more secrets the government and people can keep
the more people can cheat, lie and steal
Was anyone expecting something different? "That" - I can not imagine - not after the last 13 years - nor the decades leading up to the last 13 years. There is a cancer metastasizing across this country and around the world - and the actions of the GOP highlight the source of this cancer. Those who would protest this fact are deluded or ignorant or are false ( bought ).
"Expecting?" If people understood, were informed, weren't disengaged, the 1%-GOP would have been booted out in 2010! [Maybe prosecuted and hung!] Instead of being allowed to invade and sabotage any & all possible progress, reform... hope & change. IDIOTIC!
Now, the very 1%-GOP Sabotage & Obstruction they inflict defines ALL politicians to a terrifying number of the misinformed potential electorate. What's metastasizing is ignorance, masochism and delusion!
Quit bitching and start uniting. We have a lot of clean up to do. And a lot of saboteurs to dispatch and ignore.
why is me state of health a potential security risk ?
key the credit cards to store recorded transactions and balance
this idea is copyright by Matt Holck
"key the credit cards to store recorded transactions and balance"
can I get a witness?
Care About Energy and Environment Policy? Watch These Eight Races
RepubliCon War on Women ~ Same as it ever was!
In the middle of the "thug" discussion surrounding Richard Sherman, Justin Bieber's arrest, the scandals of Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell, and the problem most Americans actually care about - economic inequality - Mike Huckabee stepped up to the mic at the Republican National Committee meeting, and re-ignited the right-wing's War on Women. Or as Republicans call it, "Distracting voters from the other issues."
Huckabee: Women don't need 'Uncle Sugar'
Read more:
Stewart Hammers Christie over New Allegations: Finally, ‘Some Old-School New Jersey Corruption!’
Another day with no help for the jobless
01/09/14 07:00 PM—Updated 01/10/14 11:46 AM
By Suzy Khimm
A partisan blow-up has stalled Congress’ efforts to extend longterm jobless benefits, despite signs of progress earlier in the week.
Unless Congress acts before the end of January, even more unemployed Americans will lose their jobless benefits—more than 300,000, by some estimates, in addition to the 1.3 million who were cut off in late December. But Senate Democrats have resisted Republican demands to offset the cost of a three-month extension that advanced toward a vote on Tuesday, arguing that such a short-term emergency measure shouldn’t have to be paid for.
Instead, Majority Leader Harry Reid offered to pay for a longer-term extension that would continue the emergency benefits through mid-November. The proposal that erupted in barbed exchanges between the parties Thursday afternoon on the Senate floor as Reid refused to bring any Republican amendments up for a vote.
All In with Chris Hayes, 1/7/14, 9:46 PM ET The fight for unemployment benefits The new Democratic proposal would reduce the maximum length of federal benefits—which kick in after state benefits expire—from 47 to 31 weeks. The estimated $18 billion cost would be offset by extending sequestration cuts to Medicare providers for another year and closing a loophole that allows “double-dipping” between unemployment and disability benefits.
“We’ve done everything Republicans wanted—it’s paid for, has structural changes, takes care of double-dipping,” Reid said on the Senate floor.
Republicans quickly shot down Reid’s new plan, including those who had broken with their party to support the three-month extension on Tuesday. Sen. Rob Portman, who voted to advance the earlier version of the bill, blasted Reid for refusing to allow votes on Republican amendments to the legislation. The Ohio Republican also said he had been shut out of the negotiations that produced the latest Democratic plan.
“We were not part of the discussion with regard to the payfor that the Reid has put forward,” Portman said on the Senate floor.
New Hampshire Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte angrily pointed out that she had offered her own amendment to pay for an extension by requiring Social Security numbers from those claiming a certain child tax credit—a tax measure that unauthorized immigrants were illegally exploiting, she said.
Like Portman, she attacked Democrats for refusing to allow a vote on her amendment or other proposed GOP changes to the bill. “If the Senator from California objects then why don’t we vote on it?” Ayotte said, referring to California Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, who accused Republicans of “fiddling while Rome burns” by making such demands.
The Senate fight has dimmed hopes for reaching a deal to extending federal jobless aid, and the path in the House is even more politically treacherous. Meanwhile, more Americans will continue to lose their benefits in the months to come. Without a federal extension, by the end of March, about 850,000 long-term unemployed will see their benefits end when their state benefits expire, according to the National Employment Law Project.